Home Useful tips Your role in a relationship with a woman. Five roles of a wife. And now, I will prove it to you once again...

Your role in a relationship with a woman. Five roles of a wife. And now, I will prove it to you once again...


“In much wisdom there is much sorrow; and who multiplies...

“In much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow" (King Solomon)

The airport bus unloaded a crowd of passengers at the claws of a huge metal bird, ready at any second to take off and fly with a roar towards Adler. Some smiled and joked in anticipation of their air adventures, while others, on the contrary, to spite the first, took on the pompous appearance of experienced pilots long tired of the skies...
The flight attendant, collecting boarding passes at the ramp, greeted with one half of her face, and apparently saved the other half for the return trip.
Suddenly, one man tore a two-year-old girl away from him, hung her on his wife, quickly rummaged in his bag, took out a small video camera and ran away from everyone under the immense belly of a large aluminum bird. At first, unnoticed by anyone, he fussily aimed his camera from bottom to top at the tail and engine and looked at something there. With every second, the restless passenger expanded the territory of his interest in the buzzing monster, even tried to jump and hang on the wing. At the same time, the strange passenger began to be indignant louder and louder:
- Your mother! Well, how to fly on it!? No, I won’t fly, fuck it! But we won’t make it, we’ll break into mincemeat!
The audience became silent and tense. Finally the flight attendant noticed him:
- Man! Get away from the plane, come here. It is prohibited to be there and stop filming.
The man was still cursing, but he obeyed, went up to his wife and daughter and answered the flight attendant:
- I didn’t take pictures. I was just looking at the camera.
- It’s still impossible.
The man decisively took his daughter away from his wife and began to explain something, gesticulating desperately. Only fragmentary phrases could be heard through the drone of the aircraft:
- Whatever you want, I won’t fly, and don’t ask. Fly yourself, and Maruska and I take the train. It's calmer this way. I beg you - no need. How will we be left alone without you, you thought? You will be buried at public expense...
- Why are you such a fool to me? Well, maybe nothing will happen, we’ll get there normally, huh? I can't be late. People fly, well...
- No, we won’t take risks, but you Bon Voyage. Meet us the day after tomorrow if you make it...
The woman began to cry, and the man with the girl in his arms spat and, without looking back, walked towards the airport terminal building. The passengers became sad and silently climbed into the cold belly of the iron bird. They sat down in their seats, fastened their seat belts so as not to fall ten kilometers, and anxiously began to await their migration to warmer climes.
Because of the aerophobic man, everyone's playful mood was hopelessly spoiled. A woman flying without her husband and daughter sadly glanced sideways at the empty seats next to her and almost cried.
The bird ran, took off and picked up its claws along its belly. Crew members walked past the sad, lonely woman, one by one, and, as if by chance, looked closely at her. But in general, everything went as usual - it’s -50 outside, there are toilets here and there, and if we crash into the sea, don’t worry, everyone here has a whistle, cold drinks etc.
It's time for lunch. The flight attendant put something flimsy, small and scalding hot on the sad woman’s table and spoke in a friendly manner:
- Tea? Coffee? Well, why is he so wild? Ruined my entire vacation. Has he never flown before, or is he just afraid?
The woman looked angrily at the flight attendant and replied:
- It’s strange that you are not afraid to fly such junk. Here you are smiling, but you probably don’t know that this plane is the same age as your parents. He probably gave Khrushchev a ride in retirement. And most importantly, it had not been repaired for a hundred years and was prepared for flight by drunken mechanics, or rather, they were not prepared at all. My husband is not wild, as you put it, but a shop manager at an aircraft repair plant, so he understands what’s what. And if we fly safely on this coffin, it will be the merit not of this scrap metal and your brave pilots, but of the exceptionally hard work of the Lord God.
The flight attendant became sad, went out of character and did not smile at anyone until the very end of the flight.
And the tired, gray-haired, aluminum bird, thank God, flew to warmer climes this time too...

The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most interesting parts Old Testament, since it is rather not a religious, but a philosophical text, understanding the relationship between man and the Universe. Unfortunately, the text is permeated with fatalism and a pessimistic view of the world and people. Among other observations, the book reports that he “knew wisdom, madness and” and came to the conclusion that all this is “languor of spirit”, and the one who “increases knowledge multiplies.”

