Home Helpful Hints What did the prophet muhammed say about the gypsies. What did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) say in his farewell sermon? About inappropriate clothing

What did the prophet muhammed say about the gypsies. What did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) say in his farewell sermon? About inappropriate clothing

In the countries of the Middle East, there is a decrease in fresh water reserves. According to forecasts, conflicts related to the use of water sources, in ten years, may become one of the main causes of wars. Is this not what our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned about in the hadith about the mountain of gold that will open under the Euphrates?

Data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA for 2003-2010 show that the Middle East is losing significant amounts of fresh water. According to studies, in the basins of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq, there is a decrease in water reserves in the amount of 144 cubic kilometers, which is comparable to the volume of water in the Dead Sea.

According to research published in the journalWater Resources Resarch » American Geophysical Society, this is the second significant water loss after the 2002-2008 water loss in northern India and surrounding areas. NASA notes that the cause of the 2007 drought was the unsustainable use of water sources, as well as an increase in water demand as a result of population growth. NASA predicts a decrease in fresh water supplies in the Middle East and a shortage of drinking water in some countries.

Various researchers agree that conflicts related to the use of water sources can become the main cause of wars in the next 10 years. It is assumed that, especially after 2022, in regions such as the Middle East, Asia and North Africa, control over the ways to water sources can become a kind of weapon and one of the means used by terrorists.

Our Prophet warned about this

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“The Day of Judgment will not come until the Euphrates opens the mountain of gold. For this gold people will fight. Out of a hundred people, ninety-nine will be killed. Each of the people will say: ‘I will win’” [Bukhari, Fitan, 24; Muslim, Fitan, 29, (2894); Abu Dawood, Malakhim, 13, (4313, 4314); Tirmizi, Jannat, 26 (2572, 2573)].

1. In the riwayah cited by Bukhari, the phrase is added: "Whoever lives at that time, let him take nothing from it [from this gold]." Ibn Hajar, based on the phrase "let no one take anything from it", says that this gold can be in the form of gold coins, gold objects or golden sand, all this is permissible.

2. One narration speaks of a "mountain of gold", in another - of a "golden treasury". It is said that the word "mountain" means an abundance of gold.

3. Ibn at-Tin, explaining the meaning of the ban on taking this gold, says: “This treasure belongs to all Muslims. Therefore, a person can take from him only as much as falls to his lot. Then he writes: “If a person takes from this gold and increases his wealth, he will repent, since it will not be useful for him. If a mountain of gold appears, the gold will lose its value, so it is not desirable.”

Ibn Hajar disagrees with this interpretation: “What Ibn at-Tin says is not obvious from the hadeeth. Only one thing is clear: it is forbidden to take from this gold, as this will lead to confusion and war. He admits the following possibility: "The prohibition to take from this gold may be based on the fact that there will be no need for it or it will appear at a time when gold is very scarce." Ibn Hajar argues that the previous version is more likely, and as proof he points to a narration of the hadith given by Muslim:

“... The time is near when the Euphrates will open a mountain of gold. When people hear about it, they will go there. Those near the river will say: ‘If we allow these people, they will take from it [gold] and completely carry it away.’”

The Messenger of Allah continued as follows:

“After that, they will start fighting. Out of a hundred people, ninety-nine will be killed."

Ibn Hajar writes: “This shows us that the reason given by Ibn at-Tin is false. The reason for the ban is how it can end - a war ... ". There is no reason to deny that these events will occur at the same time as the appearance of a great fire in Yemen, as mentioned in another hadith. But this cannot be the reason for the prohibition to take from this gold.

Ibn Maja relates the following riwayat to Sauban: “Three [groups] will fight near the treasures. Each of them is the son of a caliph…” Ibn Maja placed this hadeeth in the chapter that talks about the Mahdi. If treasure here means the same thing as in the previous hadiths, this event, i.e. the appearance of a mountain of gold in the river will occur at the time of the Mahdi. The same, obviously, will happen before the arrival of Isa (a.s.) and before the appearance of fire.

Until today, many bloodsheds have taken place in the Euphrates region. If we turn to recent history, there was a war between Iraq and Iran. In 1958, clashes occurred near the Euphrates, where the descendants of the Prophet were killed. But these two events are not quite similar to those mentioned in the hadeeth. Therefore, it is more likely that the hadeeth is talking about what else will happen in the future.

By "gold" in the hadith, the water of the Euphrates may be meant at a time when it becomes valuable as gold. It may also be that by "gold" is meant the profit derived from the construction of dams. It is possible that the Euphrates will dry up completely, and deposits of gold or oil will open under it. These deposits can also be opened due to soil failure. But whatever it is, there is no doubt - the hadith warns that this region of the Islamic world is like dynamite, it contains a potential danger. These are not the events that are happening today, but those that will happen in the future. And the people who will live in those days will once again exclaim in amazement: “Sadaqta” - “You have spoken the truth, O Messenger of Allah,” and their faith will be renewed.

“Moomin is like a strong wall for other mumin, they always support each other.”

“Whoever follows me will follow the will of Allah. But whoever turns away from me will turn away and rebel against Allah.”

“Wherever you are, fear Allah. Do good in response to evil, in order to dry up the root of evil. And treat people with good morals!”

“Blind is not he whose eyes do not see, but he is blind whose mind is blind.”

“The more a person ages, the more two feelings become younger in him: a thirst for wealth and a thirst for life.”

“Whoever believes in Allah and another life, let him speak only good things, or keep silent.”

“Those who often remember death before it comes to them and make the most righteous preparations for it - they are truly the smartest.”

“Forgive the one who is evil against you. Go to the one who is offended by you and do good to the one who does you harm. Speak only the truth, even if it is against you.”

“Iman is witnessing with the heart, speaking with the tongue, and confirming with the deeds of your body.”

“The one who does not rejoice in something for the sake of his brother will not find Iman as he rejoices in it for himself.”

“Whoever wants to start a business, then let him consult with one of the Muslims, Allah will direct his affairs along the most right path

and saddle him successful.”

"A strong man is not one who has won a victory over people, but one who has kept his nafs while being angry."

"Whoever wants to acquire the taste of Iman, let him love a person only for the sake of Allah."

"The path of the one who has knowledge gives sadaqah with his knowledge, and the one who has wealth gives sadaqah from his wealth."

"Need the Qur'an. Make it your guide and instruction, for He is the Word of the Lord of the worlds. It is from Him and will return to Him."

“Oh, Mumins, eat, drink, dress, but do not overdo it and do not rise in pride, give donations!”

“Supporting Mumins to each other is like a wall that binds and strengthens separate parts.”

"You can neither harm people, nor compensate with evil."

"He who restores peace between people, even by inventing some good lies or saying some good things, is not a liar."

"By the will of Allah, any of your undertakings will be fulfilled, if you do not become impatient and do not say: I called out to Allah, but all my calls were ineffective."

"Never gossip about the dead, they've already got what they've earned."

"The worst in the eyes of Allah on the Day of Judgment will be two-faced people, who show one face to one and another to the other."

“Feed the hungry, visit the sick, free the captives.”

"In order for a person to become a worthy Muslim, his speech must be one with his heart, and his heart is one with speech. And his deeds and words must be one."

"Honesty guides a person to goodness, but goodness leads him to Paradise. About a person who always tells the truth, “Truthful” will be written before Allah. Lies lead a person to evil, evil will plunge him into Hell. will be written "liar".

"Deceit is one of the ways to discord"

“The most beloved by me and closest to me on the Day of the Lord’s Judgment will be the one of you who is the best in piety.

"On the Day of Judgment, the most worthy in the sight of Allah will be those of His servants who greatly praised Allah."

"The best thing about a mu'min's faith in the Lord is knowing that Allah is always with him, wherever he is"

"These hearts rust like iron rusts when water touches it. They asked: "O Messenger of Allah, how can one protect hearts from rust?" He said: "Remember death often and read the Qur'an a lot."

"Here is who should be envied: One man Allah gave the Qur'an and he lived according to the commandments of the Qur'an. He accepted what was lawful and what was forbidden forbidden. The other was such that when Allah granted him wealth, he divided part of it among his relatives and spent this wealth on way of serving Allah.

"Change, purify your life. Zeal for the future life as if death would come for you tomorrow."

"You will not become righteous Mu'min until you wish with all your soul for your Mu'min brother what you wish for your soul"

"Never be fed up with prayers to Allah. For none of those who were with prayer was destroyed."

"The remembrance of Allah is the best solace for the hearts."

"If you want Allah and His Messenger to love you, always give away what has been left for you to keep. Speak only the truth in your speeches. Eliminate everything that will disturb your neighbors and treat them kindly."

"The righteous mu`mins of Allah are such that when they appear, you remember Allah."

"Shall I tell you who is the best of you? The best of you is the one who exactly fulfills his promises and who has purified his nafs. Allah Almighty and Merciful loves those who hide their piety without showing off."

"Verily, there are two words that are easy on the tongue, but weigh a lot on the scales: SubhanAllah and bi Hamdihi, SubhanAllah-and Azim."

"Beware of betrayal. For this is a very bad trait of character. Beware of injustice, for it will be rewarded on the Day of Judgment. Beware of stinginess. For those who were before you were ruined only by stinginess. Because of it, they shed blood and destroyed all family ties. "

"Paradise is closer to each of you than the straps of his sandals, and fire is just as close to each."

"When you stand up to pray, pray as if it were your last prayer: do not say a single word for which you will have to ask forgiveness the next day, and do not build any illusions about what is in the hands of people."

