Home Grape What birds fly away to warm lands. Feathered life, or which birds fly south

What birds fly away to warm lands. Feathered life, or which birds fly south

Since early years we know that in the fall, many species of birds begin to appear in the sky, heading south. But often both children and adults find it difficult to answer what kind of birds they are. But before answering this question, let's find out what groups birds are divided into in general.

Scientists all existing species the birds were divided into two groups. One included migratory, and the other wintering. All birds are warm-blooded, that is, their average body temperature is about 41 degrees.

Many also believe that they have to leave their homes because they can freeze in winter. But this is not the main reason, just in winter period it will be very difficult for them to find food for themselves. Thus, those species of birds that are able to get food for themselves in the cold season can be classified as wintering ones.

These species include woodpecker, wood grouse, titmouse, nuthatch, jay, pika, hazel grouse, black grouse. In addition to them, some city dwellers also stay for the winter, who can get their own food at any time.

What birds fly away in the fall?

First of all, they fly away in the fall insectivorous species birds such as the wagtail. While it remains possible to find seeds or fruits, the granivores are still in place. But as soon as the snow falls, or rather when the grains are hidden under a layer of snow, siskins, buntings and finches fly away. And what birds fly away last in the fall probably know very many. Waterfowl ducks and geese begin to leave their homes when rivers and ponds begin to be chained by ice floes.

In addition, some species of birds, both wintering and migratory, leave their habitats, depending on weather conditions... In cases where the year turned out to be fruitful, and at the same time there was little snow, a bullfinch, tap dance, waxwing, walnut tree may remain for the winter. But in cases where the feeding situation is unfavorable, they begin to adhere to the birds that are going to fly south.

Birds are also divided into migratory and wintering birds, depending on the area of ​​residence of these individuals. For example, in the northern regions, even crows and rooks begin to fly away towards the south, and their southern counterparts remain in place during this period. Blackbirds fly from Central Russia for the winter, and in Western Europe they do not leave their habitats.

Complete list of migratory birds

1. Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea 30. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris
2. Buzzard - Buteo buteo 31. Deryaba - Turdus viscivorus
3. Harrier - Circus cyaneus 32. Belobrovik - Turdus iliacus
4. Hobby - Falco subbuteo 33. Songbird - Turdus philomelos
5. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus 34. Blackbird - Turdus merula
6. Quail - Coturnix coturnix 35. Meadow minting - Saxicola rubetra
7. Crake - Crex crex 36. Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
8. Coot - Fulica atra 37. Erithacus rubecula
9. Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus 38. Common Nightingale - Luscinia luscinia
10. Tie - Charadrius hiaticula 39. Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica
11. Blackie - Tringa ochropus 40. Garden Warbler - Sylvia borin
12. Woodcock - Skolopax rusticola 41. Gray Warbler - Sylvia communis
13. Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus 42. Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca
14. River Tern - Sterna hirundo 43. Chernogolovka - Sylvia atricapilla
15. Clintuch - Columbia oenas 44. Willow Warbler - Philloscopus trochilus
16. Common cuckoo- Cuculus canorus 45. Chiffchaff Warbler - Philloscopus collibita
17. Common Nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus 46. ​​Rattle warbler - Philloscopus sibilatrix
18. Black Swift - Apus apus 47. Green Warbler - Philloscopus trochiloides
19. Turning neck - Junx torquilla 48. Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris
20. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 49. Garden Warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum
21. City Swallow - Delichon urbica 50. Badger Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
22. Coastal - Riparia riparia 51. Common cricket - Locustella naevia
23. Lark - Alauda arvensis 52. River cricket - Locustella fluviatilis
24. Forest Pipit - Anthus trivialis 53. Gray Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata
25. White Wagtail - Motacilla alba 54. Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
26. Common Shrike - Lanius collurio 55. Lesser Flycatcher - Ficedula parva
27. Common Oriole Oreolus oreolus 56. Chaffinch - Fringila coelebs
28. Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes 57. Common lentil - Carpodacus erythrinus
29. Forest Accentor - Prunella modularis 58. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniculus

Our children already know that many birds fly away to warmer regions with the arrival of autumn. But it will not be superfluous to remember this again.

What birds winter in our area? Consider the illustrations.

Talk to your child about those birds that were left for the winter. Better yet, try to see and observe them.

Why do some birds fly away

and others stay with us for the winter?

Do not rush to answer for the child, give him the opportunity to speculate a little, help with leading questions.

Where do ducks and geese live? That's right, by the rivers and ponds. The river for them is both a home and a dining room. What happens to rivers in winter? That's right, they freeze. This means that waterfowl need to look for another home.

And what do swallows eat in summer, what do they feed their chicks with? Flying insects. Do insects fly in winter? No, they hide from the cold until spring. It turns out that in winter many birds have nothing to eat, so they are looking for a home in other places, warm and satisfying.

