Home Trees and shrubs Summary of the lesson in the Russian language numeral. Synopsis of a lesson in Russian on the topic: "Numeral". I. Organizational moment

Summary of the lesson in the Russian language numeral. Synopsis of a lesson in Russian on the topic: "Numeral". I. Organizational moment

Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language in the 2nd "G" class

MOBU Lyceum №23 Stavropol
Theme of the lesson: "Orthograms of the root."
Type of lesson - a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lesson objectives: training in solving spelling problems of the word root.
Forms and methods:
group work,
independent work, frontal survey, collective work.
The use of ICT (presentation of the "Orthogram of the root").
Planned results:

Measuring tasks:
Copying with an explanation, drawing up a generalizing scheme, guessing riddles, adding words to rhyme, correcting text errors
House. exercise:
Mark spellings in the text, write test words (exercise 476)
During the classes.
Organizing time. Creating an emotional state. (2 minutes)
slide 1
- Guys, I really want our lesson to be informative. I wish you good mood! Wish each other good luck!
Everyone sat down in their places, no one is crowded, I will whisper in secret: It will be interesting!
Introduction to the topic. Setting the goal of the lesson. (5 minutes)
- Guys, let's play. I prepared the words, but one of them is superfluous. Discuss in pairs which one and why?
slide 2
grass, earth, garden
heart, joyful, thread
spring, green, sun
number, wagon, letter
- Write down these words and underline the spellings
slide 3
- What is the wrong word? Why?
- What do these words have in common?
- Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is?
Orthograms of the root Slide 4
What are your goals for the lesson?
slide 5
- Fix spell checker methods at the root
- Solve spelling problems in all mastered ways
- Exercise in the correct selection of test words
- Use a spelling dictionary
Work on the topic.
Independent work. (5 minutes)
slide 6
- Read the text for yourself (silently). Read the text for others (in unison).
Have fun in the summer in l_su! We are walking on thick juicy grass. Around flowers. A bee sat on the flower. The tr_py has a bunch of loose earth. This is n_ra cr_ta.
- Write out words with prepositions with missing letters from the text, solving spelling problems.
- Let's check. What is the rule for all these words? How to check an unstressed vowel in the root? What verification methods do you know?
(Front check - feedback. Children prove the choice of a letter by choosing test words) - Rate yourself for knowing the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root.
Fizminutka (3min)
Work on the topic.
1. Choice task (5 min)
- Let's read two texts for ourselves, for others.
slide 6
Good_ our le_. There are a lot of juicy tra_. Here is a take. And here is du_.
Beautiful starry sky. But all children are waiting for sun.
- Guys, choose the text that you liked more. Write it down by inserting the missing letters.
- Who chose the first text? What is the rule for skipped words? How to check spelling with paired consonants in the root?
Rate yourself for knowing the spelling of paired consonants at the root of the word.
- Who chose the second text? What is the rule for skipped words? How to check
spellings with an unpronounceable consonant at the root?
Rate yourself for knowing the spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.
2. Collective work according to the scheme "Checking the root spelling" (5 min)
-Let's summarize the ways to check root spelling. (Children comment on the finished table).
Slide 7
Vowel Double Unpronounceable
consonant consonant stress vowels and vowels and
sonorant sonorants - change the number,
- change the command of the question WHO? WHAT?
- change on the command of the question (many) WHO? WHAT?
- call me affectionately
- choose a single word
- change on the command of the question WHAT?
3. Group work (10 min)
- And now I suggest that you consolidate your knowledge of root spellings in groups. Please unite and agree. I invite commanders to pull out tasks.
1 group. Fill in the missing letters, explain the choice orally.
Oh, now I need urgently
Shout all girlfriends,
After all, at my birthday table
Already g_stay p_ra s_zhat.
You can’t hug girlfriends,
All of them must be invited.
And today, on my birthday,
Delicious, delicious to eat.
2 group. Guess a riddle. Write down the answer. Insert the missing letters.
Black Willow,
wooden shirt,
Where do you pass your nose_,
There is a note_ku kl_dё_.
3rd group. Read Mishka's letter to your parents from summer camp. Correct mistakes.
Here is a wonderful bow. I lick there often. Near foxes and a beautiful big rod.
- Let's check the work done and evaluate ourselves.
The guys from the first group will be checked and evaluated by Ruslan Rodichkin, a member of the Council of Journalists.
Let the guys of the second group be checked and evaluated by our guests.
The guys of the third group, let's check and evaluate me.
Summary of the lesson. Reflection. (3 min)
- What did you learn at the lesson today?
What can you teach your classmates?
- What did you experience joy from?
- What upset you?
- And in general, what mood did you work with?
Slide 8
Today's lesson was good
He did not pass for you in vain.
You have all worked very hard.
Did you like it, friends?
Homework. (2 minutes)
Aspect analysis of the lesson "Root Spelling".
held in the 2nd "G" class of the MOBU Lyceum No. 23 of the city of Stavropol Aspect: the formation of subject, general educational skills and abilities of schoolchildren.
The purpose of the analysis: to trace how the teacher forms the subject, general educational skills and abilities of schoolchildren.
FULL NAME. teachers: Dernovaya Inna Ruslanovna.
Class: 2
Date of visit: 03/11/2013
Type of lesson: a lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge using ICT at all stages of the lesson.
Forms and methods: work in groups, independent work, frontal survey, collective work. The use of ICT (presentation of the "Orthogram of the root").
Interdisciplinary connections:
Literary reading
The world
The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the methods of checking the spelling of the root.
Lesson objectives: training in solving spelling problems of the word root.
Planned results:
Personal: cognitive interest in observing the word, satisfaction from awareness of one's achievements. Regulatory: to recognize and accept the learning task, plan and perform actions to solve it, control and evaluate the process and results of one's own and others' activities.
Cognitive: perform learning activities, working with didactic material, observe the use of language tools, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, generalize the studied secrets of our language.
Communicative: participate in a collective discussion of issues, express your point of view, listen to the opinions of others, treat the difficulties and mistakes of classmates with understanding, strive to provide assistance, follow the rules of speech behavior.
Introduction to Lesson Analysis
The lesson is given in accordance with the thematic planning.
The topic " Root Spelling" is generalizing, involves the involvement of rich practical material. The use of a computer presentation is justified. The role of the computer in the lesson

