Home Useful properties of fruits Titanic passenger from the past. Real stories of Titanic passengers (51 photos). Items for sale from the Titanic

Titanic passenger from the past. Real stories of Titanic passengers (51 photos). Items for sale from the Titanic

Winnie Coates - this girl was taken off the iceberg on September 24, 1990 and she was a passenger on the Titanic

No one can remain indifferent to the message that was printed by many newspapers of the world. On September 24, 1990, the crew of a Norwegian fishing trawler (Captain Carl Jørgen Has) discovered an iceberg in the North Atlantic containing a young woman dressed in a turn of the century dress. She was taken to the ship, and she told the astonished crew that she was a passenger ... "Titanic" and miraculously escaped on the night of the shipwreck. “She was very excited and from time to time fell into hysterics,” Captain Has reported. “She believes that only a day has passed since the disaster, which is now April 15, 1912.”

Winnie Coates looked very thin, haggard, but not aged. She claimed that she had boarded the Titanic in England, at Southampton, from where the liner set off on her fateful voyage.

"In her purse, which she firmly held in her hands, we found a ticket to the Titanic."

A check of documents in the naval archives of England brought stunning news: indeed, the name and surname of Vinnie Coates appeared on the passenger lists of the Titanic.
In the port of Oslo, the mysterious passenger was met by doctors and placed in a clinic for examination. She was listened to many times by psychiatrists, scientists, psychologists; her narration was repeatedly taped, and there were no deviations from the original version, which she reported to Captain Has.
For almost 10 years, psychiatrist Gee Holland and 27 other specialists monitored this passenger. “What she says is beyond human understanding. Despite my many years of professional experience, I cannot classify her condition as a mental illness and cannot give a logical explanation for her behavior. All this is outside logic and outside medicine. I would never I believe what I’m saying now myself: we all get the impression that this woman really was in suspended animation or was in some kind of timeless state for 78 years, until she was removed from the iceberg, ”the Israeli newspaper Panorama quotes Holland as saying ".
From another source, the year doesn't match for some reason:
Then the newspapers reported that 82 years after the death of the Titanic, a 10-month-old girl, who was considered dead, was caught in the waters of the North Atlantic. The frozen but perfectly healthy baby was found after two more victims of the disaster, Winnie Coots and Captain E. J. Smith, were rescued in the same area. This prompted scientists to think that, perhaps, other passengers of the liner are still swimming in the ocean and waiting for help. “I will try to explain what is happening, although it is contrary to common sense,” said Malvin Iddland, a well-known ocean researcher, to correspondents in Oslo, Norway. - It seems that in this part of the world, time has lost its meaning. People who disappeared back in 1912 suddenly appear as if nothing had happened to them. They haven't even aged. It seems that the Titanic and its passengers fell into some kind of time trap. The found girl (her name is not reported) was discovered by the crew of a Norwegian fishing vessel. The baby swam tied to the life buoy of the Titanic. In archival documents, there is a mention that the child was 10 months old when she and her mother got on board the ship. Since then, she has not grown a single day older, says Dr. Haaland, to whose care the foundling was entrusted. After these sensational rescues, all the crews of the ships, whose course takes place in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe southwestern coast of Iceland, were notified that a meeting with other victims of the Titanic shipwreck was not ruled out.

Exactly one hundred years ago, on the night of April 14-15, 1912, the Titanic, the world's largest passenger liner, sank and sank in the Atlantic. Together with him, 1513 of his passengers sank.

First versions

For a century now, the sinking of the Titanic has stirred people's imaginations. What happened on that fateful night? Despite many versions, conjectures and even statements, the mystery of the death of this superliner is one of the greatest mysteries of our era. There were quite a few versions - a collision with an iceberg, and a fire, and sabotage ... One of the first versions was low maneuverability with a fairly large length of the vessel - about 270 meters and high speed (about 40 km / h). Changing such a speed is a rather complicated procedure, because it took time to change the operation of reciprocating mechanisms. The British Commission conducted a series of tests that showed that the iceberg was at a distance of about 457 meters from the ship. And this meant only one thing: it was almost impossible to save the ship.

