Home Useful properties of fruits Smoking esoteric. Smoking, a bad habit, or self-corruption? Q: When was alcohol introduced

Smoking esoteric. Smoking, a bad habit, or self-corruption? Q: When was alcohol introduced

In modern society, there is, perhaps, not a single person who does not know about the truly horrific consequences of smoking.

Such cognitions concern only the physical component, but what happens to a smoker at the bioenergetic level and what problems does this habit entail? It is to these questions that we will try to answer in the course of the article, and also try to determine the reasons for the emergence of tobacco addiction.

The physical component of smoking

As you know, a person is a kind of system that consists of two parts: a material and an energy body. These components are inextricably linked with each other, so any change in one of them will certainly entail certain consequences in the other.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to study the consequences of smoking purely at the bioenergetic level, while omitting the material component - such an analysis will be incomplete and incomplete. Therefore, first we will consider the physiology of tobacco smoking, and then we will smoothly move on to energy.

Interestingly, this bad habit is one of the few addictions that absolutely affect the entire body. You will not find a single internal or external organ that does not suffer from the effects of exposure to substances that make up tobacco and tobacco smoke. This is a truly destructive agent for health, which systematically destroys every cell of the human body one by one.

First of all, it should be noted the effect on the respiratory organs, since they are the most damaged. It is through the respiratory system that the blood is saturated with oxygen, which is so necessary for the successful functioning of all other systems and organs. Smoking blocks this basic function, as a result of which the internal organs receive insufficient oxygen. For this reason, numerous malfunctions occur, and a general decrease in immunity is observed.

As the blood loses its quality properties, the heart tries to correct this situation by increasing its volume. It tries to pump as much blood as possible to provide the body with enough oxygen. As a result, there is a rapid heartbeat.

Such work for wear and tear negatively affects the condition of the heart muscle itself. For this reason, one can often hear from doctors that the heart of a young smoker is more like a similar organ of a decrepit old man. Everything in our world has its own service life, laid down from above, and the human body is no exception.

As you know, mental activity is also directly related to oxygen saturation of the brain. In cases where he receives insufficient oxygen, reduced activity is observed.

As a result, we get an organ that suffers from hypoxia more than others.

As for the digestive system, a very sad picture is also observed here, as tobacco smoke mixes with human saliva, making it incredibly toxic. As you know, smokers have a much more intense salivation process than a healthy person.

For this reason, the altered harmful substance, which was once human saliva, enters the digestive tract in incredible volumes. Harmful substances are absorbed through the walls of all those organs through which they pass before entering the stomach. At this end point, they settle and cause ulceration.

The listed consequences are only a small part of a huge number of side effects. But what is the reason for such a strong addiction of many people to this addiction? Indeed, as you know, smokers do not even have addiction as such, and smoking is dictated purely by their own desire. The answer lies in another plane of the human being - the energy one.

The bioenergetic component of smoking

The human biofield is an energy cocoon that surrounds our physical body and has an elliptical shape. This field invisible to the eye is able to protect us from a large number of all kinds of negative influences from the outside world. The integrity of this peculiar energy shell guarantees excellent immunity, which can easily cope with any disease.

But what happens when we only smoke one cigarette? Figuratively speaking, such an action is similar to lowering a chicken egg in sulfuric acid and the amount of damage depends on the time of its exposure.

Our energy field is recoverable, this is a fact, but it takes a lot of time to return the former thickness to the walls of the energy body. You can judge for yourself if you look at the statistics. To completely get rid of the effects of smoking, a person must refrain from this addiction for six years.

Moreover, this applies only to those cases when the smoker has very little experience of smoking. When we talk about chronic cases that are associated with irreversible consequences, then full independent recovery is impossible at all.

According to experts, just one cigarette halves the diameter of the energy field.

This process is repeated over and over again after each smoking session. Subsequently, we have such a thin energy layer that it is simply not able to reflect absolutely no external influences. For this reason, a person with such a field is very often sick, and the complete disappearance of the energy shell will certainly lead to death.