Discussed spellings are taken out on a computer. The teacher, using a computer, actively helps students to understand the types of spelling, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions.
For the teacher, a computer is a hint that allows you to clearly implement the idea of ​​the lesson and follow the logic of the presentation of the material, + illustrator + animator =>

Observation program:
To achieve the set goals, the structure of the lesson was rationally chosen.
Stage 1 - the organizational moment - aims to organize the attention of students, set them up for serious work. This stage plays a very serious educational role, since the ability to mobilize oneself, concentrate, and organize oneself is formed here, it is at this stage that the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the class is laid.
At this stage, there are:
- personal UUD (knowledge of moral norms, manifestation of ethical norms of behavior).
M / P (UUD): regulatory (self-control of preparation for the lesson).
Stage 2 of the lesson is an introduction to the topic, goal setting. This stage began with oral work using ICT, namely, with finding extra words in a series of data, according to which students formulated the topic of the lesson and set goals, which develops interest in the lesson.
At the stage of formulating the objectives of the lesson, the main educational task was the independent formulation of the objectives of the lesson by students. Students' awareness of the type of lesson and the purpose of the lesson automatically increases the activity of students in the lesson, enables each student to really be the subject and organizer of the educational process, a junior colleague and like-minded teacher.
To solve the problem, a frontal form of work was used.
All this stimulated cognitive motivation, developed students' speech; contributed to the organization of attention.
At this stage, there are:
- subject skills; personal (the ability to communicate in pairs). Cognitive (master the ability to search and highlight the necessary information, be able to compare, explain the choice of criteria for comparison, make a preliminary selection of information, find answers to questions Communicative (own a dialogic form of speech).
Stage 3 - independent work with the text, writing out the missing vowels, explaining the spelling of words with an unstressed vowel at the root. At this stage of the lesson, a frontal check was used in the form of feedback through letter fans. This task develops spelling vigilance, speed and reaction of children.
Stage 4 - a physical minute in the form of a mobile dance and rhythmic movements, with the aim of complete relaxation and a friendly attitude towards classmates.
At the 5th stage, a task is offered to choose from. At this stage, aspects of the topic being studied are fixed, the degree of independence of students increases. It is much more interesting (although more difficult) for students to find spellings themselves than to act on the prompt of a teacher or students.
Stage 6 of the lesson - collective work according to the scheme "Checking the spelling of the root." This type of work allows students to fix all the ways to check the spelling of the root.
Stage 7 - work in groups. Children learn to negotiate among themselves, to prove the right choice, to come to a consensus. Tasks for groups, the guys get to choose from. Here and guessing a riddle, and filling in the gaps in the text, and correcting errors in a written letter. The most enjoyable moment for the children is the evaluation of their work by the members of the team and the guests of the lesson.
From 3 to 7 stages, the formation of subject skills takes place.
M / P (UUD): regulatory (the ability to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one, to exercise self-control).
Cognitive (the ability to analyze educational material).
Communicative (the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to express their thoughts).
Stage 8 - d / s; reflection. At this stage, the teacher, together with the students, sums up the lesson, the children report their attitude to the lesson, explain what they have learned, whether it will be useful in later life.
At the stage of reflection, personal UUDs are formed: to establish a connection between the purpose of the activity and its result.
M / P (UUD): regulatory (to exercise self-control, together with the teacher and classmates to evaluate the activities in the lesson).
Communicative (the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy).
Throughout the lesson, the teacher monitors the correct speech of the students so that the students give only complete answers and try to build their thoughts correctly.
Control at the lesson was carried out through self-control and mutual control, through the teacher. Students' knowledge was assessed objectively.
Summary of the lesson on the world around in 1 "G" class
(in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.)
Author: Dernovaya Inna Ruslanovna - primary school teacher
MOBU Lyceum №23 Stavropol
The theme of the lesson is "Our little neighbors".
The type of lesson is a problematic lesson.
Subject: the world around, 1st class.
Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical, problematic.
Lesson organization forms: group, frontal.
Lesson objectives: to introduce students to the class of insects; formation of ideas about arachnids.
Lesson objectives:

