Home Useful properties of fruits Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition. For single player

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition. For single player

Based on games, books, anime and series of the universe of the same name


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Total characters - 151

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One of the ancient elf guardians guarding the Well of Sorrow in the Temple of Mythal.

Aveline Vallen

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One of Hawke's first partners in Dragon Age II. She fled Lothering with her husband, Sir Wesley, during the Fifth Blight. Ambushed by darkspawn and rescued by the Hawk family. Aveline is one of Hawke's companions.

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A Gray Warden who lives in the abandoned Soldier's Peak.

Avernus was a young mage when Sophia Dryden became Commander of the Fereldan Order of the Gray Wardens.

During King Arland's attack on Soldier's Peak, Commander Dryden, aware of Avernus' blood magic, demanded that he summon demons. Avernus complied, but was unable to keep the demons under control. The veil was torn.

Avernus retreated back to his laboratory, where he spent almost 200 years in forced confinement, not allowing the demons to leave the fortress, until the Guardian came to the abandoned fortress of the order.

Alistair Theirin

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Cheerful and good-natured Gray Warden, one of the protagonist's partners.

Illegitimate son of King Maric, was raised by Earl Eamon. Trained as a templar for some time, but was drafted into the Gray Wardens by Duncan. During the events of the Fifth Blight, he can become the king of Ferelden or stay with the Gray Wardens.


2 0 0

The last Inquisitor of the old Inquisition. Became an Inquisitor at the request of his friend Emperor Orlais Cordilius Drakkon. With the help of a spirit companion, he imprisoned Gakkon and himself in a time loop in an ancient temple.

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Staring into the sky, Avvar priest of the Mistress of Heaven. When the sky opened up in the Sanctuary, he realized that it was the Mistress of Heaven speaking. Now, in order to fulfill her will, he follows the wonderful lowlanders from the Inquisition.

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Renegade mage.

Anders is not a real name, but a nickname that is a reference to his family being from Anderfels. He escaped the Ferelden Circle of Magi seven times before being drafted into the ranks of the Gray Wardens.

In the Vigil's Tower, Anders met Justice and communicated with him for a long time. He survived the darkspawn attack on the Tower. He agreed to let Justice into his body, believing that together they could help the mages. However, Anders' hatred for the Circle of Magi twisted Justice into the demon Vengeance. The guards did not agree to harbor the possessed, which they believed Anders was, and the magician had to flee to Kirkwall.

At 9:37 Anders blew up the Church, which started the massacre in Kirkwall.


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Prophetess Andraste is the founder of the Church, the creator of the Song of Light, and the savior of all believers.

As the people of Andraste rebelled against the occupation of Tevinter, her visions became more vivid and touching, and her understanding of the Maker's will became less abstract and more active. She began to consider herself an intermediary between people and the Creator, announcing to people His truth and His requirements for their salvation.

Andraste's husband, Maferath conspired with Archon Hessarian and allowed the disguised Tevinter to enter Andraste's fortress in the city of Nevarra. The Prophetess was captured, taken to Tevinter and burned alive, the most painful and brutal punishment Tevinter was capable of.

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Elf mage, healer and former apprentice of Winn.

He needed time to get used to the Circle, but Wynn, believing that it was necessary to start learning, did not give him this time. When Aneirin tried to talk to her, she only told him to concentrate on his spells. He often talked about the Dalish and how he wanted to see them. One night, he left the tower, but the templars found the student missing and, taking the phylactery, left to look for him. Having caught Aneurin, they pierced him with a sword and, considering him dead, left him. Luckily, he was found by a Dalish clan who took him in and nursed him back to health.

Anora Theirin (nee Mac Tir)

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Only daughter of Loghain MacTeer, wife of King Cailan.

1 0 0

Ariana is an excellent warrior and the best hunter of her clan. Fights with two blades. When an ancient book of elven history that belonged to her clan is stolen, Keeper Solan sends her to find the book. She is determined to fulfill the order given by the keeper. While searching, she crosses paths with the Guardian, who is looking for the Morrigan. During the conversation, it turns out that it was Morrigan who stole the book, and Ariana joins the Guardian to find the witch together.

3 0 0

Kitshock became the Qunari Arishok in 9:25 Draconic.

The Arishok and his Qunari pursued Isabela, who had stolen the "Scripture of Koslun" - a sacred relic that Orlais was trying to return to the Qunari to improve diplomatic relations. The storm sank the ships of both sides off Kirkwall. So the Arishok ended up in Kirkwall, where he and his army were given a place to stay in the port while they supposedly waited for Qunari ships.

Died fighting the Defender of Kirkwall.

The Architect

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Garlock is an emissary of the darkspawn, one of those masters who invaded the Golden City. The Architect is the first known darkspawn to have a will of its own.

Archon Hessarian

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Hessarian the Unshackled is a mage and ruler of the Tevinter Empire during the Andraste Rebellion. By his order, the prophetess Andraste was publicly executed.

After the execution of Andraste, he believed in the Creator, and declared Andrastianism the only faith in the territory of Tevinter.


0 1 0

Elf smuggler, Hawke's first employer.


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One of the rulers of the Fereldan lands, divided among the aristocrats of the Empire of Orlais during the occupation of Ferelden. Blood Mage. By killing many young girls, she tried to regain her youth. In the end, the subjects turned their backs on the Baroness and burned her house. Before her death, the Orlesian cast a spell that transferred her soul and the souls of all people to the Fade, a nightmarish version of the Black Swamps.

Bartrand Tethras

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A ground dwarf of House Tethras, Varric's older brother.

Organized an expedition to the Deep Roads. Fell under the influence of a lyrium idol and abandoned Hawke and Varric in the Primordial Taig.


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A werewolf that the Guardian first encounters in West Brecilian. He is the head of the werewolves living in the Brecilian Forest.

Bhelen Aeducan

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Member of the Dwarven Council and third child of King Endryn Aedukan. Belen is playing a political game and rigged the murder of Trian and the betrayal of the Guardian in order to become the first contender for the throne of Orzammar after his father.

If Belen becomes king, he initiates reforms and works to strengthen Orzammar's connection to the land world. It also gives new rights to the untouchables and privileges for military service in battles against the creatures of darkness. This policy helps Orzammar capture the lost part of the Deep Roads, but draws the ire of the warrior and noble castes. After several attempts on his life, Belen dissolves the Council and rules alone. Some will remember him as a tyrant, and others as a far-sighted ruler.

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Chapter of the Charter before the events of Dragon Age: Origins. Invested in the nobility hunter Rika. He was killed by the Guardian - a commoner dwarf.

Bethany Hawke

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Hawke's younger sister and Carver's twin. She is a renegade mage like her father, causing her family and her to live in fear of the templars. Her father taught her magic.

If Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies at the beginning of the game, but if he (a) is a warrior or a robber, then she accompanies her brother / sister throughout the first act.


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Guardian-Constable of the Orlesian city of Val Chevin and partner of the Inquisitor.

Blackwall is one of the few Gray Wardens who willingly and enthusiastically chose such a share. He believes wholeheartedly in the noble ideals of the Gray Wardens and would not trade this life for any other.

Bodahn Feddic

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Traveling Dwarf Trader. In Dragon Age: Origins, he travels with the Guardian along with his adopted son Sandal. In the second part, Bodan joins Bartrand's expedition to the Deep Roads as a merchant. After the expedition, Bodan, with Hawke's permission, moves to the Hawke estate with Sandal.

Bram Kenric

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Researcher and professor, originally from Starkhaven. Specializes in the history of the early Church, especially from the time of the signing of the Nevaaran Agreement. He transferred from Starkhaven to Orlais to be closer to the subject of his studies.

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Branca was the wife of Oghren, a member of the warrior House Kondrat. She became Perfect through the invention of smokeless coal. In 9:28 Dragon Age, two years before the start of the Fifth Blight, she and her entire household except for Oghren went on an expedition to the Deep Roads in search of the Anvil of the Void.

Ferdinand Genitivi

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One of the most famous ecclesiastical scholars, largely due to his published stories (many considered fiction by his contemporaries) of travels up and down Thedas. A significant part of the code in all games is written from his perspective.

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Elf servant of the Empress Selina.

On behalf of Selina, she organized the search for Sir Michel de Chevin. During the search, she learns that her parents were killed on the orders of Selina. After breaking up with Selina, Briala raised an underground elf army to harass both sides of the civil war.

Bianca Davri

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Inventor, member of the Dwarven Merchant Guild, and lover of Varric Tethras, after whom he named his crossbow.


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Elf hagren in the Denerim alienage. An old friend of Duncan's.

Varric Tethras

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Rogue dwarf and Hawke's partner. It is he who tells the story of Hawke during the interrogation that Cassandra arranges, trying to find out what started the war of magicians and templars and where Hawke, who became the Defender of Kirkwall, went.

Varric is the youngest son of the Tethras family, while his older brother Bartrand is the head of the house and runs the family business. His real business is the leadership of the "spy network", the main task of which is to provide information to the Tetras family, which is part of the Commerce Guild, and also to quietly solve the problems of the family.

After Hawk disappeared from Quircall, he was interrogated by Cassandra and joined the Inquisition.

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The successor to the guardian of the clan of the Dalish elves, a potential partner of the protagonist. She knows well how much the elves lost in the war with people, and considers it right that people with the invasion of the creatures of darkness lost no less.

Velanna has a short temper and is not afraid to say what she thinks, even if it might offend someone. She hates people, but will help them in pursuit of her goal.


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Senior sorcerer-knight of the Orlesian Circle of Mages. Potential partner of the Inquisitor.

Vivien was one of the main candidates for the post of First Enchanter in Montsimmar. But the conflict between the magicians and the templars and the civil war in Orlais prevented her from officially taking this position.

Vivien is called the "iron lady", and she fully justifies this nickname. This formidable woman, the head of the magicians and the official sorceress of the imperial court, achieved her position through cunning and skillful political play.

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Mage, Elder Enchanter of the Ferelden Circle of Magi and one of the Guardian's possible companions in Dragon Age: Origins. He plays a cameo role in the "Awakening" add-on, and is also one of the main characters in the book "Ghost Mask" by David Gaider.

Wynn was born with the natural gift of a Spiritual Healer.

Vaughan Kendells

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Son of Urien Kendels, Earl of Denerim.

After the death of Arl Urien Kendells, Loghain made his supporter Randon Howe Earl of Denerim. Vaughan was imprisoned.

Gereon Alexius

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A Tevinter magister and commander of the Venatori who occupied Redcliffe. Was the teacher of Dorian Pavus.

