Home Helpful Hints Wired and wireless access networks. Wireless networks: classification, organization, principle of operation. Classification of wireless networks

Wired and wireless access networks. Wireless networks: classification, organization, principle of operation. Classification of wireless networks

Wired and wireless communication lines are links between information stations, distribution modules and users. Today, wireless transmissions are becoming more and more popular. But due to the high cost compared to wired ones, not all enterprises can install them for themselves. However, wired lines are not highly available, but many of them have a fairly high range of operation and reliability.

Types of wired communication lines

Most network regulations define the conditional and mandatory properties of a conductive hardware component. These include:

  • passing line;
  • wave resistance;
  • signaling lot of support;
  • degree of protection.

The devices are represented by cables with copper texture and optical fiber:

  1. The coaxial cable has a copper structure, and the origin acts as a central link surrounded by an insulating medium.
  2. A twisted pair looks like eight or more pairs of folded links. Stranding is used to reduce the level of interference from the internal environment, and external ones that affect it. In a retinue due to the type of pair, a similar system of properties arises, like the resistance of waves.
  3. The fiber optic conductor is represented by a complex of six or more fibers dressed in insulators, and two samples are produced: single-hearth and multi-hearth. Their difference is in the distribution of light information in the fiber; in a single-hearted wire, the radiation (sent in a single instant of an hour) overcomes an equal distance and reaches the transmitter synchronously, and in a multi-hearted signal beam, it scatters.

Types of wireless communication lines

Wireless lines are represented by regime devices of various configuration abilities.

  1. Infrastructure BSS. Consists of a server point with a wired connection and several independent users. Quite popular for enterprises with a specific single localization.
  2. IBSS demo mode, which is presented between a point-to-point connection.

Access points are characterized as non-cabled network components, which allows multiple users to use this equipment instead of a central switching network generator.

Wired and wireless communication lines actively interact with each other and are able to attach their information-transmitting capabilities in any kind of localization. The wired network system is also designed to protect the data security system within the corporation.

Wireless lines at the exhibition

The exhibition event "Communication" will take place this year on the territory of the Russian platform for concentrating advanced ideas of industry, information and its transmission - in the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". Here, leading international and domestic corporations, television and radio communication enterprises present their achievements in the field of programming and Internet transmissions.

Among the exhibits will be demonstrated innovative wired and wireless communication equipment, programs and applications of a service and business nature, transmitters, cellular signal novelties and much more.

150 years ago there was only one method of communication - wired radio. And although wireless radio communication has long entered our lives, wired methods of voice and text messaging still “work”. True, they have changed a lot since then.

What kind of connection happens, what are the principles of its work, what are the features - more on that later.

Radio classification

Wired communication, having only become popular, was immediately “squeezed out” by wireless mobile. But, the classification and technical parameters of wired radio communications are constantly improving. Operators offer new solutions and communication systems that are better than the previous ones.

So, every year the best means are offered for organizing wired communication at enterprises of any scale and direction.

Wired communication and radio communication

The principle of operation of wired radio is as follows:

  1. An autonomous transceiver uses radio waves to transmit a signal over an electrical cable to another radio receiver.
  2. As soon as the message is sent, it goes to the PBX or message switching center, which, in turn, is connected to the regional line
  3. Regional lines are connected to international

Such systems are most often used in small offices, but their more "advanced" modifications can also be used at state-level facilities.

Wired radio system

The main disadvantage of a wired radio communication system is signal loss on the cable. To transmit messages at the highest speed, fiber optic communication lines are used.

It is made of special plastic with a light guide of a couple of microns, then it is protected by a denser material - a filler, and covered with a sheath on top.

Optical fiber is used in the organization of backbone systems of wired radio communication, as well as when connecting wires to transceivers.

Wireless radio

Modern wireless radio communication is divided into mobile and satellite. Sometimes it can be attributed to IP-telephony.

In simple words, wireless radio communication can be called exclusively radio and satellite communications. But, today, many are accustomed to associate this concept with virtual and cellular communications.

Satellite wireless radio is built in such a way that the signal is transmitted/received by radio equipment directly via a communication satellite.

Cellular communication may also seem wireless at first, as the user does not need to connect to a network or outlet to communicate with another subscriber. That is, he can move freely around the entire perimeter of the network and negotiate. But.

Data that is transmitted via cellular communication goes to the radio tower, and then, via wires, is “transported” to the required subscriber.