Software used: textbook, notebook on the subject “World around” O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilina (Grade 1, EMC "Harmony"); presentation on the topic "Insects".
Equipment: interactive whiteboard; audio recording of the song “Grasshopper”, photographs and drawings of insects, encyclopedias for children of various editions
Planned results:
Personal: cognitive interest in the subject "The world around us", satisfaction from the realization of one's achievements. Regulatory: to recognize and accept the learning task, plan and perform actions to solve it, control and evaluate the process and results of one's own and others' activities.
Cognitive: perform learning activities, working with practical material, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, generalize previously studied topics.
Communicative: participate in a collective discussion of issues, express your point of view, listen to the opinions of others, treat the difficulties and mistakes of classmates with understanding, strive to provide assistance, observe the rules of polite behavior.
During the classes.
I. Organizing time.
The bell rang, the lesson began.
II. Working on learned material. . Knowledge update.
Generalization of students' knowledge about the studied groups of animals.
- Look carefully at the screen, examine the images. Tell me, how to name objects of nature in one word? (Animals).
What groups did scientists divide animals into? (Pets, wild animals, mammals, birds).
- Name the essential distinguishing features of mammals, birds.
What do zoologists do? Ornithologists?
What birds surprised you in the last lesson?
Fizminutka No. 1: we depict the flight of an eagle (soars in the air); the flight of a hummingbird; flight of an ostrich penguin?? crows.
III. Formation of new concepts and methods of activity.
one). Statement of educational tasks.
- And what animals we will talk about today, you will find out by filling out a crossword puzzle
(slide 1). The key word is INSECTS.

- We opened the textbooks on page 44. We read the topic “Our little neighbors”. Why neighbors? Who is in the pictures? (transfer)
- And how do you understand the word "Fidget"? Can insects be called fidgets?
3) Search for information about insects in encyclopedias (work in groups). Generalization of student answers.
How do insects move, do you know? - What do insects eat? - Well done! You already know a lot. But you did not name all the information about insects. How to be?
- Explore the insect.
4) Organization of research activities of students. - Do you know what people who study insects are called? - In the language of the ancient Greeks, the insect was called "entomos". Therefore, the science of insects was called entomology, and people who study insects are called entomologists. And today we will play entomologists. With the help of our stylus, we will now turn into entomologists. "One, two, three - turn 1st grade into entomologists."
Work in pairs. (slide 2)
Let's do a little research. Examine the body of an ant yourself
(in the workbook p. 19.) and place in circles the numbers indicating the parts of the body of the ant. Agree in pairs, who will be responsible?

We continue our research:
slide 3
- Who is this? (bumblebee)

