Home Useful properties of fruits A popular mushroom in China. The highlight of oriental cuisine is shiitake mushrooms. Is tree mushroom good for you?

A popular mushroom in China. The highlight of oriental cuisine is shiitake mushrooms. Is tree mushroom good for you?

Popular all over the world. They are not only tasty, but also medicinal. You can buy a bag or box with such mushrooms in our stores. Not only in specialized shops, but also in supermarkets.

Tree mushroom (muer) in Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine has been using dried mushroom for a long time muer("Wood" + "ear") for the treatment and maintenance of people's health. "Tree ears" auricular auricular (Auricularia auricula-judae) and hairy (Auricularia polytricha), contain a significant amount of protein, vitamins (C and group B) and trace elements. Iron, calcium and phosphorus in these mushrooms is twice as much as in meat. At the same time, tree ears are the food product that is devoid of fat. It has almost no calories.

Chinese medicine recommends that older people eat muer more often. These mushrooms are also useful for people suffering from anemia, arterial hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Medical articles provide compelling indicators for lowering cholesterol levels, improving cardiovascular health (high cardioprotective effect), and confirming the antineoplastic substances contained in “tree ears”. The increased acidity of the stomach is normalized, the irritated and inflamed mucous membrane calms down. These mushrooms act as a mild antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. The anticoagulant activity of fungi is compared to that of heparin. Specific recipes are given, among which advice may be useful in the autumn to treat upper respiratory tract infections with a decoction of mushrooms in milk. True, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those trying to conceive a child, should not abuse "tree ears".

Description of the mushroom

We are interested in two types of woody mushrooms: auricular auricular (Auricularia auricula-judae) and hairy auricularia (Auricularia polytricha). These mushrooms are also found on the territory of Russia, but are considered a little-known edible mushroom. Cap size Auricularia auricula-judae from 2 to 10 cm, its thickness is up to 0.5 cm. The hat has the shape of a shell, which resembles an ear. The underside is wrinkled. The pulp is translucent, gelatinous. The upper side is velvety. The mushroom has practically no smell. The color of the hat is influenced by age and habitat. Young "ears" are more purple in color, with age they turn brown, become light brown, retaining a purple hue. A wet mushroom is reddish brown in the light, with a barely noticeable purple tint. Ears grow in clusters, often dense. Solitary mushrooms are sometimes found. Auricularia auricularia settles on living and dry deciduous (less often coniferous) trees.

Hairy auricularia ( Auricularia polytricha), or "silver ear", has a pubescent upper surface of gray-brown color. These mushrooms are lighter in color, they are even grayish-white.

As they age, the fruiting bodies of woody fungi coarse and become gristly from the very base. Ears can be found in forests and parks, mostly on alder and elderberry. In China, not only wild mushrooms are harvested, but also specially grown. Muer is also cultivated on various wood substitutes, even on straw. Auricularia can be eaten raw (for example, in salads) and dried. Unscrupulous suppliers sometimes offer dried oyster mushrooms instead of these mushrooms. Moreover, they are dried and packed together with rigid legs.

Tree mushrooms are incredibly popular in China, Thailand and Vietnam. The Chinese (especially in Taiwan) call auricularia "muer", in South China (Guangzhou) - "van yee". Vietnamese - "mok nhi". In our country, woody mushrooms are known more in Primorye. Europeans do not collect them due to the lack of mushroom smell and taste. Considered exotic, which is easier to import from Asian countries.

How to cook wood mushrooms?

