Home Useful properties of fruits Riddles on a sports theme for children. I am very proud of myself, because sport gives me health! Riddles about sports for children. Several interesting children's riddles

Riddles on a sports theme for children. I am very proud of myself, because sport gives me health! Riddles about sports for children. Several interesting children's riddles

Riddles about basketball

In this sport, players
All are agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly
So this is ...

Riddles about trampoline

Get on the projectile, buddy.
One is a jump, and two is a jump,
Three - jump to the ceiling
There are two somersaults in the air!
What is this miracle mesh here?
For jumping, the projectile is ...

Riddles about biathlon

It's very hard to be, don't argue
The most accurate in this sport.
Just race along the track
Even me can do that.
Try to run the day yourself
And then hit the target
Lying supine, rifle.
It is impossible without training!
And your target is not an elephant.
Sport is called ...

Riddles about water polo

A dodger hits the goal,
While swimming, throws the ball.
And the water is here instead of the floor
So this is ...

Riddles about volleyball

Here the team wins
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a good pitch
Not into the goal - through the net.
And the playground, not the field
Athletes in ...

Riddles about gymnastics

Horse, rope, logs and beams,
The rings are next to them.
I do not presume to list
Lots of shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...

Riddles about kettlebell

I look - the champion
A barbell weighing a quarter ton.
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
I will now be in the apartment
Raise big ...

Riddles about rowing

You can't do without an oar,
If you go in for sports.
And what is the name of the occupation,
Where in the boat do they sail to the finish line?

Riddles about charging

Now jumping, then squatting
Children do ...

Riddles about putters

As a soldier is not without a gun,
There is no hockey player without ...

Riddles about skates

Who on the ice will catch up with me?
We are running in a race.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And shiny ...

I rush like a bullet, I go ahead
Only ice creaks
And the lights flicker
Who is carrying me?

Riddles about skis

Wooden two horses
Down the mountain they carry me.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I do not beat the horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow with my sticks.

Feeling no legs for joy,
I am flying down the snowy hill.
Sport has become dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this? ...

Riddles about hoop

I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I do not want to drop.

Riddles about rugby

Boxers have a shell - a punching bag.
And in this sport "fruit" is better.
An athlete is hammering the ball there
At the gate in the form of the letter H,
The ball is very similar to a plum.
What kind of sport can you name?

Riddles about rollers

We have only skates,
They are only summer ones.
We rolled on the asphalt
And they were satisfied.

Riddles about sled

Here are the runners, backrest, slats -
And all this together is ...

I took two oak bars,
Two iron skids.
I stuffed the bars onto the bars.
Give it snow! Ready …

Riddles about sport

If you are close friends with me,
Persistent in training
You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat
Hardy and agile.

Riddles about football

We will assemble a team at school
And we'll find a big field.
We break through the corner -
We hammer in our heads.
And the fifth goal was at the gate!
We love very much ...

That twists around the waist

A gymnast? Did you find out?

Who is spinning that sports shell,

He will be very slender soon.

Gymnast Chashchina Irina

Slender like a prima ballerina.

What is twisting like a snake in your hand?

What is the name of the subject?

We were in the gym yesterday

The girls showed the class.

Hardly any of the guys

It will also sit on ...

The way watermelons are great

Like apples, crayons

But they all need to be lifted,

To become a strong man sooner.

Iron bird

Demolished a testicle

Testicle from the nest

Do not take it without difficulty.

It's a hard egg

There is a ring in the egg;

You will take by the ring -

Take the egg away.

On the fretboard on each side

Heavy "pancakes" are hanging.

The challenge for the athlete is

Lift this weight up.

Tribunes - hundreds of eyes!

The stands are quiet!

Here he comes out - once!

And the record weight was taken!


For wars, a shell was old,

Now - sports equipment.

Munchausen flew on it,

But the athlete was his metal.

By a common word without fail

Name me an athlete:

Karate and sumo wrestler,

Judoka or sambist.

In shorts and warm mittens

Two comrades are fighting.

What is the boxer's pose -

Is it a threat to the opponent?

He seeks to occupy,

To immediately accept the battle.

Boxing Fighting Field

They call it that in sports.

Two fighters entered the ring:

Left - hook, towards - swing,

Uppercut, and here's a knockout.

But the second was only ...

The boxer got hit.

On the count of ten, he didn’t get up.

How is this failure

Is it called differently?

A very stern fat man in appearance,

In the fight, he will definitely win.

I have known for a long time in Japan

That sport. It is called ...

I'm in a hurry to practice

In a kimono, I fight smartly.

I need a black belt

After all, I love ...

It's kind of a fight like this -

Now with your foot, now with your hand,

From that it serves as protection,

Who fights, not friends.

Master of Sports Ivanov

Raised six pancakes at once.

Explain why,

After all, I have not eaten a single one.


Have you seen a bum?

Can't stand work.

Took a hammer

Yes, how will he quit!

(Hammer thrower.)

The mark will be given to the athlete,

Did you guess what it is?

And today I just found out:

The score is sporty ...

He fled from the rider,

To get to the gym?

There is no mane or tail.

Where is the saddle and where is the bridle?

He doesn't skate the guys.

What is the name of a sports equipment?

Beardless and not white

Smooth, hairless body,

Iron hooves

As if dug into the ground,

He does not bleat, does not make noise,

Where they put it - there it is;

They don't move him -

They jump over it.

