Home Helpful Hints Typology of syntactic constructions of the scientific style of speech. Syntactic features of the scientific style of speech. Language features: vocabulary

Typology of syntactic constructions of the scientific style of speech. Syntactic features of the scientific style of speech. Language features: vocabulary

The peculiarity of the scientific style, its speech structure is revealed mainly in syntax, and at the supra-phrasal level (i.e., in connections, correlations of sentences within the text and its components - a paragraph and a supra-phrasal unity, or a complex syntactic whole). It is in the functioning of syntactic units and in the organization of interphrase links and relationships in the text that such main features of the scientific style as the generalized abstract nature of the presentation and its emphasized logic are most fully revealed.

Simple sentence. Among simple sentences, widespread (90%) * prevail, as a rule, with a very branched system of secondary members of the sentence, with homogeneous members of the sentence (often with a whole series of homogeneous members); in the structure of simple sentences, semi-predicative formations are active (participial and adverbial constructions, hence isolations), as well as introductory words, introductory and plug-in constructions. For example: The Greco-Roman tradition, thanks to the development of book printing and the division of literature into scientific and artistic (which is associated with the development of book printing), consistently created rational rhetoric and poetics as a doctrine of style and the embodiment of thought in words.(from the book by Yu. Rozhdestvensky "Theory of Rhetoric").

* Cm.: Kozhina M.N. On the speech system of the scientific style in comparison with some others. Perm, 1972, p. 323.

Special calculations showed that the average number of words in one sentence of a general scientific text is 24.88, but most sentences contain 17 words* (to be precise, word forms, i.e., prepositional-nominal combinations).

* See: Functional style of the general scientific language and methods of its research / Ed. O.S. Akhmanova and M.M. Glushko. M., 1974. S. 22.

In the sphere of a simple sentence, indefinitely personal, impersonal, as well as generalized personal sentences are active.

Definitely personal sentences, of course, are not relevant here, since the scientific style tends to a non-personal manner of presentation, to the actual elimination of the subject of speech as an active figure (forms of the 1st and 2nd person are possible in polemical texts. However, in written texts of a polemical orientation these forms are extremely rare, they are more natural in oral - academic - speech). As for "author's we", then it is generalized. This confirms its synonymy with the impersonal sentence: So we've come to the conclusion... and So we can conclude...

Most often in the scientific style, indefinitely personal sentences are used with a verb-predicate expressed in the form of the 3rd person plural. Such a predicate means (“timeless”) generally accepted phenomena, facts, patterns: Distinguish three types of yarn; Compound put into the flask.

Active and generalized-personal sentences with a verbal predicate in the 1st person of the present and future plural: Let's give function definition; Let's produce summation of all terms; Let's attribute this function to the class of differentiable functions.

Among impersonal sentences, three types are more common:

a) with modal words expressing possibility, impossibility, necessity, + infinitive (Need find a curve; It is forbidden derive the formula);

b) in the predicate - an impersonal verb or an impersonal form of a personal verb (required determine the current strength with a series connection of sources);

c) predicative adverbs (Any proper rational fraction easily expressed in terms of simple fractions). Impersonal sentences that express the state of nature and man are not presented. (It freezes; It drizzles; I feel bad).

In the scientific style, passive constructions clearly predominate over active ones. This can be explained by the desire for objectivity and generalization of presentation without indicating the subject of the action. Verb constructions introduced (Mounting produced for the first time; Continues additional recruitment of employees); participial constructions (Dot deleted from the plane; Force attached to the body at some angle to the horizon);

As for constructions with verbal nouns (Study of the phenomena of time scale change in the gravitational field), then their activity in the scientific style is explained primarily by its nominal character (as well as the official business style), which is manifested in the functioning of verbal formations in scientific texts, along with the predominance of nouns over verbs, as well as the auxiliary function of verbs in a sentence.

Difficult sentence. In the scientific style, there is a clear predominance of complex sentences over compound ones. This is due to the fact that the former express causal, conditional, investigative, temporal relationships (which, of course, is very important for a scientific presentation).

At the same time, multi-component syntactic structures are cultivated in the scientific style, in which, along with the subordinating, the coordinating connection is also presented, for example:

Thus, it was found that the phenomenon of desynchronization is observed when stimulating those estero- and interoceptive fields in which there are endings of somatic or cerebrospinal fibers going to the central nervous system without interruption, while synchronization phenomena are caused mainly from those interoceptive fields (gastric mucosa ), in which, according to our data, there are endings of only or predominantly sympathetic afferent fibers going to the central nervous system, most often with a synoptic break (one or more) in the autonomic ganglia.

Such complex formations are usually distinguished by the clarity of grammatical and semantic connections, the orderliness of the internal organization. The above illustration is quite typical in its syntactic structure: to the main sentence was found there are two "chains" of subordinate parts, the construction of which is characterized by parallelism.

