Home Useful Tips How to make a home alarm with your own hands. Simple self-contained burglar alarm with your own hands. Burglar alarm equipment

How to make a home alarm with your own hands. Simple self-contained burglar alarm with your own hands. Burglar alarm equipment

Russians have always been famous for their ability to do all the housework on their own, without involving specialists. Most men are decently versed in plumbing, electrical, installation work, and car construction. Therefore, a burglar alarm with your own hands, for many, is not a myth, but a reality. Of course, this will require certain skills, knowledge of electrical engineering and the availability of the right tools.

Security alarm for an apartment

Self-installation options there are only two effective burglar alarms in your own apartment. The first option involves the purchase of a ready-made kit, which contains everything you need for a small home alarm. And if you buy a wireless system, then you don't need to do anything. Enough to place sensors in the right places and set up the device according to the instructions. This option has its weaknesses. First of all, the price, which cannot be called too low, then the proposed device and security sensors may not be satisfied with something. The offered equipment may not be sufficient for the organization of the security alarm system in a particular apartment.

Therefore, many prefer the second option, when all components are purchased independently and installation work is also performed without the help of specialists.

Security alarm set

Every burglar alarm, regardless of whether simple or complex, must effectively protect all premises of the apartment and give a signal in case of any violation of the protected area. The main elements of the security system are sensors, each of which reacts to a specific action or event. The number of sensors is limited by their purpose.

There are only a few varieties of them:

  • Magnetic sensors
  • Motion detectors
  • Sound sensors
  • Vibration sensors

A pair of "magnet-reed switch", installed on doors and window sashes. When everything is closed, the magnetic field keeps the contact plates in a closed state.

As soon as the door or window is slightly opened, the magnet will move away from the contact pair, and it will open. This is the most inexpensive and fairly reliable sensor included in all security alarm systems.


A reliable security alarm system also uses motion detectors, which are triggered as soon as an object is in the sensor's detection zone. These devices come in different types, but PIR motion detectors are used for private security alarm systems. They are cheaper than microwave radio wave sensors and more reliable than ultrasonic ones. Each sensor has a clearly defined detection area.

Most infrared motion detectors have a zone length of 10-12 meters, and a capture angle of 90 °.

Usually such devices are installed according to the principle - one room, one sensor, but there are exceptions. If several windows in a room are located on the same wall, then an infrared detector "curtain" is placed, which forms a narrow vertical but extended horizontal zone, which blocks all windows along the wall.

Sound (acoustic) sensors react to the sound of breaking glass. They form an additional security line. As a result of the installation of three types of sensors, the room will be completely blocked and penetration into it through the window and through the door is almost impossible. Vibration sensors react to attempts to undermine or destroy (break) a wall and are rarely used in domestic security alarms.


In addition to sensors, any security alarm should have a notification facility. Most often, a low-current siren is used, combined in one housing with an LED indicator. Such a device, in the event of a violation, gives a sharp signal with a sound pressure of 90 to 115 dB, which will simply frighten off the intruder. In addition, the sound of the siren together with the red flashes of the LED indicator will attract the attention of the neighbors.

Alarm supply

For reliable and uninterrupted operation of the security alarm, you should take care of the correct power supply. Power outages involve the use of power supplies with built-in batteries in security systems. Such devices allow the alarm to function normally for several hours.

To complete the installation work, you will need a wire, cable duct and fasteners. The burglar alarm is wired with a KSPV 4 X 0.5 wire. Two of the four cores are used to supply power to the sensors, and two more form a signal loop. To connect the network, a ShVVP wire or similar is used. The sensors are installed and the cable channel is laid using dowels and self-tapping screws.

PKP - the heart of the burglar alarm

The basis of the burglar alarm is alarm control panel - PKP... For a simple security system, it is enough to use a device with one or two loops. Such a device is inexpensive, but has a well-developed functionality and is perfect for a small apartment alarm.