However, among the various versions there was one such as "The Mummy's Curse". Only a few people knew that, among other things, the liner was the mummy of the ancient Egyptian soothsayer Amenophis IV. Under her head lay a figurine of Osiris with "Arise from the dust, and your gaze will crush all who stand in your way." It was a truly priceless cargo, and therefore it was kept behind the captain's bridge. The mummy was transported from England to America by Lord Canterville.

Shortly before the tragedy, Captain Edward Smith began to behave rather strangely. The set course was not maintained, the ship was moving at an increased speed, after the collision, the signal for help was sent with an unacceptable delay. In addition, both the crew and the passengers were unforgivably late informed of the imminent danger. What happened to this sea-wind-hardened sea wolf? There is such a version: Captain Smith disturbed the eternal rest of the Egyptian mummy.

Many scientists involved in the study of mummies then had problems with reason - they lost the ability to think and reason logically. This is at best. And at worst, it is enough to recall the curse of Tutankhamun, the victims of which were 23 people. And who knows - maybe the negative energy of the famous soothsayer turned out to be weaker than the energy of the pharaoh, and only "slightly" struck Captain Smith, who seemed to have completely lost the ability to lead both the team and his actions. By the way, the person who organized the loading of this mummy allegedly died soon after.

The Commission of Inquiry and its secrets

Quite recently, the investigative archives on this notorious case were declassified. As it turned out, immediately after the end of the investigation, the security rules of sea vessels were classified as secrecy. What's the matter? What is it connected with? It turns out that the commission of inquiry, investigating the circumstances of the death of the Titanic, came to an unequivocal conclusion: the liner sank from a collision with an iceberg. And everything that did not fit into this statement was either consigned to oblivion or received the stamp "Secret". However, according to experts and researchers, the shipwreck, which ended in its sinking, is comparable only to the results of a major military battle, but not to an iceberg.

Among these documents is a report by the American astronomer George Harris. In it, in particular, it was said that on the day of the death of the Titanic, a certain dark object with a diameter of 80 km was moving from the side of the Moon towards the Earth. And in the same days, the Guardian newspaper received information that the Stanfield spouses saw how a huge luminous ball slowly descended into the ocean. At this moment, the Titanic on all "sails" was moving towards its death.

On that terrible fateful night, some of the survivors and passengers had a chance to observe a completely inexplicable phenomenon. Here is how Anna White describes it: “I was in lifeboat No. 6. Exactly at one forty (I had a watch on) I saw a large luminous object near the stern of the liner. Someone said that these were the lights of another ship that could us We shouted with joy and ordered the sailors to row as fast as possible. About ten boats began to sail into this world. However, after half an hour the lights went out ... It turned out that there was no ship nearby ... ". These and similar testimonies were classified.

Mysterious echo of the Titanic

Already in the second half of the twentieth century, there was a series of inexplicable phenomena directly related to the death of the Titanic. This tragedy first reminded of itself in 1972. On April 15, 1972, Lloyd Detmer, radio operator on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, received an SOS signal from the Titanic itself. Lloyd did not believe his ears, and just in case he asked the shore. The answer simply surprised him: "Do not respond to the SOS signal, follow the set course." In the port, representatives of the special services who were there explained to the battleship crew that the Titanic, which sank 60 years ago, could not send signals for help. Most likely, the radio operator just imagined it all. It seemed rather suspicious to Detmer that the secret services were interested in this misunderstanding. This prompted the inquisitive guy to start his own investigation. And he unearthed something! These were reports from radio operators like himself. It turned out that they also received similar signals from the Titanic with a frequency of six years - in 1924, 1930, 1936, 1942. And Detmer prepared to wait for the same signal six years later, in 1978. However, he was not allowed to do this - they put him in a madhouse. In 1996, i.e. a few six years later, a small article was printed in one of the Canadian newspapers that the Quebec radio operator had received another SOS from the Titanic.

