Home Useful properties of fruits During the stretching exercise, the stomach rises up. A set of exercises for stretching muscles: a hitch after a workout. Simple exercises for flexibility and stretching of the body

During the stretching exercise, the stomach rises up. A set of exercises for stretching muscles: a hitch after a workout. Simple exercises for flexibility and stretching of the body

To keep your body young and beautiful for a long time, you need to constantly work on yourself by doing physical exercises.

We bring to your attention exercises for stretching all muscle groups. Each muscle stretching exercise is designed for a specific area of ​​your body.

A set of stretching exercises will help you learn how to stretch properly. If you perform stretching exercises systematically, within a month you will feel the result.

What are the benefits of stretching exercises?

Firstly, muscle stretching exercises will help keep your muscles in good shape, which means you won’t have to worry about the occurrence of many diseases, such as a hernia, displaced discs, etc.

Secondly, your posture will always be beautiful. For women, this is especially important.

Thirdly, simple muscle stretching exercises can replace long workouts in the gym, because they do not require special conditions and a lot of time to complete.

Stretching the muscles helps maintain the flexibility and mobility of the joints, which means that you are not afraid of the load.

A set of exercises in pictures is the creation of the famous yoga expert Vika Timon, who decided to teach everyone how to stretch different muscle groups correctly.

Right now you will be able to see how to properly stretch the rectus abdominis, external oblique muscles, internal thigh muscles, stretch the buttocks, lower leg, foot, see how to train the muscles of the thighs and back, forearms, lateral, anterior and suboccipital muscles of the neck, etc. d.

In a word, carefully review the exercises for stretching all muscle groups and be sure to try stretching at home.

How to do stretching: exercises for stretching all muscles

1. Stretching the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles. 2. Stretching the inner thigh muscles.

25. We do a lateral stretch of the external oblique muscles. 26. Exercises for stretching the gluteal and external oblique muscles in the supine position.

Proper stretching is not only a pleasant activity (because it allows you to relax overworked muscles), but also very useful, especially after strength exercises. “Stretching helps the muscles become more elastic, gives them an even tone,” explains Olga Sargaeva, teacher of stretching Yara Dance Studio. - And for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, stretching makes it possible to remove stress clamps in the body, fill the muscles with oxygen and nutrients for their full functioning. Plus, stretching reduces the time interval for muscle recovery.”

Performing stretching exercises, we improve the appearance of the muscles. “The muscles seem to shorten from the load (especially strength), and stretching allows you to lengthen them, make them visually smoother, get rid of excess volume,” says Natalia Polyanskaya, personal trainer, teacher at the YogaMind studio school and author of the set of exercises that we will show today. “Compare, for example, what the muscles of a bodybuilder who rarely bothers with stretching look like and an aerial gymnast who pays a lot of attention to stretching.”

Stretching is also useful for the skeletal system. “As a result of stretching, the joints become more mobile, which increases flexibility and reduces the risk of salt deposits,” says Irina Troska, fitness director of the World Gym club chain.

Our fitness experts recommend static stretching to end any workout, whether aerobic or strength training. “Only during such stretching, the muscles can relax as much as possible, and you can calm your breathing and return to the normal mode of the cardiovascular system,” says Olga Sargaeva.

“In addition, such exercises have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce post-workout stress, and with it appetite,” says Irina Troska.

How to choose stretching exercises? In general, nothing complicated: those that are aimed at relaxing the muscle groups that are most loaded in the lesson are suitable. “This rule is easy to follow if, say, we are talking about a power lesson. If it was a functional training, you need to work out the largest muscle groups - back, legs and hips, pectorals, - says Natalya Polyanskaya. “After most group lessons, it makes sense to stretch the muscles of the back and lower body.”

How to build an activity

* Finish each of your workouts with a set of movements for a specific body part. Or do everything at once if, for example, you had a functional lesson or a cross-fit lesson.

* Do the exercises at a leisurely pace, breathe evenly and deeply. “Never hold your breath,” says Irina Troska.

* Focus on the sensations in your body. “Hold the positions until even slight tension in the muscle disappears. If this does not happen, then you have stretched the muscles too much and it is worth weakening the effort, ”advises Irina Troska.