How many parts does his body consist of? (Head, chest, abdomen - out of 3.)
- How about an ant? (Yes)
-Find the ground beetle in the beetle textbook (page 44). How many parts does his body consist of? (Head, chest, abdomen - out of 3.)
Is it possible to say that this is a common feature? (3 body parts)
-What is on the head?
- Eyes and whiskers. These are the sense organs.
What organs do bumblebees and beetles use to move? (wings).
Yes, with wings.
Do all insects have wings? (No, for example, in an ant.)
- Then we can say that this is a common feature? (Not.)
Let's look at the legs. How many of them do an ant, a bumblebee, a dragonfly have (from 44 textbook)? (6 legs)
Do all insects have 6 legs? (Yes.)
- So we can call it a common feature? (6 legs)
We continue our research.
Let's look at the belly. What do you see? (Rings, stripes.)
Do all insects have these stripes, rings? (Yes.)
Looking closely, you can see that the body of any insect - a beetle or a butterfly, a grasshopper or a fly - really consists of separate segments - segments (notches). They provide mobility to the body.
So this is a common feature. (Notches.)
- What word does the word "notches" look like? (Insects.) Well done! Our research was successful.
-So what did we find out? (They found out the essential signs of insects. Everyone who does not fit these signs cannot be called insects.)
- What do insects eat?
How do insects protect themselves from enemies?
- And how should you behave when meeting with insects? Generalization of student answers. Drafting
Rules of conduct when meeting with insects.
IV. Primary assimilation of new knowledge, methods of learning activities.
1) Riddles p. 18 (working notebook) As you guess, show the insect on the slide.
Ant. Butterflies. Bees. Dragonfly. Ladybug. Grasshopper.
Fizminutka number 2. . -Guys, do you know the song about the jumping insect?
(“Grasshopper”. Arbitrary movements learn to the song)
- Insects that we just saw can be called useful? What benefit do they provide?
2) We get acquainted with another group of insects:
Fly slides. Aphids. Colorado potato beetle. Mosquito. What insects are called harmful? What harm do these insects bring? Should they be destroyed? Why? What do you think, what benefits do even “harmful” insects bring? (Table “Food Chains”).
3) "Red Book" of the Stavropol Territory: insects. - slideshow, conversation.
V. Checking the acquired knowledge. Homework - to investigate the spider. Problem: Is the spider an insect? Prepare an answer to this question using the knowledge gained in the lesson: look at the slide.

Remember the essentials. Prove:
A spider is an insect because... A spider is not an insect because...
VI. Reflection (emotional).
-Guys, let's help the insects and create a clearing of flowers for them, because most insects feed on plants and flower nectar.
- Who felt comfortable in the lesson, confidently - take green flowers.
- Those who felt a little insecure, had a problem in the lesson, made mistakes, but understood their mistakes and corrected them - blue flowers.
- Who had anxiety in the lesson, difficulties in completing assignments - red flowers. (students put flowers on the board).
-What a wonderful glade we have turned out with you!
Aspect analysis of the lesson on the world around in 1 "G" class
(in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.)
Aspect: "Formation of general educational skills and abilities of schoolchildren."
The purpose of the analysis: to trace how the teacher forms the general educational skills and abilities of students
FULL NAME. teachers: Dernovaya Inna Ruslanovna
Class: 1
Date of visit: 04/04/2011
Lesson type: lesson learning new material using ICT at all stages of the lesson
Lesson objectives: to introduce students to the class of insects; formation of ideas about arachnids.
Lesson objectives:
educational: acquaintance with the diversity of insects, highlighting their essential features;
developing: development of students' attention, observation, speech, logical thinking, communication skills;
educational: fostering a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet, interest in the subject through the use of ICT in the lesson, as well as safe behavior in relation to nature and one's health.
Introduction to lesson analysis.
1. The lesson is given in accordance with thematic planning
2. The theme "Our little neighbors" expands the horizons of students about the world of wildlife; involves the involvement of rich illustrative material. 3. The use of a computer presentation is justified. The role of the computer in the lesson.
Works for the teacher and students at all stages of the lesson
Discussed problems are taken out on the computer. The teacher, using a computer, actively helps students to understand the essence of things, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, increase the percentage of visibility, relieve stress, because a PC is a typical carrier of information for children.
For the teacher, a computer is a hint that allows you to clearly implement the lesson plan and follow the logic of the presentation of the material, + illustrator + animator => increasing the level of assimilation of the material by students.
The computer allows you to make the lesson dynamic; switch attention from one activity to another, which maintains constant interest and attention to the topic being studied.
Observation program:
1. Organizational moment.
the use of the presentation organized the students, gave a positive attitude to the lesson
2. Introduction to the topic with the help of the tasks presented on the screen, the teacher managed to ensure that the students formulated the topic of the lesson
3. Work in pairs
(phased execution of tasks)
reinforce the acquired knowledge
activates attention

4. Work with a crossword puzzle
ability to choose the correct answer
consolidation of previously acquired knowledge
5. The work of the researcher is the expansion and deepening of knowledge on the subject; implementation of intersubject communications
6. Reading text
the development of working memory the ability to work in pairs the development of visual memory
7. House. task with wording
"explore" the practical application of knowledge,
received in the lesson; students come to the conclusion how important it is to be attentive in the lesson
8. Reflection (emotional). the whole clearing is green (during the lesson, the children felt comfortable and confident)
9. Hygiene requirements
Compliance with SAN (mode t, illumination, distance from desks to a blackboard; time of working with an interactive whiteboard)
Conclusion: the teacher during the whole lesson managed to systematize the knowledge of students, develop practical skills and abilities, which indicates his professionalism and skill.