Common devices with one loop:

  • Quartz
  • Astra 712/1
  • VERS-PK 1

The cost of the devices does not exceed 1900 rubles. Each device has a place for a battery in the case. Arming and disarming is carried out using the electronic keys "Touch Memory", which are included in the delivery set.

Video how to make an alarm from your phone:

Self-assembly of the security alarm

Before purchasing everything you need for an alarm system, it is recommended that you complete the entire installation plan on paper. This will help avoid errors in sensor placement and help determine the exact number of items required.

To make a simple burglar alarm yourself, you also need to have the following tool:

  • Perforator
  • A hammer
  • Pliers
  • Nippers
  • Set of screwdrivers
  • Tester

Choosing a place

First, you need to choose a place to install the main unit (PCN). It is usually installed on the wall of the hallway, next to the front door. It is desirable that an electrical panel or junction box is located nearby. In standby mode, the device must be constantly, therefore, the mains switch is usually not set. Then security sensors are installed, depending on the number of rooms, and a loop is laid. If the apartment is located above the second floor, it is not advisable to use glass break sensors. All sensors are included in one loop.

The performance of the magnetic contact sensors, before being connected to the line, is easy to check using a tester. When the door is closed, the circuit is closed, and if you open it by 1-2 cm, you can see how the contacts open.

Installing sensors

Infrared motion detectors are installed at a height of 210-220 cm in the corner formed by the walls. The specific installation location is selected according to the size and configuration of the room. These sensors are equipped with a swivel arm, which facilitates the selection of the optimal angle horizontally and vertically.

If the room is small, then the sensor must be oriented so that a window falls into the response zone, which is indicated in the passport, and if it works out, then the door. There is a red LED on the body of the motion sensor, the glow of which shows the state of the sensor. In standby mode, the diode is constantly on, and when the protected zone is violated, it blinks.

We mount

The installation of the security alarm is carried out with a four-core wire KSPV, as this allows the design of an apartment or house. It can be laid in a cable duct, under skirting boards and door frames. After completing the installation and checking the functionality, you can choose a place to install the signaling device. A triggered siren will force the offender to abandon his intentions, as well as inform the neighbors that something has happened in the apartment or house. The security alarm is controlled by means of electronic keys, the reader of which is installed next to the device.

Currently, ready-made burglar alarm kits are gaining more and more popularity. Such innovative devices, in case of violation of the protected space, can not only notify the owners of unauthorized entry, but also call the rapid response service. Of course, the cost of such devices is slightly higher than that of a conventional alarm, but this is justified by their capabilities.

Video with a non-standard solution for creating an alarm:

Burglar alarm simulators

A self-made burglar alarm for a home does not have to turn off expensive control devices and sensors. One of the most or at home will be the installation of a standard motion sensor that is used to turn on the lights.

The cost of sensors starts from 300 rubles.

Sensors of this type have a large detection area and can switch loads up to 2.0 kW, which allows a powerful siren and lighting to be turned on when the protected area is violated. These security systems are often installed in garages. This is convenient because, unlike complex devices that can be operated under certain conditions, outdoor motion sensors are efficient over a wide temperature range.

On the security systems market, you can already buy ready-made imitators (dummies) burglar alarms, which can be self-powered. The simplest ones are a regular red LED that operates in a pulsed mode. In conclusion, we can say that the range of security devices is currently very large, and everyone can choose the best option for themselves.

After acquiring a summer cottage or building their own home, the important task for their owners is to ensure the safety of these objects. Since dachas and country houses are located relatively far from security services, the security systems used should be distinguished by a wide range of functions that will scare off the thief and warn the owner of the house / dacha, as well as security services about an attempt to enter the protected object. Specialty stores and markets offer a wide range of different security systems for real estate. Their cost can vary from several thousand rubles to tens of thousands. Not everyone can afford to purchase an expensive alarm system to protect their home. In this case, a home-made system will be an effective solution to ensure the protection of real estate. A burglar alarm for home and summer cottages with their own hands can be created by each of its owners, who are at least a little familiar with the work of simple electronic devices and can perform simple electrical work.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homemade alarm systems for the home, compared to ready-made kits offered in the store, have their positive and negative sides. The advantages of such systems include:

  • low cost of the created security system;
  • the ability to independently design the configuration of the future security system;
  • a simple version of the burglar alarm can be created from improvised means that almost everyone has at home;
  • homemade alarm can be upgraded and improved at any time for specific tasks.

