Home Trees and shrubs Is it possible to give myrtle for a wedding. The myrtle tree is a wonderful wedding gift. Video: the effect of lighting on the crown

Is it possible to give myrtle for a wedding. The myrtle tree is a wonderful wedding gift. Video: the effect of lighting on the crown

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Myrtus communis is a common myrtle with an extraordinary history. This evergreen shrub, which produces flowers with numerous golden stamens in summer and dark blue berries in autumn, is a very ancient plant. All the originality of the myrtle is concentrated in dark green leaves, shiny and fragrant.

And today it is considered a good omen to grind a myrtle leaf and inhale its aroma. This advice is especially good for people who are looking for happiness in love. The need to grow plants in the house has long been proven by scientists. All this suggests that the myrtle has its secrets.

According to one Arab legend, myrtle appeared on earth after Adam, on the day of his expulsion from paradise, brought a branch of some wonderful plant. Therefore, in ancient times, myrtle was a symbol of hope - an echo of heavenly happiness.

According to the Greek legend, in the famous dispute about beauty, Venus was adorned with a myrtle wreath and, as if thanks to this, she received an apple from Paris. Myrtle became the favorite plant of the goddess. In the annual April holidays in her honor, young girls and boys put on myrtle wreaths.

According to legend, Venus saved the ship, caught in a severe storm. It turns out that the goddess ordered myrtle bushes to grow around the ship. Since then, myrtle began to be called miraculous.

Myrtle played a large role in celebrations in honor of many gods and goddesses. The plant was also dedicated to the companion of Venus - Grazia. The statue of the goddess held a rose (a symbol of beauty), a dice (a symbol of carefree youth) and a myrtle branch (a symbol of love) in her hands. The myrtle wreath was worn by Erato, the muse of erotic poetry, and Hymen, the god of marriage.

The Romans gave the flower a special name - wedding myrtle. In Europe, they decorated the houses in which the wedding took place. And in Russia, myrtle often replaced the usual orange blossom in the hands of the bride. Myrtle branches were embroidered on brides' veils, and wedding wreaths were made from its artificial flowers. Myrtle, planted in a pot, kept the well-being of the house, family happiness and love. And "myrtle ablutions" were used for the remission of sins, if one of the spouses was unfaithful.

The leaves of the myrtle give off drops of a fragrant substance that is able to preserve youth and beauty, as well as bestow the art of pleasing. In Greece and Italy, myrtle essence was called angelic and was made from all parts of the plant, including berries.

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Currently, myrtle oil is widely used in cosmetology as a natural drainage, a component of skin cleansing procedures, hair care. Valuable components of myrtle stimulate skin immunity, improve its condition and have rejuvenating properties.

Cosmetologists advise adding 1-3 drops of myrtle oil to the cream to enrich it with the valuable properties of the plant. And also apply oil to the teeth of the comb.

The myrtle bush, as well as the essential oil, cleanses and disinfects the room, neutralizes the "sick" spirit. Its aroma has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps fight stress and emotional depression. 4-7 drops in an aroma lamp, and the house will be filled with a delicate aroma and freshness.

There is a small tree in my window. If you stretch your hand to him and rub his leaves between your fingers, you can hear the wonderful smell of volatile oil, which is found in large quantities in this plant. Myrtus communis - common myrtle. This is the name of my plant. He doesn't seem ordinary to me. In its small shiny leaves and intricate twigs, I seem to see ancient statues of gods and Roman triumphs ...

There are so many legends about the myrtle tree, so many stories, legends and fairy tales are associated with it, it has always enjoyed such love and fame among people that any most beautiful and popular flower in the world can envy it. Myrtle, all the beauty of which is concentrated in fragrant leaves, people knew many thousands of years ago. According to an ancient legend, it grew from a branch that Adam took with him from paradise on the day of his exile in order to transfer to earth at least a particle of the Garden of Eden. That is why already in those days myrtle became a symbol of hope and dreams of happiness.

In Persia and ancient Egypt, myrtle branches were always present in solemn processions, among the ancient Jews, myrtle personified the sky with all its starry world, and in ancient Greece this plant was a sign of supreme power and honor.

This wonderful plant was loved not only by gods and kings, but also by ordinary mortals, especially women. It was believed that if in April you bathe under a myrtle tree and decorate yourself with myrtle branches, youth and beauty will not leave you. This custom has been preserved in Italy to our time. Myrtle essence is poured into the bath for "beauty and virgin freshness." In the 19th century, this cosmetic product was called "angel water" and not a single noble lady could do without it. Wine infusion on the fruits of myrtle was called the elixir of health and vigor.

The famous French actress Rachel was a great lover of myrtle. While still a poor girl unknown to anyone, Rachel took care of “her little myrtle”, believing that she would bring her happiness. And happiness really smiled at her: she became a worldwide celebrity, and her luxurious house was always decorated with large bushes and myrtle trees.

Myrtle is also considered a marriage tree. Previously, a sprig of myrtle was woven into a wedding bouquet as a symbol of love and strong marriage. At the English court, this wedding custom was introduced by Queen Victoria. Since then, this custom has taken root, and now every bride of the English royal house must include a myrtle branch in the bouquet.

