Home Trees and shrubs What the examination of Alyosha Shimko showed. A new examination of the UK denied that the "drunk boy" from Balashikha was actually drunk. Claims from the family of the deceased

What the examination of Alyosha Shimko showed. A new examination of the UK denied that the "drunk boy" from Balashikha was actually drunk. Claims from the family of the deceased

Forensic experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not find traces of alcohol in Alyosha's blood stains, explaining that they had dried up and the alcohol had long since evaporated.

The intrigue around the condition of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, who was hit to death by a car in the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, 31-year-old Olga Alisova, continues. The re-examination, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted from June 19 to 22 in its own Expert Forensic Center (ECC), could not confirm the scandalous version of 2.7 ppm alcohol in the child's blood. Experts say that over the past two months, the biomaterials of the child from the interior of Alisova's car have dried up, so there are simply no traces of alcohol left in them. Now the post-mortem examination, which will be carried out after the exhumation of Alyosha's body, should establish the final truth.

The first examination of Alyosha Shimko's biomaterials, the results of which were received in early June, led to a stormy public outcry. Specialists of the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Regional Research Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) found that at the time of death, the boy's blood contained 2.7 ppm of alcohol, which corresponds to a strong stage of intoxication. The experts were suspected of falsifying the results of the conclusion in favor of Olga Alisova, and the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article "Negligence", and also asked to transfer the investigation of the high-profile accident to its employees. The Ministry of Internal Affairs responded with a categorical refusal.

A post-mortem examination can give an accurate picture of the boy's condition, but this requires the exhumation of Alyosha's body. Theoretically, it was still possible to examine the blood samples of the child, which remained in the back seat of the "Hyundai Solaris" of the accused Olga Alisova, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to do, but not in a civilian laboratory, but in its ECC.

According to the Mash public, a re-examination was conducted from June 19 to 22 by order of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the premises of the center and the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Region. The investigator provided the experts with tampons with Alyosha Shimko's blood washes, as well as a cover from the back seat of the car on which he lay after the accident and where his blood remained. The results of the examination did not clarify anything.

The commission included six experts, including an expert from the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Captain Alexander Podmarkov. He put his signature under the final results of the re-examination. The commission wrote in its conclusion that samples with biomaterials are no longer suitable for research.

It is not possible to establish the presence of ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde because of their volatility in dry gauze swabs with swabs containing Shimko's blood submitted for study, the members of the commission wrote. The experts gave a similar explanation for the cover from the car seat - spots of dry blood cannot be established.

Thus, now the investigation will have to exhume the body of Alyosha Shimko and make a final examination.

It is noteworthy that on Friday, the Moscow region police have already refuted the re-examination.

The ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region does not conduct an examination to determine the presence and amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, says a press release that appeared on the official website of the Moscow Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recall that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee recently confirmed that the blood sample that forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov sent for research to MONIKI belongs to Alyosha Shimko. For this, an additional molecular genetic examination was carried out, which showed the identity of Alyosha's mother's blood and samples in the laboratory.

Earlier, forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, who signed the results of the first examination, said that questions should not be asked to him and not to police officers, but to his relatives.

It is necessary to ask questions to the people who surrounded the child, - summed up Kleimenov. The expert does not exclude that the relatives simply did not know that the boy could drink alcohol.

How so much alcohol could be in the blood of a child is still unclear. On the day of the tragedy, next to the boy was his grandfather Nikolai Shimko. However, he claims that with him the grandson did not eat or drink anything suspicious.

This is out of the question. Everything is strange, very strange. This is some kind of evil spirit, - Nikolai Shimko told Life.

The boy's father, Roman Shimko, is sure that during the first study, the experts could inject alcohol directly into the child's liver.

The conclusion of the examination indicated that the respiratory tract was not burned, the mucous membrane of the tongue was not burned, and even in the urine there is no alcohol, while it came from somewhere in the blood. I think it was deliberately injected into the liver, he says.

