Home Trees and shrubs Practical work on technology lesson. Practical work on special technology. I. Study of the material

Practical work on technology lesson. Practical work on special technology. I. Study of the material

Application №2

Municipal educational institution

"Selivanovskaya basic comprehensive school"


Head of MO

__________________ (Masneva A.M.)

Protocol No. _____ dated

"_____" ____________2015

"I approve"

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "Selivanovskaya OOSh"

Valuysky district of the Belgorod region

Erina L.V.

Protocol No. _________ dated

"_____" __________ 2015

Controls by technology

Tonyaeva Irina Viktorovna

technology teacher

2015-2016 academic year

Practical work

    Practical work No. 1 "Kitchen layout" - p.16.

    Practical work No. 2. “Equipment of the workplace and working out methods for fixing workpieces on a workbench” - p.32.

    Practical work No. 3. “Reading a graphic image of a product” p. - 39.

    Practical work No. 4. "Identification of wood species" p. - 46.

    Practical work No. 5. “Sawing wooden blanks from a board” p. - 50.

    Practical work No. 8. "Connecting wood parts" p. - 62.

    Practical work No. 9. “Sawing with a jigsaw, burning, cleaning, varnishing wood” p. - 70.

    Practical work No. 10. "Workplace equipment for the manufacture of metal products" - p.79.

    Practical work No. 11. "Editing a thin metal sheet and wire" p. - 88.

    Practical work No. 12. “Connecting sheets of tin with a seam seam” p. 93.

    Practical work No. 13. "Taking measurements and making patterns" p. - 116.

    Practical work No. 14. “Opening a garment” p. - 121.

    Practical work No. 15. “Making handmade samples” p. 128.

    Practical work No. 16. "Making samples of machine work" p. - 138.

    Practical work No. 17. "Carrying out wet-heat work" p. - 142.

    Practical work No. 18. "Processing a design product" p. - 149.

    Practical work No. 19. “Creating a cross stitch pattern and making an embroidery pattern” p. - 154.

    Practical work No. 20. "Preparing sandwiches and hot drinks" p. - 173.

    Practical work No. 21. "Cooking fruit salad" p. - 178.

    Practical work No. 22. "Cooking vinaigrette" p. - 178.

    Practical work No. 23. "Cooking an omelet" p. - 187.

Laboratory and practical work

    Laboratory and practical work No. 1. "Studying the Need for Household Electrical Appliances in the Kitchen" - p.20.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 2. "Drawing up a flow chart for the manufacture of a part" - p.32.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 3. "Product marking" p. -39.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 4. "Characteristics of lumber and wood-based materials" p. -46.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 5. "Sawing wood" p. -50.

    Practical and laboratory - practical work No. 6. "Planing wooden blanks" p. - 53.

    Practical and laboratory-practical work No. 7. "Drilling holes in wood blanks" p. - 56.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 8. "Manufacturing templates for marking" p. - 80.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 9. "Determination of the direction of the lobar thread in the tissue" p. - 103.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 10. "Determination of the front and back sides of the fabric" p. - 104.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 11. "Studying the properties of fabrics made of cotton and linen" p. -108.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 12. "Research of the operating modes of the sewing machine" p. - 134.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 13. “Nutritional substances. Storing food in the refrigerator» p. -167.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 14. "Tea preparation" p. - 174.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 15. "Study of fruits" p. - 179.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 16. "Methods of cooking dishes from vegetables" p. - 182.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 17. "Different ways of cooking eggs" p. - 187.

    Laboratory and practical work No. 18. "Meal time in the family" p. - 191.

Practical methods include exercises, laboratory method, educational games. Exercise is a systematic, organized, repeated performance of actions in order to master them or improve their quality. Without properly organized exercises, it is impossible to master educational and practical skills and abilities. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that it provides the effective formation of skills and abilities, the disadvantage is in the weak performance of the motivating function.

There are special, derivative and commented exercises. Repeatedly repeated exercises aimed at the formation of educational, labor skills and abilities are called special. If exercises that were used before are introduced into them, they are called derivatives. Derivative exercises contribute to the repetition and consolidation of previously formed skills. Without them, the skill is forgotten. Commented exercises serve to activate the educational process, conscious performance of tasks.

