Home Helpful Hints The main god of the Jews. What is the faith of the Jews? Religion of the Jews. Who founded Judaism

The main god of the Jews. What is the faith of the Jews? Religion of the Jews. Who founded Judaism

True religion is always universal and is a revelation of God to all the inhabitants of the earth, regardless of their nationality: “But in every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:35).

Adolf Hitler was an anti-Semite even more than a racist. Although the Japanese and Germans clearly did not belong to the same race, after the formation of a military alliance with them, the yellow-faced inhabitants of Japan were proclaimed "honorary Aryans". Meanwhile, Hitler would never have declared the Jews "honorary Aryans", even if it were in the interests of Germany.

“What lay at the basis of Hitler’s rabid hatred of the Jews? … There is no evidence that Hitler ever suffered anything bad from the Jews; By the way, it was the Jewish doctor who heroically fought to save the life of his mother. However, it is obvious that Judaism and its ideas about God aroused fierce hatred in Hitler. “It was the Jews,” he told Hermann Rauschning, “who brought into the world their “tyrannical God” and His life-denying Ten Commandments.” It was to these ten commandments, with their countless prohibitions, that Hitler declared war. Only by destroying every single Jew can one hope for the complete eradication of the Jewish idea of ​​a single God and a single morality, Hitler believed ”(I. Telushkin,“ Jewish World ”).

Nazism accused the Jews of having given rise to "such a disease as Christianity."

Indeed, many centuries ago, God gave the Jewish people laws and revelations. Among them, one can especially single out the moral law - the Ten Commandments. This law is the universal criterion of sin and righteousness—good and evil. The commandments of this law reflect the fundamental, eternal principles underlying the relationship between man and God, and between man and man.

Let us consider each principle of the moral law in more detail.

First commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). At first glance, such a demand from God may seem inconsistent with modern man's sense of independence and dignity. However, it should be remembered that only God as the Creator can make a person's life harmonious and happy. If a person does not worship God, then ideas, a person or an idol become the object of worship, and this form of worship inevitably leads to decline. This can happen both in the life of a particular person and an entire nation.

Africa has long attracted the attention of researchers. Why is the fate of almost the whole continent so deplorable? Why did the Europeans three centuries ago discovered semi-savage tribes in the depths of the continent, distinguished by cruelty and immorality? Why were they unable to provide adequate resistance to the Europeans, and subsequently fell into slavery to the Europeans and Americans for many years? Various theories have been put forward, including racial inferiority and an unfavorable climate. Later, both theories were refuted, and archaeologists discovered entire cities and states that kept the secrets of highly developed African civilizations of ancient times. A logical question arises: did not the cause of their death lie in pagan cults, did the peoples lead to the degradation of their religion? The Bible says: “Gentiles, when offering sacrifices, offer to demons, and not to God; but I do not want you to be in fellowship with demons” (1 Corinthians 10:20).

The second commandment says: “Do not make for yourself an idol or any image ... Do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God” (Exodus 20:4-5). This commandment forbids worshiping God using images. Many people claim that these images are only images or symbols through which they worship God, but God has declared such worship a sin. Attempts to portray the Eternal by means of material objects reduces a person's understanding of God. The mind, distracted from the infinite perfection of the Creator, will be more riveted to the creation than to the Creator.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” (Exodus 20:7). This commandment forbids false oaths and those ordinary words that people swear by. This commandment also has a deeper meaning. The ancient Hebrew word "do not speak" can be translated as "do not wear." It is quite obvious that people who carried Christianity in the past on bayonets, with the help of gunpowder, as well as with the help of instruments of torture of the “holy” Inquisition, discredited God, they falsely bore the name of Christians. Christ did not come to our planet to force us to accept ourselves as the Messiah. Only Satan and people driven by his spirit seek to violate the conscience, considering themselves zealots for the truth, and causing suffering to those around them.

“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: do not do any work on it ... For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it" (Exodus 20:8-10). The seven-day week is a biblical heritage. The whole civilized world adheres to such a weekly cycle. During the French Revolution of the 1790s. attempts were made to switch to a ten-day cycle. Yes, and at the dawn of Soviet power, a five-day week was first introduced, and then a six-day week. But all these attempts ended in complete failure. Saturday is presented in this commandment as a day that was approved during creation, as a reminder of God the Creator, for man's communication with his Creator and for rest from everyday, vain affairs.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). God has made parents responsible for their children and endowed them with special authority. The fifth commandment requires children to show love and tenderness towards their parents.

"Dont kill. Don't commit adultery. Don't steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor... Desire not... anything that thy neighbor has” (Exodus 20:13-17). It is quite obvious that the observance of these commandments would make it impossible to conduct wars, violence, robbery and theft. Even in the conditions of modern civilization, their observance would lead to an end to starvation, terrorism and the establishment of complete security on the streets of night cities.

About four thousand years ago, among all the people living on earth, a man named Abraham was the closest to God. At a time when most of the inhabitants of the earth indulged in the most unsightly and primitive forms of idolatry, Abraham sought to build his life on the basis of the principles revealed to him by God. At the direction of God, Abraham left his homeland, where the influence of his relatives was negative. After some time, he crossed the Euphrates River and became the first Jew in the history of mankind, since the word Jew (Ivre) means “river” or who came from that bank. (“A Brief History of the Jews”, S. M. Dubnov).

Abraham made a covenant with God and became the founder of a nation that differed from others in that its religion was the revelation of God the Creator.

Among the descendants of Abraham were prophets, priests, but there were also idolaters and criminals. And among the pagans, there were also not only idolaters who performed human sacrifices, but also aspiring to God and seeking Him. The Bible tells about the Midian priest (not a Jew) and about the Gentile women Rahab and Ruth who joined the people of God and worshiped the Creator God: “For it is not the Jew who is outwardly like that, nor the circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh; but that Jew who is such inwardly, and that circumcision which is in the heart, according to the spirit, and not according to the letter: his praise is not from men, but from God” (Romans 2:28,29).

The above text speaks not only of God's desire to establish a special relationship with the Jewish people, it contains the meaning and purpose of the salvation of any person (regardless of ethnicity) - the restoration in him of the lost image and likeness of God the Creator.