Why, then, do not sparrows and titmouses, crows and jackdaws, jays and woodpeckers fly away? It's just that they can all find food for themselves in winter: seeds and fruits of plants and even insects with their larvae under the bark of trees. And if you get closer to people, you can profit from the remnants of food that you will definitely find near your home.

Flocks of sparrows can be seen almost always on loose bushes and trees.

Learn a rhyme:
Why do I love a sparrow?
For being like me:
When the cold comes
Doesn't fly away anywhere.
(V. Levin)

Lively titmouse- are also frequent guests. They feed mainly on insects, which are pulled out of the cracks in the bark. See how titmouses scurry up and down the trunks in search of insects.

Observe crows and magpies with your child. These birds are omnivorous: they eat insects, grain, and all kinds of food waste.

The small birds, who stayed for the winter with us, are not having a sweet time. Still, getting to the stern is not easy - it often happens, hidden under ice and snow. And in winter it is very cold, and the bird needs more food than in summer.

Our children already know that they know about the great benefits that birds bring. If they have "forgotten", tell them how titmouses and other little birds save trees from harmful insects... The more birds there are in the forest or garden, the more intact the trees.

Explain to your child that in winter, birds do not die of cold, but of hunger. After all, a well-fed bird will not freeze even in the most severe frost... And if you and your child make and hang a feeder in the park, at the edge of the forest or near the house, then you will not only be able to watch birds, but also do a good and necessary deed.

If dad agrees to help, you can build feeding trough according to all the rules... To do this, you need a small board or plywood, to which you need to attach low sides. It can be hung on a branch by its four corners, or even better, it can be fixed on a wooden "leg" driven into the ground. Then the feeder will not sway from the wind. A wooden roof won't hurt either.

If the feeder hangs in the park, and you and your child cannot go there often, it is convenient to do "automatic" feeder... To do this, fill a bottle with food, turn it upside down and fix it over the table at a distance of a few millimeters. As the birds eat the food, a new one will pour out of the bottle. To prevent the bottle from frightening the birds, first coat it with PVA glue, roll it in sand and dry it. Now she looks more "natural" and natural.

If you can't make a wooden feeder, the design can be greatly simplified. For example, cutting through a large window in a plastic bottle or milk carton.

What to treat the birds with?

The best delicacy is sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

You can add crumbs white bread... Any bird will love this treat.

All kinds of cereals (millet, oats, millet, etc.) will most likely attract only sparrows.

Bullfinches love rowan and elderberry berries.

Titmouse can be pampered with slices of unsalted bacon or meat. Just do not put bacon directly on the table - the crows will drag it away. Hang it on strings or wires from tree branches. So it is difficult for a crow to grab fat, and a titmouse will bite, clinging to a piece with its paws.

Who can you meet at the trough? If it hangs in the yard near the house, then your main guests will be sparrows and titmouse... The forest dining room welcomes not only all kinds of tits, but also woodpecker, and nuthatch.

Birds get used to the feeder very quickly and visit it constantly. If you walk with your child at about the same time every day, try this experiment. Pour feed into the trough every day at specific times. And very soon you will notice that the birds know the time of lunch and gather at the feeder "on time", waiting for the treats. Sometimes the whole flock arrives at once, and sometimes several scout sparrows. Your child will surely enjoy the opportunity to observe the birds and their habits during lunch. Having got used to people, the birds will let you get close enough. Only you need to behave very, very quietly.

In the fall, watching flocks of migratory birds with their baby, loving parents tell the child what journey awaits the birds to warm lands. And having heard the question why ducks and storks do not want to spend the winter with us, many mothers and fathers think. The most obvious answer seems to be that just not all birds can survive the coming cold weather. But this is not entirely true. So how do you answer the question of your little why?

Birds fly away to warmer regions not because they are very afraid of the cold. Feathers and warm down between them protect the bird as well as your jacket and pants protect you from the frost.

But there is something that not only our little flying friends, but also all animals and people cannot live without. That's right, no food. What do birds eat? Insects, grains, some even frogs and rodents. Have you seen flies and butterflies in winter? Because insects hide in the cold season and fall asleep until spring.

The birds stay with us as long as they can easily find food for themselves, and then begin to gather for departure.

Note to moms!

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  • Insectivorous birds are the first to leave us: rooks, swallows, wagtails, etc.
  • Then, when it becomes difficult to find grain and fruits of trees for food, finches, siskins, and oatmeal are prepared for a long journey. After all, if the snow covers the ground, it will be very difficult for our feathered friends to find food.
  • The last to fly away are waterfowl: ducks, geese, swans. Because in winter all reservoirs freeze, and it is almost impossible for feathered lake inhabitants to find suitable food. At the same time, cranes and storks leave us, whose habitual diet includes frogs and rodents.

