Home Trees and shrubs What is written on Regina Todorenko's hand. Regina todorenko's tattoos almost ruined her career. Still passionate, judging by the "women of the night"

What is written on Regina Todorenko's hand. Regina todorenko's tattoos almost ruined her career. Still passionate, judging by the "women of the night"

Neck tattoos are the choice of people without complexes. Drawing in such a place is very difficult to hide, so its choice must be considered with great care. What you need to consider if you decide on a tattoo on your neck? How to choose a sketch? And what are the disadvantages of such

Previously, they tried to place tattoos in places that could be hidden from strangers. Because tattoos on the neck were not particularly popular. Unless, of course, we consider tribal tattoos, which could tightly cover even a person’s face!

But now more and more people decide to fill the selected sketch on such a prominent part of their body. Moreover, sometimes we are not even talking about individual drawings of a small size. And whole compositions that occupy the entire area of ​​​​the neck and go to the chest.

What ideas can be embodied on the neck?

There is not much room in the neck to embody any ideas. However, the choice of sketches is not particularly limited. Especially considering the fact that you can use the area of ​​the collarbones, shoulder blades, shoulders.

Men and women have different tastes when it comes to neck tattoos.

What neck tattoo ideas do girls prefer?

Women choose mainly graceful and small tattoos. At the same time, they are placed on the back of the neck so that, if necessary, the drawing can be easily hidden. Most often, girls stuff:

  • often the choice falls on small tattoos: some symbol, notes, bird, flower;
  • it will be difficult to place an inscription on the neck, but initials or a single word - with ease;
  • if you opt for tribal patterns or ornaments, they should not occupy a large area (otherwise the neck will seem more massive than it really is);
  • amulets or philosophical signs are often placed on the neck (for example, the image of a lotus, which denotes harmony and wisdom).

What neck tattoos do men do?

But men, on the contrary, make a choice in favor of large, bright drawings. Often they occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck.

Usually men do this neck tattoos :

  • bright images in the style of old school and new school;
  • Polynesian ornaments, which often go lower to other parts of the body;
  • images of predatory animals - grins, claw marks, entire muzzles;
  • it used to be popular to stuff barcodes on the back or side of the neck, but this fashion has passed and now only a few come to salons with such wishes.

What to prepare for if you plan to get a tattoo on your neck?

Tattoos on the neck are not just frankly and desperately. Before you take this step, you should know a few more factors that you have to face.

  1. Get ready for some special pain. Getting tattoos on your neck is really not the most pleasant feeling. The fact is that the skin here is very thin and in some places is close to the bone. The layer of adipose and muscle tissue is almost absent, which causes more pain during the work of the master. It is difficult to describe exactly what kind of pain you will feel. Someone compares them to a burn, while others even call them similar to small electrical discharges.
  2. Tattoos on the neck take longer to heal than tattoos on other parts of the body. Firstly, because it is often affected by some kind of irritants: the collar of clothes, hair. You need to monitor this, and limit the impact of other objects on a fresh tattoo. But there is another factor that cannot be influenced. The neck is constantly in motion, the skin on it is shifting. Because of this, the drawing on the neck can heal not the standard 1.5-2 weeks, but even up to 3 weeks!
  3. The decision to get a tattoo in such an open area is often decided by young people who do not burden their lives with building a career. No matter what anyone says, but in serious corporations, and even more so in military structures, tattoos and piercings in prominent places are banned. An example of a world-famous astronaut with colorful sleeve tattoos is inspiring. But you should not expect that a new person with large, bright tattoos will be accepted into the state without any comments. Think it over well!

Tattoos on the neck, as well as on any other part of the body, should be done exclusively according to an individual sketch. On the Internet you can find many beautiful and original pictures. But you will definitely regret your choice if you decide to just copy someone else's work. Moreover, a professional tattoo artist is unlikely to agree to do this. Just bring the images you like to the tattoo parlor and the tattoo artist will create a custom sketch for you.