Recall that the tragedy broke out on April 23 in the Pavlino microdistrict of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After lunch, six-year-old Alyosha and his grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked in front, and his grandfather carried his bicycle. It was a stone's throw to the site - it was only necessary to cross the road near the house. Before Alyosha had time to step on the asphalt, he was hit by a black Hyundai Solaris.

31-year-old Olga Alisova, who was driving a foreign car, was charged under Article 264 of the Criminal Code (“Violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person”). For her, they chose a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave.

The results of the examination of the presence of alcohol in the blood of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, who died in an accident, were recognized as erroneous and unreliable.

As RT found out, the medical examiner, examining the child's body, committed 45 gross violations. In particular, the doctor incorrectly determined the cause of the boy's death, and the conclusion about the presence of alcohol in the blood was made without additional examinations necessary in such cases.

Recall that on April 23, 2017, an accident occurred in the Pavlino microdistrict of Balashikha near Moscow, as a result of which six-year-old Alyosha Shimko died. The son of an officer of the National Guard was walking near the house with his grandfather and was hit by a Hyundai Solaris driver.

The driver was 31-year-old Olga Alisova, who works as a consultant in a mobile phone shop. According to eyewitnesses, the woman was driving through the yard at a speed of 50 km/h, talking on the phone.

This story became resonant only two months later, when the boy's relatives published a conclusion stating that the child had 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the blood. That is, the boy at the time of the accident was allegedly in a state of extreme intoxication. The examination was signed by Mikhail Kleymenov, head of the forensic medical examination department of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Region.

“The expert did not bother to indicate what materials were submitted for the study”

Now the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal negligence case brought against experts who found a six-year-old child drunk. As part of the investigation of this criminal case, independent experts studied the conclusion signed by Kleimenov.

“I don’t know what the forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, who signed this examination, was guided by, but it’s impossible to call it objective, complete and reliable,” a source familiar with the investigation told RT.

According to the interlocutor of RT, the examination itself was framed incorrectly.

“The expert did not even bother to indicate in what form the materials were received for the study - in packaged or sealed. This is no longer acceptable. And in the research part, many gross violations were committed, ”the source emphasized.

For example, as RT found out, the expert did not indicate the time of fixation of cadaveric phenomena and did not conduct a number of studies, which makes it possible to doubt the objectivity of the expert study.

In addition, according to the document, the medical examiner inappropriately described the injuries.

“When describing a hemorrhage under the pia mater on the outer surface of the right hemisphere, the expert did not indicate the thickness of the hemorrhage and its shape, nor did it indicate whether or not there is a lenticular indentation in its projection,” the document says.

It is also noted that the heart, aorta, pancreas, spleen, and pelvic bones have not been fully examined. A forensic histological examination of pieces of internal organs was not carried out either, which is unacceptable.

Moreover, the experts who studied Kleimenov's examination concluded that the expert had incorrectly established the cause of the boy's death.

  • Consideration of the criminal case against Olga Alisova
  • Moscow City News Agency

“The expert in the conclusion stated that “death was due to an open craniocerebral injury.” In this case, the cause of death is declared as an action, causing injury to the victim ... In fact, the direct cause of death of the victim was brain compression, ”the document says.

In total, in the examination of Shimko, experts revealed almost fifty gross violations of the law “On State Forensic Expert Activities”, as well as instructions and orders of the Ministry of Health on organizing and conducting expert research in the bureau of forensic medical examinations.

Unreliable conclusions

The experts also considered that the conclusion about the boy's alcohol intoxication was made on the basis of an incomplete study. In a comprehensive commission forensic medical and autotechnical examination based on the materials of an accident, made in June 2017, the question of possible intoxication is as follows: “Are there alcohol or drugs in the blood and urine from the corpse of Shimko A.R.?”

“However, the answer to this question is incomplete due to the lack of any information about the presence or absence of alcohol in the urine of a corpse. In response, the experts refer to the act of the forensic chemical investigation dated May 2, 2017, without conducting a repeated chemical-toxicological examination of biological materials, which raises doubts about the objectivity of the conclusions reached by the experts,” the document says.

