Home Useful Tips Role-playing games for company scenarios. Role play for guests. Compliant waitress in revealing outfit

Role-playing games for company scenarios. Role play for guests. Compliant waitress in revealing outfit

Number of players: any
Optional: no
This is an old Russian game. It was played after Fomina's week, before Petrov's day.
The players go out to the meadow, sit on their knees one to the other, mating with one another in the form of a long ridge.
The front one gets the name of the grandmother, and all the others are considered a radish. A merchant is buying a radish.
Merchant. Grandmother! Sell ​​the radishes! Grandmother. Buy it, father.
The merchant examines the radish, tries in every manner, feels it and tries to pull it out.
Merchant. Grandmother! Is there a feeble radish?
Grandmother. What are you, father, all young, bitter, one to one; pull out any for a test.
The merchant begins to pull out - how much strength there is.
Merchant. Grandmother! Your radish cannot be pulled out of your own free will: it has grown. Let me dig up the mower by the roots.

Building - role-playing game

New Year's Tale-2 - role-playing game

Number of players: any

The presenter comes out with a hat with pieces of paper with roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles. Then the presenter tells the tale offered below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role.
The text of the tale:
Here is a house that is built in the forest.
But Santa Claus is a tough old man,

And in any weather

From a house that is built in the forest.
But the Snow Maiden is a grumpy girl,
Which languishes in girls for a long time
But he loves Santa Claus - that old man,
Who will wear a red caftan
And in any weather
Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!
From a house that is built in the forest!
And here are the funny kids
They love beautiful books
But life is preparing such surprises for them,

New Year's fairy tale - role-playing game

Number of players: 14
Additionally: papers with roles
Preparation: Roles are written on pieces of paper:
- Curtain
- Oak
- Crow
- Boar
- Bullfinch
- Father Frost
- Snow Maiden
- Nightingale - robber - Horse
- Ivan Tsarevich
The presenter comes out with a hat with pieces of paper with roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles.
Then the presenter tells the tale offered below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)
Scene 1
The curtain has gone.
There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A herd of hogs ran by.
A flock of ducks flew by.
Santa Claus and Snegurochka were walking in the clearing.
The curtain has gone.
(Participants leave the stage.)
Scene 2
The curtain has gone.
There was an oak tree in the clearing.
Cawing, a raven flew in and sat down on an oak tree.
A herd of hogs ran by.

Dating Scene - Role Play

Number of players: any
Optional: no
Each person constantly gets to know someone. There are even all sorts of tips on how to get to know each other correctly in order to make a good impression of yourself. But these rules are valid only in the usual, everyday conditions. And if you have an incredible acquaintance? How then should a person behave? Imagine and stage a situation in which they meet ...
- astronauts with aliens;
- hunters with a Bigfoot;
- the new owner of the castle with ghosts living in it;

Transformations - game for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: no
Everything and everything turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the expediency of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants - in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc.
And if to the station - it means in a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if in the studio - in announcers, cameramen, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise decoration, depict props, etc.

Maternity hospital-2 - role-playing game

Vasya and the "head" - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: no
The host is chosen - Vasya, the rest of the participants play the role of the "head". To do this, you need to divide as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then you need to compose such a mise-en-scène so that a figure resembling a giant's head is formed. If there are many participants, then it is good in this case to give someone the role of left and right hands.

Role-playing games for adults- a great option to diversify your sex life with your partner. This will give your communication in bed new emotions, colors and sensations. In addition, completely different scenarios for such games can be imagined.

Moreover, role-playing games promote liberation and help get rid of certain complexes that you may experience in bed.

10 scenarios for role-playing games

# 1 Plumber

Also, an electrician, a gasman, etc. can act as variations. You choose what you like best! The girl is at home, and the man rings the doorbell. She meets him in a seductive form (short robe, negligee or other sexy lingerie) and lets him in. The girl flirts with a new acquaintance while he rummages in his suitcase of tools. Then, when the repairman begins to "repair" something, the girl bends over him, begins to touch and excite.

# 2 Hitchhiking

A great option if you have a car and know a quiet, secluded place where you can act out a scene.

If you don't have a car, you can take a taxi. You get into a taxi, “notice” an attractive girl on the road and ask the driver to stop. Pretend that you are old acquaintances who have not seen each other for a long time. You can start the foreplay right in the car. Or go even further.

# 3 Teacher and student

Classic. Imagine you are in a class. The girl is wearing a school uniform. And you're a middle-aged sexy teacher. This is very exciting, as such sexual fantasies are very common among girls. However, you can also switch roles. She is a strict teacher and you are a student.

# 4 Prisoner and Guard

Locked in a cell and "punished", the girl is in complete control of the guard, who carefully monitors her. She really likes to obey him, and he enjoys domination. Where will this all lead? Probably to mutual pleasure.

# 5 Elite prostitute and client

The girl is very attractive and knows a lot about her business. So much so that a young man is willing to pay a lot to make love to her. For a girl, everything is allowed: provocative clothes, bold seduction techniques, dirty talk ... but without kissing. Why not find him alone in an expensive hotel bar? And then, according to the script, you can “make a deal” and go home.

# 6 Submissive robot

One of you plays the role of a robot. As a robot, you cannot make any decisions on your own; all you can do is obey the instructions of the master. The master indicates the words you must say or the actions you must take to please the master. The robot does not take any initiative, it just follows orders.