Before settling in your cozy apartment or office, myrtle has inhabited the undergrowth of evergreen oaks and pines and shrubs in the Mediterranean, the Azores, and North Africa since ancient times. Having left its warm homeland, this evergreen aromatic shrub has not lost the habit of blooming with numerous white flowers.

In summer, the plant will feel comfortable in a bright room or in a corner of the garden protected from the wind and bright sun. At this time of the year, water procedures include abundant watering and frequent spraying. Water should be at room temperature. Top dressing from spring to autumn will provide your pet with active growth, help gain strength for future flowering.

In winter, myrtle needs a bright, cool room with a temperature of + 4-6 ° C, but not higher than + 10 ° C. Watering at this time is reduced, but make sure that the earth ball does not dry out.

The plant is easy to form. To do this, use pruning shoots after flowering. From myrtle, you can make a standard tree, a sprawling bush or bonsai.

If you like this Mediterranean shrub, you can try propagating it. In January-February, cut the semi-lignified cuttings from the bush, remove the flowers and place the cutting in a moist mixture of peat and sand. At a temperature of + 16-20 ° C and abundant watering, rooting is easy. The plant is planted in a mixture of equal parts of sod and humus soil, peat and sand.

Young plants after rooting are pruned several times to stimulate branching. For flowering, the plant is pinched.

Unlike more familiar plants, caring for myrtle can seem complicated. However, in response to care and attention, the tree will not only please with its healthy appearance, but will also heal you: it will purify the air of the room from microbes and some chemical contaminants, and relieve you of migraines.

Covered with legends and legends - this can be said about the beautiful myrtle, this plant was noticed by people in ancient times. Among the ancient Romans, myrtle symbolized eternal love and marriage, among the Jews - peace, among the Egyptians - joy, among the Chinese - glory and success, in Europe the plant personifies innocence and youth. And in Greece, the custom is still alive: passing by a plant, pick a twig or leaf for a happy and long life. The myrtle tree has earned such fame not only because of its beauty, although the slender trunk, crowned with a magnificent crown, is very elegant, but also for its useful properties. Florists claim that in a house where this plant is, they are less likely to catch colds and do not suffer from allergies. Growing the legendary myrtle at home is not so easy, for this you need to know the features of care.

Description and origin

The legendary myrtle is common in regions where human civilization originated. Perhaps that is why so many myths and legends are associated with this plant. His homeland is the north of Africa, the south of Europe and the center of Asia. Myrtle groves grow along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, later the closest relatives of the tree were discovered in Central America and the Atlantic islands. There are about fifty species in the plant genus. Some of them are almost completely exterminated and are under protection.

The tree is called paradise, or Adam's. According to legend, Adam, leaving Eden, grabbed a myrtle branch as a reminder of carefree times and the hope of creating Paradise on sinful earth.

Myrtle in its natural environment is an evergreen tree up to 5 meters in height or a shrub with a branchy crown. The leaves, elongated, small and harsh, and the flowers, white or pink, are rich in essential oils. They, as well as dark blue fruits, have long been used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. And its wood is considered the best fuel for a smokehouse, dishes cooked on it have an exquisite taste.

In home floriculture, the plant has been known for almost half a thousand years. Indoor trees do not usually grow above a meter. They have an even stem and twigs covered with bark. Glossy, leathery and small (from 1 to 5 cm) leaves smell good when rubbed.

Plants bloom from the age of five. In spring, fragrant white or cream flowers with curved, delicate petals bloom. And the middle is fluffed with needles of long stamens. There are so many of them that the inflorescence resembles a hemisphere. If the myrtle is successfully pollinated, the berries will be tied, black with a bluish bloom.

There is no consensus on the origin of the plant's name. It is associated with the Greek name of the nymph Mirsina, according to the myth, after her death at the hands of Athena, myrtle appeared. And from the Latin language "myrtus" is translated as incense.

Indoor myrtle is as graceful as its tall relative. It is perfect for landscaping any interior. However, this plant is still not popular. In winter gardens and greenhouses, myrtle is a frequent tenant. But you rarely see him in houses and apartments. Flower growers fear that they will not be able to cope with the cultivation of the Mediterranean handsome man. Their fears are unfounded. Flower does not apply to very light crops.

This tree will require attention and care. He needs a lot of light and humidity all year round, coolness in winter, his dense crown must be cut. But he loves this one. Charming complex bonsai are grown from the tree.

Even an ordinary, without frills, myrtle tree attracts the eye. And if it also blooms, you won’t take your eyes off it. It is not difficult to make friends with a plant if you know its habits. In addition, growing a whimsical symbol of peace and love is sure to bring the family together.

A sprig of this plant is a must-have in a bridal bouquet or wreath at weddings in Germany, Great Britain and the Baltic countries. It is believed that the plant keeps love and family happiness.

Video: beneficial properties of myrtle

Types and varieties of home plants

Despite the diversity of the myrtle family, only the communis species (ordinary), its subspecies and varieties have taken root at home. They differ in size, shape, color of leaves and flowers, as well as size. Let's talk more about the most famous indoor types.