The disadvantages of homemade alarms include:

  • limited number of supported security sensors;
  • lack of built-in protection systems against blocking alarms by external electronic devices of intruders;
  • the need for basic knowledge of electronics and the need for electrical work;
  • simple alarms for the security and safety of summer cottages cannot be connected to the control panels of security services.

What types are there?

Security systems used in the country or country house can be divided into the following types:

  • autonomous security devices;
  • console security systems;
  • wired security complexes;
  • wireless security kits.

Autonomous security complexes

Autonomous security configuration is the simplest one. It includes security sensor devices that are located around the perimeter and an electronic unit that processes the signal from these sensors and controls the actuators in the form of sirens and light elements.

When one of the sensors is triggered by the electronic unit, in accordance with the programmed algorithm, an executive signal will be generated, which will trigger the siren to work, as well as turn on the light-emitting devices.


Autonomous systems have a psychological effect on the thief, and also allow you to draw the attention of outsiders to the object.

Panel protection for houses and cottages

Console security devices are fast response systems. Their work consists in the fact that special sensors are placed on the object, the activation of which leads to the transmission of an alarm signal to the control panel of the security service. After that, a team of security guards is sent to the facility, who can not only prevent a robbery, but also "on the trail" to catch the intruder.


Since console security systems provide for a monthly fee for the services of security companies, it is advisable to install them on houses and dachas in which really valuable things are stored.

Wired systems

Wired security systems are configurations that include electronic blocks in which many different security and functional sensors are connected using wires. When one of them is triggered, electronic units allow not only to turn on external executive devices that have a deterrent effect, but also can transmit an alarm signal to the consoles of security services or to mobile and stationary telephones of the owners of the dacha or house. Notification to the phone is carried out in the form of SMS-, MMS-mailing or voice dialing.

A security system for a private house with your own hands is quite complicated in execution, since it requires laying a significant number of cables around the perimeter of the protected object. Despite the complexity of these works, the advantage of such systems is the ability to install sensors over a long distance and high protection against electronic devices that suppress the safety signal transmitted from the sensor to the electronic unit.

Wireless complexes for the security of the country house

Wireless security systems are similar in principle to wired systems. The difference between them is that the signal from the triggered sensor is transmitted not through wires, but through a radio channel. Recently, GSM systems are especially popular. They make it possible to ensure the transmission of an alarm signal to the owner of the house / summer house to any of his mobile devices, coupled with the alarm, or to the consoles of security companies serving this object.


A burglar alarm for a do-it-yourself dacha of this type has one drawback - the lack of built-in protection systems against external jamming devices for alarm signals transmitted from the electronic unit. Therefore, creating a wireless security configuration, you can use ready-made electronic blocks offered in stores and markets that have such security systems. .

What components will be needed to create?

Homemade burglar provides for the following devices and tools:

  • electronic alarm control unit;
  • set of security sensors;
  • executive devices in the form of sirens and light-emitting elements;
  • GSM adapter;
  • switching wires;
  • tools for performing electrical work;
  • tools and materials for soldering.

Security sensors that a home security system will turn on with your own hands can be purchased in a store or on the market. You can independently make a sensor to control the opening of doors / windows from a reed switch and a magnet. As an electronic alarm control unit, which will already have a built-in GSM-adapter, you can use an old push-button mobile phone, supported by the shortcut function.

