Home Helpful Hints Barclay Igor Maksimovich. Secret instruction. Reasonable nature of UFO behavior

Barclay Igor Maksimovich. Secret instruction. Reasonable nature of UFO behavior

No less curious are the so-called "underwater aliens".

A rather mysterious meeting, according to veteran scouts, took place on Baikal in 1982, during the district training of a secret division of reconnaissance divers. The fighters of this secret unit collided underwater with a group of unknown swimmers. At first, they were mistaken for underwater saboteurs of the enemy, although where could they come from on Baikal?

Nevertheless, our divers tried to detain the violators. An underwater battle ensued. According to some witnesses, there were no casualties. Several of our divers died. The incident was immediately classified. But there was another reason: according to some sources, there was a meeting with a very strange enemy under water.

The mysterious swimmers were at least three meters tall. They were dressed in scaly silver suits. But most importantly, like the character of the famous science fiction film "Amphibian Man", they did not have scuba gear. In addition, under water, they moved at a speed impossible for an ordinary person.

The Department of Defense did not comment on this episode. Navy veterans say the report must have been top-secret, existed in a single copy, and was most likely destroyed immediately.

So who were these mysterious swimmers? Have our scouts had a meeting with mysterious monster submariners?

The simplest explanation is that they were violators after all. And the unusual details of this meeting - the three-meter growth of creatures, the absence of scuba gear - could simply seem. Optical illusion under water is a common phenomenon.

And yet, scientists are inclined to believe that the inhabitants of the seabed, unknown to science, may well exist and even have a human appearance. We tried to find out if there are still documented examples of encounters with underwater monsters in history. It turned out they were enough. After all, even an amphibious man, invented by a science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev, was a real prototype. History has preserved the name of this young man, who in the 17th century lived on the shore Bay of Biscay. His name was Francisco Dela Vela Casar. He knew how to breathe underwater, his fingers and toes had membranes, and his spine was covered with scales. According to church records, the fish-man was imprisoned in the Franciscan monastery for nine years, and then fled into the ocean.

What's this? Beautiful legends? Or facts unknown to modern science? Today there is no answer to this question. However, mysterious creatures and unknown objects are fixed by radar, they are observed by military sailors and border guards. Their appearance provokes even espionage scandals.

In 2005, a sensational photograph was published in the USA. It was published by a resident of Florida, who discovered this strange find while walking along the seashore. It was the corpse of a humanoid monster, whose body was covered with scales, and instead of arms and legs, well-developed fins. According to the American press, the owner offered his find to one of the museums, but then for some reason changed his mind and sold the corpse of the monster at auction to an anonymous buyer. The lot was sold in a matter of minutes, and today its fate is unknown.

Meanwhile, history keeps a lot of evidence that sailors met with humanoid marine inhabitants many times. The so-called sea mermaids were seen by famous sailors Columbus, Magellan, Henry Hudson, as evidenced by the entries in the ship's logs.

In the famous book of the Swiss naturalist Konrad von Gesner(XVI century) recorded a case of the capture of a sea devil in the Adriatic Sea, as well as a mysterious creature the size of a five-year-old child, found in 1523 on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.

Sea Devil.

Scientists believe that sailors can mistake sea sirens for mermaids. These are aquatic mammals with a length of two to four meters. Their body is torpedo-shaped, the forelimbs resemble flippers, and instead of the hind limbs, there is a caudal fin. In the moonlight, their outlines resemble human ones, and the cry is somewhat similar to the cry of people.

Unfortunately, such versions do not answer the question: what kind of objects are our submarines pursuing? Here is a curious case that I came across while sorting through the archives.

March 1966 East coast of the United States. Military scientists are testing equipment for long-range underwater communications. Far out in the Atlantic Ocean is a scientific vessel receiving signals sent from the coast.

Suddenly, something strange begins. Alien signals began to be mixed with ordinary signals. The analysis showed that this is not an echo, not a repetition of the primary signal, but a coded transmission in an unknown language.

The source of the mysterious signals was spotted at a depth of eight kilometers in one of the deepest places in the Atlantic. One got the impression, the participants of the experiment admitted that someone there, in the depths, received a signal, imitated it in order to attract attention, and then began to transmit their messages on the same wave. Then, in the 60s, it was not possible to decipher the signals. It is known, according to press reports, that after 30 years the attempt to decipher the signals was repeated on the heavy-duty computers of the Pentagon. However, nothing is known about the results of the decryption. Meanwhile, it was precisely at this time that the Americans noticeably intensified work on long-range underwater communications and the study of the bottom in that very region of the Atlantic.

Sailors record encounters with unidentified objects with frightening regularity. Their concern is quite justified: any unidentified object near a nuclear cruiser is a source of increased danger. And if this object behaves unpredictably? If from the point of view of earthly logic it is impossible to explain why he moves so fast, why he is able to fly through the air, dive into the sea, appear and suddenly disappear, then this danger is doubled.

In just four months in 1968, four submarines were lost under mysterious circumstances. In the Mediterranean Sea - the Israeli "Dakar" and the French "Minerva", in March in the Pacific Ocean - the Soviet "K-129", and in May in the Atlantic disappeared without a trace the pride of the US Navy nuclear-powered ship "Scorpio"". When experts analyzed the causes of these maritime disasters, it turned out the following: in three cases out of four, submarine commanders reported on mysterious objects of unknown origin, which were recorded in the immediate vicinity of the ships.

Perhaps this is a coincidence. And if not?!

Even earlier, naval intelligence specialists were forced to pay attention to one strange circumstance: each time, shortly before the appearance of unidentified flying objects, electronic devices began to record a sharp jump in the magnetic field.

“From some of our ships, if I may say so, of a specific orientation, - He speaks intelligence veteran of the Soviet Navy Igor Maksimovich Barclay, – information was received about an increased electromagnetic field, and two submarines recorded it under water.

Is it an anomaly? With what it is connected, it is difficult to say. There were no foreign objects there at that time. And then, ordinary submarines, bathyscaphes cannot create such an electromagnetic field. Where do these anomalies come from - bundles of energy? But facts remain facts."

It was these bundles of energy that could disable the complex electronic equipment of a nuclear cruiser. And that means being the cause of maritime disasters. However, as it turned out, unidentified objects affect not only equipment, but also humans. Here is another excerpt from the declassified archives.

October 1969 Arabian Sea. All members of the crew of the Soviet scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov" suddenly woke up from unconscious horror. The instruments showed: under the keel, at a depth of 20 meters, a heavy object hung. To the bottom of another one and a half hundred meters. They ran out on deck. No, this is not a submarine, as they thought at first. In the depths of the sea, eight bright beams up to 200 meters long rotated counterclockwise, slightly curving. The extravaganza went on for over half an hour. Then the spot broke up into several pieces and disappeared. What was it? The question remained unanswered.

"Yes,- confirms Igor Maksimovich Barclay, – we had information that in the ocean, in the seas, in our inland seas, cases of some completely inexplicable phenomena associated with the glow of water were observed.

The first and most seemingly logical version is that the phenomenon is associated with the bioglow of microorganisms. But how to explain the amazing symmetry and tremendous speed of rotation of the light wheels? The rays sometimes skim over the surface of the sea at the speed of a racing car. Microorganisms can't move that fast. In addition, water samples from the wheels often show that there are not even traces of luminous plankton. Maybe it's the water itself? Not excluded. Today, the ability of water to glow from friction against the side of the ship during the operation of ship propellers is already known. And even from the mutual friction of its various layers in ordinary whirlpools. All this is. But how can simple friction explain cases when glows suddenly turn into strange objects flying out of the water, while some of them perform seemingly meaningful actions?

Here is just one of those cases. It occurred in 1978 in the coastal waters of Ecuador, at the exit from the Gulf of Guayaqui. The captain of the Soviet ship "Novokuznetsk" reported about him by radiogram to the Baltic Shipping Company. On the night of June 15, six bright white stripes up to 20 meters long appeared next to the ship. They maneuvered, now approaching the ship, then moving away from it. And after a while, a flattened ball, glowing with white light, flew out of the water. He slowly circled the ship, as if examining it, hung for a few seconds at a height of 20 meters, described a zigzag and again went under water.

It is also difficult to explain by simple friction that these glows have a distinct outline.

“Such glows are not only in the form of wheels, says Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha, veteran submariner, PhD. – There were triangles, and squares, and some figures in dynamics. These underwater searchlights, with their strange rays, seemed to penetrate the hulls of ships, illuminating them from below.

In some cases, the light source could be seen. So it was, for example, in 1967 in the Gulf of Thailand. Then the sailors of several Dutch ships also observed the rotation of huge luminous wheels on the water. And from the ship "Glenfoloch" it was possible to consider the source of the rays - it was a luminous convex object protruding above the water with a diameter of 20-30 meters.

“Employees of the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, says Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha,- reported to me about the observations they made in the southern, deepest part of the Caspian Sea. A flying saucer flew out of the water, and then went back into the water using the falling leaf method. When she sank, there were light flashes that were visible through the water column in the depths.

Searchlights, beating from the depths of the ocean, suggest that there are some sources of energy under water that affect not only the psyche of people, but also technology. The captain of one of the warships said: The sea suddenly lit up with a white-matte light, forming a huge luminous circle around the ship, as if a giant lantern illuminated the water from below. For no apparent reason, the engine speed dropped, the temperature of the outboard water changed.

This episode happened to our submarine in 1972 during a military campaign not far from the coast of Iceland. Tells Yuri Petrovich Kvyatkovsky, Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the Main Staff of the Navy: “One of the February nights, our submarine surfaced, I began to examine the horizon and suddenly saw something incomprehensible. Above the horizon at an angle of approximately 3 to 5 degrees was an elliptical object. It stood out against the dark sky, the moon was on the opposite side. This something of orange color created an unpleasant psychological sensation, as if it pressed on the psyche. We could not explain what it was, so we decided not to write anything in the logbook. We plunged and continued to carry out the task.