  1. Common myrtle (communis) grows best indoors. In nature, this tree or shrub is not higher than 4 meters. At home, his height usually does not exceed a meter. The leaves of the plant have the shape of an elongated oval, 4-5 cm long, they are bright green, hard and shiny. Small white flowers smell pleasant.
  2. Swamp myrtle (its popular name is Cassandra) is a meter-long shrub with straight shoots and a spreading crown. Leaves on short petioles, up to 4 cm long. White or cream flowers are located in tassels at the ends of the branches. This plant, evergreen in the southern regions, has adapted to frost and has become deciduous in temperate climates. As an indoor culture is rare.
  3. Myrtle variety Hymen - a variety of ordinary. This is a bush or tree about a meter tall. The leaves are bright green, small. The flowers are solitary, about 2 cm long. The petals are snow-white, long golden stamens fill the entire center. At home, it is easily pollinated and sets fruits. Blue-black berries, like flowers, fragrant. Myrtle, named after the god of family ties - Hymen, is considered a symbol of fidelity and youth, it is also called the happiness of the bride.
  4. Large-leaved myrtle has tetrahedral shoots and rather large (5–7 cm) oval-pointed leaves. On long stalks, white flowers, equipped with yellow-gold stamens. This variety is famous for its more pronounced medicinal properties.
  5. Myrtle Alhambra - a variety with leathery oval leaves. The flowers are very fragrant, the fruits of an unusual greenish-white color and elongated shape, with a pleasant smell. In the south it is cultivated as a garden plant, in temperate latitudes it grows indoors.
  6. Myrtle Tarentina is a dwarf bushy form. Differs in fast growth. Leaves no more than one and a half centimeters. Flowering is very abundant and fragrant. A variegated variety, Tarentina Variegata, has been bred. And the Granada variety has cream-colored fruits.
  7. Lemon myrtle is a rare plant in indoor floriculture. Its leaves and yellowish inflorescences smell like lemon. Essential oil is obtained from this myrtle, syrups are made. Dried leaves and flowers are used as spices.
  8. Myrtle variety Flore Pleno is distinguished by rather large pointed leaves and double snow-white flowers.
  9. Myrtle variegata - a tree with oval-elongated leaves of variegated color. They are yellow and white-green, with colored stripes or edges. The flowers of this myrtle are white or light beige, with a characteristic aroma.
  10. Microphylla is a dwarf slow-growing variety of myrtle. The tree usually grows no more than 60 cm. It has very small (up to 1 cm) leaves and miniature single flowers. Thanks to its compact size and thick microfilled crown, it is well possible to form indoor bonsai.
  11. There is a variegated (variegated) form of myrtle microphylla. Tiny leaves are white-green.
  12. Boethica is another variety of myrtle most suitable for making bonsai. It is a flexible and slow growing plant. The barrel can be easily given the original winding shape. The leaves of this myrtle are quite large and more delicate compared to other varieties.

Myrtle releases a large amount of useful phytoncides that destroy pathogens, including pathogens of acute respiratory diseases. It also fights allergies.

One of the first skin tonics contained myrtle oil. Ancient Greek and Roman women made a cleanser from the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Large-leaved, small-leaved, variegated, dwarf, common and others in the photo

Alhambra myrtle flowers are very fragrant, and the fruits are greenish-white in color Swamp myrtle with flower tassels Myrtle Boethica is a flexible and slow-growing tree Variegated myrtle has oval-elongated leaves of variegated color Large-leaved species has the largest leaves Lemon myrtle is rarely grown in indoor floriculture Variegated forms of myrtle microphylla dense and variegated crown Microphylla is a dwarf slow-growing variety of myrtle
Myrtle variety Hymenaeus is distinguished by flowers with many golden stamens Myrtle ordinary (communis) is well adapted to home conditions Myrtle Tarentina grows quickly Myrtle Flore Pleno with double snow-white flowers

Video: getting to know the culture

Conditions for indoor myrtle (table)

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
SpringBright light, some direct sun will be helpful. To place the myrtle, any side is suitable, except for the north. With a lack of lighting, it does not bloom, and the leaves become smaller.High, 60–70%.
  1. Spray the leaves frequently. During flowering with care, water should not fall on the buds and flowers.
  2. Arrange the myrtle of souls, but be sure to cover the soil with a film so that there is no waterlogging.
  3. Place the pot with the plant in wet peat or moss, on a pallet with pebbles, expanded clay and water the filler (the bottom of the pot should be above the water).
  4. Place wide containers of water nearby, an aquarium, an electric humidifier, or an indoor fountain.
Moderate, about 20 degrees. Myrtle loves fresh air, ventilate the room.
SummerOn a very hot afternoon, indoor myrtle, especially young plants, be sure to shade.Moderate, better up to 25 degrees, maximum 27.
For the summer, put a pot of myrtle on the balcony or in the garden. Fresh air stimulates flowering.
AutumnIf there is not enough light, add artificial lighting.
With a short daylight hours, myrtle can shed its leaves.
Moderate, 50–60%, when kept cold.
High, 60–70%, in a warm (+20) room.
Humidify the air in all available ways.
Do not place the plant near heating appliances.
Moderate, 20-25 degrees.
Lower it gradually. Bring the plant back home.
WinterThe temperature is cool plus 12-15 degrees. Below +6 degrees myrtle can not stand.
At high temperatures, myrtle can begin to fall leaves.
Keep away from cold drafts.

