Home Useful properties of fruits Fun starts with parents in dhow. Teachers' universities. Relay "Running with a racket in hand"

Fun starts with parents in dhow. Teachers' universities. Relay "Running with a racket in hand"

Verochka Zhuzhoma

Sports entertainment scenario with parents« Fun starts»

Vera Zhuzhoma

Target: to increase interest in physical culture and healthy lifestyle of preschoolers and their parents.


1. Engage parents to develop physical qualities of their own children;

2. Strengthen the motor skills of preschoolers;

3. Promote a healthy lifestyle;

4. Introduce families to physical education and sports;

5. Create an emotionally positive attitude in the process of joint activities.

Teams form at the entrance to the hall and, to the music, follow the judge into the middle of the hall in front of the audience. Music - march "If you want to be healthy".

Leading: Good evening, dear mums and dads! Hello dear guys! It is very important that children grow up healthy, and that their health is enhanced by exercising every day. Today competitions are held here unusual, excellent from others "Dad, mom, I - sport family.

1Child: Both adults and children know,

What is most important in the world -

Dad, mom, you and me -

A friendly family together.

2 Child: Family is joy, warmth and comfort,

Family is a home where you are always welcome.

If there is peace and friendship in the family,

Everyone will be proud of you.

Leading: And now we proceed to the presentation teams:

I team: "Hot hearts"

We are friendly guys, reliable friends,

You will not be bored "Hot hearts".

II team: "Smile"

Life without a smile is mistakes

Long live laughter and smile!

Suddenly they run into the hall "Oh" in felt boots and a hat and "Oh" v sports uniform.

Oh: Oh, how tired I am! Oh, how sick I am! Oh, how cold I am!

Oh: Oh, how good! Ah, I seem to be on a holiday! Oh, how will it be fun!

Leading: Who you are? What is your name?

Oh: I - Ah!

Oh: I - O-ooh! Grabs his back Oh, how it hurts!

Leading: That's it! You Oh and Oh. They came to us from the cartoon.

Oh: Oh, how good!

Oh: Oh, I hit! My side hurts! (Oh falls, Oh tries to lift him by the leg, then drags him by the hand).

Oh: Yes, you sit down, look at the children, maybe you will learn how to become strong and tempered. (Ooh sits down).

Oh: Listen, Oh, why are you wrapped up like that? Hat, scarf. Why aren't you tempered?

Oh: Oh, I'll catch a cold!

Oh: Well, take off your earflaps. Exercise with me.

(Shows movement : One or two! One or two! Oh clumsily repeats).

Ved .: Oh, now the guys will sing a song for you about why it is necessary to do physical education.

Ved.: So that endurance is,

Strength, agility and dexterity,

What do we need… training!

We start preparing,

We start training, do not be lazy, do not yawn,

Do the exercises.

Warm up "The radiant sun"

Oh: Nothing works for you, what to do with you?

Leading: Oh, oh, stay with us. Today we will measure strength and agility, speed and endurance. Let's get to know each other better and make friends with each other better. Let's see what our children can do and what ours can do. parents... And you, Oh, we will teach you to be dexterous and fast!

Oh: Can I?

Leading: The main thing diligence and desire!

Oh: I'll try.

Leading: Our competition will be judged by the judges. For each won relay - a point. The team with the most points will be the winner.

Oh: Something I felt reluctant to run with you. I'll sit down and eat candy for now. (Oh holds fake candy in his hands).

Leading: No, Oh, before we eat the candy we need to run with them.

1 relay "With candy"

Let's start the relay, instead of a stick - candy!

We will carry it together, we will go around the counter,

And then running back, we will return to her team!

Leading: Yes, your hands are strong, no one dropped the candy. Now let's check the strength of the legs.

2 relay: "Legs instead of hands".

Run up to "Holes"(baskets, sit down, clamp the ball with your feet and put it in the basket.

Leading: Our guys are very fond of scattering toys, and whether our mothers and fathers know how to quickly assemble them, we will check today.

3 relay: "Collect toys"

In each team, the first child takes a basket of cubes, runs to the landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player, an adult. He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team.

4 relay: "Through the eye of a needle"

Children run first in turn, crawling into the tunnel, adults thread 3 hoops through themselves in succession.

Leading: We all know that our mothers are the most daring and courageous.

Moms competition: "Walk through the dark forest"

Pins are placed around the hall at a certain distance. Moms are blindfolded. On a signal, you must go to the other side of the hall without hitting the pins. The mom who hits the pins least of all wins.

Leading: We all love to play ball since childhood. Name sport games where the ball is played. (1 - volleyball, 2 - basketball, 3 - handball, 4 - table tennis, 5 - water polo, 6 - baseball, 7 - rounders, 8 - streetball, 9 - rugby, 10 - football, hockey, motoball).