Although the decrease in the energy field occurs throughout its entire area, there are also places where the process of thinning due to smoking is several times faster. These places are connected with the chakras, the work of which, in turn, is disrupted. It is this disorder that contributes to health problems at the physical level.

The effect of smoking on the chakras


Muladhara suffers from smoking the most. Since this chakra is mainly responsible for the survival of a person and for the strength of his health, interruptions in its work are immediately reflected in the physical condition of the smoker. It is the problems with Muladhara that are the reason for the frequent manifestations of infertility in smokers of both sexes.

In addition, constipation, which also bothers many smokers, appears due to the malfunctioning of this chakra.


Smoking also affects the work of the Svadhisthana chakra. Quite often you can hear stories that smokers do not care about anything but cigarettes, and the opposite sex and sex are not interesting to them.

Problems with this chakra suppress any sex drive, or disfigure it so much that it has the opposite effect and causes painful lust.


Manipura also suffers greatly from the smoking process. It's no secret that the will of smokers is suppressed. Such people are quite often weak, insecure, easily influenced by others. Quite often, a problem with this chakra becomes the reason that a person starts smoking.

Subsequently, smoking disrupts the work of Manipur so much that it causes a complete suppression of the will of the smoker, and he becomes addicted forever. It is necessary to work with this chakra first of all, otherwise getting rid of a bad habit is impossible.


The influence on Anahata is expressed in some detachment of a person who is addicted to cigarettes.

You have probably noticed that smokers are quite often characterized by callousness and scarcity of their feelings to others, this is a consequence of the malfunctioning of this chakra.


Vishuddha's work is not disturbed so much, but smoking also has a negative effect on it. This is expressed in the lack of flexibility of thought, smokers often lose any creative potential or observe its some decline.

You can recall many examples when famous creative people drove themselves into a corner, carried away by tobacco smoking, and left it only by getting rid of this addiction.


The decrease in all mental activity is associated with the influence of tobacco products on Ajna. A person ceases to think qualitatively, his stupidity and illogical actions are manifested. Consciousness and thoughts seem to be dirty in impenetrable smoke.

Absent-mindedness and lack of concentration in a smoker is a consequence of the disrupted work of the Sahasrara. You may recall that it is often smokers who are the culprit of many road accidents, and they occur at the time of smoking, when the impact on the chakra is strongest and it is almost completely closed.

In addition, the violation is also caused by the lack of spirituality, and the dismissive attitude of the smoker to faith in any of its manifestations.

Energy Reasons for Tobacco Addiction and How to Get Rid of

As mentioned above, the emergence of dependence on tobacco products is simply impossible during normal operation of Manipur. A strong chakra will simply suppress absolutely any manifestation of this bad habit.

Imagine a situation that happens quite often: a non-smoker is offered a cigarette, he reluctantly agrees, but having smoked it, the person does not become a smoker. Or another scenario: a person tries just one cigarette and after a few days smokes a pack of days. What is the difference between them, you ask.

The fact is that the proposal to try a cigarette initially carries negative energy. For a completely whole and normally functioning energy field, repelling such an attack is not a problem - an offer to try will be followed by a sharp refusal.

When we are talking about a somewhat thinned energy shell, then the mentioned option is possible here, when a person tries, but this is not a habit. If, however, a disruption in the work of Manipur is added to the thinned cocoon, then this ends in a sad third option, when a person immediately becomes a heavy smoker.

This case is also dangerous because the toxic effect of tobacco addiction has an overwhelming effect on the will. That is, even having restored the work of all the other chakras, as well as the strength of the energy field, you will with one hundred percent probability return to smoking again. That is why, first of all, experts advise to establish the work of Manipur, and only then to deal with the rest of the energy centers.