(The shell is a goat.)

Two rings

And two ropes

Up and down,

There and back again.

Unfinished flight

Stand, take off and turn.

(The projectile is rings.)

The letter "P" is a sports projectile,

I train actively.

I pulled myself up once and twice -

Head is spinning.

The gymnast is training.

The girl runs deftly

Along the narrow path

Rides on only one leg

Then he suddenly does a twine.

It's hard they say

But that's the way it is.

And the path is ...

Flies faster than a swallow

There is a gymnast girl on the planks.

I'm afraid it will fall, I'll close my eyes.

Baby girl works wonders.

It’s good to judge, I don’t undertake.

Two planks - sports ...

Warriors fought them

Long ago, but I know

There are still

Throwers ...

The bar is raised, oh God! -

Here, probably, six meters!

What can help the jumper?

Well, of course, long ...

I jump on the net, I jump

And I spin somersaults in the air.

This run is not a marathon

Divided into segments.

Competition, I know it

They call ...

(Relay race.)

There was a race again in the park,

Participants - one hundred people.

Everyone tried, and seriously

Perceived this ...

Very difficult in hot summer

Run it to athletes

Many long kilometers

Defeat faster than the wind.

The path is not easy, it is named

An ancient word ...


To start the marathon, friends,

What am I waiting for the command?

The signal will ring, I will fall

And I will quickly rush to the finish line.

There is no happier moment for a runner:

Here the finish line breaks with its chest ...

Stick plus frame, plus mesh -

For tennis, this is ...


Not a rocket, but a racket

I hold with my hand -

Once - and the ball flies over the net!

One more time! - And set after me!

A nimble ball and two rackets.

All beats are beads, marks.

Play until the victorious

Do not give in to anyone!

What kind of lawn

Tennis players in shorts, T-shirts?

This badminton ball

Apparently it was made by a craftsman.

And a feather from the tail of a stranger

He is decorated like an Indian.

We play badminton with you.

What are we hitting with a racket?

Came to us from England

This is a wonderful game.

Two rackets and a shuttlecock

Loves kids.


The racket hits the shuttlecock

Again he fly over the net.

It's high time for you to name

What is this game?


There is only one game with the bat,

Almost like baseball.

And the game is called that

In a simple word - ...

In America,

If you go there

What is our name of rounders.

In New York City

Such a game for a long time

Athletes and spectators


With this shell,

Everyone knows,

In baseball

The ball is being hammered.

Here the team wins

If the ball does not drop.

He flies with a good pitch

Not into the goal, through the net.

And the playground, not the field

Athletes in ...


In this sport, players

All are agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And drive him into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly

So this is ...


Well done

Between two rings!

Together with the players

Long arms!

(Basketball, basketball.)

From the blows of the ball it bursts

With a ring and a basket ...

(Backboard, basketball backboard.)

Elongated ball game.

Do you guys know her?

There is such an English city.

You do not know? Open the Atlas!

Small in stature, but smart,

He rode away from me.

Though it is always inflated -

It's never boring with him.

They love the fellow very much,

And they beat, beat endlessly.

Round like a bun

He has no arms or legs.

He has one concern -

Get into the gate as soon as possible.

(Soccer ball.)

At the edges of what fields

Is there a gate without doors?


In the full stands screams and whistles -

Rushing to the goal with the ball ...

(Football player.)

You hit the goal -

Will not concede the ball ...


Hunt for all opponents

To score the ball into my goal.

But strike from nowhere,

This ball will take ...


Everyone knows his fan

He does not let the ball into the goal.

The goalkeeper, of course, is clear here!

But what else is his name?


Final referee's whistle

The last goal was scored.

Our glorious victory

The difficult one ended ...

Two teams played football.

They played but did not lose.

"0: 0" - that was the score of the match.

Who will tell me the result?

We won football.

I scored the last goal:

Run up and just

They gave me a great ...

Pass, another. Player bypasses

The player. He conducts the ball

Through the field. Came up

He's at the gate. Will …

Any fan will be surprised -

The ball rushed over the border.

What will be the judge

In a situation like this?

Strange policeman

Walks across the field

In shorts like a pioneer

Chasing the ball.

Although very strict in appearance,

Gave the go-ahead - kick the ball.

Sit down if you whistle

To the penalty box

So you, my dear,

I hit the ball with my hand.

I just don't remember

What is the name of that judge?

In training every day

Tries to hit the target.

He will hit the target in the shooting range,

In the "top ten" just hits.


What is the name of the shooter,

What could you become an ace in the end?


The athlete walks on the shooting range

And he takes aim at it.

To defeat a competitor,

In the "top ten" should please.

The house where the shots are thundering

And there are targets in a row.

Sniper - fun

Targets are not laughing.

He did not take a rifle with him -

Arrow target hit

And I practiced all day

The quiver remained completely empty.

On the squares of the board

The kings brought the shelves together.

Not for battle at the regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets.


He's on one leg

He knows how to walk with the letter "G".

The answer to this task is

Chess pieces title.

In the form of a turret she

Very important in chess.

What is the name, I know:

Or tour, or ...

Another question has arisen for you:

In chess - a draw, a dead end.

Have you guessed it? I am glad,

Because it - …

He ate the horse

He ate an elephant

And he won.