It is extremely difficult to fix the appearance of unidentified flying objects, but such evidence exists.

In the area of ​​the Canary Islands, sailors once observed how a huge dark object suddenly flew out of the water and rushed up. In a moment, it flared up with a fireball and, after hanging for some time in the area of ​​the ship, disappeared, leaving a bright luminous cloud.

Two months later, a similar phenomenon was already observed by Black Sea sailors. A shining disk flew out of the water right in front of the ship, the beam coming from it brightly illuminated everything around.

In the 1980s, amphibious UFOs were often observed in the northern seas of the USSR. Only in 1980-1981, the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula saw the departure of such objects from the sea at least 36 times.

“Unidentified flying objects appear in the areas of concentration of forces of both our fleet and the forces of the fleet of foreign states,” testifies to us Igor Maksimovich Barclay, intelligence veteran of the Soviet Navy, – in particular, during periods of major United States exercises in the southern part of the US East Coast, in the area of ​​the Bahamas, in the area of ​​the island of Puerto Rico. In any case, the frequency of their appearance is much higher than in some other parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

It is in these areas, some researchers believe, that the so-called underwater bases of unidentified objects may be located. UFOs are especially often seen in the deepest region of the Atlantic, in the south of the famous Bermuda Triangle and in the Caribbean. And the aliens do not behave like guests at all.

In particular, there were claims from the captains of Argentinean and Brazilian ships that UFOs interfere with navigation in the Bermuda Triangle and areas of the Mid-Atlantic. They dive under the very nose of the ship and maneuver around the ship underwater. This is hard to believe, but there is absolutely irrefutable confirmation of all these "miracles". And at the highest official level. For two years in a row, in 1977 and 1978, at the initiative of the Caribbean states, at the sessions of the UN General Assembly, the issue of establishing an "International Agency for the Study of Unidentified Flying Objects" was considered. Here is an excerpt from the speech Prime Minister of Grenada Erich Geire at the UN session: “UFOs fly out of the water next to our ships, circle around them under water, which interferes with normal navigation.”

The famous explorer of the sea depths became an eyewitness of two such events. Jacques Picard. One of them happened on November 15, 1959.

Jacques Picard with an American officer Don Walsh plunged into the deepest place in the oceans - the Mariana Trench. And during this, one might say, historical dive at a depth of one and a half kilometers, an entry was made in the logbook of the bathyscaphe: “A large disk-shaped object with lights around the perimeter is visible through the window.” Among the black deep-sea desert, this meeting made an indelible impression on the researchers. The object was seen so clearly that it was impossible to explain its appearance by an optical illusion. Fortunately, the object passed by the bathyscaphe without harming it.

On September 1, 1968, Soviet oceanologists found themselves in a more dramatic situation off the coast of South America. On that day, from the research ship "Akademik Kurchatov" on thick steel cables, scientists lowered instruments and devices intended for research purposes overboard.

Suddenly, at a depth of half a kilometer, the instruments recorded the approach of an unidentified object, and after a few seconds, heavy blows fell on the box, as if someone was breaking inside. The cable pulled to the side, as if someone had pulled it. Suddenly it sagged - the device broke. A minute later, two more cables broke, but already at other devices. Break of three steel cables at once?! This has never happened in 20 years of sailing. When the broken cables were lifted onto the deck, it became clear: someone seemed to have sawn through them with a huge file or bit them with giant tongs. What kind of huge monster hunted for underwater vehicles and received them as a trophy is unknown. Oceanologists have not found an answer to this question.

And this is not an isolated case. An equally strange story happened in April 1995 with an American unmanned platform. Only two years later, the United States ventured to publish the sensational details of its sinking into the already familiar Mariana Trench.

Equipped with powerful searchlights, ultra-sensitive television cameras and microphones, the platform plunged into the ocean on steel cables. Several hours passed without incident. And suddenly something incomprehensible began: silhouettes of strange large bodies began to flicker on the television screens of monitors in the light of searchlights. And soon the rattle of iron and muffled blows were heard from the microphones.

The platform was raised to the surface. And what? Powerful structures that provide rigidity turned out to be bent, and a two-centimeter thick steel cable was half sawn. A little more, and the platform would forever remain at the bottom of the ocean.

Who tried to take possession of the scientific equipment?

Here is a comment by Evgeny Petrovich Litvinov, captain of the 1st rank, veteran of the submarine fleet, chairman of the commission of the Russian Geographical Society for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (KAYA RGO), chairman of the commission on anomalous phenomena: “According to our statistics, out of a thousand known cases of anomalous phenomena in the hydrosphere, 50% can be attributed to observations and contacts both with UFOs above water areas and with underwater objects viewed under water. 15% are the same contacts over rivers and lakes. Unidentified flying objects clearly gravitate towards the water element. And it doesn't seem to matter much to them whether it's ocean abysses or inland waters. In this sense, Baikal is a very interesting place. Moreover, it is precisely its middle part and the eastern one, where the peninsula is.”

At the kilometer depths of Lake Baikal, scientists have repeatedly observed a glow that resembled the one emitted by searchlight beams. Sometimes these were flashes, which occur during electric welding. Local residents have repeatedly seen strange objects flying out of the water and from under the ice, and bright luminous disks and silvery cylinders above the water.

In the Mediterranean Sea, one of the suspicious places is located 20 miles east of Gibraltar. Another is not far from the island of Mallorca. Periodically, strange sounds are heard from the seabed. They resemble the rumble of powerful machines and the impact of construction equipment. They are heard by sailors, fishermen, divers.

For unknown reasons, the relief of the seabed over the past decade has changed here beyond recognition. Since the 70s, Spanish military pilots and sailors have often observed unidentified flying objects leaving the water and diving under water in this place. A map compiled based on the results of observations of unidentified flying objects led some researchers to the idea that, perhaps, their underwater bases could be located at these points on the bottom of the oceans.

For all its fantasticness, this version has many followers in the scientific world who cite facts as evidence.

During the survey of the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, two giant pyramids were discovered in its very center. This discovery was made by the famous oceanologist Dr. Verlag Meyer.

According to scientists, the pyramids arose relatively recently. And most importantly, they are covered with a material unknown to science, the texture resembling thick glass.

An even more curious discovery was made by Austrian scientists at the bottom of the Bellingshausen basin. The camera of their bathyscaphe, at a depth of six kilometers, captured a mysterious oval object that emitted a strong internal light. According to scientists, the object is most likely of artificial origin. It is not yet possible to obtain more detailed information about this phenomenon - it is too deep.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the World Ocean has been studied much less than outer space. Hundreds of people have already been in orbit, and only a few have descended to a depth of six kilometers. Meanwhile, the main secrets of the ocean are hidden there.

Current page: 24 (the book has a total of 31 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 18 pages]

Preparing for the conversation, I imperceptibly watched him and understood that such a person could least of all be suspected of being fascinated by mysticism or some other anti-scientific nonsense. And yet, to this day, I don’t know how to relate to everything that Alexander Nikolayevich told us, who in the mid-80s was responsible for collecting information about “anomalous aerospace phenomena” in the southern sector of the Moscow Military District.

“... There are magazines where I kept detailed statistics of each UFO sighting, he began his story. - I also own a method for calculating the appearance of unidentified flying objects at a specific point on the earth's surface. I calculated the time of their appearance up to 10-15 minutes. Believe it or not, they showed up right on schedule."

This technique, according to the staff of the working group of the General Staff, really exists. Moreover, it is still classified.

Also, the duties of the colonel included the task of flying out to analyze each signal about the appearance of a UFO. Here is a story about one such case.

Once, having worked out the flight program and performing the last aerobatics, the pilot received the command to fly to the square where the object was found. At a given point, he saw a strange object suddenly appear in front of the fighter - a dense ball surrounded by a bright silvery cloud. Despite the sharp gusts of wind, it hung motionless, moreover, it could not be probed by radars. Communication with the airfield was lost. An attempt to approach the object almost cost him his life.

"I just turned the plane- says the pilot himself, - how he suddenly got out of hand. Such a turbulence began that, having flown for 18 years, I did not experience anything like this, although I got into a thunderstorm and squall winds. Moreover, I could not cope with my own body, and my head involuntarily beat against the lantern. Suddenly, the siren turned on, and where it came from is completely incomprehensible. I felt a wild pain all over my body, it seemed to me that the plane was about to explode. I still don’t know how I managed to dodge this silvery cloud, I just scratched the edge. And then everything stopped. I had a feeling that the plane just stopped in the air ... "

I will return to the story of Colonel Kopeikin, because it has a truly fantastic ending. Now I want to draw your attention to an important fact: most of the participants and eyewitnesses of the appearance of "anomalous aerospace phenomena" from those with whom we talked noted a sharp deterioration in well-being, which took place as soon as the UFO disappeared.

Military doctors tried to explain such strange sensations by the influence of cosmic disturbances or even by a breakthrough of cosmic plasma into the earth's atmosphere. True, it seems, only in order to reassure the pilots.

However, as I already mentioned, the meetings are fixed not only by pilots. Reports are also received from military sailors. Of particular concern is the fact that unidentified flying objects appear in the immediate vicinity of the combat duty routes of nuclear submarines.

Alexey Nikolaevich Korzhev, commander of a nuclear submarine, recounted an incident that occurred on August 26, 1975: “On the watch bridge, the usual composition: me, the watch officer, the assistant commander and the signalman. Unexpectedly, the signalman reports: "A plane is on the right side at an angle of 45 degrees." I see that the object he called an airplane is not moving.

The object of an unusual shape, resembling an inverted parachute, glows all over and is clearly visible against the dark sky. The glow was rings, the brightest came from the bottom - an intense white color. Next was a moon-colored ring, followed by a reddish, then dark red. A triangular phosphorescent fire was clearly visible above the dome. Suddenly, the UFO started moving towards us. After some time, a beam extended from the lower part like a searchlight towards the ship that was going in front of us.