"Strong and powerful is not the one who knocks a person down (with his blow). Truly strong is the one who is able to restrain himself in a fit of anger."

"Live in this world as a stranger or (accidentally wandering) wayfarer."

"Faith in the One God is inherent in every child, and only his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a pagan."

"Allah Almighty does not look at your appearance and condition, but at your hearts and actions. He looks at the hearts, as they are the bearers of intention."

"Envy is permissible only in two cases:

1) when (you) are jealous of a person to whom Allah has given abundant gifts and allowed them to spend them in a proper way;

2) when (you) envy someone who owns vast knowledge, which he himself is guided by and which he passes on to others.

"If your eyes accidentally rest on a person who surpasses you in wealth, in position, in appearance, look at someone who is inferior to you in all this."

"O Allah, forgive me my sins and ignorance, my excesses in my personal life and what You know better about me than myself. O Allah, forgive me the evil that I did (out of frivolity) without thinking or thoughtfully, my accidental or intentional transgressions and everything that comes from me (in a form that is not pleasing to You)."

"All living beings created by Allah are in need of their Creator (to live in earthly conditions). Therefore, Allah loves most of all those who show kindness to those in need of Him."

"Avoid suspicion, for it is precisely this that is the greatest lie. Do not be curious about each other and do not spy on each other. Do not try to dominate each other in order to increase your stakes. Do not be jealous of each other and do not hold grudges or evil against each other. Do not backbite one another, but be servants of Allah and brothers to one another."

Prophet Muhammad said

Prophet Muhammad? about the values ​​of human life

To greet others is to spread the world

On another occasion, one of the Muslims approached the Prophet? with the question of what good he can do in relation to other Muslims, to which such an answer was given "Feed the people and greet those you know and those you don't know" .

It is reported in authentic sayings that the Prophet Muhammad? always greeted people with a smile, and when shaking someone's hand, he never took his hand away first.

Messenger of Allah? He was a very cheerful and optimistic person, with a sharp sense of humor. People who dealt with him described him as a pleasant person who commanded great respect. It is reported that he sometimes joked with his friends, with his wife, with the elderly and children (including his children and grandchildren). During the time of the Prophet Muhammad? running competition was common entertainment. Reported that several times the Prophet? seen competing in the race with his wife, with his children and with other children.

One day the Messenger of Allah? I saw a man with an inflamed eye named Suhayb (a Muslim of Roman origin), who looked very pitiful and was eating a ripe date. Prophet Muhammad? wanted to joke with him to cheer him up, so he asked the question: “How do you eat a date if your left eye is sick?” Suhaib, realizing that the Prophet? joking with him, replied: "Don't worry, I eat it on the right side (where the good eye was)."

Messenger of Allah? always cared about children. He always greeted them and played with them (Riyad al-Salihin 862/1).

One day the Prophet Muhammad? I saw a little boy who was saddened because his little bird had died. Although the Prophet? in a hurry, he gave the boy some time to calm him down and cheer him up (al-Bukhari 598/10).

Creator's favorite? always advised parents to express love to their children. Prophet? once said to a man who had never kissed his child that he had no mercy in his heart.

The Messenger of Allah? there was a Jewish neighbor who constantly annoyed him. When did the Jew get sick, Prophet? visited him, and this softened the heart of the Jew so much that he accepted Islam. Also Prophet Muhammad? once visited a Jewish boy when he fell ill, because some time before that boy had worked in the house of the Prophet? as a servant.

Allah's favorite? told his companions that the archangel Jibril repeated to him that it was necessary to be kind to his neighbors so many times that the Prophet? decided that he should include his neighbors in the number of heirs. Prophet Muhammad? said that whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be kind to his neighbors. Once, in a conversation with his companion Abu Zar on the topic of neighborly relations, he even said to him: “If you are making stew at home, add a little more water to treat the neighbors.” .

Prophet? eliminated the causes leading to the decomposition of society

Messenger of Allah? cleansed society of bad morals. He repeatedly said: "Avoid hatred for one another, do not envy one another and be brothers" (Riyad al-Salihin 1591/1; Sahih al-Bukhari 6065). Also he? said: “He who believes in Allah does not curse, does not swear in vain and does not speak foul language” (Riyad as-Salihin 1734/1; 1738/3). “Believers with good character will be closest to the Prophet ? on the Day of Judgment and will be most kind to the Messenger of Allah ? » .

The following verses from the Holy Quran directly indicate the inadmissibility of such an attitude to each other:

“O you who believe! Let some people not mock others, because it may be that they are better than them. And let some women not mock other women, because it may be that they are better than them. Do not offend yourself (each other) and do not call each other offensive nicknames. It is wicked to be called a wicked man after he has believed. And those who do not repent will turn out to be wrongdoers ”(the meaning of verse 11 of Sura 49).

Avoid assumptions, suspicions, do not spy on each other and do not backbite!

“O you who believe! Avoid many assumptions, for some assumptions are sinful. Do not follow each other and do not gossip behind each other's backs. Would any of you want to eat the meat of a dead brother if you feel disgusted by it? Fear Allah! Indeed, Allah is the Repentant, the Merciful.” (Sura 49:12)

“O you who believe! If a wicked person brings you news, then find out, so as not to strike innocent people out of ignorance, otherwise you will regret what you have done ”(meaning of verse 6 of Sura 49).

Trading, buying and selling must be based on the principles of morality and consistent with such values ​​as honesty, professionalism, transparency of relations and cooperation.

Lying or breaking a promise is hypocrisy

Messenger of Allah? said: “He who has four qualities is a complete hypocrite, and whoever has one of these qualities will have one hypocrite quality until he gets rid of it: 1. When he is trusted, he betrays trust. 2. When he speaks, he lies. 3. When he makes a contract, he breaks it. 4. When he argues, he is treacherous” .

Prophet? called for moderation and rational thinking

He called for a moderate lifestyle and rational thinking. It is reported that three men came to his house to ask him about how he performs the worship of Allah. Prophet? was not at home, and his wife spoke to them. From a conversation with her, they realized that the Messenger of Allah? did not worship as much as they expected from the Prophet? . In accordance with their understanding, they believed that a pious person should lead a life of celibacy. They also believed that in addition to the five daily prayers, every night should be spent praying and fasting daily.

When is Prophet Muhammad? found out about this, he was very upset by their idea and said that he himself spends part of the night in prayer, and devotes the rest to sleep, like other people. Apart from the annual fasting in the month of Ramadan, Prophet? I fasted on certain days throughout the year. He was married and did not like it when anyone led a celibate life. Messenger of Allah? said: “This is my Sunnah (my path pleasing to Allah). Whoever refuses to follow this path is not one of us." .

The right balance in meeting the needs of the body and soul

In some cases, the Prophet Muhammad? called for maintaining the right balance of spiritual and physical. Body and soul must be equally satisfied within the limits of permitted means.

Messenger of Allah? never resorted to violence as a means of bringing the word of Allah to people and did not impose religion on anyone. Although he? established an Islamic state in Medina, he never turned the small Muslim community in Mecca against his enemies. In fact, is he? urged his followers to respect the social order of the society in which they lived. Prophet Muhammad? taught believers that any deed in which gentleness and kindness is manifested will lead to a good end, and vice versa, rudeness and severity can ruin any deed.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah? whenever he had a choice in any matter or question, he preferred the easier one, provided that it was permissible.

Prophet Muhammad? respected other people's opinions. Whenever the Prophet? gave his companions instructions that could be understood in different ways, he approved of all the decisions they made (provided that this decision was within the framework of Islamic law).

When was Amr bin As criticized for leading the prayer without ablution, Messenger of Allah? listened to him and approved his decision. Amr explained that it was cold that night, and he was afraid to take a bath, believing that he might get sick.

Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he served the Prophet Muhammad? for ten years and the Prophet? never once asked him why you did this and why you did not do otherwise.

About shamelessness and permissiveness

3.1. If you're not ashamed, do whatever you want.

About unbelief

3.2. The Messenger of Allah said that if one person accuses another of lack of faith, then one of them is definitely an unbeliever. If the one to whom the accusation is addressed does not really believe in Allah, then the one who accuses him of unbelief speaks the truth. If the case is otherwise, then the accuser is himself guilty of unbelief.

About the worst of people

3.3. Once the Messenger of Allah said: - The worst person is the one from whose evil you need to be protected.

About debauchery

3.4. Showing concern for women, the Prophet Muhammad at the same time sharply condemned those of them who forgot about modesty and behaved provocatively.

Dressed up and flaunting their nakedness, swinging their hips as they walk and thereby seducing men, women will never enter Paradise, and they will not even be allowed to breathe in its fragrance! he warned. - Hypocrites and those who go half-dressed and swagger will never go to Paradise.

How sinful he considered such behavior of women is clear from the words he said:

The debauchery of one harlot is compared to the lechery of a thousand lechers. And the righteousness and piety of one woman is compared to the righteousness and piety of seventy righteous men.

About betrayal

3.5. The Prophet Muhammad said: - He who gives unrighteous advice to a Muslim brother who turns to him for help commits treason.

About hypocrisy and treachery

3.6. The Messenger of Allah warned the faithful that a hypocrite can pretend to be a good Muslim, regularly go to the mosque and pray, fast, but he can always be recognized by three things: first, he lies when he tells; secondly, he breaks his promises; thirdly, he betrays those who trust him.

3.7. The Messenger of Allah sought to eradicate lies, hypocrisy and treachery in people and warned that they would be punished for these sins, because when the day of Resurrection comes, a banner will be hoisted over every treacherous person, on which the history of his treachery will be inscribed, and people, seeing him, will avoid them with contempt.