Video: the effect of lighting on the crown

Planting and transplanting from a pot

Young bushes, until they are three years old, are transplanted every spring, gradually increasing the size of the pot. Adult specimens do not grow at all quickly. And they need a transplant about once every 4 years or less. The plant should not change the pot if the roots have not occupied the entire earth.

For good development, myrtle will need light, loose, moderately nutritious soil. High-quality drainage is very important - fine expanded clay, perlite, brick or ceramic chips.

Soil mix options:

  • ready-made universal soil for indoor plants with the addition of coarse sand or chopped moss;
  • sod land, peat, humus and sand in equal parts;
  • two parts of leaf and peat land plus one part of sod land and sand.

The pot needs to be approximately the same in height and width, always with large drainage holes. The exception is the trees from which bonsai are formed, they will require a special low capacity. Myrtle grows well in plastic pots. But it looks more organic in ceramic. In addition, ceramics are heavier and more stable, which is important when the tree is tall. If you want to achieve a flowering tree, do not choose a pot for growth, it should be a little cramped.

We transplant myrtle

  1. Prepare the pot, soil and drainage, sterilize everything.
  2. We lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot, on top - a little soil substrate.
  3. On the eve, do not water the plant so that the earthen ball dries out a little, so it is easier to get it out of the old pot.
  4. Carefully remove the myrtle from the old container.
  5. We look at the roots. We remove the rotten ones. A few outer roots are carefully freed from the soil.
  6. For better adaptation in a new pot, the roots can be treated with a stimulant (Kornevin).
  7. We install the flower in a new pot, straighten the freed roots.
  8. Carefully fill the space between the earthy clod and the walls of the pot, shaking it.
  9. We compact the soil with our fingers, trying not to damage the roots.
  10. We water the tree abundantly and spray its crown. Humid air will help to adapt faster.
  11. For about a week or, if necessary, we keep the transplanted myrtle in partial shade longer. Then we put it in a permanent place and take care, as usual.

Video: how to transplant myrtle


As already mentioned, myrtle is not the easiest plant to care for. He needs high humidity, well-regulated watering and coolness during the rest period. Myrtle reacts to grower's mistakes by dropping foliage. But I must say that the tree is still tenacious. Sometimes completely “bald” myrtle could be brought back to life.

Watering and feeding

Myrtle is very sensitive to soil moisture. It does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots; water must be drained from the pan. And the tree of paradise does not tolerate the drying of the soil at all. A dry earthy lump leads to yellowing of the leaves, wilting and leaf fall.

Therefore, when watering, follow the rule: regularly, but little by little. Be sure to use only soft water. Check the condition of the soil in the myrtle pot more often. As soon as the surface layer has dried, moisten it. In spring and summer, myrtle should receive water on demand, in autumn and winter (if the temperature is low), it is necessary to increase the interval between waterings.

During spring growth and preparation for flowering, myrtle will be happy with moderate top dressing. He will like mineral complexes for flowering plants. They are applied to watered soil every 2-3 weeks. During the dormant period, top dressing is excluded.

Time to bloom and collect seeds

Not always indoor myrtle presents its owner with flowers. But if the plant likes care, it blooms in the summer. It is bright and fragrant. The dense green crown of the myrtle is abundantly strewn with white fragrant flowers. They usually appear at the "top" of the tree because the top is best lit.

In order for the myrtle to bloom, a number of conditions must be met:

  • cool winter dormancy with limited watering;
  • abundant lighting all year round;
  • with the advent of heat (spring and summer) - fresh air;
  • cramped pot;
  • early pruning at the end of winter, you can not remove the young shoots, it is on it that buds form.

Flowering home myrtle is very susceptible to pollination. When the tree stands in the open air, it is sure to attract pollinating insects. And with room content, become a bee yourself. With a regular paint brush, swipe over the flowers, transferring the pollen. After some time, fruit ovaries will appear on the myrtle (they are edible). In room conditions, the berries ripen successfully, and new trees can be grown from seeds for happiness.

rest period

Winter for a paradise tree is a period of hibernation. At this time, reduce watering, but do not bring the soil to complete dryness. Myrtle will not tolerate such a thing. For him, the ideal wintering is cool. The temperature will have to be lowered to + 12-15 degrees. It can be lower, but not less than +6. In warm regions, myrtle may well overwinter on a glazed balcony.

In southern latitudes, myrtle is left to winter on a sheltered veranda or loggia, at a temperature of +6 degrees and above. In order for the myrtle to comfortably survive the winter, it is necessary to insulate the roots. Under the container with the plant, lay the foam, mulch the top of the soil with peat or sawdust. And wrap the pot itself with foam rubber, batting or other insulation.

In the northern regions it is more difficult to create optimal conditions. You can put the myrtle almost close to the cold window glass and isolate it from the rest of the room with a screen to keep cool. With a cold content, a moderate level of air humidity is sufficient. It is necessary to cancel water procedures.