Do-it-yourself alarm assembly process for home and summer cottages

Do-it-yourself home alarms can be created entirely from ready-made devices that are purchased in the store. In this case, the process of assembling the alarm is very simple - like a Lego constructor. The user will need to install an electronic alarm unit, connect to it the necessary security sensors located in the protected areas, and executive devices. After checking the operability of the sensors and triggering external devices, the installation process of such an alarm will be completed.

If the alarm system for a summer cottage and a garage with your own hands is made from improvised means, using a mobile phone and homemade sensors, the creation process is divided into the following stages.

  1. On the telephone, which acts as a central alarm unit and a transmitting GSM adapter, set the shortcut key to the telephone number of the owner of the cottage / house.
  2. After that, remove the phone keypad and solder the wires to the shortcut key.
  3. These wires will be connected to the sensor based on a magnet and reed switch. This sensor is mounted on a door or window in such a way that its target is open. When the door / window is opened, the reed switch will close the contacts, which will respond to pressing the shortcut key and the phone will automatically dial the programmed owner's number.
  4. In parallel with dialing a number, an audible siren connected to such a homemade alarm can also be turned on. The electronic unit in the form of a telephone can work autonomously using a built-in power source, and a 220 V power supply is required for the sound siren.

Which one to choose - a homemade or a ready-made kit?

If you do not know how to make an alarm in the country with your own hands or doubt that everything will turn out right for you, then perhaps the right decision would be to purchase a ready-made kit in the store. Before buying, you need to draw up your own security alarm project, according to which the seller will help you choose the most optimal security set.

For those who are well versed in the operation of electronic devices and can independently carry out electrical work, it will not be difficult to do everything on their own. The simplest do-it-yourself alarm system for a summer residence will save you significant finances that can be used to purchase additional sensors and expand the capabilities of your security system.

How to install - independently or through a professional company?

For those who already know how to make an alarm for the house from improvised means, it will be easier to install and install it yourself. Although this process is quite laborious, it will save on payment for installation work and subsequent maintenance of the alarm in a special service.

If a home-made alarm system for a summer residence is assembled from ready-made devices that provide for the ability to work with consoles of security services, then its installation should be entrusted to professionals who own the appropriate license. Only such an alarm, if necessary, can be connected to the control panel of the security company.


Even the most simple alarm system for a summer residence with your own hands is an effective way to protect your property from "uninvited guests". Therefore, if finances are temporarily lacking for the installation of an expensive security system, it is imperative to install at least a homemade one. Later, it can be replaced with a more functional system, and for those who are well versed in electronics, a simple alarm can independently be upgraded into a system with broad capabilities.

This article provides diagrams of the simplest electronic alarms, which can be made by anyone who is at least minimally familiar with electronics or just knows how to hold a soldering iron in his hand. Such alarms will come in handy in many cases. They can be placed on the windows if there is a small child in the house who can open them. There is a guarded parking lot on the doors of an apartment or garage. And when triggered, the watchman will call the police. You can put such an alarm in the apartment if you are friends with your neighbors. Even if you go on a hike, it is not a sin to spread a security loop around the camp at night in case wild animals or strangers appear.

First scheme electronic alarm is simple to the extreme, it couldn't be easier. This is just one transistor, resistor and an executive relay. If an audible alarm is supposed, then instead of a relay, an audible siren or a howler is turned on.

Principle of operation: The security loop is a thin wire, or closed contact. When the wire is intact (or the contact is closed), the base of the transistor is grounded and the transistor is closed. No current flows between collector and emitter.

If you break the guard wire, or open the contact, the base will be connected to the power source through the resistor R1, the transistor will open and the relay (or siren) will work. It can be turned off only by turning off the power supply or by restoring the security loop.
Such an alarm can be used to guard your belongings, for example. A reed switch is used as a security contact, the alarm is hidden in the side pocket of a bag or backpack, and a magnet is placed next to it. If you remove the magnet from the alarm itself (move the thing), the siren will squeal in all voices.