True religion is always universal and is a revelation of God to all the inhabitants of the earth, regardless of their nationality:

Origin of the name Yahweh

Yahweh is the name of God in Judaism and Christianity, used in the Old Testament (Tanakh). According to the Bible, it was revealed to the Jewish people through Moses. In modern Russian, the pronunciation with the accent on the first syllable is accepted, but for the Hebrew language, the accent on the last syllable is typical.
Tetragrammaton (YHVH) transliteration into Russian of God's name, four consonants - יהוה. Yahweh is the currently accepted probable pronunciation of the name of the God of the Bible. The pronunciation of the name of God in Judaism is taboo, which, in particular, is based on the biblical commandment “Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Ex. 20: 7), therefore only the high priest of the Jerusalem temple knew the true (secret) pronunciation of the name, and in prayers use the appeal Adonai (Heb., "Lord", "Lord", "Almighty"), in everyday life - Hashem (Heb. "Name").
Since vowels are not indicated in ancient writing (Hebrew), the true pronunciation of the name of God remains the subject of hypotheses, only the letters Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei (in the Latin transcription YHWH) are reliably known. The literal designation of this Hebrew name is the tetragrammaton. The Samaritans retain the pronunciation of Yahwe or Yahwa to the present day. The pronunciation of Yahweh with variants Yahwoh, Yehwoh is also reconstructed from independent ancient Semitic sources.

The voicing of the Tetragrammaton "Jehowah" (in the Russian tradition - Jehovah) is widespread and has become part of a number of European languages. The well-known antiquarian and orientalist Ilya Shifman wrote about the use of the word Jehovah: When the keepers of the Jewish Old Testament tradition invented special signs for denoting vowels, they added vowels from the word Adonai to the consonants of the name Yahweh. The result was Jehovah (in the traditional spelling: Jehovah) that never actually existed or was read. That is, Jehovah is not the name of God, it is a derivative of other words, which appeared relatively recently.

Here he is. Supposed Yahweh (right).

Yahweh in West Semitic mythology

Wife of Yahweh. Some sources say that Yahweh had a spouse, and even two spouses at once. Anat and Ashera. According to some researchers, during the period of transition to monotheism among the ancient Jews, Yahweh was considered the only god, however, having a spouse. According to some sources (for example, the Elephantine papyri), it was Anat, according to others - Ashera. The Old Testament mentions the worship of the ancient Jews to the "Queen of Heaven", against which the prophet Jeremiah fought. Archaeological evidence (frequent finds of statuettes of Asherah) also speak of a widespread cult of her in Palestine, at least until the 6th century BC. e. However, among researchers there is confusion between the names of the goddesses Ashera (the wife of the god El) and Ashtoret (Ishtar-Astarte), which differ in Ugaritic mythology; just as Yahweh in ancient times could be identified with El or the son of El.

In the early twentieth century, documents written on papyrus in Aramaic were found in Egypt. It turned out that in Elephantine, a small island settlement opposite Aswan, there was a colony of Jewish mercenaries living there from the beginning of Persian rule (525 BC) until the beginning of our era. The settlers had their own temple, they were aware of their involvement with the Jewish people, and their priests corresponded with the Jerusalem priests. Who did the Jews of Elephantine worship? Of course, the Jewish god, whom they called YHW (short form of YHWH). But along with him, in the same temple, they worshiped two goddesses - Asham of Bethel (Bethel is the main city in the northern kingdom of Israel; the goddess herself, perhaps, correlates with Ashmat from Samaria, mentioned by Amos, 8:14) and Anat of Bethel (the famous Semitic goddess of love and war).

It turned out to be quite easy to identify the YHW of Elephantine and the common Hebrew Yahweh, although the former has two divine consorts. Scholars consider the religion of the area to be Jewish, though not normative. Several explanations are offered for these deviations from the monotheistic canon. The first is due to the fact that the religion of Elephantine, according to Shalit, was of a folk character. The Elephantine Jews brought with them to Egypt the folk religion that the early prophets and Jeremiah fought against shortly before the destruction of the first Temple. Of course, the popular religion also put in the first place the god of the Jews - Yahweh.

Other scholars see the reason in the distance from the normative Judaism of the times of the second Temple and / or the influence of a pagan environment. However, recent finds on the territory of Israel proper explain this phenomenon in a new way. Drawings on a broken vessel found in Kuntillet-Ajrud in the northeast of Sinai and dated to the beginning of the 18th century. BC e., depict three figures: a man standing in the foreground, a woman directly behind him, and a seated musician in the background. The inscription reads "I bless you in the name of Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah." A funerary inscription from a tomb in El Kom (Judea), dating back to the 18th century. BC, also ends with the names of Yahweh and Ashera. Ashera, like Anat, is a well-known and according to many documents goddess of the northwestern Semitic pantheon. We remember that the Bible itself speaks of its official veneration in Israel in the ninth century. BC.; her cult was approved by Jechebel and Atalia, who probably borrowed it from the Phoenicians. In other biblical references, the authors either lament her veneration (2 Kings 14:13, for example, where another lady is mentioned), or reduce her to the role of a tree or pole near the altar (2 Kings 13:6, 17:16; Deuteronomy 16 -21 et seq.). The condemnation and bitter controversy directed against her is a sign of Asherah's popularity and reverence. Margalit claims that this name means "going behind" - this name indicates her role as the wife of the supreme god, which is very suitable for the drawing on the vessel from Kuntillet-Ajrud. Thus, taking into account both biblical indications and archaeological finds, we can draw the following conclusion: the cult of the goddess, the alleged wife of Yahweh, was widespread throughout the country during the era of the first Temple, as well as among the Jewish population of Elephantine.

Correspondences with other deities

Apparently, the veneration of Yahweh was widespread not only among the ancient Jews, but was also found among other West Semitic tribes. Among the Phoenicians, he was known under the name of Yevo and in Byblos under the name of Yehi (Yihavi). He was responsible for the sea element and was considered the patron of the city of Beirut, where texts dedicated to Yevo were discovered, undoubtedly created under the influence of myths about Baal-Haddad, the god of thunder, the son of the Ugaritic Ilu. The name of the latter passed into Hebrew in a common noun, meaning "god", and the functions of Ilu (El) were absorbed by Yahweh. In Palestine, he was considered the patron of the ancient Israeli union of tribes and, probably, the patron of Edom. Fights Yammu (the sea) and the leviathan and wins. In Ugarit and Canaan, Yahweh (Java) was called Yammu - the god of the sea, defeated in the fight against Baal. In addition, in the Ugaritic ritual prayers, Yahweh is identified with El, or he is called the son of El. It is assumed that in the general Western Semitic pantheon, Yahweh / Yevo was the lord of the water element, possibly corresponding to the god Ea in Sumero-Akkadian mythology (which, however, is doubtful, because Ea was an opponent of the formidable Enlil (later in the Bible, possibly called Yahweh), who announced the Flood. However, such confusion is typical for related, but not coinciding mythologies, compare Uranus / Zeus among the Greeks and Dyaus / Indra among the Indo-Aryans).