# 7 Sleeping Beauty

The girl is in a deep sleep, and only the prince is able to wake her up. This time, there is no guarantee that a simple kiss will do wonders ... at least not just a kiss on the lips. This is a very comfortable role-playing game because the girl is lying in bed, which is perfect for subsequent events. Also, it takes a little time before the "sleeping beauty" reacts to the prince's kisses and caresses.

# 8 Stripper

Sexy dressed, the girl dances and flirts with her lover, but he has no right to touch her. While the man is sitting on the couch or in an armchair, she assumes enticing poses and dances slowly and languidly. Pretty woman knows exactly how to get any guy.

# 9 Wife and lover

Good pair. The husband went on a business trip, and a "lover" comes to his wife. The script should be accompanied by appropriate emotions. Imagine that the husband can unexpectedly return, etc.

# 10 Card Joker

All of the previous ideas are just suggestions, so of course you can come up with your own scenarios. Let your fantasies unfold to the fullest: "I am a wolf, and you are Little Red Riding Hood", "I am the master, you are my slave", "Stat Let's play doctor and nurse" ... everything will do!

In general, be more open to experimentation in bed. Then your sex life will sparkle with new colors. And you can invent with your partner an infinite number of options for such role-playing games. There would be strength and desire. Good luck!

One of my favorite staged fairy tales, alterations, I have known it from the days of my exuberant pioneer youth. Then there was still no Internet in our USSR and, of course, in the form in which I remembered it, although it was interesting, but not very. I honestly admit that here I am describing a scene that I connected with my memories and that I stole from another site, I no longer remember from which one. You've probably all heard about this fairy tale in a new way and perhaps participated more than once.

So the participants: you need 7 people + a leader.

Props and distribution of roles.

You can simply invite 7 people, build them in a row, for example, according to their height, and only then announce that now they will show the Turnip fairy tale in a new way. You can use the method I described in the scene, i.e. find riddles about heroes and whoever guesses whom will play this hero. You can also prepare props: grandfather-a stick or stick, grandma-headscarf, granddaughter-hat and / or glasses, bug-bag, cat-scarf around his neck with a bow, mouse-handkerchief. Maybe someone else will have ideas about which props to use, write in the comments, let's make the story even more interesting together.

The words of the heroes of the tale.

The words of the heroes are always the same and they must pronounce them as soon as they hear that the presenter named the name of the hero in his text.

Turnip - Here I am!

Grandfather - And Seryozha is great!

Grandma - We are all bitches!

Granddaughter - Right now, I'll paint my nails!

Bug - What do you want?

Cat - Tired of like dogs!

Mouse - Oh, who's there?

So, the presenter reads the text, the artists depict the scene, each with their own words. You can just take the original, everyone knows the Turnip fairy tale by heart, or you can just take such an option, in my opinion it is more interesting.

Tale Turnip in a new way.

Somehow early, hot summer, grandfather decided to sow turnips,
Which I did on Monday, in spite of the fatigue.
Chernobyl was not far off, the turnip grew huge.

Grandfather wanted to tug at her, nothing happened.
He then went for grandma, she watched TV shows,
Grandfather called her for help.
Grandma reluctantly flooded.

A woman and a grandfather are pulling turnips, she doesn’t give in.
Grandma's head aches, and grandfather's loins.
The granddaughter passed by, returned from the disco,
Grandfather called her for help, promised that he would take it as a share.

And although this granddaughter had critical days,
She came to their aid, and the three of them got down to business.
Regardless of the attempts, turnip is not an iota,
Grandfather swallows valerian, granddaughter injects grandmother with a syringe.

She ran past the bug, kept her way to the trash heap,
I wanted to have breakfast there, the poor thing overcame hunger.
Zhuchka's granddaughter invited me to provide help,
She, although she did not like turnips, did not refuse to help.

But all efforts are in vain, turnip, as if someone is holding,
The grandmother whips the valerian, the granddaughter injects her grandfather with a syringe.

The cat passed by about its cat affairs,
The bug invited the cat, the cat immediately refused,
But, sensing the valerian, the cat immediately agreed,
And the company for a new five got down to business.

Only there is not a single gram of sense, the turnip did not even sway,
The cat whips the valerian, the granddaughter injects a vein with a syringe.

The mouse ran past, the cat caught the mouse,
And she demanded menacingly that she would come to the rescue.

The mouse has nowhere to go, it cannot refuse,
But the granddaughter and grandmother escaped, because they are afraid of mice.

The cat immediately got angry, and let's yell at the mouse! -
You ripped it off, you bastard, we got the harvest ?!
After these accusations, the cat swallowed the mouse.

The cat was not lucky either, the Bug also wanted to eat.
But the bug did not enjoy a delicious lunch for long,
Grandpa Zhuchka ate for dinner because he was Korean.

Role-playing games are based on the principle of theatrical performances, in which each participant needs to play a role. The only difference is that in the game this role is chosen by the player himself, coordinated with the plot of the game, he is given much more creative freedom and opportunities to improvise, as a result the game becomes more interesting. This is not even a game in the usual sense of the word: the participants are given the right to create a kind of story by themselves. As for the plot, it only sets the main direction of the game, the outcome of which is unpredictable. In each case, the game can develop in different ways. Even if the games have the same scenario and the same conditions of play, they are not alike. We can say that role-playing games are very individual.

The main thing in the role-playing game is not victory, but participation, from which all players get a lot of pleasure.

Role-playing games are subdivided into board, computer, office and field games. In Western countries, the latter are also called live role-playing games. Computer games are not suitable for hosting parties as they are online entertainment.