Hakkon Wintersbreath

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“Are you…spawn of darkness?”
- Are you human? I think no. I think you are a Gray Warden.

Bregan's conversation with the Architect

Duncan featured on the cover

Book "Call"(The Calling) is an indirect sequel to the book "The Stolen Throne"(The Stolen Throne). Both of these books were written David Geider(David Gaider) - screenwriter.

The Stolen Throne tells the story of the rise of King Maric and the liberation of Ferelden from the Orlesian invaders [read a brief note about it at the end of the article]. The Call continues Maric's story 11 years later.


The story begins with a visit by the Gray Wardens of Orlais to King Maric of Ferelden. Their commander, Genevieve, asks the king to assist in a campaign in the Deep Roads (Deep Roads), where her brother Bregan went, following the Call. Bregan knows the location of the Old Gods, and this information is very necessary for the darkspawn. The problem is that, according to Genevieve's feelings, her brother is still alive, and, therefore, is in captivity of the creatures of darkness. In order to prevent a new Blight, it is required to descend into the Deep Roads.

One of the Gray Wardens who turned to the king for help was the still very young Duncan, who was recently accepted into the order [for reference notes on the main characters, see below].

Genevieve came to Maric for help because 14 years ago he descended into the Deep Roads and successfully got out of there. Moreover, along the way, he visited Ortan teig (Ortan), where, according to Genevieve (it is not clear on what basis), Bregan should be sought. Of those who visited the Deep Roads last time, only Maric and Loghain survived. Rowan died a few years after Cailan was born, slowly fading away from an unknown illness. Perhaps it was darkspawn taint.

Of course, Maric decides to go with the Gray Wardens, despite the fact that he is the king of Ferelden and can easily die in this campaign. Maric is driven to this not only by his disgusting life, but also by the words of the Witch of the Wilds (presumably Flemeth), who many years ago predicted to him that Blight would come to Ferelden, but by that time Maric would no longer be alive.

The narrative shifts to the Deep Roads. Bregan wakes up in a darkspawn lair. Surprisingly, he was not killed, but ended up in some kind of prison. After some time, the Architect (Architect) comes to him - a reasonable creature of darkness, which has its own will. There is an interesting conversation going on between Bregan and the Architect...

It turns out that the Gray Wardens descend into the Deep Roads when they can no longer fight the corruption of the darkspawn. After undergoing the rite of initiation (Joining), they infect their bodies with this corruption, and it gradually corrodes them over the course of life. After some time, they themselves begin to turn into darkspawn, which causes them to descend into the Deep Roads in search of death. Along with the corruption, the Gray Wardens begin to hear the Call of the Old Gods, which becomes stronger over time. It is this Call that beckons the Guardians into the Deep Roads. It is this Call that causes the darkspawn to dig tunnels in search of the Old Gods in order to free them and start a new Blight.

Bregan does not accept his fate and tries to escape. But it is almost impossible to leave the nest of the creatures of darkness, and soon Bregan finds himself in the cell again, having received new wounds and lost consciousness.

Maric arrives at Kinloch Hold accompanied by the Gray Wardens. They turn to the Circle of Mages for help. Those supply them with special brooches, which should hide their presence from the creatures of darkness. Maric is also given a two-week supply of potions that protect against infection with corruption, because he is not a Gray Warden. Meanwhile, Duncan's desire for exploration and theft awakens again, which leads him to the chambers of the first enchanter Remille. There Duncan finds some strange dagger. Naturally, he takes it with him.

Before descending into the Deep Roads, the Gray Wardens stop for a halt. An argument breaks out between Maric and the others. They don't understand his motivation. Especially Fiona, the elf mage. Maric is in doubt for some time whether to go underground with them or not. However, he decides to move on.

Descending into the Deep Roads, Genevieve gives a secret order to Duncan - he must survive at all costs and must keep an eye on Maric. Depending on the situation, the king must either get out safely or stay in the Deep Roads forever. For example, if he learns something that he should not know.

The narrative returns to Bregan again. After resting in prison and coming to his senses, he discovers that, instead of dying, he is gradually turning into a creature of darkness. His body began to regenerate much faster than before. It is this property of the creatures of darkness that explains the lack of healing magic in them.

After a while, the Architect reappears. It turns out that he is not the head of the creatures of darkness. He's just "not like everyone else." He can resist the Call and has a will of his own. However, he also does not have special power over other creatures of darkness.

The architect is also not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he wants to interrupt the cycle of Pestilence and free the creatures of darkness from the Call. To do this, he proposes to lead all people through the rite of initiation into the Gray Wardens.

This time, Bregan is calmer and the Architect takes him on a tour. The creatures of darkness no longer pay attention to Bregan, mistaking him for their own. At the same time, they shun the architect.
The architect shows Bregan a huge hall in which hordes of creatures of darkness are swarming. He offers the Gray Guardian his solution to the problem - to bring people and the creatures of darkness to a common denominator, having received something in between. Sounds terrible, but from a darkspawn point of view, it's normal. Bregan is hesitant at first, but then comes to the conclusion that the main task of the Gray Wardens is to prevent the Blight at all costs. As a result, he agrees to become an ally of the Architect.

The Gray Wardens roam the Deep Roads. For a while, they manage to avoid the creatures of darkness, but still run into a fight. In an attempt to break away from the weather, they fall into some strange cave, which turns out to be the lair of a high dragon.

After a fierce battle with a huge beast, Duncan inflicts decisive damage on it, but almost dies himself. Julien at the last moment pulls him out of the way of the dragon, dying himself in the monster's mouth. Nicola and Uta take up arms against the desperate Gray Warden, accusing him of recklessness and the death of a comrade. Duncan is offended and runs away wherever his eyes look.

Maric and Fiona go looking for Duncan. They find him on the shore of a mysterious lake and bring him back.

After discussions, a decision is made to move on. Julien's body is buried in the lake.

The Architect and Uta in the Awakening DLC

The story returns to Bregan again. The former Gray Warden is increasingly turning into a darkspawn. He begins to see in the dark, but ceases to feel the presence of other creatures. He also stops eating - darkspawn are supported by taint, so they don't need to eat. Also, in a mysterious way, through corruption, they communicate with each other.

The architect lays out the details of his plan to Bregan. He proposes to release the corruption to the surface, infecting all people. Many will die, but those who survive will become immune and turn into ghouls. The second part of the plan is to find and kill the remaining Old Gods.
Meanwhile, the Gray Wardens, after their wanderings, return to their original route.

The Gray Wardens are finally coming to Ortan thaig. At a halt before this, Genevieve is separated from the group for privacy, but Duncan follows her and finds that the commander is removing her armor, under which the body is gradually covered with corruption. Duncan shares terrible news with Fiona.

Wandering around the teigu, Geneviève leads a detachment on Bregan's trail, not listening to her protesting comrades-in-arms. The Gray Wardens arrive at a dwarven palace littered with skeletons. The king's skeleton sits on the throne. This place turns out to be a trap - a demon was sleeping in the dead king, which killed all the dwarves. The demon takes over Fiona's mind, turning her into an abomination and putting her companions to sleep.

The Gray Wardens and Maric fell asleep after falling into the Fade. Maric finds himself in his castle, where he lives in clover with Katriel (see description of the book "The Stolen Throne"). However, he quickly sees that all this is an illusion, after which the obsession disappears. However, Katriel helps Maric find companions. Maric takes turns finding Duncan, Kell, Uta, and Nicola. He manages to free everyone except Nicolas, who, it turns out, was not just a friend, but also Julien's lover. Nicola remains in the Shadow.

Maric frees the minds of Genevieve and Fiona, after which the whole company wakes up safe and sound except for Nicolas - he died, remaining in the Shadow forever.

The Gray Wardens continue their journey through the Deep Roads. It turns out that the corruption also affected the bodies of Uta and Kell, and not just Genevieve.

Maric again shows his weakness for the elves and has sex with Fiona. Apparently, deciding not to waste time until the damage got to them.

Events are finally reaching the finish line. Genevieve, being on guard, goes deeper into the tunnels alone and stumbles upon Bregan, who came out to meet her. He persuades her to go with him. Genevieve agrees despite her brother's terrifying appearance.

The Gray Wardens wake up and follow Genevieve, only to be met by a horde of darkspawn. A truly epic battle unfolds and, it would seem, death is inevitable, because the streams of creatures do not dry out ... but then everything is interrupted in a blinding white flash.

Of course, the Architect intervened. The Gray Wardens wake up in his captivity. They are visited by the Architect, accompanied by Bregan and Genevieve, who, like her brother, finally “passed over to the dark side” and turned into a creature of darkness. The king and his companions are offered a poor choice - join the enemy or rot in a dungeon. Uta agrees and the Architect immediately completes her transformation at an accelerated pace. Apparently, he also achieved some success in his research.

The rest refuse to follow the darkspawn. When the prisoners are left alone again, Duncan manages to get rid of the shackles and free the others.

Maric, Fiona and Duncan manage to escape by surfacing at the foot of the Frostback Mountains. Kell and his faithful dog sacrifice themselves, distracting the darkspawn and giving the others a chance to escape. But the survivors do not enjoy their freedom for long. On the surface, they are quickly captured by magicians led by ... the first sorcerer Remille. It turns out that corrupt magicians conspired with the Architect and acted on his side.

The captives are brought to the island in the Circle of Magi. The architect and his new "team" arrived there even earlier. This efficiency is very easy to explain. It turns out that the magical brooches given to the Gray Wardens before leaving for the Deep Roads did hide them from the darkspawn, but not from the Architect, who always knew where they were. In addition, these brooches accelerated the transformation of the Gray Wardens into darkspawn…

Maric and the captive guards are brought to the central hall of the tower. During the conversation, we are talking about the plans of the Architect. Genevieve realizes that she does not agree with him and made a mistake by going over to his side. She tries to rebel, but the Architect kills her. He is about to destroy Bregan as well, but then Remille joins the fight. Taking advantage of the moment, Maric and company are freed from the fetters. Meanwhile, three boats with royal flags are moored to the island.

Maric, Duncan, and Fiona engage in a fight that results in the death of the first enchanter, Remille. The decisive role in this battle is played by the black dagger, which Duncan stole from the same Remille from the chambers during his last visit to the Circle of Magicians. The Architect and Uta escape, while Bregan surrenders to Loghain's soldiers and is killed on the spot.

Maric returns to Denerim. Fiona and Duncan travel to the Weisshaupt Fortress in Anderfels, the headquarters of the Gray Wardens, to explain the events of the Architect incident.