After some time, in front of the sailors frozen in surprise, the UFO began to move away and disappeared over the horizon.

I must say that such reports to the command came with frightening frequency. And when it turned out that this was not about natural phenomena or about foreign reconnaissance aircraft that often accompanied the ships of the Soviet Union, the most fantastic version involuntarily arose: these were unidentified flying objects. As paradoxical as it sounds, the Navy took this version very seriously. I attribute this primarily to historical reasons.

How old is aviation? About a century. Rocket troops and even less ... Maritime business exists as long as the man himself exists. Legends about sea monsters, about strange, inexplicable phenomena witnessed by sailors, have been passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries. What are only maritime memoirs of the Middle Ages, filled with stories about the most fantastic events unfolding on the high seas. Therefore, of course, sailors in this sense are probably the most realistic-minded people. On the one hand, he does not take anything for granted, on the other hand, he is not surprised at anything in particular. After all, in essence, what do we know about the oceans? Yes, almost nothing, even in comparison with space. Hundreds of people have already been in low-Earth orbit, and only a few have descended to a depth of more than ten thousand meters. Talks about it Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin, Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy in 1985–1992: “Somehow the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet, came to visit us Soviet Union Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov with another planned task. With him were representatives of the fleet, including Admiral Vladimir Vasilyevich Grishanov. In the course of the conversation, the conversation about UFOs somehow inadvertently turned. Grishanov, with his characteristic frankness, said that all this was nonsense, idle fiction, fiction. And I objected: they say, if the Universe is infinite, then it is probably impossible to exclude that somewhere there is a planet similar to our Earth, maybe with a different level of development. To which he says, "Do you really believe that?" “Yes, I do believe so.” Then he turns to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy: "Sergei Georgievich, then we have nothing to do at all in the Northern Fleet if the Commander-in-Chief professes such a worldview."

If we were talking about a simple belief in "marvels of the sea", this conversation of respected admirals could well be qualified as an ordinary table conversation. But by that time things were much more serious. At the turn of the 70s, when warships equipped with the most sophisticated electronic equipment began to enter service, it turned out that all these “marvels of the sea”, UFOs and everything about which there are so many sea tales, are not so harmless. It turned out that almost every appearance, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in the magnetic field. And for the ultra-sensitive equipment of a nuclear cruiser, this can be fraught with the most unpredictable consequences.

The possibilities of unidentified objects were sometimes simply amazing. One of the reports that I managed to get acquainted with came from the area of ​​the Kuril Islands. On September 10, 1972, during a training cruise of the Varyag cruiser, an unidentified flying object approached the ship at great speed. He flew around it, as if watching the actions of the team, and then, in front of the astonished sailors, he quickly plunged into the ocean, without raising even the slightest spray.

The commander on the "Varyag" was Yuri Petrovich Kvyatkovsky, Chief of the Intelligence Directorate of the Main Staff of the Navy in 1987-1992: “When the task was completed, the submarine returned to its base in Gremikha. A day later, the commanders gathered at my house to celebrate their happy return. I say: “Guys, there was such a case. It’s embarrassing to admit, but he really made a depressing impression, even caused a feeling of fear.” Here Viktor Kulakov, submarine commander, who walked in front of me in January at this line, says: “Yura, I am exactly the same, one to one, in the same place I saw the same thing. Like you, I made attempts to approach, to understand, to look. Then he waved his hand, plunged and left. And, of course, he didn’t write anything down either.” But then there were no directives. There was no need to report an unidentified object.”

Of course, there was a good reason why the sailors were in no hurry to report such meetings. The fact is that in some cases the devices simply did not record anything. That is, the radars showed that the horizon was clear for tens of kilometers, and the crew observed bright fireballs, triangles next to the ship. Sometimes these were objects in the form of aircraft of unknown origin.

These different cases, which took place in different parts of the World Ocean, are united by one rather strange fact. Almost all sailors who observed the appearance of unidentified flying or underwater objects note that at that moment they suddenly began to experience psychological discomfort, incomprehensible fear, many felt a severe headache and general malaise.

But! It was simply not safe to say that someone somewhere on the high seas saw some strange object and at the same time his head ached. For such conversations, a military sailor could lose his post and end up in a psychiatric hospital. Therefore, of course, people shared information among themselves, but they did it only in a narrow circle.

“... I regularly received information that someone, somewhere, saw something, continued the story Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin,suddenly appearing, suddenly disappearing, and so on. There were more and more such reports, and it was no longer possible to simply brush them aside. I had to react somehow…”

On the one hand, the version of alien aliens was too exotic to be taken seriously. But on the other hand, it could also be about the use by the enemy of top-secret weapons with characteristics unknown to science, and this is already a threat to national security. Then it was decided to involve intelligence in the investigation of all these strange facts.

As a result, reports of such cases ended up on the table. Head of Intelligence of the Navy of the USSR, Vice Admiral Yuri Vasilyevich Ivanov. And one day in 1976, the vice admiral invited military submariner, scientific leader of the expedition on a research submarine « Severyanka" by Vladimir Georgievich Azhazhu. “The vice admiral laid before me several volumes of reports on the observation of unidentified flying objects in the fleets and flotillas. I read them, and in three hours I transformed from an ordinary person into a ufologist. I realized that this is serious and requires deep, fundamental scientific research.”

By that time, a group of officers from the Intelligence Directorate was already dealing with the topic of marine UFOs.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay, intelligence veteran of the Soviet Navy: “Absolutely fantastic phenomena were observed, which, unfortunately, were not always possible to photograph or register with special equipment. There was a whole ufological mystery in these reports. They reported that in front of the eyes of the crews and a large number of observers, luminous spheres of several meters in diameter flew out of the water. Being a completely diverse geometric shape, they changed sizes before our eyes, stretching into a long wide line or turning into a circle, triangle, ball, sphere.

The story, to which he himself was directly related, also looks absolutely fantastic. Head of Intelligence of the Pacific Fleet Rear Admiral Vladimir Aleksandrovich Domyslovsky.

“Once he reported on the hovering over the water in the Pacific Ocean of a giant cylinder several hundred meters long, as if made of silver-colored metal, - told Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha.From one end, like bees from a hive, small unidentified flying objects flew out. These saucers dived into the water, emerged, and again flew into the cylinder. Having repeated their actions many times, they loaded into the cylinder, and it went beyond the horizon. It seemed that the cylinder played the role of a base, a kind of uterus, delivering small objects to near-Earth space.

It was amazing that often UFOs, perfectly observed even without optics, were absolutely invisible to radars.

We did not receive the reflected beam. There was an impression that the field that surrounds this UFO absorbs electromagnetic radiation and does not produce a reflected beam.

According to the story Vladimir Georgievich Azhazhi, “There were reports that submarine commanders were forced to maneuver, to evade unidentified underwater targets. There was a case when a Pacific submarine got caught in pincers and was forced to surface. Six unidentified flying objects surrounded her, flying out of the water. Then they went over the horizon. In other words, water is a natural habitat for them, they feel just as easy in it as in the hydrosphere, in the atmosphere and, apparently, in the stratosphere.”

I must say that such a "bacchanalia" was observed not only in our country. A curious episode, for example, is documented in the archives of the military department of Argentina. This is what we managed to "catch" from the reports of the country's naval command.

In their territorial waters, they found two unusually shaped submarines. According to the report, one lay on the ground, the other described circles around her.

Anti-submarine ships dropped tons of depth charges on the intruders. However, this did not prevent the mysterious objects from rising to the surface and, having developed an incredible speed for a sea vessel, go to the open sea. Artillery fire was opened in pursuit, but this did not cause them any harm.

What the next moment the sailors saw on the sonar screens literally stunned them. The number of so-called boats first doubled, then tripled. They emitted strange, unlike anything else signals. Two versions of what happened were considered. The first, of course, was the sabotage of the Soviet fleet. The second - the territorial waters of Argentina were visited by underwater aliens.

It is known that the Americans have always paid great attention to the facts of the discovery of unidentified flying objects. In March 1954, the Pentagon directive prescribing how to act in the event of a UFO sighting was reissued, now underwater objects were highlighted.

The Intelligence Directorate of the USSR Navy also received information about mysterious marine objects, but these were scattered, random reports that did not allow for a complete picture. It was decided to organize a systematic collection of information about the appearance of UFOs over water areas and in the depths of the sea.

In 1976, by order of the Main Staff of the Navy, the oceanographic commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences took up this task.

Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha:“A year later, we transferred part of this work to the Intelligence Directorate of the Navy, accompanying the analysis of situations with the development of practical instructions for observing UFOs from ships and vessels”.

The instruction appeared, but the Navy was in no hurry to implement it. It turned out that for this it was necessary to have a certain courage. The very fact that the navy was introducing instructions for observing flying saucers did not fit in with the then general political and scientific concept on this issue.

Secret instruction

Despite the depressing situation, the instructions for collecting information on unidentified flying and underwater objects still managed to be implemented.

True, at first only in the Northern Fleet. And only thanks to the determination, even the audacity of the new Fleet Commander Admiral Vladimir Nikolayevich Chernavin, who was accused in the Main Political Directorate of the SA Navy of being carried away by bourgeois ideology, and this could bring considerable trouble even to such a major military leader.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin: “It seems to me that we did the right thing when we issued a directive on the fleet in October 1977. It contained a prescription according to which it was necessary to draw up a corresponding report to the headquarters of the Navy about each such phenomenon. The Americans have such directives, records are kept, and all such observations are analyzed. But information about UFOs is secret, it is not distributed.

The Rubicon has been crossed. Research in our country has begun. But the Northern Fleet is one thing, and the entire Navy of the USSR is quite another.

Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha: “October 7, 1977, the telephone rang at my house, they invited me to Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov. After I showed up in his office, he said, "Let's get right down to business." And through the selector I contacted the operational duty officer of the Northern Fleet.