Their essence is that the teacher and students comment on the actions performed, as a result of which they are more quickly recognized and assimilated. First, the best students are involved in this, then the whole class takes part in explaining the material. The method of commented exercises provides a high pace of the lesson, contributes to a solid assimilation of the material. The laboratory method is based on independent experiments, experiments and observations by students. Experiments can be carried out individually or in groups.

Children are required to be much more active and independent than during demonstrations, where they act as passive observers. The laboratory method contributes to the formation of practical skills to measure, calculate, process and compare results with existing ones, check known ones and choose new ways of working. The laboratory method is complex, requires special equipment, careful preparation of the teacher and students. Its use is associated with a significant expenditure of energy and time, but independent research exceeds the effectiveness of training; moreover, it can be achieved in simpler, more economical ways.

Practical work. In the activities of students, the application of the acquired knowledge and skills in practice prevails, which contributes to the deepening of knowledge and skills, solving problems of control and correction, and stimulating cognitive activity. There are five stages through which the cognitive activity of students usually passes in the classroom:

  • * Explanation of the teacher - theoretical understanding of the work.
  • * Show - briefing.
  • * Trial - the stage at which two or three students do the work, the rest observe and, under the guidance of the teacher, make comments if a mistake is made.
  • * Performance of work - the stage at which everyone independently performs the task. The teacher here pays special attention to those who do not cope well with the task.
  • * Control - at this stage, the work of students is accepted and evaluated: the quality of performance, careful attitude to time and materials, speed and correct completion of the task are taken into account (E.Ya. Golant).

The practical method is better than others for accustoming children to conscientious performance of the task. They form the habit of careful organization of the labor process, including awareness of the goals of the work ahead, analysis of the task and conditions for its solution, work plan, preparation of materials and tools, careful control of the quality of work, analysis of the conclusions. To ensure a solid assimilation of knowledge, the proportion of practical work should be increased, proportionally reducing the proportion of games that have been so carried away recently.

Cognitive (didactic) games are specially created situations that simulate reality, from which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate cognitive interest and, due to this, faster assimilation of knowledge, although in practice this does not always lead to success. The method of cognitive games was already used in ancient didactic systems. Its effectiveness is estimated by various teachers from very low to high. If the game is poorly thought out and executed, then it is a waste of time and effort.

Practical work

"Study of the properties of woolen and silk fabrics"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

two pieces of woolen and natural silk fabrics measuring 15x20 cm each, a textbook, a workbook, glue, scissors, a ruler, a hand needle, threads.

  1. Determine the wrinkle of woolen fabric and fabric made of natural silk:

A) for a few seconds, squeeze the flaps in both hands;

B) put them on the table and leave for 20-30 minutes;

C) determine by eye the appearance of tissues: strongly wrinkled, wrinkled and indelible.

2. Determine the drapability first of woolen and then of silk fabric:

A) collect the upper cut of the flaps along the length on a thread.

B) carefully examine the formed folds. Rigid, poorly draped fabrics form large, protruding folds. Soft, well-draped fabrics give deep frequent folds.

3. Describe the nature of the surface of tissues and draw a conclusion about their slip. (Fabrics with a smooth, shiny surface have more slip than fabrics with a rough, matte surface.)

4. Determine the shedding according to the samples cut out from the patches of the tested fabrics, 3x5 cm in size. To do this, take out one thread from the samples with a hand needle, two threads together, three threads together, etc. First, the equity threads, and then the weft.

The fabric is considered to be easy to fray if five threads are easily pulled out together. If three or four threads are removed, then the fabric is of medium shedding, and if one or two threads are difficult, the fabric is not shedding.

Practical work

"Performing samples of machine seams"

1 hour

Materials and tools, equipment:

7 pieces of cotton fabric measuring 10x10 cm, hand needle, ruler, thread, scissors, sewing machine, textbook, workbook.

Hem seam with open overcast seam:

  1. Lay out the fabric in one layer, right side up.
  2. Cut out a 10x10 cm piece with a 1.5 cm seam allowance along one longitudinal side of the pattern.
  3. Transfer the pattern lines to the wrong side of the part.
  4. Sew overcasting on the edge of the piece.
  5. Baste the edge with an open cut.
  6. Lay a machine line at a distance of 5-7 mm from the fold.
  7. Iron on.

