Home Helpful Hints Aries and bull from a to z. Characteristics of a male ram-bull. Marriage and family relationships

Aries and bull from a to z. Characteristics of a male ram-bull. Marriage and family relationships

The character of women Bulls - Aries: They shine with energy and interest in others. Their energy is so contagious that others succumb to it against their will. However, such a bright beating energy often creates difficulties for them. They go astray, forgetting about the golden mean in everything. They often act on the first thought, instead of thinking carefully, and this leads to the fact that mistakes follow one another.

These natures are temperamental and impulsive. They rarely think about their deeds and actions, try to act. This upsets and excites others, so they rarely find understanding. Self-confidence and dynamism are inherent in them, so they rarely sit still, they are always in search. However, their main drawback is the inability to complete all the cases to the end.

Ox women - Aries in love and relationships: They are good at acting, so they often try to play on the feelings of other people out of curiosity. And this rarely leads to a positive result. Even having found their soul mate, they spoil everything themselves. They should not build relationships at an early age, because during this period they are too impulsive and do not control themselves, which leads to disappointment and misunderstanding of themselves and others.

Women Bulls - Aries in finance and career: Only in adulthood can these Pisces achieve something worthy. In maturity, they forget about the impulsiveness of their nature, get rid of all the difficulties in communication. And as a result, they make a good career. The material side of life may not excite them, because it does not matter. Only in maturity they will appreciate comfort, coziness and all the possibilities of money. Then these women do everything to get them. And here already the financial condition is affected by what they have achieved at the moment.

Ox women - Aries in family and marriage: Family relationships in these women are built with great difficulty. They may not understand the requirements of loved ones, they try to avoid obligations. And this leads to a break. Creating their own family, they repeat the same mistakes. Only a patient soulmate will help them overcome this vicious circle, get out of it. Only in this case, these Pisces will be happy, but for this you need to meet the right person.

Advice for women Bulls - Aries: These women should learn to manage their emotions. Too strong emotions destroy their lives and plans, so you need to better control them. They are also encouraged to engage in self-improvement more, try to look for spiritual development paths. All this will give a feeling of fullness of life and peace. And such a state will surely attract prosperity, good women and positive events to them.

The symbol of the Ox in ancient astrology is considered hardworking, tenacious and reliable. This is a creature with a contemplative and slightly shy nature. The combination of the Ox with the sign of Aries gives rise to very determined personalities.

Such a person is persistent with great enthusiasm. They tend to be very assertive and self-confident, and often like to express themselves verbally as they think very deeply.

In most cases, such people are honest and open and do not try to hide their self-confidence. Such a person will always give a straight answer to a question. They are eloquent, but their answers can be too direct, but at the same time truthful.

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17 Comments → Aries in the year of the Ox. (Ox-Aries)

  1. Ivan 04.12.2016 at 16:10

    I agree, but it’s not always messy with the house. But in general, everything is right.

  2. Anonymous 26.08.2015 at 23:20

    It matches very well! In my opinion, a bull-sheep is a person who wants to be recognized by everyone. This is a complete egoist who will set himself a very ambitious goal, and will go to this goal all his life.
    If this person does something, then only if this business helps to realize his life goal. He doesn't care about anything else. He is very decisive and can, without hesitation, part with a loved one if this person interferes with his goal.

    1. Anonymous 24.05.2018 at 01:49

      I agree)))
      Parting with a person who prevents you from achieving your goal is not your person. Why do we need spokes in wheels ?!
      Egocentrism ... I think its quantity depends on the upbringing that the parents gave.

  3. Anonymous 01.05.2015 at 10:06

    About untidiness is absolute nonsense. For me, the order of things is absolutely natural, but I can hardly stand the uncomfortable atmosphere and dirt, as well as unscrupulous people. It just depends on upbringing. I personally do not consider housework boring, but on the contrary, creative, but work outside the home is boring. In general, there are strange absolutely motley characteristics here, like a fortune teller - in one sentence - “shy and contemplative and uncommunicative”, in the other - “eloquent, open, decisive” - some kind of punning nonsense ..

