Home Trees and shrubs Final interview in Russian 9. The maximum number of points for the entire task

Final interview in Russian 9. The maximum number of points for the entire task

Cheat Sheet for monologue

Photo Description

1. I have an interesting photo in front of me.

2. I think it shows…………..

3. Let's take a closer look at the image.

4. In front of us (school yard, museum hall, room, etc.). If this is a street, describe the weather - The picture captures (what, what) day, morning .... + details (the bright sun is shining, there are clouds in the sky, etc.)

5. In the foreground we see….

6. They (describe appearance, clothes, what they do).

7. Their faces (his face, her face) ... (joyful, sad, focused) because ...

8. In the background we see (name who, what is in the background)

9. I think (it seems to me) that .... (to draw a conclusion about what is in the background or about the picture as a whole).

10. I liked this photo because it clearly conveys the feelings and emotions of those present (present) in it.

Story on a given topic

1. I want to tell you about one interesting event - ....

2. I went there with (class, family, friends).

3. Our (trip, excursion, our hike) took place (indicate the exact or approximate date).

4. We prepared for this event in advance: ... (a story about how we prepared: if it was a museum, an excursion, then we read about it, studied the materials, if it was a hike, we collected things, thought out the route).

5. And now the long-awaited day has come.

6. During the tour, we visited ... During the hike, we visited ... ..

7. Also, we saw….

8. The most interesting turned out to be (became, was) ...., since ....

9. I liked this ….. (I liked this one …) because ……

10. I want to take part in such an event again.

Reasoning on a given topic

1. I was offered to speculate on an interesting topic.

2. (Pronounce the topic given for the monologue).

3. I will try to state my point of view.

5. I think that ... (the answer to the first proposed question).

6. (Answer to the second suggested question) because…

7. I believe that (the answer to the third proposed question) is because…

9. (Answer to the last question)

10. Thus, (make a general conclusion). That is my position.

In paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 9, apply the technique of reconstructing an interrogative sentence into an affirmative one.

Today, April 28, 2017, I participated in a webinar on the State Examination: OGE and EGE. The materials provided were good.

  • Highly , in which all the features of the examination work are thoroughly analyzed and explanations are given for the introduction of the oral part.
  • The second question was preparation for the exam, where the structural and content features of the Unified State Examination are considered, the results of the tasks of the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in 2016 are analyzed, some changes in the examination work of 2017 are said, and an analysis of typical mistakes in writing an essay is given.
  • Composition in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: problems and ways to solve them.



From February 14 to February 16, 2018, a large-scale testing will be carried out in 19 regions of Russia oral part In Russian. Officially it will be called final interview.

It is planned that the final interview further will be for graduates of the 9th grade admission to the OGE. Similarly, in the 11th grade: in order to get admission to the exam, you need to write a final essay.

The final interview will be conversations with the teacher(not with a computer). After receiving the results of the approbation, a decision will be made on the possibility of introducing an oral exam into the regular mode.

The oral exam will focus on testing skills spontaneous speeches - for preparation the participant will be given about a minute.

The model of the final interview in the Russian language includes the following types of tasks:
1) reading the text aloud;
2) retelling of the text with additional information;
3) a monologue statement on one of the selected topics;
4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.

All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about prominent people in Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved a child's life.

Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the task. The interview will be audio-recorded.

The assessment of the performance of the tasks of the work will be carried out by the expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account the observance of the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

It is planned that the final interview of 9th grade graduates will be held at their schools. It will be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.

● For admission to the OGE, you will need to pass a final interview.
● In 2018, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the OGE. It will be held in 19 regions in the testing mode.
● During the student's response, the instructor will evaluate the student. After the answer, the student will receive a “pass” or “fail”.
● The final interview will last approximately 15 minutes.
● The final interview will consist of 4 parts: reading, retelling, monologue and dialogue.
● The student will be tested for spontaneous speech, so there will be little preparation time - only 1 minute.

Before the new form of the exam becomes mandatory for everyone, the model must be tested. In the fall of 2016, two versions of the oral exam (with a "live" interlocutor and with a computer form) were "run in" on 1,500 schoolchildren from the Moscow region, Tatarstan and Chechnya. After analyzing the results, the developers decided to focus on the form of an interview with a teacher.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, a large-scale testing of this model will take place: oral interviews in Russian will be held by ninth-graders from 19 regions of Russia. The exam will take place in the fall the results will not affect the admission or non-admission of schoolchildren to pass the GIA. Therefore, ninth-graders need not worry - in fact, this year it is not their knowledge that is being tested, but the efficiency of the exam model.