Be proud, country!

(Chess player.)

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and ride it

Only better drive.

(A bike.)

I don't look like a horse

At least I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles. They confess

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

But I'm calling, so you should know!

(A bike.)

The bike was built,

A couple of seats were placed.

Two riders should be here

To pedal.

It usually drives fast here

Bicycle racer.

At an inclined bend,

Accelerate and circle.

I'm flying along the track and just about

I see a sharp turn.

And our coach explains,

What is the name of the turn ...

On the road rushes fast

Motorcycle string.

The competition is underway.

Who will tell me?

(Racing, motocross.)

Refuel your car

Pump up the tire.

The car marathon has started.

Champion unknown.

Step on the gas, step on the pedals

We have only skates,

They are only summer ones.

We rolled on the asphalt

And they were satisfied.

Wheels attached to the board

And now they are rolling down the slope.


What kind of horse? And the horse

There are wheels, there is no steering wheel.

I don't sit on it in the saddle

I'm kicking on my back

I stand on my horse.

I climbed onto my back with my feet

Throwing my arms out to the sides,

And drove on the asphalt

And I made a somersault from the curb.

The horse struck the stone-side.

And the horse's name is ...


That's a wonderful stadium -

It was built for horses.

All Oryol trotters

Ready to invite.


Horses rush to the finish line.

What are those races called?

The athlete took the skates and the puck,

I changed them for a ball with a horse.

Now riding across the field

And strive to score a goal with a club.

You can't see in that pond

No ducks or geese.

Tile banks

Call him ...

(Swimming pool.)

Swim here in winter

We can easily with you.

Here they will teach us to dive.

What should we call that place?

(Swimming pool.)

He liked the pool so much - he immediately plunged into the water,

Rushed butterfly style,

Now guess the athlete.

Walker walks along the path

And he floats along the path.

All the swimmers were delighted

New style when taught.

They took over from frogs.

What did they call it?

Beauties in the pool in front of us

Everything is upside down and upside down.

(Synchronized swimmers, synchronized swimming.)

The blade is in my hand,

I row her on the water.

In order for our boat

Glide along the water.

Scooped up the wind

White wing

And roll the boys

Carried out to sea.

Indians lived by the river,

They hammered a light boat for themselves,

We sailed on the river on it

And rowed with one oar.

Always with me in my backpack

My boat is foldable.

I walk on it along the rivers

Almost every weekend.


You can't do without an oar,

If you go in for sports.

And what is the name of the occupation,

Where in the boat do they sail to the finish line?

On the masts the sails flew

They pouted from a strong wind,

And yachts rush along the waves.

Do you know this race?

To ride the wave

I don't need the ship.

I need:

Foam board,

Strong knees.


Slightly noticeable

To a cloud, to a cloud

Meter by meter

Rises with difficulty -

Carries his house on his back?

Think, think, do not be lazy!

Not a snail - ...


The men brought

Two ropes and hooks.

Climb the sheer wall

Like big spiders.


From under the sky

As in a nightmare

The athlete flies

On the sheet!


Jumped down

Hanging on a flower.

I touched the ground -

The flower is curled up.


It looks like an airplane:

The wings are and there is a pilot.

Can fly well,

But it has no motor

Unites the holiday

Athletes of all kinds -

Jogging barely running

Along the park path

And tearing the ribbon with my chest

At the finish line.

Those who kicks balls

In the company of guys

And those in whose honor it burns

Fire of the Olympics.

Any athlete will decorate

Our sports holiday.

Happy physical education and sports day!

The goal of physical education is

Be healthy and fit

Pleasing the soul, a look

Everyone is happy to be beautiful.

To be always okay

Start your day by exercising.

Let the big sport not for you,

Physical education is just right!

Don't be lazy and understand:

You will live with physical education

You are much more years old,

Although he is not an athlete in the warehouse.

Sportsmen - hurray!

On your holiday, we'll start in the morning

Run, jump and jump

Glorify physical education.

Wake up philistine!

Get out of bed!

Do physical education

Strengthen your muscles.

A sound mind is in a sound body!

Stop eating and drinking for two.

I count everything to three ...

To charge! Be healthy!

Passing genes with power,

Give the society children! ..

Let everyone be sportsmen too!


Happy child 29.05.2018

Dear readers, you all know very well that it is very useful to play sports. Yes, at least do exercises in the morning - and the whole day will pass in good shape. And it is imperative to teach kids to do such an important activity for the body. After all, the task of parents is to raise children healthy and strong. And everything else, as they say, will follow!

Riddles about sports will help to reveal the interest of kids in a certain sport and subsequently start with a desire to practice. In the article you will find many riddles that are selected so as to interest both the smallest children and schoolchildren.

In the courtyard in the morning there was a game, the kids were playing ...

Sports puzzles for the little ones are lighter and smaller. It happens that it is difficult for kids to immediately tell the correct answer, so at first colorful pictures will help. In the first collection of riddles about sports for children 3-4 years old with answers.

Now jumping, then squatting
Children do ...

If you throw it, it will jump.
You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop,
Well, of course it is….

There's a game in the yard in the morning
The kids played out.
Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -
There is a game - ...

I'm in a hurry to practice
In a kimono, I fight smartly.
I need a black belt
After all, I love ...

You hit the goal -
Will not concede the ball ...