Multicomponent constructions are often complicated by participial and adverbial phrases (judging by special studies, usually their number does not exceed two or three, but there are sentences with a much larger number of isolations - from 8 to 12), plug-in constructions.

Phrases. In the syntax of the phrase, substantive nominal combinations are brought to the fore. The genitive adjective is widespread (labor productivity, soil erosion, angle of attack), as well as (mainly in terminology) combinations of the type noun + adjective (agriculture, economic geography, stressed consonant, culture shock...). Such selectivity is due to the tendency of the scientific style to nomination as a means of logging reality, accurate information about reality (and science is engaged in obtaining objective information about the patterns and exact facts of natural, social and spiritual life), to differentiation of nominations (in accordance with the tendency of scientific analysis to detail , differentiation of concepts).

In the scientific style, the highest percentage of uses of the genitive case is up to 46% (in the language of fiction. - up to 22%). Accordingly, phrases with a genitive adjective are also very active.

Phrases functioning in a scientific style are very diverse in their structural construction. Multicomponent phrases attract attention, since they arose and arise as a result of the differentiation of concepts inherent in scientific analysis: primary winding of the transformer; transmission system of sequential action; spacecraft launch reusable ; frequency-modulated audio carrier.

Superphrasal level. The specificity of a scientific text lies in the fact that its content finds its expression, becomes accessible to the reader due to strict logic, coherence and consistency of presentation.

As already noted, the logical presentation in a scientific style is manifested to a large extent in the fact that complex sentences dominate here, the connections between the parts are expressed incomparably more clearly, more diversely, more differentiated than in compound sentences. To characterize the coherence of scientific speech, the overall high percentage of complex sentences (50.3%) * is indicative, as well as the fact that a simple sentence is complicated by turns containing subordinate connections **.

* Cm.: Kozhina M.N. On the speech system of the scientific style in comparison with some others. Perm, 1972, p. 325.

** Cm.: Lariokhina N.M. Questions of syntax of the scientific style of speech (analysis of some structures of a simple sentence). M., 1979. S. 27.

For the syntax of the scientific style, the saturation of speech and text with various means of expressing emphasized logic is typical. The subject of special concern of the author of a scientific text is the selection and delimitation of the main content of the text from the secondary, the main, basic concepts from derivatives, the clarity in distinguishing theses. In this regard, in the presentation, an important role is given to such formulations, methods of presentation, speech turns, as a direct indication that the discussion of this issue, thesis is over and we are moving to the next question, the thesis that this concept is fundamental, basic, etc. Introductory words like firstly, secondly, on the one hand, on the other hand, so, thus, therefore, introductory structures: as already noted, as stated in the previous paragraph etc., various kinds of speech turns, phrases activate the reader's attention, help him to systematize the material presented, follow the author's presentation. For these purposes, the question-answer form, rhetorical question, "lecturer's speech" are often used. we".

As an example, let's take an excerpt from the book by K.A. Timiryazev "Life of Plants":

So far we have considered sheet activity... Based the basic law of chemistry that matter is not created, does not disappear, we tried our best find the sources of this substance and the transformations that it ... undergoes.

But the plant body presents us not only matter... hence, a reserve of heat has accumulated in the birch ... The question is born: Where did this warmth come from, this strength? For in order to find out, we must look to familiar chemical phenomena...

Semantic connections between sentences in the text are "provided" by a variety of syntactic ways of organizing the presentation. One of these methods is repetition.

Repetition is presented in the texts of different functional varieties of the literary language. So, within the framework of the language of fiction, repetition is the most important factor in organizing a poetic text of lyrical content. See, for example, the beginning and final stanza of V. Bryusov's poem "Heaps of brought snow ...":

The organizing role of repetition in the composition of lyrical poems is due to the specifics of this genre. In the scientific style, as in the official business style, repetition acts as an important means of communication between sentences, which ensures the accuracy and logical validity of information.

Repetition as a way of organizing the presentation is as follows:

The repetition of the same word (usually a noun) - the so-called lexical repetition (The interaction of two atoms can only occur when collision these atoms. clash must occur with sufficient kinetic energy);

The use of a synonym for a word, in general a synonymous replacement of words, in a subsequent sentence - a synonymic repetition (Potassium cyanide solution has an alkaline reaction and smells strongly of hydrocyanic acid. Similar properties has sodium cyanide);

Replacing part of the previous sentence with pronouns this, all of them, all of this- pronominal repetition (When an element is in a free state, it forms a simple substance, then the movement of electrons around all atoms of this substance occurs in the same way. This is true for all simple substances, regardless of their structures).

