Home Helpful Hints How to become a fairy for real at home. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

How to become a fairy for real at home. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

How to become a fairy with wings? There are simple and safe rituals that will help you transform into a magical entity with or without wings.

In the article:

How to become a fairy with wings for real

A novice sorceress knows that, or any other magical creature is impossible if there is no faith and desire. You can become a real magician if you really want to. Exist different ways that allow with wings.

Rite of Transformation

Transformations mean. It is determined in advance what you want to become a fairy - desires, flowers, various elements, the moon. After contacting the appropriate mistress, having performed the rite of summoning the creature.

If the girl has not decided what abilities she wants to receive, they turn to all magical creatures magical land with a request to bestow abilities. It is necessary to take a mirror and a silver bell. The ritual is performed only on a clear, sunny day.

You should go to a small clearing located in the park. Sit down and imagine how the sun envelops with rays, bestowing strength and energy. Pick up a mirror and put it on your palm so that the sky is reflected. At this point, you need to say:

Fairy, fairy, I call you! I want to join your retinue! I want to become one of you! Give me amazing power! Give me magic wings so that I can stand out from other people! Come to the ringing of my bell!

After last sentence be sure to ring the bell, close your eyes and feel how the sun envelops the rays. Look in the mirror and see the reflection of the lady. Describe again the request and thank for the mercy. Leaving a bell in the clearing is a gift to the queen for magical abilities. The main sorceress will independently decide what abilities to bestow.

Now they are heading home. The next morning, a person will feel cheerful and feel 2 wings behind his back. Do not be afraid - people will not see the wings. They are available only to the eyes of other fairies. You can't fly with them. If the person is not born a fairy, wings are used to recognize magical creatures.

Transformation into a fairy of all powers

Magical creatures are popular, capable of commanding all the elements and forces at the same time. Using their abilities, you can do a lot of good deeds.

To be able to control all the elements, a ritual is required. If a person begins the journey along a magical path, help is needed. older sister or girlfriend for security purposes. The necessary attributes are prepared:

  • a small bowl with water;
  • a bowl with a handful of earth;
  • aromatic lamp with a small candle (you need to put it in the lamp so as not to burn yourself).

aroma lamp
a bowl of water a bowl of earth

It is necessary to connect the element of air. It is enough to open the window, place the prepared attributes in front of you and say:

The power of fire, the power of water, the power of air and the power of earth! Give me power and wisdom! I want to become a fairy of all powers! Give me, mistress of the fairies, fairy wings!

You need to read the spell 3 times and put out the candle. Pour water into the ground, and pour the earth into the yard. Go to sleep, and only the next day the caster will receive wings that are impossible to fly with. You can use them to detect other fairies. No one should know about the ceremony, except for the assistant.

You should not tell that the girl has become a fairy, girlfriends. It is necessary to use abilities for good and do good deeds.

How to become a fairy without wings

Turning into a magical creature without wings is an equally fascinating rite. The advantage of the ritual is that it is possible without transformation. The sorceress will not give herself away by the presence of wings: others, but her strength will not decrease.

To conduct the ceremony, you need the support of an older comrade: an adult, sister or girlfriend. The ritual is performed at home during the day. A meal is being prepared for the queen. It can be sweets, chocolate, gingerbread - any sweets. When the gift is ready, you need to put the gift on the windowsill, pick up a bowl of pure spring water and say:

Fairy of water, I call you.
I want your strength.

The plot is repeated 5 times. Dip your hands in the water, wash your face. Next, you need to leave the room, close the door and do not go there during the day. The next morning, open the door and enter.

If the sweet prepared for the queen is gone, the sorceress is ready to accept the caster into the ranks of magical creatures. If the chocolate bar remains untouched, the queen does not agree to bestow amazing abilities. Do not immediately repeat the ceremony again. It is better to wait 2 weeks, and then ask for help again. If the ritual is performed more often, the fairy queen may become angry and not bestow amazing abilities.

Fairies are adorable, cute, fluttering creatures that are endowed with wonderful and magical powers. Their actions and beauty cause delight and admiration. Many, at least sometimes, thought about how to become a fairy. After all, you really want to plunge into the world of goodness and fairy-tale magic, at least for a moment. As it turned out, such a desire is quite real and such a desired dream can be fulfilled. There are several ways to become a fairy, but you need to treat them very carefully and seriously, because only those who believe in them and want it with all their hearts will get into the fairy community.