But it is possible and necessary to spray the foliage of myrtle if the temperature is about + 18–20 and above. Otherwise, dry air and heat will lead to leaf fall. Most likely, in the summer the myrtle will again grow a dense green crown. But after a warm winter, it is unlikely to bloom.

It doesn't matter at what temperature your myrtle hibernates. Even during dormancy, he should receive a lot of light, even in excess, especially variegated varieties. A southern plant does not like a short daylight hours, help it by adding artificial lighting. But ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable for this. Install special phytolamps, gas discharge or fluorescent lamps. LED lamps are the most effective for plants.

crown formation

The crown of the myrtle will be thicker and prettier if it is regularly shaped. This plant responds very well to pruning. And a skilled hairdresser will give a green hairstyle any shape. It is only necessary to take into account that the procedure should be carried out at the end of winter, so that young shoots will grow by the time of flowering. Or in the fall after flowering and before winter rest.

In summer, it is enough to pinch the tips of the shoots to form side branches.

From myrtle, you can grow a spherical (or other shape) bush, as well as form a standard tree. In the first case, it is necessary to leave side branches from the bottom of the trunk, only shortening them with a pinch. In the second, gradually expose the bottom of the stem, creating a fluffy hat at the top.

Create a bonsai

Slow-growing myrtles (such as microphylla and Boethica) are the best material for shaping bonsai. But to grow a tree with original outlines, you will need patience and several years of work. Please note that to create a bonsai, mature plants are needed, at least three years old.

To grow a mini-tree, you will need not an ordinary pot, but a special low ceramic container. The soil should be rich in sand. So that the myrtle grows very slowly, but constantly.

You will have to repot the plant more often, once a year or two. Each transplant should be shortened by half. For the formation, a special copper wire is used. It cannot be used on young shoots and left on a tree for more than six months.

How to shape a bonsai

  1. Wind the wire around the trunk and adult branches in a spiral.
  2. Give the stem the desired shape by carefully bending it along with the wire.
  3. Leave myrtle wrapped in wire for several months, the younger the plant, the shorter this period (the longest 6 months).
  4. Water the tree regularly and spray daily.
  5. After 2-6 months, remove the wire by cutting it in several places.
  6. Let the myrtle rest, and then repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired shape.

Bonsai plants are more thermophilic, they must be kept at a temperature of at least + 17 degrees, even in winter. There should be a lot of light, but without direct sun. In spring and autumn, myrtle bonsai is recommended to be fed with organic fertilizer, which slowly decomposes.

Care errors (table)

Manifestation Cause elimination
Myrtle leaves dry and curl.Not enough moisture in the soil and air.
  1. Adjust watering schedule.
  2. Spray the plant and humidify the air in other ways.
The ends of the shoots turn black and dry, the leaves fall off.Too high temperature and dry air in winter.
Or is it root rot due to waterlogging of the soil (how to deal with it, in the next table).
During a warm wintering, provide myrtle with high humidity.
The shoots are too stretched, and the leaves lose color.Not enough lighting.Put the plant in a brighter place, turn on artificial lighting in autumn and winter.
The leaves turn pale, curl up.Too much sun.In the heat, shade the myrtle from the midday sun.

Resuscitation of dried myrtle

The drying of the earthy coma at the roots of the world leads first to leaf fall, and then, if measures are not taken, to the death of the plant. But even lifeless, at first glance, myrtle can be tried to reanimate.

  1. Continue watering and spraying the plant moderately.
  2. If the root system is still alive, after two weeks, the axillary buds on the side shoots will wake up.
  3. The upper branches, which are no longer awakening, must be cut off to help the myrtle regain strength.
  4. New leaves and twigs grow slowly. After 2-3 months or later, an updated bush will form.

Video: caring for a myrtle tree

Diseases and pests of myrtle

MealybugWhite, sticky fluff on the leaves. They turn yellow and die.
  1. Remove insects by hand.
  2. Spray the plant with an insecticide or alcohol solution.

Reproduction of myrtle

The ancient Greeks planted entire myrtle groves around their temples. To enjoy the flowering and fragrance of the tree of paradise. At home, you can also grow a myrtle grove. And it will be enough to start one plant. Myrtle is well grown from cuttings and propagated by seeds.


Myrtle is best propagated by stem cuttings in summer, when the plant is full of energy. In addition, rooting requires a sufficiently high temperature.

  1. Cut half-barked cuttings (7-10 cm) from the side shoots of the myrtle.
  2. Remove the lower leaves, treat the cut with a stimulant (Kornevin, Epin, heteroauxin)
  3. Prepare a greenhouse or small separate containers, fill them with a mixture of peat and sand, moisten. Plant the cuttings in the substrate.
  4. Cover the seedlings with a transparent lid, bag, or something else.
  5. Put in a warm (+25) and bright place. If cuttings are carried out in winter, provide lighting.
  6. Ventilate and moisten the seedlings.
  7. It will take about a month for the roots to form.
  8. When the young myrtle has grown 4-5 leaves, transplant it into regular soil and a permanent pot.

Video: how to grow myrtle from cuttings


Flower growers often complain that purchased myrtle seeds have low germination. Perhaps the problem is in the storage time. At the same time, myrtle is successfully propagated with seeds obtained from a domestic plant.