Along with ensuring the coherence of the text, the connection between sentences, repetition is involved in the logical deployment of the presentation. For example: Everyone organism is a set of ordering of interacting structures that form a single whole, i.e. is an system. Living organisms possess signs, which most do not have inanimate systems. However, among these signs there is not a single one that would be inherent only to the living. Possible way to describe a life is to list the main properties living organisms. (Here, single-root words also act as a kind of repetition.)

Scientific thought is often long, detailed and cannot be expressed in simple sentences. The compiler of the text is faced with the task of fitting a fairly large amount of information into a limited amount of text. Therefore, scientific texts use a large number of syntactic means that contribute to syntactic compression.

The syntax of the scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions, which contributes to the transfer of a complex system of scientific concepts, the establishment of relationships between cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and generalizing words with them are used. In scientific texts, different types of complex sentences are common, in particular with the use of compound subordinating conjunctions, which is generally typical for book speech: due to the fact that; in view of the fact that, while, etc. The means of connecting parts of the text are introductory words and combinations: firstly, finally, on the other hand, indicating the sequence of presentation. To unite parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and phrases indicating this connection are used: thus, in conclusion, etc. Sentences in the scientific style are monotonous in terms of the purpose of the statement - they are almost always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and are used to draw the reader's attention to an issue. The generalized abstract nature of scientific speech, the timeless plan of presentation of the material determine the use of certain types of syntactic constructions: indefinitely personal, generalized personal and impersonal sentences. The acting person in them is absent or is thought of in a generalized, indefinite way, all attention is focused on the action, on its circumstances. Indefinitely personal and generalized personal sentences are used when introducing terms, deriving formulas, when explaining the material in examples: Speed ​​is depicted as a directed segment; Consider the following example; Compare offers.

The syntactic features of the scientific style appear quite consistently, despite the fact that syntactic constructions are mostly common, neutral. Syntax (the construction of phrases and sentences) most of all reflects the connection with thinking. The modern scientific style is characterized by the desire for syntactic compression - to compress, increase the amount of information

while shortening the text. This is manifested in the features of the construction of phrases, in the features of sentences. So, the scientific style is characterized by phrases of nouns, in which the genitive case of the name acts as a definition, often with a pretext for: metabolism, gearbox, installation device. Adjectives as definitions are widely used in terminological meaning: vowels and consonants, the criminal code, conditioned reflexes, etc.

For the scientific style, the use of a nominal predicate (rather than a verbal one) is typical, which contributes to the creation of the nominal character of the scientific style. Most often, nominal predicates are found in definitions and reasoning, while the link is often absent, for example: A share is a security that is evidence of a certain share in the authorized capital and gives the right to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend. Commonly used in the scientific style are nominal compound predicates with short participles like “can be used”. For the qualitative and circumstantial characterization of phenomena, adverbs on - O are usually used: convincingly, interestingly, significantly. Interrogative sentences perform specific functions in scientific speech related to the writer's desire to draw attention to what is being stated: What new explanatory principles does the synergetic approach carry? Passive constructions (passive) are widely used in the scientific text, while there is often no indication of the producer of the action: Features of wave processes in society are associated with the structure of social relations. Scientific speech is characterized by the clarification of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, therefore, complex sentences with an allied connection (with unions) predominate in scientific texts. Complex coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and allied words are richly represented, such as: despite the fact that, due to the fact that, because, due to the fact that, while, meanwhile, while, etc. Introductory words indicating the sequence of presentation (firstly, secondly, etc.) in the scientific periodical press is often replaced by digital numbering). Introductory words expressing an assumption (obviously, probably, etc.) are used in the scientific literature when presenting a hypothesis. Especially characteristic of scientific speech is a group of introductory words and phrases that indicate the degree of reliability of the message. Thanks to such introductory phrases, this or that fact can be presented as quite reliable (really, of course, of course), as presumed (let's suppose, apparently, it must be assumed) or as possible (probably, should be, possible). A group of introductory words and phrases is also used in scientific speech, containing an indication of who owns this or that expression, what is the source of the message (in our opinion, by conviction, by concept, by information, by message, from the point of view, according to the hypothesis, definition, etc.). The interconnection of the individual parts of a scientific statement is achieved with the help of certain linking words or groups of words that reflect the stages of logical presentation and are a means of connecting thoughts in the course of logical reasoning. This is a whole series of adverbs and adverbial expressions and other parts of speech, as well as combinations of words: so, thus, therefore, now, so, in addition, besides, besides, also, nevertheless, still, yet, meanwhile besides, moreover, however, in spite of, first of all, first of all, at first, in conclusion, in the end, therefore, as a result, further, then, in other words, in connection with this, in general, essentially, in short, as we see, etc., which usually stand at the beginning of a sentence. They serve, as a rule, not to connect words in a sentence, but to connect parts of a whole text. Close to them are phrases of the type: it should be indicated, it is interesting to note, observations show, in this work, in the following, etc. With the help of these internal introductions, the transition from one thought to another is carried out, the main thing is highlighted, etc.


Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the scientific style is currently a separate language system that serves the tasks of exchanging scientific information. The growth of the isolation of this style over time coincided with the development and isolation of science as a field of human activity.

The linguistic features of the scientific style are explained by the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective, as it were, impersonal information about nature, man and society. The scientific style should ensure clarity, accuracy, objectivity, unambiguity, consistency and evidence of presentation, reproducibility of the experimental scientific results presented by any other scientist, completeness of information.

The scientific style is most clearly manifested in the written form of speech, but with the development of education and the practice of holding scientific conferences, it actively penetrates, retaining its specificity, into oral speech. Each member of modern society at different times of life and to varying degrees encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of the scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is an important part of the culture of Russian oral and written speech.

List of used literature


Varieties of the scientific style of speech.

Lexicon of scientific style.

Morphology of scientific style.

Scientific style syntax.

The scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities. Each member of modern society at different times of life and to varying degrees encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of the scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is an important part of the culture of Russian oral and written speech.

The scientific style is one of the book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general conditions for functioning and similar linguistic features, including:

pre-contemplation of the statement,

monologic nature of speech,

strict selection of language means,

striving for standardized speech.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. Initially, scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narrative (emotional perception of phenomena in the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). The creation of a stable scientific terminology in the Greek language, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world, led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic one (Alexandrian period). In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation of Russian scientific terminology by the authors of scientific books and translators. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally took shape only towards the end of the 19th century.

Varieties of scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech has varieties (substyles):

actually scientific,

scientific and technical (industrial and technical),

scientific and informative,

scientific reference,

educational and scientific,

popular science.

Realized in written and oral form of communication, the modern scientific style has various genres, types of texts: textbook


Research Article



report abstract



Educational and scientific speech is implemented in the following genres:


answer (oral answer, answer-analysis, answer-generalization, answer-grouping),


language example,

explanation (explanation-explanation, explanation-interpretation).

The variety of types of scientific style of speech is based on internal unity and the presence of common extralinguistic and proper linguistic properties of this type of speech activity, which manifest themselves even regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and proper genre differences.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought. The main form of thinking in the field of science is the concept, the dynamics of thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow one after another in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly argued, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Consequently, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstracted character. The final crystallization of scientific thought is carried out in external speech, in oral and written texts of various genres of scientific style, which, as was said, have common features. The general extralinguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its style features, due to abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are:

Scientific themes of texts.

Generalization, abstractness, abstract presentation. Almost every word acts as a designation of a general concept or an abstract subject. The abstract generalized nature of speech is manifested in the selection of lexical material (nouns prevail over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain temporary and personal forms) and special syntactic constructions (indefinitely personal sentences, passive constructions).

Logic of presentation. Between the parts of the statement there is an ordered system of connections, the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic constructions and typical means of interphrase communication.

Presentation accuracy. It is achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexico-semantic compatibility.

Proof of presentation. Reasoning argues scientific hypotheses and positions.

objectivity of presentation. It manifests itself in the presentation, analysis of different points of view on the problem, in the focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in the transfer of content, in the impersonality of the linguistic expression.

Saturation of factual information, which is necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to inform, describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

These features of the scientific style are expressed in its linguistic characteristics and determine the consistency of the actual linguistic means of this style. The scientific style of speech includes language units of three types.

Lexical units that have a functional and stylistic coloring of a given (that is, scientific) style. These are special lexical units, syntactic constructions, morphological forms.

Interstyle units, that is, stylistically neutral language units used equally in all styles.

Stylistically neutral language units, predominantly functioning in this particular style. Thus, their quantitative predominance in a given style becomes stylistically significant. Quantitatively marked units in the scientific style are, first of all, some morphological forms, as well as syntactic constructions.

Scientific style vocabulary

Since the leading form of scientific thinking is the concept, then almost every lexical unit in the scientific style denotes a concept or an abstract object. Accurately and unambiguously, special concepts of the scientific sphere of communication are called and their content is revealed by special lexical units - terms. A term is a word or phrase denoting the concept of a special field of knowledge or activity and being an element of a certain system of terms. Within this system, the term strives for unambiguity, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Here are some examples of terms: atrophy, numerical methods of algebra, range, zenith, laser, prism, radar, symptom, sphere, phase, low temperatures, cermets. Terms, a significant part of which are international words, are the conventional language of science.

The term is the main lexical and conceptual unit of the scientific sphere of human activity. In quantitative terms, in scientific style texts, terms prevail over other types of special vocabulary (nomenclature names, professionalisms, professional jargon, etc.), on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-20% of the total vocabulary of this style. In the above fragment of the popular science text, the terms are highlighted in a special font, which allows you to see their quantitative advantage over other lexical units: By that time, physicists already knew that emanation is a radioactive chemical element of the zero group of the periodic system, that is, an inert gas; its atomic number is 85, and the mass number of the longest-lived isotope is 222.