The specificity of board role-playing games is that the main events take place in an imaginary world created by the participants themselves. A small number of guests take part in the game. They come up with characters for themselves with certain characteristics, qualities, skills, abilities, etc. One of the participants can be the leader and comes up with the rules of the game, and also describes the situation in which the characters of the players speak, perform some actions. In some games, a kind of refereeing also becomes the task of the presenter: he determines the results of the participants' moves and communicates them to everyone. Usually dice are used for this definition. A lot of freedom of action and the ability to show imagination make board role-playing games very popular.

Doing some role play will allow friends to have an unforgettable party and help them get to know each other better.

For holding office role-playing games, they usually occupy a separate room or room. In advance, you should define in general terms the plot, write the rules, assign roles. These games can last for a very long time. Costume games can be arranged in which the participants dress and behave according to the role dictated. These games make a strong impression, because all events seem to be happening. True, it also depends on how talented the elements of the game are and how seriously the participants themselves will approach the matter. You can come up with historical, modern or fantastic stories. However, these games look like a performance only at first glance. The roles of the participants become more lively, interesting and exciting, because they really feel like this or that character due to continuous improvisation in actions and words.

Field role-playing games are usually carried out in nature. This requires a large area and many participants. Sometimes up to a thousand people can take part in the game! The special literature presents the most popular plots and themes for role-playing games. As a rule, these are spectacular and dynamic performances. Best suited for this are historical events of the late Middle Ages, fantastic literature, fantasy, some modern works that allow you to create an environment and experience real adventures.


This is the name of one of the most famous role-playing games in Russia. Its advantages are that it has simple rules that do not require special training. It hosts a team site, each of which can gather from 5 to 40 people, depending on the number of invited guests.

The game layout is that all players live in the same city. Everyone can choose a role for themselves from the number of required and optional. Mandatory roles: mafia (criminals of all stripes), civilians and a commissioner. Optional roles include doctor, poisoner, maniac, prostitute, etc.

The game timeline is divided into day and night. The host announces: “Night. The Mafia is waking up. " After that, the players representing the mafia are activated. At the same time, “civilians” close their eyes and do not peep. The members of the mafia choose one of the “civilians”, try to coordinate their actions, and if within 5 seconds they point at the same person, he is considered “wounded” and “dies” by morning.

The host's next command announces the day. At the same time, the mafia must "fall asleep" - close his eyes. All the others, on the contrary, wake up and perform actions that correspond to their roles: the maniac kills, the poisoner poisons, the doctor heals, etc. When the leader's team announces morning, he at the same time informs about the presence of those killed, but does not name who exactly killed. All participants are looking for members of the mafia and may even kill one person from this group of players. True, before that you need to bring an accusation and choose the victim by universal suffrage. After that, his role can be announced.

Role-playing often awakens creativity in the participant that he or she may not have even knew existed, and allows these abilities to manifest themselves to their fullest.

When the second night falls, the "commissioner" gets the right to open his eyes and quietly follow the mafia. He can announce his role in the afternoon. There is a catch: any other player can also call himself a commissioner, and declare the real commissioner a cheat. Mafia can give false testimony. So, when voting, "civilians" must decide which of the participants to believe, and this turns out to be not at all easy.

As a result of the game, either all civilians or all criminals become “killed”. Those who survived are declared the winners. But in fact, the goal of the game is not to win, but to make the game interesting and enjoyable for all participants.


In order to conduct this game, you need to prepare several separate rooms. Each of them becomes a planet that has its own legend: history and traditions. The players can come up with the indigenous inhabitants of these planets themselves. One “planet” requires no more than 10 players. The goal of the game is survival. The distribution of resources between the "planets" is provided so that none of them will be able to survive on their own. The goal can be achieved only with active and necessarily friendly interaction with other "planets."

The plot of the game is that each "planet" is visited by "aliens" with an encrypted message, which contains information on how to save all "planets". The inhabitants of the "planets" must decipher this message.

The message is divided into several parts, according to the number of "planets". Residents receive different parts, in which it is going on about different rescue possibilities: through the mutually beneficial distribution of the resources of the "planets" or with the help of a powerful reactor, as well as the location of the reactor, and what needs to be done to start it up. Another part contains ciphers for all messages.

The result of the game and the victory in it depends on the decisions that the participants make.


This game is considered to be one of the most exciting. In order for it to pass at the proper level, serious preparation should be carried out, which will require good organization and proactive leaders. True, even preparing for the game is a pleasure. It's worth trying to be sure!

The adventures of a game can take as little as an hour, or they can last for several days. Moreover, the game does not depend on whether it is planned to be held on a holiday or on weekdays, it can serve as excellent entertainment and distract from the routine of everyday life.

The aim of the game depends on the imagination of the organizers. Most often, this is either finding a treasure, or a criminal, or missing jewelry, or a person who suddenly disappeared.

First, the presenters write the script. The treasure needs to be hidden somewhere. It should be something tempting, like a supply of condensed milk or beer. It's great if the game takes place in nature or at least in the courtyard of a private house.In this case, the treasure can be truly buried.

After that, a map should be drawn to help in the search for the treasure. There are hints for searchers, each indicating where the next is.

All participants are divided into "good" and "evil": treasure seekers and pirates. These groups compete with each other to find the treasure faster. Several players are declared to belong to one of the groups. The rest from time to time go on reconnaissance in the enemy camp.

Both groups have their own territory and headquarters. They also have to select the top military leadership and build their own flag.