Dry tree mushrooms "Judah's ears" look like lumps of black charred paper. Dry "silver ears" are slightly smaller, with more gray in them. Otherwise, these two species are similar. Soak the mushrooms in water before cooking. Gourmets offer a complex scheme, with alternating soaking in cold and warm water, and then keeping the mushroom in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The Chinese (and I) make it easier. The mushroom is placed in a container and filled with cool water. There should be a lot of water, since the swollen "tree ear" will little resemble a small dry lump. Do not empty the entire package at once. It will be enough for several times. It is enough to take one or two lumps to see the result and appreciate the advantages of the mushroom. After soaking, the tree ears increase in volume by 6 - 8 times. The minimum soaking time is 2 hours. Better to soak overnight. After that, the mushroom can be stored in the refrigerator (up to two days) in any container of suitable size. The swollen "tree ear" is washed and the place of attachment of the fruiting body to the wood is cut off. Cut the mushroom into pieces suitable for cooking. Grinding is not worth it if it is not provided for by the recipe. Muer tastes nothing like mushroom. It looks more like seafood. The fruit body of the fungus is gelatinous, more precisely, gelatinous-cartilaginous. Moreover, the lower part is more similar in taste to cartilage, the upper (wavy) is much softer.

Our muer is sold not only in bags, but also in packages the size of a matchbox. There is a tree fungus, which was previously crushed to a state of black and gray flakes. After a full cycle of soaking, their volume will increase by almost 10 times.

These mushrooms are practically devoid of mushroom flavor, but crunchy pleasantly. They go well with a huge number of products, complementing their taste. Wood ears can be boiled, stewed, salted, and pickled. There is no specific time for their preparation, since these mushrooms can even be eaten raw. To "feel" the woody mushroom, mix it with fried onions, cooked chicken fillet, cut into pieces, add soy sauce or sour cream, a little ginger (don't shift!) And a few cloves of garlic. Put out everything for about 10 minutes. Salt, herbs and spices to taste.

In a cool dry place, the bag of dried tree mushrooms can be stored for a very long time. Soaked mushrooms are kept in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days in a closed bowl. If the edges of the "ear" begin to turn brown, fill the mushroom with water, rinse, and then cook.

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Enoki (enokitake)

Enoki, or winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes), are small mushrooms with long, thin legs with small caps. Pale yellow or white in color.

History and distribution

The history of the use of enoki mushrooms began about 300 years ago, when inconspicuous porcini mushrooms were found on trees in Japanese forests. They began to be eaten by adding them to soups. Ancient healers dried them and made medicinal infusions. Later, mushrooms were grown artificially on trees. Nowadays, with the invention of new technologies, these mushrooms are grown in plastic bottles in the dark.

Enoki are used in Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisines. In Thailand, enoki mushrooms are added to. In Russia they can be bought in a store, but they will be artificially grown white enoki.

Interesting Facts

Enoki mushroom ingredients are added to cosmetic relaxing oils that work against fatigue and stress.


Traditionally, enoki were added to soups and hot dishes. Later, the number of dishes expanded, and now enoki are added when making barbecue, baking various meat and fish dishes, in salads, rolls, and added to baked and fried vegetables. Cooking enoki is easier than any other mushroom. Their spongy base is cut off, then the mushrooms are washed under running water. After that, they can be eaten. Enoki are considered raw food, but heat treatment with warm water is still recommended for easier assimilation. Enoki are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Enoki do not cook for long, they taste like egg yolk. Enoki is added to salads or boiled as a side dish. In Japanese cuisine, they like to cook beef with enoki mushrooms. First, beef is cooked, and mushrooms are added at the very end, mushrooms and beef are stewed for 10 minutes. If you overcook the mushrooms, they will become tough. The peculiarity of these mushrooms is that they are combined with almost any food. They can be stewed, fried, boiled, added to cutlets. At the same time, they do not lose their taste and useful properties. Japan is famous for its light soups. Enoki soup is cooked for no more than 20 minutes. First boil vegetables, add spice sauce, at the end mushrooms and boil for another 5 minutes. In sushi, they are added as a filling, after preliminary heat treatment with hot or warm water.


Enoki contain the polysaccharide flammulin, which scientists prescribe to have anti-cancer properties. They improve digestion, prevent the development of cancer, and are considered a dietary food. Zero cholesterol, low carbohydrates and high proteins contribute to weight loss. Mushrooms are a source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure and is beneficial for hypertensive patients.