The dates when the final interview will become mandatory for all students of the 9th grade have not yet been officially announced - this will depend, among other things, on the results of the approbation.

How will the oral exam in Russian take place?

It is assumed that ninth-graders will be interviewed at their schools, however, "unfamiliar" teachers who have not previously taught with these guys will act as examiners. The interview will be held one-on-one and recorded on audio or video. The time allotted for each student is approx. 15 minutes.

Assignments will be exclusively practical - no rules, analysis of proposals, and the like. The task of the interview is to check whether the student has sufficient skills in spontaneous (unprepared) oral speech, whether he can clearly and relatively competently express himself in Russian, build monologues, conduct a dialogue, and so on.

The interview includes four tasks, and all of them belong to the base level. It:

  • reading aloud;
  • retelling,
  • monologue,
  • dialogue with the examiner.

Tasks are inherently simple, and their successful completion does not require special training.

  1. In the first task of the interview, the student must read aloud a short (150-200 words) text about one of the famous representatives of our country. He has two minutes to prepare. It is necessary to read clearly and with expression, correctly intoning punctuation marks (because only in this case the text will be adequately perceived by ear).
  2. In preparation for the second task - retelling of the text The student is given one minute. For retelling, a short, one paragraph, text and an addition to it are proposed - a statement that will need to be organically included in the retelling. The first and second tasks can be thematically related - for example, in the demo version prepared by FIPI for reading aloud, a text about Gagarin's flight on the Vostok ship is offered, for retelling - information about the creator of the ship, the Queen.
  3. The third task of the interview in the Russian language - monologue. Here, the examiner is offered three options to choose from: he can describe the proposed picture, talk about his personal experience, or express his opinion on the problem. The proposed topics are multidirectional, which allows you to choose the most interesting option for yourself. Supporting questions are attached to each of them, which should make the task easier. One minute is also given for thinking and preparation, and the monologue itself must “fit” in three.
  4. The last exam task is a dialogue. Here the student will have to give detailed answers to three questions of the examiner (all of them are related to the topic chosen for the monologue). Three minutes are also allotted for the final part of the interview.

Criteria for evaluating the final interview

The final points for the interview are the sum of the points received for each of the four tasks, as well as the assessment of the "quality of speech" - it is assessed separately for the first two tasks and for the logical block of monologue and dialogue.

You can get 2 points for reading aloud.- one for the correct intonation of punctuation marks, the second - for the pace of speech (you can’t “part” or, on the contrary, slow down too much, the pace should be such that the text is adequately perceived by ear). Retelling is also worth two points.- one can be obtained for the preservation of micro-themes of the original text, the second - for the organic inclusion in the retelling of a given statement (you can quote it in any way).

If during the execution of the first two tasks no grammatical, spelling, speech errors were made, and the words were pronounced without distortion - for speech quality will be credited two more points(up to three errors - one point). Thus, the maximum that can be obtained for the first two tasks is 6 points.

When evaluating a monologue statement the main criterion is the degree of fulfillment of the communicative task (that is, the overall quality of the utterance). If the examiner managed to build a clear detailed statement, giving answers to all the basic questions and did not make factual errors, he receives one point for this criterion. If this task is not completed, no points are given for the monologue. The second criterion is the speech design of the monologue (integrity, consistency and consistency of presentation). It is also worth one point, respectively. maximum for a monologue - 2 points.

In the dialogue, each of the three answers is evaluated separately - a point for each. A score of "0" is given if the student gave a one-word answer or did not answer at all.

Grade for literacy, exhibited on the basis of the results of tasks 3 and 4 - the most "weighty", here you can earn up to three points. Two of them fall on the literacy of speech (it is assessed in the same way as in the first block of tasks), one more point can be obtained for "speech design" (lexical stock, syntactic variety, accuracy and richness of speech).

Thus, the maximum number of points for the final interview in the Russian language in grade 9 is 14. The final mark for the exam is "pass" or "fail". In order for the interview to be considered successfully passed, and admission to the GIA was received, a ninth grader must score at least 8 points.

On September 5, at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor, a presentation of the model of the final interview in the Russian language for 9th grade students took place.

An oral interview in the Russian language is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that the passage of the final interview in the future will become for graduates of the ninth grade admission to the state final certification.

Oral part in the Russian language of the OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

A lot of hard work has gone into developing the exam model. Pilot testing of two models of the oral part of the GIA in the Russian language, an oral interview with a teacher and a computerized form of the exam was carried out in October 2016 in the Moscow region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic. About 1.5 thousand students took part in it. Based on the results of approbation and public and professional discussion, the model of the oral part of the GIA was finalized, which is an interview between the student and the teacher. Its large-scale testing will be carried out in autumn 2017 in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. The participation of the regions in the testing of the final interview this year is voluntary and its results will not affect the admission of students to GIA-9 in 2018.