3.8. It is a great treachery to say something to your brother in such a way that he believes you, when your words are lies.

3.9. One of the worst human qualities the prophet Muhammad considered duplicity.

A two-faced man, he said, approaches one with one face, and another with another.

About pride

3.10. Once, when the Muslims were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, a Bedouin in a trimmed robe approached them and stood right in front of the prophet.

Your prophet humiliated all horsemen or intends to humiliate all horsemen and exalt all shepherds, - he addressed those present.

The Prophet Mohammed grabbed the Bedouin by the folds of his robe and said:

Then one of the Muslims asked:

O Messenger of Allah, we know what polytheism is, but explain to us what pride is? Does it consist in the fact that one of us wears a dressing gown with a trim?

No, the prophet replied.

Is it that one of us has a good pair of sandals with two sturdy straps? - followed by a new question.

No, he replied.

Is it that one of us has an animal that he rides? they asked him again.

Is it that one of us has friends who go to visit him?

O Messenger of Allah, what then is pride? the Muslims asked him.

Pride is a denial of the truth and a manifestation of ingratitude towards people, - the Prophet Muhammad told them and immediately reminded: - O faithful, eat, drink, dress, but do not overdo it and do not rise in pride, give donations!

3.11. The Messenger of Allah said that pride is alien to the one who eats with his servant, goes to the market on a donkey, hobbles sheep and milks them.

3.12. Once an exceptionally handsome man approached the Prophet Muhammad and said:

I love beauty, and it was given to me to become beautiful, and I do not want anyone to surpass me in beauty. Is this not pride?

No, the prophet replied. - Pride is when a person despises the truth and is arrogant towards people.

About those from whom Allah turns away

3.13. The Messenger of Allah said: - If Allah has appointed a person to rule the Muslims, and he does not want to notice their needs and poverty, then Allah will turn away from his needs.

3.14. The Prophet Muhammad said that on the Day of Resurrection, Almighty Allah will not cleanse from sins and will not even look at those who have committed one of the three unforgivable sins in earthly life. When those who listened to him asked to tell about who exactly would suffer such a fate, the Messenger of Allah replied:

About lies and deceit

3.15. The Prophet Mohammed sharply condemned those who lie about what he dreamed, because dreams are sent down by Allah Almighty, the Ruler of the Worlds, through an angel, to whom He gives the command to show a person this or that dream. Therefore, one who talks about dreams that he did not dream at all, slanders Allah, thereby committing a terrible sin.

3.16. Teaching Muslims to be truthful, the Messenger of Allah said: - The greatest deceivers are those who call themselves the sons of people who are not their fathers, lie about dreams they allegedly had, and attribute words to me that I did not utter.

3.17. Beware of lies. Lies lead astray.

3.18. On another occasion, when it came to the sinfulness of deceit, the Messenger of Allah said:

O believers, remember that deceit is a sure path to discord, and honesty leads a person to goodness, while goodness leads him to Paradise.

3.19. The Messenger of Allah taught to beware of assumptions, calling them the most deceitful form of speech.

About prohibitions

3.20. By forbidding what is permitted by Almighty Allah, you are committing a sin.

3.21. The Prophet Muhammad taught not to complain about the times. It is not good for a Muslim to say: “What a bad time!”, because Allah is the time, and he sent down the day and night and could take them back.

3.22. The Prophet Muhammad banned the sling, as this weapon did more harm than good.

The sling is useless in hunting, as it is impossible to shoot game from it, and does not harm the enemy. She can only gouge out eyes and teeth.

About violators of the ban

3.23. The Prophet Muhammad forbade Muslims to beat their slaves, warning that for such an act they would answer to Almighty Allah and fall into the Fire.

3.24. The Messenger of Allah forbade Muslims to take the belongings of their comrades without asking, even as a joke.

If you have taken your comrade's staff, he said, you must return it.

3.25. The Prophet stopped the interest shown by Muslims in unworthy things. The unworthy paves the direct road to Hell, and the fate of those who follow it is clear without explanation. Therefore, the prophet said to the members of his ummah:

Do not ask about three things: about a person who separates from the community, rebels against the ruler and dies without stopping rebelling. Don't ask about him. And do not ask about the slave or the slave who fled from his master. And do not ask about a woman whose husband is away and who has everything in abundance, but shows her jewelry to strangers and allows herself liberties in behavior. Also do not ask about who argues with Allah regarding His cover. His veil is pride, and His mantle is His strength. Do not ask about the person who doubts the commands of Allah, and about the one who does not believe in the mercy of Allah.

3.26. The Messenger of Allah categorically forbade gambling. One day he learned that some people from his ummah play backgammon for fun. When he demanded an end to this lewdness, his voice sounded very stern.

One who gambles is like one who bathes in blood,” he said sharply. - Anyone who plays backgammon rebels against Allah and His Messenger.

About trade fraud

3.27. The Prophet Mohammed severely condemned fraud to increase the price, and also forbade the townspeople to act as dealers, which kept the prices in the bazaar from rising.

Do not meet caravans outside the city, and do not let the city dweller trade in Bedouin goods, he ordered.

3.28. The Messenger of Allah forbade the sale of unripe fruits, wool that has not yet been sheared from cattle, and milk that is still in the udder.

3.29. One day the Messenger of Allah was walking through the bazaar past grain merchants. Putting his hand inside a mound of grain, exhibited by one of the merchants as a sample of goods, the prophet felt that the grain was raw, while on the surface it was completely dry.

Having convicted the grain seller of fraud, the prophet Muhammad demanded an explanation.

O Messenger of Allah, - the merchant murmured, - my grain got caught in the rain, so it became damp.

But you tried to deceive customers by hiding it under a layer of dry grain! - said the prophet. “Know that the swindlers have nothing to do with me.

About vanity

3.30. He who mourns for the things of the world only moves away from Allah. In this life he will only find new difficulties, and in the next - only fatigue. Almighty Allah will instill in his heart eternal anxiety, concern, unrealizable hopes. Every day your life becomes shorter, so do not overshadow it with unnecessary longing.

About quarrels

3.31. In an effort to bring peace and tranquility to his ummah, the Prophet Muhammad taught that when two Muslims scold each other, the responsibility for everything they said falls on the one who spoke first, but this only happens if the one who is reviled does not goes beyond what is permitted.

And those who swear and slander each other, he called shaitans, accusing and rejecting each other.

The Prophet Muhammad himself never slandered anyone, and no one heard a single rude word from him. If he wanted to show that he condemned someone from his ummah, he would say:

And what got into him? May his brow be dusty!

3.32. Once the Prophet Muhammad asked the people gathered around him:

Do you know what libel is?

No, no, - they answered him, - the Messenger of Allah knows better about this.

And then the prophet said:

A slander is a transmission by one of what others have said, with the aim of sowing discord between them.

On another occasion, speaking of the perniciousness of quarrels between Muslims, he said:

Almighty Allah sent down to me that you should be humble and not build falsehoods on each other. And when one person accuses another of unrighteousness or accuses him of unbelief, this accusation will fall on him, if in fact his companion is not what he said.

About those who sow discord and confusion

3.33. The Prophet Muhammad, preaching peace and unity in the Muslim community, said:

If a person refused to obey the Muslim ruler, broke away from the Ummah and died, then his death is similar to death in times of ignorance.

3.34. The Messenger of Allah taught that Muslims should live in peace and under no circumstances take up arms against each other.

If anyone raises a weapon against us, he said, he is not one of our number. And if anyone decides to sow discord and confusion among you in order to destroy your unity, kill him.

About talkers and evil tongues

3.35. Condemning the talkers and gossipers, the prophet Muhammad said:

It is enough for a man that sin that he tells about everything he has heard.

Condemning verbosity, the Messenger of Allah once said:

The worst in my ummah are those who do not close their mouths.

3.36. Allah does not like the noisy and rude, as well as those who shout in the bazaars.

3.37. The Prophet Muhammad urged Muslims to watch what they say, and in no case revile each other with dirty words.

Dirty language, he said, is part of rudeness, and rudeness is the road to Fire.

About unreasonable praise

3.38. Once, in the presence of the prophet, someone began to praise one person and at the same time clearly exaggerated his dignity. The Prophet stopped him and sadly said:

Know that with your immoderate praise you have destroyed this man or broken his spine.

On Suspicion and the Tendency to Look for Faults

3.39. Knowing the tendency of people to look for faults in others, the prophet said:

Truly, people are like a hundred camels, among which a person cannot choose a single one suitable for riding.

3.40. The Messenger of Allah believed that one should not openly show one's suspicious attitude towards anyone, because if a person feels that he is being treated with suspicion, he will become worse than he was.

About inappropriate clothing

3.41. The Prophet Muhammad cursed men who wear women's clothes and women who wear men's clothes.

3.42. Once the Prophet Muhammad saw how one praying lowered the skirts of his clothes too low, and ordered him to leave and perform ablution. He unconditionally obeyed the Messenger of Allah, but when he returned back to the mosque and wanted to continue the prayer, the prophet again sent him to perform ablution.

The Muslims who were present asked the Messenger of Allah:

O Messenger of Allah, why did you send him to perform ablution again?

Because Almighty Allah does not accept the prayers of those who wear clothes dragging on the ground!

3.43. While preaching modesty in dress, the Prophet Muhammad considered cotton and wool suitable for men's clothing, but forbade them to flaunt in silks.

He who wore silk clothes in this world will not have a lot in the Next, he warned.