Terms as the main lexical components of the scientific style of speech, as well as other words of the scientific text, are characterized by the use in one, specific, definite meaning. If a word is ambiguous, then it is used in a scientific style in one, less often in two meanings, which are terminological: strength, size, body, sour, movement, solid (Force is a vector quantity and is characterized by a numerical value at each moment of time. In this The chapter contains information about the main poetic sizes.) Generalization, abstractness of presentation in a scientific style at the lexical level is realized in the use of a large number of lexical units with an abstract meaning (abstract vocabulary). "The scientific language coincides with the conceptual-logical language, ... the conceptual language appears as more abstract" (Bally Sh. French style. M., 1961. S. 144, 248).

O.D. Mitrofanova in her work "Language of Scientific and Technical Literature" (M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1973, pp. 30, 31) notes the monotony, homogeneity of the vocabulary of the scientific style, which leads to an increase in the volume of the scientific text due to the repeated repetition of the same words. So, according to her data, in texts on chemistry for a text volume of 150 thousand lexical units, the following words are used the following number of times: water - 1431, solution - 1355, acid - 1182, atom - 1011, ion - 947, etc.

The scientific style also has its own phraseology, including compound terms: solar plexus, right angle, inclined plane, voiceless consonants, adverbial turnover, compound sentence, as well as various kinds of clichés: consists in ..., represents ..., consists of ..., is used for ... etc.

Morphology of scientific style

The language of scientific communication also has its own grammatical features. The abstractness and generalization of scientific speech are manifested in the features of the functioning of various grammatical, in particular morphological, units, which is found in the choice of categories and forms, as well as the degree of their frequency in the text. The implementation of the law of economy of language means in the scientific style of speech leads to the use of shorter variant forms, in particular, forms of masculine nouns instead of feminine forms: keys (instead of a key), cuffs (instead of a cuff).

The singular forms of nouns are used in the plural sense: Wolf - a predatory animal from the genus of dogs; Linden begins to bloom at the end of June. Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form: lubricating oils, noises in the radio, great depths.

Science-style concept names predominate over action names, resulting in less use of verbs and more use of nouns. When using verbs, there is a noticeable tendency to their desemantization, that is, the loss of lexical meaning, which meets the requirement of abstractness, generalization of the scientific style. This is manifested in the fact that most of the verbs in the scientific style function as connectives: to be, to be, to be called, to be considered, to become, to become, to be done, to seem, to be concluded, to compose, to possess, to be defined, to be presented, etc. There is a significant group of verbs, acting as components of verb-nominal combinations, where the main semantic load falls on the noun denoting the action, and the verb performs a grammatical role (denoting the action in the broadest sense of the word, conveys the grammatical meaning of mood, person and number): lead - to the occurrence, to death, to violation, to emancipation; produce - calculations, calculations, observations. The desemantization of the verb is also manifested in the predominance of verbs of broad, abstract semantics in the scientific text: exist, occur, have, appear, change, continue, etc.

Scientific speech is characterized by the use of verb forms with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number, which is confirmed by the synonymy of sentence structures: distillation is performed - distillation is performed; you can draw a conclusion - a conclusion is drawn, etc.

Another morphological feature of the scientific style is the use of the real timeless (with a qualitative, indicative value), which is necessary to characterize the properties and signs of the objects and phenomena under study: When certain places of the cerebral cortex are irritated, contractions regularly occur. Carbon is the most important part of a plant. In the context of scientific speech, the past tense of the verb also acquires a timeless meaning: n experiments were made, in each of which x took on a certain value. In general, according to the observations of scientists, the percentage of present tense verbs is three times higher than the percentage of past tense forms, accounting for 67-85% of all verb forms.

The abstractness and generalization of scientific speech is manifested in the peculiarities of the use of the aspect category of the verb: about 80% are forms of the imperfect aspect, being more abstract and generalized. Few perfective verbs are used in stable phrases in the form of the future tense, which is synonymous with the present timeless: consider ..., the equation will take the form. Many imperfective verbs are devoid of paired perfective verbs: Metals are easily cut.

The forms of the person of the verb and personal pronouns in the scientific style are also used in accordance with the transmission of abstract-generalizing meanings. The forms of the 2nd person and the pronouns you, you are practically not used, since they are the most specific, the percentage of forms of the 1st person singular is small. numbers. The most frequent in scientific speech are abstract forms of the 3rd person and pronouns he, she, it. The pronoun we, in addition to being used in the meaning of the so-called author's we, together with the form of the verb often expresses the meaning of varying degrees of abstraction and generalization in the meaning of "we are the totality" (I and the audience): We come to a result. We can conclude.