5 competition: "Who will name the most species sports» .

The teams take turns calling the views sports... After the correct answer, each team receives the ball. The team with the most goals will win.

Competition for dads "Collect as many balls as possible".

The dads stand on the cube in front of their team at a distance of 2 meters. The children take turns throwing one ball at a time. A task: Collect as many balls as possible and hold in any convenient way.

6 relay: "Unusual basketball"

Children take turns leading the fitball, hitting it with their hands to the counter, running back with it and passing it to another player. Parents walk along the bench, hitting the fitball, roll back to their team.

Leading: It's time to take stock. While we are summing up the results, our guys will show gymnastics for the animals.

Play massage "At giraffes ...", music. Catherine and Sergey Zheleznov.


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Nullb] Purpose: To teach children to play in a team and to introduce a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: - to develop the physical activity of children;

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Purpose: - fostering a sense of cohesion, desire to exercise. Objectives: -Create a positive emotional attitude.

Sports event scenario "Happy starts"

Target: Promotion of a healthy, active lifestyle.


    To involve children in systematic physical education.

    Promote student health.

    Foster feelings of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance,

"A healthy spirit of competition."

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory:

Stopwatch, whistle, relay sticks, balls (volleyball - 8 pcs, basketball - 4 pcs), hoops 8 pcs, cones 16 pcs, rope, tokens, certificates 4 pcs.

Line-up: 8 participants (4 boys, 4 girls).

Event progress

Leading: Hello parents and guys! We are glad to welcome you to our sports festival "Merry Starts".

Leading: A holiday of agility and will,
Triumphant in our school.

Everybody wants to compete
Joke and laugh
Show strength, dexterity,
And the skill to prove.
We are all happy about this meeting,
Not gathered for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together!

Leading: No competition is complete without judges. Today our teams will be judged…. (presentation by jury members).

Jury word: We want to wish you.

Show yourself at five.

Win a prize place,

Better the first, not the second!

Leading: So, start the competition. As the saying goes: "Ready to start, attention!"

First competition: "Presenting Commands"

Each team presents itself in any creative form (name, motto, emblem, etc.)

Representation of commands.

Leading: To become an agile athlete
We will carry out the relay.
We will run fast, together,
Everyone really needs to win!

Second competition: "Sticks - helpers "

The first participant has a wand in his hands - a lifesaver, on command he runs to the cone, runs around it, returns to the team, passes the wand to the next participant. If the stick falls a penalty point.

Leading: Let not everything be given at once,
You have to work!
Hoops, balls are waiting for you
Show your agility to everyone!

Third competition: "Race with the Hoops"

jumping race with hoops. The team that comes to the finish line is the winner.

Fourth competition: "Running with the ball"

The first participant runs with two balls to the first hoop, puts one ball into the hoop, runs to the second hoop, puts the second ball into the hoop. Runs around the rack, comes back, passes the baton to the next participant who runs, collects the balls, runs around the rack, comes back, passes the balls to the next, etc. The first team to finish is the winner.

Leading: We want to take a look as soon as possible,

Whose captains are quicker.

Fifth competition: "Competition of captains"

"Ferry in a hoop".

Ahead of us is a ferry across a stormy river. And we have a raft that can only accommodate 2 people. The captain must ferry the entire crew to the other side.

Sixth competition: "Running in one bundle with a friend"

OK! We all got over to the other side of the river. And then there is a high mountain. We must all climb it, not lose a single person. If you want to test the reliability of your friend, take him to the mountains, become one with him and make sure that he is a reliable loyal friend.

Children become pairs back to back and grab each other with their elbows.

On the way, run around between the cones. On the run, you must not disengage and fall. If you fell, get up and continue running from the same place.

Dribbling a basketball "snake" between the cones.

Seventh competition: "Kangaroo"

The first players have the ball. Holding it with your knees or ankles, you need to jump to the cone and back. If the ball slips out, it must be picked up and run again.

Eighth competition: "From bump to bump"

Walk to the cones and back, stepping only into the hoops, shifting them in front of you. Each team has 2 hoops.

Ninth competition: "Long jump from the spot"

One team first. The first participant performs a long jump from a place, then the second one performs a jump from the place where the first one landed. And so the whole team. Place a cone at the landing site of the latter.

Tenth competition: Tug of War.

First, the first and second teams tug-of-war, then the winning team and the third.

Host: Now guys, guess - ka riddles. While the jury is summing up the results. The teams take turns guessing riddles and getting tokens.

Fifth competition: "Erudite"

I gained strength over the summer

And he grew up significantly,

I did sports a lot,

I ran easily ... (Cross)

They walk along the snowy mountains

Help us move faster.

The assistants walk beside them,

They are also pushing us forward. (Skis and ski poles)

We compete in skill

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

We somersault at the same time.