As a conclusion

It is difficult to unequivocally answer which connection is better - wired or wireless. In each specific situation, the choice is made taking into account many factors. Therefore, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

If you have questions regarding wired and wireless radio communications, our Company's specialists are always ready to give you comprehensive answers to them. To do this, you just need to call us at the number listed above.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the Internet. Viewing mail, conducting business and personal correspondence, reading news, watching movies and TV shows, became possible with the advent of computer networks. And with the advent of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, it became possible to exchange information almost anywhere, wherever a person is. This became possible with the advent of wireless LANs and WANs.

The history of the emergence and development prospects of wireless networks

In the 80s of the last century, the GSM digital data transmission standard appeared. On which almost all mobile operators still work. This can be considered the starting point for the development of wireless network technologies. This protocol was rapidly improved, and in 1997 a new technology for exchanging information at a distance without the need for wires appeared. This technology is called IEEE 802.11, which is better known to a wide range of people as WiFi.

Since the appearance of the first version of 802.11a in the 90s of the last century, not much time has passed, more advanced technologies have appeared, the speed and quality of data movement has increased. Wireless networks are shrouded in almost all buildings, offices and industrial enterprises. A transition to a newer 802.16 specification, called WiMax, is expected. This technology allows you to significantly expand the connection range from a few dozen meters via WiFi to tens of kilometers without loss of quality and speed. Of course, this technology will be expensive at first, but over time, it is planned to equip all mobile devices with a WiMax radio module.

Wireless computer networks: classification and principle of operation

In general, a wireless computer system is designed to provide interaction between users, various servers and databases through the exchange of digital signals via radio waves. The connection can be made in several ways: Bluetooth, WiFi or WiMax. The classification of wired and wireless networks is carried out according to the same criteria:

  1. Personal Computer Network (PAN - Personal Area Network). The connection takes place, for example, between mobile phones in close proximity to each other.
  2. Local computer network (LAN - Local Area Network). Connection within the same building, office or apartment.
  3. City computer network (MAN - Metropolitan Area Network). Work within the same city.
  4. Global computer network (WAN - Wide Area Network). Global internet connection.

The 802.11 specification is a set of protocols that fully comply with the accepted standards of open networks of the OSI (Open System Interconnection) model. This reference model describes seven levels of data exchange, but the 802.11 protocol differs from the wired one only at the physical layer and partially at the data link layer. These are the levels of direct information exchange. The physical layer of transmission is radio waves, and the link layer controls access and provides data exchange between two devices.

Wi-Fi operates on two frequency bands: 2.4 (802.11a/b/g/n standards) or 5 (802.11n only) GHz. The range can reach 250-300 meters within line of sight and up to 40-50 meters indoors. Each specific equipment provides different physical indicators depending on the model and manufacturer.

The data rate varies depending on the standard used and can range from 11 Mbps in 802.11b to 600 Mbps in 801.11n.

Organization of a wireless network

WiFi can be used for several purposes:

  • organization of the corporate network of the enterprise;
  • organization of a remote workplace;
  • providing access to the Internet.

The connection is made in two main ways:

  • Work in infrastructure mode (Infrastructure Mode), when all computers communicate with each other through an access point (Access Point). The router operates in switch mode, and very often has a wired connection and Internet access. To connect you need to know the identifier (SSID). This is the most common type of connection for the layman. This is true for small offices or apartments. Routers act as access points.
  • The second connection option is used if it is necessary to connect two devices directly to each other. For example, two mobile phones or laptops. This mode is called Adhoc, or equal to equal (peer to peer).

Household routers make it possible to connect not only through Wi-Fi. Almost everyone is equipped with several Ethernet ports, which makes it possible to bring gadgets that are not equipped with a WiFi module to the network. In this case, the router acts as a bridge. Allows you to combine wired and wireless devices.

To increase the range of a network or to expand an existing topology, access points are pooled in Adhoc mode, while others are connected to the network through a router or switch. It is possible to increase the coverage area by installing additional access points as a repeater (repeater). The repeater picks up the signal from the base station and allows clients to connect to it.

In almost any public place, you can catch a WiFi signal and connect to access the Internet. These public hotspots are called Hotspots. Public areas with Wi-Fi coverage are found in cafes, restaurants, airports, offices, schools and other places. This is a very popular direction at the moment.