Yahweh in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, Yahweh (usually referred to as “Lord” or “Lord God” in the synodal translation) is the personal monotheistic God of the people of Israel, who brought the Jews out of Egypt and gave Moses the divine Law. The cult of Yahweh is contrasted in the Old Testament with sharply negatively evaluated cults of other Semitic deities. The history of the relationship of the people of Israel with Yahweh is the central plot of the Old Testament. Yahweh in the Bible actively participates in the fate of Israel and other nations, reveals himself to the prophets, gives commandments, and punishes disobedience. The perception of the personality of the Old Testament God was different in different religious and philosophical teachings. Thus, from a Christian point of view, both its continuity in comparison with the New Testament concept of God and the differences between them were emphasized.


In orthodox Christianity, the name Yahweh is appropriate for all three persons of the Godhead. Under the name of Yahweh, the Son of God (Jesus before the incarnation) appeared to Moses and the prophets. Yahweh He is the Creator, the Legislator, the protector, the Deity, the supreme and powerful Lord. The synodal translation, as a rule, renders the tetragram (YHWH) with the word "Lord". The pronunciation "Jehovah" has been used in the Christian world for more than 200 years, but in most translations of the Bible into Russian it is very rare (Ex. 6:3, footnote, Ex. 15:3) and has been replaced by other names (mainly Lord) .

Who is this Yahweh if not God? If we put aside the version of his divine origin, then we have several versions: Yahweh or a fictional character (such as Santa Claus), Yahweh is an alien, Yahweh is a representative of dark forces. Let's analyze these versions in more detail.

A well-known figure in the “new atheism”, ethologist Richard Dawkins, believes that Yahweh is “the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, vindictive despot; a vindictive, bloodthirsty chauvinist killer; intolerant of homosexuals, misogynist, racist, murderer of children, peoples, brothers, cruel megalomaniac, sadomasochist, capricious, vicious offender. Yahweh, who was worshiped by the Jews - none other than the Ancient Egyptian Set, the dark god of the desert, castrated by the son of Osiris Horus in revenge for the death of his father - a prototype of the devil. By the way, in the New Testament, Christ says this to the Jews: “Your father is the devil; and you want to do the desires of your father” (Jn 8:44). In Christianity, as in Judaism, the devil was identified with the serpent (a reptilian entity). But how could this be. Yahweh is also the Creator of Existing, is he also a dark god? He himself forbade eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he himself seduced Eve into this, and he punished them? Why not? First, let's find out that Yahweh cannot be the One Creator of Heaven and Earth. He is too personal, has his addictions, is jealous, angry and similar qualities. In the Bible, after all, this is not attributed to him. Yahweh - is called in any way, except for the Lord, the Lord God of Abraham and his descendants. It was already Judas that Christian priests began to attribute to this essence what the Creator had created, because they identified them. Plutarch, an ancient Greek historian, wrote: “Those who tell that Typhon (Set) after the battle fled for seven days on a donkey, escaped and became the father of Jerusalem and Judea, they quite obviously and clearly attract the Jewish tradition to the myth” “On Isis and Osiris." This confirms that the Jewish god Yahweh is a terrible, bloodthirsty demon who comes out only at night, avoiding the day, that is, the dark god Seth. Why does Christ say to the Jews: “For when they rise from the dead, they will neither marry nor give in marriage, but will be like angels in heaven” (Mark 12:25)? Why were these angels in Christianity depicted not as sexless creatures (amoebas), namely, as castrated men, without genitals? After all, just as Set, the dark god, was emasculated, so Yahweh could not stand anything reminiscent of the fact that people have pleasures that are inaccessible to him. This is the only "god" who is averse to carnal joys. He is strict and dull. Any joys contradict him. Night - the time at which all Jewish Christian holidays are held, such as Easter (Jewish Pesach) - also speaks of the dark essence of the god Yahweh (Set). And Moses was angry with the captains of the army, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, who had come from the war, 31:15 and Moses said to them, Why did you leave all the women alive? 31:17 Therefore, kill ALL the male CHILDREN, and kill all the women who know a man in a man's bed; 31:18 and all the FEMALE CHILDREN who did not know the male bed, keep alive FOR YOURSELF. 31:28 And from the soldiers who went to war, take tribute to Yahweh, one soul out of five hundred, from people and from cattle, and from donkeys and flocks; 31:29 take this from half of them and give it to Eleazar the priest in the LORDING LORD. 31:31 And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as Jehovah commanded Moses. 31:40 There are sixteen thousand people, and the tribute of them to Yahweh is thirty-two souls. 31:41 And Moses paid tribute, the OFFERING to Yahweh, to Eleazar the priest, as Yahweh commanded Moses. Did you think, after listening to the gracious priestly speeches, that “the god Yahweh does not require bloody human sacrifices and this compares favorably with the pagan” gods? What does this quote tell us?