26-year-old Ukrainian singer and presenter Regina Todorenko travels a lot around the world. Within the show Eagle and Tails, which Regina has been leading for several years, she decided to get another tattoo in French Polynesia.

Todorenko went to the popular tattoo artist on the island, because she was sure that he would do his job perfectly, but it turned out to be the opposite.


The presenter also added that she decided not to lose heart, but to go and quickly fix the tattoo to another master. In addition, Todorenko admitted that she was offended by the drawing on her finger and she had a fight with her colleagues in the program. Eagle and Reshka.


“I was offended that for the sake of the experiment I gave away part of my body.... But in my bitter experience, you will understand that you should not trust unverified people. I didn't talk to my team (cameraman, director) after what happened. I just got up silently, although I wanted to yell and sob, and left. I quickly went to another master on the island, who fixed the prison ink on my finger with a typewriter and psychologically helped me to accept the applied drawing. Now I look at my middle finger and understand that I will leave this tattoo as a reminder that a person constantly receives lessons from life. You just need to correctly perceive and interpret them! And those triangles on my finger remind me of a crown! Now I am a princess or a queen!“ Regina added.

Regina todorenko just the other day. The host of the program "", most likely, has not yet had time to unpack her suitcases, but has already given out dozens of interviews. Interest in Regina is huge, since the 26-year-old singer became the first traveler to make a "telecircle around the world." Of course, I’ve seen a lot and suffered a lot, which we talked about when we asked for it in the office of the Teen Spirit Studio media group, the team that invented and shoots the successful show Eagle and Tails for more than 5 years.


- P rivet!

Regina's eyes radiate with pleasant fatigue, a restrained smile on her face, and in her hands is lunch in plastic. At 4:40 pm, Regina humbly explains that she hasn't been able to get alone with him yet. And our interview was no exception. "Plastic" is decisively pushed aside - work comes first. And it’s immediately clear - here it is, the rod that helped me to go through thousands of kilometers and hundreds of trials with this charming smile on my face.

We sit down at the table, on which postcards "overseas" are laid out like a fan.

Oh, it's not all there yet. There are only 20 postcards from the first 20 countries on the table, I'm waiting for the rest! The fact is that from the very beginning of the project I sent postcards. Not only to friends and family, but also to myself.

I chose postcards so that they were the places I visited. Let's say this gate is near Hiroshima. This is a sacred gate through which you must swim, then you will be lucky and all your desires will come true.

When I arrived here, there was bad weather and a storm warning - the boats did not go. Of course, I made up my mind. Just undressed, the police ran up and said “No! No! No!, sacred river, sacred gate, where did you go.

And I’m like this: “I want ... for me, in order to be literally successful, I have a little back and forth” (laughs). The water was very cold, I immediately cramped my legs and I stayed on the shore. Under two arms, the Japanese police took me out.

These beaches…

This is Moreo - the island on which she got this tattoo of hers. This tattoo is made by the old ancient method with the help of such a special peg.

Oh, it's like Rihanna's?

Yes, it's all Polynesian tattoo. Like Dwayne The Rock Jones. It is stuffed with a wooden stick, the tip of which is either a pork bone or a sharpened shell, and the ink is hammered under the skin with it. But they did it horribly. This is the final, which was completed by a normal master in Tahiti. And before that, it looked bad, although it was made by a master who is advertised by the whole island as the best and everyone advises to go to him. If suddenly someone decides to get a Polynesian tattoo on Moreo - no way! This master has exactly that. This is jewelry work. Previously, they stuffed beautifully, filigree, honed every line. And now… (shows photo on mobile).

And what does it mean?

Shhhh… (laughs). It means .... FORCE! Usually, tattoos are filled as a story of you and your family, goals and situations that are remembered and you want to carry them through your whole life. Thus, earlier, when the warriors met, they read each other's history on the hands, on the body, on the symbols that were stuffed. It is very interesting. And I often get tattoos in order to attract certain things, because it seems to me that this is how they materialize much faster!