Stitch seam with open cuts:

  1. Open the piece with a 1.5 cm seam allowance along one longitudinal side, folding the fabric in two layers right side in.
  2. Chip, baste and stitch along the seam line.
  3. Delete the temporary assignment line. Iron the seam allowances to one side.
  4. Lay the machine stitch on the right side of the sample at a distance of 0.75 cm from the seam, using the iron. Stitch bartacks at the beginning and end of stitches.
  5. Iron on.

Back seam in a split:

  1. Cut the seam allowances close to the seam, the corner - obliquely. Turn out the sample.
  2. Iron on.

Overlap seam in edging:

  1. Fold the fabric in two layers right side inward. Open pieces with 1.5 cm seam allowances on three sides.
  2. Chip and sweep both received parts at a distance of 1 mm from the pattern line towards the cuts of the parts.
  3. Turn the details along the lines of the pattern: lay the machine stitch exactly along the marked lines, performing bartacks.
  4. Delete the temporary assignment line.
  5. Turn out the sample.
  6. Baste with straight stitches about 3 mm long, placing the seam exactly on the fold.
  7. Iron on.


Practical work

"Preparation of cottage cheese pancakes"

1 hour

Crockery and equipment:

sieve, mixing bowl, frying pan, table spoon, wooden spatula, cutting board, knife.

Products norm:

cottage cheese - 500g; wheat flour - ½ cup; egg - 1 pc.; sugar 2 tablespoons; vegetable oil - 20 g; sour cream - 1/3 cup; salt - to taste.

Scheme of the technological process for the preparation of cheesecakes:

Cottage cheese Flour Egg Salt


Through a sieve


Form Sunflower Sour Cream,

syrniki butter jam

Roll Fry Serve

In flour to the table

Practical work

"Production of samples of machine seams"

2 hours

Materials and tools:

10 pieces of cotton fabric, 130x30 mm oblique strip, threads, sewing machine.


  1. Fold the pieces right sides inward so that the seam lines match.
  2. Unstitch, i.e. sew finishing machine stitches on the front side on both sides of the seam line.
  3. Iron the seam.

Overlap seam:

  1. Pin the parts with pins, sticking them across the seam line.
  2. Stitch details, i.e. Lay the machine line exactly along the seam line, lay the machine bartacks at the beginning and end of the lines.
  3. Iron the seam and iron the seam allowances from the wrong side.
  4. Iron seam allowances to one side.
  5. Sew the seam, i.e. lay a machine line on the front side of the product, on the side of the seam where its allowances are located.
  6. Iron the seam.

Double seam:

  1. Fold the parts with the wrong side inward, sweep and grind at a distance of 8 mm from the cut.
  2. Iron, cut the seam allowances to a width of 4 mm, iron the seam allowances.
  3. Turn out, sweep, placing the seam on the fold. Lay a machine line at a distance of 7 mm from the fold.
  4. Iron.
  5. Unfold the pieces and iron the seam to one side.

Stitching seam:

  1. Fold the parts with the right sides inward, sweep, grind.
  2. Cut the allowance of the upper part to a width of 12 mm, the allowance of the lower part - up to 6 mm.
  3. Iron the allowances towards the bottom piece.
  4. Bend the allowance of the upper part to a width of 7 mm, bast and topstitch to the edge.
  5. Iron.


  1. Fold the pieces right sides inward so that the cuts match.
  2. Pin the parts with pins, sticking them across the seam line.
  3. Turn parts, i.e. Lay the machine line along the contour of the part exactly along the seam line, lay machine bartacks at the beginning and end of the lines.
  4. Cut the seam allowance to a width of 3-5 mm, cut diagonally the seam allowances on the outer corners, not reaching 2 mm before the line.
  5. Cut close to the seam allowance at the inner corners.
  6. Cut several times at equal intervals close to the seam allowance along the concave inner contour.
  7. Make triangular cuts along the outer contour with scissors.
  8. Turn the pieces right side out, straighten the seam, kneading with your fingers.