After reading the Old Testament, in fact, one may get the opinion that the Old Testament god Yahweh is not a figment of the imagination of the ancient Jews. Indeed, some very extraordinary type appeared in the Middle East about three thousand years ago. And not alone, but with a team of the same as him, but who are subordinate to him. I want to warn the reader right away - do not look at my research through the prism of religiosity or something like that. I am impartial in the sense of belief in God. I conduct a dry, unbiased analysis of the text and the psychological component of the scripture. So the first - the god Yahweh and his team may not be earthlings. That is, they are aliens from another world. Don't be surprised by these findings. Pay attention to the manner of addressing both Yahweh himself and the members of his team to people. The expression "Son of man" used by them, in the language of psychologists, is a well-known distancing. Neither Yahweh, nor any of his comrades, as they are described, relates themselves to people. That is, they themselves are not human sons. Secondly, it doesn't seem strange to you that Yahweh in those distant times possessed the knowledge and abilities of the modern level. Those who are familiar with the text of the Old Testament should know about it. Yahweh is familiar with virology, bacteriology, medicine, gene research. Knows about the impact of nutrition on the human body. He is also strong in sociology and military affairs. It requires observing the norms of behavior inherent in modern society, with some nuances. But more on that later…

Moreover, he has at his disposal a rather impressive aircraft in size and several smaller ones. Moreover, he does not fly in a balloon, but on a disk-like apparatus made of metal the size of a cinema, and even with beam weapons on board. The device can fly independently, using the jet principle. And move around with the help of four carriers equipped with propellers like a helicopter, moreover, folding. The carriers have landing legs like those of modern spacecraft and are equipped with original sector wheels. Equipped with manipulators under the screws, which in the covenant the prophet Ezekiel called the likeness of a human hand. Read the book of the prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament, only carefully. You will be surprised by the plot. The book describes a certain "Glory of the Lord", which occurs earlier in the scripture. For the first time in Exodus. However, only after reading Ezekiel can you figure out what it is.

Glory to the Lord. Real aircraft.

Few people know that the leading specialist, NASA engineer Jozsef Blumrich, was engaged in the Old Testament "glory of the Lord". He quite accurately reproduced the "glory of the Lord" in the drawing. And he unraveled the device of the sector wheels of this flying glory of the Lord. He also patented the invention. Although you don’t have to be a NASA specialist to see a diskette with weapons in the glory of the Lord. Just carefully read the text of the bible and imagine what the prophet describes. The modern reader has one advantage over the reader of the past - knowledge and the ability to compare with modern aerospace technologies. It is clear that for the ancient Jews such a phenomenon as a spaceship and the one who controls it is none other than God arrived. An unprecedented weapon with which Yahweh destroys tens of thousands of people in a matter of minutes. It flies and flies with noise and roar, while raising a cloud filled with the light of a flame. Sometimes reading one is amazed - how such a thing can be described in the Bible at all. But the theme of the diskette runs through the entire Old Testament. It is for this reason that Yahweh brings terror to all the peoples of the Middle East. And the Jews are afraid of everyone they attack. He burns sacrifices with fire that comes from nowhere. It splits the rock and opens the earth. It affects people with ulcers and other diseases - all this was unknown to people of that time. Of course in their eyes he is God. But what surprised me was his "earthly nature." Moreover, his character is wicked. For all his difference from people, he behaves like something earthly, human. The aliens speak in a language understandable to people. They look like people, which is also perfectly described in the testament. They eat and drink like human beings. They wear clothes, although not the same as those of ancient people. The prophet Ezekiel was greeted at the entrance to the diskette hangar by a man who looked like gleaming brass. (Ezekiel ch.40) It is difficult to come up with a reason for such a difference from other people. Apparently metallic overalls. In his hands was a measuring stick and a rope. He introduces Ezekiel to the structure of the hangar and the whole complex of buildings around it for a long time and in detail. The Prophet was ordered to document everything in detail and pass it on to the people. However, the punishers of the city with destructive weapons in their hands are distinguished by their attire. They were sent by Yahweh to destroy the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem for worshiping other gods. But here we see the exception method in the description. There were six of them, but one was in linen clothes with a scribe's instrument. The clothes of the rest with weapons are not described. But obviously they were not wrapped in linen, if they silently and effectively destroyed most of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. What the man in linen clothes reported to Yahweh himself at the end of the operation. Who are they? The weapon is clearly small in size, since it is said that everyone has it in their hand. Residents did not run away from the noise and screams. There is an opinion that Yahweh is a certain military rank of aliens who hid on Earth from more powerful forces. Perhaps after the war of the gods, which is described in the annals and legends of antiquity. The place is familiar to him. The people of the earth too. And apparently, in anticipation of help from his own, he and his team were waiting for a ship that would pick them up. And in order not to waste time, he “tamed” a few people for personal gain.

An interesting fact is the primitiveness of some of Yahweh's requirements. For example, the rite of sacrifice is obligatory for Jews. High technology and sacrifice somehow do not fit with each other. Sacrificial meat Yahweh burns with a laser, causing awe in people. But here it is clear - you need to surprise and force the great to believe in yourself. But why would he even mess with such a primitive at his level? Did the needs of the team and the whole complex require the participation of the whole people? Yahweh robs the Jews very greedily. The best provisions, hides and fabrics, oil and precious metals. Lead was also required, which is very interesting. Apparently Yahweh did not save up all this for the sake of profit. Most likely there was a need to change gold and silver for consumables for the maintenance of aircraft. But with whom did he change? It can be assumed that the necessary equipment was at the base. Then Yahweh bought from someone for gold and silver only raw materials. For example metal. But the production of fuel, steel smelting, and other high-tech work is already a whole enterprise. And apparently on the basis of all this was. Workers need to be trained and fed. Provide housing. This explains his greed. The staff serving the base was very numerous. Apparently they were Levites trained by aliens. We see similar training in the construction of the ark of the covenant. Yahweh himself tells Moses that he put wisdom and skill into the Jewish masters. The territory around the complex covered tens of square kilometers. And on the feast of Passover, the Jews brought fifty carcasses of calves to the base, not counting the smaller cattle for slaughter. Wine, bread, etc. In general, all this is best described in the book of the prophet Ezekiel. Rather, Yahweh associated himself with a primitive and generally small people solely for utilitarian reasons. They provided for him. And since there were relatively few Jews, and there was nowhere to escape in the desert, Yahweh could easily control his slaves and punish them in case of a rebellion. What he periodically did with the help of weapons on his diskette. Fifteen thousand Jews cut with a laser in a matter of minutes. They rebelled and began to put pressure on Moses. In addition, Yahweh freed the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. They owe him now.

But where did Yahweh and his retinue come from at all? What are they? They live for centuries without dying, at least Yahweh himself. His words "I swore an oath to your forefathers - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob in fidelity to you." But it's at least three generations. There were no such highly developed civilizations on Earth during this period. And judging by the text of the Old Testament, Yahweh has been spinning near the Earth for a long time. Yes, they look like people. How to link together high technology with the time of two - three thousand years ago? One version remains - aliens from outer space who know the Earth and its inhabitants well. They don't look like us, but we look like them. Apparently not so far from the solar system is a more advanced civilization. The flight from it to Earth takes several hundred years. Its representatives periodically fly to us and behave like hosts. Most likely this is our creators. Only sometimes they are good and kind, and sometimes they are like Yahweh. And then earthlings have been playing religion for thousands of years. It's good that now you can sort things out so calmly. It is time for conclusions without God.