    1. Philip 08.05.2018 at 19:51

      I have the opposite, not like you. Although here is also an ram in the year of the bull

  4. Anonymous 29.04.2015 at 13:14

    There is some truth in this. Aries sister. There is an incredible mess and dirt at home and she does not care at all

  5. ska 04.08.2014 at 18:29

    it looks like my ex-husband, you can’t force him to sit at home, there’s no question of cleaning and cleanliness, he loves to be in the spotlight, friends, spending money on nowhere without thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

  6. Vika 06.02.2014 at 16:27

    It’s not enough truth, I’m not direct, I’d better endure it silently and cry to myself, but in my soul a storm and resentment towards others remains deeply masculine character and they’ll hammer a nail and build a house

  7. Milana 12.01.2014 at 02:21

    Yes! Elena, your description of this sign is probably the most accurate. Not quite, yet, I agree that the risk for the bull-ram is not characteristic of him. They know how to take risks if it justifies his expectations. (Gambling does not count)
    I am safe with such a person as behind a stone wall. He is the undisputed leader, which is difficult in our union, because I am an Aries rat. Will always find a way out of any situation. The ox-ram in love is capable of much, knows how to surprise. They say about such people - they will move mountains !!!

  8. Zhenya 03.01.2014 at 00:18

    I quote “The house of such a person may not be neat - Housework is incredibly boring for them” - well, not at all, I love to live clean and tidy, for me to clean the house is the first thing.

    1. Anonymous 08.01.2014 at 13:18

      That's for sure! I agree that cleanliness and tidiness are our first priority.

      1. Olga 28.09.2016 at 12:26

        With cleanliness, they missed the mark. In my opinion, the ram-bull characterizes me more likely from what I once read: “The house of the ram woman will sparkle. But only in the most prominent places.”)))) This does not mean that I have mountains of garbage in the corners, but I can’t stand something lying around or lying out of place)))

  9. Boris 08.10.2013 at 21:28
  10. Anastasia 23.09.2013 at 16:43

    Very interesting) Everything is absolutely accurate about me, only I am a dog.

  11. Elena 13.05.2013 at 02:52

    Risk-no, gambling-generally past, no crazy deeds. Very purposeful, determined, strong-willed and devoted. Rigid and conservative, but very, very reliable. Too demanding of themselves and others, they always get to the bottom of the problem, for them there are no trifles. Everyone does it thoroughly and will not allow anyone to do something better than them. Any business is brought to the end, no matter how impracticable it may seem. Very ambitious, climb the career ladder slowly but surely. They never lie or betray, they consider it below their dignity. They can lead and manage large teams. They do not tolerate violence and pressure on themselves. Those who get in the way and get in the way can be "swept away" both physically and mentally crushed. Absolutely not diplomats, they always say directly in the face everything that they think about a person. As a rule, quite intelligent people, but if necessary, they can use obscene expressions. Not very romantic, a little shy, with age they choose a partner with their head, not with their heart. At the same time, they choose for a long time, they weigh everything and look closely. As a rule, in the first marriage they are not happy. They can live alone for a long time because they are extremely self-sufficient and self-confident. They demand fidelity and respect from a partner. They can laugh at others, and they also do not mind at themselves. They do not tolerate vulgarity and debauchery. Grievances do not hold for a long time, they quickly forgive. But if they were betrayed, they say goodbye to a person once and for all. Change is never forgiven! In this sign, it is better to be born as a man; for a woman, this combination is difficult. About such men, you can say a REAL MAN, but about women, a man in a skirt.

    1. Igor 08/21/2013 at 15:14

      More precisely, I did not meet the characteristics. It's all about me. Only the bearer of this combination sign or a wise person who has lived nearby for a very long time can describe it this way.

      1. Igor 08/21/2013 at 15:19

        I'm sorry this is about Elena's comment

The characteristic and compatibility of the Aries man - the Bull is of interest to everyone who was born under these signs. This guy is strong and confident. In no case will he deceive and will always fight for justice and honesty. He can handle many issues alone. Despite this, he wants to see a caring woman nearby who will help him realize his potential. In love relationships, he appears as a caring and loving partner.

Often this guy lacks self-control, but he brings all his affairs to the end, moreover, systematically and clearly. His impulsiveness and thirst for adventure can provoke explosions, but they are short-lived. In general, he cannot be led astray, because he always has the mind and strength to remain in a leadership position, wherever necessary.

He somewhat lacks flexibility, but he perfectly understands what is happening around him and can withstand any life vicissitudes. This man has many talents and powerful energy. It is very important that he realizes his potential in business, in a leadership position, as this requires daily active actions from him. The Aries-Ox guy loves variety, while he strives to be a pioneer and craves new sensations. Diversity in itself is not the goal.

Characteristics of the love of a man Aries-Ox

The Aries-Ox man is very specific in expressing his feelings and desires, but does not always open them completely. Of course, in a couple, he wants to be the head and lead, because he will determine what, when and how to do it. It is good if he nevertheless gives a woman the opportunity to feel not only led, but also self-sufficient and independent.

This guy will not enter into a marriage of convenience. For him, hypocrisy and role-playing are unbearable in everything that concerns love. As a rule, he seeks to meet a patient girl whom he can protect from all life's difficulties. Due to his strong and combative nature, he is more likely to meet weak personalities, relationships with which bring only strong disappointments.