At the same time, there are cases when he made an exception for those who suffered from scabies and for whom clothes made of coarser fabrics caused even greater torment.

3.44. Once the Messenger of Allah took a piece of silk fabric in one hand and a piece of gold in the other. Showing them to the people gathered at his house, he repeated three times:

Indeed, both are forbidden for the men of my Ummah, but their women are allowed.

Therefore, he forbade Muslims to use dishes made of gold, wear silk clothes, and even sit on silk fabrics.

About bad attitude towards relatives

3.45. Abu Bakr, nicknamed as-Siddiq, which means "Truthful", was one of the first to believe that Allah would send down revelations to Muhammad, and became his faithful follower and devoted friend. Once he went to visit the prophet, and he asked him:

Shall I tell you, O Abu Bakr, which evil deeds are the worst?

O Muhammad, do me a favor, tell me about it, - Abu Bakr answered him.

And then the prophet said:

3.46. The Prophet Muhammad taught Muslims that they should definitely value and strengthen the bonds of kinship.

There is no such evil deed, which will more inevitably entail punishment both in this world and in the Next World, than neglecting family ties and breaking off relations with relatives, he said.

3.47. The Prophet Muhammad said: - If someone offends parents, his own or others, he commits one of the gravest sins.

How can they be offended? the people asked him. “Remember that by insulting a person, you, in turn, insult both his mother and father,” the Messenger of Allah answered them.

About bad neighbors

3.48. One of the Muslims complained to the prophet that he had an evil neighbor who offended him all the time.

Return home, collect your things and take them to the road, - the Messenger of Allah ordered him.

He did just that. When he brought his belongings to the road, people immediately crowded around him and began to ask:

What's happening? What happened?

I complained to the Prophet Muhammad that the neighbor constantly offends me, and he ordered me to return home, collect my things and carry them on the road, - explained the one who went for advice to the Messenger of Allah. - And now I did everything exactly as he told me.

Oh, what a bad neighbor you have! people sympathized with him. - May Almighty Allah deprive him of his mercy and punish him for what he has done!

And the evil neighbor, hearing a noise in the street and looking out of the house, was frightened when he realized that it was about him, ran up to the person whom he offended so often, and publicly asked his forgiveness, swearing in the name of Allah that from now on never again will not hurt him.

3.49. In his ummah, the Messenger of Allah outlawed theft, but he considered theft from loved ones to be especially shameful.

It is a much lesser sin to rob ten houses, he said, than to rob a neighbor's house.

About the curious

3.50. The Prophet Muhammad did not like not only eavesdroppers, but also peeps and said that one should not let into the house those who, without waiting for the permission of the owners, dared to look inside.

It is said that once a Bedouin came up to the house of the Messenger of Allah, saw that the door was not fully closed, and unceremoniously pressed his eye to the crack.

Feeling that an uninvited visitor was watching him, the prophet took an arrow and pretended that he intended to gouge out his eye. The Bedouin got scared and ran away. And the prophet muttered:

If you hadn't gotten out of here, I would have gouged out your eye.

3.51. On another occasion people heard the Messenger of Allah say:

If a person looks into your house, and you take a pebble and gouge out his eye, then this is not your fault, and he should blame himself.

About funny

3.52. “Laugh less,” said the Prophet Muhammad. - He who laughs a lot kills his heart.

About injustice and greed

3.53. In his sermons, the Messenger of Allah taught justice and non-acquisitiveness.

Fear injustice. Injustice will appear as darkness on the Day of Resurrection. In the last days of my community, there will be perversion of the truth, slander and tyranny, and this will be started by people who do injustice. Fear greed. Greed has destroyed many of those who lived before you and prompted them to shed one another's blood and make lawful what was forbidden to them.

3.54. The Messenger of Allah condemned the greedy and greedy people. “Beware of greed,” he told the Muslims. She killed many who lived before you. They shed each other's blood and broke family ties.

3.55. A vicious person is characterized by fraud and greed.

About lovers of luxury

3.56. Forbidding Muslims to use dishes made of gold and silver, the Messenger of Allah warned that those who violate this rule and eat or drink from precious vessels will have hellish flames raging in their stomachs.

3.57. Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad, on whose finger was a large golden ring with a signet. Seeing the ring, the prophet turned away from its owner. When that man saw his aversion to gold, he threw away the ring and instead wore an iron ring.

When he again came to the prophet Muhammad, he again looked disapprovingly at his new ring and said:

This one is even worse, because the people of Fire adorn themselves in this way. The man left, threw away the iron ring and put on a silver ring, and when he came to the Messenger of Allah again, he did not object to such jewelry.

About those who will be at a loss

3.58. Those whose clothes are dragging on the ground, the Messenger of Allah put on a par with those who provide good deeds, and then they reproach the beneficiaries for this, or with merchants who deliberately deceive buyers by praising bad goods.

All of them will fail, and they will be at a loss, - he said.

That earthly life determines fate in the Next World

3.59. Once the Messenger of Allah said: - When the Day of Judgment comes and Allah, by his grace, saves the true believers from the Fire, they will climb the bridge thrown between Paradise and Hell. And there they will be asked about the injustices that they did in earthly life. And only after they are purified and comprehend the truth, they will be allowed to enter Paradise. - After a short pause, so that the listeners were imbued with what they heard, he added: - In the name of the One who holds the soul of Muhammad in His hand, already in this life everyone could guess what awaits him in the Next World.

Volume 7

Hadith Nos. 3101-3200

3128 — (إن الله أمرني بحب أربعة ، وأخبرني أنه يحبهم ، قيل: سمهم لنا ، قال: علي منهم (يقول ذلك ثلاثاً) ، وأبو ذر ، والمقداد ، وسلمان ، أمرني بحبهم ، وأخبرني أنه يحبهم) . (ضعيف)

3128 — “Indeed, Allah commanded me to love four and informed me that He loves them.” (People) said: "Name them to us!" He said: "Ali from among them!" (repeating this three times), - Abu Dharr, al-Miqdad and Salman. He told me to love them and told me that He loves them."

Sheikh al-Albani in Silsila ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a (7/126) said: “Weak (hadith). He is brought by at-Tirmidhi (2/299), Ibn Majah (149), al-Hakim (3/130) and Ahmad (5/351 and 356) along the path of Shariyik, who reported from Abu Rabi'a, who transmitted from Ibn Buraida with words of his father, as ascendant to the prophet. This text belongs to at-Tirmidhi and he said: "The hadith is good and we know it only from the hadith of Shariyka."

He (Shariyk) is weak due to bad memory. Al-Hakim said: "A reliable hadeeth according to the conditions of Muslim." After these words of his, al-Dhahabi said: “I (az-Dhahabi) say:“ Muslim did not transmit the hadith from Rabi’a. Also, al-Dhahabi in al-Mizan mentioned that regarding Abu Rabi'a, Abu Hatim said: "His hadiths are rejected."

And this Shariyik - Ibn 'Abdullah al-Qadi - Muslim did not rely on him, but transmitted mutaba'ats from him, as al-Dhahabi himself said in al-Mizan, so where does the hadith have authenticity, and even that what is he good? See Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 7/126-127 (with minor modifications).

3137 — (إن الله يكره رفع الصوت بالعطاس والتثاؤب) .

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 7/133: موضوع

3137 — “Indeed, Allah does not like it when people sneeze or yawn loudly.”

Shaykh al-Albani in al-Silsila al-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (7/133) said: "Fictitious (hadith). He is quoted by Ibn al-Sunni in 'Amal al-yaum wa-l-leyla "(261) and ad-Daylami (1/2/254) from 'Uthman ibn 'Abdu-r-Rahman at-Taraifi, who transmitted from 'Ali ibn 'Urva, who transmitted from Ibn Abu Muleyka from the words of 'Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr as ascending to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say:

This (hadith) is fabricated. His fault is Ali ibn Urwa, who was accused of lying by Salih Jazar, and Ibn Hibban said: "He invented hadith."

3200 — (إن لله ملكاً موكلاً بمن يقول : يا أرحم الراحمين ! فمن قالها ثلاثاً قال الملك : إن أرحم الراحمين قد أقبل عليك فاسأل) .

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 7/182: ضعيف

3200 — Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Verily, Allah Almighty has an angel who is entrusted with watching over those who will pronounce the words “O Most Merciful of the Merciful! / Ya Arhama-r-rahimin! ”, And to the one who utters (these words) three times, this angel says:“ Verily, the Most Merciful of the merciful listens to you, ask! This hadeeth is quoted by al-Hakim 1/728.


Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth weak. In his isnad there is a transmitter named Fadala ibn Jubair about which Ibn ‘Adi in al-Kamil (1/325) said: “Fadala transmitted ten hadith from Abu Umama and they are all unreliable.” See as-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 3200 (7/182), Da'if al-jami' as-saghir 1957.

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

Volume 7

Hadith Nos. 3001-3100

3062 — (إنَّ اللهَ جعلَ الحقَّ على لسانِ عُمرَ وقلبِهِ، وهوَ الفاروقُ ، فرقَ بهِ بينَ الحقِ والباطلِ) .

قال الألباني في ” السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة ” 7/63: ضعيف

3062 — “Indeed, Allah has placed the truth on the tongue and heart of ‘Umar! He is the one who distinguishes between good and evil / al-Faruk /, and through him (Allah) separated the truth from falsehood!

Shaykh al-Albani in as-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (7/63) said:

“Weak (hadith). It is brought by Ibn Sa'd in at-Tabaqat (3/270): Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Azraq al-Makkiy told us, who said: 'Abdu-r-Rahman ibn Hasan told us from Ayyub ibn Musa, who said: "The Messenger of Allah said .." and he quoted this hadeeth.