What else is interesting about the psychology of Yahweh? He is capable of friendship, real human friendship. With Moses for example. Moses was so loved by God that Yahweh listened to the opinion of Moses and often made concessions at the request of the latter. Because of Moses, Yahweh killed fifteen thousand Jewish people. That is, the life of Moses was valued above the life of the Jewish people. The entire Jewish camp saw how Moses went to the tabernacle, away from all the people, and there he talked with God as with a friend. At the same time, a pillar of cloud necessarily descended from the sky. Sometimes it is written that the glory of the Lord fell. Although the closest relatives of Moses were also close to Yahweh. Brother Aaron, Sister Mariam and their children. That is, again there are purely human signs in behavior. I can't stand it when believers make some heavenly chimera out of Yahweh. An abstract creature that is not accessible to anyone, which controls everything on Earth, but you cannot touch it. But their motives are clear to me. But the Old Testament book is very truthful and there is nothing like it there. Yahweh constantly communicates with people. Only through intermediaries. He is seen, heard and tolerated from him in case of fault quite truly. And nowhere in the Testament does it say that Yahweh is somewhere in the clouds. Especially his subordinates from the team. How did they come down to Earth? And even faces like Yahweh are not hidden. And of course the most unique contactee is Moses. In the book of Numbers in chapter 12, we see that the glory of the Lord descended from heaven and Yahweh himself, analyzing the scandal of Moses with his brother Aaron and sister Miriam, says: “If I appear to someone in visions or in a dream, then it is not so with my servant Moses. He is faithful in all my house. Mouth to mouth I speak with him, and clearly, and not in fortune-telling, and he sees the image of the Lord. And why were you not afraid to reproach my servant Moses? And he struck Miriam with leprosy like snow. And the glory of the Lord departed from the tabernacle of the meeting - the disk plane flew away. Moses then begged Yahweh to heal his sister. Yahweh calmed down and fulfilled the request of Moses. Well, what does the heavenly chimera have to do with it?

And now about the nuance about which I spoke a little earlier. Such an interesting fact is surprising - Yahweh forces the fulfillment of the ten commandments and many other good rules, which, in general, are not bad. Quite decent by human standards of morality. But this is when it comes to the Jews themselves. within Jewish society. But in relation to other peoples who are not his, you can do whatever you want. Jews are allowed to kill, rob and rape. Directly hatred for the representatives of humanity who do not worship him, and are not subject to him. In the book of numbers ch. 31 interestingly describes the behavior of the Jews in relation to the defeated Midianites. All were killed, burned and plundered the city. They took the women and children of Midian captive. But Moses and Eliazar, going out to meet them, shouted - kill all the male children and women. And all the female children who have not known the male bed, leave alive for yourself. And why? After all, Yahweh ordered it, and Moses only carried it out. What right do you have to divide the people of the Earth into their own and not theirs? Why such a thirst for war and murder? Just got out of the military. Unbalance in character, irascibility, vindictiveness. Is this God who created everything? So primitive. He caused a stir in the Middle East, quarreled between the Arabs and the Jews, and left nothing worthy behind. Compare with the pyramids of Egypt. Compare with Theo Tihuacan in Mexico, with the Baalbek platform in Lebanon. That's where the "gods" have worked! That's where the wonders of technology are. World historians are still in a stupor. Who could do it? What machines and tools were used to cut rocks into pieces of hundreds of thousands of tons. Yes, how they cut it - in a plane. Mounted anywhere on a sheer cliff. On all continents inherited. Those were the gods! And they did not kill people by the tens of thousands. And they were not forced to worship themselves. They taught science, medicine, agriculture. And Yahweh hated those other gods for some reason. He was probably afraid, since Egypt did not destroy. So he messed up, and hid in the desert. And yet Yahweh is a stranger. If he were really omnipotent, he would not be limited to the Arabian desert and the Jews. There are already quite developed peoples and cultures all over the Earth. He didn't even touch them! I wouldn't carry a load like that. Limited to the Middle East. Although he boasted to Moses - All the land is mine! It would be better to say the entire Arabian desert - it would be more honest.

His behavior betrayed his low rank among the truly omnipotent gods. But once on Earth and without competition, he pulled himself off to the fullest. Apparently, cosmic distances and relativistic effects of time during space flights allowed him to somehow fall out of the company of the almighty who visited our planet. And while they flew home, he returned to Earth. Or it was "returned". The fact of his disappearance is interesting. Where did he go with the team? He appears periodically. Yahweh appeared quite openly and symbolically after the completion of the construction of the house of the Lord by King Solomon. That is, according to the term of Solomon's reign, one can calculate the appearance of Yahweh in a given area. “When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices. And the glory of the Lord filled the whole house. And the priests could not enter the house because the house was filled with the radiance of the glory of the Lord. And all the sons of Israel, seeing how fire came down from heaven and the glory of the Lord on the house, fell face down on the ground, on the platform and bowed down. And King Solomon sacrificed twenty-two thousand oxen and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep. Nothing so-so the Jews were delighted. We walked for glory. Interesting - this expression was born from the text of the Testament? So I am not strong in chronology, but the fact is obvious - in the end there came a moment in the history of Israel when Yahweh no longer appears. And why? There may be several reasons for this. He could go home. The aliens have departed. But this Yahweh did not tell any of the prophets - intermediaries. He could finally grow old and die. After all, nothing lasts forever. He could have died in a disk plane crash - also a version. Aircraft sometimes crash. So the question of his disappearance generally remains open. His base on the mountain has not been found so far. Even if they don't look for it at all. And after all, not so much time has passed. And the building was visible. Terrace-like. 250 by 250 meters in size. Also, very cleverly designed. And on the south side, as it were, city buildings (Ezekiel ch. 40). Maybe flying away ruined everything. He covered his tracks just in case. All that remains of Yahweh is the Old Testament story. But it was written not by Yahweh himself, but by eyewitnesses of those events. Therefore, you have to seriously filter the text. Make allowance for the ignorance of the ancient Jews. On their specific attitude to what happened to them. On the imagery of the description. Although they are great. The accuracy of the description is sufficient for text analysis.