He ate the horse
He ate an elephant
And he won.
Be proud, country!
(Chess player)

In an honest fight, I will not crush,
I will protect two sisters.
I beat a pear in training
Because I ...

Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Not afraid to fail?

Athletes are only the best
On a pedestal
Present solemnly
All of them ...

In the early morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass
Legs ride along the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …
(A bike)

We are graceful and light
We are curly ...

There are two stripes in the snow,
Two foxes were surprised.
One came closer:
Someone was running here ...

Here are the runners, backrest, slats -
And all this together is ...

As a soldier is not without a gun,
There is no hockey player without ...

With this funny song, you can do exercises with the kids.

In this sport, the players are all agile and tall.

You can teach kids to distinguish between sports by solving riddles after any sports program or by reading a book about sports games. If the child wishes, write him down in the section. Sport will teach discipline and composure, and this will definitely help in school life. Further you will find riddles about sports for preschoolers 5-6 years old with answers and about sports.

Ribbon, ball, log and bars,
The rings are next to them.
I do not presume to list
Lots of shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...

He liked the pool so much -
He immediately threw himself into the water,
Rushed butterfly style,
Now guess the athlete.

We will assemble a team at school
And we'll find a big field.
We break through the corner -
We hammer in our heads!
And the fifth goal was at the gate!
We love very much ...

In this sport, players
All are agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly
So this is ...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought the shelves together.
Not for battle at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

He is in sports with that name
Does everything with diligence.
And you yourself would try
Do sport …

Swim here in winter
We can easily with you.
Here they will teach us to dive.
What should we call that place?
(Swimming pool)

Green meadow,
One hundred benches around
Gate to gate
The people are running briskly.
At the gates of these
Fishing nets.

I have no time to be ill, friends, I play football, hockey

Solving riddles about sports is necessary not only with kids, they will be useful for schoolchildren. Sports are important at any age, and school-age children who are tired in the classroom, it is advisable to disconnect from lessons and start playing some kind of sport. In this collection you will find riddles about sports, but more complex ones.

Here the team wins
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a good pitch
Not into the goal - through the net.
And the playground, not the field
Athletes in ...

There is a lawn in our school
And on it there are goats and horses.
We are tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
There are horses and a lawn at school ?!
What a miracle, guess!

There's a stadium in the yard
Only it is very slippery.
So that there, like the wind, rush
Learn to skate.
(Ice rink)

On a white expanse
Two straight lines,
And next to them they run
Commas and periods.
(Ski track)

Boxing Fighting Field
They call it in sports ...
(Boxing ring)

That's a wonderful stadium -
It was built for horses.
All Oryol trotters
Ready to invite.

When the racket strikes
Shuttlecock is thrown over the net
Rivals from two sides
Everyone knows this ...

From the palm of your hand without looking back
Through the landing net
On, someone else's team, floor
The ball flies, then ...

There is a court, a ball, a gate.
We defend our honor here.
We score a goal with our hands
Playing with each other in ...

Court, net, ball and rackets.
Submission sends with a well-aimed blow
Opponent. I hope to fight back.
This sport is called ...

Inside, goalkeeper, stopper, beck,
As well as forward and midfielder
Play by scoring a goal
In the well-known game ...

What kind of horse? And the horse
There are wheels, there is no steering wheel.
I don't sit on it in the saddle
I'm kicking on my back
I stand on my horse.
I climbed onto my back with my feet
Throwing my arms out to the sides,
And drove on the asphalt
And I made a somersault from the curb.
The horse struck the stone-side.
And the horse's name is ...

Swim, then bike
And immediately a long run.
The champion runs to the finish line
Passed this ...

Watch the video “What is this sport? Riddles for Children ".

The one who is persistent in training will be the one healthy, dexterous

No wonder they say that sport is life! But they need to be dealt with wisely, because many types are traumatic. You need to control your capabilities and loads. And, of course, start the day by exercising in the morning, walking in parks and out of town, eating vegetables and fruits, brushing your teeth, washing your hands before eating, etc. In this collection you will find riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle.

I have no time to get sick, friends,
I play football, hockey.
And I am very proud of myself,
What gives me health ...

If you are close friends with me,
Persistent in training
You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat
Hardy and dexterous ...

I walk around the apartment
I squat: three or four.
And I am firmly sure
Success awaits me with her!
(Charger) .

You can rejoice at the birds
You can just have fun
You can breathe air
Fun together ...

Forget about the computer.
Run outside for a walk.
Very useful for children
Fresh air ...

He is cold, he is pleasant
I've been friends with him for a long time, guys,
He will pour water on me
I will grow up healthy!

I know there is a miracle in the world
There is such magic:
Bring it under the tap with water -
It washes away the dirt instantly!

We also have friends
You cannot forget about them.
To smile beautifully
We need to meet more often!
(Toothbrush and paste)

Hot and cold
You always need me.
You call me - I run
From diseases to the shore.

There are vegetables and fruits.
Children need to eat a lot.
There are more pills
Tastes like candy.
Taken for health
Their cold at times.
For Sashuli and Polina
What's useful? - ...

He is the "carrier" of the backpack,
On a camping trip,
Sit by the fire
Loves nature very much.
Brushwood, last year's leaf
Throw into your fire ...

The relay is not easy.
I'm waiting for the team for the jerk.