This game does not regulate the number of participants, but if there are a lot of them, more than 10 people, it becomes much more interesting to play. The places where the shelters will be located are preliminary discussed. Participants make up two teams: "Cossacks" and "robbers". "Cossacks" also choose a room - "prison" for the caught "robbers".

At the beginning of the game, the "robbers" run and hide. The "Cossacks" should not only find the "robber", but also try to escort him to the "prison", which is rather difficult to implement in practice, since the "robbers" are actively resisting. In the "prison" they are looked after by the "guard", while the "Cossacks" are engaged in the capture of the next "robber". For "protection" you need to choose not weak participants, otherwise they will not be able to prevent escapes.

The "robbers", naturally, do not leave their fellows without help and try to help them out. The game categorically prohibits assault, so the participants must make a lot of effort to get by with other methods of influence.

"Knight Tournament"

Couples participate in this unusual game. If it is possible to use stage costumes, the game can become a kind of performance, but this is not the main thing. The point of the game is a romantic idea.

Participants are divided into pairs, which include a boy and a girl. The competition is held in several rounds.

First, the pariahs must show eloquence, uttering the most heartfelt compliments in honor of the lady of the heart. The winner will receive an intermediate prize. By the way, the jury members should be chosen from among the guests in order to eliminate bias.

Then the situation is set: a young man accidentally met a lady, only she is on the other side of the street and goes for a walk. Cars are constantly driving along the road that separates them. Of course, the young man intends to invite the girl on a romantic date (to the skating rink, to the circus, to the disco, to the cinema, to the forest, on a ski trip, etc.), but she does not hear him because of the noise on the street. Therefore, it remains for him to explain to her with gestures what he wants from her and where exactly he invites. The jury determines whose invitation was the most accessible and beautiful (and decent, I should add), for which the winner receives a prize. However, if the girl did not understand her "knight", there can be no question of any victory.

Sometimes it is even a pity that it is impossible to hold a real knightly tournament now. However, this does not mean at all that in the modern world there are no men left who are ready to treat women like knights, and for this there is no need to arrange battles. It is enough just to demonstrate your feelings, to show that they are sincere.

The next tour should show if the guys are attentive to their girls. To do this, they must stand with their backs to each other, and the presenter begins to ask the “gentleman” questions about how his girlfriend looks, what clothes, hairstyle, jewelry she is wearing, etc. The more accurate the answers, the closer the guy is to victory and deserved prize.

The next round should reveal the most economic guy. At first, cooking, which is considered a feminine activity, may cause discontent among the participants, but it is worth reminding them that great chefs are men.

Competitions for this tour must be food related. For example, young people must, blindfolded, determine what cereal they were given. It doesn't matter if the participant tries to do it with their fingers or taste. If he answers correctly, he still gets a prize.

The next round determines the most artistic guy in the company. To get a prize, it is enough to perform some number: a song or dance, a funny story from life, anecdote, playing a musical instrument. The task of the participant is to convince the jury that

it is his number that deserves the prize. The girl's task is, if possible, to help her knight win.

The sixth round determines whether the participant is a real gentleman. The competition is to present a bouquet of flowers to your girlfriend, and to make this gift from the bottom of your heart and convince the audience and, most importantly, the jury, which distributes the prizes among the participants. You can set the preparation time, for example 3 minutes. This time is quite enough for a successful improvisation.

The seventh round involves the participation of both a guy and a girl who demonstrate their dancing skills. The dances should be different - fast at first, slow after 2 minutes. It is best if the recordings allow you not to repeat the repertoire. The couple should also be well oriented, that is, the change of accompaniment should not embarrass the dancers, they successfully adjust to the sound of the music, show artistry and a harmonious, eye-pleasing dance. To do this, each pair of participants should be given the melody that has not yet sounded. In this case, repetitions can be avoided. The task of the jury is to choose a couple who have coped with this difficult competition better than others.

After that, the jury can sum up the results with peace of mind, because the contests reveal different sides of the relationship in the presented couples, and this allows you to judge how a guy and a girl fit each other, how strong their feelings are. Thus, the winners are announced: the perfect match. They receive a well-deserved prize and can perform a slow dance to complete the competition.


Number of participants: more than 5-10 people.

Additionally: Children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler, the better, ... "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok" ... and so on; any simplified and adapted for children stories ...)

Moment structure:

=> 1. The presenter is selected (he will be the reader).

=> 2. ALL (!) Heroes of the fairy tale are written out of the book on separate sheets of paper, including, if the number of people allows, even trees, hemp, rivers, buckets ... and so on ...

=> 3. By the way of a serious scientific poke, everyone pulls their roles ...


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

The game is for toddlers of older preschool age, but at parties it goes with a bang. Each participant chooses an animal for themselves and indicates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. This is how “acquaintance” happens.

After that, the presenter from the side selects the beginner to play. He must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” indicates himself and someone else, and so on. until someone makes a mistake, that is, shows another “animal” incorrectly, or shows one that has retired. The one who made the mistake is eliminated.

The game ends when there are two left.

Understand me

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

Play with expressions-phrases. Two joyful, uncomplexed teams are chosen.

The 1st team thinks up an expression (better well-known, like "sex without a lady is a sign of foolishness") and tells it to the messenger from the 2nd team. And he, without the help of words, must explain this expression to friends from his own team. Then the 2nd team thinks up the expression, and so on.

Time flies by unnoticed and amusingly.