The author of the book of Ecclesiastes advises to give up trying to improve the world and humanity, and instead enjoy life.

From a certain point of view, this idea is quite fair, since the abundance of information, its comprehension and the identification of cause-and-effect relationships can lead a person to rather sad conclusions. In principle, this thesis is illustrated by the famous Russian proverb “the less you know, the better you sleep.” Even in the most primitive sense this expression is true, because the less negative information known, the less reason for sadness. This is why many people choose to ignore news reports to avoid getting upset.

Much knowledge - many sorrows

However, King Solomon did not only mean a conscious refusal of current news. The fact is that the process of cognition is usually associated with disappointment. The less reliable information available to a person, the more scope there is for the imagination. Since dark dreams are usually not typical for people, some idea based on insufficient knowledge, supplemented by fantasies, will almost always be more rosy than in reality.

The word "ecclesiastes" roughly means "preaching to a group of people."

Finally, mixed with these griefs is regret about human actions and their motives. Here, as in the previous case, the problem is that real people often quite different from the idea about them. For example, many children, having matured, are disappointed in their favorite childhood heroes, having learned that their actions were driven not by noble motives, but by a banal lack of money or ambition. On the other hand, such reasoning seems somewhat one-sided, but this is the problem with almost the entire book of Ecclesiastes. IN real life Do not forget that by consciously or subconsciously depriving yourself of certain knowledge, you not only reduce the likelihood of disappointment, but also make your life more boring and insipid. Of course, much knowledge can lead to many sorrows, but existence without knowledge at all is much worse, so do not deprive yourself of the joy of knowing the world, despite the gloomy conclusions of King Solomon.

We all know the expression: “Fools are lucky.” And indeed, this can be observed in various fields. In a game of cards, for example. True, they say there: “Beginners are lucky,” but on the condition that this newcomer is not a cheater. Shuler is a different case. It's about fair play. Why is this happening? The answer is very simple. A beginner does not know the tactics and strategy of the game. He plays as God sends. And his opponents have certain skills and tactics. This seems to be an advantage, but a skill is a certain stereotype-framework that the player does not go beyond. A beginner, due to his ignorance, is not limited by anything. From the point of view of professionals, he plays chaotically, clumsily, but this is precisely what prevents his actions from being calculated. And as a result, he wins. This, of course, does not always happen and not for everyone, but quite often.

From the same area we see in the expression of the Kaiser of Germany:

“Never fight the Russians. They will respond to your every military stratagem with unpredictable stupidity.”

Otto von Bismarck

The mind of a military strategist does not know how to react to the actions of an opponent acting without rules.

Now let's turn to Russian folk tales. Who are they main character? That's right - Ivan the Fool. He's a fool, he's a fool, but for some reason he always wins. Whoever tried to persuade him to do the right thing: and Gray wolf, and Vasilisa the Wise, and even his horse Sivka-Burka, but Ivan always acted in his own way, in a foolish way. After that, he got into bad stories that he had to sort out, but as a result he already won full victory, not partial, which he would have won if he had listened to all the smart advice.

It's a strange situation, you'll agree. folk tales, which means folk wisdom teaches you to be a fool. And we read this to children. Who is he - Ivan the Fool? This is a person who sincerely, to his depths, does not know that something is impossible. And something is considered impossible by our mind. “Impossible” is a limit in our minds, and, often, it is not even based on personal experience, but on the generally accepted opinion. Ivan the Fool does not see these boundaries point-blank. He doesn't even know about them. He walks through a minefield of prohibitions in blissful ignorance of them. And the mines don't explode. Because they are anti-tank. Ivan the Fool does not have the necessary weight to bring them into action, that is, knowledge of their existence. Indeed, it turns out:

“In much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow.”


It turns out to be a paradoxical situation. The more knowledge, the more prohibitions and restrictions. It seems that knowledge should develop us, help us, move on, grow. In fact, we get the opposite result. We cannot go where Ivan the Fool easily went. We acquire knowledge like armor, we become powerful and wise. We can no longer be confused like Ivan the Fool. Our consciousness becomes stable. In general, we turn into a tank. And as a result, in order to drive through the minefield of prohibitions and borders, we have to deal with the clearance of each mine separately. And Ivan the Fool, you know, walks on and thinks why they are there, poking around in the ground.