Myrtle ordinary(Myrtus communis) is an evergreen shrub from the myrtle family, common in the Mediterranean countries and widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in other areas with a warm climate, as well as in rooms and greenhouses.

Relatively small (about 5 cm) lanceolate leathery myrtle leaves are arranged oppositely on its branches. And in the axils of the leaves are medium-sized white or pink, very delicate five-petal flowers with many stamens.

They have a surprisingly pleasant smell.
But myrtle leaves smell no less pleasant. If you look at its leaf in the light, it seems as if it was pricked in many places with a needle - this shows through numerous essential oil glands, thanks to which the plant emits an amazing aroma.

Many legends, myths and beliefs are associated with myrtle. The surprisingly rich history of this plant can be envied even by the queen of flowers, the rose.

The very word "myrtle" is of Greek origin, this plant was admired by the ancient Hellenes. According to legend, Venus was crowned with a wreath of myrtle during the famous dispute, thanks to which Paris gave her his apple. Since then, myrtle has become a favorite flower of Venus, and she even often called herself Mirtea. Many myrtle bushes were planted around her temples, and during the annual festivities in honor of the goddess, taking place in April, all the participants in the action, as well as all the young boys and girls present, were crowned with myrtle wreaths. The bride and groom were also decorated with myrtle wreaths on the wedding day.

Myrtle played a very important role in the celebrations and in honor of Ceres, Proserpina and Bacchus. And in the festivities that took place on the island of Crete and in Corinth in honor of the goddess of the moon - Helotia - the participants solemnly carried one huge wreath of myrtle - about 7 fathoms in diameter.
Myrtle also played a significant role in the social life of the ancient Greeks. Thus, the highest Athenian ranks wore myrtle wreaths as a sign of power, and petitioners appeared with myrtle wreaths in their hands, wishing to arouse sympathy for themselves. The winners at the Isthmian Games were decorated with myrtle and statues of fallen heroes were removed with myrtle wreaths to show that they are remembered and loved. Houses were decorated with myrtle during wedding and other celebrations, singers wrapped their lyres around myrtle.
But especially original was the custom of putting on a wreath of myrtle on someone who wanted to recite the verses of Aeschylus or Simonides. So the ancient Greeks wanted to pay special respect to these poets.
From the ancient Greeks, the cult of myrtle passed to the Romans. Erato, the muse of erotic poetry, wore a myrtle wreath. And the same wreath was crowned with the head of the god of marriage Hymen, who was always depicted as a charming young man with a lit torch in his hand.

Myrtle is also mentioned in the Bible. After the Flood, Noah allegedly sent from Mount Ararat, where his ark survived the bad weather, a dove with a myrtle branch, so that all life would be reborn on earth. Therefore, myrtle served as a symbol of hope. The branches of this plant were used to decorate temples during festivities, as bouquets and wreaths, presented on special occasions. The ancient Jews, as well as the Greeks, had a custom to decorate the bride and groom with myrtle.
According to ancient Arab beliefs, myrtle adorned the gardens of Eden, and when the first people were expelled from paradise, Adam took with him a sprig of myrtle to remind people of the gardens of bliss.

Orest Kiprensky, "Gypsy with a branch of myrtle in her hand" 1819

Myrtle was one of the symbols and indispensable attributes of Christian holidays. The frescoes of the Ipatiev Monastery depict a scene when Christ presents a bouquet of myrtle to the Mother of God.
From the ancient Hellenes, the cult of myrtle, the custom of using it during wedding celebrations, passed to their descendants, and from them to other inhabitants of new Europe. There is a legend that the first German bride to wear a wreath of myrtle for a wedding was the daughter of the famous medieval millionaire Jacob Fugger. And this event happened in 1583.

Johann Friedrich Overbeck, "Germany and Italy". Shulamith is depicted as a dark-haired Italian woman with laurel leaves woven into her hair. Maria embodies the Nordic type "Gretchen" with braids and a myrtle wreath in blond hair.

In France, myrtle was also an indispensable attribute of wedding ceremonies. Only they were not always decorated with the head of the bride, but often they simply carried this plant in a pot during the procession heading to sign the marriage contract to the mayor or headman. You probably immediately remembered the movie "The Straw Hat", where the myrtle tree "participated" in such a ceremony.

At the English court, myrtle wreaths and bouquets are obligatory for the marriage of persons of royal blood. This custom was introduced by Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who personally planted in her gardens a tiny sprig of myrtle, taken from the wedding bouquet of her daughter, who was marrying the German emperor. The shoot took root, grew in a tree, and later Victoria always put a twig plucked from it into the wedding bouquet of her next daughter or granddaughter. Until now, in the bouquet of every bride of the English royal house, there is always a myrtle branch from this tree.

Until recently, the Baltic peoples also had a custom to decorate the bride with a myrtle wreath, and not even one, but two. A large wreath was worn over the veil, and a small wreath was worn under it, which served as a symbol of purity and innocence. And if a woman married a second time, she no longer had the right to wear this small wreath.