A few months later, they visit Maric in his palace. Fiona spent this time productively - she was cured of damage in an unknown way, and also ... gave birth to a son. She asks Maric to raise him among the people, but not at court. Duncan promises to look after him.

The doors opened and Duncan walked slowly back in. However, this time he was carrying a small bundle wrapped in cloth. As he approached, Maric realized that Duncan was not carrying a bundle. It was a baby.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Duncan said with a smirk. "You have a boy." He carefully handed the baby to Maric, who received it numbly. He stared at the tiny child, frozen in shock. The baby had a blond tuft of hair and rosy cheeks, he slept soundly. However, he was definitely his. The boy even looked somewhat like Kaylan. Maric also discovered that the boy's ears were round.
"He's a man," he exclaimed loudly. Perhaps he could have said something more appropriate, but at that moment he could only think about it.

Fiona nodded. “That's why, for the most part, we stay in alienages. The children of humans and elves are always humans. If we mix, we will become extinct.”

"I did not think about that". He shook his head, still in a daze.

She reached out to him for the baby, and he let him take it. The boy stirred a little, frowning in his sleep and rubbing his little face with his hands. She smiled sadly at him, quietly soothing and lulling him. "The chances of a Gray Warden getting pregnant are low," she said quietly. “But here he is. Amazing, isn't it?"

Maric sat down on the steps until his legs gave out. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to sort out his jumbled thoughts. Then he exhaled slowly and wearily. "Have mercy on Andraste, but Loghain will definitely not like this."

“There is absolutely no need to bring this up,” she said. Fiona handed the baby to Duncan and sat down next to Maric with a stern expression on her face. “I didn't bring him here as another heir, Maric. You already have it. I did not come to deliver an illegitimate child from an elf. You don't need it either. I want him to have a life, a good life. The life I didn't have."

He turned and stared at her, suddenly understanding what she was talking about. “You don’t mean…”

“I can't raise him,” she said simply. She took a deep breath, and he realized that it was difficult for her to do so. In fact, it tore her apart from the inside. That's why she came.

"You could live here," he suggested. "You could leave the Guardians."

Fiona nodded, but she didn't seem to really believe it. “Even if I could,” her tone was stern, “What would I do? Was your mistress? Elven mage? Or lived in the tower of the Circle of Magi? Or would I live somewhere in the city, and you would send me money from time to time in the hope that no one would find out?”

“That's not what I meant,” he protested.

She gave in, sighing. "I know. I'm sorry. Without the Gray Wardens, I am nothing. I am either a magician who has no freedom, or an elf without abilities. She turned to him and smiled grimly. “Maybe I could become a laundress? Hiding from the templars in the alienage, using magic to keep the fire going? I bet I could make it."

"Or maybe not. What... what usually happens to children born to Gray Wardens? It certainly happens."

"It happens. We are giving away a child. I already told them that I have a place in mind.”

“Is there no other way out?”

“I wish…” Fiona shook her head. “No, I want him to be human. I want him to be a full-fledged person, not to claim the throne, not to compete with your other son, and not to embroil himself in matters of royal blood that have brought you nothing but sorrow. I want him to start from scratch.” She looked at him hopefully. “You can do that, right?”

“I can grow him out of the court,” Maric said, thinking. “But people will wonder who his mother is. Loghain will want to know. The child will almost certainly want to know… What should I tell them?”

“Don't tell him anything. Let him think that his mother is human and that she is dead.” She reached out to Duncan, who was lulling the baby, and patted his head, smiling melancholy. “It will be easier for him and for you.”

“What will happen to you?”

She did not answer, continuing to stroke the child's head. However, he noticed that her eyes glittered with betrayal. No, there was no easy way out for her.

"I'll look after him," Duncan swore. “I can do it without arousing suspicion, make sure he is all right. I will protect him. I can even bring you news from time to time.”

Maric looked up at him in surprise. “Will you really do it?”

"For you, Your Majesty, without hesitation."

It was almost too much. First Fiona came back and didn't die anymore, and now he has a son and he has to lose them both. But he understood what she was talking about. If he recognized the boy and brought him up in the palace, he would become a victim of politics and struggle. He would be seen as a competitor to Kaylan. It is better to quietly raise him somewhere in the distance, away from prying eyes and let him live his own life. But to make a boy believe that no one needs him and keep him in the dark about his real mother? Is being the descendants of an elf really that terrible?

The pain in his heart became unbearable, it seemed that it would burst. Maric didn't know anything about what it was like to be an elf, so if Fiona wanted to keep her son safe from the hardships she'd gone through, he couldn't refuse her. To let the boy be free from both of his legacies.

He looked into Fiona's eyes and nodded slowly. "If you want this. Yes, I can arrange it.”
"Thank you, Maric."

"What about you?" he asked her. “Will I ever see you again?”

He could tell from her expression that the answer was no. However, she nodded. “If it be the Creator's will,” she breathed. She leaned over and kissed him, and he kissed her back. It was sweet, sad and appropriate. He enjoyed the moment, sitting alone with her in the warmth of the fire, while Duncan walked tactfully with the child from one end of the room to the other. Although this parting was irrevocable, for some reason Maric did not indulge in sadness. It didn't feel like the end for him.

It seemed like a start.

In case anyone else hasn't guessed, this child is Alistair.



Duncan's father Arryn was from Ferelden and made furniture. Tayana's mother was from Rivain. It is not known how this happened, but Duncan became a street thief in Val Royeaux, Orlais.

Once he was unlucky and while stealing the ring he ran into its owner. After a short fight, Duncan killed him. Subsequently, it turned out that the name of the victim was b (Guy), he was a Gray Warden and Genevieve's fiancé. And the ring that Duncan wanted to steal was an engagement ring.

Genevieve acted unexpectedly - she saved Duncan from the noose by recruiting him into the Gray Wardens against his will, using the Right of Conscription. Perhaps Genevieve did this to him to punish him. She also gave him a pair of silverite daggers that had previously belonged to Guy.

At the beginning of the book, Duncan is about 18 years old, he was in the Gray Wardens then for only a few months and had not yet managed to wean himself from thieves' manners. He was caught red-handed in the Denerim market as the Gray Wardens were on their way to an audience with the king. However, Maric pardoned the unlucky Gray Warden. Subsequently, Duncan stole a black dagger from the chambers of the first sorcerer in the Circle of Magicians, and then this dagger saved Duncan himself and his companions ...

Over the course of the book, Duncan gradually matures from a young bully to the seasoned Gray Warden we all know him from Dragon Age: Origins.


Elf Mage. Sold into slavery at age 7, her human master used her for entertainment and tortured and tortured her until she was 14, when she broke free of her bonds and killed him. Fiona managed to escape to the Circle of Magicians in Montsimmard, Orlais. She was subsequently recruited into the Gray Wardens there.
Becomes Maric's mistress, but leaves him and gives birth to a son from him.

Presumably this son is Alistair.


In order for Genevieve to be accepted into the Gray Wardens, her brother Bregan had to join as well. Her fiancé Gaius followed her into the Gray Wardens.

After her brother followed the Call, Genevieve became commander of the Gray Wardens of Orlais in his stead. She accepted Duncan into their ranks, "finding" him in Val Royo.

Kell (Kell)

Kell ap Morgan (Kell ap Morgan) - "hunter" with a dog, highlander Avvari. By all accounts, Kell was a tribal chief, or the chief's son. He was called "Jarl" (jarl). The Avvars refused to unite with other peoples in the realm of Ferelden when Calenhad suggested it to them. Avvars are pagans. They worship idols. For example, Father of the Skies - the dead are placed on stones and not removed from there until they are gnawed by birds.

Kell's dog, Hafter, is also a "Grey Warden" - he has passed the rite of initiation, and corruption of the creatures of darkness flows in his veins.

Perhaps Kell is Uta's lover.

Uta (Utha)

Dwarf Dwarf who is proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Former Silent Sister.
Possibly Kell's mistress.

Her “class” has no analogues in the role-playing system Dragon Age: Origins, the “monk” is most suitable for her style. Uta wears no armor and fights mostly with his bare hands and feet. Sometimes uses a mace. For some reason, in the Awakening add-on, she was turned into a warrior.

Julien and Nicolas

Two warriors. Experienced Gray Wardens.
Later it turns out that they are lovers.


Former commander of the Gray Wardens of Orlais, brother of Genevieve. Went to the Deep Roads following the Calling. Believing he is still alive, his sister sets out to find him. She believes that Bregan should be prevented from being captured by the darkspawn, as he knows the location of the Old Gods.

Bregan did not want to join the Gray Wardens, he had to do it because of Genevieve. When the recruiters of the Gray Wardens arrived in their settlement, Genevieve got excited about the idea of ​​joining the order. However, the recruiter was not interested in her, but in her brother Bregan. Bregan had to join the order in order for Genevieve to be accepted into it. Moreover, after her, her fiancé Guy also entered there.

Bregan was accepted into the Gray Wardens by Commander Kristoff.

Other characters

Remille is the first enchanter of the Circle of Magi in Ferelden.

Facts and interesting things

The book takes place 11 years after Orlais's occupation of Ferelden was lifted. Calan is 9 years old (the wiki claims that there is some kind of confusion with the author of the books). Rowan died 2 years ago.

The last time Maric was in the Deep Roads was 14 years ago (i.e. it was three years before the end of the occupation).

The Gray Wardens were expelled from Ferelden 200 years ago. They were expelled because they supported the rebellion against the king.

The Gray Wardens, who have finally turned into darkspawn, have blood-red eyes, unlike ordinary darkspawn.

Ferelden is feminine.

This is my kingdom, he thought sadly. And I don't even know her any longer.
This is my kingdom, he thought sadly. And I don't know her anymore.

In the wealthy areas of Orlesian cities, magical lanterns are lit at night. Their support is carried out by magicians specially appointed to this position.

The Gray Wardens' stronghold in Orlais is located in Montsimmard. There is also the Orlesian Circle of Magi.

To the south of Orlais is the Arbor Wilds region, home to dryads.

Another area of ​​Orlais is the Nahashin Marshes, which contains a Gray Warden stronghold called Garrote.

The Old Gods ruled Thedas before the Tevinter Empire. (Or is it already known?)

Tevine is the language of the Tevinter Empire.

An analogue of chess in Thedas is “Queens” (Queens).

According to the traditions of the Church (Chantry), the dead are cremated, and their ashes are interred.

The heroes of the book discover wonderful baths in an abandoned dwarven settlement, the water in which is automatically purified by magic. A very useful invention. 😉

The children of elves and humans are always humans. Therefore, in particular, elves live in alienages separate from humans.