Second circuit with more advanced custom functions

As in the first case, a security loop, a normally closed (in armed mode) contact or a reed switch closed by a magnetic field serves as a sensor. If the loop is violated, the alarm is triggered and its operation continues until the power is turned off. Loop recovery does not turn off the alarm, it will still continue to work for some time. The alarm has a temporary blocking button, which is necessary for the owner to leave the protected area. The alarm also has a response delay, which is necessary for the owner to turn it off when he enters the protected area.

Let's analyze the operation of the circuit. Before arming the alarm, you must turn off (open) the S1 switch. It must be installed in a secret place near the entrance. You can use, for example, a hidden reed switch, which closes - opens by rearranging an object with a built-in magnet, etc. This switch blocks the operation of the system and it stops responding to a loop break. When leaving, the switch S1 opens and the capacitor C2 begins to charge through the resistor R2. Until the capacitor is charged to a certain value, the system is "blind". And you have time to leave the facility by restoring the security loop or by closing the contacts. By choosing the values ​​of the resistor R2 and the capacitor C2, achieve an acceptable exit delay for yourself.

If the security loop is violated, then capacitor C1 will start charging through the resistor R1. This pair creates a slight delay in the alarm, and the owner has time to neutralize it by turning on the S1 switch. It is necessary to select the values ​​of the resistor and capacitor for a comfortable response delay time.
If the loop is violated by an intruder who does not know how to turn off the alarm, then some time after the loop is broken, the alarm will be triggered (both inputs of the D1.1 element will be logic "1", respectively, at the output "0". Having passed through the inverter D1 .2 it will again become "1" and open the transistor VT1. The transistor will discharge the capacitor C3 and through the inverter will open the transistor VT2, which will make the executive relay work or turn on the siren.

Even if the attacker quickly restores the loop, the siren will continue to work, since the capacitor C3 will be charged for a sufficient time through the resistor R3. It is the denominations of this pair that determine the alarm operation time after the loop is restored. If the loop is not restored, the alarm will work continuously.
Microcircuit - K561LA7, transistors - any n-p-n (KT315, KT815, etc.) Power supply - any with a voltage of +5 - +15 Volts. The executive relay or siren can be connected to a more powerful power source than the circuit itself. In standby mode, the circuit consumes practically no current (at the level of self-discharge of the batteries).

There are many industrial burglar alarms that you can buy or just contact a company that installs burglar alarms in your home or country. An article for those who do not like to spend money. Homemade burglar alarm schemes also a lot, but, basically, they require professional radio engineering knowledge and skills. It describes the principle and schemes of the simplest, yet reliable methods and autonomous intrusion protection devices.
The principle itself - upon penetration, an audible and (or) light alarm is turned on - an old, proven way of scaring off thieves in 98%. By the way, no one, the coolest, alarm system and even connecting to the control panel of a security company will not protect you 100%. It's like a car - if it is ordered - nothing will save.

But let's not be so pessimistic. Such cases are very rare, especially if you are not an oil tycoon or the like, and you do not have the floor of your house (dacha) of diamonds, then you will definitely not get the "order". But ordinary thieves, who commit 99.9% of thefts, will never steal if a light (sound) alarm is triggered. It is much easier and safer for them to find and clean out another object, which is not equipped with anything - since there are plenty of them and they have a huge choice. From these considerations, it follows that it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase and installation of a security alarm, but by making and installing even the simplest, homemade one, you increase the safety of acquired property, nerves and health by many orders of magnitude. The choice, of course, is yours - learn from the mistakes of others, when trouble comes to you, it will be too late.

For the simplest alarm it is enough to install intrusion sensors on doors and windows (an ordinary reed switch and a magnet cost a penny) and connect them to the alarm circuit. The sensor is installed: a magnet on the moving part of a door or window, a reed switch on a non-moving one, so that in a closed state the reed switch is closed.

All reed switches are connected in series. The alarm will be triggered when the circuit is broken anywhere. Below is a general diagram of such a device.