Researchers of this and similar phenomena believe that this SOS "signed up" in the memory of the energy-information field of the Earth. In the same way as many visual hnonomirages, the reality of which no one now doubts. Another version of the appearance of these signals is based on the fact that the psychophysical energy accumulated in the two thousand passengers of the Titanic awaiting death managed to break through time, and rushed to the receiving devices in the form of SOS signals.

1990. In September 1990, the Norwegian fishing trawler "Vosshagen" plowed the waters of the North Atlantic. On September 24, 1990, about 340 kilometers from the coast of Iceland, members of his crew removed a soaked and chilled young woman from an iceberg. When she was taken to the ship, she simply amazed everyone by declaring that she was Vinnie Coates, and that she was a passenger ... on the Titanic. The woman was wearing clothes that were worn at the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, Mrs. Couts gave the impression of a completely normal woman. In support of her words, the stranger took out a ticket to the Titanic from her purse - she was firmly convinced that it was April 15, 1912.

Later, lists of Titanic passengers were obtained from the British Maritime Archives. Winnie Coates was among them! The famous psychiatrist Gee Holland and a group of specialists have been monitoring the famous passenger from the Titanic for several years. It was also surprising that she was 108 years old at that time, but she looked 30 years old. The Israeli newspaper Panorama reported from the words of Holland: “What this woman says is beyond human understanding. Despite my many years of professional experience, I cannot classify her condition as a mental illness and cannot give a logical explanation for her behavior. All this is beyond logic, beyond medicine. I would never believe what I am saying myself now: we all get the impression that this woman really was in suspended animation or was in some kind of timeless state for 78 years until she was removed from the iceberg.

Naturally, there was no one to confirm the identity of Winnie Coates, but it was possible to establish the complete similarity of this woman in the photo and the original itself, found 78 years later in Iceland. Currently, all that is known about Vinnie Coates is that she ended up in a secret CIA base, and her traces are lost on this. Indeed, it is simply unbelievable. But, on the other hand, where would Winnie Coates come from on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean, especially with a passenger ticket to the Titanic? This question can only be answered this way: this truly incredible event proves the reality and the possibility of time travel.

And a year later, on August 9, 1991, again, the Norwegian research vessel "Larson Napier" "stumbled" on another victim of that distant tragedy. It was none other than the captain of the Titanic. He was dressed in the uniform of a sea captain. In the psychiatric clinic in Oslo, he was comprehensively identified. The fingerprints of his hands exactly matched the prints contained in the maritime documents of the early twentieth century. The captain, just like his passenger, claimed that it was 1912. At this point both the CIA and the FBI were worried. The ship crews involved in such a mysterious story are strictly ordered not to make public what they had to face.

The real miracle that happened in December 1992 was witnessed by Norwegian fishermen fishing for herring in the waters of the North Atlantic. On that day, December 14, in front of the astonished sailors, a large beautiful steamer suddenly emerged from the depths of the sea abyss. It was clearly visible how people rushed about in horror on its decks. Some of them threw themselves into the water in a panic. Probably, the fishermen experienced no less horror - with some unknown instinct, they guessed that it was the same sunken Titanic. They did not have time to come to their senses, as he again went under the water. A radiogram was sent to the shore describing what had happened and that there were people in the water. Soon a military vessel appeared in the indicated area. Thirteen people wearing life jackets with the inscription "Titanic" were rescued from the water. They were all alive!

And, finally, in 1994, and again in the waters of the North Atlantic (and by the way, where else?) A 10-month-old girl was discovered. She was tied to a life buoy with the inscription "Titanic", while she was very cold, but quite alive. A record was found in archival documents that a 10-month-old child was sent on a trip with his parents.

It will seem simply incredible, but in all these cases, most likely, there was a transfer of a person from one time to another, in other words, teleportation occurred. So the most fantastic version turned into the most real - the Titanic fell into a temporal-spatial trap.

Vladimir Lotokhin, Mr. Zlatoust



Vinnie Coates, Titanic passenger who traveled through time

On September 24, 1990, a fishing trawler operating in the North Atlantic took a young girl off the Iceberg.

Captain Karl Jorgen Has said that the girl was extremely frightened, exhausted, and constantly insisted that people needed to be rescued.