I (al-Albani) say:

- This isnad is weak and (belongs to the category) mu'dal, for, apparently, Ayyub ibn Musa is Abu Musa al-Makkiy. But it is possible that this is Ayyub ibn Musa Abu Ka'b as-Sa'di al-Balqawi and both of them are reliable. However, they refer to the followers of the Tabi'in /atba'a at-tabi'in/, and therefore he (i.e. the hadith - approx. per.) is Mu'dal, and not as Al-Suyuti said about it in “ al-Ziyadah” (2/36). Then, 'Abdu-r-Rahman ibn Hasan, and he is al-Zajaj Abu Mas'ud al-Mausiliy, about whom Ibn Abu Hatim (2/2/227) said from the words of his father: “His hadiths are written down, but on it is not supported.”

However, the first part of this hadith is authentic and is given in al-Mishkat (6042). As for the second part of it, I did not find a confirming hadith / shaheed / for it that supports it, which is why I brought it (that is, this hadith - approx. per.) Here.

Abu Nu'aym narrated in "al-Hilya" (1/40) along the way Ishaqa ibn 'Abdullah from Aban ibn Salih, narrated from Mujahid, narrated from Ibn 'Abbas, who said: "I asked 'Umar, may he be pleased with him Allah: For what reason did you call yourself al-Farooq? He replied "…".

I (al-Albani) say: And he told the story of his adoption, may Allah be pleased with him, Islam and how he went out against the polytheists, declaring his Islam, and it contains his words: “And on that day the messenger Allah called me al-Farooq and through him distinguished truth from falsehood.

(The transmitter of this hadith) Ishaq ibn ‘Abdullah, and he is Ibn Abu Farwa is a matruk, very weak, from whose hadiths there is no benefit.

The word "mu'dal" is the passive participle of the verb "a'dala" (to tire). As a term, this word is used to denote a hadeeth in which the isnad omitted the names of two or more narrators in a row. See "Hadith Terminology" by Dr. Tahhan.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddith, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinAl-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

Volume 6

Hadith Nos. 2901-3000

2955 — (أنا مدينة العلم ، وعلي بابها ، فمن أراد العلم فليأته من بابه) .

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/519: موضوع

2955 — “I am the city of knowledge, and ‘Ali is its gate, and whoever wants to (gain) knowledge, let him come to him through the gate.”
Shaykh al-Albani in as-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/519) said:

- Invented (hadith). It was narrated by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in Tahdhib al-asar, al-Tabarani in Mu'jam al-Kabir (3/108/1), al-Hakim, 3/126, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in "Tarikh Baghdad" (11/48) and Ibn 'Asakir in "Tarikh Dimashk" (12/159/2) along the path of Salta 'Abdu-s-Salam ibn Salih al-Harawi: Abu Mu'awiya from al-A told us 'masha, who reported from Mujahid from the words of Ibn 'Abbas, as ascending to the prophet.

Ibn Jarir and al-Hakim said: "The Isnad is reliable." This was rejected by al-Dhahabi in his own words: “On the contrary, invented!” Then al-Hakim said: "Abu as-Salt is reliable, trustworthy." Following these words, al-Dhahabi said: “I say: No, I swear by Allah! Neither reliable nor trustworthy!" Also, he (al-Dhahabi) in his book “ad-Du’afa’ wal-matrukin” said: “He was accused of lying by more than one (scientist).” Abu Zur'a said: "He was not reliable." Ibn ‘Adi said: “Accused of lying!” Someone else said, "Rafidah." Hafiz (Ibn Hajar) in "at-Taqrib" said: "Truthful, he has rejected things, became a Shia, and showing excess, al-'Uqayli said:" Liar! 'ifa wal-maudu'a' (6/519-530).

Sheikh, imam, muhaddith, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinAl-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

"A series of weak and fabricated hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community".

Volume 6

Hadith Nos. 2801-2900

2865 — (اقرؤوا القرآن فإن الله لا يعذب قلبا وعى القرآن) .

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/395: ضعيف جدا

Oses تمام في "الفوائ" (266/2) ، وا# واكship (267/1) عimes inct lf lf: حووريز lfز lfز عثماware وging lf وور عimes أimes inct.

قلت : وهذا إسناد واه جدا ، مسلمة بن علي — وهو الخشني — متروك ؛ كما في » التقريب » .

2865 — “Read the Quran, because Allah Almighty will not punish the heart that keeps the Quran in itself.” See "Da'if al-jami' as-saghir" 1068.

Shaykh al-Albani in "Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a" (6/395) said:

- Very weak (hadith). It was narrated by Tamam in al-Fawaid (2/266) and Ibn 'Asakir (1/267) from Maslyama ibn 'Ali: Hariz ibn 'Usman told us from Sulaym ibn 'Amir, who transmitted from Abu Umama, as ascending to the prophet .

I (al-Albani) say:

This isnad is very weak. Maslyama ibn ‘Ali, and he is al-Khushani - matruk, as it is said in at-Taqrib.

2896 — (إن أمتي لن تجتمع على ضلالة ، فإذا رأيتم الاختلاف فعليكم بالسواد الأعظم) .

قال الألباني في ” السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة ” 6/435: ضعيف

2896 — « Verily, my community will not unite on error, and if you see differences, then stick to the Great Congregation/ savadul-a'zam / ”».

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth very weak except for the first part of it, which is authentic. See Da'if Ibn Majah 788.

Shaykh al-Albani in "Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a" (6/435) said:

- Weak (hadith). It is reported by Ibn Majah (3950), Ibn Abu 'Asim in al-Sunnah (84), 'Abd ibn Humaid in al-Muntahab minal-musnad (2/133) and al-Lalaqai in 'Usul Ahlu-s -Sunna” (1/105/653) from Mu'an ibn Rifa'a as-Sulami, narrated from Abu Khalaf al-A'ma, narrated from the words of Anas, as ascending to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say: This isnad is very weak. About Abu Khalaf al-A'ma hafiz (Ibn Hajar) said: “Matruk! And Ibn Ma'in accused him of lying." Ad-Darakutni in al-Afrad said: "He was the only one who transmitted this hadeeth." (Another narrator) Mu'an ibn Rifa'a is weak in hadith. Abu Nu'aym narrated (this hadeeth) in Akhbaru Asbahan (2/208) along the path of Bakiyy ibn al-Walid narrated from 'Utba ibn Abu Hakim narrated from Arta ibn al-Mundhir narrated from Abu 'Awn al- Ansari, who reported from the words of Samura ibn Jundub, as an ascending hadith to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say: This isnad is weak and has some faults:

The first is the gap between Abu 'Aun al-Ansari and Samura ibn Jundub, for, truly, from this Abu 'Aun there is no mention of any riwayah from the companions, but on the contrary, Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said: “He transmitted from 'Uthman sent hadiths.

The second is the uncertainty of the position of this Abu 'Aun, because no one called him reliable, except for Ibn Hibban, and the hafiz (Ibn Hajar) in “at-Taqrib” said: “Acceptable / maqbul /”, that is, in the case when his hadiths are confirmed by other reliable transmitters, otherwise his hadeeth is considered weak.

The third is the weakness of ‘Utba ibn Abu Hakim. Hafiz (Ibn Hajar) said: "Truthful, many mistakes."

The fourth is ‘an ‘an Bakiyi, for he was a mudallis.”

"Savadul-a'zam" - The Great Community. Ishaq ibn Rakhawayh said: “If you ask the Jahils (ignorant people) about the Great Community (sawadul-a'zam), they will say: “This is a jama'a of people (i.e. a community, a gathering of ordinary people)” But they do not know that the jama'a is an 'alim (scholar) who follows the path of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and those who are with him are in the jama'a, and the one who opposes him, he left jama'a." See Hiljatul-aulia 9/239.
Imam ash-Shatibi said: “Scientists are the Great Community (sawadul-a’zam), despite their small number.” See al-I'tisam 2/776.
Imam al-Shatibi also said: “Those who believe that al-jama'a is just a community of people, despite the fact that there is no scientist among them, they are mistaken, and this is the understanding of fools, not scientists! » See al-I'tisam 2/267.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Indeed, and ijma' and huja (argument) and sawadul-a'zam (Great community) is 'alim following the truth, even if he is alone, and even if all the inhabitants of the earth contradict him !" See I'lamul-muwakqi'in 3/397.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddith, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinAl-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

"A series of weak and fabricated hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community".

Volume 6

Hadith Nos. 2701-2800

2773 — (اسم الله الأعظم في ست آيات في آخر سورة الحشر) .

قال الألبانى في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/291: ضعيف

2773 — "The greatest name of Allah is contained in the last six verses of Surah al-Hashr."

Shaykh al-Albani in As-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-Maudu'a (6/291) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was transmitted by al-Wahidi in his tafsir (4/138/2) and ad-Daylami (1/1/173) from Yahya ibn Sa'laba ... from Ibn ‘Abbas, as ascending to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say:

- Yahya ibn Sa'lab called ad-Darakutni weak.

See also Da'if al-jami' as-saghir 853.

2800 — (اطلعت في الجنة فرأيت أكثر أهلها الفقراء ، واطلعت في النار فرأيت أكثر أهلها الأغنياء والنساء) .

قال الألبانى في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة 6/315: ضعيف

2800 — “I looked into heaven and saw that most of its inhabitants are poor, and I looked into hell and saw that most of its inhabitants are rich and women” ».