We, the “wise” ones, know that luck does not exist. That luck is the result of hidden actions, causes and effects. And Ivan the Fool doesn’t even know that he’s lucky. For him, this is all the way it should be. For him there is not even the concept of luck. “Lucky” others say about him. If someone walked through a minefield without knowing about mines, he does not know that he was lucky. He just walked across the field. Only those who know about mines can say this.

Why did I start this whole conversation? And to that. New Knowledge expands the boundaries of our consciousness, but they also establish new frameworks. Wider and more spacious compared to the old ones, but still frames. Moreover, these frameworks can expand. And herein lies the great deception of our consciousness. New Knowledge begins to work, convincing its new owner of their undoubted (without a doubt) right. A coherent system takes shape in the mind. And the owner of this undoubtedly correct Knowledge is already beginning to think according to this system. But you understand - according to the system . Development takes focus . It doesn't matter which way. The result is vector development. Albeit with a huge capture range. That is, the tunnel may not be narrow, but widening. But still with some conditionally limited direction. Consciousness becomes stable. This is the strength of the knower, but this is also his main weakness. Resilience comes to mean poor ability to change. That is, changes are taking place, but of a strictly defined nature. In fact, this is not stability; it is the stability that is ensured by the direction of the vector of thinking around which everything revolves.

This is a sector of the sphere. Spheres of Knowledge. Cone. But the cone can deceive. This is, in fact, an expanding tunnel. That is, the expansion of consciousness does occur and tends to infinity, but, all the same, this is a vector, and therefore limited development.

A person feels and sees that his consciousness is expanding and does not notice that, in fact, what he took as a basis is simply expanding.

Now let's take another scheme.

The sector of the large sphere is the consciousness of a person with vector development.
Small sphere inside the big is the consciousness of a person who has achieved less, but is more versatile and complete. As we see, if we take it by vector, then here, but the second type of consciousness does not hold a candle to the first. But the second one can walk, within the mastered limits, wherever it wants. It is not limited in directions. And the consciousness of the second - complete or whole . It is much more functional. He, within his limits, has complete power over reality, and accordingly he can do more. His knowledge brings him real practical results. “Simplicity is enough for any wise man.”

So, Ivan the Fool does not have a vector in his head. Or you can say it differently. Its vectors go in all directions. And his consciousness easily expands in any direction. That's why he goes wherever he wants. Him freedom of thought. There are no problems, since problems arise only when a person is faced with something that is not included in his cone of thinking. And Ivan the Fool perceives everything is as normal . He may like it or make him angry. He may admire something or laugh at it. It may seem ugly, disgusting or beautiful to him, but he does not reject it from his consciousness. He doesn’t say about anything “this is like this, and this is like this.” He admits everything and therefore perceives everything. And vice versa. And he achieves real results.

They say: “A fool has wind in his head.” Today it’s like this, tomorrow it’s like that. But it is, in essence, the ability to easily discard what interferes on this moment . Tomorrow everything may change and it will become useful again. We, on the other hand, hold on to our attitudes. They are like an anchor for us so that we don’t get torn off and “blow the roof off.” And when we talk about changing consciousness, we are talking about its restructuring. We take some part of consciousness, remake it according to a new model, and fix it in such a new position. That old sample we already consider it outdated and unacceptable. But this means that we cross out something and consider it unacceptable. That is, we refuse to assume EVERYTHING. That is, in order to return to the old settings, we will again have to rebuild our consciousness back.

We have built some kind of building of consciousness in our heads and we are slowly rearranging it as we see fit. A sort of brick, or large-panel, or even monolithic building secured with concrete and cement. Depending on who has what, the difficulty of restructuring depends.