The Adams family

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

The whole company gathers in one room. Leading - two, better a young man with a woman - go into another room. Inviting one participant at a time, they bring him to their own place, put him right in front of themselves and pronounce a phrase, accompanied by gestures:

Hello (bow of the head), we are the Adams family (point with your hands to yourself), you, our guest (point with your hands at the subject), at the moment you will amuse us (point with your hands at yourself) until we (point with your hands at yourself) for you (point your hands at the player) we will not applaud (clap your hands).

After this phrase is given to us, the presenters become silent and wait for the player's actions. The essence of the game is that, whatever the player does, the presenters (the Adams family) repeat everything right behind him (complete similarity is optional). The game with this player ends after the family applauds the player. Then the player joins the family, becoming the leader, and a new victim is introduced.

Experiments have shown that the more people there are, the more fun. Some take guitars, start singing, dancing, telling funny stories and the like.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

The guests sit on the floor in a circle, a volunteer crawls up to one person on his haunches, rubs against him like a cat, purrs and tries not to laugh. The person, to whom the “cat” has crawled, should slowly announce: “My poor cat is sick now,” stroking her head.

If the person to whom the cat crawled did not laugh and did all of the above, then the “cat” crawls to another participant and repeats the actions; if the person laughed, then the “cat” sits down in his place, and he becomes a “cat”.


Number of players: several pairs.

Additionally: nothing.

Several couples are invited for the role. Ladies are invited to take on the role of Madonna, and men are invited to play the role of a toddler. Couples need to compose an artistic composition "Madonna and Child" based on the painting of the great painter.

The most artistic couple overcomes.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

Sketch game. The host, seven character players and spectators participate. The presenter assigns roles:

1st player will be a turnip. When the presenter pronounces the word "turnip" (turnip, ...), the player is forced to read out "both-na"

The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player is forced to read out "would kill".

The 3rd player will be the grandmother. When the presenter says the word "grandma", the player is forced to read out "oh-oh".

4th player will be a granddaughter. When the presenter says the word "granddaughter" (granddaughter, ...), the player is forced to announce "I'm not ready yet."

The 5th player will be the Bug (dog). When the presenter says the word "Bug", the player is forced to read "woof-woof".

The 6th player will be the cat. When the host says the word "cat", the player is forced to read "meow meow".

The 7th player will be the mouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player is forced to read "pee-pee".

The game begins. The presenter knows the tale "The Turnip", the participants voice:

Grandfather planted (2nd player - would kill) a turnip (1st player - both). A turnip has grown (1st player - both-on) large, large. Grandfather came (2nd player - would kill) pull the turnip (1st player - both-na), pulls-pulls, cannot pull. Grandfather called (2nd player - would kill) grandma (3rd player - oh). Grandma (3rd player - oh-oh) for grandfather (2nd player - would kill), grandfather (2nd player - would kill) for a turnip (1st player - both-on), pull-pull, cannot pull out. Etc…


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: Card deck.

Another version of the game "Mafia". It is better to play in a large company. Everyone is dealt cards, someone comes across an ace of spades (this is the mafia), someone gets an ace of worms (sheriff), the rest - drawings (civilians).

Everyone sits in a circle with open eyes. The Mafia tries to discreetly blink one eye at someone. The task of the mafia is to do it unnoticed and "destroy" as many people as possible. The task of a peaceful inhabitant - if they blinked at him, wait a little and throw the map in a circle, without saying anything. The task of the sheriff is to see who is blinking, and when he sees, to show the "mafia" his card.

Especially funny when the mafia starts blinking at the sheriff.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: bell.

The players choose "trainer" and "animal" (we will write these definitions further without quotation marks). The animal is removed from others for a short time so that it does not understand what others will agree on, who during this time invent a task for the animal and report it to the trainer. If there are more than 2 playing, the trainer traditionally does not participate in the invention, but this is not so important.

The task consists in performing some of the most or least accurately described action or a chain of actions in a given sequence. For example, if it happens indoors, you can claim from the animal:

a) climb under the table;

b) turn on the light;

v) pour water into a glass;

G) put three chairs in a row;

e) find a postcard and put it into an album on a suitable page;

e) in the stack of books, shift the top to the very bottom;

g) pick up a handkerchief from one of the players and bring it to the trainer and the like.

After the return of the animal, training actually begins: without uttering a word, without participating in any way in the actions of the animal, the trainer must achieve the task. His only inventory is a bell (a little imagination will allow you to replace it with something else; traditionally, a bunch of keys is at hand). The ringing of a bell (or other signal) tells the animal that it is “on the right track,” the absence of a signal means something unpleasant.

Note to trainers: any, even the most insignificant, correct actions of an animal, for example, a step in a suitable direction, should be encouraged with a signal, stopping the encouragement at the first deviation from the intended plan. The animal must figure out that, having reached a dead end, it must return to the beginning of those actions with which the encouragement began (for this, it is traditionally necessary to bring people and objects to their initial state).

Giants and Dwarfs

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

This game is good if you are relaxing with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are participants.

All the names of the participants are written on separate notes, which are folded inwards. Each player draws “blindly” one note with the name of the Giant. It turns out that the player who pulled out the note is a Dwarf for the Giant from the note, but the Giant should not know his own Dwarf.

Objective: The Dwarf must secretly do all sorts of pleasures for his own Giant. The giant must find out who his Dwarf is.