So it goes ... (Relay)

Legs in them are fast and dexterous.

That sports ... (Sneakers)

It's not easy for me to pull up

I'm short.

Every student knows

What will pull us up ... (Horizontal bar)

I don't look like a horse

And I have the saddle.

There are knitting needles, they, I confess,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I'm calling, then you should know. (Bicycle)

I'm not riding a horse,

And the tourist on his back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - they can't bear it!

Players are apt throwing

Cuffs are kicking me. (Soccer ball)

I don't understand, guys, who are you?

Birders, anglers?

What is this net in the yard?

You would not interfere with the game!

You'd better walk away

We play ... (Volleyball).

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing

I jump over it,

Well, and she - through me. (Jump rope)

Green meadow,

One hundred benches around

Gate to gate

People are running briskly ... (Stadium)

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the ruddy sun,
I fill the crib myself
I do it quickly ... (Exercise)

Leading: And now we sum up the results,

Whatever they are.

We will be friends with sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And we will become strong then.

Healthy, skillful,

Both dexterous and courageous.

The jury announces the results of the competition, the awarding of the teams.

Leading: So we found out the winners. Let's say thanks to the jury and the audience. We wish the teams new victories. Good luck, see you soon!

"Merry starts"

physical education for children

Preparatory group and their parents.

Target: develop dexterity, quickness of reaction, coordination of movements, communication skills, strong-willed and moral qualities.

Material and equipment:benches, gymnastic sticks, balls, skittles, flags, logs or inclined boards. Scooters. A bag of juice and a straw, a souvenir - for each participant. A diploma and a sports gift - for each team.

Preliminary work:members of each team (6 children and 2 adults) come up with a name and motto for their team, make emblems. Mothers are developing a morning gymnastics complex. Teachers draw up certificates, decorate a gym or playground. Parents buy souvenirs.

An audio recording of funny music sounds. 4 teams, led by the dads - the captains, go out to the site, along the perimeter of which there are benches for participants and fans.

Leading: Attention! Today in our d / s teams are fighting for the title of "Most Sports". I wonder which of the teams will be the most agile, fastest, resourceful and, of course, the most fun? Attention! We are starting our competition. The teams' performance will be assessed by a strict but fair jury. (Represents the members of the jury). Get to know the teams participating in the competition.

Each team chants its name and motto.

Leading: It's time to warm up.

Members of each team, under the guidance of their mother, perform a set of morning exercises. The jury evaluates the complex on a 3-point system.

Leading: It was great! A real demonstration of strength, grace and beauty! The jury will face a difficult task. But this is only the beginning, let's see what happens next.

The teams take their places.

Leading: Young representatives from each team are called to the site. Attraction is announced Don't drop the ball.

Children in each pair hug each other with one hand around the waist, in the other they hold gymnastic sticks on which the ball lies. At the signal of the leader, the participants, trying not to drop the ball, reach the flag, return to the starting point and pass the baton to the next pair. The team, whose members did not drop the ball, gets 5 points, dropped 1 time - 3 points, more than 2 times - 1 point.

The jury sums up the results of the first and second competitions.

Leading: Well done! And now the relay"Slalom"

Children line up at the start line. The dads - the captains of each team - stand at the finish line. The participants, bending around the pins, take turns driving the scooter to their father, go around him and return in a straight line to the start, where they pass the scooter to the next players. The winner is the team whose members passed the relay faster and did not hit a single pins.

Leading: it's time for moms and dads to compete in the game "Dexterous Basketball Players".

An audio recording of the song "Multicolored Game" (Savelyev, Rubalskaya) is played. Dads and mothers are located in pairs at a distance of 5m from each other. Dads take baskets or plastic buckets in their hands, and mothers - medium-sized balls and perform 5 throws each, trying to get into the basket (bucket).

The number of points each team receives is equal to the number of hits in the basket (bucket).

Host: Now the game "Pass the ball" ... Its results will depend on the coordination of actions of all team members.

The columns are led by mothers. At the signal, the participants pass the ball over the head to the players standing behind. The dad, who closes each column, passes the ball back, but between the legs. The game ends as soon as the ball is again in the hands of the mother.

Leading: And now the family relay race. Friendly triplets will take part in the competition: mom, dad and child.

At a signal, the mother and the child, holding hands, run to the log, along which the child is walking, holding the hand of the mother. Then they run to dad, the child crawls between his legs, dad gets on all fours, and mom jumps over him (in the "legs apart" method). Then all the participants stand one after another: a child, mom, dad - and, holding on to the waist of the one in front, run to the finish line.

The winner is the three who crossed the finish line first and did not break the chain.

Leading: Members, are you tired? You can relax and drink, and at the same time take part in the competition"Elephants and baby elephants".