She identified herself as Vinnie Coates and said that she was a passenger on the Titanic, which wrecked not far from here at night.

She said that she boarded a liner in England, in Southampton, and showed a ticket from the Titanic as proof.

The surprise of the crew knew no bounds, because they considered her crazy. They warmed her up and tried to calm her down. She was dressed in old-fashioned but beautiful clothes. The girl was dropped off in Oslo, where she was met by a medical team.

For a long time Winnie was under the supervision of doctors. She was repeatedly questioned about the incident and everything was recorded on tape. But the girl never departed one iota from her previous testimony.

The doctors confirmed that she was not crazy and maybe she really was telling the truth. Moreover, by examining old documents, it was possible to find out that Winnie Coates was indeed a passenger on the Titanic.

In 2004, another fishing boat caught a month-old girl in the Atlantic, tied to the lifeline of the Titanic, and some time later, a man in an early twentieth century costume.

How the passengers of the Titanic managed to travel back in time remains a mystery. Perhaps, under the influence of the stress that the victims had to experience, they managed to make a time jump.

According to the second version, they fell into a temporary funnel. There are other facts that are described in the chronology of the sinking of the Titanic. Many surviving passengers said that they saw strange lights, they were sure that it was Carpathia coming to their aid, but then the lights disappeared. What kind of lights did people see. Maybe it was a UFO?

It was according to this version that Cameron wanted to film the blockbuster "Titanic", but received a ban from the US special services. According to this version, the Titanic did not sink from a collision with an iceberg.

Yes, this is not possible, even the collision worked out by the computer shows that the Titanic would not have sunk under any circumstances.

Yes, and underwater research of the Titanic shows strange holes in the ship. Most likely, the UFO, moving at high speed under water, hooked the ship, after which it made a quantum leap in time and left behind a time funnel, into which the found people fell.

From the testimony of Titanic passenger Anna White: “I was in lifeboat number 6. Exactly at one forty (I was wearing a watch) I saw a large luminous object near the stern of the liner. The men said they were the lights of another ship, the Carpathia, that could save us. We shouted with joy and told the sailors to row as fast as possible. About ten boats began to sail into this world. However, half an hour later the lights went out... It turned out that there was no ship nearby, and the Carpathia approached only an hour later.

Anatoly Wasserman: “There are already quite a few hypotheses related to spatio-temporal holes, tunnels, channels. Moreover, physicists have a general idea of ​​the circumstances under which the formation of such channels is possible. These circumstances are quite complex, associated with high energies. How many more people will be found from the sunken Titanic remains a mystery. Clipping from a London newspaper.

Items for sale from the Titanic

Christie's auction house held the largest auction in history: valuable items from the legend of the Titanic seas were sold out at lightning speed.

400 things were lifted from the legendary Titanic and put up for auction.
The most expensive lots are bronze plaques with the inscriptions Liverpool and S.S. Titanic. Their price was 73 thousand and 65 thousand dollars.

For the bronze medal, which was once awarded to passenger Molly Brown for her help in saving people, they got 10 thousand dollars.
Molly Brown took a seat in the lifeboat, as she was traveling in first class, however, when the Titanic sank, she ordered the lifeboat to be turned around and rescued. The captain of the Carpathia, the first ship to come to the rescue, awarded Molly a medal.

The item of value at the auction was the ship's deck plan, denoting first class. He went under the hammer for 22 thousand dollars. This plan was kept by a collector who participated in an expedition to the Titanic, but the collector himself died a few years ago.

The name of the buyers is kept strictly confidential. In total, 970 thousand dollars were earned for things from the legendary ship.

One of the rare and expensive items from the Titanic is a medallion depicting Helen Churchill Candy, the mother of one passenger. The medallion was sold for $100,000.
Helen Churchill Candy's silver flask was also sold at the auction for 50 thousand, as well as her 40-sheet diary, where the last life of the liner was painted by the minute. An unknown collector laid out about 100 thousand dollars for the chronicle.