Shaykh al-Albani in As-Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-Maudu'a (6/315) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was narrated by Ahmad and his son 'Abdullah in Zawaid al-Musnad (2/173) and both along the path of Shariyk from Ibn Ishaq, who narrated from Saib ibn Malik, who narrated that 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr said: "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcome him, said ... ", and he quoted this hadith.

I (al-Albani) say:

- This isnad is weak because of Shariyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhe is Ibn ‘Abdullah al-Qaday, who had a bad memory. Abu Ishaq is al-Sabi'iy, who was confused in the hadiths, mudallis and transmitted it in the form of 'an 'an. Al-Munziri (4/85) recognized his isnad as good and made a mistake in this.

Yes, the hadeeth is reliable, but without the words "rich", since it is confirmed without this addition from a group of companions, including 'Imran ibn Husayn at al-Bukhari (9/245), Ahmad (4/429, 443), at -Tirmidhi (3/349 - Tuhfa), who said: "A good authentic hadith" .... See as-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/315-316) for details.


Shu'ayb al-Arnaut, in the notes to Imam Ahmad's Musnad, said: "A reliable hadith without the word" rich ", since it is not transmitted in the hadiths that testify in favor of this and reinforce it."

The same hadith without the word "rich" was narrated by Ahmad 1/234, 359, Muslim 2737 and at-Tirmidhi 2602 from the words of Ibn ‘Abbas. Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth authentic. See Sahih al-Jami' as-Saghir 1030.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddith, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinAl-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

"A series of weak and fabricated hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community".

Volume 6

Hadith Nos. 2601-2700

2601 — (إذا راح منا سبعون رجلا إلى الجمعة ، كانوا كسبعين موسى الذين وفدوا إلى ربهم ؛ أو أفضل) .

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/109: موضوع

2601 — “If seventy (persons) from our number go to Friday prayer, then they will be similar or better than those seventy (followers) of Musa who went with a delegation to their Lord.”

Shaykh al-Albani in As-Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-Maudu'a (6/109) said:

- Invented (hadith). Al-Tabarani brings him to al-Awsat (1/51) from Ahmad ibn Bakr al-Balisi: Khalid ibn Yazid al-Qasri told us from Wail ibn Daud, who narrated from al-Hasan, who narrated from Anas, who said “ The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: ... "and he quoted this hadith. Then he (at-Tabarani) said: "No one transmits it from Wail except Ahmad and the only one who transmitted it was Ahmad."

I (al-Albani) say:

- Al-Azdi said: "He invented hadith." For this reason, al-Haythami called him weak in al-Majma' (2/176).

(The transmitter) al-Qasri is weak, and al-Hasan - he is al-Basri - is mudallis, and he transmitted it in the form "'an'an".

2631 - (إذا طail.Ruule feature أυace فلbed فلbed وnsive وuth ولlebated ول#__ ولbed ughterرbed وail.Ru ذail.Ru ذicles ذail.Ru ذimes ذail.Ru ذimes ذail.Ru ذimes #Pughter).

قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/137: موضوع

Oses الروي draft في في مimesد et ”(25/141/2) ، وال duult (3125): خail.Ruا أو الخطاو: خlf ا مر ور imes محمد: خlf أlf عimes جmp inct ← Does.. وروا shass الطlf في في "الصغير" (ص 229 - Šield) و "الأو bud" (9222) ، والشجmp في فالأمالي "(1/129) مèmpق خرى و eyew енин imes.

قلت : وهذا سند ضعيف جدا ؛ وفيه علتان :

الأولى : محمد هذا — وهو ابن عبيد الله بن أبي رافع — وهو ضعيف جدا .

الثانية : ابنه معمر ؛ وهو أيضا ضعيف جدا ، قال البخاري : » منكر الحديث » .

2631 — The freedman of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Abu Rafi' (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If any of you have a ringing in the ear, let him remember me, invoke a blessing on me and say:“ May Allah remember with good the one who remembered me ”” . This hadith is reported by al-Ruvyani in his Musnad (25/141/2) al-Bazzar (3125), at-Tabarani in as-Saghir (p. 229 - Indian edition) and in al-Awsat ( 9222), ash-Shajari in al-Amali 1/129), Ibn al-Sunni in 'Amal al-yaum wa-l-layla 166.

Sheikh al-Albani called the Isnad very weak, and the Hadith - invented. There are two shortcomings in his isnad. The first is Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaydullah ibn Abu Rafi’, who is a very weak transmitter. The second is his son Ma'mar, who is also a very weak weak. Al-Bukhari said about him: "His hadiths are rejected." Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Manar (p. 25) said: “All the hadiths about ringing in the ears are lies!” See Silsila ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 6/137, Da'if al-jami' as-saghir 586, al-Kalim at-tayyib 235.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddith, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinAl-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

“Silsilyatul-ahadith ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a wa asaruha as-sayyi fil-Umma”

"A series of weak and fabricated hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community".

Volume 6

Hadith Nos. 2501-2600

2501 — (إذا توضأت وأنا جنب أكلت وشربت ، ولا أصلي ولا أقرأ حتى أغتسل) .


قال الألباني في » السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة » 6/7: ضعيف

2501 — “If I performed ablution while in sexual defilement, I ate and drank, but I do not pray and do not read (the Qur'an) until I bathe.”

Shaykh al-Albani "as-Silsila ad-da'ifa wa-l-maudu'a" (6/7) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was narrated by Abu 'Ubayd in Fadail al-Qur'an (2/45), ad-Darakutni (437) and al-Bayhaqi (1/89) from Ibn Lahi'a narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Sulayman narrated from Sa' lyaba ibn Abul-Qanud, who narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Malik al-Ghafiqi that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say to 'Umar ibn al-Khattab ... and he brought this hadith. Al-Bayhaqi said: “It was also narrated by al-Waqidi from ‘Abdullah ibn Sulayman in this way.”

I (al-Albani) say:

This isnad is weak. ‘Abdullah ibn Suleiman - it is obvious that this is Abu Hamza al-Misri, who was not called reliable by anyone except Ibn Hibban (2/156). Al-Bazzar said: "He told hadiths that are not supported by reliable transmitters." And Ibn Hibban (1/8) also called Sa'laba ibn Abul-Kanuda reliable, and Ibn Abu Hatim (1/1/463) also cited his biography, but did not say anything about his challenge or acceptability. This is the fault of this hadeeth.

As for Shamsul-Haqqa al-Abadi, he called him weak words: "I say: Ibn Lahi'a is weak, and al-Waqidi is matruk."

And he (by this) did nothing, because even if Ibn Lahi’i had a bad memory, then his hadiths are reliable when one of ‘Abdullah narrates from him, and this is so in this case. And from among the transmitters from him is ‘Abdullah ibn Wahb y al-Bayhaqi, and therefore the charge is removed from him, and al-Waqidi was not the only one who transmitted it, as was said earlier.

Abu 'Ubayd narrated from 'Umar that he disapproved of reading anything from the Qur'an in a state of sexual defilement. His isnaad is authentic!

On the way, ‘Amir ibn as-Samta reported that Abul-Gharif said: “They asked ‘Ali: “Can one read (the Koran) who is in a state of sexual defilement / junub /?” And he answered: “No! And even one letter!” There is weakness in this isnad because of Abul-Gharif. See Da'if Abi Dawud (32).

There is sufficiency in the message from ‘Umar and we see that he condemned the recitation of the Quran by those who are in a state of sexual defilement. This supports the denunciation by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) of answering salam without wudoo', which is no secret to anyone. As for the prohibition of reading the Qur'an (junub), then there is no argument for this.