An audio recording of the song "The Elephant, the Baby Elephant and the Elephant" (Nikitin, Moritz) is played. Each participant takes a bag of juice and a straw and, at the signal of the leader, begins to drink. Those who have completed the task build a tower from the bags. The first team to build the tower wins.

All participants in the competition built a circle. An audio recording of the song "Big Round Dance" (Savelyev, Zhigalkin, Hait) is played. The jury announces the results, awards the teams in different nominations with certificates and souvenirs.

Leading: So the fun holiday has come to an end, but your friendship with physical education and sports does not end there. Be healthy!

Sports festival "Merry Starts" (Children of senior preschool age with their parents)

Create a cheerful mood for the participants of the holiday;

Foster a sense of collectivism;

To develop in children and adults coordination and dexterity of movements, an eye and the ability to navigate in space.

Preliminary work:

1. The holiday is held in the sports hall. It is necessary to prepare sports equipment and decorate the playground and areas with colorful flags and balloons.

2. Educators and children draw team emblems, parents prepare prizes for rewarding.

3. The main organizer of the holiday is a physical education instructor. The organizers of the competitions at the stages are educators. Parents are actively involved in games, relay races.

4. Number of participants - 2 groups of senior preschool children and their parents.


2. Rackets 2pcs

3. Balloons

5. Small balls (D = 8 cm)

6. Balls (D = 25 cm) 2 pieces

7. Blindfold 2 pcs

Host: Hello! I am glad to welcome you dear children and parents, competitors and fans. Attention! Attention! Teams of children and their parents - "Raketa" and "Chaika" take part in our sports festival "Merry Starts"

To the sounds of the march, the participants of the holiday in tracksuits enter the hall and line up in two lines against each other.

Host: Banners fly over the stadium,

Joyfully songs sound everywhere

The guys are marching in a slender column,

There is a parade in our garden today.

1st child: Compete without shyness,

Let the victory not be easy

But hope for luck-

And she will always come.

2nd child: Let from north to south

We have friends everywhere.

But without sports, as without a friend,

Nobody can live.

3rd child: Athletes are needed

Dexterous and brave.

Every day in our garden

We are doing exercises.

4th child: We love exercises very much,

Everyone wants to be healthy

Strong, courageous to grow up,

To become a new champion.

Moderator: Teams, get ready to greet.

The captains come forward and greet each other (team name, motto, chant).

So our teams met. I suggest our athletes gain strength, courage, dexterity, and we wish our participants great success in the upcoming competitions.

A respected jury will evaluate our holiday ...

Now it's time to warm up!

5th child: Smile amicably to the sun,

Become a warm-up.

Parents together with their children perform exercises with elements of children's aerobics to music.

Host: The warm-up was excellent. The teams fall into place, we start our relay races.

1st relay: "Who is faster"

Teams become pairs. In front is the presenter with two hoops in his left and right hands. At the signal, two, holding the hoops with one hand, run after the leader to the finish line. After the finish line, they lower the hoops, and the leader with the hoops runs to the next pair. The winner is the team whose pairs are faster behind the finish line.

2nd relay: "Running with a racket and a balloon"

The participant runs to the cube and back, leading the balloon with a racket, trying not to fall.

3rd relay: "Snake Run"

Run between four hoops on the floor with a small ball in hand, run around the cube and return the same way. The ball is passed to the next participant in the relay.

4th relay: "Tumblers"

In four hoops lying on the floor, one pin is set. The first participant of the relay runs, puts the pin on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second member of the team runs and puts the pins in the hoops, goes around the circle and returns running in a straight line.

5th Relay: Captains Competition "Who is Bigger"

One player from the team has a basket in his hands. Team captains collect balls in a basket in 1 minute, whoever has more balls wins.

Host: In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, the teams can sit down and rest. I invite our guests to take part in the game!

At the request of the guests, two players come out. Each is given a balloon in his hands. The players put the balls on the floor 1 meter away from them. The players are blindfolded and given the task - to come up and crush the ball with their foot. The balls themselves are secretly removed from the players.

Host: Let's give the floor to our jury.

Winners and losers are awarded.

At the end of the entertainment, everyone performs the Little Ducklings dance.


"Happy starts". Game script for younger preschoolers

Scenario of the game "Merry Starts"

Involve children in active participation in sports competitions.

Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical beauty, strength, agility, endurance.

Promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual help, friendship, empathy.

Participants: 2 teams of children

Duration: 25-30 minutes

Equipment: ball, hoop, skittles, sandbags, flag.

Holiday progress

To the sports ground

We invite you children.

Sports and health holiday

We start now!

We invite teams!

Everyone guys, my hello

And such a word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, amicably, kids

Let's shout all:

Children: Fizkult - Hurray!

Presenter: Sport is a guarantee of good mood and excellent health.