The final interview in the Russian language is aimed at testing the skills of spontaneous speech - the participant will be given about a minute to prepare.
The interview model includes the following types of tasks:
1) reading the text aloud;
2) retelling of the text with additional information;
3) a monologue statement on one of the selected topics;
4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.
All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about outstanding people of Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Dr. Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved a child's life.

Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the task. The interview will be audio-recorded.
The assessment of the performance of the tasks of the work will be carried out by the expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account the observance of the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

It is planned that the final interview of 9th grade graduates will be held at their schools. It will be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.

Irina Tsybulko, head of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE and USE in the Russian language, noted that the developed model of the final interview has no analogues in world practice and expressed the hope that the pedagogical community will take an active part in its discussion.

Approbation of the final interview in the Russian language for graduates of the 9th grade will be held in April 2018 in all regions of Russia

Monitoring the quality of training of 9th grade students in the Russian language in the form of a final interview will be held in April 2018 in all regions of the Russian Federation. The interview will be held for two days - April 13 and 16.

The final interview in the Russian language for grade 9 students is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Russian Language and Literature Teaching Concept to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview in the future will become for ninth-graders admission to the state final certification (GIA-9). The results of the April testing will not affect the admission of students to GIA-9 in 2018.

Demo version of the final interview in the Russian language Grade 9 2018 from FIPI

Pilot testing of two models of the oral part of the GIA in the Russian language was carried out in October 2016 in three regions of Russia. At the end of September-beginning of October 2017 and November 20-22, oral interviews were tested, in which schools from 61 subjects of the Russian Federation took part. For other regions, testing is scheduled from 14 to 16 February 2018.

The final interview graduates of grade 9 will be held at their schools, it will be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.

The final interview in the Russian language is aimed at testing the skills of spontaneous speech - the participant will be given about a minute to prepare, the interview itself will take about 15 minutes.

The model of the final interview in the Russian language includes the following types of tasks:

1) reading the text aloud;

2) retelling of the text with additional information;

3) a monologue statement on one of the selected topics;

4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.

All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about outstanding people of Russia. Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the task.

The evaluation of the assignments will be carried out by an expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account the observance of the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Oral interview in Russian in the 9th grade. Theory and practice.