How to become a fairy with wings

Firstly, you need to know that it is quite difficult for a person to turn into a fairy with wings, but everything is possible with strong desire. So, first you need to learn how to meditate: sit on the bed or the floor, take a comfortable position and concentrate your thoughts on one thing, that is, think only about how you would have wings. Your thought must be very clearly formulated and directed in the right direction. The most comfortable will be the lotus position. This is the first way to turn into a fairy with wings.

The second method was known in ancient times in Russia. For it, you will need two candles and one mirror, which must be placed so that the main part of your body is well reflected in it. Candles are placed on both sides of the mirror and lit. Then you can proceed to the transformation process. When carrying out this ritual, the room should be completely dark and it must be performed after sunset. The essence of the method lies in the repeated repetition of the phrase: "tomorrow I will turn into a fairy."

The third way to become a fairy with wings is also quite simple. The ritual is performed on the full moon. Gotta take a glass and fill it up clean water. Then write on a piece of paper about your desire to become a fairy with wings. Next, we approach the window so that the silhouette of the moon is displayed in the glass. Then a leaf with a desire falls into the water, while we gaze intently at the display of the moon. In conclusion, you need to throw the paper out the window and put a glass of water under the bed. We go to bed, and in the morning you will become a fairy with magic wings.

How to become a fairy with transformation

In order to become a fairy with transformation, the following rite is performed:

  1. On a full moon, put a bowl of water in the middle of the room.
  2. It is important that you are the only one in the room and do not tell anyone about the ceremony, because the fairy who will turn you may be offended.
  3. It is necessary to dress in clothes of light colors: white, light green, beige or blue.
  4. We bend over a bowl of water and say the words 30 times: “I call you the water fairy.”
  5. Now we write the same words on paper, which we burn over a candle, and scatter the ashes in a bowl of water. As a result, you will feel the arrival of a fairy, she will either rustle something, or drop some object. At this time, you need to take an oath: "I ask you to give me the power of a water fairy, I promise that I will only do good to people and never do anything bad."
  6. In conclusion, we thank the fairy for coming, do not remove the bowl and go to bed, and in the morning you will definitely turn into a fairy, you just need to remember that only other fairies can see your wings. After the transformation, you need to gradually develop your abilities and do only good deeds.

How to become a winx fairy

To become a Winx fairy, you first need to create your own image from the available clothes and make a Winx shelter. Then the most difficult jumps that you know how to do are performed on the rope. Now we take the ball and throw it into the air three times, when you throw it for the fourth time, then the ball must be allowed to hit the floor. Next, we climb into the shelter and quietly say the phrase: “Magix Power!”. When you want to turn back into a human, then drink a glass of water.

How to become a fairy without a full moon

Without a full moon, you can become an air fairy, for this you need to take a glass warm water, pour sea salt there and say following words: "ri tu style ma to". A glass of water should stand for one day. In the evening of the next day, pour it on yourself, preferably on top of your clothes. That's all, there is nothing complicated in this ritual.

Whatever method you choose, you always need to remember only one thing, that with a strong desire and faith, everything will definitely work out.

Every girl dreams of being special and possessing abilities that are beyond the control of her peers. How to become a fairy and learn how to create magic? To bring benefit and good to people, to please them and surprise? Becoming a real sorceress is a real adventure that will transform the life of any girl or girl!

However, you should always remember that being a sorceress is not only a huge gift, but also a great responsibility. A girl who is envious, angry at others, lies to her parents, does tricks and other bad deeds, will not be able to get extraordinary abilities. To do this, you will have to change the harmful character. After all, a fairy in the first place is a very kind creature, so she will give her strength only to a sincere and good person.

In this article:

Winx Club: how to become the same?

These magical creatures came to us from the Winx Club animated series, which tells about unusual girls having magical powers. Six beautiful fairies, each with their own magic, have become a real role model. Is it possible to learn to possess such talents right now? Yes, it is quite possible to transform into a Winx fairy. The main thing is to believe in magic and be a kind person.

To possess the abilities of one of the Winx fairies, it is worth remembering a few important rules:

  • they will never harm a person and do evil deeds;
  • sorceresses are not only beautiful, but also carefully look after themselves: they dress well, brush their teeth and comb their hair on time;
  • if you really want to turn into a girl with magical abilities, it's best not to tell anyone about it. Even a close friend!