But myrtle was used not only as an ornament in various rituals. This plant has long been valued as a medicinal plant. Even in ancient Rome, women washed their faces with water infused with myrtle flowers, believing that it gives beauty and freshness to the skin. Noble ladies of Greece and Italy simply could not do without myrtle water, which was called "eau d'ange" - angelic water. It should be noted that baths with myrtle water were taken not only by women, but also by men.

Young, unopened myrtle buds were used as a means to strengthen the stomach. And the wine infusion of the fruits of this shrub was considered an elixir that restores health and brings vigor. It was given to drink to wounded soldiers.
It was believed that a branch of myrtle, taken with you on the road, gives the traveler vigor and strengthens his strength.

It should be noted that the medicinal properties of common myrtle have found their confirmation and explanation in modern studies conducted in different years, including in our country. In 1948, an employee of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden M.N. Artemyev managed to establish that the water extract from the leaves of myrtle has an excellent antimicrobial effect. And the researcher A.P. Degtyareva came to the conclusion that this action is due to non-volatile crystalline substances of a phenolic nature. The antibacterial activity of these substances is 500 times higher than the activity of myrtle essential oil itself - they inhibit the development of gram-positive non-spore bacteria, for example, various strains of staphylococci, tuberculosis, anthrax, diphtheria bacilli, etc. Especially valuable is the fact that these substances inhibit the action of some microorganisms resistant to such antibiotics as penicillin, streptomycin, aureoitzin.

A.P. Degtyareva and her collaborators developed the Myrtle Tincture, which has excellent tonic, stimulating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.

But the volatile secretions of common myrtle, essential oils, also exhibit antimicrobial activity. Very interesting are the results of experiments by Novosibirsk scientists who tested the effectiveness of myrtle as a houseplant in kindergartens and hospitals. So, in two kindergartens, 7 specimens of common myrtle at the age of 7 years with a total leaf area of ​​about 1.3 m2 were delivered to playrooms (with a total area of ​​216 and 100 m2). And after a week, the number of bacteria (including such genera of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms as Sarcina, Micrococcus, Basillus, Staphyllococcus) in the air decreased by 40-50% and remained at a low level while the plants were indoors.

Similar positive results were obtained in hospitals. So myrtle can be recommended for rooms where the concentration of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora is high - in school locker rooms, corridors, playrooms. It is not bad to keep this plant at home, on the window. But not in the bedroom, as the strong smell of myrtle can cause headaches.

Taking care of myrtle is not very difficult. This plant prefers a bright, sunny place and fresh air. True, the myrtle does not like the neighborhood of other plants.
Watering myrtle in summer should be plentiful, preferably with soft water, but so that moisture does not stagnate in the pan. In addition, myrtle is very fond of a water shower. In winter, it is necessary to water the plant much less often, only so that the earthen ball does not dry out. Only a well-developed plant needs to be fed - from spring to autumn, every two weeks it should be given small portions of fertilizer.
Myrtle can be propagated in spring and summer using apical cuttings.

Cuttings for myrtle, especially young ones, are generally very useful, since after this the plant begins to bush better and it can be given the desired shape. And the last thing: if myrtle feels great in a warm room for most of the year, then in the winter months it is better for him to provide coolness. And then your attention and care for the plant will pay off not only with the wonderful view of the green bush, but also with its beneficial effect on your health and the health of all members of your family.

prepared by Ekaterina Ziborova

The humblest of plants, the flower of the exiled paradise of Adam and the royal brides - myrtle - is so popular among the peoples of different countries that many of the luxurious flowers can envy it. But the beauty of myrtle is only in fragrant shiny leaves.
According to an ancient Arab legend, Adam took myrtle with him from paradise in order to settle on sinful earth at least one of the plants that adorn the garden of bliss; therefore, myrtle in ancient times served as a symbol of hope, an echo of heavenly happiness. According to other sources, the birthplace of myrtle is Persia, from where it was transferred from Egypt in ancient times, where we can meet its image: on the monuments of the pharaohs, myrtle branches are usually carried by women weeping and walking in front of the procession.

The myrtle was even more honored by the ancient Jews: it was called "abot" and was considered the emblem of the world. Jewish laws prescribed to clean it with green tents during the seven-day festivities in memory of the exodus from Egypt. The unity of myrtle plants, palm branches, weeping willow branches and good fruits (lemons) was called "arang minim" by them and mystically depicted the unity of the deity with his creation. In the myrtle bush, an angel appeared to Zechariah, announcing the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, as a result of which its branches were prescribed to be used during religious ceremonies. There was also a custom to decorate the dead with myrtle wreaths, but it did not take root among Christians. And the custom to crown the heads of brides with them, on the contrary, has survived to this day in some countries, especially in Germany.