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Qi 25, 2016 at 11:37 PDT

Here is the African Five: rhinoceros, buffalo, elephant, lion and leopard.I saw this not in Zimbabwe, but in Uganda, but unfortunately, only in Zimbabwe did I find such a postcard.

(Is reading)
Hello Regina!
You visited a beautiful place, Victoria Falls, flew a hang glider, jumped from a height of 111 meters, swam on the Zambezi River with hippos, caught fish, saw rhinos and was on the first safari in your life.

Svitlyna posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Sich 12, 2016 at 5:13 PST

This is my top! This is the mountain that I really want to conquer - Everest. After I did not conquer the Torung-La pass, which is in Nepal in the Himalayas ...

The Himalayas, of course, were absolutely merciless to me. It was my first such trip, which I thought would break me. But! Didn't break. Broke later, in San Pedro de Atacama. Here I was still not as bad as in Latin America, because in the Himalayas the air is more humid, and therefore it was much easier to live in the mountains. Yes, there were migraines, mountain sickness appeared ...

When we conquered the distance of Thorung-La, the guys fell off every 500 meters. Cameraman, editor... the second cameraman collapsed from weakness. He simply could not shoot, his hands were trembling, he holds the camera, and also a backpack of 15 kg. But the director and I figachili. Yes, it was difficult for us. We often stopped, took long breaks, but we went ahead. We were sure that we would get there, but when we realized that it would soon get dark…. And when it gets dark, there is a risk of staying in the mountains and not surviving.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 8, 2016 at 8:15 PDT

I sobbed…. like in first grade. I don't remember such bitter tears for a long time. It was such an incompleteness for me, I wanted it so much.

I shouted that it was my small victory, my feat. But director Zhenya Sinelnikov dissuaded me, hugged me and said: “I beg you, Regina, you will die. I am responsible for you. I'll go to jail if you die! You are stupid! You don't have to risk your life."

After that, I decided that I would conquer a lower height - Mont Blanc, in France. There 4800 m, it seems, to go not very far, only 1000 meters. Although we walked one and a half thousand meters in a day. This is the path that travelers in Nepal travel in a week and a half, and we traveled in 9 hours.

How many people were on the team?

Director, cameraman, cameraman making off, our producer did not go right away, editor and me = 5 people. Came two and a half (smiles).

This is Guadalajara and the murals. Rumor has it that this wall art was born in Mexico. Here is a mural of one of the founders of this style.

Graffiti is a derivative of mural. They are allowed to draw on the walls all over the city. You just come and say: "I really like your house, I can paint it." And there are even specially dedicated walls: this is for art, this one is for art. It's so cool and so pretty!

Posted by regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 20, 2016 at 2:43 PDT

And this is Greenwich!! My first postcard.

(Is reading)

Mom, dad, my journey has begun! I miss you already.

In the photo: Regina stands on the prime meridian

I read on your Instagram that at first it was so scary, but in the end you got so involved that you didn’t want to end the trip.

Yes, we were so addicted to this adrenaline, we wanted so much more and more. When we were standing near the zero meridian and we had to step over, we were like “maybe back in the other direction, on the new one for another 8 months?”.

Like anyone who gets used to something in 21 days, we are so used to each other that I don’t even remember: “What is life Before and After the circumnavigation of the world? I kind of always lived like this :).

The only thing that brought discomfort was the lack of beauty fairies.

All my girls from the editorial office, escorting me to you, first of all said: “find out how Regina survived there without a manicure” (laugh)

I didn't survive, I existed. I was looking for masters through Instagram and many helped.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Cher 28, 2016 at 5:59 PDT

Our girl helped me a lot in Panama. She came to me at night. I wrote that I have literally 15 hours, can you come to me. She: “I work, because Panama is long, and it’s very difficult for me to go to you, for a long time.” I was ready to meet even at 2 am. And we sat with her and did nails at night. It's really difficult.