Calorie content of enoki

Calorie content of enoki - 30 kcal.

Kira Stoletova


Over time, the fruiting bodies destroy the tree or sawdust. The description of the representatives is different:

  1. The Black Chinese Mushroom has no prominent caps or legs; the fruiting body is wavy, thin, resembling scallops.
  2. Shiitake is similar in appearance to Champignons, only they have a different color.

A feature that unites all Chinese tree mushrooms is the release of special enzymes that can break down the tree and use this for the rapid growth of mycelium. This unpretentiousness to the substrate makes it possible to grow on an industrial scale.


  • Yellow Polypore;
  • Orange Polypore;
  • Coral woody;
  • Shiitake;
  • Black Muer.

Tinder fungus is common in temperate climates. In China, this mushroom is used for medicinal purposes. Such mushrooms grow on the bark of trees, the fruit body is flat and has the shape of an ear, there is no prominent leg. There are conditionally edible and inedible species. Do not eat Polypores growing on conifers, they are poisonous. Description of mushrooms:

  1. The coral species has more than one name: Ice, White, Royal, Snow, Gelatinous. The hymenophore is similar to white sea corals. They grow on a woody substrate.
  2. Shiitake, aka Japanese Forest Mushroom, grows on dead wood. Looks like Champignon, has a dark brown color with streaks on the cap. Grows alone. Possesses high taste.
  3. Muer is popular in China, Vietnam, Thailand. It grows on alder, has the shape of ears, the fruiting body is thin and black. Juveniles are pinkish in color and have transparent flesh. The species is also found in the Far East of Russia.

Dried fruits are more often supplied - they are easier to transport and store. In addition, they retain the entire range of vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties and composition

The composition of different species is different. But they all contain the following elements:

  • vitamin D;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • polysaccharides;
  • acids;
  • protein;
  • chitin;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

The calorie content of foods is low. Coral mushroom is considered a dietary product, it contains 70% fiber. In Shiitak, only 34 kcal per 100 g, in Tinder - 24 kcal. Any mushroom is indicated for weight loss, because dietary fiber cleanses the intestines, and chitin contributes to satiety. The pulp is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, which is beneficial for gaining muscle mass.

Dried wood mushrooms have the same vitamin composition. They should be soaked before use. Considering vitamins and minerals, fruits are useful for:

  1. The digestive and intestinal organs.
  2. Blood vessels.
  3. Works of the heart.
  4. Brain, improve concentration and memory.
  5. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Protecting the liver from toxins.
  7. Lowering cholesterol and sugar levels.

Scientists are proving the benefits of fungi with radiation exposure, for the prevention of tumors and the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The snowy look is beneficial for smokers due to its niacin content. Muer is a unique proteinaceous fruit that prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Shiitake is good for the respiratory system, in the Chinese teaching they are considered regulators of positive Qi energy.


Tree mushrooms are harmful:

  • children under 14 years old due to the content of chitin;
  • people with individual intolerance, including allergy sufferers;
  • patients with problems of the digestive system, which makes it impossible to digest and assimilate mushrooms.

Most of the species are produced in factories, so you should not be afraid of poisoning with such fruits. It is important to follow the instructions for use and storage. When collecting Polypores, take the same precautions as when collecting common forest species. Dried tree mushrooms are not worth buying from your hands.

Culinary and medical applications

The Chinese tradition has long used Muer, Shiitake, and Tinder for making soups, side dishes and other dishes. The coral variety is added to sauces, and also eaten fried: it has a pleasant crunchy structure and an unusual taste. The dried tree mushrooms are boiled, squeezed out and left in the canned peach syrup.

In medicine, lentian is obtained from Shiitake, which is the basis of commercial drugs in Japan. In Chinese traditional medicine, tinctures, ointments, dry powders and extracts from dried polypores are prepared. Muer tinctures are known for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

In cosmetology, white coral species are used to make skin creams:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • anti-wrinkle creams.