For example, if a Giant of the female sex - it is always pleasant to receive a bunch of wildflowers in the afternoon under the door with a note "With love (respect), Dwarf." For a man in the afternoon, a bottle of beer does not hurt at all. For a child - a craft made from forest plants or sweetness. At lunch, under a plate, look for the wish "Bon appetit!" also good! And the Giant himself needs to get up early or be on the lookout all day if he wants to hunt down the Dwarf.

In principle, all this is to be done secretly, so that it would be difficult for the Giant to track down who is pleasing him.

Maternity hospital

Number of players: two.

Additionally: nothing.

Two people are playing. One is the spouse who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful spouse. The spouse's task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the spouse's task is to explain all this to the spouse with signs, since the thick double glasses of the hospital ward do not let sounds out.

See what gestures your spouse will make! The main thing is unexpected and various questions.

Animal game

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

Each participant becomes an animal - an elephant, a cancer, a mosquito, a deer, a fish, a snake, a hare, a lion, or the rest of his own choice or fantasy. The main thing is to come up with an appropriate gesture with which he will demonstrate his own animal.

The meaning of the game: to show your own animal, and later the animal of another participant. Another participant indicates again his own animal, and later the animal of the third participant. Everything needs to be done quickly, but without mistakes, whoever makes a mistake puts a fant.

At the end of the game, when two participants remain, forfeits are played out: one favorite turns away and invents a funny task for those whose forfeits are chosen by another favorite.


Elephant- touch the nose with your right hand. In the circle formed by the hand, stick your left hand all the way.

Crayfish- fold the figs with both hands, bring them to your eyes, move your thumbs.

Mosquito- fold your fist, stretch your index finger, bring the back of your hand to your nose, wave the resulting proboscis.

Deer- cross-like folded hands with outstretched fingers quickly wave over your head (this is how the Chukchi dance)

A fish- fold your palms, as for prayer, lower them parallel to the floor, make a wave-like movement (like a fish jump and go into the depths of the waters)

Snake- shaking his right hand with a slightly bent palm, depict a spectacled cobra preparing for an attack.

Hare- trite: folding the arms at chest level. This is how rabbits are depicted in all kindergartens - remember your golden childhood!

a lion- almost like a hare, but claws out and (certainly!) build a brutal face. Basic: All gestures must be precise, unmistakable, and extremely swift. The slightest incorrectness or delay is punishable by a phantom.

In the end, the gestures get confused, the cancer begins to wiggle the mosquito proboscis, and the hare has a fierce expression on his face.

Try it, it plays extremely well in a mixed adult-child or student group.


Number of players: several pairs.

Additionally: nothing.

Several pairs of volunteers are called in - equally men and girls.

The presenter names the situation in which the couples seem to be. Their task, in accordance with the situation, is to start doing something. Situations can be very different, for example: "Imagine that you are on an uninhabited peninsula ..."

What the couples will do depends on their imagination, traditionally on the "uninhabited peninsula" couples start kissing and so on ...


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: devices, pieces of fabric, details of suits, ties, hats, feathers and so on.

Those wishing to participate in the competition "For the Best Taste" are invited to another room. There, from the attributes of fashion (devices, pieces of fabric, details of suits, ties, hats, feathers, etc., and the like), they must design something that is not similar to anything, but at the same time, colorful and elegant. Each “stylist” chooses a “model” from among the guests, which presents the work of professionals to the tribunal of the guests.

The best designer is determined to the applause of the audience, and the prize is handed to him.

Ruslan and the "head"

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

A host is chosen - Ruslan, other participants play the role of "head". To do this, you need to separate in the following way: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, and so on. Then you need to compose such a mise-en-scene so that a figure resembling the head of a giant is formed. If there are many participants, then it is great in this case to give someone the role of the left and right hands.

Ruslan stands in front of the "head" and makes the most ordinary manipulations. For example, he may wink, later yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, and so on. The "Giant's Head" is obliged to reproduce all these simple acts exactly. You can do the task at a slightly slower pace.

Maternity hospital-2

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: cards with the parameters of "child" (for each pair of players)

Several pairs are selected from among the participants. In each pair, it is determined which of the players will be “dad” and who will be “mom”. All “mothers” take out cards on which the baby's gender, weight, hair color, eye color, or some other signs are written. “Moms” will line up at a distance of 4-6 meters from the “dads”. Other players sit between the parents and try to make as much noise as possible. At the command of the host, the “mothers” try to convey information about the child to the “dads” with a click and gesture. After the set time gap (1-3 minutes), the game ends and the correctness of the transmitted information is checked. The winner is the pair in which the "dad" more accurately figured out all the transmitted information.

The game becomes more fun if the information that needs to be conveyed is rather extraordinary, for example:

A black child was born, weight - 4 kg, huge ears.

Height 40 cm, grin from ear to ear, blue eyes.

Weight - 3 kg, yells loudly, brown eyes.

A Chinese boy was born, all yellow, with cunning eyes.

Triplets were born, all the babies - 3 kg each, girls.

If there are few players and it is unrealistic to make enough noise, you can turn on music. Another option is to allow information to be transmitted only by gestures.


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

Everything and everything is transformed into something else, not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the need for action. The room is transformed into a forest. Then the participants - in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks and so on.

And if to the station - it means in a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if in the studio - in announcers, cameramen, "pop stars" and so on. With all this, someone can do noise decoration, depict props, and so on.

Dating scene

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

Each person is constantly getting to know someone. There are even various tips on how to get to know each other correctly in order to make a good memory of yourself. But these rules are valid only in the usual, everyday criteria. And if an indescribable acquaintance is ahead? How then should a person behave? Imagine and stage the situation in which they meet ...