I had such a turning point, in San Pedro de Atacama. This is in Chile. The driest desert in the world, where we, of course, flooded :). The temperature there ranges from plus 30 to minus 30. At such a temperature, your body reacts completely inadequately: the morning after a hellish night in the desert, at an altitude of 4800, by the way, I had a relapse of mountain sickness.

My nails broke off, my hair fell out. This happens instantly. Just the nails do not stand up and break at the root. When I combed it, it felt like I was wearing a wig and removing my hair with a comb.

I immediately started thinking about some vitamins, but it does not work. Such conditions and the body is trying to adapt. But how to adapt if you change the conditions every 5 days? (pause). Difficult but interesting.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Cher 18, 2016 at 1:42 PDT

To travel, you must be prepared. Traveling isn't easy. It's even harder when you're at work. What to do - I will never tell you in my life, because it's all very individual. We were poisoned, we were sprinkled with all sorts of bites, we were dying of a fever .. And I wonder: “are we healthy now?” (laughs)

And one more overdue question of the "condoling" edition: what was the most terrible and most delicious thing you ate?

The worst thing is the monkey meat that we were served in Peru, the city of Iquitos. Oh, horror.

We, just the day before, went to Monkey Island, where there are really a lot of them. They are so affectionate, loving and very social - they approach people, they can snatch a bag and eat everything that is there, put on your lipstick.

And then, after all this, we went to a restaurant where I was supposed to eat a turtle. I am calm about them, because in Vietnam I ate turtle soup, but our directors did not stop at the turtle and offered Reginchik also a monkey. I felt so sorry for her, I said that I wouldn’t eat it, I couldn’t, I remembered how little she had just jumped on me ... But they believe that this is a very tasty delicacy meat, not everyone can afford.

How does it taste?

Like chicken, like veal. Something in between. Not tough. I think that it languished, stewed, so it was so loose and boiled.

I did not expect that it would be so tasty in San Pedro de Atacama. This is a small village and we did not think at all that it would be so cool. It's so civilized. There are no roads, but there are plenty of restaurants for every taste with cuisines from all over the world. True, except for Ukrainian! Very tasty.

I also really liked Peru, because I love ceviche - this is fish marinated in lime. It is kept for a couple of hours, and then mixed with various seafood, such as shrimp. It's soo delicious! In general, it seems to me that for the whole world around the world I will miss food most of all ..! As I remember this Florentine steak now - huge, so juicy, so fatty ... .. It was the most delicious meat I have ever eaten. It is prepared according to a special "technology". The cow is fed and must be at least 10 years old before being eaten.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Gru 24, 2015 at 2:45 PST

I had delicious sashimi in Japan, in Osaka. I was rich then! I went and ordered myself some tuna. By the way, a lot of tuna is brought there and an auction is arranged - restaurants sort out the best for themselves. I arrived and bought myself the very best - and they prepared it for me in a restaurant.

And this squid for 700 bucks?

Oh, it was such a savage food - when he is still moving in front of you .... oooh (grimaces). And the most unpleasant thing I saw was a turtle in a market in Peru. It's so gross. They cut it in half alive and put it on the shelves. She still moves her paws in convulsions. The insides are completely torn out, and the upper part is still functioning for some time. Thus, they show that this is fresh meat - that's, they say, just. So much blood...

There are so many carcasses there, so many birds that circle and feed on this meat, it stinks terribly, but people like it - they are so used to it.

When we first arrived, we immediately went to the favelas - slums on the water. They are completely dependent on the water level during the rainy season. The river, if it rises and floods the first floor, they move to the second floor. They never know how much water there will be. Some thought of building a raft house: the river rises, the house rises. And they have everything in the attics.

Isn't this the lovely place where your jewelry was torn off?