Now in European countries, special attention is paid to the cosmetic and medicinal properties of the product. There are also exotic ways to use these organisms. The Stradivarius violinist made unique musical instruments for himself from wood, which was depleted by tree mushrooms; therefore, the poet conducted sound better.

Asian cuisine surprises gourmets with a variety of extraordinary dishes. Mushrooms with the unusual name "muer" can be added to salads or prepared delicious snacks with a unique taste. Today we will discuss how to cook wood mushrooms and share some interesting recipes.

An exotic appetizer to your table

Muer mushrooms are commonly called arboreal mushrooms. They grow on tree trunks. In supermarkets, such a product is sold dried, so the question of how to cook wood mushrooms from a pack remains relevant for housewives.

On a note! Tree mushrooms are a unique source of protein, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They are fortified with iron and are considered to be very beneficial for human health.

As life practice shows, housewives prepare snacks from dried tree mushrooms, the taste of which is emphasized by spices and spices. To prepare such a fragrant and incredibly tasty salad, you will have to visit a Chinese shop, because in addition to the usual spices, you will also need exotic additives that are used by Asian chefs.


  • 4 things. garlic cloves;
  • 3 packs of dried wood mushrooms;
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower seed oil;
  • ½ tsp seasonings for Korean dishes;
  • ½ tsp ajinomoto;
  • ½ tsp ground red pepper.


On a note! The longer the woody mushrooms are pickled, the tastier the dish turns out.

How to cook Dried Chinese Wood Mushroom?

Most often, black tree mushrooms are found on store shelves. However, they are also white and yellow. All types are edible and can be used to make delicious savory snacks as well as salads. An interesting dish is made from porcini mushrooms. Before using them, you need to prepare them, since such mushrooms are sold in a pressed dried form.


  • 2 packs of white woody mushrooms;
  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • 5 pieces. garlic cloves;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp hot red pepper;
  • 60 ml refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 2 onions.


Original salad

Let's take a look at another option for how to cook a Chinese tree mushroom. In combination with light vegetables from woody mushrooms, delicious salads are obtained. To improve the taste, you will need a couple of unusual ingredients, such as oyster sauce and sesame seed oil.

On a note! The easiest way is to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms. The mushrooms are pre-soaked and then fried. Such a dish turns out to be not only tasty, but also very satisfying.


  • 100 g of dried wood mushrooms;
  • 2 pcs. fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 ½ tsp table salt;
  • 2 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • oyster sauce - 1 tsp;
  • sesame seed oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. As you already know, pre-dried mushrooms need to be soaked.
  2. In half an hour, the mushrooms will swell.
  3. We wash them with running water and cut them into small cubes.
  4. We put the mushrooms in a thick-walled dish, fill with filtered water and put on the stove.
  5. Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Put the boiled mushrooms in a colander and drain off the excess liquid.
  7. Let us cool them down.
  8. We wash the fresh cucumbers well, dry them.
  9. Cut into cubes or strips.
  10. Put in a salad bowl, salt to taste.
  11. We leave the cucumbers in this form for a quarter of an hour.
  12. Drain the released juice.
  13. Grind the garlic cloves.
  14. We combine these ingredients with mushrooms.
  15. Mix everything, pour with vinegar and oyster sauce.
  16. Add sesame seed oil.
  17. Mix again and leave for 10-15 minutes to infuse.

On a note! Remember to soak them in water before preparing meals with woody mushrooms. In principle, half an hour is enough, but some varieties take 2-3 hours to soften and swell.

Milk mushroom (the second name is Chinese) appeared many centuries ago in Tibet, and for a long time remained the main medicine among the local peoples. The recipe for its preparation was kept secret for a long time until a famous Polish professor brought it to Europe.