Scientific style syntax

The syntax of the scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions, which contributes to the transfer of a complex system of scientific concepts, the establishment of relationships between generic and specific concepts, between cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and generalizing words with them are used. In scientific texts, different types of complex sentences are common, in particular with the use of compound subordinating conjunctions, which is generally typical for book speech: due to the fact that; in view of the fact that, while, etc. The means of connecting parts of the text are introductory words and combinations: firstly, finally, on the other hand, indicating the sequence of presentation. To unite parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and phrases indicating this connection are used: thus, in conclusion, etc. Sentences in the scientific style are monotonous in terms of the purpose of the statement - they are almost always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and are used to draw the reader's attention to an issue.

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Scientific style syntax

Scientific thought is often long, detailed and cannot be expressed in simple sentences. The compiler of the text is faced with the task of fitting a fairly large amount of information into a limited amount of text. Therefore, scientific texts use a large number of syntactic means that contribute to syntactic compression.

The syntax of the scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions, which contributes to the transfer of a complex system of scientific concepts, the establishment of relationships between cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and generalizing words with them are used. In scientific texts, different types of complex sentences are common, in particular with the use of compound subordinating conjunctions, which is generally typical for book speech: due to the fact that; in view of the fact that, while, etc. The means of connecting parts of the text are introductory words and combinations: firstly, finally, on the other hand, indicating the sequence of presentation. To unite parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and phrases indicating this connection are used: thus, in conclusion, etc. Sentences in the scientific style are monotonous in terms of the purpose of the statement - they are almost always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and are used to draw the reader's attention to an issue. The generalized abstract nature of scientific speech, the timeless plan of presentation of the material determine the use of certain types of syntactic constructions: indefinitely personal, generalized personal and impersonal sentences. The acting person in them is absent or is thought of in a generalized, indefinite way, all attention is focused on the action, on its circumstances. Indefinitely personal and generalized personal sentences are used when introducing terms, deriving formulas, when explaining the material in examples: Speed ​​is depicted as a directed segment; Consider the following example; Compare offers.

The syntactic features of the scientific style appear quite consistently, despite the fact that syntactic constructions are mostly common, neutral. Syntax (the construction of phrases and sentences) most of all reflects the connection with thinking. The modern scientific style is characterized by the desire for syntactic compression - to compress, increase the amount of information while reducing the amount of text. This is manifested in the features of the construction of phrases, in the features of sentences. So, the scientific style is characterized by phrases of nouns, in which the genitive case of the name acts as a definition, often with a pretext for: metabolism, gearbox, installation device. Adjectives as definitions are widely used in terminological meaning: vowels and consonants, the criminal code, conditioned reflexes, etc.

For the scientific style, the use of a nominal predicate (rather than a verbal one) is typical, which contributes to the creation of the nominal character of the scientific style. Most often, nominal predicates are found in definitions and reasoning, while the link is often absent, for example: A share is a security that is evidence of a certain share in the authorized capital and gives the right to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend. Commonly used in the scientific style are nominal compound predicates with short participles like “can be used”. For the qualitative and circumstantial characterization of phenomena, adverbs on - O are usually used: convincingly, interestingly, significantly. Interrogative sentences perform specific functions in scientific speech related to the writer's desire to draw attention to what is being stated: What new explanatory principles does the synergetic approach carry? Passive constructions (passive) are widely used in the scientific text, while there is often no indication of the producer of the action: Features of wave processes in society are associated with the structure of social relations. Scientific speech is characterized by the clarification of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, therefore, complex sentences with an allied connection (with unions) predominate in scientific texts. Complex coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and allied words are richly represented, such as: despite the fact that, due to the fact that, because, due to the fact that, while, meanwhile, while, etc. Introductory words indicating the sequence of presentation (firstly, secondly, etc.) in the scientific periodical press is often replaced by digital numbering). Introductory words expressing an assumption (obviously, probably, etc.) are used in the scientific literature when presenting a hypothesis. Especially characteristic of scientific speech is a group of introductory words and phrases that indicate the degree of reliability of the message. Thanks to such introductory phrases, one or another fact can be presented as quite reliable (really, of course, of course), as presumed (we suppose, apparently, it must be assumed) or as possible (probably, should be, possible). A group of introductory words and phrases is also used in scientific speech, containing an indication of who owns this or that expression, what is the source of the message (in our opinion, by conviction, by concept, by information, by message, from the point of view, according to the hypothesis, definition, etc.). The interconnection of the individual parts of a scientific statement is achieved with the help of certain linking words or groups of words that reflect the stages of logical presentation and are a means of connecting thoughts in the course of logical reasoning. This is a whole series of adverbs and adverbial expressions and other parts of speech, as well as combinations of words: so, thus, therefore, now, so, in addition, besides, besides, also, nevertheless, still, yet, meanwhile besides, moreover, however, in spite of, first of all, first of all, at first, in conclusion, in the end, therefore, as a result, further, then, in other words, in connection with this, in general, essentially, in short, as we see, etc., which usually stand at the beginning of a sentence. They serve, as a rule, not to connect words in a sentence, but to connect parts of a whole text. Close to them are phrases of the type: it should be indicated, it is interesting to note, observations show, in this work, in the following, etc. With the help of these internal introductions, the transition from one thought to another is carried out, the main thing is highlighted, etc.


Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the scientific style is currently a separate language system that serves the tasks of exchanging scientific information. The growth of the isolation of this style over time coincided with the development and isolation of science as a field of human activity.

The linguistic features of the scientific style are explained by the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective, as it were, impersonal information about nature, man and society. The scientific style should ensure clarity, accuracy, objectivity, unambiguity, consistency and evidence of presentation, reproducibility of the experimental scientific results presented by any other scientist, completeness of information.

The scientific style is most clearly manifested in the written form of speech, but with the development of education and the practice of holding scientific conferences, it actively penetrates, retaining its specificity, into oral speech. Each member of modern society at different times of life and to varying degrees encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of the scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is an important part of the culture of Russian oral and written speech.


Scientific thought is often long, detailed and cannot be expressed in simple sentences. The compiler of the text is faced with the task of fitting a fairly large amount of information into a limited amount of text. Therefore, scientific texts use a large number of syntactic means that contribute to syntactic compression.

F KSMU 4/3-08/02

PP KSMU 4/02

Karaganda State Medical University

Department of the Russian language

Discipline:"Professional Russian"

Speciality: 5В130100 - "General Medicine"

Well: 2

Compiled by: Uskenbayeva S.T.

Karaganda 2013

Discussed and approved

at a meeting of the Russian language department

Minutes No. __ dated 00.00. 20__

Head Department _______ Full name

Topic: Syntax of the scientific style of speech. Leather. The structure and composition of the skin.

Target: to instill in students communication skills that contribute to the understanding, perception and production of professional texts.

Learning objectives:

Improve knowledge of the scientific style of speech;

Learn to identify genres and sub-styles of the scientific style of speech; - to learn to determine the structure of the text, to divide it into micro-topics; - to teach to determine the sequence of presentation of information in scientific texts; - develop speech through the use of specialty terms in it; - to instill the ability to logically and consistently express thoughts;

To instill the habit of continuous self-improvement;

Improve teamwork skills

Main questions of the topic

Syntax of the scientific style of speech. Syntax of the scientific style of speech.

In the actual scientific sub-style, logical, bookish syntax dominates. The phrase is distinguished by grammatical and semantic completeness and high logical and informative saturation. Complicated and complex constructions are typical, as they are the most adapted for the concentrated expression of the movement of thought, the author's argumentation, and the connection between phenomena. Logical certainty is achieved through subordinating conjunctions (often causal), gradation and summary words (firstly, therefore). Sentences are usually narrative. Interrogative sentences are used only when posing a problem, controversy. Word order also reflects the logical direction of the sentence.

Among simple sentences, a construction with a large number of dependent, sequentially strung nouns in the genitive case is widespread. Constructions with participial and adverbial phrases are widely used, which are a means of highlighting thoughts in an informatively rich sentence.

At the same time, simple sentences are also used, devoid of book complexity. They stand out for their "commonness" against the backdrop of complicated book syntax, so they are often used for the most significant thought (argument, formulation, conclusion, etc.).

The requirement for the unambiguity of the statement makes it impossible to make synonymous replacements, especially when it comes to terms, therefore, in the scientific field, repetitions are not uncommon, which are considered undesirable in artistic and journalistic speech (if they do not have a special function there).

A complex sentence in the actual scientific sub-style should be logically clear, so there are few complicated constructions. Parts of complex sentences are stylistically homogeneous, they lack colloquial syntactic elements. The allied, more often subordinating, connection between the parts of the complex sentence prevails. Associative complex sentences are used mainly in enumeration and classification.

Especially widespread in the exact sciences are their own, "scientific" means of communication between sentences as part of a complex syntactic whole (let ... - then ...).

The main form of manifestation of the scientific style is written speech. The oral form is secondary, as it is based on a pre-written text. Therefore, intonation, being closely related to the logical structure of the sentence, has a subordinate character; it does not have any emotional-expressive functions. The sentence from the point of view of the rhythmic-intonational structure is a stylistically neutral phrase with an accent at the end of the phrase. The conscious elimination of shades - semantic and emotional - for the unambiguous expression of logical information in the process of its deployment, involves a direct word order and their strict fixation in the sentence structure.