\ For a teacher of Russian language and literature

When using materials from this site - and placement of the banner is MANDATORY!!!

The summary of the lesson in Russian was sent to: Shershneva Elena, teacher of Russian language and literature, MOU "Kaskovskaya OOSh", Kuninsky district, Pskov region, email: [email protected]

Lesson summary

Annotation for the work "Collective numbers"

The purpose of the Russian language lesson at school:

  • consolidate students' knowledge of cardinal numbers.

Tasks of the Russian language lesson in the 6th grade:

  • show the features of the category "Collective numbers" in comparison with other categories of cardinal numbers;
  • to reveal the rules of declension of collective numerals and their use in speech;
  • develop logical thinking, visual and mechanical memory, literacy of students;

Type of Russian lesson in 6th grade:

Learning new material.

The technology "Learning in cooperation" is used

Used software:

  • power point
  • Paint

Guidelines for the use of the work are presented in the form of notes to the slides. The work will be useful for Russian language teachers working in the 6th grade. The presentation includes a lesson "Collective numerals". During the lesson, the technology of forming spelling vigilance among schoolchildren and intellectual training was used.

Lesson topic: Collective numerals Grade 6

Lesson Objectives:

  • give the concept of collective numerals;

Learning objectives:

  • to form the ability to write correctly and use collective numbers in speech;
  • to systematize knowledge about cardinal numbers;
  • develop the ability to work individually;
  • develop PC skills.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Write the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook. Today we will continue to talk about the categories of cardinal numbers and get acquainted with a new category - collective numbers. We will find out why they were placed in a separate category, we will learn how to use collective numbers correctly in speech and writing.

Now we will check our homework. You should have prepared a story according to the drawings in exercise 368.

(2 students are heard)

Once, many centuries ago, Man and animals met on Mount Olympus. The man began to say that he is the king of all animals, he is stronger than everyone, no one can defeat him and everyone must obey him. Then the animals offered the man a competition “Who will jump the farthest” and set a condition for the man: if he loses, he will live with nature in harmony and peace.

The frog jumped first. Her jump was three meters ninety-five centimeters. The dog jumped after her. She jumped seven meters sixty centimeters. Human was to jump next. He ran and-and-and jumped eight meters ninety centimeters. Many animals were still jumping. But then a kangaroo approached the disputants. He also decided to take part in the competition and was the winner. The kangaroo jumped twelve meters and eighty centimeters. So man lost to animals and pledged to live with them in peace and harmony. And the animals honored the winner with a laurel wreath.

Can you please tell me what category we talked about in the previous lesson? (fractional numbers)

How do they lean? (when declining fractional numbers, both parts are inclined: the first part is declined as a numeral denoting an integer, the second - as an adjective in the plural. For example: to three-fifths).

Slide number 3.

  • Write down the numbers in words:
  • Decline verbally numerals

(six-fifths, one hundred fifty-eight, sixteen point eight hundred seventy-five, eleven point nine hundred thirteen, sixty-two point nine hundredths.

1.I.p. sixteen point three

R.p. sixteen point three

D.p. sixteen point three

V.p. sixteen point three

etc. sixteen point three

P.p. sixteen point three

I.p. one hundred fifty eight

R.p. one hundred fifty eight

D.p. one hundred fifty eight

V.p. one hundred fifty eight

etc. one hundred fifty eight

P.p. one hundred and fifty eight)

The answers of three students are evaluated).

2. Explanation of the new material.

So, today we are getting acquainted with collective numbers. It is no coincidence that they are placed in a separate category of cardinal numbers. And why they stand separately in a series of cardinal numbers, you will tell me at the end of the lesson.

Slide number 4 (the slide shows which nouns collective numbers are used with)

Exercise: read and say with what nouns collective numbers are used in speech.

Collective numbers

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten are combined:

a) with nouns denoting males, children and young animals:

  • four boys
  • five cubs;

b) with nouns that are used only in the plural:

  • two sledges
  • three scissors

Collective numbers in indirect cases have the same endings as plural adjectives:

with four cubs.

Slide number 5 (shows the features of the use of numerals OBA- OBE- in speech)

Collective nouns both (both)

The collective numerals both (both) in the masculine and neuter gender in oblique cases have the stem obo-. And in the feminine - both.