In general, many do not even suspect how interesting it is to disassemble the Old Testament. This is a very interesting activity. Analyzing the texts, you understand that no matter who Yahweh was, he certainly was not the Almighty Creator.

Judaism is the monotheistic national religion of the Jews. Followers of Judaism call themselves Jews. When asked where Judaism originated, both historians and theologians answer the same way: in Palestine. But to another question, when monotheistic ideas arose among the Jews, they answer in different ways.

According to historians, until the 7th century. BC. Jews had a different religion. It is called the Hebrew religion. It originated in the 11th century BC. along with the emergence of classes and the state among the Jewish people. The Hebrew religion, like all other national religions, was polytheistic. Historians believe that monotheistic ideas among the Jews formed into a religion only in the 7th century. BC. during the reign of King Josiah in Judea (Southern Palestine). According to historians, not only the century is known from sources, but also the year of the beginning of the transition of Jews from the Hebrew religion to Judaism. It was 621 B.C. This year, King Josiah of Judah issued a decree forbidding the worship of all gods except one. The authorities began to decisively exterminate traces of polytheism: the images of other gods were destroyed; shrines dedicated to them were destroyed; Jews who sacrificed to other gods were severely punished, up to and including the death penalty.

Gods in Judaism

The history of the ancient Jews and the process of the formation of religion are known mainly from the materials of the Bible, its most ancient part - the Old Testament. At the beginning of the II millennium BC. Jews, like their kindred Semitic tribes in Arabia and Palestine, were polytheists, believed in various gods and spirits, in the existence of a soul that materialized in blood. Each community had its own chief god. In one of the communities, Yahweh was such a god. Gradually, the cult of Yahweh comes to the fore.

A new stage in the development of Judaism is associated with the name of Moses. This is a legendary person, but there is no reason to deny the possibility of the real existence of such a reformer. According to the Bible, Moses led the Jews out of Egyptian slavery and gave them the Covenant of God. Some researchers believe that the reform of the religion of the Jews is connected with the reform of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Moses, who may have been close to the ruling or priestly circles of Egyptian society, accepted Akhenaten's idea of ​​a single God and began to preach it among the Jews. He made some changes in the ideas of the Jews. His role is so significant that Judaism is sometimes called mosaicism, for example in England. The first books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch of Moses, which also speaks of the significance of the role of Moses in the development of Judaism.

Basic ideas of Judaism

  • If we briefly state the main ideas of Judaism, we get the following list:
  • Man was created by God, in the image and likeness of his Creator
  • God is the source of Love, Grace and Supreme Justice, he has absolute Reason and Omnipotence
  • Life is a dialogue between the Lord and a single person (or a whole people)
  • Man is an immortal spiritual being capable of infinite development and self-improvement.
  • People, regardless of race, are equal before the Lord, everyone is given free will
  • The Jewish people have a special mission - to convey Divine truths to the rest of humanity
  • Non-Jews should observe only the seven laws of Noah's sons, and Jews should fulfill the mitzvot, consisting of 613 prescriptions
  • The spiritual principle dominates matter, but the material world must also be treated with respect.
  • After the coming of the Messiah (Mashiach), a new kingdom and peace will come on earth
  • At the end of days, the dead will rise and again live on earth in the flesh

The holy book in Judaism is the Torah, which is also called the Pentateuch of Moses. The text of the Torah is very difficult to understand, so theologians and theosophists for many centuries created commentaries on the main book of the Jews.

Who founded Judaism

It is generally accepted that the founder of Judaism is Moses (“the one who was saved from the water”). The prophet of Judaism managed to gather the scattered tribes of Israel into a single people. He is also famous for the fact that he carried out the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, where they lived in the position of slaves.

In the time of Moses, the Israelite people increased so much in numbers that the ruler of Egypt gave the order to kill all newborn Jewish boys. The mother of the future prophet saved the baby from death. She placed the child in a wicker basket and entrusted it to the waters of the Nile. The pharaoh's daughter discovered this basket and wanted to adopt the sleeping baby.

Moses grew up and noticed how his fellow tribesmen were oppressed in every possible way. Once, in a fit of anger, he killed an Egyptian overseer, and then fled the country to the land of the Midianites (a semi-nomadic city mentioned in the Koran and in the Bible). Here he was called by God, who appeared to Moses in the form of a bush enveloped in flames, but not burning. God revealed to Moses his mission.

The people of Israel have always aroused envy, hatred and admiration among Europeans. Even having lost their state and forced to wander for almost two thousand years, its representatives did not assimilate among other ethnic groups, but retained both their national identity and culture based on a deep religious tradition. What is the faith of the Jews? After all, thanks to her, they survived many powers, empires and entire nations. They went through everything - power and slavery, periods of peace and discord, social well-being and genocide. The religion of the Jews is Judaism, and it is because of it that they still play an important role on the historical stage.

The first revelation of Yahweh

The religious tradition of the Jews is monotheistic, that is, it recognizes only one god. His name is Yahweh, which literally means "he who was, is and will be."

Today, the Jews believe that Yahweh is the creator and creator of the world, and they consider all other gods to be false.

Judaism is the faith of the Jews
Mark Raik

Now it is customary to distinguish between the concepts of "Jew" and "Jew", but earlier these concepts were identical: all Jews were Jews (although not all Jews were from Jews), and in Holy Scripture they, these concepts, are not separated. In addition, in biblical times, almost before the arrival of the Messiah, the concepts of "faith" and "religion" were one or at least very closely intertwined. After the arrival of the Savior and His rejection by those to whom He came first of all, and the destruction of the temple, these concepts began to differ quite clearly. After these events, the faith of the Jews was reborn into a religion that became a petrified, dry channel of a formerly living faith in a living God. Only dead dogmas remained of faith.

The religion of the Jews, like their history, is one of the oldest in the world and goes back to the forefathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham, the first Jew with whom the Creator made a covenant, lived over 2,000 years BC.

Judaism makes clear demands on the candidate for the messiah. Jesus did not meet these requirements. Attempts by Christian theologians to interpret the Tanakh, looking for prophecies about the founder of their religion, are extremely tendentious.