Interestingly, quite often the well-functioning Muladhara chakra comes to the rescue of a smoker. This is expressed in an increased desire to survive. Remember the stories from your life when a heavy smoker was told that if he did not give up his bad habit, he would inevitably die within a couple of months.

At such a moment, Muladhara begins to work intensively, launching Manipura at the same time, and also destroys absolutely all blocks that interfere with its normal functioning. This option is possible only when the negative impact on Muladhara was not very strong, or the person possesses a very strong variety of this chakra. Otherwise, the addiction takes its toll, and even the threat of death does not convince the smoker of the need to get rid of it.

We tried to answer the question of what happens to a smoker at the bioenergetic level. It is in this plane that the main reason for this terrible bad habit is hidden and, as you can see, only high-quality work with the chakras can once and for all save a person from tobacco addiction. And the main way to prevent its appearance is to monitor your energy body and not forget that a person is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance, and that a lot is hidden from our eyes.

THE INFLUENCE OF SMOKING ON THE HUMAN BIOLOGICAL FIELD. In modern society, there is, perhaps, not a single person who does not know about the truly horrific consequences of smoking. Such cognitions concern only the physical component, but what happens to a smoker at the bioenergetic level and what problems does this habit entail? It is to these questions that we will try to answer in the course of the article, and also try to determine the reasons for the emergence of tobacco addiction. PHYSICAL COMPONENT OF SMOKING. As you know, a person is a kind of system that consists of two parts: a material and an energy body. These components are inextricably linked with each other, so any change in one of them will certainly entail certain consequences in the other. It is for this reason that it is impossible to study the consequences of smoking purely at the bioenergetic level, while omitting the material component - such an analysis will be incomplete and incomplete. Therefore, first we will consider the physiology of tobacco smoking, and then we will smoothly move on to energy. Interestingly, this bad habit is one of the few addictions that absolutely affect the entire body. You will not find a single internal or external organ that does not suffer from the effects of exposure to substances that make up tobacco and tobacco smoke. This is a truly destructive agent for health, which systematically destroys every cell of the human body one by one. First of all, it should be noted the effect on the respiratory organs, since they are the most damaged. It is through the respiratory system that the blood is saturated with oxygen, which is so necessary for the successful functioning of all other systems and organs. Smoking blocks this basic function, as a result of which the internal organs receive insufficient oxygen. For this reason, numerous malfunctions occur, and a general decrease in immunity is observed. As the blood loses its quality properties, the heart tries to correct this situation by increasing its volume. It tries to pump as much blood as possible to provide the body with enough oxygen. As a result, there is a rapid heartbeat. Such work for wear and tear negatively affects the condition of the heart muscle itself. For this reason, one can often hear from doctors that the heart of a young smoker is more like a similar organ of a decrepit old man. Everything in our world has its own service life, laid down from above, and the human body is no exception. As you know, mental activity is also directly related to oxygen saturation of the brain. In cases where he receives insufficient oxygen, reduced activity is observed. Nicotine, contained in tobacco smoke, further complicates the absorption of oxygen by brain cells. As a result, we get an organ that suffers from hypoxia more than others. As for the digestive system, a very sad picture is also observed here, as tobacco smoke mixes with human saliva, making it incredibly toxic. As you know, smokers have a much more intense salivation process than a healthy person. For this reason, the altered harmful substance, which was once human saliva, enters the digestive tract in incredible volumes. Harmful substances are absorbed through the walls of all those organs through which they pass before entering the stomach. At this end point, they settle and cause ulceration. The listed consequences are only a small part of a huge number of side effects. But what is the reason for such a strong addiction of many people to this addiction? Indeed, as you know, smokers do not even have addiction as such, and smoking is dictated purely by their own desire. The answer lies in another plane of the human being - the energy one. BIOENERGY COMPONENT OF SMOKING. The human biofield is an energy cocoon that surrounds our physical body and has an elliptical shape. This field invisible to the eye is able to protect us from a large number of all kinds of negative influences from the outside world. The integrity of this peculiar energy shell guarantees excellent immunity, which can easily cope with any disease. But what happens when we only smoke one cigarette? Figuratively speaking, such an action is similar to lowering a chicken egg in sulfuric acid and the amount of damage depends on the time of its exposure. Our energy field is recoverable, this is a fact, but it takes a lot of time to return the former thickness to the walls of the energy body. You can judge for yourself if you look at the statistics. To completely get rid of the effects of smoking, a person must refrain from this addiction for six years. Moreover, this applies only to those cases when the smoker has very little experience of smoking. When we talk about chronic cases that are associated with irreversible consequences, then full independent recovery is impossible at all. According to experts, just one cigarette halves the diameter of the energy field! This process is repeated over and over again after each smoking session. Subsequently, we have such a thin energy layer