Only those birds that can get food for themselves without much difficulty remain to winter. For example, crossbills living in the forest feed on seeds from cones conifers: spruce, pine. Sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits have long adapted to life in cities where it is easy to find something edible.

People help the birds to survive the cold and hungry season: they make feeders, where they put seeds and seeds. Do you remember when we treated pigeons with crumbs in the park? Many do this, so the city birds are not afraid to stay with us for the winter.

Something like this you can have a conversation with an inquisitive kid. Do not forget that sometimes it is very useful for a child to first think about his own problem in search of an answer. Your suggestive questions can help him get to the bottom of the problem. This will have a good effect on children's self-esteem, create an experience of success, and encourage in the future to self-study and analysis of the surrounding world.

Shishkin school. Natural science. Migratory birds

In the video, we will find out which birds fly south and why they do it. We will also learn how to watch out for migratory birds:

Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their average body temperature is 41 ° C. This means that they can remain active during the cold season, but need to more food. Therefore, many birds leave their snow-covered native places and go to winter in warm countries.

The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. Flights are more characteristic of species of high and temperate latitudes: in the tundra, almost all species of birds are migratory, in the taiga - three quarters of the species. The number of migratory species in certain habitats also depends on how sharply their feeding conditions differ in summer and winter. So, among the inhabitants of the forests and settlements about half of the species are migratory, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, water bodies - almost all species. Of flight there are more birds among insectivores and carnivores, fewer among granivores. This is understandable: if grain can still be found somehow in winter, then there are no insects at all.


But there are birds who do not care about the cold. They all year round find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland and do not fly. Such birds are called sedentary.

In the winter forest, you can hear a woodpecker busily knocking, titmouses, pikas, nuthatches, jays chirping. Does not leave winter forest and wood grouse, because he always has food - delicious pine needles. But black grouse and hazel grouse eat alder catkins, buds and juniper berries.

Amazing bird the crossbill even manages to build nests and hatch chicks in winter. The crossbill feeds on spruce seeds, which it extracts from the cones with the help of its beak.

With a favorable winter, some birds remain at home, and in severe winters they wander from place to place. it nomadic birds. These include some birds that nest high in the mountains; in the cold season, they descend into the valleys.

Finally, there are such birds that, in a favorable winter situation, are settled, but in unfavorable years, for example, with a poor harvest of seeds. conifers, fly away far beyond the borders of their nesting homeland. These are waxwings, Muscovites, walnut trees, tap dancers, bullfinches, jays and many others. Nesting in the steppes and semi-deserts of the Middle and Central Asia saji.


Some widespread bird species are migratory in some places and sedentary in others. Among wild pigeons there are migratory, nomadic and sedentary birds. Hooded crow of the northern regions Soviet Union flies to wintering in the southern regions, and in the south this bird is sedentary. Our blackbird is a migratory bird, but in cities Western Europe- sedentary. Rooks in more northern latitudes - migratory birds, and in the more southern, for example, in the Ukraine, in the Chernozem region - sedentary. House sparrow lives in the European part of Russia all year round, and from Central Asia flies to India for the winter.

I don’t know about you, but personally, I associate flocks of birds flying away with the inevitability of cold weather, which brings notes of sadness to my mood. And until recently, I did not think about when they fly away. I propose to figure it out.

Which birds fly away and which don't

Birds that fly away to warmer regions during the frost are called migratory. But there are such staunch soldiers as pigeons, tits, sparrows - they remain in their usual place, and even in harsh conditions they breed and survive the winter.

There are species that fly away only in, so to speak, emergency conditions, when severe frosts come. These include:

  • goldfinches;
  • bullfinches;
  • siskin;
  • pike-holes;
  • rooks and hooded crows living in the northern regions.

But the majority of migratory birds. For example, half of those living in the forest will fly away, and almost all of the “inhabitants” of the taiga. But they leave their habitats due to the lack of the opportunity to get food for themselves in winter. The main ones are swallows, swifts, larks, cuckoos, orioles. Of course, this is far from the entire list of migrants; it is almost impossible to list all of them.)

When the birds fly away

Any schoolboy will answer that the birds fly away in the fall. Although, in fact, they begin to fly away at the end of August. Different birds migrate to different time.

The cuckoos became the pioneers of flights. They leave their native land at the end of summer. The next ones are swallows and swifts, the date of their departure is the first September numbers.

The following lovers of overseas recreation: finches and blackbirds, preferring Spain and Italy; flycatchers flying closer to Africa; ducks and cranes heading to the banks of the Nile.

The mallard family flies off in the middle of the first autumn month. These "gourmets" of rest choose the Transcaucasia, the Caspian, the Mediterranean and Azov sea... Geese fly en masse to the Crimea and the Caspian by the end of September.

Why wedge

The most interesting thing is that flying in a wedge is of vital importance for birds, because strong individuals flying in its head make it easier for comrades to fly due to the air currents created by the flapping of their wings.

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