The duty officer reports that early in the morning of October 7, the Volga submarine floating base, located in the Barents Sea, 200 miles from the coast, was attacked by nine unidentified flying objects about the size of a helicopter, which were metal disks. They maneuvered, staged over "Volga" a round dance and 18 minutes performed aerobatics at speeds unattainable for conventional aircraft and even simulated air attacks.

Floating base commander captain 3rd rank Tarankin unsuccessfully tried to radio the main base of the Northern Fleet in the Severomorsk. Radio communication did not go through either reception or transmission.

Then, on the intra-ship public address system, the commander gave an unusual command: “Everyone! Remember, sketch, take pictures, so that later, when we return to the base, no one will say that your commander has gone crazy.

As soon as the UFOs flew away, radio communications resumed, a radiogram went to Severomorsk. An hour later, a reconnaissance plane flew in, but the incident was already over.

It was then, in my presence, that Nikolai Ivanovich gave the command Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Vice Admiral Pyotr Nikolaevich Navoitsev implement this instruction for fleets and flotillas. He told me: "Come in and take the text."

Thus came a document that, for the first time in the history of the navy, actually admitted that unidentified objects existed, and gave instructions to sailors on how to act when they encountered them.

Naturally, the introduction of the instruction was accompanied by numerous reservations and curtsies. The objects that needed to be monitored were too unusual. The military had to clothe in the form of an order that which defied any explanation.

However, it was already clear that the issue in itself becomes a factor of state security, no less.

What should a nuclear submarine commander do when encountering an unidentified object? To not pay attention? Is it time to dive? pop up? Maybe attack? But dozens of intercontinental ballistic missiles on board are too serious a burden of responsibility. And an impulsive, momentary decision can lead to unpredictable consequences.

To analyze the information, a special group was created at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which was supposed, if not to answer the question “What are unidentified objects?”, Then at least explain to the commanders: “Yes, it exists! You are not crazy. It looks something like this ... Do not be afraid to report and keep calm.

“...Then they were afraid like the devil of incense not only the definition of “flying saucers”, but even such a term as “unidentified flying object”, continued Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha. - All this was draped with the vague name "anomalous phenomena." And, if my memory serves me, the instruction was entitled "Methodological guidelines for the organization of observation in the navy of physical anomalous phenomena and their impact on the environment, manpower and equipment."

Numerous information about observations of unidentified flying objects was summarized there - the most common types of forms, movement characteristics. The ability to move from air to water and vice versa was pointed out. The area of ​​action was also described in detail, the time of action was indicated, and a description of everything that was happening was given in detail.

Meanwhile, military intelligence officers received information not only from their units, but also from civilian ships.

“This information came to me from one transport refrigerator (a large vessel with a displacement of 20,000 tons) located off the Bering Islands., - said Igor Maksimovich Barclay. – On the approach to Cuba, in the area of ​​the Bahamas, the sailors saw an unidentified flying object above them. He maneuvered over the ship, went forward on the course, returned, descended, rose. The whole team poured out onto the deck, of course, it was very interesting to see everything with my own eyes. The UFO was bright in color, sometimes merging with them against the background of clouds, suddenly changing color, shape, turning, for example, into a triangle. Captain Nikolai Semenovich Baranov gave a peculiar order: "Let's, whoever has cameras, quickly film what is happening." Among the team members there were several artists who depicted him so accurately, and from different angles, that the drawings turned out better than the pictures. These sketches with accurate descriptions were sent to Moscow, they became valuable material for further development.».

To analyze such information, a special analytical group was created at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which was headed by Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay: “... Under his leadership, a special group was created for analysis at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which included officers from our department, officers from the scientific and technical committee of the USSR Navy, scientists from research institutes. The work was strictly confidential. The results were reported weekly to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief. The generalized information was sent to the Main Intelligence Directorate.”

This top-secret group described the most important cases of observation of anomalous phenomena.

At the same time, by order of the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences continued work on the topic "The Hydrospheric Aspect of the UFO Problem." One of the goals is to identify places of possible underwater deployment of these objects.

Oddly enough, many meters of ice is not an obstacle either. So, during naval maneuvers in the North Atlantic, a huge silver ball, breaking through a three-meter layer of ice, flew out next to a Canadian icebreaker.

One of the witnesses to the incident was famous polar explorer Rubin A.M. According to his estimates, the ball was at least 11 meters in diameter, and huge blocks of ice flew up to the height of a seven-story building. The water in the hole literally boiled.

They tried to explain this phenomenon by launching missiles from submarines. We turned to our sailors for advice, but they rejected such assumptions.

Alexey Nikolaevich Korzhev, commander of a nuclear submarine in the 1970s: “No commander will take risks and fire missiles so that they break through the ice. Since any rocket fired from a depth under thick ice is bound to deform. Therefore, the commander emerges, finds a polynya where thin ice has formed, breaks it open with the hull and wheelhouse, and launches missiles at the designated points.

Igor Georgievich Kostev, commander of a nuclear submarine in the 1980s: “Both the Americans and we carried out launches from the Arctic Ocean, but not a single one was fired from under the ice. All launches were made from a surface launch, from a hole. Even in broken ice, the use of any missile weapon is impossible.”

In addition, their departure was sometimes observed in inland waters, where, in principle, there can be no submarines. For example, on Lake Baikal, in the North of Russia, on the inland lakes of Sweden.

Employees of the group for the study of anomalous phenomena told about another curious case. In the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula, a polynya with a diameter of five to seven meters was discovered, which had melted edges.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay:“It is difficult to say whether the object landed on the ice or emerged from under the ice, which was about a meter thick. There were no witnesses. Only an increased electromagnetic field was recorded in the area of ​​​​that polynya and its very clear geometric parameters..

The first simplest version is again an underwater rocket launch. But it did not withstand any criticism, because, firstly, it did not explain the increased level of the magnetic field, and secondly, with an ice thickness of about a meter, the rocket launch itself is simply impossible.

But if this is so, how to explain the episode witnessed by American sailors who took part in naval exercises in the Atlantic, when a huge silver ball, breaking through a three-meter layer of ice, jumped out next to the Canadian icebreaker and went beyond the horizon at great speed.

The Navy has declassified information about submarine encounters with unknown objects in the depths of the sea and mysterious underwater bases.

Former Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir Chernavin told the SP correspondent that the Soviet Navy had accumulated such a large number of cases of observation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) emerging from under the water and plunging into the depths that a special group was created to collect and analyze such facts. She once a week prepared a report on this topic to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. It was headed by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Admiral of the Fleet Nikolai Smirnov. Recently, these materials have been declassified.

Describing naval ufological information, the former deputy head of the underwater research section of the oceanographic commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences Captain First Rank Vladimir Azhazha made this schedule:

- 50 percent of UFO encounters are related to the ocean. 15 percent - with lakes. So UFOs clearly gravitate towards the water element. Therefore, the naval collection of UFO data is of particular value.

There are statistics of water UFOs: the first place in terms of encounters with them by military sailors is occupied by the Atlantic - 44 percent of sightings, in the Pacific Ocean - 16 percent, 10 percent - in the Mediterranean Sea, everything else accounts for 30 percent.

There is evidence that one of the submarines of the Pacific Fleet, while on combat patrol, found six unknown objects next to it that could not be classified by means of sonar. Maneuvering to break away from the uninvited escort failed. The commander of the submarine was forced to give the command to surface, grossly violating the rules for carrying out combat patrols. When the boat surfaced, all six UFOs took off from the water and disappeared.

Former Commander of the nuclear submarine Rear Admiral Yuri Beketov repeatedly participated in military service in the Bermuda Triangle and repeatedly reported to Admiral Smirnov about unusual phenomena. Today he says:

- We went closer to the USA and moved to Bermuda. Unfolded. Went back tack. We encountered many unusual phenomena: either the devices gave an unmotivated failure, or powerful interference arose. Some inexplicable phenomena appear to be artificially created. We have repeatedly observed that devices record the movement of material objects at an unimaginable speed. We measured some speeds - about 230 knots (400 km per hour). It is difficult to create such speed on the surface, only in the air. But in the water there is a huge resistance. As if the laws of physics do not apply to these objects. There is only one conclusion: the creatures that created such material objects are significantly superior to us in development. It can even be assumed that in the depths of the ocean, in parallel with us, there is another ancient civilization. Or are they aliens from other worlds, hiding from human eyes deep under water.

By the way, on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is the deepest depression of the Atlantic - Puerto Rican. Its depth is 8742 meters. Perhaps UFO bases are hidden there, or rather, NGOs - unidentified underwater objects.

Navy Intelligence Veteran Captain First Rank Igor Barclay says:

- Oceanic UFOs often appear in the areas of concentration of forces of our or NATO fleet. These are the Bahamas and Bermuda, Puerto Rico, the waters of the east coast of the United States. It is there, according to some experts, that the underwater bases of UFOs are located. Especially often UFOs are seen in the deepest region of the Atlantic - in the south of the Bermuda Triangle and in the Caribbean. And they don't act like guests.

The data on UFO sightings in Baikal are very impressive. At the kilometer depths of this lake, sailors have repeatedly observed glows that resemble the light of searchlights and flashes like the sparkle of electric welding, as well as the departure from under the water of incomprehensible objects in the form of bright luminous disks and silvery cylinders.

In the summer of 1982, divers of the military diving service, during training dives into the water of Lake Baikal, almost collided several times with underwater swimmers in silver overalls fitting their bodies, similar in everything to people, only about three meters tall. In addition, at a depth of 50 meters they did not have scuba gear or any other apparatus, but their heads were hidden by spherical helmets. An attempt to catch unidentified divers ended tragically. Of the group of seven divers who tried to do this with the net, four became disabled, and three died.

According to military sailors, UFOs come in different types: saucers, cigars, cylinders.