In personal relationships, he acts as a soft-hearted and good-natured partner, able to forgive a lot to his beloved woman. If his partner makes a mistake and then admits it, he will gladly accept it back. Even after parting with a woman, he will not give up and will continue to move on, financially supporting her and the children. Having met his true love, he will reveal his best qualities and begin to change his character.

Marriage compatibility of Aries-Ox men

When creating a family, a man born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Ox will take on the role of a wise and good master. Relationships will develop into marriage only if they are based on great love and sincerity. He will do his best to keep peace in the family, so the amount of his patience in this sense can only be envied. He is a wonderful and loving father. Even if he is not satisfied with family relationships, he will not look for someone on the side.

Of course, in a family, as in a relationship, he wants to be a leader, but this can be one of the reasons for quarrels and misunderstandings. His wife needs to listen to his opinion, because this man is able to give really useful and wise advice. He is not one of those who knows how to flirt with women, but he always chooses an honest and sincere relationship, which he will expect from his partner.

The Aries-Ox man must learn to be more flexible and calmly listen to someone else's point of view. This will allow him to avoid many altercations and quarrels in the family. In addition, he must stop relying only on himself in everything and learn to entrust the work to others.

Representatives of this type are bright, charismatic people. Aries-Ox men always act according to their plans, they have been preparing for changes in life for a long time. Such people are practical, conservative and fair. The Bull is also characterized by excessive perseverance, sometimes bordering on obstinacy, which is added by the sign of Aries - too often it seems to them that they are absolutely right.

Personality traits of Aries in the year of the Ox

Men born during this period are distinguished by independence, purposefulness and prudence. They make decisions for a long time, but after all the thought, they immediately get down to business. Sometimes they demonstrate stubbornness and a tough temper, but in general, Aries-Ox men are pleasant and good-natured people. They like to teach others various skills, they cope well with the role of an organizer. They prefer to be leaders, they like high positions.

The character of the Bull male under the sign of Aries

Representatives of this type do not like to listen to other people's advice, they want to regulate all issues themselves, not relying on the help of others. Aries-Ox men value stability, unpredictability is alien to them. At the same time, such people are energetic, cheerful, stress-resistant. They have rational thinking, they know how to manage their emotions. They enter into conflicts only when they want to prove their case. In such situations, it is difficult for them to stop and end the argument, and in other cases, the Aries-Ox men behave with restraint.

Personal life of Aries-Oxen Men

It is difficult for such people to accept someone else's point of view; on this basis, they have conflicts in the family. Once again, the Aries’ confidence in their rightness is strongly reinforced by the Ox’s perseverance in achieving the goal of pulling you to his side. If the Aries-Ox man is more attentive to his loved ones, he will be able to become a reliable and exemplary family man. He is faithful to his wife, strives to take on all the worries, appreciates sincerity and honesty in relationships. The Aries-Ox man loves children and values ​​​​his family.

Years: 1901; 1913; 1925; 1937; 1949; 1961; 1973; 1985; 1997; 2009; 2021.

The combination of the emotional Aries and the irreconcilable Ox creates a person who has a well-developed fantasy and consistency in his own actions. The bull is a hard-working person who can be relied upon. His character is contemplative and somewhat reserved. Such qualities, combined with the courage and determination of Aries, endow the personality with double perseverance and enthusiasm.

Aries, who is born in the year of the Bull, in most cases is stubborn, self-confident, sociable and eloquent. He likes to get to the bottom of everything. His answers are straightforward, which many do not like, since not every person is ready to hear the truth.

This is a purposeful nature with great ambitions and a pronounced character. Aries-Ox always has his own opinion. It is impossible to convince him. He will only do what he decides.
In any relationship, this person tries to be a leader. However, he will not suppress his partner. He is unpretentious in everyday life. In the house of Aries, who was born in the year of the Ox, it may not be very neat. In addition, he devotes himself to solving important issues. Housework does not play an important role for him.

Aries-Ox: general characteristics

Aries-Ox always brings any business to its logical end

The Aries-Ox man is easy to identify by his cordiality and benevolence. He is very stubborn and persistent, although outwardly he may seem too slow and unsure of himself. Aries, who was born in the year of the Ox, knows how to control himself. He is prudent. Such a person will not turn to outsiders for help and shift his problems to others.

Aries-Ox makes high demands on other people. He always finishes a job if he takes it on. He wants to be in charge everywhere. Aries, who was born in the year of the Ox, is irresistibly conceited. He likes to advise others on what they should do. At the same time, his advice often resembles orders.