The flame is blazing
Five rings are shining.
A holiday for the people
Every four years.
That sporty holiday
Ancient, bright, wondrous.

On Olympus in the ancient world
The Greeks lifted weights
They competed in running, strength,
The severities were borne.
And gave them awards
Summer ...

It's not easy to get it
You have to be brave in the fight.
Only to those it is given
Until the last who fights.

Legs and muscles are in motion all the time -
It is not just a person who walks.
Such are the fast movements
We call it shortly - ...

Very difficult in hot summer
Run it to athletes
Many long kilometers
Fly faster than the wind.
The path is not easy, it is named
An ancient word ...

A comma stick drives the ball in front of it

Every sport has items to help athletes train and compete. Below are selected riddles about sports and sports equipment.

Throw it into the river - it doesn't sink,
If you hit the wall, it doesn't moan.
Throw you down to the ground -
Will fly up.

I am round like a globe of the earth
Everyone is chasing me.
They beat with their feet, hands,
And I run away - jumping.

I bend over the table
The sight is at the angle I need
And I hit with a cue.
Hooray! I pocketed ...

I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I do not want to drop.

Who is spinning that sports shell,
He will be very slender soon.

This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit astride and ride
Only better to drive.
(A bike)

I decided to become a strongman,
I hurried to the strongman:
- Tell us about this,
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years,
Every day, getting out of bed,
I lift ...

I look - the champion
A barbell weighing a quarter ton.
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
I will now be in the apartment
Raise big ...

Two metal brothers,
How they grew together with shoes,
Wanted to ride
Top! - onto the ice and rushed.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!
What are the brothers' names?

Two planks on the legs
And two sticks in hand.
If we grease the planks -
We will show you the snow extra class!
Winter records are closer
For those who love ...

They drive with clubs on the ice
We all have her in plain sight.
She will fly into the gate,
And someone will definitely win.

He looks like one board
But on the other hand, I'm proud of the name,
It's called ...

We have only skates,
They are only summer ones.
We rolled on the asphalt
And they were satisfied.

The blade is in my hand,
I row her on the water.
In order for our boat
Glide along the water.

Small, remote
Screams out loud
The judge helps
Tired does not know.

Comma stick
Chases the ball in front of him.
(Hockey stick)

You need to play billiards
There is a table on the legs, and also balls.
And they make a blow with a stick
And the ball is driven straight into the pocket.
Did you miss it? Badly! Very sorry.
What is the name of this "stick"?

You need to understand sports:
The tennis player is a player on the court.
How, tell me yourself,
Is there a mate in SAMBO?

The gymnast is training.
The girl runs deftly
Along the narrow path
Rides on only one leg
Then he suddenly does a twine.
It's hard they say
But that's the way it is.
And the track is -

He fled from the rider,
To get to the gym?
There is no mane or tail.
Where is the saddle and where is the bridle?
He doesn't skate the guys.
What is the name of a sports equipment?

Standing in the gym
He's not real
This means that he is inanimate.
At least four legs
Spread it wider
But he doesn't shake his beard.
Can't butt
He just has no horns.
He can't even be angry.
Don't be afraid, buddy.
And take the jump.
Sports are not scary ...

I saw my baby Anton,
How badminton was played.
The athletes have a racket.
What flew above the grid?
Not an eagle and not a cormorant!
It's with feathers ...

Having barely learned to walk, children immediately begin a sports life without realizing it. They play ball, jump rope, ride a bicycle - after all, this is a sport. It will be good if the kids can understand it. Entertaining riddles will teach you to distinguish between sports, sports equipment and much more.

And to raise your sports mood, a musical gift for you: a medley of songs about sports, performed by a group "Domisolka".

Universal sports fields are usually equipped with football goals, volleyball and basketball posts, badminton posts, etc. You can learn more about sports fields by reading our article.

Activities with babies

Do you think babies don't need sports? Whatever it is! After all, the physical development of a child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning gymnastics, fitball exercises ... There is plenty to choose from!

Physical activity for the child

Do you want to know what kind of physical activity is optimal for children? What are the contraindications for playing sports? When is the best time to start playing sports and is there physical education for newborns?

We all know perfectly well that riddles have a very positive effect on the development of thinking, logic and intelligence in general. It is not for nothing that children are very often offered to guess this or that riddle. Riddles about sports, among other things, will help to acquaint the child with sports terms, the name of some sports items, sports. A child will surely like sports riddles, they are not very difficult, funny, memorable. If you want to entertain your child for the benefit of the mind, then riddles about sports will help you with this.

About sport

I have no time to get sick, friends, I play football, hockey. And I am very proud of myself, That gives me health ... *** If you are strong friends with me, Persistent in training, You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat Enduring and dexterous.

About charging

To keep your health in order, Do not forget about ... *** As soon as I wake up in the morning, I will sit down, get up and bend down - All exercises in order! It will help to grow up ... *** Now jumping, then squatting Children do ...