Geography of Thedas

The book talks about cold winds from the south in Ferelden. In the description of Amaranthine one could meet the mention of the warm northern seas. Having drawn an appropriate analogy with our planet, we come to the conclusion that Ferelden is located in the southern hemisphere of Thedas (by the way, this is also mentioned in the wiki).

And now let's look at a map of the known territory of Thedas:

If it is rotated 180 degrees, we get the following picture:

It looks like a map of Western Europe, doesn't it? 🙂 As you know, Ferelden is an analogue of Great Britain, Orlais is an analogue of France, Anderfels is Germany, the Tevinter Empire is built by analogy with the Byzantine Empire, it is not entirely clear with Antiva and Rivain - I can assume that they are analogues of Spain or the Middle East (Portugal?) respectively.

This is some interesting geography. 😉

Shadow (Fade) and Veil (Veil)

The Shadow and the Veil is given considerable attention in the book. In fact, it turns out that the Shadow is a virtual reality formed in the minds of the sleeping. Moreover, it is formed on the basis of the data that the sleeping person has in memory. As a result of this, for example, some part of reality surrounded by emptiness can be formed. And the imitated people inhabiting the Shadow will know only what the sleeper himself knows. These things play out in the book at the moment when the demon takes over Fiona's mind and everyone else falls into the Shadow.

Also much earlier between Fiona and Maric there is a conversation on this topic.

“… Dreams are not always just dreams.”

“And what then is it, if not dreams?”

She [Fiona] tapped her chin thoughtfully, apparently wondering how to explain it to him [Maric]. Or maybe deciding whether she should talk about it at all. The gleam of anger still danced in her dark eyes, just like the last time Maric had spoken to her. "Have you heard of the Shadow, I hope?"

He nodded, albeit hesitantly. The shadow was the realm of dreams, it was believed that people fell into this place in a dream. Spirits and demons roamed there, fenced off from the waking world by something that the magicians called the Veil. Maric could not say that he particularly believed in these notions. He dreamed like anyone else, and if those dreams were really his memories of his time in this realm, as the sorcerers claimed, he took their word for it.

“There is no geography in the Shadow,” Fiona continued. “Place and time are less important than ideas and symbols. The spirits form their realm by recreating the things they see in the minds of the sleepers because they believe our world is just like that and they desperately want to be a part of it. Therefore, they imitate the landscape based on our perception and our feelings, rather than on the basis of reality, luring us there.”

"AND?" He spread his hands helplessly. "It doesn't mean anything to me."

“You dream of those you love because there is a connection between you. The spirits will recognize it. This connection is valid in the Shadow.”

“I once dreamed that Loghain brought me a barrel of cheese. I opened it, and there were mice. Made from cheese. We ate them, bawling sailors' songs. Are you saying there was some deeper meaning to it?” He grinned, suddenly delighted to see the elf scowling with anger. “Perhaps my association with Loghain told me that he hides a deep love for cheese? I should have figured it out sooner."

“And what, your every dream is the same frivolous nonsense?”

"I have no idea. Most of them I forget. Isn't everyone like that?"

She wrapped herself more tightly in her furs, as if trying to squeeze out her anger. The dwarf touched the mage's leg reassuringly, but her silent pleas fell on deaf ears. “Dreams that aren't dreams are visions,” Fiona snapped. “Because the Shadow is a reflection of our reality as spirits see it, it can be used to interpret that reality. We sorcerers seek visions. We are looking for patterns and trying to see the truth beyond the available. But a strong enough vision can come to anyone. When this happens, you should pay attention to it.”


“Maric the Savior is just a name, I am called that because they say I saved the kingdom. … But, in truth, I never manage to save anyone.”

Brief information about the book Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne (“The Stolen Throne”)

From top to bottom, left to right: Rowan, Maric, Katriel, Loghain

I will briefly talk about the plot of the previous book “The Stolen Throne” (The Stolen Throne). I liked this book more, although in terms of adding to the history of the game world, it adds very little. But this book is not about the fate of peoples, but about the fate of individuals. This book is about growing up Prince Maric and becoming a real king. This book is about love and friendship, loyalty and betrayal.

The book begins with the murder of Maric's mother, Rebel Queen Moira. The country is occupied by the Orlesians, and Maric is the next target of the conspirators. He goes on the run and runs into Loghain while wandering through the woods. Loghain was then a simple son of a farmer, but over time he becomes the right hand of the prince and many races save him from death. In the forests, the young men encounter the Witch of the Wilderness (Flemeth?), who helps them hide from their pursuers, but whispers something to Maryk (in The Call we learn what she said to him then).

[I will not describe the plot of the book in full, if you are interested - write, maybe I will make a post about the first book.]

Maric has a fiancé - her name is Rowan, she is the older sister of Arl Eamon, well known to us from the DAO. However, Maric treats her like a childhood friend, oblivious to her sincere love. Rowan is a real warrior, she fights in battles along with men.

Instead of Rowan, Maric chooses the elf Katriel (by the way, Maric has always had a weakness for elves), who is actually a bard - a spy for the Orlesians. Katriel herself falls in love with Maric, but fulfills her task and dooms the prince's army to death, at the last moment saving Maric himself. However, over time, her betrayal is revealed, and Maric kills her with his own hand.

In the end, Maric turns from a frivolous young man into a real responsible king and frees Ferelden from the invaders. But at what cost to yourself and your loved ones? Will he ever be happy again?


The Call is a sequel to The Stolen Throne, while being a prequel to DAO and the Awakening expansion. And if at first the book intrigued me with its unexpected facts about the Gray Wardens, then the end of it turned out to be completely non-existent and disappointed me. From the book, we did not learn anything particularly important.

Essentially, like David Gaider's previous book, The Call is about the characters, their maturation, interaction, and metamorphosis that take place against the backdrop of historically important events. And what happens in the souls and hearts of the heroes is no less important than the fate of the lands and peoples.

Finally, a wallpaper on the theme of “The Call” that I accidentally discovered on the wiki, which is a spread of the cover of the book:

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We "ve got an essential guide to finding the throne room of the mighty Alexius, then finishing the boss fight off without so much as a scratch.

Leave the building and talk to Krem who's waiting just outside. You"ll need a power level of four to progress further into the story, so if you"re not there quite yet, make your way back to Val Royeaux, the Imperial Enchanter or the Hinterlands to get some side-quests. When you"re ready, get back to the war table and choose the Ferelden region to scout out the Storm Coast.

Adding Iron Bull to your party

When the cut-scene finishes talk to the Requisition Officer to get a report. Kill all of the enemies to start a cut-scene. If you select to hire this lot, a warrior call Iron Bull will become a member of your party.

Keep heading towards your objective marker. When you get close, the map will start getting dark, so make sure you reference the main menu map to make sure you"re still on the right path. You "ll encounter bandits as you travel, so kill them all and then loot the structure they" re protecting.

Kill the guards waiting outside Hessarian Camp, then enter it and pick off any remaining enemies. Have a good rummage around this area for more loot, after which you can either polish off some side quests, or ping over to Ghislain Estate to carry on the core story./p>

Adding Vivienne to your party

Once at the estate you"ll have to watch another cut-scene. We chose to let the mages in, which gave us access to Vivienne. After you"ve returned to Haven, use fast travel to get to the Hinterlands and then make your way north towards Redcliffe. When you get near you"ll find another rift - close it and then go inside Redcliffe.

Make your way towards the exclamation mark on your map, then talk to the Hinterlands Healer. Carry on towards your main waypoint until you get to the Gull and Lantern. Work through all of the dialogue options, then carry on towards the next marker. You'll find Felix in the Redcliffe Village Chantry.

When you walk inside the hall you "ll trigger a new cut-scene. Grab the loot when you" re done chatting, then have a look at the book that"s over in one of the corners. Leave the chantry, then go back to the Haven War Room - assuming you now have a power level of 15. If you need to level up a bit more, take part in some side-quests until you're ready.

At this point you need to choose whether to ally yourself with the mages and go down the In Hushed Whispers route, or buddy up with the Templars with Champions of the Just. in this walkthrough, we chose to join the mages. Get your party together - which must include Dorian - and then get ready to set out.

When the cut-scene ends, kill the pair of soldiers, then grab all of the nearby loot - make sure you grab the prison key too. Walk through the gate that"s over on the other side of this area, then go upstairs and head through the door. Carry on up the next lot of stairs over on your right, then go through the next door you come to.

Keep traveling down the hall and then look in the cell to your left to get your hands on even more loot. Carry on into the next room along, then take the door on your left. Grab all of the nearby loot, then talk to the prisoner. Carry on down the corridor and take another load of loot from the cell that's over on your far left. Finally, go upstairs and through the door.

Kill the pair of soldiers up here, then go through the door on your left and head downstairs until you find Fiona in the last cell on your left. Go back through the door and then up the stairs on your right. Take the next staircase, then go through the door. Go downstairs, then enter the room on your right. Grab the loot and speak with Iron Bull.

Now that Iron Bull's joined your party once more, go back out and into the last room you were in, then go through the door on your right. Go downstairs then through the door to your left. Take the loot, then go through the opposite door. Take the loot near the door then speak to Cassandra.

Go back up the stairs you came down, go into the next room along, and then head up the next set of stairs on your right. Kill the soldiers here, then walk through the right-hand door they'd been guarding. Go up the next load of stairs you come to.

Take the loot here, then go through the left-hand door to get a journal and some extra loot. Now return to the main room and go up the stairs located over in the corner to the far left. Walk through the next door.

Pick up the loot on the other side, then go back into the previous room and head up the right-hand stairs. Walk through the door by the right-hand corner, kill the soldiers, then take all the loot. Go through the door and head straight on, before going through another door and triggering a cut-scene.

Finding Alexius" throne room

Take the item from the middle of this room, then leave and go across the hall and through the next door along. Go through the next door on your left and seal the rift you come to after killing the Shades. Interact with the gear on the other side of the room to open up the left-hand gate, then head upstairs.

Kill the Shades in the next room along, grab all the loot, and then top up your supplies. Walk up the next staircase and go through the door at the top. You "ll be able to see two more rifts up ahead. Kill each pack of enemies one by one and close the rifts they're guarding.

Take the loot, then head upstairs and to the right. Explore the area until you come to another rift. Leave through the door you entered through, then go across the room and through the door on your left. Take the schematic, then go across the hall and into the next room to get more loot. Now go down the hall and take the left-hand door.

Kill the next two enemies, then smash the wall over on your right. Finish the next enemy you come to, grab the shard and the loot nearby, look at the journal on your left, then smash the next wall. Take the loot, then go back out in the hall and go through the final door.