that it is simply not able to reflect absolutely no external influences. For this reason, a person with such a field is very often sick, and the complete disappearance of the energy shell will certainly lead to death. Although the decrease in the energy field occurs throughout its entire area, there are also places where the process of thinning due to smoking is several times faster. These places are connected with the chakras, the work of which, in turn, is disrupted. It is this disorder that contributes to health problems at the physical level. EFFECTS OF SMOKING ON THE CHAKRA. MULADHARA. Muladhara suffers from smoking the most. Since this chakra is mainly responsible for the survival of a person and for the strength of his health, interruptions in its work are immediately reflected in the physical condition of the smoker. It is the problems with Muladhara that are the reason for the frequent manifestations of infertility in smokers of both sexes. In addition, constipation, which also bothers many smokers, appears due to the malfunctioning of this chakra. SWADHISTANA. Smoking also affects the work of the Svadhisthana chakra. Quite often you can hear stories that smokers do not care about anything but cigarettes, and the opposite sex and sex are not interesting to them. Problems with this chakra suppress any sex drive, or disfigure it so much that it has the opposite effect and causes painful lust. MANIPURA. Manipura also suffers greatly from the smoking process. It's no secret that the will of smokers is suppressed. Such people are quite often weak, insecure, easily influenced by others. Quite often, a problem with this chakra becomes the reason that a person starts smoking. Subsequently, smoking disrupts the work of Manipur so much that it causes a complete suppression of the will of the smoker, and he becomes addicted forever. It is necessary to work with this chakra first of all, otherwise getting rid of a bad habit is impossible. ANAKHATA. The influence on Anahata is expressed in some detachment of a person who is addicted to cigarettes. You have probably noticed that smokers are quite often characterized by callousness and scarcity of their feelings to others, this is a consequence of the malfunctioning of this chakra. VISHUTHA. Vishuddha's work is not disturbed so much, but smoking also has a negative effect on it. This is expressed in the lack of flexibility of thought, smokers often lose any creative potential or observe its some decline. You can recall many examples when famous creative people drove themselves into a corner, carried away by tobacco smoking, and left it only by getting rid of this addiction. AJNA. The decrease in all mental activity is associated with the influence of tobacco products on Ajna. A person ceases to think qualitatively, his stupidity and illogical actions are manifested. Consciousness and thoughts seem to be dirty in impenetrable smoke. SAHASRAR. Absent-mindedness and lack of concentration in a smoker is a consequence of the disrupted work of the Sahasrara. You may recall that it is often smokers who are the culprit of many road accidents, and they occur at the time of smoking, when the impact on the chakra is strongest and it is almost completely closed. In addition, the violation is also caused by the lack of spirituality, and the dismissive attitude of the smoker to faith in any of its manifestations. REASONS OF TOBACCO DEPENDENCE AT ENERGY LEVEL AND METHODS OF REMOVAL. As mentioned above, the emergence of dependence on tobacco products is simply impossible during normal operation of Manipur. A strong chakra will simply suppress absolutely any manifestation of this bad habit. Imagine a situation that happens quite often: a non-smoker is offered a cigarette, he reluctantly agrees, but having smoked it, the person does not become a smoker. Or another scenario: a person tries only one cigarette and after a few days smokes a pack a day. What is the difference between them, you ask. The fact is that the proposal to try a cigarette initially carries negative energy. For a completely whole and normally functioning energy field, repelling such an attack is not a problem - an offer to try will be followed by a sharp refusal. When we are talking about a somewhat thinned energy shell, then the mentioned option is possible here, when a person tries, but this is not a habit. If, however, a disruption in the work of Manipur is added to the thinned cocoon, then this ends in a sad third option, when a person immediately becomes a heavy smoker. This case is also dangerous because the toxic effect of tobacco addiction has an overwhelming effect on the will. That is, even having restored the work of all the other chakras, as well as the strength of the energy field, you will with one hundred percent probability return to smoking again. That is why, first of all, experts advise to establish the work of Manipur, and only then to deal with the rest of the energy centers. Interestingly, quite often the well-functioning Muladhara chakra comes to the rescue of a smoker. This is expressed in an increased desire to survive. Remember the stories from your life when a heavy smoker was told that if he did not give up his bad habit, he would inevitably die within a couple of months. At such a moment, Muladhara begins to work intensively, launching Manipura at the same time, and also destroys absolutely all blocks that interfere with its normal functioning. This option is possible only when the negative impact on Muladhara was not very strong, or the person possesses a very strong variety of this chakra. Otherwise, the addiction takes its toll, and even the threat of death does not convince the smoker of the need to get rid of it. We tried to answer the question of what happens to a smoker at the bioenergetic level. It is in this plane that the main reason for this terrible bad habit is hidden and, as you can see, only high-quality work with the chakras can once and for all save a person from tobacco addiction. And the main way to prevent its appearance is to monitor your energy body and not forget that a person is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance, and that a lot is hidden from our eyes. The author of this article is Lyubov Good-natured from the team