Today, at our sports festival, we are glad to welcome friendly, sports teams. Let's take a look at the commands.

1. Greetings of teams (name, motto)

1. "Smile"

Life without a smile is a mistake

Long live laughter and smile

2. "Friendship"

Our motto: Friendship and success,

We will defeat everyone today.

Song "True friend"

The jury will evaluate our success ...

The sun is shining in the morning

We are very happy with him,

Guys! It's time to start

Merry sports day.

If you want to become skillful

Dexterous, fast, brave.

Learn to love skipping ropes

Rings, hoops and sticks.

Never be discouraged

Hit the target with the balls.

2. Games-contests

Passing the ball in a line

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is built in one line. The first players have the ball in their hands. At the signal, children quickly pass the ball from hand to hand, in a row, in one direction. The latter lifts the ball up and this team gets 1 point.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3 m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to get into the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Bottom line: whoever has more points, that team won.

Climbed through the hoops

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one by one. At a distance of 3 and 5 m opposite each column, two hoops lie one after the other, and at a distance of 7 m - a ball. Following the leader's signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of him, take it with both hands, raise it over their head, put the hoop on themselves, squat down, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , raised above your head and lowered to the floor. After that, the players run around the ball and return to their place. The next child continues the game. The team that completed the Fast Train quest wins.

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are lined up one after the other in a column. A flag is raised in front of each team at a distance of 6 - 7 m. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third, etc., until the whole team runs around the flag. The first team to finish the game wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his teammate. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

Pass the ball

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are lined up one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal from the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, stands up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The first team to finish the game wins.

3. Behavior of Outcomes

Guys, today you have shown not only intelligence, but also dexterity. You are great! Let's reward the winners with sweet prizes.


Scenario of the sports festival "Merry Starts"

And strengthen your health!

(Join the teams and help them complete the assignment)

1st presenter: While the teams are preparing, we, dear fans, will play a game for attention. Let's get out of our seats. I will show you ribbons in different colors.

What kind of tape is it? (Raises blue. Children answer)

When I pick up the blue one, I have to clap, the green one - stomp, the yellow one is silent, the red one - hurray to shout. (A game is being played)

Well done! Take your seats.

Word to the team to my left! (The team is introduced)

Word to the team to my right! (The team is introduced)

(Both teams greet each other)

1st presenter

: And the jury will evaluate the performance of the teams:

(Introduced by jury members)

I ask the jury to announce the results of the task completed by the teams. (The jury sums up the results)

Thank you! I wish the teams every success!

2nd presenter:

Our sports festival continues, and we are holding the Frog - Traveler competition.

On two straight lines, 3 sports hoops - "bumps" are laid out, a certain number of small balls - "tadpoles" for each team the same number lie in them. Two children take a gymnastic stick, on which another participant clings - a “frog” with a bag for collecting “tadpoles”, a “frog” is carried to a hummock, and a “frog” collects “tadpoles” in a bag.

When the bag is full of balls, the “frog” is carried to the starting point, where it is necessary to collect all the “tadpoles”. This is done several times until all the "tadpoles" are collected.

Each time, resorting to the start, it is necessary to change the participants. The “frog” should not touch the floor with its feet when it is carried and when it collects balls. The winner is the team that was the first to collect all the "tadpoles" and did not violate the rules of the competition.

Points are deducted for breaking the rules.

The next competition is a relay race with balls.

The whole team is involved. At the command of the presenter, the first participant with the ball in his hands runs to the tunnel and crawls inside it, then runs to the basketball net and throws the ball into it, if he missed it, runs back to another member of his team and passes the ball to him.

He does the same. The team that finishes the competition first will receive a point. Each team is awarded points according to the number of balls.

While the jury will sum up the results of two contests, our assistants, a bear cub and a hare with their friends, will perform a song for you. (Song is sung)

The word of the jury. (The jury sums up the results)

1st presenter:

And now we will hold a quiz for the team members.

All team members take part in turn. On command, the participant runs to the board, on which it is necessary to write a word on the task:

1 task:

write what sport you know, then. pass the baton to another team member.

2nd task:

write what flowers you know, then pass the baton to another team member.

The first team to complete the task wins, and the correctness of the answers is also taken into account.

Well done!

2nd presenter

: And the last competition for team members - Building a house!

Building a house from cubes. The cubes are stacked in one place. One participant, at the command of the leader, runs after the cube and carries it to the place indicated for construction, then runs to the next member of his team, and passes the baton to him.

All team members do this until they build a house that is indicated in the picture or was shown before the competition.

Well done!

: Well, our forest guests, did you like our participants, didn't they try in vain?

Teddy bear:

You are not in vain, friends, you tried, Though a little out of breath,

We wish you success in your sporting events.

Lead 1: Team captains step forward. Prepare to greet ( team name, motto) .