Fight the next set of enemies, grab the loot and the shard, then go through the next door along and kill the rest of the enemies. Leave to the hall, head left and go through the opening. Now go downstairs and top up your supplies.

Walk through the door to get back to the main hall once more. Find the closed door, then go through the left-hand door as you face it. Carry on down the hallway, kill the next enemies you come to, pinch the loot and get the final shard needed to open the door. Open that closed to start another cut-scene that kicks off a fight with Alexius.

How to kill Alexius

  • HP: 20,971
  • Perceptive
  • Immune to all disabling effects

Melee fighters are in for quite a struggle with Alexius, as this boss has the ability to teleport all around the boss area. Don "t bother trying to apply any disabling effects to your opponent - it"s immune - but do make good use of your mages and other characters with ranged attacks.

As the fight wears on, Alexius will stop to cast spells which cause green patches to appear on the ground. Quickly move your party members out of these patches, and be aware that Alexius will also cast defensive barriers on itself. Expect this defensive boost to occur after every single teleport.

When you"ve taken enough health off the boss, Alexius will cause a rift to spawn in the middle of the battle area. Kill all of the enemies that emerge from this rift as fast as you can, and throw up plenty of barrier spells to keep your party safe while you"re doing so. Just kill everything nice and quickly and get that rift sealed up.

Once the rift is shut down, you should just continue attacking Alexius. Try to grab the loot before you kill the creature though, as it vanishes immediately after the fight. When the post-fight cut-scene has finished, you"ll be able to include Dorian as a permanent fixture in your party.

You can find all of ours from the index page of our guide.

After creating your character and watching the intro cutscene, follow Cassandra's instructions. There will be nowhere to turn. Having fallen from the collapsed bridge, our hero and Cassandra will be attacked by the first enemies, and we will find our first weapon. For a single attack, click on the enemy [LMB], and for a series of attacks, keep the button pressed. You can pause the game by pressing , and switch to tactical mode by pressing [t] to issue orders to everyone in the group.

Having won, we go along the frozen river, climb the hill at the end and jump down the cliff again to the frozen river. Having defeated the next enemies, we go along the river and climb the steps near the wall. We go straight and again we go down to the frozen river. Further up the stairs. I'm going to break. There is already a battle going on here, you only need to help, and when there are no enemies left, we watch the cut-scene. Now there are four of you in the squad. Having reached the wide river, we go to the other side, to the ruins, then along the stairs and the road of stones. Climbing the stairs, you will be waiting for another gap. In order to close it, you need to destroy several waves of enemies. After that, we come closer to the gap and click on it [RMB].

We open the gate and get to the bridge. We go to Leliana and the representative of the church. An unpleasant conversation will begin, at the end of which you will be offered a choice of several options for further passage. I recommend choosing the option "Go through the mountain", and not "Go straight with the soldiers", because. in the first case, you will be able to save the soldiers who are missing (in the near future, you will be able to experience the bonus of this decision). We climb the stairs to the very top and go into the building in the mountain. Coming out on the other side, you will need to close another gap. After that, there will be a cut-scene in which the missing soldiers will thank for the rescue. We pass further and go down the stairs. We go further until we get to the primary big gap. Here you will be confronted by the first boss - the demon of pride, and if you saved the soldiers, they will help to defeat him.

As soon as the battle starts, you will understand that the demon has a protective aura, and he does not receive any damage. To weaken the protection, close the gap. Now you can safely attack him. As soon as you see that the demon has protection again, close the gap again as soon as the opportunity arises and start attacking. Then repeat until the demon is defeated. When he has 50% of his health left, other evil spirits will begin to appear from the gap, so it will be possible to close the gap only if you first kill all the newly arrived enemies. The same will happen at 25% health. As soon as we kill the demon, watch the cut-scene. That's it, the first chapter is over.

The danger is not over

When you wake up, exit the hut. You will find yourself in a village. All exits from it are closed, so we go to the church on the hill on the left.

There we go into the farthest door and watch the cut-scene. You will need this room more than once, because. this is where the headquarters will be located. Next, we leave the building and talk to the right people (the quest "The Best in the Vault"). We can immediately complete the additional tasks that they give. Then we return to the command headquarters again and use the received point of influence on reconnaissance of the area where we need to find the Reverend Mother Giselle. In the future, this table can also be used to unlock new locations using influence points and send advisors on missions to earn money for the Inquisition. We go to the open area and get into the deep paths. Focusing on the map (key [ m ]), we go to the northwest, to the area marked with a purple circle. You will need to defeat several waves of enemies together with the Inquisition squad. As soon as you do this, another cut-scene will begin.

Now you can either continue doing side quests on the territory of the hinterland, or go to the command headquarters until further progress in the story. Remember that for each additional task completed, camping, discovering new areas of territory, influence points will be awarded that can be spent on exploration, or the level of the inquisition will increase. In order to return to the shelter, open the map and go to the world map (button in the upper left corner), then select the shelter. Mother Giselle will be waiting for you in the church. Go to her and talk. You can also take the quest "Lotus and Roots" from her. We go to the headquarters of the command and activate the mission "Go to the church of Val Royeaux."

Once in the right place, we go to the square, where we observe a cut-scene, after which the task “Defenders of Justice” is activated for us. Then we go to the street on which we came here. Here we will be met by the Great Enchantress Fiona, and the quest "In Secret" will begin. We return to the Shelter, to the Headquarters of the command, This completes the quest.

Defenders of Justice

To start the mission, you need to scout a certain area on the command headquarters table. To do this, you must first gain 15 influence points. They are obtained by completing additional tasks. However, remember that if you started this task, then the mission with the magicians will be unavailable, and vice versa. So, if you still decide that the templars are a more suitable addition to the ranks of the Inquisition, then choose a mission and go to a meeting with the templars.

We watch the cut-scene. Then we approach the templar knight Barris, who came out to meet us, and watch another cut-scene. Next, we will be asked to hang flags in order of respect. You can either agree and complete the proposed test, or refuse and go straight to the appointment. Back to Barris. After the cut-scene, we deal with the enemies, then go outside and, following the markers, go up through the dining room to the right door.

There we meet the Lord Seeker, who has prepared a surprise for us. Now we need to find a way out of the place where we ended up. The location is quite linear, so just walk past the mini-performances. When you reach the place where a green dangerous liquid will pour from the rotating columns, first go to the right, go forward past the talkers. Wait until the column turns so that you can move to the other side of the room, to a safe corner. There again we pass a little forward and then we follow into the room on the opposite side. When we go inside, the door will close. As soon as we try to leave, a conversation with a stranger will begin. Then we are not in a hurry to follow him, but go into the room on the opposite side and read the inscription on the large stone. It will give us a bonus to the characteristics, and on the location you can find two more of these (the mission is called "Demonic Dogma").

When the new fellow traveler turns what is pouring from the columns into water, we pass on. When we reach a dead end, we go into the room on the right. Our stranger will be there again. After a short conversation, we approach the blue fire nearby and light a torch from it. Next, we light more lights in three rooms on the sides of this room. Further, to complete the side task "Demonic Dogma", we go with a torch in our hands to the very beginning of the location, into the room with bars, and open the cage on the left. There we pick up the key (it is visible only in the light of the torch). Then we return to the dead end and light a fire at the far stone wall. The wall will move away, and we pass on. Next, we approach the door on the right, which we unlock with the found key. We light a fire there. After leaving the room, we light the fire on the stone wall again. After she moves away, we go into the room and read the inscription again, after which we get another bonus to the characteristics. Then we leave and go into the room to the right. Approaching the door, the passage upstairs will open. Then we open the door and we pass along the street to the passages closed with bars. We pull the lever between them and the path further becomes open. Then, along the familiar path through the dining room, we go to our goal. In the dining room itself on the second floor there will be the third and last stone for the quest "Demonic Dogma". Having reached the designated place, we watch the video. Then we pass through the southern door to the upper barracks. Here we need to save two veteran templars. Remember that in the upper right corner the time is ticking, after which the main hall will fall. Therefore, when there is less than half of this scale, someone from the team will remind you to return and help (if, the scale goes down by about up to 30%, then Barris will then die). Therefore, the most reliable solution would be to save one by one, i.e. save one veteran, then return to the main hall. After killing the enemies, we wait until the scale is restored, again exit through the southern door, save another templar and return back to Barris and help him and the rest of the templars to destroy the enemies.

Then we leave through the northern door and, after leaving the courtyard, we go to the right into the tower on the opposite side. There we rise to the second floor and save another veteran. Then we can go back to the main hall or, if time permits, go to another tower marked with a marker, which can be entered from the courtyard. However, to get there, you need a key. We pick him up in the room, which is located between these two towers, under the place where we saved the third templar. After taking the key and opening the door to the vault with it, we examine the lyrium directly opposite, then we go up the stairs and read the notes, then we take the lyrium from the blue chest nearby.

We return to the main hall, kill the enemies and talk with Barris. A cut-scene will begin, after which you will have to fight off several waves of enemies. Then we climb the stairs and exit to the balcony marked with a marker. There you have to fight with the demon of envy.

He, like big horrors similar to him, likes to hide underground and then jump out in the thick of his party members, knocking them down. Immune to spells and effects that affect its combat capability, i.e. slow down or turn it off for a while will not work. At 70% health, the demon will call for help, and he will change shape and restore health. Here it is better to first deal with the enemies easier, and then take on the boss. At 30% of his health bar, the demon will return to its original form. When his health is low, green spikes of ruptures will start popping out of the ground, which you should avoid. After defeating the demon, we return to the main hall. Before entering it, we talk with the templars and make a choice at our discretion. Then we find ourselves at the command headquarters, where we discuss what happened and what to do next.

By secret

We go to the Inner Lands, to Redcliffe, where Fiona invited us. There will be a gap in front of the gate, after which we will be allowed inside. At the entrance we will be met and offered to go to the tavern. After the cut-scene in the tavern, we go to the church. Close the gap and talk to the magician. We return to the headquarters of the command and here there will be two missions to choose from on the map: "Defenders of Justice" and "In Secret". By choosing one, the other will become unavailable, so this is the last chance to decide who is better suited to help close the gap - mages or templars. If you have chosen the side of the magicians, we activate the desired task on the table of command rates and go back to Redcliffe. Only two party members can be selected in the squad. As the third will be our new friend. After the cut-scene, we collect our allies first - it will be much easier for four of us to fight. To do this, after leaving the room with a raised bridge, we go to the right. Then we return back to the raised bridge and go through the door opposite. After talking with Fiona, we get a new goal. This time the bridge is lowered and we pass on it further. We follow the markers and close the gaps along the way. Having reached the locked door, we are looking for 5 fragments of red lyrium in the places marked with markers on the map. They will drop from slain casters. Having collected everything and replenished stocks of potions in caches, we open the door. After the video, we deal with the boss. At 60%, he will open a gap, and he will hide behind an impenetrable shield. Having dealt with the gap, we attack the boss again, which is approximately at 30% remaining health will repeat its focus. After the murder, we watch a video, at the end of which we make a decision regarding the magicians.