Myrtle enjoyed no less respect among the ancient Greeks. They believed that this plant is a memory of the atrocity of the goddess of wisdom, Minerva. Legend has it that the nymph Myrsina, whom Minerva admired and admired, defeated the goddess on the run. Envy overshadowed the goddess's admiration for her favorite, and Minerva killed the nymph in retaliation for hurt pride. But coming to her senses, she was horrified and began to pray to the gods that they left her at least some recollection of Mirsin. The gods took pity, and from the body of the deceased grew graceful, like herself, a tree - myrtle. However, the myrtle played no role in the rituals dedicated to Minerva. He was a tree dedicated to Venus, who hid behind him from a faun, emerging naked from the waves of the sea. According to another legend, Venus was crowned with a wreath of myrtle in the famous dispute about beauty, and thanks to him, Paris gave her an apple. However, Venus also used the branches of the myrtle as rods: it is said that she carved Psyche with them when she decided to equal Venus in beauty. Later, the myrtle was dedicated to the companion of Venus - Grazia, whose statues held myrtle branches in their hands as a symbol of sensual love. But serving among the Greeks as a symbol of love, myrtle also symbolized a gloomy afterlife. In the realm of shadows, myrtle formed mysterious passages and booths, in which the souls of people who committed suicide from some unbearable passion roamed. The graves of especially dear people were also decorated with myrtle branches.

In the festivals that took place in honor of Venus, all the Greeks decorated themselves with wreaths of myrtle. The bride and groom were also decorated with them on their wedding day. In addition to the festivities of Venus, myrtle played a large role in the celebrations of Ceres, Proserpina and Bacchus.

Myrtle found a place in the life of the Greeks: myrtle wreaths were a sign of the power of the highest Athenian ranks, with myrtle in their hands, petitioners seeking sympathy also came. But the custom was especially original to put on a myrtle wreath on someone who wanted to recite the verses of Aeschylus or Simonides, which expressed special respect for these poets. A lyre was also wrapped around the myrtle when someone wanted to sing his improvisation.

One medieval legend is curious about the transformation of a Moorish knight into this tree, who, like many unfortunate people, was captivated by an insidious sorceress who turned her lovers into myrtle, olive, and even rocks and animals. However, the brave knight wielded white magic and freed not only himself, but also his predecessors.

Among the Romans, a myrtle wreath adorned the head of the god of marriage - Hymen. It was believed that myrtle has a stimulating effect. For this reason, friends of fun - hetaeras crowned the statue of Venus-Ericina on April 2 with myrtles and roses, praying for her to grant them the art of pleasing. And the noble Roman women in April adorned themselves with myrtle, sacrificing to Venus, and prayed to the goddess to keep them young and beautiful longer. A custom similar to this continues in Italy, where women add myrtle essence to baths for the same purpose. They say that men do not neglect such baths either.

In addition to cosmetic, in ancient times myrtle also had medical significance. The wine infusion of myrtle fruits was considered an elixir of health and vigor, and young, not yet blossoming, prepared buds in a special way were used as a means of strengthening the stomach.

Temple of Romulus, elevated to the rank of a deity, in 306 BC was decorated with the first hourglass in Rome, and two myrtle trees were planted in front of them - one of them was identified with the patricians, the other with the plebeians; they believed that by their growth it was even possible to judge the preponderance of one or another party. And a wreath woven from myrtle was honored in Rome for heroes for civil valor or war without shedding blood.

From Greece and the East, the custom of decorating brides with myrtle wreaths passed to Germany. Now, out of respect for the ancient custom, grand ducal brides are decorated with such wreaths, as, for example, in Bremen, where each wedding is even accompanied by a special myrtle feast. And in France, during weddings, myrtle in a pot is carried simply as an attribute of the festival; in England, myrtle in wreaths and bouquets is in great use at the marriage of high-ranking persons, especially persons of the royal house. By the way, let us note that, loving the humid climate, myrtle has taken root in England so much that now it can be considered a native plant; and after all, the first plant was brought here in 1586 by two nobles from Spain, where they were as representatives of England. These same nobles were the first to inform the English government of the formation of the great Spanish armada and of the danger threatening England; so that with the introduction of myrtle into England is connected, one might say, the deliverance of the fatherland of the nobles from the misfortune that threatens it.

On the other hand, already in the Middle Ages, it was believed that seeing myrtle leaves in a dream was not good.
Respect for the myrtle was preserved in New Greece; According to legend, one should not pass by a myrtle bush without picking at least a small twig, if you want to preserve youthful vigor and freshness of strength until old age. Belief in the invigorating power of myrtle has been preserved in Italy, where its wreaths are a sign of youth.

Prepared by Ekaterina Ziborova

Em writes:
- Unfortunately, the article contains quite a lot of funny mistakes: instead of using Arabic stories, let's turn to the original source - Jewish chronicles. All the plants that surrounded Adam in Paradise surround his descendants to this day - Adam did not have to take anything "for memory". Myrtle among the Jews was (and is called) "adas". In "arbaa minim" - ("arbaa" - four, "minim" - species), and not "arang minim", includes, in addition to branches of willow, myrtle and date palm, not lemon (which is nowhere called the fruit of good), but his close relative is etrog, "the fruit of splendor", his homeland is India, he is not known in Russia.
"4 types" symbolize the unity of the Jews in the service of the Almighty, in particular myrtle - a symbol of an illiterate person (myrtle has no taste), nevertheless doing many good deeds (aroma). Despite the fact that Zechariah in prophecy saw an angel standing in a myrtle thicket, on this occasion there were no special prescriptions for the use of myrtle - neither for decorating the dead or brides, nor for decorating tents, nor for other purposes. For the "4 kinds", myrtle has been used since the very revelation at Mount Sinai.

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