* Perform exercises sequentially in one approach. Or two, if you really like some movements.

To complete the exercises, you only need mat.

Stretching: exercises for the muscles of the hands


From the same starting position as in the previous exercise, extend your right arm forward parallel to the floor. Bend it at the elbow and raise the palm to the level of the face. Move the right elbow slightly to the left and wrap the right arm around the left, placing the left palm on the wrist of the right. Feel the stretch in the top of your right arm. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then do the exercise on the other side.

carpal lock

Stand up, put your feet wider than your shoulders, keep your back straight. Take your hands behind your back, connect the fingers of both hands into the lock and “turn” it away from you (palms are directed away from the body). Then bend your body down, stretching your arms up. Hold the position for 40-50 seconds and slowly return to the starting point.

Stretching: back exercises

Lean forward

Get down on your knees, sit on your heels, straighten your back. Wrap your arms around your shoulders and gently stretch your upper back to the sides with your palms. Hold this position for 40-120 seconds and return to original.

Lateral tilt from a seated position

Stand in front of a high-backed chair with your feet shoulder-width apart (turn your toes slightly inward). Grasp the back of the chair with your hands and lean forward with your body. Gently stretch your back in one straight line (do not hang your head down - the neck should be straight). Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Stretching: exercises for the muscles of the legs and hips

Forward bend with legs apart

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs and spread them wide apart. Pull your toes towards you. Then bend your body forward and rest your palms on the floor (or, if stretching allows, your elbows). Feel the stretch in your thigh muscles. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. If desired, repeat after a minute pause.

Leg raise from prone position

Stretching at home for twine is an integral part of the workout, thanks to which you will quickly achieve the desired result and at the same time maintain your health. In addition, such exercises will improve the condition of the genitourinary system, spine and intestines.

Twine is also a good preparation for expectant mothers (including those who are just planning a pregnancy).

Psychological preparation

Everyone wants to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: after how long will I sit on the twine?

It depends on several factors:

  • age;
  • gender (girls are genetically more flexible than boys);
  • genetics;
  • muscle coordination;
  • warm-up intensity;
  • initial flexibility;
  • proper stretching exercises.

Another important factor is the mood with which you train. To achieve a similar result in the human body, the structure of muscles, ligaments and joints must change. The duration of this process depends on your age and degree of preparation. For example, children will sit on the twine much faster than adults, since their body is not fully formed.

Advice! The most important thing to achieve the goal is not to try to achieve the desired result in a day or two. Before each workout, tune in to the fact that today you will do all the exercises a little better than yesterday. As a result, you are guaranteed to sit on the twine.

To be successful, be sure to keep a training diary. According to research, this psychological moment, which has nothing to do with physiology, really works. In addition, thanks to the records, you will be able to see your progress, which, in turn, will help you not to give up at a decisive moment.

Physical training

In order not to harm yourself when doing exercises, you need to warm up the body and muscles. One of the best ways to do this is a joint warm-up mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. The fact is that such training improves muscle coordination. At first, the effect is so imperceptible, but as a result it will bring great benefits.

Consider an example. During push-ups from the floor, triceps are involved. However, as you perform, you can feel how the biceps tighten. Such involvement of other muscles just indicates poor muscle coordination. The same thing happens during stretching - often just such “assistants” interfere with the splits.

To perform articular warm-up in all large joints, you need to perform circular movements in the maximum possible amplitude. Movements are made 15-20 times in each direction.

Advice! To achieve the maximum effect, you need to perform an articular warm-up from top to bottom: first the cervical spine, then the wrist joints, elbow joints, shoulder girdle, lumbar, body, ankle, pelvis and knees.

Muscles can also be warmed up by running on a treadmill, cycling and jumping (with or without a rope). However, these exercises will not improve the muscular coordination required for splits. Therefore, it is best to prepare for exercises with the help of a joint warm-up.

What does it look like in practice? At the moment of maximum tension during stretching, take a deep breath and hold your breath a little. As a result, you will feel how the muscles give in and relax. When performing exercises, you must strictly adhere to the written instructions. Follow the golden rule of stretching at home: pull where it hurts until it stops.