AND - a detector (chain of security sensors),
Op. - annunciator, (sound, light or combined)
Р - control relay
VT - transistor (or thyristor)
R - resistor
S - switch for arming / disarming,
Kupr. - relay contacts that control notification
Kbl. - self-locking contacts
+ U - power supply

When a detector is triggered, a warning device is activated. The notification can be light, sound, combined. In addition, with a little modification, the alarm signal can be transmitted to the remote control, mobile phone, etc.

The transistor is used to invert the sensor signal and does it as follows. While the detector contacts are closed, they close the base of the transistor to a common wire, the base current is zero, the collector current, respectively, too. When the contacts of the alarm sensor are opened through the resistor R, the base current opens the transistor, which turns on the relay.

You can use a diagram that shows how you can bring the described inverter to trivial contacts and generally exclude radioelements.

When voltage is applied to the relay through the triggered (closed) contact of the alarm sensor, it is triggered, including K control. the desired system (notifications, data transmission). At the same time, another group of contacts blocks the sensor contacts and, regardless of its further state, keeps the relay in the triggered state. You can turn off the alarm now by opening the switch S. By re-closing this switch, we will turn the alarm system back into standby mode. As you can see, everything is more than simple. However, such a scheme consumes a little more energy, since the relay coil will be energized in the armed mode.

A significant drawback of this scheme is that when triggered, it can only be disabled manually. Therefore, such a scheme can be used in the immediate vicinity of the protected object, for example, a nearby garage, shed, etc.

Time relay burglar alarm circuit

The basis for the construction of the following burglar alarm circuits a K2 time relay of the RVP72-3-221-OOU4 type or similar was taken, which has two groups of contacts, one of which - K2.1 - is triggered instantly, and the second - K2.2 - with an adjustable delay in the range from 1 to 180 seconds. The delay is set for 5-10 seconds so that when entering the premises, the owner has time to turn off the alarm with the S3 button (installed in a hidden place) before the sound or light signal is triggered. Complete disconnection of the alarm from the network is carried out by the S1 switch (toggle switch or any other for a voltage of 220 V). The signal sensor of the door position is the S4 button (type KM2-1 or similar small-sized), installed on the door frame. The S2 button is installed in front of the door to the secured area and it allows switching the alarm circuit to ARM mode after exiting. Relay K1 can be used of any type with an operating voltage of 220 V. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use a relay for 12V or 24V.

In ARMED mode, this circuit does not consume electricity, but when the alarm is triggered, the siren (or bell) will sound until the alarm is turned off with the S3 button or the S1 toggle switch inside the apartment. The same drawback as in the previous scheme.

To eliminate this drawback, the circuit must be supplemented with another short-circuit time relay, illogical K2 (shown in dotted lines in the diagram). The actuation time of the contacts KZ.1 is set for a delay of 120-180 sec. After this time has elapsed, the alarm circuit will turn off the siren and will remain in this state until the ARM mode is activated.

In the same way, you can make a simple car alarm for your car yourself.

And another homemade alarm circuit uses only one time relay.

The siren (and / or light) sounding time is set in the relay. The circuit will go into standby mode after a short-term de-energization of the circuit, after operation, or upon initial activation.

S1 - toggle switch for turning on / off the security alarm;
S2 - the toggle switch is used to temporarily disable the bell (or siren) while monitoring the operation of the security device

The circuit uses a VS1 thyristor, which ensures fire and electrical safety. There will be no life-threatening voltage on the security sensor circuit. This circuit allows many sensors to be connected in series to the security circuit. Sensors can be installed on window glass in the form of a strip of metal foil glued around the perimeter. They are triggered when glass is broken. Naturally, any reed switches will do, in any quantity. All are connected in series to a common signaling network. Before arming, check if the windows are closed. All sensors, except for the front door, must be in the closed position.

You can use a similar other thyristor. In this case, you may need to select a resistor R1. Resistor type - PEV-10 or similar with an allowable power of 7 ... 10 W. It is also possible to use several series-connected resistors of a lower rating.