Will burn in your hearts...

The quest automatically starts after completing the quests "Defenders of Justice" or "In Secret", depending on your choice. You need to go to the command headquarters table. There on the map we select the task of the same name. We watch a long video, go to the gate and meet a new party member. Who it will be depends on what mission you have chosen before. It also depends on this choice who the army that attacks the Vault will consist of. Next, we need to protect the northern trebuchet. To do this, we go to the marker on the map and kill the enemies arriving in waves for a certain time (shown by the scale). As soon as it is full, the trebuchet will fire, and we will have to go to the southern trebuchet. Focusing on the marker, we go to the desired area and kill all the enemies there. Then we approach the trebuchet and cock it by holding down [RMB] on the active element.

After that, as soon as the shot takes place and the video passes, we go back to the shelter. Along the way, you can help the blacksmith Harrit. To do this, break the boxes with a warrior or a robber with daggers (just click on them [LMB]), blocking the entrance to his house. Then we pass through the gate. Now we are offered to save the inhabitants of the Vault. You can save them all if you follow the following algorithm: first, climbing the stairs immediately after the gate, go to the right and kill all the enemies there, controlling the health of the allies. So we save Lisette. Then we go back and, if the gate is on the left, then we need to go right, towards the church. Climbing the stairs, kill all the enemies again. The guard will say that someone needs help. To the left of the stairs we just climbed, if you stand with your back to it, there will be a burning hut. There is a person inside who cannot get out on his own. We select a warrior or a robber with daggers and climb the vertical stairs to the ledge. A small bridge will be thrown from it to a hole on the roof of the building.

Through it we get inside and break the boxes blocking the passage. Then, without leaving the hut, we approach the poor fellow and, holding down [LMB], we save Seggrit. Then we leave the hut and go up the stairs immediately to the left to the Church. Here you have to save Trenn by killing all the enemies. Then we pass to the houses where Solas stood. At the same time, do not go down the stairs, but go along the narrow path from the side of the church. Here you need to have time to save Adan and Mineva before the vessels next to them explode. To do this, approach them and hold [RMB] until they thank you. Then we go down the stairs and go to the burning house, where Fliss lies in the passage. With it we act similarly to Adan, Mineva and Seggrit. Below is a video that clearly shows how you can save everyone:

Then, having killed the enemies, we go to the church. After the cut-scene, we go to the place indicated by the marker. There we kill all the enemies, and then direct the trebuchet by holding down [LMB] on its active element. After hovering about 20%, another batch of enemies will arrive. Then we aim the trebuchet again, and at 40% you will be interfered with again. Next, we continue aiming the trebuchet. At about 60%, a mini-boss will appear. Who - will depend on your choice of the previous task. Having finally brought the trebuchet, we watch the video. Waking up, we go along the only possible path through the tunnel. On the way you will meet a small group of enemies, to deal with which you will be offered a new ability. Having got out, we go towards the marker, and then we watch a long epic video.

From the ash

After the cut-scene, we inspect the castle, talk with party members, and perform side tasks. Here you will also be offered to find a blacksmith and choose a specialization. The blacksmith is in the basement (door to the right of the throne, if you stand facing him and the window behind him). To select a specialization, we visit the command headquarters table and carry out a mission there in Ferelden, which involves the search for teachers. Then we just talk to each and choose a specialization. Then we go to Josephine and Varrik, after which we will be given the quests "Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts" and "There Lies the Abyss", which can be completed in any order.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

IMPORTANT: Gaul figurines are limited. Finding eleven pieces is described here. They will not be able to open all the doors, so choose what you need.

If you take Serah on a mission, then, after talking with her, she will mark three caches of Red Jenny, the caches are marked on the map.

Even if at the same point of eavesdropping three times it was not possible to overhear anything interesting, gossip may still be added to the fourth.

And unload your backpack, there is a lot of junk at the location.

So, our mission begins in the yard. After talking with Gaspar, let's stay here for a bit. The noblewoman is looking for her ring, it is located to the right of the entrance to the garden, it is looked for like a treasure, we return it to her and get +5 to the location of the courtyard, but we can keep it for ourselves if we need money. To the right in front of the entrance to the palace is the locked Eastern Vault, the statuette of a Gauls to open which is located on the terrace above it. There are some things inside. Then we go to the left of the entrance, climb the stairs, here the task is to eavesdrop on the conversation of the aristocrats, first turn to them, then, when they step aside, eavesdrop on the conversation from the point. On this terrace we find the key to the vault. Under the terrace there is a room in which there are two treasures at once, scandalous documents on the table (the first gossip) and the first caprice coin in pots opposite.

We go to the palace. After talking with Josephine, we find ourselves in the lobby. Here are two points for eavesdropping, in one we learn something new (+1 gossip). We turn to Gaspar and go to the ballroom. We welcome Empress Selina, in the dialogue we select medium replicas (+5 to location). Here you can chat with Josephine and Cullen and take an entry about the Orlesian theater in the codex, then we leave the hall and get into a dialogue with Leliana. We run along the corridor, listen to the conversation of the elves in the story. Further left, two points for gossip, one has something interesting (+1 gossip). Vassal from the Council of Heralds also walks here, if in a conversation with him you select the replica “Philip is a blockhead”, we get +10 to the location of the yard and +1 gossip. Duke Germain is standing in the room, after asking him we get +5 to location, +1 gossip. Also hidden in this room is a caprice coin and an entry in the codex. We go further, listen to the dialogue of the elves. Now we need to find a round seal, we take it from the balcony of the room where the elves are. We go out to the guest garden.

After the conversation, we go straight, there is a locked door, we need gall figurines, to the left of the door there is a point where we get +1 gossip. There is also another point, to the right of the entrance. There is also a fountain here, where you need to throw off the collected coins (for each thrown coin +1 to the location of the yard). Well, for now we are up on the grate. The Galla figurine is on the right on the terrace, just standing on the railing, a little further is a treasure with +1 gossip. We go to the library. There is a small puzzle here, you need to light the urns with a torch with curtain fire so that they light up blue (starting from the entrance, first the right, then the left row, a descent down will open, there are some trophies). In this room, a book is marked with a treasure, pulling which will open an office, in it we take a letter and a curtain fire. We pass into the library itself. Going down the stairs, the door to the right is opened only by a robber, to the left in the office on the table are documents (+1 gossip). Next to the locked door on the bookshelf is a treasure with clues. In the library on the table we pick up another +1 gossip. We leave through the door to the lobby, so as not to lose much influence. Now we need to go up there again, to the left of the grate. There is a door that we will open with a gall. First, let's run a little further along the balcony, eavesdrop on the conversation of two nobles below (+1 gossip). After that, you can talk to him, say that "the magicians need to be stopped" and he will be recruited as an agent. At the point to the left of the exit, we listen to gossip (+1) and go to the ballroom. This is followed by a dialogue with the Morrigan, after which we get the key to the human. You can chat and flirt with Cassandra (if you took her with you), overhear the gossip ahead on the left and go to this human room.

There we change into armor, we take weapons. In the room on the right is a tattered diary. In the kitchen, on the beams under the ceiling, there is a figurine of a Gauls. In the garden, immediately to the left up to the wall is a treasure with another statuette of a Gauls. At the fountain to the right, up the stairs to the top of the palace, there in the room with the bed we find another statuette of Gauls, and on the balcony a coin-whim. In the noble chambers in the large hall (from the fountain to the left) on the table under the candlestick is a caprice coin. We rise to the top floor and go to the left, there are enough figurines to get into the storage in the bedroom and pick up the elven quest amulet from there. We go to the marker, deal with a group of venatori and talk with Briala. There is also another statuette of the Gauls. We return to the palace.

We need to explore the Hall of Trophies. But first, to the ball, so as not to lose the favor at court. There Floriana invites us to dance. In the dialogues, choose neutral (medium) answers. If the Inquisition perks for conversations in diplomacy and secrets are taken, two corresponding remarks will appear (in a circle with a crown and a crow). After we talk about possible scenarios with advisers. We say we need more information. Before leaving for the Imperial Wing, let's finish collecting all the items.

In the ballroom next to Josephine on the railing is a caprice coin. We go to talk with three maids of honor, we can talk with Selina about the amulet we found, then we talk with Briala. You can also talk to the widow by selecting the line with the crown (perk needed), we get access to the task (Dancing with the widow: allemande and +5 court location). Further along this side is a treasure with a coin. We leave into the lobby, a coin whim in front of the railing where the window is. Down the stairs and to the left - gossip (treasure on the bench).

We return to the Hall of Trophies. We talk with the nobles standing at its entrance, send them to Cullen to listen to stories about the battle, we get +10 disposition. Inside we find: one gossip and one whim coin (treasures in the first room), from the table in the office we take the orders and the figurine of the Gauls. There is also a door in the office, which can only be opened by a robber.

In the hall of heroes below (where the entrance to the human room) is one coin and one gossip. In the room, where there is an exit to the Guest Garden, there is another gossip to the door, in the room with Duke Germain another, further on on the table and on the sofa two more. In a room with a balcony, a coin and gossip. There are two gossip stashes on the balcony and an eavesdropping point. We go to the library, there we find more documents on the table. We go down to the fountain, to the right of the door with the galls is another gossip. Up the grate to the left in front of the door is a coin.

We go to the imperial wing. Gossip is on the table to the left. We rise, run past the room for which the figurines of the galls are required, run straight and save the elf, send her under the protection of Cullen. In the same room we pick up the Gauls figurine. We run further along the marker, only we go not to the door to which he points, but opposite.

We run along the open terrace above the garden and climb into the window of some class. There are treasures with a figurine of a Gauls and a caprice coin. The tenth figurine is to the right of the quest door, down the stairs.