Such a sad fact is also obvious: many things from the Titanic are stolen by marauders and treasure hunters.
Robert Ballard, who found the Titanic in 1985, says more than 8,000 items were stolen from the ship.

Even the platform from which the sentinel Fleet noticed the approach of the iceberg was stolen.

The Titanic has been gone for a long time, but it seems to be living its second life. Items from the legendary liner were sold at a price dozens of times higher than the estimated value.

The owner of a collection of antiques from the Titanic decided to put his expensive treasures up for auction. In total, the collection included more than 5,500 items: porcelain, fragments of ship fittings, money, gold, and much more. All of these items are tentatively valued at $190 million.

1. This 17-ton section of the Titanic's hull is one of 5,000 items to be auctioned in New York in April. The head of the Guernsey's Auctioneers & Brokers auction house, Arlan Ettinger, says that this will be one of the grandest auctions in history: "Who has not heard of the Titanic and is not delighted with this story?" The auction is dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of the Titanic's sailing from England to New York (RMS Titanic, Inc / AP)

2. By decision of the court, items cannot be sold as separate lots, and the entire collection must go to the buyer, who agrees to keep it and show it to the public. In 2007, the collection was valued at $189 million. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

3. Archaeological documents and the only detailed map of the bottom of the Titanic wreck may also be sold. Research materials contain new information about the crash site and may become the basis for new expeditions. "We're opening the possibilities, opening the Titanic to the future," said Brian Weigner, spokesman for Premier Exhibitions Inc., which has been involved in lifting the collection from the bottom. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

4. Weigner and Ettinger refused to discuss possible contenders for the collection. “Anyone can like these items because many of them are something very personal. And when you read the history of a person, you get to know the tragedy as a whole.” This cherub adorned the staircase in the great hall of the Titanic. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

5. Things from the Titanic were shown at exhibitions all over the world. They were recovered from the crash site during expeditions in 1987, 1993, 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2004. The company that maintained the collection for 18 years followed the wishes of the shareholders to cash in on the collection and put it up for auction. (Stanley Leary/RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

6. Among the items in the collection are personal belongings of the crew and passengers, such as this woven purse. (Michel Boutefeu/Getty Images)

7. Porthole from the Titanic. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

8. Ship telegraph from the Titanic. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

9. Porcelain cup for first class passengers. (Stanley Leary/RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

10. Porcelain for third class passengers and crew. (Stanley Leary/RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

11. Porcelain for third class passengers and crew. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

12. Chandelier from the Titanic. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

13. The nose of the Titanic, lying at the bottom. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

14. Gold bracelet with the name "Amy" lined with diamonds. (AP)

15. Binoculars. (AP)

16. A set of cufflinks. (GETTY)

17. Pocket watch third class passenger William Henry Allen. (AP)

18. Third-class passenger vest by William Henry Allen. (AP)

19. Ticket to the second class. (AFP/GETTY)

20. Golden spoon. (AP)

21. Points. (AP)

22. A ratiometer that measured the speed of the Titanic. (AP)

23. A ratiometer that measured the speed of the Titanic. (GETTY)

24. Lamp from the first class cabin. (AP)

25. Lifting a section of the Titanic's hull weighing 17 tons. (RMS Titanic, Inc/AP)

Tour of the Titanic

The Titanic, the legendary ship that sank on April 15, 1912, was discovered in 1985 by Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel, after which, from 1987 to 2007, a specially created company “Rsm Titanic Inc.” sent seven more expeditions to the ocean liner.

Over the past 19 years, the hull of the Titanic has undergone serious destruction, the reason for which was not sea water at all, but souvenir hunters who are gradually stealing the remains of the liner. So, for example, the ship's bell or mast lighthouse disappeared from the ship. In addition to direct looting, damage to the ship is caused by time and the action of bacteria, leaving behind only rusty ruins.

You also have a chance to look at the ship in the form in which it opened 24 years ago to the eyes of Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel.

1) The search engine Argo begins its two-hour descent to the Titanic's hull in the North Atlantic Ocean.

2) Two four-story house-high piston engines (one of which is shown in the photo) set the Titanic propellers in motion.