At the same time, it is emphasized that the experts did not have the right to conclude that "Shortly before his death, Shimko was in a state of intoxication," since such conclusions can only be made on the basis of a medical examination.

“The objectivity and completeness of the conclusion is doubtful, since the conclusions contradict the data indicated in the research part. During the review of the opinion, it was found that the specified document did not comply with the requirements for expert opinions. The identified violations cast doubt on the reliability of the reviewed conclusion and require a re-examination, ”summed up the experts who studied the conclusion of the forensic expert Kleymenov.

Earlier, the father of Alyosha Shimko RT that the results of the examination were falsified. In his opinion, alcohol could have been intentionally injected into the child's liver during the examination. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that alcohol was not found in the urine, and the mucous membrane of the tongue and respiratory tract were not burned.

Roman Shimko also told RT that the nature of the damage described in the examination conducted by Kleimenov "does not match reality."

“We didn’t talk about it so as not to draw attention. It does not list all the injuries that correspond to a child being hit by two wheels of a car. There are practically no fractures, everything is intact there. Designed for amateurs, ”said the father of the deceased boy.

Meanwhile, in the Zheleznodorozhny City Court, the trial of Olga Alisova, the culprit of the accident, began. Alisova herself previously stated that she did not believe the results of the examination and did not believe that the child was drunk.

She tried to offer her father 50 thousand rubles as compensation, and two months after the accident she brought her condolences to the family of the deceased boy. The maximum punishment that Alisova can face is imprisonment for up to five years. However, it is known that she is raising a child alone (her husband is in prison), and this makes it possible to mitigate the sentence.

On April 23, six-year-old Alyosha Shimko died in Balashikha. He was hit by a car driven by Olga Alisova. The result of the investigation stirred up the entire public - the examination showed that the baby was in a state of extreme intoxication. A dose of 2.7 ppm was found in the boy's blood. According to experts, these figures are too high - otherwise Alyosha should have drunk at least a bottle of vodka.

The father of the child, Roman Shimko, appeared in the studio of the “Let them talk” program. In one of the previous broadcasts, he said that he had applied to Germany to conduct an examination. Today he spoke about the results.

“Moments before the funeral, the grandmother cut the baby's hair. We didn't know they would come in handy. This hair went to Germany, it showed zero alcohol, zero acetaldehyde, zero diseases - no diabetes, the child had no other diseases, ”the boy’s father said on the air of the program.

The man said that he received an offer from a German clinic, whose experts could not believe that the baby was intoxicated. It was they who contacted Roman and offered help. Expert Erken Imandbaev, who is in the studio, said that one can determine by the hair what a person used.

The guests of the “Let them talk” program tried to convince Roman to carry out an exhumation. They hope that this will help put an end to the matter. However, the man is against disturbing the child's body.

“I hope we will do it without exhumation,” Shimko said.

Roman Shimko's lawyer Alexei Kashirsky said that the examination, which was carried out in Germany, cannot be the final result. In his opinion, it can give grounds for pre-investigation verification in the case of falsification and giving false testimony.

“In my opinion, the thought that he was drunk or he himself fell from a height of his own height was invested in her. Initially, she admitted that there was a blow, and then a collision, she repeated this several times. On the day of the event and the next. And after half a month she said that she had not seen anything, but only an obstacle in the movement, ”the man expressed his opinion.

The examination of the body of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, who died under the wheels of a car in the Moscow region, could have been carried out with gross violations. It is for this reason that alcohol was found in his blood. This version is followed by Pavel Astakhov's bar association, whose employees are engaged in protecting the interests of the family of the deceased boy.

Lawyers said that the medical examiners who conducted the study violated the procedure when removing blood samples. “There are legal requirements in the field of medicine when carrying out such procedures, and in this entire process of the very first examination, numerous violations were recorded, which are simply obvious. Any manipulation related to law enforcement has instructions. And there were deviations from this instruction, and not one thing that can put all the results of the examination [into doubt]," Gazeta.ru quoted lawyers as saying. In this regard, the defense of the Shimko family will insist on the annulment of the results.