Lead 2: The jury will evaluate our results. Let's welcome the jury members. ( List members of the jury)

Lead 1: Competitions, relay races will be evaluated on a 2-point system, that is, if a team wins, it gets 2 points, and loses - 1 point.

We wish all the participants of the competition every success.

Lead 2: The first relay is called "The Tunnel" and now you will understand why.

All players must stand in a column, one at the start line, with their feet shoulder-width apart. At my command "Ready, attention, march!" the player who is the last in the column begins to crawl under the feet of his team, on all fours forward.

As soon as he was the first in the column, you need to spread your legs apart, and the rest of the players, seeing that the team members crawled under them, immediately begin to move forward on all fours. When the captain is again at the beginning of the column, he must raise his hand up, which means "The relay is over."

So, get ready! Reade set Go!

Lead 1: Does everyone love the circus?

Acrobats, trapeze artists, trained animals - all of this attracts us to the circus. But not one performance is complete without funny clowns who can always make us laugh.

And the next relay is called "Clowns"

Now the instructor will demonstrate how this relay will be held.

After the show, a relay race is held.

(The player stands up, puts his feet shoulder-width apart, raises his arms apart, on his feet and puts a hoop on his hands. In this position, the participant must reach the rack and return to the start line. The whole team takes part in the relay)

Lead 2: I see the 5th team member is tired, isn't it time for him to take a break? The next relay is called "Relax, friend".

The team needs to stand in pairs one after another, cross their arms to make a chair. At the command 1,2,3 - we started, our friend the 5th player sits down in a chair, while holding his hands on his shoulders and the 1st pair with a resting person runs forward, around the rack and returns to the start line.

Here our friend is waiting for the 2nd pair, they are performing the same task. The first team to complete the task wins.

1,2,3 - started!

Lead 1: It's time to rest for all the participants of the competition, and the jury to sum up the first results.

While the jury is calculating the points, Zyateva Ksyusha will perform in front of us with the song "Bunny". (After the song, the word of the jury is given to summarize).

Lead 2: Have a rest! We continue our competition. The game "The most agile!"

Teams line up in one common circle, first a player from the "Sun" team, then a player from the "Teremok" team, and so on. There are rings on the floor in a circle and one less in number than the players. When the music starts playing, all players run in a circle after each other.

With the end of the music, all the players must have time to take the ring. The participant who was left without the ring is eliminated from the game, the ring is removed with him. The game continues until there is only one player with a ring in his hands.

With which team the player is, that team won.

Lead 1: How beautiful winter is! You can go skiing, ice skating, sledging. But what to do when the frost is 40 degrees? And how you want to ride on a sled from a steep mountain. We decided to help you, replace the sleds with basins and arrange a ride in basins.

Do you agree? Now the team of the Teremok kindergarten will show you how this will happen ( show) .

The relay is held in pairs, there is only one player left who will simply roll the sled in front of him, look how. Once the 5th player has crossed the starting line, the relay is over.

"Reade set Go!"

Lead 2: Let's give our teams some time to rest, and the jury will sum up the results of the past relay races.

While the jury is deliberating, the children of the preparatory group "Cheerful Dance" ( after the dance the word of the jury is given) .

Lead 1: Let us recall the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken". I feel sorry for grandfather and grandmother, a golden testicle was broken, they did not save it from a mouse. Let's see if our players can do it.

So, we put the egg on the spoon and run around the rack, come back, pass the spoon with the egg to the next player. The arm is extended forward.

1,2,3 - started!

Lead 2: Now it's time for the final relay. It is called "Spiders". You all know how quickly and cleverly spiders weave a web, how they quickly move their paws, running away from different birds.

Let's try to become spiders?

The instructor will show you how to do this.

1,2,3 - started!

Lead 1: We will give the distinguished jury an opportunity to sum up the results of our competition. And the children of the older group will perform in front of you with the song "Fizkult - hurray!"

Lead 2: To summarize, we give the floor to our wonderful jury ( Presentation of diplomas, gifts) .

Lead 1:

May you remember the funny starts,

May all adversity pass by

May all your wishes come true

And physical education will become native.

Lead 2: We invite the participants of the competition and members of the jury to take a photo for memory.

physical education instructor MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok",

the village of Tazovsky, Tyumen region, YaNAO , Russia.

Source PlanetaDetstva.net

Cheerful sports relay races | DARIKI

The best games for any children's party are funny relay races... They can be carried out both outdoors and indoors, and even in a small room. There are many pluses - children receive a charge of vivacity and energy, learn to play in a team, and the relay race will stir up the most shy child. By the way, adults are also not forbidden to play, and the funnier the relay race, the more your guests will be happy.

All relay races have similar rules: two or more teams with the same number of participants line up at the start. At the signal from the leader, the first player runs (or moves in another way, more on that below) to the finish line, which is located at a distance of 3 to 30 meters from the start.