Wireless Security Considerations

Security problems concern not only the transmission of information over radio channels. This is a global issue related to the performance of any system, and, moreover, an open one. There is always a chance to listen to the broadcast, remotely intercept the signal, hack the system and conduct an anonymous attack. To avoid unauthorized connection, information encryption methods have been developed and applied, passwords are entered to gain access to the connection, broadcasting of the access point name (SSID) is prohibited, a filter is put on connected clients and other measures.

The main threat is:

  • "Aliens" or unauthorized devices that have gained access to the access point bypassing security measures.
  • The uncharacteristic nature of the connection allows mobile devices to automatically connect to a trusted (and sometimes not so) network. Thus, in order to access information, an attacker has the ability to switch the user to his access point with a subsequent attack or to search for weak points in protection.
  • Vulnerabilities associated with the configuration of networks and connected devices. The risk arises when using weak security mechanisms, simple passwords, etc.
  • Incorrectly configured access point. Many network users leave their passwords, IP addresses, and other settings as they were at the factory. It is not difficult for a criminal to penetrate a protected area, reconfigure network equipment for himself and use network resources.
  • Hacking the cryptographic protection of the network allows you to use the information transmitted within the network. To crack encryption now you do not need to have special knowledge or skills. You can find a huge number of programs that scan and select security codes.

It should also be noted that hacking technologies are constantly being improved, new methods and variants of attacks are constantly being found. There is also a great risk of information leakage, which allows you to find out the network topology and options for connecting to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks

The main advantage of transmitting information over the air follows from the very name of the technology. There is no need to lay a huge amount of additional wires. This significantly reduces networking time and installation costs. To use Wi-Fi networks, there is no need to purchase a special license, which means you can be sure that a device that complies with the 802.11 standard, purchased in one part of the world, will work anywhere else.

Wireless networks are well upgraded and scalable. If you need to increase network coverage, you just install one or more additional routers without having to change the entire system. In areas with uneven coverage, the client device will always switch to the point that has the highest connection quality.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting security problems. All modern routers support several encryption protocols, it is possible to filter clients by MAC addresses. Thus, with sufficient care, it is possible to organize a system that is least exposed to risks. Another disadvantage is the overlap of coverage areas from different routers. In most cases, this problem is solved by switching operation to another channel.

Wired networks- a high privacy system that requires professional maintenance. So far, one of the disadvantages of wired networks is the need for installation work. This leads to "attachment" to the workplace and lack of mobility.

The local network allows ultra-fast data transfer between computers, working with any database, collective access to the Internet, working with e-mail, printing information on paper using only one print server, and much more that optimizes the workflow, and thereby improves the efficiency of the company.

Obtaining high results and achievements in the field of modern technologies made it possible to supplement local networks "wireless" technologies. In other words, wireless networks that operate on the exchange of radio waves can be a wonderful addition to any part of a wired network. Their main feature is that in places where the architectural elements of the room or building in which the company or organization is located do not provide a cable network, radio waves can cope with the task.

Today wireless networks allow users to provide connectivity where cabling is difficult or complete mobility is required. At the same time, wireless networks interact with wired networks. Nowadays, wireless solutions must be taken into account when designing any network - from a small office to an enterprise. This will help you save money, time and labor.

WI-FI is a modern wireless technology for transmitting data over a radio channel (wireless, wlan)

WiFi Benefits:

No wires.

Data transmission over the network is carried out over the "air" at very high frequencies, which do not affect and do not cause electronic interference and harm to human health.


Since the wireless network is not connected with wires, you can change the location of your computer within the range of the access point without worrying about communication disruptions. The network is easy to assemble and disassemble. When moving to another location, you can even take your network with you.

Technology uniqueness.

Installation is possible in places where installation of a wired network is impossible or impractical, in places such as exhibitions, conference rooms.

Disadvantages of WiFi:

Relatively high cost of equipment. The speed depends on the transmission medium.

Although modern technology allows you to reach speeds up to 108 Mb / s, which is comparable to the speed of cable networks, the speed depends on the signal transmission medium.

To improve signal quality, you can benefit from the installation of an additional external antenna: narrowly directional for line-of-sight connections, or so that the signal propagates in one direction and omnidirectional when you need to increase coverage indoors.

Wireless Network Security.