About sports

Ribbon, ball, log and bars, Rings next to them. I do not presume to enumerate a lot of shells. Beauty and plasticity Gives us ... (gymnastics) *** We will assemble a team at the school And we will find a large field. We break through the corner - We hammer with our heads! And the fifth goal was at the gate! We love very much ... (football) *** Here the team wins, If the ball does not drop. He flies from the serve accurately Not into the goal - through the net. And the playground, not the field Athletes in ... (volleyball) *** In this sport, the players are all agile and tall. They love to play the ball And throw it in the ring. The ball beats loudly on the floor, So this is ... (basketball) *** We are not only happy to meet with the Olympics in the summer. We can see only in winter Slalom, biathlon, bobsleigh, On the ice - Fascinating ... (hockey) *** In the courtyard in the morning there is a game, The kids played out. Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" - There is a game - ... (Hockey) *** You can't do without an oar, If you go in for sports. And what's the name of the lesson, Where do they sail in the boat to the finish line? (rowing) *** On the squares of the board, the Kings brought shelves together. Regiments have no bullets or bayonets for battle. (Chess) *** I'm in a hurry to practice, I fight smartly in kimono. I need a black belt, Because I love ... (karate)

About athletes

You hit the goal - Will not miss the ball ... (goalkeeper) *** Walker walks along the path, And he floats along the path. (swimmer) *** He liked the pool so much - He immediately threw himself into the water, Rushed butterfly style, Now guess the athlete. (swimmer) *** He ate a horse, He ate an elephant And won. Be proud, country! (chess player) *** He plays ice skates. He holds the club in his hands. Beats the puck with this stick. Who will name the athlete? (hockey player) *** From under the sky, As in a nightmare, The athlete flies On a sheet! (parachutist) *** In an honest fight I will not crush, I will protect two sisters. I beat a punching bag in training, Because I ... (boxer) *** Here are athletes on skates. Exercise in jumping. And the ice sparkles sparklingly. Those athletes - ... (skaters) *** Who rushes quickly through the snow, is not afraid to fail? (Skier)

Sports Equipment

About the ball

You hit anyone - He gets angry and cries. And you knock this one - it jumps with joy! *** You throw it into the river - it doesn't sink, You hit the wall - it doesn't moan. If you throw it down to the ground, it will fly upward. *** If you throw it, it will jump. You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop, Well, of course - this is…. *** Small in stature, but far away, He galloped away from me. Though it is always inflated - It is never boring with it. V. Struchkov: Rubber Watermelon Rides on the belly. *** I am round like an earthly ball. Everyone is chasing me. They beat them with their feet, hands, And I run away - with jumps. *** Voiced, loud and bouncing Flies away right behind the clouds And to the joy of the kids Zonko jumps in the yard. *** Fidget has a boy. Round sides. If you hit, it doesn't cry, But it jumps higher and higher. *** Who is there jumping on the track Jump, gallop, somersault And huddled in a corner. *** Rubber belly! The belly of a watermelon. They beat him not crying. Day - day by day. *** Made from rubber. Bought in the store Rides loudly In the hands of a child! *** You recognize the Circus! He dashed off trampling. Jumped loudly at the guys - Rolled into the palisade. And now it is necessary to get the poor man out of the palisade. S. Melnikov: People beat him with their hands, With their heads and legs, They roll with a club on the grass, Throw them into the net and the ring, Fly upward as a free bird And it doesn't hurt at all. It hits the forehead, don't cry. It is called ...

About the hoop

What turns the gymnast around the waist? Did you find out? *** I twist it with my hand, And on the neck and leg, And I twist it at the waist, And I don't want to drop it. *** Who is turning that sports shell, He will be very slender soon.

About the bike

This horse does not eat oats, Instead of legs - two wheels. Sit astride and race on it, Only better to drive. *** I do not look like a horse, Though I have a saddle. There are knitting needles. They, I confess, are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, not a tram, But I know how to call, know! *** Early in the morning along the road Dew glistens on the grass, Legs go along the road And two wheels run. The riddle has an answer - This is mine ...

About dumbbells, kettlebells

I decided to become a strong man, I hurried to a strong man: - Tell us about this, How did you become a strong man? He smiled back: - Very simple. For many years, Every day, getting out of bed, I lift ... *** I look - the champion has a Barbell weighing a quarter of a ton. I want to become the same, To protect my sister! I will now be in the apartment Raise large ...

About skates

Both boys and girls Love us very much in winter, Cut the ice with a thin pattern, Do not want to go home. We are graceful and light, We are curly ... *** Both boys and girls Love us very much in winter, Cut the ice with a thin pattern, Do not want to go home. We are graceful and light, We are curly ... *** Two metal brothers, As with boots weighed together, We wanted to ride, Top! - onto the ice and rushed. Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? *** He does not want to lie at all. The river flows - we lie, Ice on the river - we run. *** Who on the ice will catch up with me? We are running in a race. And it is not horses that are carrying me, but brilliant ones ... *** I have guys I have Two silver horses. I ride both at once. What kind of horses do I have? *** My new girlfriends Are brilliant and light, And they frolic with me on the ice, And they are not afraid of frost.

About skiing

Feeling my legs out of joy, I'm flying down a terrible hill. Sport has become dearer and closer to me, Who helped me, children? *** There are two stripes in the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone was running here ... *** Wooden horses gallop in the snow, But they don't fall into the snow. *** Two planks on my feet And two sticks in my hands. If we grease the planks - we will show you the Snow Extra-class! Winter records are closer to Those who love very much ... *** Two snub-nosed athletes Run in the distance, behind them ribbons, Fluttering on the run, Remain in the snow. *** Wooden two horses Down the mountain carry me. I’m holding two sticks in my hands, But I don’t beat the horses, I’m sorry for them. And to speed up the run I touch the snow with my sticks.