Each team should have its own finishing point, in order to avoid crowds. Having run around the finish point, the player returns to his team, and passes the baton to the next one, for example, by touching him with his hand.

The second participant again runs to the finish line, returns, and so on, until the whole team completes this path. And of course, the team that finished the relay earlier wins and receives incentive prizes and gifts.

And now some examples of relay races. You can move to the finish line:

  • Running

More details dariki.ru

Fun games and relay races for preschool children, for the middle group of kindergarten

Various relay races for children in kindergarten help develop dexterity and coordination of movements, form new motor skills and communication skills, teach kids to follow the rules and, of course, are fun.


This relay race- a universal type of team competition for kids of any age... Its plus is the relative ease of implementation, requiring only speed and team coordination.

To carry out the "Snake" at a distance, cubes or pins are placed in a zigzag, which the children will have to run around with a snake. The teams line up in a column at the start line.

At the signal of the educator, the first participants go the distance and return to the team, where the second participants join them, and together they go through the distance again. The first team to run the snake wins.

Jogging rope

You can diversify your daytime walk on the street with this relay races for preschool children, for which only jump ropes are needed according to the number of teams. On the playground, the start and finish lines are marked at a distance of 10-15 m. Children are divided into teams and line up at the start, the first participants receive a rope. At the signal of the teacher, the children must overcome the distance, jumping rope, return to the team and pass the rope to the next participant.

Naughty balls

The "Naughty balls" relay offers to show sleight of hand, in which the participants have to transfer as many balls as possible from one basket to another. For the relay you will need two baskets filled with small plastic balls and two empty baskets.

Full baskets are placed near the teams on the start line, and empty ones are placed on the finish line. In turn, each of the participants must pick up as many balls as will fit in their palms, and quickly bring them to an empty basket, while trying not to lose them along the way. The team that can carry more balls wins.


You can have fun by replacing the physical workout a mobile relay race for children of the middle group"Jumpers". For its holding, hop balls are required according to the number of participating teams.

The task of the competitors is to pass the distance by jumping on the ball and transfer the relay to the next participant. Jumping on bright and colorful hop balls will surely appeal to kids, and will also help to strengthen the muscles.

Tightrope walker

Older children can be offered all kinds of relay races that require dexterity and ability to balance. "Tightrope Walker" is an excellent version of the relay race for older preschool children. As a "rope" you can use a gymnastic bench, along which participants must reach the finish line and try not to jump to the ground.

The winner is the team that is not only faster, but also more accurate in completing the task. The task can be somewhat simplified by replacing the bench with a conventional rope in the form of a line drawn on the ground.


We offer another good version of the relay for the development of dexterity and the ability to maintain balance. To carry out the relay, you will need several low stumps that act as bumps in the swamp, set up by a winding path.

The members of each team must go faster than their rivals through the conditional swamp on the "bumps". To protect children from falls, you can replace the stumps with hoops spread out at some distance, into which the participants must jump with two feet.

The proposed relay races for children in kindergarten you can diversify and complicate the fulfillment with additional conditions, for example, passing for a while or light obstacles, in accordance with the capabilities and physical fitness of the children. Another selection of fun relay races can be found here.

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Relay games for children 5, 6, 7 years old

Outdoor games relay for children 5-7 years old

Relay rules

An equal number of participants, which are divided into two teams.

Equal physical strength.

The presence of an adult presenter. He gives the command "Get started!", Calculates points and makes sure that the players do not break the rules: they do not run out ahead of time, put objects in place, pass the baton to others on time.

In order for the children to learn the rules of the game well, a training competition is organized, without scoring.

From about 5 years children are increasingly attracted to group, team relay games. After all, they have a spirit of competition. In them they will learn what a team and a comrade's shoulder are.

Children begin to understand how important it is to obey the rules of the group, to go towards the goal and feel their importance, to make their small contribution to a big cause.

In everyday life, it is not always possible to organize a relay game. After all, its creation requires participants - a large group of children. However, the baton can also be played with four children.

And if moms and dads join them, the game will turn into real “fun starts”. Relays are always spectacular. It's good if a support group gathers around you: it will be more fun for both the audience and the participants.

And if you failed to assemble two teams, play in a narrower circle, without competitive enthusiasm, where friendship and good mood wins, where the process is important for the sake of the process itself.

"Unload the car." The teams have a simple task - to unload the car with bricks. For this, two boxes with cubes ("cars with bricks") are placed on one side of the site, and the players are on the other side.

The task of the participants is to reach the "car", take the "brick", return to the start line, put the load in the designated place and pass the baton to another participant. The winner is the team that will move all the "bricks" faster.

"Come through the hoops." Two teams stand one after the other in a column. 3-4 hoops are laid out on the site.