Nicotine, like other drugs of a stimulating effect, is not a source of energy, it only forces those reserves of energy that were in the body to be expended, without ensuring their replenishment. This leads to a rapid depletion of energy and overvoltage. The cigarette plays here the role of a whip for a driven horse.

Different people can have different amounts of energy. Of course, you have noticed that there are people who are always active in communicating with others and in actions. Others, on the contrary, are more often in a state of fatigue, they may lack the strength for daily activities. Apparently, you are more likely to belong to the latter.

The reasons for this can be different. This may also be due to the constitutional features of nervous regulation and metabolism, it may also be associated with some kind of psychological trauma, which, perhaps, could not be processed in a timely manner and effectively, this may also be associated with chronic diseases, including those associated with smoking.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine at the moment which of the reasons is leading in your case. It is possible that there is a combination of them.

In any case, the continuation of smoking does not solve any of these problems, it gives only a temporary activation during smoking a cigarette and another breakdown in the subsequent. The course of illness due to smoking worsens, and this makes it even more likely to be tired, weak and in a bad mood. Already the very cessation of smoking is not immediately, but gradually can lead to an improvement in well-being.

Let's think about how you can support your body now that the benefits of smoking cessation may not have been shown yet.

First of all, you need to provide your body with vitamins and minerals. The body receives energy from food, and all biochemical processes, including the processes of obtaining energy, take place with the participation of enzymes, an important component of which are various vitamins and microelements. Improve your diet by reducing your intake of refined foods and those that require a lot of energy to digest them, such as meat, white bread, pasta, refined fats, sugar, and increase the proportion of vegetables, fruits, and grains. Drink plenty of water. It will also help to cope with weight gain problems that some people who quit smoking may experience.