=> astronauts with aliens;

=> hunters with Bigfoot;

=> the newest owner of a haunted castle;

=> a sailor thrown ashore after a wreck with a tribe of cannibals;

=> a traveler in a time machine with his great-great-great-grandfather

Christmas story

Number of players: 14.

Additionally: pieces of paper with roles.

Training: Roles are written on pieces of paper:

=> Curtain

=> Raven

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> Bullfinch

=> Bullfinch

=> Bullfinch

=> Santa Claus

=> Snow Maiden

=> Nightingale is a robber

=> Stallion

=> Ivan Tsarevich

The presenter comes out with a hat containing pieces of paper with roles and gives the participants a chance to sort out the roles. Further, the presenter knows the tale offered below. Participants perform acts in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)

Scene 1

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A herd of hogs ran by.

A pack of ducks flew by.

The curtain has gone.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene 2

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

Cawing, a raven flew in and sat down on an oak tree.

A herd of hogs ran by.

A pack of ducks flew by.

Santa Claus and Snegurochka were walking in the clearing.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

The curtain has gone.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene # 3

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

Cawing, a raven flew in and sat down on an oak tree.

A herd of hogs ran by.

A pack of ducks flew by.

Santa Claus and Snegurochka were walking in the clearing.

Here the Robber Nightingale jumps out and carries away the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

Ivan Tsarevich rides in on a stallion.

Santa Claus shares his grief with him.

Ivan Tsarevich fights with the Nightingale the Robber and fights off the Snow Maiden.

Everyone is happy.

The curtain has gone.

The presenter accelerates the pace of the tale with each new scene.

New Year's Tale-2

Number of players: any.

Additionally: pieces of paper with roles.

The presenter comes out with a hat with pieces of paper with roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles. Then the presenter tells the tale offered below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role.

The text of the tale:

Here is a house that is built in the forest.

But Santa Claus is a tough old man,

And in any weather

From a house that is built in the forest.

But the Snow Maiden is a grumpy girl,

But he loves Santa Claus - that old man,

Who will wear a red caftan

And in any weather

Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!

And here are the funny kids

They love beautiful books

But life is preparing such surprises for them,

I said this for the sake of a reprise.

Which languishes in girls for a long time

Who will wear a red caftan

And in any weather

Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

But mom, a beautiful aunt,

She gets tired at the TTK at work.

Mom will dress up a fluffy Christmas tree

Dad would help - there would be more sense.

But those kids need a tree

Again the stupid reprise sounded.

The Snow Maiden will congratulate them,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a tough old man,

Having worn a red caftan for a long time,

And in any weather

Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

But dad is angry and stern.

He stood on the road for a very long time.

Their dad is in the traffic police,

After all, mom is a very beautiful aunt,

She gets tired at the TTK at work.

Mom will dress up a fluffy Christmas tree

And dad is needed for more sense

And those kids need a tree

Who love funny books

And life prepares them such surprises,

I got a little stupid reprise.

The Snow Maiden will congratulate them,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a tough old man,

Who will wear a red caftan

And in any weather

Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

And here is the New Year! And everyone is very happy.

2011 is a great award.

And dad becomes not strict at all,

Although he stood on the road for a long time.

Their dad is in the traffic police,

For my mother, he is also a husband.

And mom is a very beautiful aunt,

She was tired at the TTK at work.

Dress up a fluffy tree together

After all, dad is needed for more sense.

And the tree makes those kids happy

Who love funny books

And life prepares them such surprises,

All of us got a stupid reprise.

All of them will be congratulated by the Snow Maiden,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a tough old man,

Who will wear a red caftan

And in any weather

Goes to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

Line up!

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

In this game, you are invited to practice constructions and try to predict all possible life situations. It is best to split into two teams at first. You need to make the construction in teams according to the task that was sounded. Whoever is more likely to win. The winners can be promised some kind of prize, but in general, it will do just fine without a prize.

1st situation. A kind man, an adorable lieutenant colonel, calls the recruits to the parade ground. Assignment: stand one after another so that the names of the players go in alphabetical order (for the gifted, it is proposed to line up in reverse alphabetical order). Pay for the "first-second" command!

2nd situation. All the players immediately lost their shoes, they gave them to the same shoemaker. The time has come to return the order, and he, poor fellow, got confused about who owes what. Assignment: stand in a row according to the size of your feet.

3rd situation. Not so long ago, a fitness center formed in your town announced a recruitment for the vacant position of a masseur in the women's (optional, men's) gym. Assignment: immediately line up according to the size of the palm.

4th situation. The Party of Beer Lovers calls for voting for beer, drinking beer and having a good life. Large containers for carrying and storing beer (your precious tummies) are welcome. Task: to distribute the players according to the size of the waist.

5th situation. The maniac strangler went on the warpath. The town hall asks the inhabitants not to appear on the streets of the town even during the day. All the kids sit at home, the ladies have locked themselves in the kitchens, the men ... who have managed where. The inhabitants are doomed, there is no escape from the murderer. Assignment: bravely line up in a row according to the size of the neck, so that it would be more convenient for the maniac to complete his dark deed.

Sixth situation. A series of state-of-the-art space suits have arrived at the space station. But the creators overdid it with the equipment integrated inside the suits, and the dimensions of the helmets turned out to be very significant. Now only especially "brainy" astronauts will be able to make research flights. Assignment: line up according to the size of the head and identify a potential astronaut among the guests.