Flora: queen of flowers

To possess the magic of the Winx sorceress - Flora - means to be able to talk with flowers and plants, to love nature very much. To become like Flora, you need to go for a walk in the summer on a sunny day in nature and find the most beautiful flower. Under no circumstances should it be broken!

Sitting near a flower and stroking its stems, you need to say these words:

Flora, be my friend! Give me strength! I love flowers and believe in magic. Thanks to you, I can become a real fairy of nature!

The magic spell must be pronounced three times. Now magical abilities will increase every day.

Muse: the energy of sound

To become a fairy of music means to learn how to control the energy of sound. To possess the talents of the Muse, in the evening before going to bed, quietly sing your favorite song to yourself and say three times a real conspiracy:

“Muse, give me the magic of music, the magic of sound! May they help me to do good for all people!

After that, try to sleep. In the morning, your arcane abilities will be much stronger.

Fairy Sun and Moon

Those girls who like to admire the Moon and moonlight as well as long walks outside on sunny days.

To become the mistress of the energies of the Sun and the Moon, you need to hang two threads on your wrists. On the right hand thread yellow color- it will symbolize the energy of the sun. On the left - a white thread. She will become a conductor of the energy of the moon. But before attaching the talisman threads to your hands, say a magic spell:

“Sun and Moon, help me become a real good sorceress! I will do only good deeds and will not harm anyone!

After that, through the amulets, you will be able to feel the solar and lunar power, which will reward you with extraordinary talents and skills. The sun will help you study well, be always in good mood and help others, and the Moon - to be very beautiful girl and nothing to be afraid of.

Lady of Light and Fire

In the Winx Club cartoon, the sorceress Bloom used the magic of light and fire, which gave her almost unlimited abilities. You can become the mistress of the elements of fire and light with the help of magic conspiracy and a little secret ceremony.

On a clear sunny day, you need to go to nature and find a small clearing. You need to make sure that no one else can see you right now. Then stand in the middle of the clearing and stretch your arms up, straight to the sun. At the same time, pronounce the words of a magical conspiracy:

Leila: how to subjugate water

To possess the abilities of the sorceress Leila, you need to perform a magical rite. To do this, in the evening before going to bed, when the moon shines through the window, put a glass of water in the room on the windowsill. Here are the words of a conspiracy that will help you gain the power of the water element:

“From now on, I will learn to manage water, draw from it magical power! Leila, make me a real fairy, give me your magic! I swear that I will use it only for good!”.

After that, you need to go to bed. If in the morning you felt a great surge of strength, it means that you have become a powerful sorceress who can now control water element. However, do not immediately rush to the nearest body of water to test your strength. Your abilities will be revealed gradually, day by day.

All technologies will be subject to

The sixth sorceress - Techno - possessed a skill that allowed her to subordinate all known technologies. How to make sure that your phone never breaks in your hands again, and the TV remote does not disappear when you need it most? To do this, you should turn to magic for help and conduct a very simple ceremony.

You need to take any home gadget, for example, cellular telephone or a tablet that belongs to you. Then in the evening, before going to bed, take it in your hands and say quietly:

“From this moment on, all technology becomes subject to me! Now I will not break anything and work badly! I wield powerful magic - the magic of technology. From now on, any technology obeys me!

After this secret ceremony, the phone or tablet over which the magic words were spoken must not be turned on during the night. In the morning you will see that you have become much better at dealing with any equipment in the house, and it has become better and faster to work.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Many girls dream of having real light wings. It's so cool to learn how to fly with them! Unfortunately, your transformation will go unnoticed by others. According to magical laws, the wings will not be visible to any of the people, but only to representatives magical worlds. They can be seen in the lunar reflection of the lake one day by the sorceress herself.

However, this has never stopped special girls who know that magic is a serious thing, and showing off to your friends that you have invisible wings with the help of transformation is definitely not worth it. Otherwise, all the magic will disappear, and it will not always be possible to return it.

To become a fairy with wings real life, exactly at midnight in the dark, you will need to open the window and, looking at the sky, say a magic spell ten times:

"I'm spreading my wings! I'm flying to the stars!"

After that, for seven days, you need to imagine that wings are growing behind you. A week later, a transformation will take place, and the girl will turn into a powerful sorceress with wings that she will feel behind her back whenever she wants.

In real life, a fairy with wings won't fly. But at night, in a dream, you will fully feel your transformation and will be able to enjoy the wonderful feeling of flying and fascinating communication with good beings from other worlds.