- There is data from the sailors of the Pacific Fleet, - continues Vladimir Azhazha, - about how, in the remote waters of the Pacific Ocean, they observed cylinders "hung" in the sky, from which smaller saucer-shaped UFOs flew out, sank into the water, and then returned to the main cylinder again, and it flew away somewhere. According to our earthly concepts, this cylinder can be identified with the uterus. As for the underwater bases, I can say one thing: why not? Nothing can be discarded. The easiest way to take the position of a skeptic is to believe in nothing and do nothing. People rarely dive to great depths. Therefore, it is very important to analyze what they encounter there.

Commentary by the chairman of the public research organization "Underwater Search" Captain First Rank Vladimir Prikhodko:

The data of our sailors are confirmed by numerous foreign testimonies. For example, in the American military press there was information about an unexplained contact off the coast of Puerto Rico. The US Navy conducted an exercise here, the purpose of which was to detect an "enemy" submarine that was breaking through. An aircraft carrier, five escort ships, submarines and aircraft took part in the exercise. All submarines participating in the exercise maneuvered in the “silent running” mode. “Quite suddenly, something extraordinary happened., - says Professor Sanderson, who made a report based on an analysis of documents from the US Navy. - A hydroacoustic technician on one of the escort ships reported to the bridge that one of the submarines had broken formation and, obviously, began to pursue some unknown target.

The report of the acoustics baffled the officers. The fact is that this unidentified object, according to the readings of the instruments, was moving under water at a speed of 150 knots! That is - 280 km / h! This cannot be, because a modern submerged submarine cannot reach speeds above 45 knots. The watch officer immediately reported this to the commander of the ship, and he, in turn, urgently contacted the headquarters ship. Imagine his surprise when he found out that, literally interrupting each other, all the other ships report the same thing to the aircraft carrier. "At least,- writes Professor Sanderson, in 13 submarine logbooks and aircraft logbooks, records appeared that their hydroacoustics detected an "ultra-fast submarine". Corresponding reports about all this were immediately sent to the commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the US Navy.

For four days, the object maneuvered within a wide area, and for four days, ships and aircraft of the US Navy received its signals, following it. (Or, on the contrary, did he follow them?!) But that's not all. According to sonar reports, this object sank to a depth of 20,000 feet in a matter of minutes. In other words, it maneuvered in the vertical and horizontal planes in a way that no modern man-made submarine can do. Not to mention the fact that the diving limit for a modern submarine does not exceed 6000 feet. Even the bathyscaphe Trieste, built specifically for ultra-deep diving, on which the famous oceanographer Jacques Piccard in 1960 made a record dive into the Mariana Trench to a depth of about 35,800 feet, in order not to be destroyed, spent 4.5 hours on this dive. And this unknown object maneuvered from almost the surface to a depth of 20,000 feet in a matter of minutes! "In other words,- Sanderson writes, the mysterious object must literally belong to another world.”

Another unusual case was witnessed by the famous Arctic explorer Dr. Rubens J. Villela, as well as the helmsman and watch officer of the icebreaker, which took part in naval maneuvers code-named "Deep Freeze" in the North Atlantic. It was in the evening. Dr. Villela was on deck when he suddenly saw how "something appeared from the water, breaking through a three-meter thickness of ice, and disappeared into the sky like a huge silver bullet." Huge blocks of ice, lifted into the air by several tens of meters, with a cannon roar fell back onto the hummocks, and the water in the resulting huge hole was seething. Puffs of steam rose from it, which, apparently, indicated the gigantic energy potential of the process that had just taken place.

In the 1970s, US Navy sailors tested long-range underwater communications equipment. There was a ship in the Atlantic Ocean that received signals from the coast. And suddenly they began to receive signals similar to those sent, but modified. The analysis showed: this is not an echo, not a repetition of the primary signal. Determined the location of the source of the signal. He was at a depth of 8 kilometers. According to American scientists, it looked as if someone was receiving a signal, modifying it, and then transmitting it on the same frequency, as if in order to attract attention to themselves.

In those years, it was not possible to decipher the signal. Recently, the attempt was repeated using powerful Pentagon computers. The results are not reported. But after that, the Americans noticeably intensified work on studying the bottom in the area where the "reflected" signals came from.

In the early 90s of the last century, during an examination of the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle in its very center, at a depth of 600 meters, two giant pyramids were discovered that were larger than the Egyptian ones. This was announced back in 1991 at a press conference by the expedition leader, oceanographer Dr. Kvedvar Mendlik. In his opinion, the pyramids were built only 50 years ago. The technology is incomprehensible. The material is like very thick glass.

In 1997, the Belingshausen Basin in the Antarctic zone was surveyed by Australian military sailors. At a depth of 6 kilometers, the bathyscaphe's movie camera captured oval formations that emitted intense internal light. The film was examined by scientists from the Royal Oceanological Institute. The conclusion was clear: these buildings can only be of artificial origin.

These facts lead to the conclusion that the depths of the ocean are as unexplored and mysterious as space. Only humanity for some reason with great interest rushes up rather than down. Maybe this is a big mistake.


“... I regularly received information that someone, somewhere, saw something, continued the story Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin, - suddenly appearing, suddenly disappearing, and so on. There were more and more such reports, and it was no longer possible to simply brush them aside. I had to react somehow…”

On the one hand, the version of alien aliens was too exotic to be taken seriously. But on the other hand, it could also be about the use by the enemy of top-secret weapons with characteristics unknown to science, and this is already a threat to national security. Then it was decided to involve intelligence in the investigation of all these strange facts.

As a result, reports of such cases ended up on the table. Head of Intelligence of the Navy of the USSR, Vice Admiral Yuri Vasilyevich Ivanov. And one day in 1976, the vice admiral invited military submariner, scientific leader of the expedition on a research submarine « Severyanka" by Vladimir Georgievich Azhazhu.“The vice admiral laid before me several volumes of reports on the observation of unidentified flying objects in the fleets and flotillas. I read them, and in three hours I transformed from an ordinary person into a ufologist. I realized that this is serious and requires deep, fundamental scientific research.”

By that time, a group of officers from the Intelligence Directorate was already dealing with the topic of marine UFOs.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay, intelligence veteran of the Soviet Navy: “Absolutely fantastic phenomena were observed, which, unfortunately, were not always possible to photograph or register with special equipment. There was a whole ufological mystery in these reports. They reported that in front of the eyes of the crews and a large number of observers, luminous spheres of several meters in diameter flew out of the water. Being a completely diverse geometric shape, they changed sizes before our eyes, stretching into a long wide line or turning into a circle, triangle, ball, sphere.

The story, to which he himself was directly related, also looks absolutely fantastic. Head of Intelligence of the Pacific Fleet Rear Admiral Vladimir Aleksandrovich Domyslovsky.

“Once he reported on hovering over the water in the Pacific Ocean of a giant cylinder several hundred meters long, as if made of silver-colored metal, - told Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha. - From one end, like bees from a hive, small unidentified flying objects flew out. These saucers dived into the water, emerged, and again flew into the cylinder. Having repeated their actions many times, they loaded into the cylinder, and it went beyond the horizon. It seemed that the cylinder played the role of a base, a kind of uterus, delivering small objects to near-Earth space.

It was amazing that often UFOs, perfectly observed even without optics, were absolutely invisible to radars.

We did not receive the reflected beam. There was an impression that the field that surrounds this UFO absorbs electromagnetic radiation and does not produce a reflected beam.

According to the story Vladimir Georgievich Azhazhi, “There were reports that submarine commanders were forced to maneuver, to evade unidentified underwater targets. There was a case when a Pacific submarine got caught in pincers and was forced to surface. Six unidentified flying objects surrounded her, flying out of the water. Then they went over the horizon. In other words, water is a natural habitat for them, they feel just as easy in it as in the hydrosphere, in the atmosphere and, apparently, in the stratosphere.”

I must say that such a "bacchanalia" was observed not only in our country. A curious episode, for example, is documented in the archives of the military department of Argentina. This is what we managed to "catch" from the reports of the country's naval command.

In their territorial waters, they found two unusually shaped submarines. According to the report, one lay on the ground, the other described circles around her.

Anti-submarine ships dropped tons of depth charges on the intruders. However, this did not prevent the mysterious objects from rising to the surface and, having developed an incredible speed for a sea vessel, go to the open sea. Artillery fire was opened in pursuit, but this did not cause them any harm.

What the next moment the sailors saw on the sonar screens literally stunned them. The number of so-called boats first doubled, then tripled. They emitted strange, unlike anything else signals. Two versions of what happened were considered. The first, of course, was the sabotage of the Soviet fleet. The second - the territorial waters of Argentina were visited by underwater aliens.

It is known that the Americans have always paid great attention to the facts of the discovery of unidentified flying objects. In March 1954, the Pentagon directive prescribing how to act in the event of a UFO sighting was reissued, now underwater objects were highlighted.

The Intelligence Directorate of the USSR Navy also received information about mysterious marine objects, but these were scattered, random reports that did not allow for a complete picture. It was decided to organize a systematic collection of information about the appearance of UFOs over water areas and in the depths of the sea.

In 1976, by order of the Main Staff of the Navy, the oceanographic commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences took up this task.

Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha: “A year later, we transferred part of this work to the Intelligence Directorate of the Navy, accompanying the analysis of situations with the development of practical instructions for observing UFOs from ships and vessels”.

The instruction appeared, but the Navy was in no hurry to implement it. It turned out that for this it was necessary to have a certain courage. The very fact that the navy was introducing instructions for observing flying saucers did not fit in with the then general political and scientific concept on this issue.

Secret instruction

Despite the depressing situation, the instructions for collecting information on unidentified flying and underwater objects still managed to be implemented.

True, at first only in the Northern Fleet. And only thanks to the determination, even the audacity of the new Fleet Commander Admiral Vladimir Nikolayevich Chernavin, who was accused in the Main Political Directorate of the SA Navy of being carried away by bourgeois ideology, and this could bring considerable trouble even to such a major military leader.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin: “It seems to me that we did the right thing when we issued a directive on the fleet in October 1977. It contained a prescription according to which it was necessary to draw up a corresponding report to the headquarters of the Navy about each such phenomenon. The Americans have such directives, records are kept, and all such observations are analyzed. But information about UFOs is secret, it is not distributed.