However, no single diet can provide you with enough vitamins and minerals, so be sure to add multivitamins and make it a rule to take them regularly. Choose vitamins and minerals at any pharmacy near you. You can always consult a pharmacy employee and choose what suits you in terms of composition and price. Next time, it is better to choose vitamins of a different production or other form of release. So you can take advantage of the benefits of different vitamin preparations. Be sure to check their dosage and mode of administration in the instructions leaflet. Vitamins are necessary for all people on a daily basis and in sufficient quantities. In most diseases, they are needed in higher doses. Smoking leads to increased consumption of vitamins in the body, so all current and former smokers especially need vitamins.

Perhaps just normalizing the diet and introducing vitamins and minerals may not be enough. To increase the "vitality", you can use the so-called adaptogens, such as ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, pantocrine. You can always specify their dosage in the package insert for the preparations.

There are other medications that can help alleviate energy deficiency problems. If necessary, you can talk about their appointment with your doctor.

Your daily routine, work and rest routine can also affect how you feel. Think, remember what usually gives you energy, introduce these elements into your day. Perhaps this is a morning shower. Perhaps physical exercise (but grueling gymnastics will probably be out of place here). Perhaps a walk will help you. Think about what is right for you.

Of course, changing your lifestyle is not easy, but you are doing it for your health, your future. Those trying to change their habits claim that it is only difficult for the first two weeks. Then regularly repeated actions become familiar and taken for granted.

Bad habits are harmful to health, pull money and interfere with normal life. But few people know that they can scare off good luck and drain a person's energy, if you do not take protective measures.

Bad habits, unlike good ones, do not need to be developed. At a certain point in their life, they themselves find a potential victim and begin to poison its existence. To combat these negative manifestations, persistence and self-confidence are needed.

Many owners of addictions are used to justifying themselves by the need to do this, but it is worth distinguishing desires from the voice of reason. Bad habits, like entities and settlers, are able to draw out vital energy and weaken the protective biofield of a person.

Negative thinking

Thoughts are material. Sooner or later, a thought that has been scrolled through the head many times spills out into the world as a stream of energy. Negative thoughts make a person angry, nervous and unable to adequately assess their actions. Negative thoughts can scare off luck, wealth, and health.


Another terrible habit that is rapidly turning into addiction is alcoholism. Seemingly harmless, drinking a small amount of alcohol quickly develops into a desire to drink more and more often. It should be remembered that alcohol destroys not only the physical component, but also the psychological and energetic.

It is necessary to fight in the initial stages. The deeper a person plunges into the abyss of the green serpent, the more difficult it is to get out of it. It is important to develop a strong desire to end the hated habit. A special ritual from Anatoly Ledenev will also help you fight for your life without alcohol.

Drug use

Often a person himself does not notice how he begins to artificially create a good mood for himself, excluding the body's ability to participate in the process of combating fatigue and stress and producing hormones of happiness. Unwillingness to deal with negativity prompts the use of intoxicants that create the illusion of happiness and serenity.

The rapid destruction of the body and mind after taking drugs can be irreversible. The fight against this ailment should be carried out immediately. Spiritual cleansing occurs through prayer, self-development and self-improvement.

Hello dear clients! Today I want to talk with you about such an unusual thing from the point of view of magic as smoking.
Many people are accustomed to considering smoking as a relatively harmless bad habit, from which our lungs experience maximum problems. Smokers are more afraid of cancer than problems of an esoteric nature, but nevertheless, such problems can easily happen to them. Further, I will explain why and note, for the sake of justice, that not everything in the situation is so simple - smokers are not afraid of cancer, because they do not think about their health.

To begin with, I will give you a small digression into history, so that you would understand why I decided to touch upon this topic at all.
So what is tobacco? Tobacco is a narcotic plant that came to us from the American continent. The population of pre-Columbian America, the Indians used tobacco for purely ritual purposes. In general, it is important to understand that among various pagan peoples, many drugs are primarily ritual, sacred. Therefore, they used not only tobacco there, but also other poisonous "drugs".
Rooms were fumigated with tobacco, tobacco smoke was smoked in front of idols as a sacrifice, tobacco was chewed. In general, the Russian word "smoking" acquired its familiar meaning to the broad masses of people relatively recently. Previously, smoking meant just kindling some kind of fragrant or fetid mixture on coals in front of an idol / deity.
Hence - an important practical meaning for every monotheist - smoking is a sin just because tobacco was sacrificed to idols. And South American idols and gods are not angels at all - but very cruel creatures, demons. They also sacrificed blood to them - remember, perhaps, how different the Aztecs - a living person's heart was cut out. Here they are, on big holidays, they killed a person, and on small ones, they paid off with tobacco.
This point of view, by the way, is not mine. It is very common among priests, who often and directly talk about it.