3. Consolidation of new material.

Now we will consolidate the received information.

Oral task: Give examples of word combinations with numerals in the form BOTH-, BOTH-.

(Examples: both boys, both girls, both cubs, both students).

Slide number 6 (on the slide there are pictures with captions. Students should explain them orally).

  • Drawing with foxes. Signed: two foxes, two cubs.
  • Drawing with books. Signed: three books and _______.
  • Drawing with ballerinas. Signed: four ballerinas, ________.
  • Drawing with dolphins. Signed: eight dolphins, _________.
  • Drawing with wolves. Signed: four wolf cubs, four cubs.

Exercise: Why are there two captions under one picture and one under the other?

(namely, nouns denoting cubs of animals, males are used with collective numbers and integers, and nouns denoting females and adult animals are used only with integers).

Slide number 7 (on slide 7 there is a written practical task. Students complete it in notebooks).

Practical tasks:

Make up sentences using numbers:

both, three, five, both, four.

Make a syntactic analysis of 1 sentence.

(the execution of tasks is checked frontally).

Slide number 8 (this task is performed by the student individually on a PC. The rest of the children check and correct the mistakes made))

Exercise: Instead of dots, insert the collective numbers two, three, both, both.

  • At the desk they usually sit on .... (two)
  • Four boys came. Then one left and left .... (three)
  • To properly perform the exercise, you need to raise ... hands. (both)
  • ... sons were like dad. (both)

Slide number 9 (the task is performed individually on a PC. The rest of the children check and correct the mistakes made).

Exercise: Insert endings instead of asterisks in numerals and nouns in the indicated cases:

  • R.p. seven * skater *,
  • Tv.p. seven * skaters *;
  • D.p. five * comrade *,
  • Etc. p. about five * comrade *;
  • R.p. four* cyclist*,
  • D.p. four * cyclist *;
  • Tv.p. three * foxes *,
  • Ex. about three * foxes *;
  • D.p. seven * kids *.
  • R.p. seven * kids *,

So, we got acquainted with collective numbers and learned how to use them correctly in speech and writing. Now you can say why the collective numbers are placed in a separate category?

Slide number 10 Lesson summary

  • Think about whether the word several is a collective numeral?
  • Explain why you think so.
  • Why are collective numerals placed in a separate category?

Write down your homework: (slide No. 11) P. 65, rep. P. 45, ex. 372, 373.

In the remaining time, complete the creative task:

Using numerals, make up problems on fairy-tale topics that would begin like this:

1. Little Red Riding Hood went to a sick grandmother and carried pies ...

An example of a presentation slide in Russian:

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Synopsis of a lesson in Russian in grade 6 on the topic: "Collective numerals"