Currently, Wi-Fi equipment is used, which is equipped with a set of security equipment and professional settings, allowing you to achieve almost 100% wireless network security guarantee.

Nonetheless, wireless networks are only an additional element of the local network, where the main work falls on the main cable for data exchange. The main reason for this is the phenomenal reliability of the wired LAN, used by all modern companies and organizations, regardless of their size and employment.

Transferring information between computers.

Wired and wireless communication.

There isthree main ways to organize computer-to-computer communication :

    connection of two adjacent computers by means of a specialcable ;

    transferring data from one computer to anothermodem using wired, wireless or satellite communication lines;

    integration of computerscomputer network

Often when establishing a connection between two computers forone computer is assigned the resource provider role (programs, data, etc.),and after another - the role of the user of these resources . In this case, the first computer is calledserver , and second -client or workstation. You can only work on a client computer running special software.

Server (English)serve - service) is a high-performance computer with a large amount of external memory that providesservice other computers by managing the allocation of expensive shared resources (programs, data, and peripherals).

Client (otherwise, workstation) - any computer that has access to server services.

Computer network (English)computer net work, fromnet - network, andwork - work) is a system for exchanging information between computers.

Users of a computer network get the opportunity to share its software, technical, informational and organizational resources.

Computer network is a collection of nodes (computers, workstations, etc.) and their connecting branches.

Network branch - is a path connecting two adjacent nodes.

Network nodes are of three types:

    terminal node - located at the end of only one branch;

    intermediate node - located at the ends of more than one branch;

    adjacent node - such nodes are connected by at least one path that does not contain any other nodes.

Computers can be networked in a variety of ways.The way computers are connected to a network is called networking.topology .

Most commontypes of network topologies:

    Contains only two end nodes, any number of intermediate nodes, and has only one path between any two nodes.

    A network in which each node has two and only two branches attached to it.

    A network that contains more than two end nodes and at least two intermediate nodes, and in which there is only one path between two nodes.

    A network that has only one intermediate node.

    A network that contains at least two nodes that have two or more paths between them.

    Fully connected network. A network that has a branch between any two nodes.

The most important characteristic of a computer network is its architecture.

In the modern world, which is experiencing an information boom, it is becoming increasingly importantwired communication - telephony and the Internet, which allows people not only to communicate with each other over a great distance, but also to send huge amounts of information in a fraction of a second.

There are several typeswired communication lines :

    copper twisted pair wires

    coaxial cable

    fiber optic communication line

The most common, cheap and easy to install and subsequent maintenance is twisted pair. Fiber-optic communication line, on the contrary, is the most complex and expensive.

Despite the rapid development in recent years of all kinds of wireless communications, such as mobile or satellite phones, wired communications will apparently retain their positions for a long time to come.

Mainbenefits wired communication before wireless are the simplicity of the device of communication lines and the stability of the transmitted signal (the quality of which, for example, practically does not depend on weather conditions).

The laying of wire (cable) communication lines for the provision of telephony and Internet services is associated with significant material costs, and is also a very laborious process. However, despite such complexities, the infrastructure of wired communication is constantly updated and improved.

Wireless network technologies are grouped into three types, differing in the scope of their radio systems, but all of them are successfully used in business. 1. PAN (personal area networks) - short-range networks with a radius of up to 10 m that connect PCs and other devices - PDAs, mobile phones, printers, etc. With the help of such networks, simple data synchronization is implemented, problems with an abundance of cables in offices are eliminated , a simple exchange of information in small working groups is implemented. The most promising standard for PAN is Bluetooth. 2. WLAN (wireless local area networks) - range up to 100 m. With their help, wireless access to group resources in a building, university campus, etc. is implemented. Typically, such networks are used to continue wired corporate local area networks. In small businesses, WLANs can completely replace wired connections. The main standard for WLAN is 802.11. 3. WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Networks) - wireless communication that provides mobile users with access to their corporate networks and the Internet.

At the present stage of development of network technologies, Wi-Fi wireless network technology is the most convenient in conditions requiring mobility, ease of installation and use. Wi-Fi (from English. wirelessfidelity - wireless communication) is a broadband wireless communication standard developed in 1997. As a rule, Wi-Fi technology is used to organize wireless local computer networks, as well as to create so-called hot spots for high-speed Internet access.

The future development of telecommunications services to a large extent lies in the competent combination of wired and wireless communications, where each type of communication will be used where it is most optimal.

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