The Rubicon has been crossed. Research in our country has begun. But the Northern Fleet is one thing, and the entire Navy of the USSR is quite another.

Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha: “October 7, 1977, the telephone rang at my house, they invited me to Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov. After I showed up in his office, he said, "Let's get right down to business." And through the selector I contacted the operational duty officer of the Northern Fleet.

The duty officer reports that early in the morning of October 7, the Volga submarine floating base, located in the Barents Sea, 200 miles from the coast, was attacked by nine unidentified flying objects about the size of a helicopter, which were metal disks. They maneuvered, staged over "Volga" a round dance and 18 minutes performed aerobatics at speeds unattainable for conventional aircraft and even simulated air attacks.

Floating base commander captain 3rd rank Tarankinunsuccessfully tried to radio the main base of the Northern Fleet in the Severomorsk. Radio communication did not go through either reception or transmission.

Then, on the intra-ship public address system, the commander gave an unusual command: “Everyone! Remember, sketch, take pictures, so that later, when we return to the base, no one will say that your commander has gone crazy.

As soon as the UFOs flew away, radio communications resumed, a radiogram went to Severomorsk. An hour later, a reconnaissance plane flew in, but the incident was already over.

It was then, in my presence, that Nikolai Ivanovich gave the command Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Vice Admiral Pyotr Nikolaevich Navoitsev implement this instruction for fleets and flotillas. He told me: "Come in and take the text."

Thus came a document that, for the first time in the history of the navy, actually admitted that unidentified objects existed, and gave instructions to sailors on how to act when they encountered them.

Naturally, the introduction of the instruction was accompanied by numerous reservations and curtsies. The objects that needed to be monitored were too unusual. The military had to clothe in the form of an order that which defied any explanation.

However, it was already clear that the issue in itself becomes a factor of state security, no less.

What should a nuclear submarine commander do when encountering an unidentified object? To not pay attention? Is it time to dive? pop up? Maybe attack? But dozens of intercontinental ballistic missiles on board are too serious a burden of responsibility. And an impulsive, momentary decision can lead to unpredictable consequences.

To analyze the information, a special group was created at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which was supposed, if not to answer the question “What are unidentified objects?”, Then at least explain to the commanders: “Yes, it exists! You are not crazy. It looks something like this ... Do not be afraid to report and keep calm.

“...Then they were afraid like the devil of incense not only the definition of “flying saucers”, but even such a term as “unidentified flying object”, continued Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha. - All this was draped with the vague name "anomalous phenomena." And, if my memory serves me, the instruction was entitled "Methodological guidelines for the organization of observation in the navy of physical anomalous phenomena and their impact on the environment, manpower and equipment."

Numerous information about observations of unidentified flying objects was summarized there - the most common types of forms, characteristics of movement. The ability to move from air to water and vice versa was pointed out. The area of ​​action was also described in detail, the time of action was indicated, and a description of everything that was happening was given in detail.

Meanwhile, military intelligence officers received information not only from their units, but also from civilian ships.

“This information came to me from one transport refrigerator (a large vessel with a displacement of 20,000 tons) located off the Bering Islands., - said Igor Maksimovich Barclay. - On the approach to Cuba, in the area of ​​the Bahamas, the sailors saw an unidentified flying object above them. He maneuvered over the ship, went forward on the course, returned, descended, rose. The whole team poured out onto the deck, of course, it was very interesting to see everything with my own eyes. The UFO was bright in color, sometimes merging with them against the background of clouds, suddenly changing color, shape, turning, for example, into a triangle. Captain Nikolai Semenovich Baranov gave a peculiar order: "Let's, whoever has cameras, quickly film what is happening." Among the team members there were several artists who depicted him so accurately, and from different angles, that the drawings turned out better than the pictures. These sketches with accurate descriptions were sent to Moscow, they became valuable material for further development.».

To analyze such information, a special analytical group was created at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which was headed by Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay: “... Under his leadership, a special group was created for analysis at the Main Headquarters of the Navy, which included officers from our department, officers from the scientific and technical committee of the USSR Navy, scientists from research institutes. The work was strictly confidential. The results were reported weekly to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief. The generalized information was sent to the Main Intelligence Directorate.”

This top-secret group described the most important cases of observation of anomalous phenomena.

At the same time, by order of the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences continued work on the topic "The Hydrospheric Aspect of the UFO Problem." One of the goals is to identify places of possible underwater deployment of these objects.

Oddly enough, many meters of ice is not an obstacle either. So, during naval maneuvers in the North Atlantic, a huge silver ball, breaking through a three-meter layer of ice, flew out next to a Canadian icebreaker.

One of the witnesses to the incident was famous polar explorer Rubin A.M. According to his estimates, the ball was at least 11 meters in diameter, and huge blocks of ice flew up to the height of a seven-story building. The water in the hole literally boiled.

They tried to explain this phenomenon by launching missiles from submarines. We turned to our sailors for advice, but they rejected such assumptions.

Alexey Nikolaevich Korzhev, commander of a nuclear submarine in the 1970s: “No commander will take risks and fire missiles so that they break through the ice. Since any rocket fired from a depth under thick ice is bound to deform. Therefore, the commander emerges, finds a polynya where thin ice has formed, breaks it open with the hull and wheelhouse, and launches missiles at the designated points.

Igor Georgievich Kostev, commander of a nuclear submarine in the 1980s: “Both the Americans and we carried out launches from the Arctic Ocean, but not a single one was fired from under the ice. All launches were made from a surface launch, from a hole. Even in broken ice, the use of any missile weapon is impossible.”

In addition, their departure was sometimes observed in inland waters, where, in principle, there can be no submarines. For example, on Lake Baikal, in the North of Russia, on the inland lakes of Sweden.

Employees of the group for the study of anomalous phenomena told about another curious case. In the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula, a polynya with a diameter of five to seven meters was discovered, which had melted edges.

Igor Maksimovich Barclay: “It is difficult to say whether the object landed on the ice or emerged from under the ice, which was about a meter thick. There were no witnesses. Only an increased electromagnetic field was recorded in the area of ​​​​that polynya and its very clear geometric parameters..

The first simplest version is again an underwater rocket launch. But it did not withstand any criticism, because, firstly, it did not explain the increased level of the magnetic field, and secondly, with an ice thickness of about a meter, the rocket launch itself is simply impossible.

But if this is so, how to explain the episode witnessed by American sailors who took part in naval exercises in the Atlantic, when a huge silver ball, breaking through a three-meter layer of ice, jumped out next to the Canadian icebreaker and went beyond the horizon at great speed.

Chapter 23

German UFO trail

Arctic, coast of the Barents Sea, 170 kilometers north of Murmansk. For more than 60 years, these places were considered secret. Here and today there is a strict regime of the border zone. The only way to get to the right place is to approach from the sea on a coast guard boat.

There are mysterious ring-shaped structures reported by local residents: eight concrete saucers. Some are unfinished, others look completely ready for something. Why - for 60 years has remained a mystery.

When units of the advancing Red Army discovered these strange structures in November 1944, the scouts assumed that they had an artillery purpose. That is, powerful long-range guns were to be installed here. However, the combat cover posts looked directly in the opposite direction - not in the direction from which the ships of the Northern Fleet were supposed to appear.

Concrete saucers look fantastic. But no less fantastic - aircraft.

Vladislav Troshin, Associate Professor, Northwestern Academy of Public Administration: “…these disks have uniform inputs. It seems that this is to remove gases from the nozzles of some starting aircraft.

Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the carefully built powerful defense of these objects. There are at least five such pillboxes around each of the concrete saucers. A reinforced concrete pillbox with a built-in tank turret provided an almost circular shelling of the entire adjacent territory.

Too powerful protection for artillery crew, even if it is an ultra-long-range weapon. We managed to find out that nothing less than the elite SS division "Edelweiss" was entrusted with protecting these objects. They did their job brilliantly. For more than five years of the presence of the Nazis in this area, not a single intelligence officer could penetrate here. The SS kept the secret of the new German wunderwaffe - a miracle weapon.

So, a launch pad for an aircraft?

In the middle of 1942, on one of the islands of the Baltic Sea, the Germans placed a test site for V-rockets and, interestingly, they also entrusted its protection to SS units. However, it is known that the German designers-creators abandoned missile launches and developed mobile launchers. So, something completely different should have taken off from these sites.

By a strange whim of German engineers, not only the concrete ring itself was leveled, but the entire site next to it. And this is hundreds, even thousands of cubic meters of concrete.

Let's not forget that under the bases of the rings - granite and quartz, materials that are strong enough in themselves. Nevertheless, the Germans spared no effort and money to make a colossal foundation.

The launch pad of what aircraft required such a powerful foundation? Most likely these were disk-shaped vertical takeoff and landing vehicles, which were assembled by the Germans at a factory in Arado, in Brandenburg.

Vladislav Troshin, Associate Professor of the North-West Academy of Public Administration: “The largest energy consumption of an aircraft is spent on separation from the surface. Consequently, a version arises that special aircraft were tested here, since the configuration coincides with the configuration of the aircraft, disks that the Nazis produced. Or a launch pad: a metal flying disk could easily start from here.”

Recently declassified SS archival documents claim that a total of 17 samples of such aircraft were built and 84 test flights were carried out. Confirmation that such launches were carried out is also found by Norwegian researchers. Fragments of a strange disk-shaped object with a swastika on board were found on Svalbard. It is known that by the end of the war, the Germans had nine scientific enterprises that tested flying disk projects. The launch of serial production was planned for the end of 1944 ...

What you are about to read will be hard to believe. This information was obtained from fragmentary data from American archives, from memoirs, from press reports of that time. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the information, but it's worth reading.