About sleds

All summer stood, Winters expected. The pores waited, We rushed off the mountain. *** I ride it until the evening, But my lazy horse carries only from the mountain. I walk up the hill myself, And I lead my horse by the rope. *** Here are the runners, back, slats - And all this together - ...

About other sports equipment

The blade is in my hand, I row it on the water. In order for our boat to glide fast across the water. (paddle) *** Small, remote shouts loudly, The judge helps, He does not know when he is tired. (whistle) *** Comma stick Chases the ball in front of him. (hockey stick) *** They drive with hockey sticks on the ice. We all have it in sight. She will fly into the gate, And someone will definitely win. (puck) *** He looks like one board, But he is proud of the name, He is called ... (Snowboard) *** Heavy "pancakes" hang on the fretboard on each side. The task for the athlete is to lift this weight up. (bar) *** There are no clouds on the horizon, But an umbrella opened in the sky. A few minutes later I descended ... (parachute) *** We have only skates, only summer ones. We rode on the asphalt And were satisfied. (rollers)

About sports grounds, swimming pools

There is a lawn in our school, and there are goats and horses on it. We are tumbling here Exactly forty-five minutes. There are horses and a lawn at school ?! What a miracle, guess! (gym) *** There is a stadium in the yard, Only it is very slippery. To rush like the wind there, Learn to skate on skates. (skating rink) *** On a white expanse Two even lines, And next to them are Commas and dots. (Ski track) *** Field for boxing fights They call it in sports. (ring) *** No ducks or geese are visible in that pond. Tile banks, Call him ... (pool) *** Here to swim and in winter We can easily with you. Here they will teach us to dive. What should we call that place? (pool) *** Green meadow, One hundred benches around, From gate to gate Boyko people run. At the gates of these fishing nets. (stadium) *** This is a wonderful stadium - It was built for horses. All Oryol trotters are ready to invite. (racetrack)

About competitions

The relay is not easy. I'm waiting for the team for the jerk. (Start) *** Who won today, scored the most goals? Everyone will immediately understand - For this purpose is ... (score) *** Two teams played football. They played but did not lose. "0: 0" - that was the score of the match. Who will tell me the result? (draw) *** The flame is blazing, Five rings are shining. A holiday for the people Once every four years. The holiday is that sporty, ancient, bright, wonderful. (Olympiad) *** On Olympus in the ancient world, the Greeks lifted weights, competed in running, strength, endured weights. And the Summer gave them awards ... (Olympiad) *** It's not easy to get it, You have to be brave in the fight. Only to those it is given, Until the last who fights. (victory) *** Under the final referee's whistle The last goal was scored. Our glorious victory The difficult one ended ... (match) *** It is very difficult in hot summer To run it for athletes, Many long kilometers Fly faster than the wind. The path is not easy, it is called by the Ancient word ... (marathon)

About awards

He goes from the stadium to the champion's apartment. Will live with the prize-winner together In an honorable, conspicuous place. (cup) *** Athletes are only the best On the podium, They are presented solemnly to All of them ... (medals) *** This sign is not sold, But solemnly presented. Only the best are awarded for their sporting success. (medal)

Riddles are short, funny, sparkling questions or quatrains that have delighted children of all ages for generations. Solving a riddle requires not only observation and imagination, but also the ability to analyze and compare facts. Riddles are a simulator for the development of intelligence and creative thinking of a child. This is why kindergarten and elementary school educators love to use riddles.

Why sports riddles?

Riddles can be made to a child from 2 years old. It is worth starting with simple ones: about animals, objects surrounding the child (from household objects, such as spoons, plates, toys, to those surrounding the child on the street - trees, houses, etc.). For older children, more complex riddles are suitable. Some of these riddles are riddles about different sports: skates, bicycles, hockey, football.

The task of riddles about sports is not only to introduce children to different sports, but also to show their features. For example, it is worth explaining to the child that there are not only active sports, but also quieter ones, for example, chess. Many children do not associate chess with a sport, but consider it to be an ordinary game or entertainment. Riddles about chess are usually based on knowledge of chess concepts and pieces: chess, checkmate, rook, king, pawn. Chess riddles also make it easier to learn all the rules of the game of chess and allow children to better remember all the terms. Riddles about chess can be made to children from 4-5 years old, but first you need to introduce them to this game. If it’s early to teach a child to chess, then it’s better to give riddles with answers, so that later the child will remember them like a rhyme.

For children who like to spend time actively on the street, riddles about a bicycle or skates are suitable. Riddles about a bicycle focus on the constituent parts of the "iron horse": a steering wheel, two wheels, pedals. Riddles about a bicycle can also be made to younger children, because the kids most likely saw it on the street or rode it. Riddles about a bicycle are always funny and easy for children to guess. By making riddles about a bicycle, you can also tell your child about the sports in which cyclists participate.

A selection of riddles

They drive with clubs on the ice
We all have her in plain sight.
She will fly into the gate,
And someone will definitely win.
Answer: washer.

Hit it bolder with this stick
So that the blow was like from a cannon,
This stick is for hockey
And it is called ...
Answer: hockey stick.

The puck is apparently tired.

Do not give a completely nap.

I ran to the stands

To rest a little.
Answer: out.