The task of the participants is to reach the pivot stand (it can be a chair, bush, stone, post, some object) and return back to the starting line. On the way forward, you must overcome obstacles: pick up each hoop, thread it through yourself and put it in place.

"Move the watermelons"... For this relay, you will need six balls of different sizes (three for each team). Each participant is given a task: to bring three "watermelons" to the swivel stand and go back.

The one who dropped the "watermelons" collects them and continues to move to the starting line. Holding three balls in your hands, and even running at the same time, is a difficult task. Therefore, the players move slowly and carefully.

"Ball competition"... Children stand in a column one after another (at a distance of one step) and pass the ball over the head to a neighbor behind their back.

When the ball falls into the hands of the player completing the column, he runs forward and becomes the head of the group, the rest take a step back. The game continues until all participants try themselves in the role of the leading column. There is another version of this game: pass the ball not over the head, but between the legs of the players.

"The big picture"... To carry out this game, you will need two easels with blank sheets of paper fixed on (you can simplify the task and attach two sheets of Whatman paper on the wall). Place markers or heavy-tip markers nearby.

The facilitator gives the teams a task - to paint a picture: a portrait of a person, a cat, a house, a robot, etc. (the task should be simple). Each participant must run to the "easel", draw one detail of the image and go back. The first team to present their “masterpiece” wins.

"Sharp arrows"... Two hoops are placed on the site. From a short distance, participants in the game must hit the hoop with tennis balls.

Whoever has more hits will win.

"Faster, higher, stronger!" By the age of five, most outdoor games for children acquire a sporty character. "Faster, higher, stronger!" - this Olympic motto is becoming relevant, vital for older preschoolers. Both girls and boys are equally interested in active games with elements of running, jumping, overcoming various obstacles.

Even the most favorite summer time for kids can be boring if it is not filled with useful and interesting activities. It can be anything - intellectual games or sports mini-competitions, such as "Merry Starts", held by adults for children in the summer on the street.

Who is taking part in the "Merry Starts" relay races on the street?

These competitions, which originated in the Soviet Union, most often cover the school audience and are held on a serious scale during school hours. But in the summer, on the street, everyone, young and old, can take part in the "Merry Starts". After all, the victory here is not so important as participation. But it will still be correct if you form teams from different age categories, that is, in one there should be both toddlers and older children.

Such summer competitions can be timed to coincide with a city holiday, in honor of Children's Day or City Day, or be held on the initiative of parents just in the yard.

The task of the competition "Merry Starts"

At first glance, these relay races are not as simple as they seem, because they have specific goals. Regularly held "Funny starts" develop in children a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, develop motor skills, improve coordination and motor skills. All together, this has a positive effect on the state of health, because

Competitions for "Merry Starts" on the street

To get as close as possible to the program of traditional competitions, you will need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Teams introduce themselves first (presentation).
  2. Then a warm-up is carried out.
  3. After that, there is a competition of captains.
  4. At the end of the introductory part, all kinds of competitive competitions are held.
  5. The final chord is the awarding of the winners with symbolic prizes.

"Running with obstacles"

Most often, this is a competition for captains, when one representative of each team must run around conditional obstacles (pins, baskets, balls) and return to their starting point without hitting anything.

"Relay with a stick"

The simplest game is relay baton running. Members of each team line up, and the first starts running with a stick. Having run a certain section, he returns and passes the wand to the next one, and so on until the last member of the team.

"The most agile"

Participants are given three balls - volleyball, basketball and football. Each in turn must carry them all without dropping them, in any convenient way.


The most exciting relay is the two-team tug of war. As the main attribute - a rope, any rope with a length of at least five meters (depending on the number of participants) can be used.

"Running with a hoop"

For the competition, a large hoop is required, which will include 4-5 people. First, the first participant runs alone in it. Then, the next one joins it, and so on until the hoop is full. The rest, who did not hit the middle, run, grabbing the edge. The winning team is the one that came first to the finish line.

"Contest for marksmanship"

This relay assumes the identification of the most dexterous and well-aimed shooter. At a distance of 5-6 meters, a shield is installed with a drawn target, into which you need to hit the ball, as close to the center as possible. The number of points per hit is counted.


Opposite each of the teams is a field that needs to be planted with vegetables, in the role of which any improvised items can be, and then you need to collect them. The first player runs with a basket and arranges vegetables. Then he runs to the second participant, and the basket goes to him. His task is to harvest. And so on until the last participant.

"Baba Yaga"

For the relay you will need a stupa (box, bucket) and a broom (broom). Participants stand with one foot in a stupa, and with the other they push off, trying to run, while swinging a whisk.

After the winning team has been identified by the number of points, the adults, the organizers of the summer "Merry Starts" give both the losers and the winners sweet prizes, because, as always, friendship wins in such events.

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