From the point of view of the Jewish tradition, the Messiah has a very important task to perform: to bring the world to an understanding of G-d, to establish peace, justice and universal harmony on earth. Since the historical character named Jesus failed in this mission, the early Christians radically changed the very concept of religious salvation. As a result, Christianity has been transformed from a Jewish messianic sect, one of many on the motley theological palette of the Middle East, into a separate religion completely alien to the fundamental concepts of Judaism.

Belief in the coming of the Messiah has always been an important part of Jewish doctrine. The Jewish cleric Maimonides (Rambam) included this belief among the thirteen basic principles.

Judaism is the national religion of the Jews

The term "Judaism" comes from the name of the Jewish tribe of Judah, the largest among the 12 tribes of Israel, as described in the Bible. King David came from the tribe of Judah, under whom the Jewish-Israeli kingdom reached its highest power. All this led to the privileged position of the Jews: the term "Jew" is often used as equivalent to the word "Jew". In a narrow sense, Judaism is understood as a religion that arose among the Jews at the turn of the 1st-2nd millennium BC. In a broad sense, Judaism is a complex of legal, moral, ethical, philosophical and religious ideas that determine the way of life of Jews.

Gods in Judaism

The history of the ancient Jews and the process of the formation of religion are known mainly from the materials of the Bible, its most ancient part - the Old Testament. At the beginning of the II millennium BC. The Jews, like the related Semitic tribes of Arabia and Palestine, were polytheists, believed in various gods.

In the Bible. The idea of ​​God as the creator and ruler of the universe crystallizes with sufficient clarity in the Bible, but attention should be paid to the factors that testify to the different stages of development of this idea. At a certain stage, the concept of the God of the family, the ancestral God, who is called the "God of the fathers", comes out clearly. It is an authentic concept, not reconstructed from the beliefs of previous generations.

It refers to the era described in the cycle of stories about the patriarchs in the book of Genesis, that is, to the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. e., and plays a very significant role in the further stages of development of the concept of the Creator. The God of the fathers is in constant communication with the head of the clan. The name of such a head becomes an epithet for the name of God himself: "God of Abraham", "God of Isaac" and "God of Jacob". God concludes a brit (union, covenant, contract) with the head of the clan and singles out this clan from among all other clans.

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world and the oldest of the so-called Abrahamic religions, which, in addition to it, includes Christianity and Islam. The history of Judaism is inextricably linked with the Jewish people and stretches back into the depths of centuries, at least for three thousand years. Also, this religion is considered the oldest of all those that proclaimed the worship of one God - a monotheistic cult instead of worshiping the pantheons of various gods.

The Emergence of Faith in Yahweh: A Religious Tradition

The exact time when Judaism arose has not been established. The adherents of this religion themselves attribute its appearance to about the 12th-13th centuries. BC e., when on Mount Sinai the leader of the Jews Moses, who led the Jewish tribes out of Egyptian slavery, received a Revelation from the Most High, and a Covenant was concluded between the people and God. This is how the Torah appeared - in the broad sense of the word, written and oral instruction in the laws, commandments and requirements of the Lord in relation to his worshipers.

A city you can't help but come back to.

Now we understand what we could not pass by just like that, where everyone wanted to return again. HIS PRESENCE!!! It is impossible to talk about it, you have to feel it with your skin. There must be!

"I'll see you again..."

Izzy Ezagui is the only son of a family of Chabad immigrants from the United States. He was immediately mobilized in the IDF. In Operation Cast Lead, he commanded a special forces unit. Having lost his arm, he spent several months in the hospital, after being discharged, he trained to return to the army. 06.12.2012

Religion of the Jews (Judaism)

The religion of the Jews - Judaism - is one of the few national religions of the ancient world that has survived with only minor changes up to the present day. In the general history of religions, Judaism has played an extremely important role, since it has become a very significant part of Christianity and Islam, the two largest modern world religions.

Judaism is sometimes also called the religion of Moses, the Law of Moses (the English even say “mosaism”), after the legendary legislator of the Jews.

Naturally, there is great interest in this religion. A huge number of works dedicated to her. But with the same special role of Judaism, there is also a great difficulty in studying its history.

JUDAISM is the religion professed by Jews (and proselytes from other nations). The term is formed from the ethnonym “Jews” (cf. the alternative designation “Israeli religion”, adopted in the 19th-1st half of the 20th century in European countries). There are known (relatively few) cases when other peoples converted to Judaism: in the 8th century. this was done by the ruling elite of the Khazars, who, after the fall of their state, dissolved in the Crimean-Ukrainian Jewry; the Abyssinian Fallash tribe still exists (mass migration to Israel). However, in general, religious self-consciousness within Judaism is indistinguishable from ethnic self-consciousness. This gives it a special place in the phenomenology of religions between ethnic religions such as Hinduism and universalist religions-teachings (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) ', unlike the Hindu castes, Judaism leaves some opportunities to enter it from the outside through the adoption of the teachings and the initiatory rite (circumcision).

Is it true that Jews and Christians worship the same God?

Hello. Oleg!
Welcome back! I'm writing again because I don't know the answer myself.
The current Jews believe in their God Yahweh (Jehovah), while Orthodoxy and other Christian denominations do not refute that Jesus Christ was not sent by Yahweh-Jehovah at all, since it is believed that the current Jews of the Mosaic Law continue the tradition of the Old Testament prophets. Those. Theologians do not explicitly state that the One in Whom the Jews believe TODAY, namely Jehovah, is not the Heavenly Father of Jesus Christ. This is why many Christians think that today's Yahweh-worshipping Jews believe in the same God-Father who sent Christ to earth, which is why people so easily go to the Jehovist sect. It seems to me that there is no clear position on this issue.

V. Shapiro: So, we designated the topic of the first lecture as "What Jews believe and how they pray." Since here is an audience interested in various manifestations of spiritual life, all sorts of transcendent entities, we must talk about the beyond that exists in Judaism, and about what distinguishes spiritual, religious life from everyday life. On the other hand, Judaism is characterized by a very high degree of everydayness of all spiritual manifestations. Many things that people aspire to achieve them through a burdensome spiritual practice - for a Jew, they often exist by themselves, as something so natural, something that exists from birth, like some kind of inheritance. It happens that a person earns something with great difficulty, and it happens that a person is born, and he has everything, he inherited it. Another question is how wisely a person subsequently disposes of this inheritance and what then comes to.