But Ivan the Fool has Lego. Moreover, even parts of the constructor are not stable. They are more like plasticine. Easily change shape. And it was from this construction kit that his building was assembled. There is no trace of cement or concrete there. The building can be changed at will or as necessary, all at once, as a whole, or in parts. And creating new installation conscious, he will not destroy the old one. They will both work for him at the same time. Each for its own circumstances. The fact is that for him they are not dogmas or postulates. They are just ordinary tools. The key for fourteen does not fit, he will take the key for seventeen. Or better yet, he has adjustable wrench. We will try to use the key, or set of keys, that was given to us, or that we created ourselves. But for the nut, maybe not at all standard size. Ivan the Fool does not have stability of consciousness. This causes a certain amount of chaos. For him, nothing lasts forever. I mean attitudes, postulates of consciousness. And this chaos causes constant pressure in all directions of consciousness. And this causes its expansion.

You will say, but such a building will be easily destroyed. Nothing like this. In order to destroy it, you need to get into his consciousness and influence him. And he won't let anyone in. Ivan the Fool has one more feature. He doesn't listen to anyone. No matter how much advice they give him, for him it’s like hitting the wall. “Teaching a fool to heal the dead.” He's a fool. Fairy tales speak directly about this. He destroys it himself when it no longer suits him. And collects new things. It’s easy for him, it’s not construction, but assembling a construction set. And most importantly, this destruction is not a tragedy for him, unlike the others. Well, it just stopped suiting him. What is now praying to it or something, if it does not perform the functions that are necessary, At the moment, Ivan the Fool. In short, Ivan the Fool has no internal attachments to postulates and dogmas. “The law is not written for fools.” And most importantly, Ivan the Fool does not create them himself.

I am writing this for beginners as well, but mainly for those who are already at a certain height. We are afraid of losing this height. Lose what you have achieved. We moved away from the generally accepted, achieved our goal, and that’s good. But now, we ourselves have created our own, so to speak, generally accepted, our own postulates and defend them. We created our own instead of someone else's pedestal. There are already other walls around us, created by ourselves. And from our elevated position we look beyond these walls. We can really see far. We see and understand a lot. But here’s the thing, we only see, but we can’t touch. The walls are in the way. And at this time, Ivan the Fool, you know, is walking among everything that we can only see, and he doesn’t blow his mind. He can easily approach us; for him, these walls don’t exist. He may not even know that he is walking among amazing things, but sooner or later he will find out about it. He is already there, and we are behind our wall.

I'll say it even more clearly. Let's take, for example, human energy. Man has realized that chakras exist and energy circulates in and through them. And a person begins to improve the mastery of these energies through the chakras. And he can no longer even admit that energy can flow in any other way. That a person himself can generate energy and direct it as he wants without any damage to himself. He can even make her freeze without freezing himself. And what does not harden in it will have nothing to do with energy. A person is not energy, not thoughts. This is not even our Self. This is something that does not exist, and cannot have a name. Because giving a name means setting a framework. Build walls again. You see, when you even admit that everything is possible, you still think within the framework. You succeed, everything is possible, but within your walls. A ALL - this means the top can be bottom or located on the right and at the same time behind. Black can be white, or blue, or red, or both at the same time. Two plus two equals six hundred eleven and at the same time fifty two. Moreover, four times four equals a soapbox. And green is the clock. Everything is possible - it is when Nothing is fixed ! And what, and how it will be, according to what laws it will act and manifest itself, depends only on you! EVERYTHING is possible - it is complete unconditional chaos, subject only to your will and desire. And create something new, unprecedented is possible only from the chaos of consciousness. Otherwise, it will be a derivative of the old one, only with new characteristics. So chaos is a FOOL to an infinite degree. Ivan the Fool is unpredictable. This is his strength.

Our consciousness must have some play, that is, have a reserve of free movement. And the more play, the stronger it is. Consciousness is not a mechanism, not a system. By and large, this is a complete absence of a system. And only our mind systematizes it. Translates the haphazard into system language. It is impossible to create a machine-computer similar to consciousness. Analogous to the brain or even the mind, yes. But consciousness does not. Our emotions are closer to consciousness. Can you describe the emotion? No. You can only describe what you feel, the actions that cause emotions, but the emotion itself cannot be described. That is why the mind tries to get rid of them. They do not fit into his algorithm, and he cannot calculate them and translate them into a system language.

Can you describe “can”? You will begin to describe actions, but you will not be able to describe “I can” itself. Can you describe the desire? You will describe what you want, but you will not be able to describe the desire itself. Or you will start using words like “I want” and the like, which, in turn, you also cannot explain. But, however, we all know what “I want”, “desire”, “can”. You see, there is Knowledge that we do not know with our minds. It is direct Knowledge without an intermediary in the form of reason. That is, it cannot be systematized.