Practical work

"Knitting a single crochet in various ways"

2 hours

Materials and tools:

thick yarn, hook.

  1. Work the pattern with single crochets, inserting the hook under both walls of the loop.

1st row. Perform a turn loop - one air loop. It will count as the first single crochetin a new row. Insert the hook into the second loop of the chain - knit single crochets to the end of the row.

2nd row. Perform a turn loop. Insert the hook into the second loop of the bottom row and knit a single crochet to the end of the row, inserting the hook under both walls of the loop.

3rd and subsequent rowsknit as 2nd row.

  1. Run the pattern with single crochets, in ya hook under the back wall of the loop.

Knit a chain of 20 air loops.

1st row. Perform a turn loop - one air loop. It will count as the first single crochet in the new row. Insert your hook into the second stitch of the chain and work single crochet to the end of the row.

2nd row. Perform a turn loop. Insert the hook into the second loop of the bottom row and knit a single crochet to the end of the row, inserting the hook under the back wall of the loop.

3rd and subsequent rowsknit as 2nd row.

  1. Work the pattern with single crochets, inserting the hook under the front wall of the loop.

Knit a chain of 20 air loops.

1st row. Perform a turn loop - 1 air loop. It will count as the first single crochet in the new row. Insert the hook into the second loop of the chain and knit a single crochet to the end of the row.

2nd row. Perform a turn loop. Insert the hook into the second loop of the bottom row and knit a single crochet to the end of the row, inserting the hook under the front wall of the loop.

Knit the 3rd and subsequent rows as the 2nd row.

  1. Compare the appearance of the obtained samples. Attach samples to cardboard.

Practical work

"Performing tight knitting in a circle"

2 hours

Materials and tools:

thick yarn, hook.

  1. Make a circle pattern.

1st circle. Perform a turn loop - 1 air loop. It will count as the first single crochet in the new row. Crochet 8 single crochets, inserting the hook into the middle of the ring. Close the ring with a connecting post.

2nd circle. Perform a turn loop. Work 2 single crochets on each stitch of the 1st row. Close the ring with a connecting post.

3rd circle. Perform a turn loop. Work 2 single crochets on the 1st stitch of the 2nd row, 2 single crochets on the 2nd stitch, 1 single crochet on the 3rd stitch. Continue to the end of the row. Close the ring with a connecting post.

4th and subsequent circlesincrease (2 single crochet on one loop) do less often.

  1. Complete the square pattern.

Knit a chain of 4 air loops. Close the ring with a connecting post.

1st circle. Perform a turn loop - 1 air loop. It will count as the first single crochet in the new row. Chain 1 and 1 single crochet three times and 1 more chain. Close the ring with a connecting post.

2nd and subsequent rounds. Perform a turn loop. Work 2 single crochets and 1 chain stitch between them on each chain stitch of the previous row and 1 single crochet on each base loop. Close the ring with a connecting post.

  1. Complete the hexagon pattern.

Knit a chain of 6 air loops. Close the ring with a connecting post.

1st circle. Perform a turn loop - 1 air loop. She will be

2nd and subsequent circles.Perform a turn loop. Knit by

2 single crochets and 1 chain stitch between them on each chain stitch of the previous row and 1 single crochet on each loop of the base. Close the ring with a connecting post.

Practical work

"Pruning Shrubs"

2 hours


secateurs, garden saw for pruning shrubs, garden knife.

Safety regulations:

Follow the rules for working with cutting tools: pass a knife, pruner and other tools to each other with the handle forward, use tools only for their intended purpose;

Do not hold several tools in your hands at once during trimming, use them as needed;

Secateurs and pruning shears must be closed outside of work;

During work, keep at such a distance so as not to touch each other with branches and tools;

Do not scatter cut branches - fold in one direction;

Take care of your eyes: do not lean your face into the thick of the branches, do the work, standing on the side of the bush;

Remember: students are not allowed to work with fire.

  1. Inspect the bush, determine the branches for cutting.
  2. Use a garden saw to remove the marked branches.
  3. With secateurs, shorten the shoots that sharply depart to the sides.
  4. Remove shoots that are close to the ground.
  5. Collect the cut branches and carry them to the burning site.
  6. Gather the tools and hand them over to the teacher.