Let's keep searching these chambers. In another room, there is a statuette of a Gauls (already the eleventh), next to an armchair by the fireplace, there is also gossip.
Now we can unlock that door in the garden, go back through the lobby of the palace and run to the fountain. There we pick up the Banner of Orlais. You can also talk to another count from Orlais there. And we also find a whim coin there.
We return to the Imperial wing and go out into the garden. This seems to be the point of no return. After talking with Florian and closing the Breach, we talk with a mercenary, if we have a perk in Secrets, we recruit him as an agent.
Well, then, we rummage around the location, collect everything of value, we come across good sketches of level 3. There are two more doors in the basement, opened by four figurines. And we return to the ballroom where we make a choice of whom to execute, whom to pardon.

There lies the abyss

We go to the meeting point appointed by Varrik's friend in Crestwood (to open this area, you must complete the "Search for the Guard" operation at the command headquarters). After talking with him, we go into the cave and go to the very end. After talking with another new acquaintance, we return to Skyhold and on the table of the command headquarters we open the location "Western Limit" ("Explore the Western Limit").

We get to the desired building and after the cut-scene we kill everyone there. We return to the headquarters again. There we select the task "There lies an abyss" and we get into the fortress of the guards. After walking a little along the only possible path, we look at how to the right of us, a little below, the gray guards are fighting with the demons. We can help them. We go even further and here, having already climbed the wall, we help our fighters in the battle with demons, thereby completing the first part of the three necessary in the task of capturing siege points.

We pass further in the only possible direction, and then we meet the demon of pride. Having dealt with him, we will capture another point from the side task. There will also be a chest with the banner of the gray guards. Without going down, we pass along the wall to the right. There we kill another demon of pride and smaller enemies and complete the side task. Then we go back a little, and before the place where we met the first demon of pride, we go down. We follow the markers, destroying the demons along the way. After the cut-scene, we rise to the very top, ignoring the dragon that will attack you - you still won't be able to kill it. After a spectacular video, we find ourselves in a new place. Here, in parallel, you can complete the additional task "Dreamers' Fears". To do this, we go south. There will be a table and a chair with a glowing orange ghost sitting on it.

We approach and activate the table. Then a marker will appear on the map. Using the exploration key [ v ], find the candle and take it to the ghost. After that, we take away the reward, and new places of riddles, of which there are five in total, together with the already solved one, will be displayed on the map. They will need to be done in the same way. Also, if we walk along the northern wall, we will find ourselves near a magic mirror, by activating which, we improve some characteristic. Such mirrors will often be found in this location, look for them to make your hero stronger. Now we can climb the stairs to the place indicated by the marker. After the conversation, we kill the demons and approach the shining green balls. Activate them one by one by holding down [LMB]. We watch the video, and then we go further along the only possible path. Having reached a fork, where one road leads down, and the other goes north at the same level, we go along the second road. There will be another mirror. Now we return to the fork, go down to the east and reach the character with whom you can talk. After the conversation, we again interrupt all the demons and activate the green glowing balls. Then we reach the barrier that needs to be protected. After we pass further to the fork. There is a road to the north. On it we reach two demons of pride. After killing them, we examine the area where the map is flashing (press the [ v ]). We find a soft toy. The next stage of the "Dreamers' Fears" quest starts, which is not displayed on the map (the soft toy must be placed on the bed, which is located nearby and is displayed on the map). Next to the soft toy there is a structure that looks like an altar.

Activating it will start another side quest, Broken Window. Here you need to light five fires in the correct order, after which it will be possible to collect loot. After we return back to the fork and along the bottom we reach the last riddle of the task “Fears of Dreamers”. Then to the barrier, near which we fight until the time scale runs out. We pass further and there we take away the reward for the task "Fears of Dreamers", highlighted by a marker. Next, follow the spirit and reach the boss. Periodically, he will go into invisibility. If you can't aim at him, and at the same time he will attack, then go to tactical mode and assign an attack there. At some point, help will come to the boss. After the victory, there will be a cut-scene, during which you will have to make two serious choices.

fruits of pride

The mission is selected on the command headquarters table. To open it, you need to have 40 influence points. Please note that Cullen's mission "Before Dawn" will become unavailable after this quest, so if you want to complete it, do it before starting this story mission.

Once in place, follow the markers, along the way fighting with enemies. Having reached the temple and going inside, we climb the steps in front. There will be a locked door. To open it, you have to solve a small problem. Climb back down to the statue in the middle of the courtyard. Around it are square bars on the floor. If you step on them, they will turn blue. You need to go in such a way as to light all such squares, but keep in mind that if you step on any cell twice or step on the ground, you will have to start all over again.

If you have any problems with the passage of puzzles with plates, then below you can watch their video walkthrough:

Once you do this, the door will turn blue. Now you can open it. After a short cutscene, we will have to fight with a small group of enemies, and then decide how to proceed - follow the enemy at once or try to solve all the puzzles (perform rituals) where we need to light all the stoves again. If you choose the first option (the marker is in the middle of the room), you will have to fight not only with your immediate enemies, but also with the guardians of the temple. The second option - you need to solve three similar puzzles (on the sides of the room). After solving the puzzles and entering the right door, we watch the video and make another decision that will greatly affect the development of this mission. If you choose the option of working together, then follow the elf with a staff without turning off. Upon reaching the place, she will open a secret vault. Having examined everything there, we pass further. Going down the round stairs, we meet the boss (who it will be depends on your choice of templars / mages). Having defeated the enemies, we watch the video and make another important decision.

Last act

The mission starts automatically after the completion of the previous task. Its passage varies depending on the choice in the previous mission.

If Morrigan drank from the source:

We go to the meeting point, talk to Leliana and go through the mirror. There we simply follow the only possible path. Having reached the goal, we just talk, we don’t have to fight.

If I drank GG from a source:

After talking with Morrigan, we go to a place called "Mital Altar" (To move there, we use the global map (world map), the altar is located next to the Sacred Plain). We have to fight the boss. At about half of his remaining health, a cutscene will begin.

Marvel at perfection...

This is the last story mission. After completing it, you will be able to continue playing while traveling around Thedas, however, many side quests will become unavailable. Also, immediately think over who you will take with you to the final battle, and put on the best equipment for them in advance. Also check the number of potions, bombs, etc. The task is selected on the command rate table and does not require influence points.

The battle will begin immediately. The main villain likes to teleport and move quickly, while it is better not to stand in his way. You should also avoid its rays. When the enemy moves to another area, on the way there, do not miss the cache with potions. At about 50% of the remaining health, the boss will teleport again, and we will have to fight a new very strong enemy. After defeating him, we go to the first boss. On the way there, we do not miss caches. Having gained the upper hand, we watch the video. Once in Skyhold, go to your room (the door to the left (north) of the throne). We watch one more video and the final credits, after which there will be another small video.

rating BBFC: 18
ESRB: M - Mature
OFLC : MA 15+
PEGI: 18 Creators Leaders Mark Darra, Mike Laidlaw Screenwriters David Gaider (lead writer) Composers Trevor Morris Technical details Platforms Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, (Microsoft Windows) Game engine Frostbite Engine Game mode single player, multiplayer Carrier optical disc Systemic
requirements Official site
Consolidated rating
GameRankings(PS4) 90.07%
(PC) 89.07%
(XONE) 86.79%
Metacritic(PS4) 89/100
(PC) 87/100
(XONE) 85/100
Foreign language publications
Game Informer 9.5/10
PC Gamers(US)87/100
hardcore gamers5/5
Russian-language publications
Absolute Games90%
Riot Pixels70%
"Gambling addiction "8.5/10
[email protected]9/10


Players will have to revive and lead the Inquisition, whose goal is to eradicate evil in the lands of Thedas. By the beginning of the game, many events are accumulating that require investigation by the Inquisition. War, intrigue, and political strife have made it impossible for previously powerful groups in Thedas to operate with their former effectiveness. This is a serious problem, considering the open skies and the demons pouring out of there. Players will need to respond to this new threat while also exploring a vast world, meeting characters old and new, and gathering forces for the growing Inquisition.



The main character of the game. Race, gender, appearance, name, voice, class, and sexual orientation depend on the player's choices. For various reasons, he was sent to the conclave of the church in the Temple of Sacred Ashes, where events took place that changed the world. In the future, he will revive the ancient organization known as the "Inquisition". On his hand he has a mysterious mark given to him by the Shadow. With it, he can interact with the shadow and close the gaps from which a stream of demons poured into Thedas. But for a long time he cannot remain unnoticed, and the one who started all this begins to hunt for him.

Depending on the chosen race and class, your character may have the following backstories:

  • Human Inquisitor (warrior, rogue) is the youngest child of Lord Trevelian of the town of Ostwick in the Free Marches. From a very young age, he was instructed on the path of serving the Church and the Creator.
  • Human Inquisitor (mage)- is the offspring of the same Lord Trevelian. At an early age, his magical abilities were discovered and he was sent to the Austwick Circle of Magi. During the mage uprising, he sided with his brethren and fought the templars for his life.
  • Elf Inquisitor (Warrior, Rogue)- grew up in the Lavellan elf clan, who roamed the expanses of the Free Marches. By his mature years, he became a good hunter who provided food and protection to the clan.
  • Elf Inquisitor (mage)- comes from the same clan of elves Lavellan. He is a promising student of the Clan Guardian.
  • Dwarf Inquisitor (Warrior, Rogue)- Ground Dwarf, member of the ruthless Kadash crime family. He lived on the streets of various cities in the Free Marches, until he got a job in a criminal group known as the "Charter", in which he was involved in the smuggling of lyrium.
  • Qunari Inquisitor (Warrior, Rogue, Mage)- rejected the teachings of Kun and never even visited the lands of his followers. He bears the infamous name Tal-Vagoth (Renegade) and is part of a mercenary unit called Valo-Kas.