To achieve the desired result, you need to take at least 30 seconds for each exercise. In this regard, the rule applies: the more - the better. However, each person has a psychological barrier, because of which it is difficult for him to remain in one position (even in the absence of pain). To achieve the desired result, you need to fight it.

Advice! To get the maximum effect, you need to train in the morning. One hour of morning stretching is equivalent to three hours in the evening.

Stretching exercises should be as varied as possible. Often, beginners cannot do the splits because of a couple of unstretched muscles, while their overall flexibility is above average. Even stretching will help you achieve the desired result faster. If you stretched one muscle group well, it will definitely help with other exercises.

We sit on the twine

There are several types of twine:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • sagging;
  • vertical;
  • on hands.

For each of them you need to perform certain exercises.

Advice!The best way to achieve the desired result and improve health is to move from simple to complex. In other words, you must first master the longitudinal twine, and then proceed to the study of the transverse, sagging, vertical and on the hands. When jumping from the first step to the third, you can damage the muscles or get injured.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

Since the longitudinal split uses the same muscles that work when walking, it is easiest to sit on it. To do this, perform the following exercises:

Lunge with one foot forward and bend it at the knee so that the foot is perpendicular to the floor. Rest on the floor with your palms on both sides, keep your head straight, look forward and spring for one minute. To do this, use the palms and muscles of the perineum.

While in the pose described above, align the body, arch your back, raise your arms and stretch as high as possible. This exercise stretches the legs and strengthens the muscles of the perineum. Breathing should be even and the face relaxed.

Lower the leg left behind to the knee, while the other should be perpendicular to the floor. Rest your palms (or fists, as you prefer) on the lower back and bend back. When performing this exercise, the head can be thrown back or kept straight.

Return to the original position (exercise number 1). Place your palms on either side of your bent knees with your toes facing each other. Stretch your chest towards the floor. When performing this exercise, the upper body should be parallel to the floor.

Take the same position as in the previous exercise, only stretch your chest and chin to the floor.

Return to the original pose. Gradually bring the knee of the "back" leg to the floor.

Advice! As you perform each exercise, watch your breathing and technique. Each time you will get better and better, and in the end you will sit on the twine.

We sit on the transverse twine

To master the transverse twine, do the following exercises:

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and rest your hands on your lower back. Slowly bend back trying to see your heels. If you put your hands on your stomach when performing, the abdominal muscles will be additionally worked out.

  • Straighten up, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and restore your breath. Then lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. Hands should be outstretched (for convenience, they can be closed into a lock). Look ahead.
  • Spread your legs so that your head and elbows fit between them. Next, bend down and rest your palms on the floor. When performing the exercise, you can not strain your back or neck. It is also forbidden to bend your knees. Slowly rock back and forth.
  • Perform the previous exercise, but with support on the forearms.
  • Stretch your arms up, turn your toes out and spread your legs wide.
  • Do a deep squat. In this case, the back should be relaxed and straight, and the knees should be widely spaced to the sides. Start with 8 sets and increase over time.
  • Take the same pose as in the previous exercise. While squatting, hold for 30 seconds and then rise. Please note: beginners are not immediately given this exercise.
  • Perform side lunges. When the exercise is easy, grab your ankles and reach for the floor. Start with 8 sets and increase every 2 weeks.

  • Place your feet as wide as possible and lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. In this case, you can lean on your elbows. Watch your breath: on the inlet, the muscles should tighten, and on the exhale, relax.
  • Do the same as in the previous exercise. Slowly lower your perineum and abdomen to the floor. Once you have succeeded, gradually straighten your pelvis, place your feet on your heels and straighten your back.

Advice! Do not underestimate preparatory exercises - they also have great benefits for the body. You can start mastering the following types of twine only after you have learned how to sit perfectly on the longitudinal and transverse.


Proper nutrition will also help speed up the achievement of the goal and strengthen the stretched muscles. In this regard, one of the best means is fish oil. It is also recommended to add fatty amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 to the diet. Eat flaxseed oil, nuts, and eggs regularly.

Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance in the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Add juicy fruits to your diet. To achieve the desired result faster, stop using salt. It can be replaced with seaweed, lemon juice, herbs and natural seasonings.