Practical work

"Embroidery in the technique of Vladimir sewing"

2 hours

Materials and tools:

Linen fabric natural (unbleached), white or gray, tracing paper, carbon paper, simple pencils, hoop.

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Transfer the “Branch” pattern to the fabric (Fig. 13, p. tutorial 41)
  3. Embroider the middle of the flower with a false mesh with blue threads with red crosses; petals - smooth "tops" with red threads; berry - satin stitch "attached" with red threads; the middle of the leaf - with a velvet seam; leaf - smooth "tops" with blue threads; stalk - stalk suture.

Practical work

"Embroidery in white stitch technique"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

White cotton fabric, tracing paper, carbon paper, simple pencils, hoop.

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Overcast or trim the edges with adhesive tape to keep them from fraying.
  3. Determine the center of the fabric by folding it in half along the length and width.

Transfer the drawing "Bouquet" to the fabric (Fig. 21, p. study. 44)

  1. Perform flooring with a thread in two additions.
  2. Embroider the “Bouquet” pattern with a white satin stitch with a thread in one addition.

Practical work

"Satin stitch embroidery"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Overcast or trim the edges with adhesive tape to keep them from fraying.
  3. Transfer the image of a pear to the fabric.
  4. Embroider the element with threads in one or two additions in any color. (Fig. 23, p. study. 46)
  5. Embroider a pear with a branch and a leaf with yellow, green and brown threads in one addition. When embroidering a leaf, place the stitches of the smooth surface along its mentally drawn natural small veins.

Practical work

"Stitch embroidery"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

Plain-dyed linen fabric, colored floss, needle, hoop, thimble.

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Overcast or trim the edges with adhesive tape to keep them from fraying.
  3. Transfer the image of a mimosa branch onto the fabric (Fig. 25, p. study. 47)
  4. Embroider a branch of mimosa with a dashed stitch with green thread in four additions.

Practical work

"Embroidery in the technique of double-sided stitch"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Overcast or trim the edges with adhesive tape to keep them from fraying.
  3. Transfer to the fabric the image of a branch of peas and its elements (Fig. 30, p. study. 51)
  4. Using floss threads in one addition of any color, embroider the elements (Fig. 30, a, b, c, d) with a straight, oblique, radial double-sided stitch.
  5. Embroider polka dots (Fig. 30, e) with a green thread in one addition. When embroidering a leaf, stitch the stitches along the small veins.

Practical work

"Embroidery in the technique of artistic smoothness"

1 hour

Materials and tools:

Plain linen fabric, colored floss, needle, hoop, thimble.

Work order:

  1. Iron the embroidery fabric.
  2. Overcast or trim the edges with adhesive tape to keep them from fraying.

Under both foundation threads;

Under the far and near base threads.

Sample dimensions 10x10 cm.

  1. Run a sample canvas in the shape of a circle.

Knit a chain of 6 air loops and close it into a circle with a half-column to form a ringlet.

1st row - perform 12 single crochets from the center of the ringlet.

2nd row - on each loop of the base, knit two single crochets.

3rd row - on the 1st loop, perform one single crochet, and on the next - 2 single crochets, etc.

4th row - on the 1st and 2nd loops of the base, perform one single crochet, on the 3rd loop - two single crochets. Thus, the distance between the loops, from which two columns are knitted, in subsequent rows, respectively, increases 3,4,5, etc. columns.

  1. Make a pattern in the shape of a square.

Knit a chain of 8 air loops and close it in a circle with a half-column.

1st row - knit from the center of the ringlet, alternating one column and one air loop, until there are 4 single crochets and 4 air loops in the row. At the end of the row, one air loop is knitted and connected to the beginning of the row with a half-column. 4 air loops form the center lines of the square.

2nd and subsequent rows - on each air loop of the previous row, two single crochet and one air loop between them are performed, and one single crochet is knitted over each single crochet.