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Purpose: to consider the numeral as a part of speech.
Educational: to give students a general idea of ​​the numeral as a part of speech; to acquaint with the formation of numerals of the second ten; introduce the concepts of "quantitative numeral" and ordinal numeral.
Developing: to develop the ability to compose phrases "numeral" + "noun"; develop coherent speech of students;
Educational: to cultivate observation, interest in the subject being studied.
Universal learning activities (UUD):
Personal: the ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of the success of educational activities.
Regulatory: the ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; work according to a collective plan
Communicative UUD: the ability to formulate one's thoughts orally; listen to and understand the speech of others.
Cognitive UUD: the ability to navigate in your knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher. Equipment: riddle cards, diagram cards, cards with numbers.
- Before we start studying a new topic, let's review the material covered. What parts of speech do you know?
What part of speech is called a noun?
What part of speech is called an adjective?
What part of speech is called a verb?
Read the words and decide what part of speech they belong to.
(Writing on the board and in a notebook.)
Deuce -
Double -
Double -
Double -
- Ask a question for each word. Did it help you determine which part of speech they belong to?
Do you know the name of the part of speech whose words answer the question how many?
Today in the lesson you will learn the name of such a part of speech, learn how to use the word of this part of speech correctly and find them in texts; Familiarize yourself with the concepts of ordinal and cardinal numbers.
History reference.
The history of Russian numerals is very interesting. Our distant Slavic ancestors conceived the number as a certain number of any specific objects: “two houses”, “seven bulls”. And only gradually they began to realize the number in itself, regardless of objects and persons, simply as the number two or the number seven.
In ancient times, there was a combination “give metacarpal”, that is, give a hand (on which there are five fingers). The modern word "five" is related to the pre-existing word "pasto" ("hand") and once had a specific meaning of the five fingers of the metacarpus. Words denoting numbers in Russian were collected gradually, from different parts of speech. "One", "two", "three", "four" are adjectives. Like all adjectives, they agreed with nouns in gender, number, and case. "Five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" are nouns. In ancient times, when these words were nouns, they were followed by nouns in the genitive case.
The word "thousand" for large numbers appeared before other words. When it was required to designate the number 10,000, the word "darkness" was used. The word itself has the meaning of infinity. A further increase in the number series baffled the Slavs, and, when necessary, they borrowed from the Greeks the words "legion" (one hundred thousand) and "leodr" (million). Over time, words were needed to denote ten, one hundred million, billion, etc. For this, they found words with the meaning of infinity: ten million - "raven" (eternal bird), one hundred million - "deck" (coffin).
Thus, it took a very long time for our ancestors to begin to perceive numbers as something abstract from the objects and phenomena of the concrete-objective world. This process was very slow. Interestingly, for a long time in writing, the Slavs conveyed the number not as a number, but as a letter: A - one, B - does not mean anything, C - two, D - three, D - four, E - five ... The digital designation of numbers in writing appeared relatively late .Over time, the countable names became more and more similar to each other. The category of gender and number disappeared from them - on the paths of history, countable names lost these most important features and thereby finally separated from all other names. They formed an independent part of speech - the numeral. In the middle of the 18th century, M.V. Lomonosov in his grammar for the first time called numerals an independent part of speech.
The teacher's story with elements of conversation.
- Here are the numbers: 9, 12, 123. 196.
- When studying what subject do you constantly meet with numbers and numbers? (When studying mathematics)
- In the language, the part of speech that denotes the number, quantity or order of objects when counting is called the numeral. The name of this part of speech is derived from the word number and is formed by analogy with the names of other nominal parts of speech (noun, adjective, numeral).
- So, the topic of our today's lesson is "Numeral Name"
- Put a question to the words two, two. (How?)
- What will these numbers mean: 1941-1945‚ 1917, 2014
- Make up the appropriate question (in what year did the event take place?)
What does the question how much indicate? (On the number of items.)
- And the questions “which”, “which”? (On the serial number of the item when counting).
What other parts of speech answer the question "what"? (adjectives)
Numerals answer not only the question which, but also the question “which”?
(During the conversation, a diagram is drawn up on the board)

Which? Which the?
Number of items
The order of objects when counting

- So what is a noun? Give a complete definition of this part of speech.
- And now you can determine what part of speech the words two and two belong to.
1. Training in recognizing the names of numerals in the text (individual work).
a) Written responses to questions.
Read the questions and give written answers to them.
How old are you? (I am ten years old.)
What form are you study in?
How many boys and girls are in your class?
What is your class room?
- Find the names of the numerals and put questions to them.
b) Work with riddles.
- Numerals are widely used in all styles of speech: in works of art, in business papers, and in oral folk art - in riddles, proverbs.
(On each desk there are cards with riddles)
Let's read some riddles.
(For example: Two are standing, two are lying, the fifth is walking, the sixth is driving, the seventh song is singing. (Door)
Two brothers run ahead, and two catch up (Wheels)
Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)
Dancing baby, and only one leg. (Yula)
Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family?
Two ends, two rings, in the middle - a carnation. (Scissors)
There is a cowshed with a thousand sheep in it. (Hive)
Seven hundred gates and one entrance. (Seine)
Who eats hay without a mouth with three teeth? (Pitchfork)
Two mothers have five sons - all have the same name. (Fingers)
One pit has a hundred pits with a pit. (Thimble.)
There is an oak tree, it has twelve nests, each nest has four eggs. each egg contains seven chicks. (Year, month, week, days ”- Find numerals in riddles. Write down one of the riddles.
c) work with proverbs.
- What proverbs with numerals do you know?
- In what proverbs are there numerals one hundred, one, seven? (Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Seven do not wait for one. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven troubles - one answer). - Write down the proverb that you managed to remember.
2. Formation of numerals of the second ten (group work).
Heel + over + tsatShest
EightNine (The teacher uses the diagram to explain the algorithm for the formation of numerals of the second ten)
- note that the soft sign is written only at the end of these words.
Why are ordinal numbers called so?
Why did quantitative numerals get such a name?
What topic did you start learning in class today?
What part of speech is called a noun?
- Tell me everything you know about the numeral.
- How do numerals change from five to thirty?
What part of speech is usually associated with the numeral?
Reflection: guys, today you were active, attentive and accurate in your answers. Tell me, what action, in your opinion, will improve our work in the next lesson?

Kargaly district of Aktobe region Kazakhstan

Russian language grade 4

Topic: noun as a part of speech

Target: to create conditions for the formation of the concept of part of speech-name numeral in students through their inclusion in the educational study.