There, in armor, everything is on the ice platform
They are fighting, grappling in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: "Hit harder!"
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ...
Answer: hockey

There's a game in the yard in the morning

The kids played out.

Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -

So there is a game -….

Answer: Hockey.

I have guys
Two silver horses.
I drive both at once.
What kind of horses I have.

(Answer: Skates)

I rush like a bullet forward
Only ice creaks
Yes, the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me? ...

(Answer: Skates)

I have two horses, two horses.
They carry me on the water.
And the water is as hard as stone!

(Answer: Skates)

Both boys and girls
They love us very much in winter,
They cut the ice with a thin pattern,
They don't want to go home.
We are graceful and light
We are curly ...

(Answer: Skates)

We don't have a skating rink in the area,
The river will replace it for us.
We are waiting for the weather by the river ...
When the ice rises, let's take it ... (Skates).

With wings, not a bird,

There are no wings, but it flies. (Shuttlecock)

He skis dexterously

Behind his back is a rifle.

Before him on the way

Pass the firing line:

Lying to shoot and standing,

It's like he's on the battlefield.

And then don't relax

Quickly rush to the finish line. (Biathlete)

Two girlfriends - leather pillows

They put on their hands, they fight in the ring.

(Boxing gloves)

Here they met in the ring in a fight.

Each has gloves on his hands.

The merry gong sounded

By the beginning of the battle he gave a signal. (Boxing)

The boat has two brothers -

They like to swim

Water is dispersed

Forward - backward pushing.

The boat is very happy -

That's what she needs.

So as not to stand still,

It's easy to run on water.

Wooden horses gallop in the snow,

And they don't fall into the snow. (Skis)

That's why I'm so puffed up,

That everyone is waiting for me.

I play basketball

Gymnastic, football,

Needed in rugby and handball

In volleyball and baseball

In polo, tennis, hockey.

Who am I to say rather. (Ball)

If it falls, it will jump

If you hit, it doesn't cry. (Ball)

He rides on two wheels,

Does not skid on slopes.

And there is no gasoline in the tank.

This is my ... (bicycle).

I rush forward like a bullet.

Only ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who carries me? ... (Skates)

What kind of apparatus do athletes push?

Along the water paths

Our aces are sailing,

Then we butterfly

Now crawl, then breaststroke. (Swimming)

It will fly into the sky like a swallow,

A small fish will dive into the lake.


What kind of game is this, I don’t understand something?

The ball is oval like a melon

The letter "H" is the gate.

And the players are dressed like hockey players

But they do not play on ice, on fragrant grass.

They pass the ball with their hands and feet.

What is this game? Guess for yourself.

Exercises on uneven bars,

Horse and log,

These young athletes

It is quite capable.


The athlete approaches the barbell,

He takes her by the neck.

The projectile will swing forward - backward,

And here is the projectile at the top - the weight is taken.


Jumping to the music on ice

Supports and spins.

Skate runners shine

Costumes are a feast for the eyes.

(Figure skating)

They call it a ribbon, but they do not weave it into a braid.

(Gymnastic ribbon)

These fragile dragonflies

With a skipping rope - virtuosos,

Run the hoops

With clubs and balls

They can draw with a ribbon

Who do they want me to know? (Gymnasts)

On the squares of the board

The kings brought the shelves together.

Not for battle at the regiments

No cartridges or bayonets. (Chess)

Successful pass - a goal in the goal!

What is the name of the game? (Football)

In the gym there is also a shield on the left,

And on the right, like a twin, hangs,

There are baskets on the rings

And a circle in the middle.

Athletes all gallop

And they hit the poor ball on the floor.

His two groups of guys

They want to "throw out" the baskets.

They will take it out ... and again on the floor!

The game is called ...


It's very hard to be, don't argue

The most accurate in this sport.

Just race along the track

Even me can do that.

Try to run the day yourself

And then hit the target

Lying supine, rifle.

It is impossible without training!

And your target is not an elephant.

Sport is called ...


My father sat me down

On the iron horse.

Only my steep horse

Suddenly I drove off the road.

Left and right

Pit, hummock and ditch.

And then he sang like a beast

What should we do now.

On rubber heel

We put a patch with dad.

(A bike)

About ice sports

Lovers and lovers of skates can be pleased with riddles about skates and hockey. Skating riddles are most often associated with figure skating and may appeal to little fans of this sport. Riddles usually describe skates as "fancy shoes" that paint fancy patterns on the ice. Skates are used for many sports - figure skating, speed skating, and hockey. It is especially good to make such riddles in winter, when the child can not only show skates, but even teach how to ride them.

For boys

Boys will be interested in riddles about hockey, football or basketball. Team sports are most attractive to young children. Riddles about hockey often tell about the peculiarities of the game or about how the fans behave at the stadium (they shout “puck!”, “Goal!”). Children who are especially interested in sports can even be taken to hockey, so that not only riddles give an idea of ​​the game.

If children cannot solve a difficult riddle in any way, do not push and demand an answer. You need to be patient and help the child with leading questions. Separate questions will help the child to disassemble in detail all the components of the riddle and it is easy to find the correct answer. Sometimes it's worth going for the opposite. And if the child repeatedly calls the wrong answer, then you need to invite him to try to apply all the signs that are contained in the riddle to the answer that he considers correct. In most cases, this approach helps, and the child copes faster with the answers to riddles.

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