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 11, 2016 at 2:14 PDT

No, this is Bangladesh. The Buriganga River and the entire periodic table in it! We had such a boat ride ... Usually we don’t like them, because it’s rather boring: well, you swim and watch, but here it was a real safari, a wild adventure. You just step on this raft with your foot and immediately understand that “oh, you got it, now a bunch of filth will cling to you.” I have never seen such a black, tarry river in my life. As if oil was spilled there, black paint. It's all so greasy, with streaks, brrrr. What floats - it's better not to say ...

But they don't drink water from it, do they?

Why don't they drink? Drink, of course! There are ships on the pier, small cafes, sailors are washing, defecate there. People do not even think about cleaning mechanisms. When we arrived at the hotel, which was, in principle, not bad, the black-brown tap water simply killed us. We were afraid to "touch" her. Rinse your mouth with bottled water only. It's good that I had a shower filter with me, which instantly turned black. I don’t even understand what is happening with the human body, with the face…

Why wash then?

Yes! Unclear! (we sit and are horrified for some time :)

Tell us about your technical things that helped you out on a trip, such as a shower head filter.

Oh, I bought myself a vibrating massager in Korea. Halfway through the journey, Lesya and I, already very tired, suddenly found this facial massager. Girls, it brings the face into tone!! It looks like a pen with a metal nozzle. Activates all the muscles of the face.

In Japan, in a sex shop, we collected various gadgets - they just have an abundance of it there. And I also bought a cool file - it's like a portable nail salon. Such a small felt-tip pen, which has several nozzles. You can file your own cuticles, trim your nails. It is so small, just a road format. I am so satisfied with this purchase. I shouted that here, this is the best acquisition in this round the world.

Well, let's talk about cosmetics.

Nakhodka hydrogel masks. We just had a ton. This is the best thing a girl can discover. I have Tony Moly masks. Patches them just like "Our Father" for the night :). Koreans, in general, are such good fellows.

For hair, I discovered amazing Ayurvedic cosmetics in India, in Bangalore. She is something like Moroccan Oil . I'm so sorry I didn't buy much. Hair becomes so silky that it is not necessary to comb straight for three days. They have no chemicals at all. All organic.

I bought myself warming Ayurvedic oils - it’s very cool after flights, when it hurts while sleeping and stiff legs.

Tiger balm bought back in Thailand. This is such an ointment as an "asterisk". It removes all spasms, warms up. He treated us throughout the whole world tour. We bought everything we have. And there is pepper, very strong for the treatment of diseases, such as bronchitis. Eating for muscles is simple - you recover instantly. Better than any patch of pepper and tablets.

Tell us about your most luxurious apartment.

The coolest thing is a $32 million yacht on the island of Saipan. This is the largest yacht in the history of "Eagle and Tails". They have very few 5* hotels, and even those that do look like 4* hotels, so they sometimes invite guests to the yacht. It is very cool: for every meter - a million dollars. 32 meters - 32 million dollars. Jacuzzi, 4 floors, a huge hall, everything is eco, super expensive wood. In general, the smell of wealth exists!

One of the best hotels was in Florence, where the walls and ceiling were frescoed. Handsomely! You are like the hero of this fresco.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Gru 24, 2015 at 5:18 PST

The worst is Bangladesh. No matter how many hostels we went around, everything was a complete disappointment. It’s terrible to remember: there are newspapers on the windows, the sheets never seem to be washed, with stains, it’s better not to say that under the mattress, the smell of a down with a rat. Everything from past guests is stored in the toilet, and, apparently, for years. I have never seen so much dirt and used napkins. And this is the capital. And people live like that. They come here, to this hostel in the city center all the time.

You wrote on Instagram that Porto impressed you a lot. What other cities impressed you so much and you really think that it would not hurt to revisit them?))

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Lip 13, 2016 at 10:05 PDT

I really want to go back to Boro-Boro because I haven't been there. I was in Tahiti, and, of course, to be so close and not visit Boro-Boro .... I am wrong! (laughs).