3) The light of the bathyscaphe Mir 2 illuminates the left anchor on the bow of the sunken Titanic.

4) In the early morning hours of September 1, 1985, oceanographer Robert Ballard and photographer Emory Christoph discovered and photographed the remains of the Titanic. Krysztof and his team used an underwater search engine and a towed sled with a camera to take over 20,000 shots, including this image, which shows the right propeller of a sunken ocean liner.

5) The surviving pane of the cabin window of Captain Edward J. Smith on the Titanic, which lies at a depth of two and a half miles (four kilometers) in the North Atlantic Ocean.

6) Bathyscaphe Mir-1 illuminates the railing on the Titanic.

7) A ceramic cup and the wreckage from the Titanic lie at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland.

8) A fragment of a ship's hull on the ocean floor.

9) A hole in the right side of the ship's hull - the cause of which was probably the collision of the Titanic with an iceberg on April 14, 1912. From this blow, the ship split in two and sank, killing 1.5 thousand people.

The ship, which lived only 4 days, has not been able to reveal the secret of its death for more than a hundred years. What, at first glance, crazy ideas do not come to the mind of modern researchers, starting with an attack on a UFO ship and ending with the opening of temporal-spatial portals.

Let's start with the fact that many hypotheses come down to the same thing: the Titanic was simply doomed to its death. And this was indicated by several prerequisites at once:

1. First of all, the name of the ship is associated with the mighty titans who dared to go against the gods of Olympus. Moreover, one of the captain's assistants claimed that he was completely safe on the ship, since at that time it was the most unsinkable ship.

The sailors themselves are very superstitious, so many of them believed that it was a water spirit or the god of the seas and oceans who sank a giant ship to the bottom. There is an opinion that both the ship and the sea cannot be treated with disdain, otherwise one or the other will surely destroy you.

2. There were rumors that during the accelerated construction of the Titanic, one of the builders was immured alive in the body of the latter, but evidence of this case was not found.

3. Just before sailing, a fire broke out in one of the compartments of the ship. The decision was made to continue sailing. There were statements that the fire that broke out was extinguished shortly before the collision with the iceberg (the official and more popular version of the death of the ship).

4. The version that a secret anti-Christian code was embedded in the ship's serial number is considered completely unbelievable. This number consisted of the following numbers. If you read it on paper in a mirror image, you can clearly see the inscription "No Pope", which in English means "No to the Pope". Thus, the Titanic became a victim of divine retribution.

5. Some of the surviving passengers and crew claimed that a few days before departure or during the voyage, they dreamed that the ship sank, and they went after it. For this reason, many people abandoned the rather expensive trip at that time. However, among the lucky ones there were many very wealthy people who knew each other. This fact is alarming, and the idea of ​​​​a monstrous conspiracy among influential people appears by itself.

6. There is also an assumption that the ship fell into a time-space hole. The legendary physicist Albert Einstein also spoke about "wormholes". There were also some hypotheses that it was in the place of the sinking of the Titanic that some kind of Bermuda Triangle could have arisen.

So far, researchers who support such a theory believe in such a possibility for only two reasons: because of the appearance of a phantom SOS signal from the Titanic and because of unconfirmed cases of escaping passengers several decades later. One of these lucky ones was Winnie Coates, who was removed from the glacier in 1990.

The woman claimed that she had escaped from the Titanic that night and needed to help the rest of the people in distress. However, all the sources that tell this story are silent for some reason that Winnie Coates actually died in 1960. The biography of the woman can be read here.

7. The most interesting version of the death of the Titanic is based on the fact that the giant liner took on board a dangerous cargo. According to some reports, these were weapons and explosives, which could cause explosions that accelerated the sinking of the ship.

Some researchers believe that the Titanic was actually carrying jewelry and gold. George Morgan, being the head of the American banking house, canceled the trip at the last moment. In his memoirs, the latter described that Captain Edward Smith knew about the dangerous cargo, despite the fact that German pirates were roaming the ocean waters.