  • carrot;
  • nuts;
  • spinach;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruit;
  • berries (blueberries, blackberries, cherries and raspberries).

Advice! To prevent inflammatory processes in the joints, add vitamin complexes or foods high in calcium to your diet. At the same time, the recovery of the body should be uniform, so you need to eat protein foods throughout the day.


Proper stretching at home will help you sit on the twine. To do this, follow the basic rules:

  • breathe correctly;
  • perform the exercises technically correctly and smoothly;
  • stretching each muscle group should last at least 30 seconds;
  • diversified stretch;
  • exercise in the morning.

Proper nutrition is also an important factor. It is necessary to exclude salt from the diet and add calcium-containing foods, berries, citrus fruits, carrots, nuts and spinach to it.

Before you start training, you need to prepare your body well. To do this, use all the same articular gymnastics mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. As a result, you will improve muscle coordination, without which it is impossible to sit on the splits.

Advice! Even with technically competent exercise, it is impossible to achieve the desired result if you are not psychologically prepared for training. The best way to fix this is to keep a diary in which you write down your daily progress and achievements. As a result, you will be able to monitor your progress.

And most importantly, don't compare yourself to others. The time after which you sit on the twine depends on many conditions: initial physical fitness, age, gender, and so on. It will be better if you compare yourself with yesterday's self. Such measures will help to focus on the results achieved, and not on what has not yet been achieved.

Also, do not forget about good sleep, which is the basis of rapid muscle recovery. Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance - every day you need to drink at least two liters of water.

Stretching is a training technique that allows you to make the muscles more elastic and the body more flexible. The literal translation of the word "stretching" is stretching.

But the technique got its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, in order to improve the body and make it more flexible.Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. If you believe the statistics, people who, after the age of 35, began to engage in fitness and stretching, by the age of 70 look better and have a higher level of flexibility than "passive" individuals.


There are several types of stretch– static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle facilitation (PPMF).

Static stretch- this is the usual stretching of the muscle with holding the torso for some time in a stretched position.

With ballistic stretch the muscle is stretched through short jerky movements.

PPMO- this is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case, the partner helps to achieve a greater stretch - by means of soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of exercises for stretching the legs

The stretching program provides three types of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs:

  • exercises for stretching the quadriceps (front muscles of the thighs),
  • for stretching the hamstrings (back muscles of the thighs),
  • exercises for stretching the calf muscles.

The legs have, in addition to the front and rear muscles of the thighs and calves, many more muscles, but it does not make sense to stretch them additionally - since they are all involved in the above exercises.

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee, and, clasping the foot with your hand, pull it behind your back, stretching the front thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Stretching the hamstrings

Lie on your back, bend your knees. With the help of your hands, pull your legs towards you, without lifting your back from the floor.

Stretching the calf muscles

Stand a step away from the wall. Take a step forward with one foot, resting its toe on the wall. Pressing your whole body against the wall, do not tear off the heel of the “working” leg. Every day, gradually increase the width of the step.

Back stretching exercises

The back is the muscles of the lower back and the latissimus dorsi, plus many small muscles connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the main muscles of the back, you are doing prevention for everyone else.

Stretching exercises for the long muscles of the back (lumbar muscles)

Get down on your knees. In this case, your pelvis should be placed on the heels or between them. Leaning forward, stretch your arms as much as possible. As soon as you feel that the palms have reached the maximum point, continue to lean - until you feel the peak of the stretch in the lower back.

Exercise for stretching the latissimus dorsi

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend over and grasp the door frame with your right hand. Place your left hand over it. Pull the torso back, stretching the right latissimus dorsi. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Shoulder stretching exercises

There are three exercises to fully stretch your shoulders. And it's better to do all three at once. Each exercise involves certain heads of the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles associated with the shoulder joints - the rhomboid and the muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm to the level of parallel with the floor. Grasp the elbow of the outstretched arm with the other hand, and pull it to the opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one arm up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from below. Then repeat the exercise, changing the position of the hands.

3. Rest the back of your hand on the lower back, with the other hand, grab your elbow or a little higher. Stretch your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Stretching the muscles of the hands

By doing stretching exercises for the biceps and triceps, you are doing prevention for the elbow joints, traction tendons, and carpal joints.