The leadership qualities of this person allow him to achieve his goals, regardless of whether there are obstacles in his path. Of course, he has to work hard, but the energy for this is quite enough.

Aries is a sign of fire. In most cases, he is very short-tempered and unrestrained. However, if he was born under the sign of the Ox, then a person has such qualities as self-control and strong-willed character. He is able to purposefully move towards the desired and not pay attention to unimportant trifles.

Among other things, Aries manifest themselves as persistent people. And the Bull is very stubborn. Such a combination of character traits leads to the fact that a person cannot be forced to do something if he himself does not want it. It is this trait that is the main drawback in the character of Aries, born in the year of the Ox.

He strives for stability and predictability in all areas of life. This applies to both personal and business relationships. Such people need the release of psychological and physical energy. Otherwise, they may experience overstrain, which will provoke rash actions.

When building personal relationships, this person behaves straightforwardly and sincerely. But he is able to appreciate beauty, because he has a sense of beauty. He creates comfortable conditions for himself and enjoys life. This person zealously protects his home and loved ones.

Aries-Ox Woman: Characteristics

It is very important for the Aries-Ox woman to realize herself in any business.

The Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Ox, is distinguished by an expressive appearance and self-confidence. And her behavior is always peculiar. She objectively assesses the surrounding reality. Thanks to such a combination in the Aries-Ox woman, openness and perseverance are successfully combined in achieving the desired.

She defends her own ideas. Family is important to her. But sometimes a woman lacks flexibility and rationality. She has the power to lead men. However, it is impossible to influence it in any way. A woman wants to build a successful career with all her might. She wants to devote herself to exciting activities through which she can realize her own potential.

The fundamental characteristics of the Aries-Ox woman include:

  • strength;
  • directness;
  • jealousy;
  • egocentrism.

She never even thinks that her dreams may not come true. She perceives reality so painfully that she can show intolerance. Perhaps it is not easy for a woman to understand herself and correctly evaluate her own actions. But she does not take activity and stubbornness. She will always support those who need it.

The characteristic of the Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Ox, in a romantic relationship comes down to the fact that she definitely needs to be a leader. All she can agree to is equality. A woman does not accept submission. However, her family is important. She becomes a practical hostess who correctly allocates her time and budget.

The Aries-Ox woman has good acting inclinations. She masterfully manipulates the feelings of family and friends. Even in personal relationships, she positions herself as a stubborn and wayward leader. Few men are able to be close to such a peculiar and strong personality. True, you should pay attention to the fact that over time it becomes more flexible and flexible. The Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Ox, is no longer so difficult to come to compromises and agreements. However, it will not completely change.

Starting a family is not easy for her. The problem lies in the fact that in this person the desire for dominance and the feminine are fighting. If she manages to direct her leadership qualities into the business sphere, and at home be caring and gentle, then the woman will be able to build a long-term and happy union.

To find inner balance and equilibrium, an Aries woman born in the year of the Ox should devote herself to self-improvement. She needs to find her spiritual path of development. In this case, she will be able to achieve peace and learn to enjoy life. Of course, such a state will be the key to well-being and successful accomplishments.

Aries-Ox man: characteristic

The Aries-Ox man is accustomed to relying on himself in everything and does not seek help from anyone

The Aries man, born in the year of the Ox, has a lot of talents. This person has the strongest energy. However, it is difficult to say where it will be directed. If circumstances turn out well, then the Aries man, who was born in the year of the Ox, will be able to show his outstanding abilities in his own business, in a leadership position, or in that area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that is associated with increased activity.

This person strives to overcome any obstacles. He needs to regularly prove his own strength and potential. From the outside it seems that he is slow and not very dexterous. However, in reality, this is an energetic person with a large supply of ambition and enthusiasm.

The fundamental characteristics of the Aries-Ox man include:

  • purposefulness;
  • perseverance;
  • forethought;
  • the ability to control oneself.

He won't ask for advice. Moreover, the Aries man, born in the year of the Ox, does not perceive someone else's participation. He is so self-confident that he clearly moves towards the intended goals. After all, the main characteristic of the Aries-Ox man is his stubbornness. It is vital for him to be a leader, in which he is helped by a highly developed intellect and the ability to insist on his own. Such qualities are appreciated by the fair sex.

When building personal relationships for the Aries man, who was born in the year of the Ox, the desire to lead is characteristic. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that inconspicuous and weak women are unlikely to become the object of his adoration. He can take a long time to decide whether to connect his fate with this or that young lady. But when this man makes such a decision, other women cease to exist for him.

When the Aries-Ox man communicates with other people, he expresses his thoughts specifically. He loves to tell you what to do. When building a love relationship, he will not give in to romance. However, a man will replace her with stability, care and strong feelings.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

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