The criminal case on negligence during the examination was initiated on the fact, and not against specific persons, therefore there are no defendants in this case. Law enforcement officers did not make any claims either to forensic expert Mikhail Kleimenov, who conducted the procedure, or to the police officers who were supposed to investigate the accident.

In order to confirm or deny the presence of alcohol or its traces in the tissues of the deceased child, it is necessary to carry out an exhumation. However, this issue is dragging on. "Everything should take place within the framework of the law. Even the exhumation should be initiated by the investigation. You can't just take it and do it at the request of the father, and no experts and guests of the talk show will be able to do it on their own," the lawyers explained.

In addition, specialists need to set a clear task - what to look for. "An exhumation is being carried out, and experts will tell us: we need to accurately look for the presence of ethyl alcohol in the bone marrow, a certain dosage, and the presence or absence of these indicators will allow us to draw specific conclusions." However, so far no expert has said which parameter needs to be studied.

At present, the lawyers want to achieve the recognition of Roman Shymko, Alyosha's father, as a victim in a negligence case. Without this, neither he nor his defense can get acquainted with the progress of the investigation and communicate with the investigator.

Sources close to the investigation confirmed that mistakes were made during the initial examination. Mikhail Kleymenov grossly violated the order of the Ministry of Health on the procedure for organizing and conducting forensic medical examinations in state forensic examination institutions and guidelines on conducting examinations for adults and children. "He insisted that he did everything correctly, but if you look at the legislation, he simply did not comply with the lion's share of the standards," the sources noted.

Lawyers insist that the medical examiner committed an official forgery. The eleven doctors who allegedly confirmed his findings actually confirmed the identity of the blood, and not the presence of alcohol in it, since they were not given such a task. The only task before the experts of the UK was to make sure that the analyzed blood really belonged to Alexei Shimko, and was not, for example, replaced by another sample. At the same time, in the conclusion of the experts it is written, "that it is not possible to determine the presence of ethyl alcohol or acetaldehyde in the blood due to their volatility."

Currently, the parties are getting acquainted with the materials of the case on the accident, in which Roman Shimko is treated as a victim. According to reports, the investigator in charge of the case fully agreed with the results of the general autotechnical examination, according to which it was possible for Olga Alisova, who was driving, to avoid hitting a child by applying emergency braking, but she did not. The investigator also concluded that it was the Hyundai Solaris car that led to his death, and not some unnamed injuries that the boy, according to Alisova's defense, received before or after the collision.

If Alisova is found guilty of an accident, then, according to Part 3 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia, she faces up to five years in prison.

The final examination of the case of Alyosha Shimko gave quite unexpected results for the experts. The father of the deceased child, Roman Shimko, is sure that he and the public are simply led by the nose to hide the venality of law enforcement agencies.

The result of the examination // Photo: ria.ru

According to the results of the final examination, the boy was sober at the time of the accident. Earlier it was reported that expert Mikhail Kleimenov detected 2.5 ppm of alcohol in Alyosha's blood because he collected the material incorrectly and contaminated it with alcohol-forming bacteria. If this were true, then ppm would have grown at least twice, since the bacteria have not gone away.

Olga Alisova // Photo: ria.ru

Alyosha's father Roman Shimko said that the laboratory was deliberately engaged in forgery. If you look through the old cases, then in many cases you can find the same figure - the downed person had 2.5 ppm of alcohol in his blood. Roman believes that now they are trying to hang all the dogs on Mikhail Kleimenov, but in fact the point is in the system, when the right people are helped not to go to jail.

By the way, the results of the final examination did not suit Olga Alisova either. Lawyers for the woman who hit Alyosha demand her full acquittal and release. Earlier, the court sentenced her to three years in a colony-settlement, and also ordered her to pay compensation to the Shimko family in the amount of 2.5 million rubles.

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