There is another way to turn into a winged sorceress with transformation. This ritual will help:

  • draw on clean slate paper such a fairy with wings that you want to turn into;
  • on the back sheet write the magical abilities you want to master. For example: “I want to fly”, “I want to treat animals” or “I want people to reach out to me” and any others. The main thing is that they are not evil and cannot harm anyone;
  • then put the sheet under the pillow at night (it can be bent). How to get enough sleep;
  • the next day, bury the leaf in the ground so that no one sees it and digs it out.

How to turn into a fairy in a second? Ritual at home!

This is the easiest way to turn into a sorceress at home. To do this, you need to stay alone in your room, close your eyes and say the magic words three times:

"The power of the fairy is now with me!".

At first you will not feel anything, but then amazing adventures will begin to happen to you every day. You should always remember that now you are special. Therefore, you can feel people, their desires, dreams. You need to help people and animals so that your strength increases. If you do not do this, magical abilities may disappear.

Another way to quickly become a fairy at home will require courage of character. At night, you need to wake up, when it is still dark, go to the mirror and say these words:

"Magic, give me the beauty and magic of a fairy!"

After that, quickly return to bed, close your eyes and fall asleep until the morning.

The next day, the girl who decided to acquire extraordinary talents in this way will feel much more confident in her abilities. If before she was timid, now she will feel more courageous and determined, she will have good real friends.

How to understand what happened to become special?

After a mysterious initiation ceremony, many girls look forward to instant magical abilities. but home magic it doesn’t work that way, and it won’t work instantly, for example, to become a fairy of nature or fire.

Magical talents will show up a little bit every day. Magical changes can be felt every time you make good deed: feed a hungry kitten, comfort a crying baby, support good word lonely person. After each such act, you will physically begin to feel how the magic in you becomes stronger.

You need to walk in nature as often as possible. Real sorceress most spends time among flowers and trees, helping them grow and protecting them. In return, the natural elements will give a special girl their wisdom and strength, which will allow her to multiply her extraordinary talents many times over.

To become a fairy means to live in harmony with people, nature and animals. Never offend them, but always help and support. Then you will truly feel the wings behind your back and realize that you have turned into a powerful good sorceress.

Many people (both small and adults) dream that all their wishes come true. Only it turns out that in life there are always obstacles. How to overcome them? To do this, you need to learn magic. You need to study long and hard, to know all the laws of magic.

There is another way: to become a real fairy. After the ritual, you can find real magical possibilities. Below are some of the most real rituals. Only the result depends on the accuracy of their implementation. If the magic doesn't appear, then you didn't remember well and did something wrong.

The ritual, which is described below, came from a distant past. With its help, girls or young girls could turn into a real winged fairy. The ritual is carried out only in a small clearing dotted with colorful flowers. You need to stand on its edge, ask the magical powers to accept you. (For example: I want to become a fairy with wings, magic powers, help me.)

Now, with a dancing step, walk around the clearing three times. At the same time, you need to imagine that you are already a fairy. It is very important to feel love and kindness. Fairies rejoice in the beauty of each flower, the strength and diversity of life. It is necessary, like a real sorceress, to notice every nuance of the surrounding world, to experience bliss from the fact that there is such extraordinary beauty around.

Now you need to go to the red flower and sing:

“Scarlet petals, weave into my wings! I fill the red thread with magic, I collect the wings!

Then, to blue, yellow, cyan and purple! Everyone needs to be asked for strength (as described, only change the color in the plot).

When all the flowers have bypassed, you need to go to the center of the meadow. If there is a magic wand there, then there are already wings behind your back. Explore the space well. You may not immediately find out that a knot or a match that is lying in a clearing is your personal magic wand! It may even be a blade of grass or a stalk. Many girls never gain magical powers because they cannot believe what is in front of them! Wings will really appear when you recognize it and pick it up. Unfortunately, this may not work the first time. Do not despair! Try again.

How to become a fairy in 1 second right now?

Every person has magical powers. They can be opened for a while, used, and then abandoned (closed). It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. The ritual is performed only in nature. The world is so arranged that fairies live among herbs and flowers. So you gotta get under open sky. Lift your face up. Shout out loud and clear:

“Ami dubi yu chickens will ahn!”

If the Sun went behind a cloud, thunder struck or lightning flashed, then you can continue on. This is the most difficult moment. You called on the forces that should endow you with magic, connect with the egregor. If there is no answer, it means that for now you are not allowed to access magical powers.