But the journalist Abraham Goltz agreed to go on a flight. The suspicious goods were disguised with weapons and ammunition. In all local newspapers immediately after the tragedy, it was written about this type of cargo. However, Goltz, unlike his colleagues, noticed in the letter of Captain Smith a slight mention that the cargo had a luster, "bringing mortal anguish."

As for the last point, some researchers do not agree with either weapons or precious metals. Some believe that the ship was carrying a uranium bomb created by the legendary physicist Nikola Tesla. Others are of the opinion that near the captain's bridge was the tomb of an Egyptian priestess-soothsayer. It was because of her charms that the captain decided not to slow down at a time when all the nearby ships were talking about the approach of glaciers.

Nikola Tesla

Whether it was the curse of Egypt or just a fiction - we are unlikely to know about it. Only one thing is strange: why the captain, who had just retired, agreed to go on a voyage on a ship with such a strange name. Yes, and still decided to die with him. Maybe it's just a tribute to tradition?

If we talk about "wormholes", then this hypothesis is not completely meaningless, for example, a captain's gun, which was created in 1928, was found at the bottom. A suitcase full of 1996 banknotes was also raised. In 1991, a man with a gray beard was raised in the waters of the Atlantic, calling himself Edward Smith. Also, a small child was rescued in a life buoy called the Titanic. However, how plausible these cases are is unknown.

Sometimes, versions are put forward that the ship was ripped open by an alien laser. It was the lights from the searchlights of the alien ship that were visible to the surviving passengers. However, apart from assumptions, we do not have any indirect facts about the reality of this case.

If the most popular version of the death of the Titanic is the meeting of the ship with a huge iceberg, then the second most common option is to consider the attack of the ship by an enemy torpedo. Those who support this outcome say that if the ship was carrying something of value, then the German ships could have attacked the Titanic for this very reason. By the way, with regard to the above lights, they could come from an enemy ship hiding in the darkness. Then it would be possible to explain the situation in which the nearby ships did not come to the aid of the dying people.

In 2002, after underwater research by the Americans, it was said about several holes in the Titanic's hull, very similar to torpedo tracks. However, if we recall the words of the famous traveler Jacques Yves Cousteau, then they did not contain a word about such damage. The French researcher, on the contrary, cast doubt on the version of the torpedo attack, pointing out the nature of the violations of the hull. Their edges were outside, not inside. Here you need to lean more towards the explosion that occurred from inside the ship.

There is one more point that should still be covered in this article. There is an opinion that before the very death, people saw not only prophetic dreams, but also the legendary Flying Dutchman, peacefully drifting near the Titanic. As the legend says, whoever sees this ghost ship will soon die in the water element too. Once again, we note that sailors are usually very superstitious, so many of them confirm that the Flying Dutchman for doomed ships is considered a kind of messenger of death, and that he can appear in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bsea routes.

The official version of the glacier is also fraught with many secrets and mysteries. During the entire voyage, experienced naval officers made so many fatal mistakes that such a combination of circumstances can be safely called fate. At first, the flight was not postponed due to a fire that started just before departure. This decision was made either because of the value of the cargo being transported, or because of the order of George Morgan, the head of the shipping company.

D. Morgan

Further, the ship was rushing at full speed, violating all safety rules, even in the area of ​​increased accumulation of glaciers. Perhaps the haste was due to the fire, which at any moment could cause a deafening explosion on the ship. Perhaps the collision was intentional to cover up the countless violations of the crew members.

Only recently, Charles Lightoller's granddaughter, Louise Patten, released her novel, Pure Gold. In it, for the first time, she reveals the details of the sinking of the Titanic. Historically, it is known that the first mate of the ill-fated vessel was William Murdoch, who had more than once avoided collisions with icebergs on other large passenger ships. It was he who took command that decisive night. Lightoller, being the captain's second mate, was in his cabin after duty at the moment when the collision with a block of ice occurred.

Charles Lightoller

The second officer learned the truth about what had happened from the captain and William Murdoch, when they went for weapons in order to begin to control the boarding of people in the boats. Unfortunately, it was the last officers who were blamed all these years for the death of the unsinkable liner and its 1,517 passengers. In fact, everything turned out to be quite the opposite: Murdoch, being a very experienced navigator, gave the order to turn left of the iceberg in order to avoid a head-on collision with it. However, the helmsman, Robert Hitchins, who received the command, being completely at a loss, turned the steering wheel to the right, not to the left.