Further - one more trouble that accompanies smoking. This is the sin of suicide. If a person smokes, then he does not benefit his body. And every cigarette smoked that shortens life by fifteen minutes is a handful of earth thrown on your coffin. Unlike alcohol, which is known to be useful in small doses and with moderate use, smoking is of no benefit. With the same success - you can stick your head in the oven and light a fire, or cut your arms and legs. This is self-torture. And self-torture leads to death. If you poison yourself with nicotine - you know there is no difference here, for example with arsenic - also poison, just small doses. Of course - everyone remembers that a drop of nicotine kills a horse, but I would like people to remember - this is not a saying, but a real fact.
From constant burns and inhalation of poisonous resins, a person loses health - the lungs sit down, the skin of the face deteriorates, and teeth deteriorate. A person turns into a wreck, and a foul-smelling one. Hence - the negative attitude of the opposite sex, a decrease in the potency and sexual abilities of the smoker, and so on. At the bioenergetic level - the smoker loses not only health, but also the bioenergetic defense of the body - an aura breaks through, a person accumulates negative. This is a natural self-corruption.
I'll tell you about another aspect of smoking. I think that few people know about him, this is a magical secret.
In magic, a variety of incense is accepted (do not be surprised - everything that is burned for ritual purposes can be called incense) is used for different purposes. To purify space and energy, to attract angels, demons, etc. For example, tobacco is used when they want to summon the dead or evil spirits. Tobacco is the most common substance; tobacco smoke attracts all negative forces. When a sorcerer working in Western magic wants to damage a person, he burns tobacco. When a warlock takes the bribe to demons or the dead, he also carries cigarettes.
Even voodooists bring cigars to spirits in their rituals.

I will tell you a few stories about how I was able to simply ban my clients from smoking - to improve their lives.
The first story is about Anastasia, a good girl who got married not so long ago. When she met her husband, everything was fine, but when they got married, they began to live together, the relationship began to deteriorate. She chalked it up to a lack of attention, but it turned out to be something else. Her husband did not smoke. And Nastya loved to light up with a cigarette. I didn’t so much inhale into myself, but simply engaged in secondhand smoke. When she wrote to me - she was hysterical, her husband promised to leave her, this is a year after the wedding, what should I do? The cards were encouraging - he was not going to give it up, everything would be fine. The husband came in the evening, apologized, gave flowers. But the atmosphere was painful. We talked to Nastya and I suggested that she stop smoking altogether. Instead, she had to light incense sticks and ventilate the room well.
Nastya was puzzled - strange conditions, but agreed. We have also cleaned up the negativity and lo and behold - they stopped making scandals. Now they are expecting their second child.

Further - I had a client Victor, the problem of loneliness worried him. This made him smoke a lot. Bags under his eyes, an earthy complexion - this is how he looked. And the young man is in general a strong man. We agreed that we would conduct a ceremony to attract the other half, but I asked him to always smoke in the air and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to a pack. He agreed, especially since, according to him, he had bronchitis. We made a ceremony for the soul mate. He met a woman, Lida. And Lida hated smokers, so Victor had to hide from her like a schoolboy. Lida caught him anyway and he eventually quit smoking.

These are how you can notice almost curious situations occur with people who smoke. But giving up this habit is hard. If you decide to do this - remember - the main thing is motivation and desire. I'm sure you will succeed!

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