Triceps stretch

With your arm up, bend it over your head and grab her elbow with your other hand. Gently pull the “working hand down to the side. A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps Stretch

Grab the door frame. In this case, your thumb should “look” down, and your hand should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze is in the opposite direction from the "working" hand. Standing in this position, turn the shoulder section of the arm up - until you feel a stretch in the biceps. Repeat the same exercise for the other hand.

Breast stretch

Standing at the door jamb, rest your hands on it - so that the shoulder sections of the hands are parallel to the floor. Press into the joint, stretching the pectoral muscles as much as possible.

neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the cervical muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after a long mental labor, as well as for relaxing the nerves after exhausting athletic training.

Three simple exercises, performed after work or training, will help you maintain your vision, recover faster and protect your neck muscles from microtrauma.

In a standing position, tilt your head down until your chin touches your chest, then take the starting position and tilt your head back; 10 - 15 repetitions.

After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head to the left as much as possible, then slowly return to the starting position, and tilt your head to the maximum right; 8 - 10 repetitions in each direction.

After a short interval, gently turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above complex is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who just want to keep their muscles and joints in the right tone, such stretching is enough. But it is necessary to remember the conditions, non-observance of which can harm.

  • Before performing the "stretching" complex, it is necessary to perform a light fitness complex.
  • Either do one light set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or do a low-intensity athletic exercise before each exercise.

For example, before stretching the muscles of the legs, squat, and before stretching the biceps, shake the biceps with the lightest weight.

  • Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that stretching should be done either immediately after the end of the workout, or no earlier than a day after it.
  • If you perform stretching earlier than a day after the training, this will only increase the damage, and can lead to microtrauma and joint problems.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises, due to which you can make the body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, a simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension is not enough. We need more dynamic movements, performed by our own efforts, or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Rest your forearms on the door jamb so that the shoulder sections of the arms are in the same line.

Make several stretching movements, pushing your chest into the doorway.

Then ask a partner to put pressure on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch.

Perform 3 such holds.

Do a light set of push-ups before stretching.

Back stretching exercise

Sitting on your heels, lean forward as far as possible, placing your outstretched arms in front of you. At the bottom point, linger, and with a slight jerky movement, bend even more in the lower back. 8 - 10 repetitions.

Before this exercise, perform an approach of bending in a standing position, or hyperextensions.

When you get bored and it becomes quite simple exercise for stretching the long muscles of the back, complicate it. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with straightened legs.

Stretching exercise for hamstrings

Stand straight, feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your fingers. Make 6 - 8 measured slopes.

Then straighten up, inhale and exhale deeply, and proceed to the ballistic stretch of the hamstrings. Bend as low as possible due to jerky movements, touching the floor with your fingers, and linger in the lower position for as long as possible. 5 - 6 repetitions.

Do a squat set before stretching. If you have tight joints in your legs and lower back, do the stretching exercise for the back muscles of the legs from the first complex after squats.

If you have sufficient flexibility, and getting your fingers to the floor is not at all a problem for you, you better prefer another exercise - stretching the hamstrings against the wall.

Standing against the wall, lift your leg. Ask a partner to help you stretch your hamstrings as much as possible. 3 - 4 exercises for each leg.

Before such an exercise, in any case, you need a warm-up and preliminary stretching in a gentle mode.

Quadriceps stretch exercise

Standing straight, bend your right leg at the knee, grab her foot with your right hand. Pull the foot up to a full stretch in the anterior thigh muscle. Do 2-3 exercises for each leg.

Then do the same exercise, but in ballistic mode. Do 5 reps for each leg.

If you are doing this exercise after the previous one, no preliminary warm-up is needed.

If you are doing this as your first exercise for any reason, do an easy set of squats. Then do the quad stretch from the first set.

Stretching exercise for the calf muscles

Complete as many calf raises as you can while standing on a stand. Then rest for 1-2 minutes.

Perform the donkey exercise (rising on toes in an incline (torso parallel to the floor), standing on the bar), but do not do the maximum number of repetitions. Do 5 to 6 reps, then stretch your calves as much as possible, and linger at this point. Do 3 sets.