From this academic year, it is planned to introduce the oral part of GIA-9 in the Russian language. On September 5, Rosobrnadzor hosted a presentation of the model of the final interview in the Russian language for 9th grade students. A lot of work has been done in developing the examination model. Pilot testing of two models of the oral part of the GIA in the Russian language, an oral interview with a teacher and a computerized form of the exam was carried out in October 2016 in the Moscow region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic. About 1.5 thousand students took part in it. Based on the results of testing and discussion, the model of the oral part of the GIA was finalized, which is an interview between the student and the teacher. Its large-scale testing was carried out in autumn 2017 in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. Participation of regions in approbation The final interview this year is voluntary and its results will not affect the admission of students to GIA-9 in 2018. When the real interview will be held, and whether its results will affect admission to the OGE, it will become clear from the results of the testing. The final interview in the Russian language is aimed at testing skills spontaneous speeches - the participant will be given about a minute to prepare.
All reading texts that will be offered to the interview participants are texts about outstanding people of Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Dr. Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved a child's life.
Each participant will have 15 minutes to complete the task. The interview will be audio-recorded.
Evaluation of the performance of work assignments will be carried out by an expert directly
in process of answeraccording to specially developed criteria, taking into account the observance of the norms of the modern Russian literary language or, if necessary, according to an audio recording after the exam.It is planned that the final interview of 9th grade graduates will be held at their schools. It will be evaluated according to the “pass” / “fail” system.The head of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE and the USE in the Russian language, Irina Tsybulko, noted that the developed model of the final interviewhas no analogues in world practice.The demo version is posted on the FIPI website. Purpose of KIM- evaluate the levelgeneral educationaltraining in the section "Speaking" for graduates of the ninth grade of educational organizations in order to admission to the state final certification of graduates. The results of the oral part can be used when enrolling students in specialized classes of a secondary school. The work tests the communicative competence of students - the ability to create monologues on various topics, take part in a dialogue, expressively read the text aloud, retell the text with additional information. The degree of formation of language competence is indicated by the skills of students related to the observance of language norms (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic). Exam work is built taking into account variability : the subjects are given the right to choose one of the three proposed topics of the monologue (conversation). Suggested two models conducting the oral part of the GIA 9. slide 2 Model (without interlocutor) using computer technology,which includes the following types of tasks. Before the exam the graduate must warn about his choice of this option, becausespecial software e chenie. During the exam, the graduate performs the specified tasks step by step, which he reads from the screen. The city chose this form of approbation. The exam is generally faster. ( A plus: for modern children, this form is closer, simpler. Minus : a special headset is required, as speakers at the same time in the same room interfere with each other.) The forms are different, the student chooses whichever is closer, but the teacher's job in preparing for the exam is the same.The second model with the teacher-interlocutor. Slide 3. Let us turn to the demo version of 2017, which is posted on the FIPI website. During the approbation, controversial, unclear points were revealed in the performance of tasks, which I will immediately talk about. So, during all the exams, KIM graduates are handed out, there is time to get to know each other. It is not written anywhere when the student receives KIM and whether he should familiarize himself with the entire option. Or it is assumed that he knows the structure of KIM and does everything spontaneously. But this is also a violation.1 task. Reading text. slide 4. Read not just quickly, but in accordance with the communicative task, i.e. expressively: correctly intoning all punctuation marks, choosing the optimal tempo and timbre, melody of the voice, making logical stresses. The texts are complex and informative. Lots of terms. There are numerals that students inflect incorrectly. Because of the excitement, they simply distort the words, for which they also lose points. So, Suvorov, for example, became both Suvorin and Severov. Everyone completed this task. 2 task. Retelling of the read text with the introduction of a quote. Slide 5.Not the one given after the text, as in the demo, but the text itself for reading.Preparation 1 minute. Retelling 3 minutes. Statements are given by unknown authors. Students make mistakes even when pronouncing surnames. There is a question about the introduction of a quotation. Exercise : when quoting, use any form: direct speech, introductory phrase, indirect speech. Does it mean that you can read with direct quotation? If on one page?! slide 6 . In the criteria, this task is evaluated as a concise presentation, according to micro-topics. Their graduates keep. But they forget to enter a quote after the retelling. Therefore, everything was introduced at the end of the retelling. There is no need to talk about the appropriateness and logic of its conduct. Does the graduate need to show his attitude to the quote?In addition to the content, tasks 1 and 2 are evaluated for literacy task 3. monologue. Slide 7.I want to say right away that it is necessary to print the CIM on a color printer. Otherwise, the photos are very problematic to describe. slide 8. Of the 3 proposed topics, where description, narration and reasoning are presented, the graduate chooses one.1 minute prep + 3 min. to answer.In addition to the ability to create a text of a certain type, clearly following its composition, it requires background knowledge of history, natural disciplines, knowledge of Russian literature, art + rich life experience . For example, in the approbation it was necessary to talk about your favorite actor. It is clear that the creators of KIM meant domestic. Graduates, except for Van Dam and Schwarzenegger, can not name anyone at all. Describing a photo with a drawing girl, I had to tell about my own hobbies. This also caused a problem. From the Russian language in this task - only the form of presentation, and the content is the knowledge of students about everything. They, unfortunately, to put it mildly, are not always available. A plus: There are cards with questions to help the student. Weak children try to build a monologue in the form of answers to them. Minus : then a coherent text is not obtained, but the performance of the communicative task, the integrity and consistency of the presentation are evaluated. slide 9. This task is the most difficult. 1 minuteimpromptu rightnot every adult will be able to compose a text on a newly received topic. Therefore, very serious preparatory work is needed here. Speech is also evaluated. Note. 4 task. Participation in the dialogue. Slides 9-10.Without preparation, the graduate answers 3 questions on the chosen topic. The total response time is 3 minutes. Minuses : monosyllabic answers, characterized by poverty and inaccuracy of vocabulary. All these results were obtained despite the fact that we had already managed to analyze the Demo version in elective classes, repeated the types of speech, completed the tasks of the open bank of assessment tasks in the Russian language from the “Speaking” section. Slide 11. Anticipating the forthcoming difficulties of introducing a new form of certification, in the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of Humanities created a municipal experimental site on the basis of the school “Preparation for the oral part of the state final certification in the Russian language in grade 9 based on a system-activity approach”. slide 12. The purpose of the experimental work was to identify the optimal forms, methods, techniques and means of training students, which will achieve a high quality of education and prepare students for passing the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language.One of the tasks is to identify the capabilities of the teaching materials for the Russian language edited by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, which allow students to master reading, retelling and speaking as types of speech activity that form communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies. The results of the work will be shared at subsequent seminars.

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