Posted by regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) on Q 26, 2016 at 10:14 PDT

And the Himalayas to conquer the mountains that I have not conquered! And, of course, Mexico, GuadalajaraEverything is so old and beautiful. They worship death, they even have the church of Santa Muerte. And they are all open, warm and temperamental people.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 21, 2016 at 6:29 PDT

The food is very tasty - I really love guacamoli, I love avocados (this is generally my favorite product, I can replace everything with it! Well, except for crayfish and ram - what I wildly missed). I spoke Spanish there for the first time - I overcame the language barrier.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Tra 22, 2016 at 6:27 PDT

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Ser 1, 2016 at 10:34 PDT

A flight in a hot air balloon, a jump from a height of 111 meters, boas ... Have there been such challenges before you (well, except for Nepal), which you did not dare to accept and these unrest remained behind the scenes?

Not! I would never forgive myself for this.

It's better to regret what you did than to regret what you didn't try. We must take everything from life, enjoy the moment. If you don't try now, you'll never try.

I love risking my life. I'm so used to it. I even think that I will be bored living here. I can't spend more than two days in Odessa. Mom: “daughter, wait, we’ve fried cutlets here for a whole week in advance.” "Mom, we need to fly urgently, elephants are waiting, monkeys, gorillas ...".

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Mar 22, 2016 at 11:06 PDT

In addition to excitement and courage, it is impossible not to think about nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and elementary fatigue. What made you move forward?

I was very captivated by the fact that upon arrival I would become the first female tele-traveller with such a record. I knew what I was doing, what I wanted and why. I knew that this was what I would consider my small victory! And rewarded yourself with what? (laughs) With two new pairs of sneakers to go another 170,000 km!

As you already understood, I studied your Instagram, and could not help but pay attention to the touching shots in Goa. Long distance relationships are another test. How did you get through it?

Many do not believe in long distance relationships, and they do it right, because normal people should live together. And abnormal, creative, who often need solitude, can live differently. Yes, we miss each other, but I'm so passionate about the process! When you are so interested in living this life now, trying everything and taking risks, you do not want to go home, you want to meet where your work is. Although I can't call it a job, it's a hobby for me.

Posted by koristuvach regina todorenko (@reginatodorenko) Feb 7, 2016 at 10:35 PST

Of course, these are constant calls and rare meetings. He came to me not only in Goa, but also in Portugal, where we spent a whole week together. He also visited the shooting, where he did not like everything - I tamed the bull there. He said that this is not at all an occupation for a fragile woman, and that I probably want to stay on my own in my old age and feed the cats (laughs).

It’s a little difficult for him to accept my riskiness, because he constantly thinks about “what should I do to tame someone like you.” “Even if I offer you a hand and a heart, you will still want to fly somewhere, you are insane.” But he also, in fact, loves adventure and is ready for a lot. And I plan future trips to share with him.

Tell us about the most amazing women in your trip around the world. Where did you meet them?

Japan really surprised me. They are all the same: they all have the same haircut, the same make-up, or rather, they do not make up. During the day they are all with black collars, light make-up - typical white collars. All in black - impossible to distinguish. But as soon as the night comes ... these women go out in lacquered red jackboots, in lacquered black skirts, paint lips, with pink tails - they cling to themselves tresses ... And you are just in shock - where were you all during the day?

Until the 5th grade, girls are not allowed to wear tights - they believe that children should be tempered. Because of this, the birth rate is greatly reduced. Teenagers deliberately clubfoot their feet. They have such a “nyashka”, that is, it is considered a sign of beauty. The bones are deformed and they become disabled. It's so scary and ugly. Mothers do not forbid, and children are generally given to themselves. Nobody really looks after them. The maximum that a mother does when her child is crying is simply slapping on the back as if he is coughing. Oh, and a kiss on the forehead. They are not tactile, not loving. A very cold nation.

Nevertheless, passionate, judging by the "women of the night."

Yes, they are very progressive in sexual technologies. They release something like 10 thousand erotic films a year. Women rent their panties with a photo to a sex shop - it pays off very much.