It doesn’t give in, and thank God. And it is not necessary. These are gaps in our consciousness that allow us to step aside and allow something. Otherwise, our mind would put everything into pieces and establish its complete dictate. He would have firmly taken control and cut us off from consciousness. And then, in principle, we would not be able to destroy, with his help, the walls he erected. He would put us at the bottom of the well he built, close it, turn on the light bulb and say that this is the sun.

Many people know the picture depicting the soul as a rider in a chariot, the mind as a charioteer, the reins as the mind, and mad horses as emotions. That's right. But something completely different came to my mind. Isn't there another picture where everything is exactly the opposite? If we depict the mind as an animal trying to sit in the place of the soul, and our consciousness, through emotions - leashes, does not allow it to do this. Or I would add a red-hot rod to the soul’s hands, with which it sometimes pokes the horses, so that the mind does not forget that it is just a driver. Both pictures will reflect the real state of affairs.

Who doesn't listen to reason? Right. Again, Ivan the Fool. So it turns out that he does the right thing. He has his own mind, that is, he has the reins. That’s why he goes where he wants, and not where his mind takes him.

So use all the tools that you have at your fingertips in your mind. If Christianity is suitable for solving a problem, take it to solve this specific problem today. Islam is suitable for another, take it tomorrow. And if meditation is suitable, use it. Solve problems different methods. Don't be loyal to just one. You can solve the same problem using different methods and get completely opposite results. Don't let this discourage you. Know that both results are correct. They just suit different specific circumstances. Everything is one and complete. You just don't see the connection yet.

Spiritual development is not like mathematics, where a problem can only have one answer. You just need to learn to perceive this not as a paradox and contradiction, but as knowledge that the same thing can be expressed differently in different conditions.

And vice versa. Using completely opposite approaches and inputs, you can come to exactly the same results. This is also an expression of integrity.

Be unscrupulous. A principle is just a certain algorithm of actions. Which means it's just a tool. One principle does not fit - look for another. It has nothing to do with morals, ethics or conscience. Many consider this a betrayal of faith, some teaching, or idea. Well, it's up to you. But remember, these are just parts of the whole. Use one wrench. But keep in mind that nuts are different. Roughly speaking, if to solve your problem you need the introduction that the Earth is square, feel free to take it. You will either prove it or you will come to negative result, but in the process of solving you will see and understand a lot of new things for yourself. You will probably see many answer options, all of which are correct.

Don't assume something is true because everyone says it is. If you have achieved something yourself, rejoice, but do not get attached to it. Always remember, you have only discovered a tiny part of Knowledge. And this part may be completely useless when approaching another task. Don't push this wrench onto all the nuts. Remember, universal Knowledge does not exist, because Knowledge is limitless. Therefore, there is no universal key.

Do not build a monolithic building of Knowledge in your mind. The building must be easily destroyed and rebuilt. The only condition: this must be done only by you yourself. Because you decided so, and not someone told you. Don't get used to this building, no matter how cozy it is. Always see it as temporary. If something doesn’t suit you in it, immediately rebuild it to suit your new self.

And it’s even better not to build any buildings at all, but to make the parts mobile, but clearly knowing where everything is. Don’t fix anything firmly in your mind . And then at the right moment you can easily assemble the desired structure. There must be acceptable chaos of consciousness. As permissible as, at the right moment, you can take control. In this chaos, the disparate parts will themselves fold into various structures. This will give you a lot of new things. And chaos presses evenly in all directions. If he has direction, it is no longer chaos. Therefore, your consciousness will expand in all directions. There's another one here important point. Chaos can create such a structure for you that it may seem strange, unacceptable, even scary to you. Don't give in to this feeling. If it worked out, it means it works, there is a grain in it. Otherwise, this design simply would not have worked out. Find this grain.

In general, read fairy tales, become Ivan the Fool. Remember the proverb: “The fool sleeps, but happiness is in the head.” There is not a single fairy tale about Ivan the Fool with a bad ending. Remember how they all end:

"And they lived happily ever after".

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