Seventh situation. Announcement: “A gold mask with diamond jewelry was found at a festive masquerade ball held in the Palace of Congresses. Request for the owner of the mask to respond. " Assignment: applicants for the mask line up according to the size of the eyes and the degree of their insolence.


The rules are the same as in the game "turnip", only guests receive roles and words:

Turnip- "Oba-na!"

Grandpa- "I would kill!"

Grandma- "Who's here?"

Granddaughter - "I'm not ready yet!"

Bug - "Fuck you!"

Cat - "Pour!"

Mouse- "Well, finally!"

The next person at the words "pull-pull" says a drawn-out "A-ah!"

Believe me, bursts of laughter are guaranteed !!!


Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

This is an ancient Russian game. It was played after Foma's week, until Petrov's day.

The players go out to the meadow, sit on their knees one to the other, mating one with the other in the form of a long ridge. The front one gets the title of grandmother, and everyone else is listed as a radish. The merchant appears to take the radish.

Merchant. Grandmother! Sell ​​the radishes! Grandmother. Buy it, father.

The merchant examines the radish, tries in every manner, feels it and tries to pull it out.

Merchant. Grandmother! Is there a feeble radish?

Grandmother. What are you, father, all young, bitter, one to one; pull out all for yourself to try.

The merchant begins to pull out - how much strength there is.

Merchant. Grandmother! Your radish cannot be pulled out by good will: it has grown. Let me dig up the mower by the roots.

Grandmother. That you, my light, dishonor my ridge. Shake it: it will come out as if it were out of water.

The merchant begins to shake the players, some by the head, some by the hair, some by the hand. Having pulled out one of the players, it begins to shake it off on the ground, shaking it out, as if it were litter. At this time, all the players get up and beat the merchant away by beatings.

Well, you give!

Number of players: at least some.

Additionally: nothing.

This is a game based on the game "Turnip".

Phrases of the heroes-participants:

=> New Year - Well, you give!

=> Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?

=> Snow Maiden - Oba!

=> Old ladies - Well, not a fig for yourself!

=> Goblin - Well, for fortune!

=> Waitress - Where are the empty plates here?

=> Guests - Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve

The people have a tradition to celebrate

People don't care about crisis, adversity

Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!

But the New Year is sitting in front of us

He seemed to have just been born just about

Looks at people: at uncle and aunt

And out loud he wonders: ... Well, you give!

And the uncles and aunts are stylishly dressed

To celebrate, they shout loudly: ... Happy New Year!

He rushed to congratulate (sticks his nose everywhere)

Who is sluggish from matinees? Father Frost!

Says barely coherently: ... Why don't you drink?

And what's outside the window, there are whims of nature,

But they still shout: ... Happy New Year!

Here the Snow Maiden stood up, highly moral,

And her appearance is very sexy.

It seems that she will not go home alone,

Having warmed up from the road, he says: ... Oba!

And the grandfather already sniffs: ... Why don't you drink?

In response, the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And people again, without delay and gathering

Louder and louder shout: ... Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,

He relishes, admiring himself: ... Oba!

Frost grunts everything: ... Why don't you drink?

After him a new year: ... Well, you give!

Two frisky grandmothers, two women-yagas,

As if they got up from a suitable foot

They coo under a glass so, without harm to themselves,

And out loud they are indignant: ... Well, not a fig for myself!

Snow Maiden of passion, full of desire,

With temptation and languidly he says: ... Oba!

Frost screams: ... Why don't you drink?

And after the New Year: ... Well, you give!

Everything goes by the method, goes under its own power,

And the guests all shout again: ... Happy New Year!

Separate fragment,

but the Waitress did her bit brightly and succinctly.

She threw arrows on the food,

Yaguski, forgetting about everything home,

They sit, indignant: ... Well, not a fig for yourself!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly intoxicated,

Laughs, whispering with delight: ... Oba!

And the grandfather already yells: ... Why don't you drink?

After him the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And the guests, feeling the freedom of thoughts

They chant together again: ... Happy New Year!

Here Leshy, a little crying for joy,

He gets up with the words: ... Well, for fortune!

The waitress, having sipped the burners,

She asked: ... Where are the empty plates here?

Grannies, one more sausage

For a couple they shout: ... Well, not a fig for yourself!

The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine

And again she exclaimed aloud: ... Wow!

And Santa Claus drinks

Shouting that there is urine: ... Why don't you drink?

And he drinks the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And the glasses seem to be filled with honey

And they all drink to the bottom and shout: ... Happy New Year!

And Leshy, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time

He called with inspiration: ... Well, for fortune!

Conversation of the deaf and dumb

Number of players: even.

Additionally: nothing.

All participants in the game are divided into pairs, partners will represent 2 deaf and dumb. The leader, in private, explains to one of the players of the pair what he should tell his own interlocutor. Then everyone sits down in a semicircle, leaving the center free.

The first pair, coming out to the middle, depicts an unexpected meeting of two deaf and dumb, then one of them (who received the task) begins to tell his partner his story. His friend must, also with gestures, ask his own companion questions, and he, therefore, answer them. The players are given less than 5 minutes to talk, and then the player who listened needs to be told what did he realize from what he saw? The presenter compares his answer with what the player was essentially talking about, and introduces him to those around him.

You can choose completely any topics of conversation: a story about how a dog was crushed and a player cured it, about a fishing trip, about visiting a museum, and so on. The more versatile and extensive the chosen topic, the more exciting the game will be.

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