  1. Prophet Muhammad is the most beautiful person in the history of mankind. Sahaba said that he is so beautiful that when you look at him, it seems that you see the sunrise.
  2. The Prophet Muhammad was of medium height, broad-shouldered, he had light but not too white skin, beautiful black eyes, long eyelashes, beautiful wavy shoulder-length dark hair, his skin was softer than silk, and a pleasant smell always emanated from him.
  3. The Prophet Muhammad walked with a quick and confident step, and it seemed as if the earth itself was moving towards him.
  4. Prophet Muhammad was very intelligent and always gave strong evidence.
  5. The Prophet Muhammad was silent more often than he spoke, and spoke only when necessary and only what was beneficial, and in his silence greatness, seriousness and dignity were manifested.
  6. Prophet Muhammad was eloquent. He spoke clearly, understandably and accessible, without unnecessary words, singled out each word and repeated it three times. When he spoke, everything around was silent. His words penetrated into the very heart and reached the depths of the soul.
  7. The Prophet Muhammad constantly repeated dhikr - he did not even get up and did not sit down without mentioning the Creator.
  8. Prophet Muhammad always spoke only the truth and never deceived, even in jest.
  9. Prophet Muhammad was the most generous. When asked for something, he never refused.
  10. The Prophet Muhammad told his friends: "Be like travelers in this world." And he himself had few things. Allah Almighty gave him the keys to all earthly riches, but he refused them and chose eternal life.
  11. The Prophet Muhammad was calm and balanced, did not get angry because of worldly matters, did not get angry when he was offended personally, but was filled with righteous anger when someone violated the commands of God, and did not calm down until justice was done.
  12. The Prophet Muhammad was generous - he loved to forgive and never took revenge. He not only forgave, but did good in return and always accepted excuses.
  13. The Prophet Muhammad did not quarrel with anyone, did not argue and was silent in response to what was unpleasant for him.
  14. The Prophet Muhammad did not look for faults in anyone and did not speak badly of the believers.
  15. The Prophet Muhammad was gentle and pleasant in communication, did not be rude or shout, even in difficult moments for him. He made remarks tactfully so as not to offend a person. His servant said: “I served the Prophet for 10 years and never once heard from him even “wow!”, And not once did he reproach me for doing something wrong.”
  16. The Prophet Muhammad did not speak praises that were not true.
  17. The Prophet Muhammad did not look the other way when he spoke to someone and listened attentively even to the last of the speakers as if he had spoken first.
  18. The Prophet Muhammad always behaved with dignity, was serious and rarely laughed, and his laughter was a smile.
  19. Prophet Muhammad is the greatest and at the same time the most humble of all people. He did not want people to rise from their seats when he appeared, did not overtake those who walked next to him, and was embarrassed when he found himself in an awkward situation.
  20. The Prophet Muhammad did not divide people into poor and rich, near and far, strong and weak - he treated everyone fairly, did not deprive or humiliate anyone.
  21. The Prophet Muhammad treated the needy with love, accompanied them on their last journey. He was interested in the affairs of ordinary people, helped them, visited the sick and spent a lot of time in the company of the poor, beggars and servants.
  22. The Prophet Muhammad dressed simply and neatly, did not like ostentatious luxury.
  23. The Prophet Muhammad was ascetic, sleeping on a hard wicker rug, and even traces of this hard bedding remained on his body.
  24. The Prophet Muhammad was adamant when it came to Shari'ah.
  25. The Prophet Muhammad often visited relatives and friends, loved them and joked with them.
  26. The Prophet Muhammad did not avoid simple work and often did it himself: he mended shoes, mended clothes, and also helped his wives around the house.
  27. Prophet Muhammad was the most courageous and brave.
  28. Prophet Muhammad was the most patient and endured hardships the most. He said: "Whatever trouble you met, it was stronger for me."
  29. The Prophet Muhammad often went hungry and from hunger even tied a stone to his stomach. Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet left this world without being satisfied even with barley bread. The Prophet Muhammad never criticized food - if he did not like it, then he did not eat it. From food he liked pumpkin, and he also liked sweets and ate honey.
  30. Prophet Muhammad was the most reliable person. He could always be trusted in everything. Even the pagans who were at enmity with him gave him their valuables for safekeeping.
  31. The Prophet Muhammad liked to start everything on the right side: when he washed, dressed, combed his hair. He lay down to sleep on his right side, heading towards the Kaaba with his chest.
  32. The Prophet Muhammad was attentive to people, at meetings he asked about those who were absent and loved his companions.
  33. Prophet Muhammad loved Allah the Most High most of all, carried out His Commands best of all and fully fulfilled his mission on earth.

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What will be Shafaat on the Day of Judgment is true. Shafaat is done by: Prophets, God-fearing scholars, martyrs, Angels. Our Prophet Muhammad is endowed with the right of a special great Shafaat. Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic will ask for forgiveness of those who have committed great sins from his community. It was narrated in a true hadith: "My Shafaat is for those who committed great sins from my community." Narrated by Ibn Kh Ibban. For those who have not committed major sins, Shafaat will not be needed. For some, they make Shafaat before entering hell, for others after entering it. Shafaat is done only for Muslims.

Shafaat of the Prophet will be done not only for those Muslims who lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and after that, but those who were from previous communities [communities of other Prophets].

It is said in Qur'an (Sura Al-Anbiya', Ayat 28) meaning: "They do not make Shafaat, except for those for whom Shafaat has approved Allah." Our Prophet Muhammad is the first to make Shafaat.

The story that we have already cited earlier is known, but it is worth mentioning it again. The ruler Abu Ja'far said: "O Abu 'Abdullah! When reading the dua, should I turn towards Qibla or stand facing the Messenger of Allah? To which Imam Malik replied: “Why do you turn your face away from the Prophet? After all, he will do Shafaat in favor of you on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, turn your face to the Prophet, ask him for Shafaat, and Allah will grant you the Shafaat of the Prophet! It is said in the Holy Kur`an (Sura An-Nisa, Ayat 64) meaning: “And if they, having acted unjustly towards themselves, would come to you and ask for forgiveness from Allah, and the Messenger of Allah asked for forgiveness for them then they would have received the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, because Allah is Accepting the repentance of Muslims, and Merciful to them.

All this is an important proof that visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, asking him for Shafaat is permissible, according to scientists, and most importantly, the Prophet Muhammad himself in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Indeed, on the Day of Judgment, when the sun will be close to the heads of some people, and they will drown in their own sweat, then they will begin to say to each other: “Let's go to our forefather Adam so that he performs Shafaat for us.” After that, they will come to Adam and say to him: “O Adam, you are the father of all people; Allah created you, giving you an honorable soul, and ordered the Angels to prostrate to you [as a greeting], make Shafaat for us before your Lord. To this, Adam will say: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Nuh (Noah)!”. After that, they will come to Nuh and will ask him, he will answer in the same way as Adam and send them to Ibrahim (Abraham). After that, they will come to Ibrahim and ask him for Shafaat, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Musa (Moses)." After that, they will come to Musa and ask him, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafa’at was given, go to ‘Isa! After that, they will come to ‘Isa (Jesus) and will ask him. He will answer them: "I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted, go to Muhammad." After that, they will come to the Prophet Muhammad and ask him. Then the Prophet will bow down to the ground, he will not raise his head until he hears the answer. He will be told: “O Muhammad, raise your head! Ask, and it will be given to you, do Shafaat, and your Shafaat will be accepted! He will raise his head and say: “My community, O my Lord! My community, O my Lord!

The Prophet Muhammad said: "I am the most important of the people on the Day of Judgment, and the very first to come out of the grave on the Day of Resurrection, and the very first to make Shafaat, and the very first whose Shafaat will be accepted."

The Prophet Muhammad also said: “I was given a choice between Shafaat and the opportunity for half of my community to enter Paradise without torment. I chose Shafaat because it is more beneficial for my community. You think that my Shafaat is for the God-fearing, but no, it is for the great sinners of my community.”

Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Each Prophet was given the opportunity to ask Allah for a special dua, which will be accepted. Each of them did this in their lifetime, and I left this opportunity for the Day of Judgment to make Shafaat for my community on That Day. This Shafaat, by the Will of Allah, will be granted to those from my community who did not commit shirk.

After moving from Mecca to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad performed the Hajj only once, and that was in the 10th year of the Hijri, shortly before his death. During the Pilgrimage, he spoke to the people several times and gave the believers a parting word. These instructions are known as the Prophet's Farewell Sermon. He delivered one of these sermons on the day of 'Arafat - in the year (9th Dhul-Hijj) in the valley of 'Uranah (1) next to 'Arafat, and the other - the next day, that is, on the day of the Eid al-Adha. These sermons were heard by many believers, and they recounted the words of the Prophet to others - and so these instructions were passed down from generation to generation.

One of the stories says that at the beginning of his sermon, the Prophet addressed the people in this way: “O people, listen to me carefully, for I do not know if I will be among you next year. Listen to what I have to say, and pass on my words to those who were unable to attend today.”

There are many transmissions of this sermon of the Prophet. Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah expounded the story of the last Hajj of the Prophet and his farewell sermon better than all other companions. His story begins from the moment when the Prophet set off from Medina, and it describes in detail everything that happened until the completion of the Hajj.

Imam Muslim narrated in his collection of hadiths "Sahih" (the book "Hajj", the chapter "The Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad") from Ja'far ibn Muhammad that his father said: "We came to Jabir ibn 'Abdullah, and he began to get acquainted with everyone and when it was my turn, I said, "I am Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Hussain."< … >He said, "Welcome, oh my nephew! Ask what you want."< … >Then I asked him: "Tell me about the Hajj of the Messenger of Allah." Showing nine fingers, he said: “Indeed, the Messenger of Allah did not do Hajj for nine years. In the 10th year, it was announced that the Messenger of Allah was going to Hajj. And then many people came to Medina who wanted to perform the Hajj with the Prophet in order to take an example from him.

Further, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah said that, having gone to Hajj and arriving in the vicinity of Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad immediately went to the Arafat valley, passing through the area of ​​Muzdalifa without stopping. There he remained until sunset, and then he rode on a camel to the valley of ‘Uranah. There, on the day of Arafat, the Prophet turned to the people, and [praising Allah Almighty] said:

“Oh people! Just as you consider this month, this day, this city sacred, your life, your property and dignity are just as sacred and inviolable. Truly, everyone will answer to the Lord for their deeds.

The times of ignorance are over, and his unworthy practices are abolished, including blood feuds and usury.<…>

Be God-fearing and kind in dealing with women (2). Do not offend them, remembering that you took them as wives with the permission of Allah as a value entrusted for a while. You have rights with them, but they also have rights with you. They should not let into the house those who are unpleasant to you and whom you do not want to see. Lead them wisely. You are obliged to feed and dress them in the manner prescribed by the Shari'ah.

I left you a clear guide, following which you will never go astray from the True Path - this is the Heavenly Scripture (Quran). And [when] you are asked about me, what will you answer?”

Companions said: “We testify that you brought this message to us, fulfilled your mission and gave us sincere, good advice.”

The Prophet raised his index finger up (3), and then pointed to the people with the words:

“May Allah be a witness!” This is the end of the hadith narrated in the collection of Imam Muslim.

In other transmissions of the Farewell Sermon, such words of the Prophet are also given;

“Everyone is responsible only for himself, and the father will not be punished for the sins of the son, and the son for the sins of the father.”

“Indeed, Muslims are brothers to one another, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to take what belongs to his brother except with his permission.”