Syntactic features of scientific style

1. The modern scientific style is characterized by the desire for syntactic compression - to compress, increase the amount of information while reducing the amount of text. Therefore, it is characterized by phrases of nouns, in which the genitive case of the name acts as a definition ( exchange substances, box gear, device for mounting ).

2. Typical for this style is the use of a nominal predicate (rather than a verb), which contributes to the creation of the nominal character of the text. For example: Saving - part disposable income that is not spent on final consumption of goods and services; The action is security .

3. Widely used in scientific syntax are sentences with short participles like can be used (this method can be used in the production of "smart bombs").

4. Interrogative sentences perform specific functions in scientific speech related to the desire of the writer to draw attention to what is being stated ( What are the advantages of using plastic cards?)

5. The style under consideration is characterized by a wide distribution of impersonal sentences of various types, since in modern scientific speech the personal manner of presentation has given way to impersonal ( One can say, there is an unspoken competition of projects for the future social reorganization. For a modern person, this easy to understand on the model of transition to the market).

6. Scientific texts are characterized by clarification of causal relationships between phenomena, therefore they are dominated by complex sentences with various types of unions ( despite the fact that, in view of the fact that, because, due to the fact that, while, meanwhile, while and etc.).

7. Used in scientific speech and a group of introductory words and phrases containing an indication of message source (according to our opinion, according to belief, according to the concept, according to information, according to the message, from the point of view, according to the hypothesis, definition and etc.). For example: Answer, according to the author, always ahead of its true cause - the goal, and does not follow an external stimulus.

8. For scientific works, the compositional connectedness of the presentation is characteristic. The interconnection of individual parts of a scientific statement is achieved with the help of certain connecting words, adverbs, adverbial expressions and other parts of speech, as well as combinations of words ( so, thus, therefore, now, so, in addition, besides, besides, also, nevertheless, still, nevertheless, meanwhile, besides, moreover, however, in spite of, first of all, first of all, first, finally, finally, therefore).

· Tasks

Exercise 1

Read the text

Leather. Reliable protection

A curious picture is presented to the eye when you examine the structure of the skin under a microscope. The outer part of the skin - the cuticle, or epidermis - consists of many layers of cells, although its thickness does not exceed a few tenths of a millimeter. The first thing that catches your eye is the absence of blood vessels in it.

At the base of the cuticle, cells are located in close contact with each other, like tiles of a cobbled pavement. Only this main layer of the cuticle can be called truly alive and complete. Its cells are in close proximity to a dense network of blood vessels, easily receive nutrients and oxygen from the blood and give carbon dioxide and other unnecessary substances into the blood.

The cells of the main layer of the cuticle multiply by division throughout life. Young cells that have budded from them first appear above the main layer, and then are gradually pushed outwards by new cells formed during each successive division. Old cells, as they move away from the main layer, are less and less provided with oxygen and nutrients and begin to die. They become flat, their substance is reborn and becomes similar to those horny formations that make up nails and hair. The surface of the cuticle consists of a large number of these dead cells. Sticking together with each other, they form thin plates, which gradually peel off.

It would seem that dead cells are already useless for the body. However, it is not. They, like the heavy armor of a medieval knight, take all the blows and keep intact the living cells of the main layer of the cuticle. The shield of dead cells does not allow water or substances dissolved in it to pass through.

Under the dense layer of living cells of the cuticle is the actual skin. It has much fewer cells, and they are located at a considerable distance from each other. The space between the cells is filled with a special fibrous substance that gives the skin elasticity. And how many blood vessels are here, how many of the finest nerve branches!

The thickness of this layer is 1-2 mm. It contains hair roots, sebaceous and sweat glands. Sensory nerve fibers are also suitable here. Their endings are not the same both in structure and in the ability to selectively respond only to certain stimuli. Such a variety of nerve endings gives us the opportunity to separately feel the touch of the skin, pain, heat, cold.

There are a lot of elastic fibers in the outer part of the skin proper. But the farther from the surface, the less they become, the tissue becomes looser and cells begin to appear in it that have the ability to capture fat particles from the blood and accumulate it in such an amount that it almost completely fills the cells. By storing fat in the form of a reserve, the cells can again give it to the blood for the needs of the body.

At first, fat cells are located singly or in separate small groups, and in the depths of the skin there are more and more of them, and, finally, they completely fill the entire tissue. So it is not noticeable that the skin passes into the subcutaneous, or fatty, tissue, the thickness of which in some places of the body reaches several centimeters.

The skin, together with the subcutaneous tissue, weakens the shocks and blows directed at the body. Imagine a person wrapped head to toe in thick, soft blankets. In such attire, you can without fear present your chest under the blow of a boxer or decide on a bold jump. For our body, the skin and subcutaneous tissue serve as such a blanket.

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