When the chain of security sensors is broken, relay K2 is triggered (the same as in the previous diagram) and its contacts K2.1 become self-blocking. Relay K1 is also triggered, which will turn off after a specified time (120-180 sec.) By contacts K2.2.

Relay K1 allows you to connect a powerful output load. As a sound source, you can use any siren, for example SS-1 or any powerful bell of your choice.

The HL2 control lamp and the S2 toggle switch are auxiliary and their use is optional and does not affect the operation of the circuit.

These are the simplest home-made burglar alarm schemes for a house, summer cottage or garage, which everyone can assemble on their own with their own hands.
Good luck in ensuring the safety of your property.

The protection of private property has always been an urgent problem. Nowadays, there are many ways to protect your valuables or housing: you can hire a security guard, set an alarm, insure, etc., etc. But what to do if these methods are too expensive in relation to the protected property, but you still don't want to leave unattended, for example, a summer house. The author will tell you how he found a way out of this situation by making an autonomous burglar alarm with his own hands!

What we need to create an alarm:
1) Passive IR motion sensor (required for the system to react to an intrusion)
The author bought a light switch for 300 rubles.
2) 12 volt siren (needed for intrusion alert)
In this case, a power of 105dB was used, but as you understand it depends only on your desire. The cost is about 200 rubles.
3) Battery holder
4) 6 V relay,
5) insulating tubes,
6) wires.
7) the batteries themselves.

So let's analyze what we need from the signaling itself.

The work of the notification should be for a short time and turn off itself after a certain period of time, and then work again in the standard standby mode. The system must be able to fire multiple times. Low voltage current, for long-term operation (at least half a year).

Let's start with reworking the motion sensor, you need to transfer it from 220V power supply to 12V.

After analyzing the circuit, it becomes clear that it is capable of working even when powered from 8 V to 30 V. Actually, with the required 12V power supply, we must set the relay to 6V. We proceed to disassemble the sensor. The spherical part can be removed if one of the supports is bent. The fastening of the element is held by latches.

After removing the board, it is observed that the sensor is nothing more than a passive IR receiver, the reaction of which is associated with a change in the power of IR radiation incident on it and a simple optics system. The sensor's viewing angle is 180 degrees.

Next, you need to power the points that are on the left. Negative and positive charges according to the charges of the power source (by plus +, by minus -).

The points on the right are needed to connect the relay coil. And the standard relay installed on the sensor (it looks like a black box) must be removed.

Since there is not enough space inside the spherical shell of the sensor, it was decided to lead the relay into the base of the case through the wires.

The actual power is supplied to the sensor through the switch, and when the system is triggered, power is also supplied to the relay. Which in turn leads to the inclusion of a siren, notifying us of the penetration.

By the way, the number of possible connected sirens is not limited.

As you can see, I will lower that the siren, that the batteries are connected to the system through the terminals. Above and to the right is the switch, and the relay itself is located at the bottom left.

And so we put together our security system!

ATTENTION! Protect your ears before checking the siren! Otherwise, you can damage your hearing, which is naturally undesirable. And do not be confused by the small size of the siren, it is really very loud.

What did we get. Thanks to the regulator, it is possible to set the time on the sensor that the siren will work after identification of the intrusion into the protected area. The author got from 10 seconds to 8 minutes.

The sensor is installed indoors (for example, at the door), and the siren is output to the street.

It is important to know that after turning on the power, the siren goes off, so the author suggests placing the switch in a place invisible to the eyes.
To operate the sensor for 6 months, 16 mixed alkaline batteries are enough.

Also, the system has been successfully tested in the freezer, which will allow you to assert its excellent performance even in winter. at -30 degrees.

After the author installed the system in the country, he revealed:
1. Glare from water, unfortunately, can cause false alarms of the system.
2. If the sensor detects, then malefactors can seal it with iso-tape, thereby creating blind spots.

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