Secrets of the second front

Early 1947. Another expedition of the legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrd approached the coast of Antarctica.

A very strange expedition. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded by the US Navy. And it has a military name - operation "Haijam" ("High jump").

The admiral has a powerful naval squadron under his command. Aircraft carrier "Casablanca", 12 warships, a submarine, two and a half dozen aircraft and helicopters. Nearly 5,000 employees. An unusual composition for a research expedition.

On December 2, 1946, before the squadron left for the Antarctic campaign, Bird remarked at a meeting with the press: "My expedition is of a military nature." He didn't say a word about the details. At the end of January 1947, aerial reconnaissance of the Antarctic continent began in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. Everything went according to plan.

During the first weeks, tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken. And suddenly something mysterious happened. The expedition, designed for six months, in two months hastily curtailed and left the shores of Antarctica. This is a real getaway. The destroyer Merdek was lost, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, 68 sailors and officers.

Upon his return, the admiral appeared before members of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry of the US Congress. Fragments of the report were leaked to the press. The United States needed to take defensive measures against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions. In the event of a new war, America could be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed. Who put the American squadron to flight? A year and a half before the expedition of Admiral Byrd, in the summer of 1945, two German submarines entered and surrendered to the authorities in the Argentine port of Mardel Plata.

Not ordinary boats, but boats from the so-called Fuhrer convoy. This top-secret connection performed tasks, the details of which are still secret.

The crews were reluctant to testify. And yet we managed to find out something. So, the commander of the "U-530" spoke about his participation in the operation, code-named "Valkyrie-2". Three weeks before the end of the war, his submarine delivered to Antarctica the relics of the Third Reich, Hitler's personal belongings, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden by bandages.

The commander of another boat, "U-977", Heinz Schaeffer testified that he repeated the same route a little later. It also turned out that German submarines repeatedly went to Antarctica. But why exactly there?

In 1820, it was discovered by Russian navigators Bellingshausen and Lazarev. Since then, this mysterious continent, larger than Europe in area, has attracted researchers like a magnet.

However, steep, tens of meters high ice shores made the mainland impregnable for a long time. Almost nothing was known about Antarctica for another century. Only the coastlines were drawn on the maps.

Unexpectedly, Germany showed an incomprehensible interest in a distant and seemingly useless icy continent. Huge funds were allocated for the study. In the late 1930s, two serious Antarctic expeditions were organized. And this is before the war, ready to break out any day. Since January 1939, two planes "Passat" and "Boreas", which took off with the help of catapults from the board of the "Schwabee", began reconnaissance of Queen Maud Land. For three weeks, Luftwaffe pilots, with the help of metal pennants with a swastika sign, staked out a territory the size of Germany beyond the Third Reich. It was called New Swabia.

In April 1939, the expedition commander, an experienced polar captain Alfred Richard, reported: "I have fulfilled the mission entrusted to me Marshal Goering. For the first time, German aircraft flew over the Antarctic continent. Every 25 kilometers they dropped pennants. We have covered an area of ​​approximately 600,000 square kilometers. Of these, 350,000 were photographed."

Air aces did their job. The mysterious baton was taken by the "sea wolves" of the Fuhrer - crews of submarines Admiral Karl Doenitz. Far away, German submarines secretly headed for the shores of icy Antarctica. And after a while, Doenitz dropped a strange phrase: “ My divers have discovered a true earthly paradise.”.

In 1943, at the height of the military clash with Russia, another mysterious phrase came from the admiral's lips: "The German submarine fleet is proud to have created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world."

Then the Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy was understood by a very narrow circle of people. Today we can assume what the admiral had in mind. Not so long ago in Antarctica, huge lakes were discovered under a kilometer-long layer of ice. The water temperature in them is plus 18. Above the surface there are domed arches filled with warm air. It is possible that from them, constantly heated from below, real rivers of warm water flow into the ocean.

For thousands of years, they could create huge tunnels under the ice and underground, quite suitable for setting up secret bases.

From the side of the ocean, diving under the coastal ice, any submarine can safely enter there. Here is the finished base. Without storms and polar cold weather. Absolutely hidden from prying eyes, out of reach of any enemy.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vasiliev, Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher at the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, does not deny the likelihood of just such a development of events: “If the Germans decided to place secret bases or create secret zones that had the status of extraterritoriality, then the polar zones, including Antarctica, would be a completely natural area for finding such bases or enclaves.”

Judging by the discovered documents and the memories of the participants in the events, the Nazis really created a top-secret base there. She was codenamed "Base 211". Already from the beginning of 1939, regular flights between Antarctica and Germany began with a specially converted research vessel "Schwabia".

Mining equipment and other machinery was transported to Queen Maud Land, including railroads, trolleys and huge cutters for tunneling. Scientists, engineers, highly skilled workers also arrived there. Why did Germany need such a remote base?

Assumptions are different. Some believe that with its help the Germans wanted to control the southern seas, others believe that they attracted the minerals of Antarctica, especially uranium, without which it is impossible to create a superweapon. And someone claims that in case of losing the war, a shelter was being prepared for the elite of the Third Reich, so that from 1942, the transfer of its future inhabitants to New Swabia began, not only scientists and specialists, but also representatives of the Nazi party and the state. Allegedly, they tried to transfer some secret production there.

There is a version that after the war, the Americans, who actively recruited German scientists to work in the United States, were surprised to find that thousands of highly qualified specialists from the Third Reich disappeared without a trace, as did more than a hundred submarines. But they were not among the dead.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vasiliev: “Perhaps American intelligence really had information that part of the heritage, technical potential, scientists were taken out of Germany. And it is natural that the Antarctic polar zones were in the field of view of her attention. And then there are the testimonies of German submariners who surrendered to the Argentine authorities. Apparently, all this extremely alarmed the Americans. And at the end of 1946, the famous polar explorer Richard Byrd received an order to destroy the Nazi base in Antarctica.

But! We already know what a strange embarrassment happened with Byrd's mission. The rebuff that the American squadron received still raises a lot of questions. The fact is that in Washington, the admiral reported not just about fighters with unthinkable capabilities. He talked about the attack on the expedition by strange flying saucers that emerged from the water and, moving at great speed, caused significant damage to the expedition. This is how this battle, which took place on February 26, 1947, is described by another eyewitness, an experienced expedition member military pilot John Cyrasen: “They jumped out of the water like crazy. And they literally slipped between the masts of the ships at such a speed that radio antennas were torn by streams of disturbed air.

Several corsairs jumped from the deck of the Casablanca into the water. I didn't even have time to blink an eye, as two of them, struck down by some unknown rays, splashed from the bows of the flying saucers, went under the water.

At that time I was on the deck of the Casablanca and did not understand anything. These items did not make a single sound. They darted silently between the ships, spitting deadly fire incessantly. Suddenly, the destroyer "Merdek", which was ten cables from us, blazed with bright flames and began to sink. From other ships, despite the danger, lifeboats and boats were immediately sent to the crash site. The whole nightmare lasted about 20 minutes. When the flying saucers again dived under the water, we began to count the losses. They were horrendous."

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  • Important Topics

    Reasonable nature of UFO behavior

    Employee of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Navy in 1970-80, captain 1st rank I.M. Barclay: “We have all the facts that many unidentified flying objects of completely different geometry and shape are not some kind of spontaneous creation of nature, but have a reasonable, deliberate technological character.
    Head of reconnaissance of the flotilla of the Northern Fleet in the 1980s. Captain 1st Rank Berezhnoy V.E .: “As the head of the reconnaissance flotilla, I periodically received reports and eyewitness reports about the discovery of unidentified objects. Many not only stated their observations literally every minute, every second, but also tried to draw, depict what they saw. They talked about their feelings during the observation of UFOs.There were many reports.The fact that these objects are observed quite often and the way they behave in the area of ​​​​the base of nuclear submarines suggested that they are interested in our technology and it is no coincidence that they are present above the test sites There were cases when UFOs hovered over a military camp and directly over the latest submarines, accompanied them at the moment of passage along the Motovsky Bay or in the Barents Sea. "
    Winter 1978-1979 Barents Sea, Zapadnaya Litsa Bay. Within a few months, at least fifteen cases of UFO sightings were registered in the area of ​​​​the naval base of submarines. Among them: repeated flights and hoverings of UFOs over the base and directly over submarines; escort of submarines at the entrance and exit from Zapadnaya Litsa Bay; demonstrative UFO diving into and out of the water; UFO landing on a small peninsula in the Bolshaya Lopatkina Bay opposite the headquarters of the submarine association; splashdown of a UFO "with lights" on the island of Lake Shchuchye, etc. professional photographers made attempts to photograph objects, frames with UFOs turned out to be overexposed.
    Captain 1st Rank Berezhnoy V.E.: “We were faced with the task of collecting all information related to UFOs and reporting to higher authorities. We could not help but pay attention to the fact that these objects in some cases behave like intelligently controlled objects, especially in regarding the latest submarines. We tried to comprehend what these UFOs could be attributed to, but in the end our knowledge was not enough to draw a final conclusion about the nature and origin of these unidentified flying objects. "

    Photo 41 captain 1st rank, in the 1970s-80s. head of reconnaissance of the flotilla of the Northern Fleet.

    The interest of UFOs in military equipment was also expressed in the fact that when some area of ​​the ocean was declared closed for navigation due to the fall of warheads of launched intercontinental ballistic missiles there, not only American ships appeared there, but also unidentified flying objects.
    No less indicative are the cases associated with diving into the ocean depths of bathyscaphes and special equipment.
    Thus, the famous underwater explorer Jean Picard twice observed unknown underwater objects from his bathyscaphe. For the first time on November 15, 1959, during the dive of a research bathyscaphe in the deepest place of the World Ocean (Marian Trench, area of ​​Guam Island, Pacific Ocean). An entry was made in the bathyscaphe's logbook: "10.57. Depth 700 sazhens (about one and a half kilometers). We do not turn on the outside light, we save it for great depths ... A round disk-shaped object with numerous luminous points was noticed." The second time J. Picard observed an unidentified underwater object in 1968 at a considerable depth in the Bahamas. An elliptical object over 30 m long was moving at high speed.