Robert Hitchins - helmsman

In principle, Murdoch also made a mistake: he gave the order "to the tiller", which was used throughout the North Atlantic. In this case, the steering wheel turns in the opposite direction of the named direction. The helmsman did not work on sailing ships, but was learned on steam ships, therefore, out of habit, he followed the order “on the steering wheel”, in which the helm is turned in the direction that was announced by the captain.

W. Murdoch - the first assistant to the captain of the Titanic

It was no longer possible to correct the mistake, although Murdoch tried to do it. There were only 4 minutes left to complete the desired action. But this mistake was not the worst.

Bruce Ismay, managing director of White Star Line, did not want to spoil the reputation of the brainchild of his company (or indeed, there was some valuable cargo on board), and therefore ordered the captain not to stop the ship and continue moving without slowing down. If the crew refused to comply with such a disastrous order, then the ship could hold out until the rescuers arrived.

As a result, Murdoch died, cutting off the ropes of the last lifeboat: he was washed into the ocean after being hit by a huge wave. The first assistant was engaged in saving people together with Lightoller. By the way, it was Murdoch who saved 75% of all surviving passengers, as he put not only women and children, but also men into the boats. The second mate was able to escape and tell his relatives about the secret of the wreck of the liner.

However, the main reason for the death of so many people cannot be called only the lack of lifeboats. For example, the lookouts did not have binoculars, which prevented the latter from noticing the iceberg in time, approaching directly along the chosen course. The binoculars were on the ship, but they couldn't get them out of the locked box. The White Star Line company, in preparation for the flight, made a colossal perturbation of the entire crew. As a result, the officer who had the keys to the box remained on the shore.

Forward looking could only hope for their own eyes. However, it was useless to rely on them. According to researcher Tim Maltin, the Titanic could have died due to a mirage that arose in northern waters due to a very large difference in temperatures.

Australian explorer T. Maltin

All eyewitnesses of the incident note that half an hour before the collision, the air temperature dropped sharply by 10-15 degrees. Even William Murdoch noted this when he went on watch shortly before the tragedy began. At this time, the Labrador Current met with the warm Gulf Stream.

As a result of anomalous refraction, a thick haze formed on the horizon right in the direction of the ship, which hid the iceberg from the eyes of the sailors in the "crow's nest". There is an opinion that the iceberg turned out to be “black”, that is, turned upside down, as a result of which its dark lower part was on the surface of the water.

If this version is true, then nearby ships might not have noticed how the most gigantic liner in the world is sinking. In such difficult weather conditions, SOS signals were noticed. The ship's only hope was a walkie-talkie, but the Titanic's radio operator, Jack Phillips, ignored an important message about the approach of glaciers sent by the radio operator of the Californian. Jack pleaded busy, and as a result, the only chance to escape was lost.

D. Philips - radio operator

Whatever it was, but under any set of circumstances, it seems that the Titanic was actually doomed to certain death. Take, for example, the fact that passenger ships die with an enviable frequency of a hundred years. After the Titanic, the passenger liner Costa Concordia ran aground on the centenary, and this case is not easy to call a mere coincidence. One gets the impression that the water element requires more and more victims from humanity. Perhaps the Flying Dutchman, who wants to play with other people's destinies, is really guilty of this.

Despite this, the Austrian millionaire Clive Palmer is going to build an almost complete copy of the lost liner and call his creation "Titanic 2". The new ship will be launched by 2016 and will depart at the same time and on the same route as its predecessor.

The researchers are convinced that this idea will not end well. The billionaire has invested all his savings in the upcoming project. It is assumed that a new film about the death of the Titanic will be shot. But some scientists doubt the sincerity of Clive Palmer's intentions. You can find out about all the guesses and assumptions of the latter by watching the 3 series of the documentary "Titanic: Secrets of Eternal Life".

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