They meet exclusively in certain clubs, where you come and understand that today you will leave here with your future husband. The husband may not return home. For me it was a culture shock.

The Japanese are very amazing. They seem to be patient, hardy, hardened, but at the same time so grumpy, angry and unpleasant.

I thought Americans were masters of fake smile, but no! The Japanese are tougher. They “susho-musyo” will serve you, as geishas will fulfill all your desires, they will bring you everything you need, but most likely, someone has already pissed into your salad. They are very vindictive, they do dirty tricks on the sly. Inexplicably. Either to draw attention to themselves, or from the fact that their parents do not like them in childhood. They want to get married, they get married, and their cold husbands hang around at night in clubs, because they were brought up in the same families.

The people who invented robots - how can they be "alive"? They are completely antisocial. Children do not communicate with each other - each child has his own gadget from the age of 3, with which he constantly catches Pokemon.

When I saw a Pokémon on the cover of a glossy magazine, I thought too. Soon people will stop appearing in magazines - they will simply be replaced by anime characters.

What did you bring interesting?

Bought some magnets! I discovered chia seeds - I bought them in Latin America for a dollar, not our prices of 150 UAH per 100 g. I brought foie gras from France. Brought port wine from Porto. Brought Fijian rum. I bought everything home made. And, teas from China brought. Insanely delicious! Tiguanyin is the best energy drink after fresh lemon juice! Don't go on an empty stomach - you can go crazy. Pins like crazy - so much caffeine.

You have already run in so many countries - is there anything left on the must see list? Or, to put it simply, where are you going?

Iran! Really want to! Masha from "Shoping" told me that it's very cool there and very kind people. The food and shopping is amazing. And Masha says that this is the only Muslim country in which you want to live. I want to travel to hot spots and don't even mind going to Iraq. I already miss the extreme in my life. I don't know what I'll be doing in a couple of years. I'll probably go crazy or join the Israeli army. I really like weapons and I shoot well. Probably, my father's genes - he is my hunter.

Photo/interview: Elena Popova
Photo/travel: Regina's Instagram


Partner news

Popular TV presenter Regina Todorenko, who traveled around the world as part of the Eagle and Tails travel show, continues to amaze with changes in appearance. Not so long ago, the girl changed her hair color to bright red. Now, a new tattoo flaunts on the body of a celebrity, which she spoke about on the social network, Hoch.ua reports.

The photo, which depicts a new tattoo of Regina Todorenko, was shared by the presenter on her Instagram page. The girl admitted that she believes in the power of tattoo images. In particular, in the fact that the body pattern can change the entire future fate of a person.

Therefore, she prepared especially carefully for the new "decoration", which was made for her by one of the best craftsmen in Purota. In addition, it is worth considering that once she already had a negative experience in this matter.

Each of my drawings on the body has a certain meaning. Each dot has content. For a long time I doubted whether to do a Polynesian tattoo and not in vain. It turned out that the advertised master is just a lure .... He is a bit old and, apparently, he has trouble with his eyesight ... he did such a thing on my finger that I wanted to immediately get rid of the tattoo or my finger. I was offended that for the sake of the experiment I gave away part of my body. But in my bitter experience, you will understand that you should not trust unverified people. I didn't talk to my team (cameraman, director) after what happened. I just got up silently, although I wanted to yell and sob, and left. I quickly went to another master on the island, who fixed the prison ink on my finger with a typewriter and psychologically helped me to accept the applied drawing.

The TV presenter also said that now, looking at the finger with a new tattoo, she recalls that life sometimes gives useful lessons that should not be forgotten. And also, not without humor, she noted that the pattern on her finger reminds her of a crown, and that is why she now considers herself a queen.

By the way, the spontaneous desire to get a tattoo while traveling is inherent not only to Regina Todorenko. Her no less famous travel show colleague Zhanna Badoeva also could not resist the temptation to get a tattoo inscription in the courtyards of Amsterdam. Jeanne dedicated her drawing under the skin to her 11-year-old daughter Lolita.

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