Clothes made at sewing service enterprises are characterized not only by a variety of styles, but also by a wide range of products. For example, a specialized process simultaneously produces coats, winter and demi-season short coats, and jackets. The assortment of dresses and blouses is especially diverse. However, in the manufacture of products of various types, there is much in common in the sequence of processing, the nature of the operations performed, the content of the main work and techniques, especially within each type of clothing. This allows us to represent the process of making clothes in the form of a typical sequence of processing and assembling knots.

In the manufacture of clothing for individual orders, a typical assembly sequence includes additional operations for temporary assembly of the product for fitting and adjusting it after fitting. The degree of readiness of the product for fitting largely determines the sequence of assembly of the product. It may vary depending on such factors. As features of the figure of the customer, the type of product, the design and style of the product, the type of material, the number of fittings, the qualifications of the cutter, etc.

When designing technological processes, choose a rational degree of readiness of the product for fitting. The main criteria for choosing a rational degree of product readiness for fitting are:

  • minimum time spent on performing operations related to product adjustment after fitting;
  • visual presentation to the customer about the silhouette form, product design; dimensions, configuration and location of product details and finishing elements.

The assembly diagram is an integral part of the product development, it helps to see in detail and not to skip the steps when drawing up the sequence of the product, which reduces the time of the technologist or tailor, while being an independent document when assembling the product for tailors or laboratory assistants.

2. Manufacturing technology of garments
2.2. Technology for the manufacture of clothing products of assortment groups
Laboratory and practical work Drawing up a scheme for the technological processing of a product according to the proposed model of clothing
Lesson type: a lesson in consolidating and improving knowledge and skills Educational-methodical complex of the lesson:
1. Literature: M.A. Silaeva Tailoring of products for individual orders A.T. Trukhanova Technology of women's and children's light clothing.
2. CD-ROM - computer magazine of models "Blouse #21".
3. Guidelines for the implementation of laboratory and practical work, 2005
Type of lesson: practical work
Comprehensive lesson objectives:
  • consolidate knowledge on drawing up a diagram of the assembly sequence of a given model of clothing
  • to form skills for the implementation of the scheme of technological processing of products on a PC
  • develop spatial and logical thinking of students
  • educate responsibility, accuracy in the performance of individual work
Preparatory stage

main stage

The final stage
Preparation for practical work

Practical work

  1. Repetition of the material covered on the topic "Technology of clothing products of assortment groups" - a test survey
  2. Safety instructions for working on a PC
  3. Organization of the workplace when performing laboratory work
  1. Familiarization with the methods of performing technological processing schemes for a specific product (in stages) on a PC
  2. Performing independent work by students (performing schemes for the technological processing of products on a PC),
  3. Individual consultations during the course
1. Checking readiness for the lesson
2. Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson
3. Motivation of students for this lesson
  1. Summing up the objectives of the lesson
  2. Message grades for the lesson
  3. Homework
Homework: drawing up a scheme for the technological processing of a product (dress) in electronic form


Lesson progress

Teacher activity

Student activities


Methods, forms of work

I. Organizational moment
(3 min.)
Checks absentees, availability of documentation. Check readiness for the lesson Ready for the lesson Verbal
II. main stage
1. Disclosure of the topic of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson

(3 min.)
Opening speech.
The teacher highlights the topic of the lesson, informs the complex objectives of the lesson.
Topic: "Drawing up a scheme for the technological processing of a product according to the proposed model"
Listen to the topic of the lesson, the complex objectives of the lesson. Students write down the topic of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson in their notebooks. Students understand the objectives of the lesson Conversation
2. Motivation
(2 minutes.)
The teacher motivates students to further study the topic of the lesson. Motivation of students for the need to study this topic, for belonging to the profession Motivation of students for learning activities in the classroom Conversation.
3. The stage of testing knowledge on the material covered
(10 min.)
The teacher gives out options for students to test knowledge on the material covered (tests) 3 options.
Posts the test evaluation criteria. (Attachment 1)
Complete the tasks given in the test.

Peer review by students of completed assignments in accordance with the criteria.

Readiness of students (theoretical) to perform practical work. Individual, written, peer review
4. Stage of practical work
(50 min.)
1. Safety briefing

2. Suggests the question: What is the scheme of the technological assembly of the model? What is it for? What actions entails drawing up an assembly scheme for processing a model.

3. Sets the tasks of practical work: draw up a reference diagram

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