Exercise for the development of flexibility of the arms and shoulders

Place a chair with a back in front of you. The back of the chair should be facing you. The chair should be at such a distance from you that you can bend over and place your palms on it.

Bend over, rest your palms on the back of the chair, and continue to “press in”. Make 5 jerky movements without taking your hands off the back of the chair and without changing the position of the back.

At each workout, try to increase the delay time at the bottom point. When you can easily hold the maximum stretch for 10 seconds, change the complex a little. Remove the hamstring exercise and donkey, but include the metronome exercise. And do it after your quadriceps stretch.

Exercise "Metronome"

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right side, touching the leg of the same name with your hand. Make 8 measured movements, then wrap your hand around your leg at the lowest point that you can reach. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets for each side. published

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A set of exercises for stretching muscles


Stretching is a training technique that allows you to make the muscles more elastic and the body more flexible. The literal translation of the word "stretching" is stretching. But the technique got its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, in order to improve the body and make it more flexible. Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. If you believe the statistics, people who, after the age of 35, began to engage in fitness and stretching, by the age of 70 look better and have a higher level of flexibility than "passive" individuals.

There are several types of stretching - static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle facilitation (PPMF). Static stretching is the usual stretching of a muscle while holding the torso for some time in a stretched position. In ballistic stretching, the muscle is stretched through short jerky movements. PPMO is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case, the partner helps to achieve a greater stretch - by means of soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of exercises for stretching the legs

The stretching program provides three types of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs: exercises for stretching the quadriceps (front muscles of the thighs), for stretching the biceps of the thighs (back muscles of the thighs) and exercises for stretching the calf muscles. The legs have, in addition to the front and rear muscles of the thighs and calves, many more muscles, but it does not make sense to stretch them additionally - since they are all involved in the above exercises.

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee, and, clasping the foot with your hand, pull it behind your back, stretching the front thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Stretching the hamstrings

Lie on your back, bend your knees. With the help of your hands, pull your legs towards you, without lifting your back from the floor.

Stretching the calf muscles

Stand a step away from the wall. Take a step forward with one foot, resting its toe on the wall. Pressing your whole body against the wall, do not tear off the heel of the “working” leg. Every day, gradually increase the width of the step.

Back stretching exercises

The back is the muscles of the lower back and the latissimus dorsi, plus many small muscles connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the main muscles of the back, you are doing prevention for everyone else.

Stretching exercises for the long muscles of the back (lumbar muscles)

Get down on your knees. In this case, your pelvis should be placed on the heels or between them. Leaning forward, stretch your arms as much as possible. As soon as you feel that the palms have reached the maximum point, continue to lean - until you feel the peak of the stretch in the lower back.

Exercise for stretching the latissimus dorsi

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend over and grasp the door frame with your right hand. Place your left hand over it. Pull the torso back, stretching the right latissimus dorsi. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Shoulder stretching exercises

There are three exercises to fully stretch your shoulders. And it's better to do all three at once. Each exercise involves certain heads of the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles associated with the shoulder joints - the rhomboid and the muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm to the level of parallel with the floor. Grasp the elbow of the outstretched arm with the other hand, and pull it to the opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one arm up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from below. Then repeat the exercise, changing the position of the hands.

3. Rest the back of your hand on the lower back, with the other hand, grab your elbow or a little higher. Stretch your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Stretching the muscles of the hands

By doing stretching exercises for the biceps and triceps, you are doing prevention for the elbow joints, traction tendons, and carpal joints.

Triceps stretch

With your arm up, bend it over your head and grab her elbow with your other hand. Gently pull the “working hand down to the side. A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps Stretch

Grab the door frame. In this case, your thumb should “look” down, and your hand should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze is in the opposite direction from the "working" hand. Standing in this position, turn the shoulder section of the arm up - until you feel a stretch in the biceps. Repeat the same exercise for the other hand.

Breast stretch

Standing at the door jamb, rest your hands on it - so that the shoulder sections of the hands are parallel to the floor. Press into the joint, stretching the pectoral muscles as much as possible.

neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the cervical muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after a long mental labor, as well as for relaxing the nerves after exhausting athletic training. Three simple exercises, performed after work or training, will help you maintain your vision, recover faster and protect your neck muscles from microtrauma.