Expected results: see the problem, formulate it, set a goal for research; analyze the results of the study; formulate the concept of "part of speech-noun".

During the classes:

1. Emotional mood.

Today we have an unusual lesson. In this lesson, we will consolidate the knowledge that you already have and gain new knowledge. But the lesson is unusual in that you will have to find and formulate this knowledge yourself. You will work in groups.

Division into groups

2. Vocabulary work Form of work - frontal.

On the board is written:

L..neika, persuade..to speak, p..smo, x..dba, dv…na..tsat, succeed…wat, stare…cue, pl…clean, two..tsat, take off…tat, gi. .cue

What groups can these words be divided into?

What parts of speech do you know?

3. Statement of the problem for the detection of a new part of speech. (Form of work - in pairs)

I suggest you write down the words in a column by parts of speech. If you cannot determine the part of speech, write the word in a separate column. (On white sheets - 4 pieces)

So. You have words on the table.

Your task is to decompose these words depending on what part of speech the word belongs to.

Let's check what we got.

(hang out and prove, give a definition of each part of speech)

Have you been able to determine which part of speech we know the word belongs to? « twenty twelve "? Why? What is the purpose of our lesson?

Problem formulation: we need to give a description and name of the new part of speech.

What will this part of speech associated with numbers be called?

State the topic of our lesson. (Part of speech is a noun.)

What is our goal? (open new knowledge: Name Numeral)

During our lesson, we should get answers to the following questions.

1. What is a numeral?

2. What does this part of speech mean?

3. What questions do numerals answer?

4. Understanding.

A) Ask a question about the words « twenty twelve »

What exactly are the words « twenty twelve "- action, sign of an object, object or something else? (Showing pictures with the question how much?)

How? Twenty, twelve, etc.

Conclusion: the words call the number of objects (the QUANTITY is posted - how much?)

b) Divide the words given on the board into two groups. Work in pairs (group)

One, four, seven, five, six, three.

Work with these words, consult and determine if they can be grouped according to any sign. And then tell us which groups you singled out.

What groups would you divide them into? (self-but)

one fourth

five seventh

six third

What is the first group? (number of items.)

What question is being answered? (how much? - a question appears above the column)

What can be said about the second group?

What do these numbers mean? (order in counting)

What question is being answered? (which one?) (Order - which one?)

Quantity Order

How? Which?

one fourth

five seventh

six third

Let's formulate a general rule from our answers.

C) Let's make a cluster


Independent part of speech

stands for

Number of items Order of items

How? Which the?

(secret - By meaning, the words of this part of speech are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.)

Quantitative Ordinal

What is a noun? (students formulate the rule)

The rule that we have derived is the scientific definition.

Now we will read it in textbook p. 160. What do you think, did we draw the right conclusion?

So. We set ourselves the task of determining the part of speech and we determined it.

5. Fixing
A) if you look around carefully, you will see that the numerals surround us everywhere.

Come up with questions for the class to answer with a numeral.

- How old are you?
- What form are you study in?
How many students are in our class?
What floor is our class on?

Which of these phrases contain numerals denoting order? And in what quantity?

B) Write the numbers of the first ten in the form of cardinal and ordinal numbers. (by options)

6. Game minute.

Now I will name the words of different parts of speech. Your task is to clap your hands when I say the number.

Sixth, double, four-story, five, eighth, decimal (fraction), three, nickel

7. Application of acquired knowledge

A) - Guys, where do we meet with numerals? And numerals can also be found in sayings and phraseological units. Insert the missing numbers in sayings and in stable combinations of words.

    ……… try on once, ……….. cut off once.

    For ……….. hares chase - and ………… you will not catch.

    ………… mind is good, well ………. - better.

    …………… Fridays of the week.

    Know how your ………. fingers.

    Talk to ……….. boxes.

    Go to all …………… sides.

B) - You can even compose puzzles with numerals.

Come on, try to guess the words.

vi 3 on, 100 l, those 100, 100 lb, distance 100,

7 i, 40 a, p 1 a, 5 'ka.

D) Exercise 421 - write off, write numbers in words

According to the works of K.I. Chukovsky - exercise 422 - find and name the numerals, write down

What other works by K. Chukovsky do you know?

8. Bottom line

I will read the abstracts to you if you agree with them YES or NO

    The numeral can denote the number of items.

    The numeral can answer the question what?

    Numerals can answer the question what?

    Cardinal numbers denote a number in order.

    The numeral changes in cases.

    Numerals denoting the order of objects when counting can change by gender

9. House. exercise: p.160 learn the rule, exercise 423

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