Companions of the Inquisitor

  • Varric Tetras- A dwarf adventurer from an influential trading caste of dwarven grounders. Hawke's companion in Dragon Age II. After the events of the second part of the series, he joins the Inquisition.
  • Cassandra Pentaghast- A seeker of truth who interrogated Varric in Dragon Age II. Also joins the revived Inquisition. Cassandra is a member of the Seekers of Truth order. It was this order that became the continuation of the Ancient Inquisition and the founder of the Order of the Templars. Candidate for the post of High Priestess of the Church. A love interest for a male character only.
  • Vivien is a mage from Orlais who was a candidate for the position of Grand Enchanter, but due to the growing political tension in the country, she had to leave and join the Inquisition to help her fellow mages. Candidate for the post of High Priestess of the Church. He has graceful manners and loves holidays and receptions.
  • Iron Bull- kossit ("qunari" - for the inhabitants of Thedas), commander of the mercenary squad "Bulls". Engaged in espionage in other countries as "Ben-Hazrat". Joins the Inquisition to learn more about the activities of this rapidly gaining power organization. Unlike most Qunari, he is friendly and outgoing. He prefers not to follow the teachings of Kun and takes everything from life that he can. A love interest for any gender and race.
  • Solas- an elven magician-apostate, a specialist in the Shadow and its inhabitants. From an early age, he practices magic and developed it to perfection without outside help. His knowledge is needed by the Inquisition to counter the threat posed by the rifts in the sky. A love interest for a female character of the elven race only. In the post-credits scene, after talking to Flemeth, he gains power which causes his eyes to turn blue, hinting at a sequel where he will be the main antagonist.
  • Sir- elven archer. A simple-minded and impulsive woman from the streets of Orlais who enjoys only the present moment. The leader, or one of the main members, of the underground decentralized organization Red Jenny's Friends. Joins the Inquisition to answer the many questions that torment her. A love interest for a female character only.
  • Dorian Pavus- Tevinter mage. Wanting to prevent his compatriots from following the path of evil in the midst of a war between mages and templars, he joins the Inquisition. Dorian is not a master, but is a representative of the highest layer of the nobility of Tevinter - the mages of the altus. A love interest for a male character only.
  • Cole- the spirit of compassion, who took the form of a young boy. It has the ability to remain invisible to most people and influence their consciousness.
  • Blackwall (real name Tom Rainier)- Veteran of the Gray Wardens from Val Chevin. He believes that the Gray Wardens should stand guard over Thedas, not only during the Blight, and therefore will join the Inquisition. He is fascinated by the legends about the ancient representatives of his order. A love interest for a female character only.

Game process

Unlike Dragon Age II, the third part of the series has undergone dramatic changes in gameplay compared to its predecessors. This is mainly due to BioWare's move to DICE's modern Frostbite engine.

The player will be able to choose for his character: gender, race, voice, name and customize his appearance. Depending on the chosen race, the player will receive the following bonuses: human - skill point; elf - 25% defense against ranged attacks; gnome - 25% protection from magic; kossit - 50 health points.

During character creation, the player will be offered a choice of three classes: warrior, rogue, mage. For a warrior and a robber, it will be possible to choose which weapon the character will specialize in: two-handed swords or one-handed swords with a shield for a warrior; blades in two hands or a bow from robbers. During the game, the player can change the type of weapon, but only within the same class. Mages can only use magical staves. Also, depending on the class, the player can only wear a certain type of armor (warriors - heavy; robbers - medium; mages - light). Each class has 4 branches of unique abilities. As the game progresses, the Inquisitor will have a small skill line available only to him (in the Jaws of Hakkon add-on, the number of abilities in it can be increased). In the future, the player will be able to choose one of nine specializations (3 for each class), which will open access to another branch of abilities. The small branch of the Inquisitor and each specialization has a special very strong ability that can only be used when accumulating the so-called Concentration in battle.

As in the previous parts of the series, the player controls not only his character, but also a detachment of companions he has collected. There are 9 satellites in total in the game. At the same time, a player can take no more than three. During the battle, the player, as before, can activate a pause. During a pause, the game stops and at this time you can give orders to your partners. You can freely switch between partners. The camera in pause mode has become active, it can inspect the entire area of ​​​​the battle and find out certain information about the enemies. The camera can also be switched behind the character's back and participate in the battle directly. Characters can be ordered to use abilities or travel to a specific location. Now they can also be ordered to break through crowds of enemies or vice versa to hold their positions, and many other actions. The tactics mode has undergone significant simplifications. Now you can only choose what abilities the characters will have in priority and how many potions from the inventory they can drink. Unlike previous parts of the game, mana and stamina indicators do not regenerate during combat. Health can be restored only with the help of potions. It is noteworthy that the player loses health when falling from a certain height, but cannot die in this way.

The locations where the action takes place have become many times larger than in the previous parts of the series. They have become more interactive. There are now opportunities to bring down walls on enemies or set fire to a bridge under them, and some character abilities can also create artificial barriers for enemies. You can move around large locations on horseback, as well as use fast travel between them. This time, the player is offered to explore almost all the lands of Ferelden and Orlais, as well as small territories adjacent to them. The main character has his own castle at his disposal - Skyhold, where you can chat with the characters, as well as give orders to your three advisers. On the global map, you can send your agents to spy or send a combat squad to suppress unrest. By capturing territories, the player will be able to restore infrastructure there and build outposts of the Inquisition. As the game progresses and the choice made by the player, various influential groups of Thedas will adjoin the Inquisition, increasing its level of influence in the world. A similar approach was already taken by BioWare in their previous game, Mass Effect 3. Quests now also award Influence Points that can be used to upgrade your character or the Inquisition as a whole.

Communication with other characters occurs, as before, using the dialogue wheel. The wheel has undergone some changes and now, when choosing an answer, you can see exactly what your character will say. Through dialogues and actions, you can get close (or vice versa) with your companions and advisers. It is not necessary to take almost all of them into the squad, and many, if your actions are disapproved, may leave you. You can finish the game with only one companion in the squad (namely Varric).

Downloadable content (DLC)

For single player

Jaws of Hakkon

The first story expansion that includes a completely new location, weapons, enemies and more. The plot centers on the last Inquisitor who disappeared in the Frost Mountains over 800 years ago. Players will have to follow in the footsteps of their predecessor and find the reason for his disappearance. The expansion was released on March 24, 2015 for Xbox One and PC. It was released on PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3 on May 26, 2015.

black store

A free add-on that adds an underground store of various goods known to players from Dragon Age II to the game. It also allows you to change the appearance of the main character. The add-on was released on May 5, 2015 on all platforms.

Avvar Spoils

The add-on adds new armor, weapons, Skyhold decorations and Avvar-style horses to the game. The expansion was released on June 9, 2015 for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Spoils of the Qunari

An add-on that adds new armor, weapons, Skyhold decorations and a Qunari-themed horse to the game. The add-on was released on July 21, 2015 on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.


Second plot addition. Players will have to go underground and explore the Deep Roads to find out the causes of earthquakes that threaten all of Thedas. The expansion was released on August 11, 2015 for PC, Xbox One and PS4.


The third and final story addition, which takes place 2 years after the end of the main story. Players will face a new threat in the face of the Qunari, as well as decide the fate of the entire Inquisition. The add-on was released on September 8, 2015 on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

For group play


A small addition for the co-op, adding new aggressive enemies to the maps, as well as additional paths for their passage. The add-on was released on December 16, 2014 for free.


A free co-op add-on that added a new large map to the game, as well as three playable characters: the Avvar warrior Skygazer; magician-musician Citra and the pirate girl Isabella, known to players from the previous parts of the series. The add-on was released on May 5, 2015.

Game edition options

Items Editions of the game
Standard Edition deluxe edition Inquisitor's Edition
The game Yes Yes Yes
Faux leather case Not Not Yes
Map of Thedas Not Not Yes
4 map markers Not Not Yes
72 tarot cards Not Not Yes
A set of master keys in real size Not Not Yes
Mark of the Inquisitor Not Not Yes
Pen and inkwell Not Not Yes
40-page Inquisitor's Journal Not Not Yes
Orlesian coins Not Not Yes
Limited Steelbook Not Not Yes
Official Soundtrack Not Yes Yes
In-Game Bonuses
Flame of the Inquisition Arsenal (Pre-Order Only) Yes Yes Yes
Armor "Flame of the Inquisition" Not Yes Yes
Armored steed Not Yes Yes
Skyhold Throne Not Yes Yes
red galla Not Yes Yes
swamp unicorn Not Yes Yes
Multiplayer item set Not Yes Yes

History of game development


year 2012

New details of Dragon Age III became known at the Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo in October 2012. The main character of the human race was reported (subsequently, the ability to choose the race of the protagonist was announced). The main character will have his own castle. The details of the locations have become known: there will be no open world, as in The Elder Scrolls, but according to the developers, one Dragon Age III location will be comparable in size to all the Dragon Age II locations combined. The character development system will be improved and will be applied to both the main character and his companions. Decisions from previous parts of the game will be taken into account, while BioWare is looking for ways to get around without importing saves. Witch Flemeth has been confirmed to appear.

year 2013

Dragon Age: Inquisition was the focus of the September issue of Game Informer magazine. The magazine revealed many details of the game, namely: it was confirmed that there would be no open world, but the game would have huge locations compared to previous games in the series; it will be possible to ride mounts; the game will have a dynamic change of day and night, as well as weather conditions. In addition, it was stated that the player will be able to create a character of any available race, as was the case in Dragon Age: Origins. The first companions and several screenshots from the game were shown. In addition, Game Informer on its website announced the month of Dragon Age: Inquisition, where new details of the game were published during August. The main character can build outposts and change the landscape.

At the PAX Prime 2013 game show, BioWare showed 30 minutes of gameplay, which demonstrated everything that was previously announced. It was also revealed that players would be given the option to play as Cossites.

year 2014

BioWare has announced a weekly release of a small update on the upcoming game starting in March. All the news was devoted to various aspects of the game and companions of the protagonist. It was announced that the game will have up to 40 different ending variations, and the player will be given four options for voicing the main character (2 per floor) to choose from. On May 25, the game's executive producer Mark Darra revealed that the game's development had reached the alpha stage, and it was also announced that mount combat would not be allowed in the game.

On July 27, it became known that the release date of Dragon Age: Inquisition was postponed to November 18 for the United States and November 21 for Europe. The developers at Bioware made this decision to bring the game to the highest quality.

At the end of August, it became known that Dragon Age: Inquisition will have a cooperative mode for four people. At launch, the game will feature 3 unique story campaigns and 12 playable characters (4 per class). The environment and enemies on the maps will be randomly generated. Unlike Mass Effect 3, progress in co-op does not affect the main story in single player.

In early November, one of the developers of the game, Mark Darra, announced that the development of Dragon Age: Inquisition was officially completed, and the game was going to print.


  1. Dragon Age: Inquisition - New Game Release Date Archived from the original on March 4, 2016.
  2. Dragon Age: Inquisition for PlayStation 4 (indefinite) . GameRankings
  3. Dragon Age: Inquisition for PC (indefinite) . GameRankings. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  4. Dragon Age: Inquisition for Xbox One (indefinite) . GameRankings. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  5. Dragon Age: Inquisition for PlayStation 4 Reviews (indefinite) . Metacritic. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  6. Dragon Age: Inquisition for PC Reviews (indefinite) . Metacritic. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  7. Dragon Age: Inquisition for Xbox One Reviews (indefinite) . Metacritic. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  8. Carter, Chris

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