For those who heard the answer. You need to squat down. Lower your head down. Sit for a few minutes and count to one hundred. Then again rise to your full height, face up! You need to shout out loud:

It is at this moment that you think about what you want. If the magic was revealed to you, then everything will be fulfilled instantly.

How to become a Winx fairy?

To gain the light magic of the Winx fairy, you need to perform the following ritual. He himself is not complicated, it is difficult to prepare him. The fact is that the Winx fairy is an egregore, energy. To be filled with it (this is what it means to become a Winx fairy), you need to prove to the egregor that you are worthy of such trust. Do you remember that the girl in the cartoon was very kind? Before the ritual itself, you need to lead a week and feel the way she does.

That is, to do good deeds, to be polite, friendly. Always be in high spirits. Notice only good and beautiful things, the actions of other people. Say nice things to everyone sweet words etc.

If you are prepared enough, then put on white clothes. In addition, you need to find a red decoration: a ribbon, a bow, a hairpin, a stone, beads, and so on. At noon (exactly), go to the mirror and say:

“I’m a fairy, I’m leaving through the looking glass! I am a fairy, I bring magic, I give happiness, I fulfill desires, I have power!

Your reflection will reach out to you magic wand. If it didn’t work out, then you didn’t prepare well. The forces have decided that your mood or thoughts are not good enough.

How to become a fairy of all powers?

There are wizards who can control the elements. That is, they are subject to air and earth, water and fire. Among the fairies, these are the strongest and most skillful. Only courageous people with strong and good heart. It is done like this.

Take a candle, a stone, a glass of water. Turn on the fan (it's wind). You need to take a burning candle in one hand, a stone in the other. Put a glass of water on your head. Turn to face the wind and cast the spell:

“With my heart and soul I swear to be faithful to the good! Strength to subjugate! Use for good! To bring happiness, destroy misfortune, obey the elements!

other methods

The next way is the most correct. The fact is that magical rituals designed to connect people with magical powers. That is, you call them, and they look at whether it is worth contacting you. But, the point is that they are eyeing not only those who call them, but everyone!

If a person is kind, diligent, if his thoughts are filled with happiness and wishes of all the best to those around him, if he cannot offend anyone, only protects and supports everything, then the forces themselves come to him! Even more! The most powerful forces are attracted to a person who is in itself affectionate, kind, knows no evil, capable of turning the whole world upside down, making it magical.

That's why The best way to become a fairy is to live the life of a good wizard. Help everyone and wish you happiness. Don't get angry, don't pout, don't be offended. Then you will not even notice how all desires will begin to be fulfilled, as soon as you think about them. You will receive the most powerful support of universal kindness accumulated by all mankind!

IN Lately came out a large number of cartoons about fairies, and many girls dream of becoming fairies and making their little magical rites. If you are thinking how to become a fairy in a minute, then you need to turn to our rituals.


Fill the container with ice and wait until it starts to melt. Then lower your arms for 30 seconds ice water. At this time, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into your favorite fairy. After half a minute, remove your hands from the water, lather them with shampoo or shower gel and rinse with ice water. After this ritual, you must definitely turn into a fairy.

Fairy conversation

If you need for a short time become a fairy, then you can’t do without real fairies. To get started, choose what kind of fairy you want to become. For example, if you want to turn into a Fire fairy, then you need to light a candle or kindle a fire and call the fairy to talk. To do this, call the fairy, for example, "Fairy of Fire, I call you!". If at this time the fire rattles a little or changes direction, then the fairy has come and you can start a conversation. Ask her to give you necessary force and knowledge to perform magical rites. At the end of the conversation, don't forget to thank her for her help.


If you are alone at home, you can ask the fairies to empower you. To do this, turn off the light and stand in the middle of the room. Raise your hands up and read the spell “I don’t want to be a simple person, I want to be a fairy, with a golden wing!”. It must be repeated ten times, only after that the fairies will give you strength.


If you have a cat in your house, then you can ask her to give you strength, since cats are mentally connected with the country of fairies. When will it come full moon take the cat in your arms and pet it. As soon as the animal begins to purr, ask her to endow you with magical abilities. If the cat likes how you pet her, she will fulfill your desire.

sea ​​fairy

If you want to turn into a sea fairy, fill a bathtub with water and lie down in it. At this time, repeat the spell "Sea fairy, I summon you!". After that, politely ask her to make you a water fairy.

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