“Oh people! Verily, your Lord is the One and Only Creator without partners. And you have one forefather - Adam. There is no advantage for an Arab over a non-Arab, or for a dark-skinned one over a light-skinned one, except in the degree of piety. For Allah, the best of you is the most pious.”

At the end of the sermon, the Prophet said:

"Let those who have heard convey my words to those who were not here, and perhaps some of them will understand better than some of you."

This sermon left a deep imprint in the hearts of people who listened to the Prophet s. And, despite the fact that many hundreds of years have passed since that time, it still excites the hearts of believers.


1 - scholars other than Imam Malik said that this valley is not included in Arafat

2 - The Prophet urged to observe the rights of women, to be kind to them, to live with them in the way that is commanded and approved by Sharia

3 - this gesture did not mean that Allah is in Heaven, since God exists without a place

The miracles of many Prophets are known, but the most amazing were those of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty gave the Prophets special miracles. The miracle of the Prophet (mujiza) is an extraordinary and amazing phenomenon bestowed on the Prophet in confirmation of his veracity, and this miracle cannot be countered by anything like it.

Holy Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن- this is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, which lasts to this day. Everything in the Holy Quran is true, from the first to the last letter. It will never be distorted and will remain until the End of the World. And this is stated in the Qur'an itself (Sura 41 "Fussilyat", verses 41-42), meaning: "Verily, this Holy Scripture is a great Book, preserved by the Creator [from errors and delusions], and from no direction will a lie penetrate into her."

The Qur'an describes events that took place long before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as those that will take place in the future. Much of what has been described has already happened or is happening now, and we ourselves are eyewitnesses of this.

The Qur'an was sent down at a time when the Arabs had a deep knowledge of literature and poetry. When they heard the text of the Qur'an, in spite of all their eloquence and excellent knowledge of the language, they could not oppose anything to the Heavenly Scripture.

0 the unsurpassed beauty and perfection of the text of the Qur'an is said in verse 88 of sura 17 "Al-Isra", meaning: "Even if people and jinn united to compose something like the Holy Quran, it would not succeed for them, even if they helped each other friend."

One of the most amazing miracles that prove the highest degree of the Prophet Muhammad is Isra and Miraj.

Isra is a wonderful night journey of the Prophet Muhammad # from the city of Mecca to the city of Quds (1) together with the archangel Jibril on an unusual riding animal from Paradise - Burak. During Isra, the Prophet saw many amazing things and performed Namaz in special places. In Quds, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, all the previous Prophets were gathered to meet with the Prophet Muhammad. All together they performed a collective Namaz, in which the Prophet Muhammad was the imam. And after that, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven and beyond. During this ascent (Miraj) the Prophet Muhammad saw angels, Paradise, Arsh and other grandiose creations of Allah (2).

The Prophet's miraculous journey to Quds, Ascension to Heaven and return to Mecca took less than a third of the night!

Another extraordinary miracle bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad - when the moon split into two halves. This miracle is mentioned in the Holy Quran (Sura Al-Kamar, verse 1), meaning: “One of the signs of the approach of the End of the World is that the moon has split.”

This miracle happened when one day the pagan Quraysh demanded proof from the Prophet that he was truthful. It was the middle of the month (the 14th), that is, the night of the full moon. And then an amazing miracle happened - the disk of the moon was divided into two parts: one was above Mount Abu Qubais, and the second was below. When people saw this, the believers were even more strengthened in their faith, and the unbelievers began to accuse the Prophet of witchcraft. They sent messengers to distant territories to find out if they had seen the moon split apart there. But when they returned, the messengers confirmed that people had seen this in other places. Some historians write that in China there is an ancient building on which is written: "Built in the year of the split of the moon."

Another amazing miracle of the Prophet Muhammad was when, in the presence of a huge number of witnesses, water spouted between the fingers of the Messenger of Allah.

This was not the case with other prophets. And although Musa was given a miracle that water appeared from a rock when he hit it with his staff, but when water flows out of the hand of a living person, it is even more amazing!

Imams al-Bukhariy and Muslim narrated the following hadith from Jabir: “On the day of Hudaybiya, people were thirsty. The Prophet Muhammad had a vessel with water in his hands, with which he wanted to do ablution. When the people approached him, the Prophet asked, "What happened?" They replied: “O Messenger of Allah! We have no water for drinking or for washing, except for what you have in your hands.” Then the Prophet Muhammad put his hand into the vessel - and [then everyone saw how] water began to spout from the gaps between his fingers. We quenched our thirst and performed ablution. Some asked: "How many were you?" Jabir replied: "If there were one hundred thousand of us, then it would be enough for us, and we were one thousand five hundred people."

Animals spoke to the Prophet Muhammad, for example, one camel complained to the Messenger of Allah that the owner treats him badly. But it is even more surprising when inanimate objects spoke or showed feelings in the presence of the Prophet. For example, the food in the hands of the Messenger of Allah recited the dhikr “Subhanallah”, and the withered palm tree, which served as a support for the Prophet during the sermon, groaned from separation from the Messenger of Allah when he began to read the sermon from the minbar. It happened during the Jumuah and many people witnessed this miracle. Then the Prophet Muhammad came down from the minbar, went to the palm tree and hugged it, and the palm tree sobbed like a small child who is calmed by adults until it stopped making sounds.

Another amazing incident happened in the desert when the Prophet met an idol worshiping Arab and called him to Islam. That Arab asked to prove the truth of the words of the Prophet, and then the Messenger of Allah called to him a tree located on the edge of the desert, and it, obeying the Prophet, went to him, furrowing the earth with its roots. As the tree approached, it recited the Islamic testimonies three times. Then this Arab accepted Islam.

The Messenger of Allah could cure a person with just a touch of his hand. One day, a companion of the Prophet named Qatada fell out of his eye, and people wanted to remove it. But when they brought Qatada to the Messenger of Allah, with his blessed hand, he put the fallen eye back into the eye socket, and the eye took root, and vision was completely restored. Qatada himself said that the fallen eye took root so well that now he does not remember which eye he had damaged.

And there is also a case when a blind man asked the Prophet to restore his sight. The Prophet advised him to endure, because there is a reward for patience. But the blind man replied: “O Messenger of Allah! I don’t have a guide, and it’s very hard without sight.” Then the Prophet ordered him to do ablution and perform Namaz of two rak'ahs, and then read this dua: “O Allah! I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad - the Prophet of Mercy! O Muhammad! I turn to Allah through you so that my request is accepted. The blind man did as the Prophet commanded and received his sight. Companion of the Messenger of Allah? named Uthman Ibn Hunayf, who witnessed this, said: “By Allah! We have not yet parted with the Prophet, and it was not long before that man returned sighted.

Thanks to the barakah of the Prophet Muhammad, a small amount of food was enough to feed many people.

Once Abu Hurayra came to the Prophet Muhammad and brought 21 dates. Turning to the Prophet, he said: “O Messenger of Allah! Make a dua for me so that there is barakat in these dates. The Prophet Muhammad took each date and read "Basmalah" (4), then ordered to call one group of people. They came, ate their fill of dates, and left. The Prophet then called for the next group and then another. Every time people came, ate dates, but they did not end. After that, the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Hurayrah ate these dates, but the dates still remained. Then the Prophet Muhammad collected them, put them in a leather bag and said: “O Abu Hurairah! If you want to eat, put your hand in the bag and take out a date.

Imam Abu Hurairah said that he ate dates from this pouch during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad and also during the reign of Abu Bakr and also Umar and also Uthman. And all this is because of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Hurayrah also told how once a jug of milk was brought to the Prophet, and it was enough to feed more than 200 people.

Other famous miracles of the Messenger of Allah:

— On the day of Khandaq, the companions of the Prophet were digging a ditch and stopped when they stumbled upon a huge stone that they could not break. Then the Prophet came, took a pick in his hands, said “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim” three times, struck this stone, and it crumbled like sand.

“Once a man from the area of ​​Yamama came to the Prophet Muhammad with a newborn child wrapped in a cloth. The Prophet Muhammad turned to the newborn and asked: "Who am I?" Then, by the Will of Allah, the baby said: "You are the Messenger of Allah." The Prophet said to the child: “May Allah bless you!” And this child began to be called Mubarak (5) Al-Yamama.

- One Muslim had a God-fearing brother who kept Fasting Sunnah even on the hottest days and performed Sunnah Namaz even on the coldest nights. When he died, his brother sat at his head and asked Allah for mercy and forgiveness for him. Suddenly the veil slipped from the face of the deceased, and he said: “As-salamu alaikum!”. The surprised brother returned the greeting and then asked, “Does this happen?” The brother replied, “Yes. Take me to the Messenger of Allah - he promised that we would not part until we met."

- When the father of one of the Sahaba died, leaving behind a large debt, this companion came to the Prophet and said that he had nothing but date palms, the harvest of which even for many years would not be enough to pay off the debt, and asked the Prophet for help. Then the Messenger of Allah walked around one pile of dates, and then around another and said: "Count." Surprisingly, there were enough dates not only to pay off the debt, but there were still the same number.

Allah Almighty granted the Prophet Muhammad a great many miracles. The miracles listed above are only a small part of them, because some scientists said that there were a thousand, and others - three thousand!


1 - Quds (Jerusalem) - the holy city in Palestine

2 - It is important to note that the ascent of the Prophet to Heaven does not mean that he ascended to the place where Allah is supposedly located, since it is not inherent in Allah to be in any place. To think that Allah is in any place is unbelief!

3 - "Allah has no flaws"

4 - the words "Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim"

5 - the word "mubarak" means "blessed"

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