In a standing position, tilt your head down until your chin touches your chest, then take the starting position and tilt your head back; 10 - 15 repetitions. After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head to the left as much as possible, then slowly return to the starting position, and tilt your head to the maximum right; 8 - 10 repetitions in each direction. After a short interval, gently turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above complex is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who just want to keep their muscles and joints in the right tone, such stretching is enough. But it is necessary to remember the conditions, non-observance of which can harm. Before performing the "stretching" complex, it is necessary to perform a light fitness complex. Either do one light set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or do a low-intensity athletic exercise before each exercise. For example, before stretching the muscles of the legs, squat, and before stretching the biceps, shake the biceps with the lightest weight.

Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that stretching should be done either immediately after the end of the workout, or no earlier than a day after it. If you perform stretching earlier than a day after the training, this will only increase the damage, and can lead to microtrauma and joint problems.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises, due to which you can make the body more flexible. In order for the body to become more flexible, a simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension is not enough. We need more dynamic movements, performed by our own efforts, or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Rest your forearms on the door jamb so that the shoulder sections of the arms are in the same line. Make several stretching movements, pushing your chest into the doorway. Then ask a partner to put pressure on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch. Perform 3 such holds. Do a light set of push-ups before stretching.

Back stretching exercise

Sitting on your heels, lean forward as far as possible, placing your outstretched arms in front of you. At the bottom point, linger, and with a slight jerky movement, bend even more in the lower back. 8 - 10 repetitions. Before this exercise, perform an approach of bending in a standing position, or hyperextensions.

When you get bored and it becomes quite simple exercise for stretching the long muscles of the back, complicate it. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with straightened legs.

Stretching exercise for hamstrings

Stand straight, feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your fingers. Make 6 - 8 measured slopes. Then straighten up, inhale and exhale deeply, and proceed to the ballistic stretch of the hamstrings. Bend as low as possible due to jerky movements, touching the floor with your fingers, and linger in the lower position for as long as possible. 5 - 6 repetitions. Do a squat set before stretching. If you have tight joints in your legs and lower back, do the stretching exercise for the back muscles of the legs from the first complex after squats.

If you have sufficient flexibility, and getting your fingers to the floor is not at all a problem for you, you better prefer another exercise - stretching the hamstrings against the wall. Standing against the wall, lift your leg. Ask a partner to help you stretch your hamstrings as much as possible. 3 - 4 exercises for each leg. Before such an exercise, in any case, you need a warm-up and preliminary stretching in a gentle mode.

Quadriceps stretch exercise

Standing straight, bend your right leg at the knee, grab her foot with your right hand. Pull the foot up to a full stretch in the anterior thigh muscle. Do 2-3 exercises for each leg. Then do the same exercise, but in ballistic mode. Do 5 reps for each leg. If you are doing this exercise after the previous one, no preliminary warm-up is needed. If you are doing this as your first exercise for any reason, do an easy set of squats. Then do the quad stretch from the first set.

Stretching exercise for the calf muscles

Complete as many calf raises as you can while standing on a stand. Then rest for 1-2 minutes. Perform the donkey exercise (rising on toes in an incline (torso parallel to the floor), standing on the bar), but do not do the maximum number of repetitions. Do 5 to 6 reps, then stretch your calves as much as possible, and linger at this point. Do 3 sets.

Exercise for the development of flexibility of the arms and shoulders

Place a chair with a back in front of you. The back of the chair should be facing you. The chair should be at such a distance from you that you can bend over and place your palms on it. Bend over, rest your palms on the back of the chair, and continue to “press in”. Make 5 jerky movements without taking your hands off the back of the chair and without changing the position of the back.

At each workout, try to increase the delay time at the bottom point. When you can easily hold the maximum stretch for 10 seconds, change the complex a little. Remove the hamstring exercise and donkey, but include the metronome exercise. And do it after your quadriceps stretch.

Exercise "Metronome"

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right side, touching the leg of the same name with your hand. Make 8 measured movements, then wrap your hand around your leg at the lowest point that you can reach. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets for each side.

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