    September 1, 1968 Pacific Ocean. Soviet oceanographers aboard the USSR research ship Akademik Kurchatov carried out work to study the composition of bottom soil near the coast of South America. Periodically, scientists lowered instruments and devices overboard for research purposes. Thermometers, radiometers, plankton nets, and soil pipes went down on thick steel cables. And suddenly, when one of the instruments reached a depth of 500 m, the cable abruptly went to the side, as if someone had pulled it, and sagged. It became clear that the device had failed. A minute later, thick cables with a soil tube and a bottom grab broke off. The rupture of three cables at once - this has never happened in 20 years of sailing. Broken cables were lifted to the deck. Upon examination, it turned out that the nature of the damage at the ends resembled a cut - as if someone had cut the cable with a huge file. Who could do it? Oceanologists did not find the answer.
    April 17, 1995 Pacific Ocean, area of ​​the Mariana Trench (depth about 11,000 meters). An unmanned US deep-sea research platform, equipped with lighting devices and television systems, was submerged into the ocean on special steel cables with a diameter of 20 mm from the board of a research vessel. A few hours later, silhouettes of large unidentified objects began to flicker on the screens of television monitors in the light of powerful searchlights, and microphones began to transmit the sounds of grinding iron and thuds. When the platform was raised to the surface of the ocean, it turned out that the stiffening structures were bent, and one of the steel cables was damaged by more than half the diameter. The nature of the damage indicates sawing with a metal object. The conducted examination showed that such a nature of abrasion when rubbing against a rock ledge is excluded.


    It should be recognized that in the matter of studying UFOs and NPOs, science has encountered a completely new phenomenon for it, which so far cannot be explained from the standpoint of ideas that have taken root in our country. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the American Academy of the Air Force that the scientific study of UFOs so far runs into the limited knowledge of mankind in the field of physics, and our modern knowledge is unacceptable for comprehending UFOs.
    Chernavin V.N., admiral of the fleet, in 1985-92. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR: "If we talk about UFOs and all sorts of unidentified objects, then we cannot, from the standpoint of modern science, our current worldview, evaluate them as a normal phenomenon. This phenomenon is beyond our technical understanding. With the current development of technology, such who does not have, and cannot have. But this does not mean that this cannot be at all. "
    What are the mysterious light and sound phenomena in the oceans, unidentified underwater and flying objects? Is there a relationship between them, or are they unrelated phenomena?
    There aren't many versions.
    First, the natural origin of many anomalous phenomena. This version is sufficiently reasoned and has the right to exist. At the same time, the hypothesis of "natural natural phenomena" can only apply to some observations, since it is not able to explain many features of NGOs and UFOs. When considering the entire spectrum of AP in the hydrosphere, the hypotheses about luminous microorganisms and energy emissions, as a rule, do not stand up to criticism. The reasonable nature of the behavior of many mysterious objects also does not allow us to accept an exclusively "natural-natural" hypothesis.
    Secondly, there is a fairly well-reasoned version that many UFOs and NGOs are the product of the activities of some earthly groups that own technologies that the general public is not even aware of. For example, V. Vasiliev, a leading researcher at the Institute for the USA and Canada, a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, who has devoted many years to studying these problems, is convinced that in the USA there is a certain scientific elite that has UFO information (including technological information) in volumes that are orders of magnitude greater than those available to public ufologists. It is with the help of this group of scientists that politicians manipulate the consciousness of the broad masses, they make attempts to covertly control scientific and technological progress in the world. However, this version also does not answer all questions. For example, it is not able to explain the fact that people observed flying and diving objects many centuries ago and almost everywhere.
    An opinion is expressed that in parallel with the "terrestrial" civilization on our planet there is an ancient highly developed civilization, which does not particularly hide, but once again does not advertise its presence. And that it has not only settled in the underwater spaces and the ocean of air for a long time, but also has access to space. And what exactly is the manifestation of the activity of this civilization that we observe in the form of some anomalous phenomena and unidentified objects.
    There is also speculation that extraterrestrial forces are behind the UFO and NGO phenomena. The nature of the tasks performed by them on our planet remains unknown, but it is possible that some manifestations are a kind of invitation to humanity for dialogue. Why is it done in such an extravagant way, and not through contacts with earthly governments? Hard to say. It is assumed that such demonstrative steps are caused by the fact that "extraterrestrial partners" are not satisfied with the already existing behind-the-scenes agreements with the secret elite of mankind and are increasingly declaring themselves publicly.

    According to a number of experts, another option cannot be ruled out: part of the manifestations of UFOs and NGOs is a joint performance of two puppeteers - earthly and unearthly.
    The game of "cat and mouse" using the phenomena of UFOs and NGOs is not only difficult but also dramatic. If only for this reason, we are with a partner in unequal conditions: he, apparently, knows much more about us than we do about him.
    And yet, despite the fact that many questions about UFOs and NGOs still remain unanswered, some things can already be said for sure. So, for example, we do not yet observe direct violence against ourselves, suppression, frank imposition of someone else's will on us. Therefore, we can draw an encouraging conclusion: those who are behind these phenomena either do not yet have full power over people, or do not want to use brute coercion or threat. Considering that "they" possess technologies that earth technology cannot counter, it seems that "they" have no intentions to exterminate humanity yet.
    We do not know anything for certain about the origin of these forces (earthly? extraterrestrial? other-dimensional? ..), but we can assume that with some of their manifestations they are trying to influence our worldview in a certain way, to direct our views and beliefs in the direction they need.
    One can speculate for a long time about the nature of the UFO and NGO phenomena. Only one thing is obvious: these amazing phenomena testify that the world, which until recently seemed to us almost known, is opening up from a completely new side. Perhaps these phenomena are signs that the period of complete isolation of humanity is ending and the next round of its evolution begins - the time when we will gain a new consciousness of the integrity of the world and the inextricable connection with the Mind of the boundless Universe

    Name index

    Azhazha Vladimir Georgievich- Veteran of the submarine fleet, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy.
    Amelko Nikolai Nikolaevich- Admiral (1964), in 1969-1978. - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, in 1979-1987. - Deputy Chief of the General Staff for the Navy.
    Balashov Viktor Pavlovich- Lieutenant General, Professor, Head of the 22nd Central Research and Testing Institute of the Ministry of Defense (military unit 67947, Mytishchi).
    Barclay Igor Maksimovich- captain of the first rank, in the 1970s. employee of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy of the USSR. In 1976-1978. implemented in the Navy "Guidelines for the observation of UFOs". Engaged in the analysis of reports, reports and intelligence on UFOs in the Navy.
    Berezhnoy Viktor Efimovich- Captain 1st rank, former head of reconnaissance of the flotilla of the Northern Fleet. In the 1970s-1980s. was engaged in the collection and analysis of information on UFO sightings in the Northern Fleet and the preparation of relevant reports.
    Volobuev Evgeny Ivanovich- Vice Admiral, in 1978-1986. - Head of the Anti-Submarine Warfare Department of the Main Headquarters of the Navy, Deputy Head of the Main Headquarters of the Navy for Anti-Submarine Warfare.
    Gorshkov Sergey Georgievich(1910-1988) - Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union (1967), twice Hero of the Soviet Union; 1956-1986 - Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.
    Domyslovsky Viktor Alexandrovich(1920-1979) - rear admiral, in 1970-1975. - Head of Intelligence of the Pacific Fleet.
    Grigoryan Vaginak Leonidovich- captain of the 1st rank, executive secretary of the International Association of Veterans of the Submarine Fleet and Submariners.
    Ivanov Yury Vasilievich(1920-1990) - Vice Admiral (1972), 1964-1978 - Head of the Navy Intelligence, Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the Main Staff of the Navy, Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the USSR Navy for Intelligence.
    Kvyatkovsky Yuri Petrovich- Vice Admiral (1989), In 1987-1992. - Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Navy, Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the USSR Navy for intelligence.
    Komaritsyn Anatoly Alexandrovich- Admiral (1997), in 1994-2006. - Head of the Main Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense for Navigation and Oceanography (GUNiO), Head of the Hydrographic Service of the Russian Navy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, former commander of a submarine division in the Pacific Fleet (in 1977-1984).
    Korzhev Alexey Nikolaevich(1936-2006) - captain of the 1st rank, in the 1970s. - commander of a nuclear submarine in the Northern Fleet. In 1975, he had contact with a UFO in Motovsky Bay, has a diary where a UFO is drawn and this encounter is described.
    Kostev Igor Georgievich- Captain 1st rank, in the 1980s. - commander of a nuclear submarine.
    Kulinchenko Vadim Timofeevich- Captain 1st rank, in the 1970s. - an employee of the General Staff of the USSR Navy, a veteran of the submarine fleet.
    Loboda Sergey Alexandrovich- Captain 1st rank, retired.

    Migulin Vladimir Vasilievich- Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the USSR Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN). Head of UFO research at the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    Monastyrshin Vladimir Mikhailovich- Rear Admiral, Director General of the International Association of Veterans of the Submarine Fleet and Submariners
    Navoytsev Petr Nikolaevich(1920-1993) - Admiral (1978), 1975-1988 - First Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy.
    Smirnov Nikolay Ivanovich(1917-1992) - Admiral of the Fleet (1973), Hero of the Soviet Union (1984). In 1969-1974. commander of the Pacific Fleet. Since 1974 - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.
    Chernavin Vladimir Nikolaevich- Admiral of the Fleet (1983), Hero of the Soviet Union (1981). 1974-1977 - Chief of Staff, 1st Deputy Commander, Commander of the Northern Fleet. Since 1981, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy. 1985-1992 - Commander-in-Chief of the Navy - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

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