He suffered from stomach cancer and was only cured by using the milk mushroom. Today, many medicinal properties of this unique remedy are known, which are successfully used to treat many diseases. This fact was the main proof of its usefulness. Then all the suffering began to apply it. As a result, today we will talk in more detail about what the Chinese milk mushroom is useful for, we will list its useful properties.

The Chinese mushroom looks like a whitish protein body, similar to jelly. It grows from small, rice-like grains. Initially, they have a length of about 6mm, and just before the division - 50mm.

The overgrown mushroom looks like a large head of cauliflower. It cannot be considered a single whole organism, it is a whole set of various microorganisms, yeasts and lactic acid bacteria, which are closely related to each other.

Once in milk, these microorganisms ferment it, forming several types of fermentation - alcoholic and lactic acid. The resulting drink has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

It activates the work of digestion, improves the functioning of all its organs, restores the balance of beneficial microflora in the intestines. In addition, such kefir is a probiotic, it actively fights against decay processes and treats dysbiosis.

Healing properties of milk mushroom:

It activates the immune system and strengthens the body's defenses;

Milk fungus normalizes metabolism, thereby helping to get rid of excess weight;

The kefir obtained as a result of fermentation is able to cure various diseases of the digestive tract, including even ulcerative ailments of the stomach and duodenum. It restores the balance of microflora and heals ulcers and cracks;

Milk mushroom is an excellent antihistamine. It prevents allergic reactions from developing and helps to get rid of various types of allergies;

It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to destroy pathogenic bacteria and flora;

Kefir based on milk mushroom activates the functional activity of the gallbladder and liver, relieves spasms in the stomach and intestines, stabilizing the work of all components of the digestive tract;

The fungus is an excellent prevention of prostatitis and various inflammatory processes in the small pelvis. In addition, it enhances sexual activity;

Kefir based on milk mushroom stabilizes the work of the heart and improves the condition of blood vessels, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, it improves memory and attention.

To prepare kefir, you need to pour four teaspoons of the mushroom with half a liter of milk (room temperature). After a day, the fermented milk will sink to the bottom, and the mushroom will gather at the surface.

It should be rinsed with water from the rest of the milk and poured over to prepare the next portion. Pour the finished drink into a glass jar. You should not cook kefir in reserve, limit yourself to a daily portion.

Treatment with milk kefir involves the consumption of this drink in a glass up to four times a day. The first meal is taken on an empty stomach, the second and third — between meals, and the last — on an empty stomach one hour before bedtime.

The recommended course of treatment is 20 days. After that, you need to take a ten-day break and repeat the reception from the beginning. The total duration of treatment is one year. For all this time, you should give up alcohol, various medicines and herbal infusions.

During a break, it is worth rinsing the mushroom from time to time, preparing kefir and using it to prepare various dishes - cold soups, cottage cheese, cheese, dough.

Milk mushroom kefir is an excellent treatment for cuts, wounds, ulcers, acne and boils. It only needs to be smeared on the affected skin twice a day, or used for compresses.

Starting to take such kefir, you can note increased intestinal peristalsis and strong gas formation. In addition, the urine turns dark, and the number of bowel movements may also increase. Do not worry, these symptoms disappear within two weeks, bringing in return lightness, freshness and a surge of energy.

In order to lose weight - drink four glasses of kefir every day, spreading them over the whole day. Reception is best done one hour after eating.

Fasting days with the use of only this product have an excellent effect. Kefir based on milk mushroom breaks down fats to simple compounds, which, in turn, are processed by the body and excreted.

In order to cope with hypertension, drink kefir three times a day, on an empty stomach. After taking it, you should not eat anything for at least half an hour. Such use helps to eliminate cholesterol, resorb plaques and prevents blood clots from forming.

Today, mushroom and kefir based on it are used in traditional medicine recipes in many countries, both for treatment and for the prevention of various diseases. At the same time, kefir is not only healthy, but also a very tasty product that everyone can cook on their own.

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