Comprehending the Deity, a person first includes in his conception of him all the gods, then subordinates all alien gods to the tribal deity and, finally, excludes all but one God, who has a finite and supreme value. The Jews combined all the gods in their higher conception of the Lord God of Israel. The Hindus also consolidated their diverse deities into the "single spirituality of the gods" presented in the Rigveda, while the Mesopotamians reduced their gods to a more centralized concept of Bel-Marduk. These monotheistic ideas matured all over the world shortly after Machiventa Melchizedek appeared in Palestinian Salem. However, Melchizedek's concept was different from the evolutionary philosophy of inclusion, subordination, and exclusion: it was based only on creative power and immediately had an impact on the highest concept of deity in Mesopotamia.

JUDAISM, Jewish religion, Judaism, Jewry (other Greek - "Jewish religion", from the name of the Kingdom of Judah), -

the religion of the Jewish people, which arose in the 1st millennium BC. e. in the Middle East and closely related to the national mentality and ethical and legal customs of the Jews; one of the oldest monotheistic religions of mankind.

In many languages, the concepts of "Jew" and "Jew" are denoted by one word and are not strictly distinguished, which corresponds to the understanding of Jewry in Judaism itself.

In religious studies, it is customary to distinguish three historical periods in the development of JUDAISM:

1) temple (during the existence of the Jerusalem temple);
2) Talmudic (late I-VI centuries);
3) rabbinic (from the 6th century to the present).

Modern JUDAISM was formed on the basis of the movement of the Pharisees (Perushim), which arose in Palestine in the era of the Maccabean dynasty (II century BC).

The basis of Judaism is the teaching accumulated in the Old Testament. The Orthodox Jewish religion does not recognize the sacredness of the New Testament, which contains the teachings of Jesus Christ. The religion of Christians, both Catholics and Orthodox, is based on the entire Bible as a whole, containing both the Old and New Testaments. Only Protestantism (one of the branches of Christianity) does not recognize the Old Testament.

Judaism's Arguments Against Christ

Jewish religious literature gives some arguments that allegedly testify that Christ was not the Messiah (prophet, messenger of God) and could not be a God-man, and his teaching, therefore, cannot be true.

According to the predictions of the ancient Jewish prophets, such as Isaiah and Hosea, the true Messiah, whose appearance the Jews are waiting for, should create many significant events. To return divine harmony to the world, to resurrect the dead, to gather all the Jews scattered around the world to heavenly Jerusalem, to stop all wars and even make animals live.

Jews are a people who honor their religion no matter what. From time immemorial, this people was persecuted and persecuted by other representatives of earthly civilization. The most difficult trials fell to their share: destruction, exile and genocide. But thanks to the fact that they managed to keep in the One God, the Jews continue to occupy one of the central niches in the history of the world. So what is the faith of the Jews? And why, despite everything, does it continue to occupy the souls of people?

Yahweh is the creator and creator of all living things

Judaism is the religion that all Jews adhere to and to which the followers of the doctrine of the one God are converted. Yahweh translates as "He who was, is and will be."

This religion is not global, since only one people professes it. But faith in the Creator is so strong that it can be said with certainty that nothing can eradicate it.

The essence of this creed is as follows: there is only one God, all other gods are fictitious. When the first fall into sin happened, people forgot about the true Creator and began to worship idols. To remind himself, Yahweh appeared before Abraham, the forefather of all mankind. The prophet realized that humanity had made a big mistake by refusing the Lord, he renounced paganism and went on a wandering.

He believed so much that he was even ready to kill his own son, as God ordered him. Seeing how submissive Abraham was, the Almighty removed his hand with a knife and saved the child from death. From that time on, the Creator understood that the prophet Abraham really believed in him and loved him. Sometimes modern Jews refer to their religion as the "Faith of Abraham".

It was through the son of Isaac that the numerous people of Israel went.

The concept of "Judaism" appeared somewhere in 1-2 thousand years BC from the most numerous branch of the Israeli people of the tribe of Judah. For example, the most famous of this tribe is King David, under whom the state of Israel reached its highest peak.

Now Judaism is a whole set of legal, ethical and religious rules that create the main way of life for Jews.

The history of the appearance of this trend can be traced initially on the pages of the Bible, in the Old Testament.

Initially, the Jews, like other peoples, worshiped many Gods, but by the will of the Lord they were captured by the Egyptians. Here they were waiting for a life full of hardships, torture and executions.

To get rid of this yoke, the Creator called Moses to him, who was supposed to be the one who would save the Jewish people from troubles. In order for the Jews to believe in him, several miracles took place, such as the Egyptian executions. After that, the people believed Moses and followed him into the unknown. After wandering for 40 years, the weary people found the Promised Land. During his wanderings on Mount Sinai, Moses received the 10 commandments and made a covenant with the Lord. Since that time, the Torah appeared, the sacred instruction of the Creator with the basic rules of conduct, laws and requirements.

Considering this religion, we can say that this is a collection of cult traditions that all adherents of this faith are required to fulfill. We list some of them:

  1. Circumcision. Circumcision is done as a sign that a person worships the God Yahweh. Without this rite, a Jew is not considered a believer.
  2. Sabbath observance. On this day, one should only pray, relax and be in harmony with nature. Any work, even the simplest, is considered a sin, therefore, in order to honor the Sabbath, even food should be prepared in advance.
  3. Family creation. A lonely person who could not find a mate commits one of the grave sins. If within 10 years the wife could not give birth to a baby, the husband has the right to divorce her in order to continue the family with another woman.
  4. Ban on the meat of pigs, horses, camels and hares. You can not eat dairy and meat dishes at the same time, eat any seafood.

A person becomes a believer as soon as he is born, this faith is transmitted to him with mother's milk. In the future, entire courses on Judaism are studied in kindergarten and school. Therefore, this people withstood the hard times of persecution and is still prospering, living and working on its own land.

Judaism and other religions

Difficult relations at all times developed between Jews and Christians. Throughout history, it was Christians who were the persecutors of their faith, so tensions in relations persist to this day. In turn, the Orthodox believe that Judas is guilty of the crucifixion of Christ and blame it on the entire people of Israel.

Jews have much in common with Muslims. Both of them consider themselves the children of Abraham, only from different branches. They worship the same God, they have many of the same. Nevertheless, relations between representatives of these religious movements develop in different ways.

To find out in detail what faith the Jews have, its main commandments, essence and history, you should read the holy book of the Torah. Then you can understand why this people is considered so spiritually strong and unbending.

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