Home indoor flowers Enlighten. The symbol of Yin and Yang is a real help to a person

Enlighten. The symbol of Yin and Yang is a real help to a person

Yin-Yang is the basic principle of the law of the universe. Everything in our world - physical objects or living beings - comes from the interaction of the energy of the two principles Yin and Yang. The energies of Yin and Yang make everything in our world unique and different from each other.

Jan- this is an active principle, fire, sun, warmth, summer, sky, bright, masculine.

yin- this is a passive principle, water, cold, moon, earth, soft, dark, feminine.

If Yang energy predominates in a person, then he will born of a man, and if Yin energy prevails, then it will be born as a woman. Therefore, the energy of Yin-Yang complements each other, and at the same time is the opposite of each other, and cannot exist separately without each other.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

Taichi which can be seen in all feng shui books describes the interaction of two principles. Yang energy is the light area of ​​the symbol, and Yin is the dark area.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

The circles of the Yin-Yang symbol mean endless movement. Yin and Yang are inter-arising, interdependent, and constantly transforming, one into the other. One principle cannot exist without the other; each contains a particle of the other. How night turns into day, and day into night. Birth ends with death, and death turns into birth. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Both parts are one and are in constant change and movement. Maintain balance and balance. Such is nature - Yin-Yang, which shows that everything in our world is relative.

The fundamental principle of feng shui seeks to balance yin and yang in order to create a harmonious flow of life in your home. Therefore, when planning the interior of an apartment or house, these Yin and Yang factors must be taken into account, because the Feng Shui of your home must be balanced in terms of these principles.

Factors of influence of Yin in the interior of the house- these are screens, muted and dark tones, a refrigerator, silence, distant rooms in the house, a rest room, a bedroom, a bed, a north side, a toilet.

Yang Influence Factors in Home Interiors is a living room, loud music, an office, a noisy road, bright and bright colors, main entrance, fresh flowers, lighting and heating devices, entrance hall, gym, south side - everything that can be compared with vigorous activity.

According to the basic principle of Feng Shui - harmony and balance of Yin-Yang, there is no need to make the premises too dark, gloomy, yin. But if, on the contrary, you constantly turn on loud music and hang all the walls with various bright photo posters, by this action you will create an excess of Yang energy, which will also have a harmful effect on favorable creation feng shui at home. In both cases, there will be an imbalance. These are the fundamental principles of Feng Shui and must be taken into account.

Using the principles of Yin-Yang, we can take into account the purpose of the rooms, for example, in the bedroom it would be appropriate to use Yin energy, muted tones, low furniture, twilight.

For a study or living room, it is better to use Yang factors - these are bright lighting, high furniture, light colors.

Feng Shui decorating your home, according to the principles of Yin-Yang harmoniously and skillfully, you will quickly begin to notice how all your rooms in the house will begin to help you - in the bedroom you will have a wonderful rest and you will quickly gain strength, and in your office or at your desk productively and efficiently work and quickly achieve success in your business!

A popular symbol, depicted on many souvenirs, looks like a circle divided by a winding line into two symmetrically located equal parts. Inside each of them there is also a circle, meaning the eye of some creature, whose contours are limited by the outer semicircle and wave. Painted half of the circle in What does yin-yang mean, the image of which has become fashionable in last years decorate the most unexpected items and apply it on own body like a tattoo? Does this symbol help to resist worldly misfortunes?

Some people take it for some kind of amulet, an amulet, and hang this image in the house, behind the windshield of a car, or wear it around the neck in the form of a medallion, saying: "Yin-yang, save me." No, that's not what it was designed for. ancient China this symbol, rather, is a kind of visual diagram that helps to better understand the essence of the world around us.

Criticized by Marx and accused of turning everything upside down in it, it operates with the concept of "the unity and struggle of opposites." Any magnet and our entire planet has two poles. Living beings are divided into two sexes. The concept of good and evil is also dualistic. There is light and there is darkness. From time to time, with a certain frequency, each side is replaced by the opposite. This is what yin-yang means, a graphic reflection of the unity of opposites, so simple at first glance.

All religions in their theories about the creation of the world rely on the original holistic chaos that precedes the creation of the universe, and scientists in their research are in solidarity with theosophists. As it decreased, it was divided into two halves compensating each other, each of which, reaching a maximum in its development, gave way to the other. Round eye spots symbolize the presence inside each of the opposite sides of the embryo of the coming change, the harbinger of the phase change of the path, called "Tao".

The flow from one half of the circle to the other, as it were, unites these two mutually inalienable parts, creating a whole. Trying to figure out what the word "yin-yang" is, you should divide it into two parts. Black yin symbolizes the feminine, white yang symbolizes the masculine. Yin is intuitive and yang is logical. Yin - and yang - life. North and south, cold and heat, plus and minus - this is what yin-yang means.

The philosophical meaning of this hieroglyph is so deep that it by itself refutes Marx's accusation that it is impossible to turn something that has two heads and two tails wrongly, any provision of this scheme can be considered correct.

General harmony and balance natural forces- that's what yin-yang means. This concept is universal in its application, it can be used to describe and state structure, and the system proper nutrition. It has a social, physical, and chemical meaning.

The ancient Chinese treatise "I-ching", also called the "Book of Changes", interprets yin-yang as two sides of one mountain, which is one, but consists of two slopes, alternately illuminated by the sun's rays.

Date: 2014-03-27

Hello site readers.

In this article, I want to touch interesting topic: or Yin and Yang. Both spellings are correct. But mostly Yin and Yang are written. In this article I will tell you what Yin and Yang are, what these signs mean, what is the relationship between them, as well as when and where these concepts came from (origin history).

Yin Yang

We all saw that famous logo that represents Yin and Yang, but not all of us immediately understood what it meant. Looking at the logo, we see a circle where the first half is white fish and the second half is black fish. Together, these two halves form one whole.

There is one in the universe important lawlaw of balance. This is just Yin and Yang. If the balance is disturbed, then the entrance is entered external forces that normalize it. And it's not always done in a positive way. It is believed that cataclysms arise due to a violation of the universal balance.

Digging through Wikipedia, I found out that this symbolism was borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in I-III centuries. They were attracted by Buddhist symbolism and then arose in Taoism "mandala": famous black and white "fish"

Yin-Yang are two complete opposites that complement each other. There is such an interpretation that Yang is the sky, being a pure substance, and Yin is the earth, being a muddy substance. Heaven is Yang and earth is Yin. Peace is Yin and movement is Yang. Yang gives birth and Yin grows.

Concept Yin Yang is the paramount model of all living things, and it opens two propositions interpreting the origin of the Tao. The first is that everything immediately changes and the second is that the opposites complement each other (white without black does not exist just like black without white). Balance and harmony of opposites is needed.

When Yin and Yang interact, five basic elements are created: water, fire, earth, wood, metal - five phases of transformation or five energies that determine the course natural phenomena. Such a manifestation shows us a cyclical process, an endless birth and death, since everything, having reached highest point, transforms into its opposite.

Oriental medicines such as Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan are mainly based on the restoration of balance (Yin-Yang) human body. That is, if the balance (Yin and Yang) is disturbed, it can be restored with the help of meditation, diets, qigong, taiji, shiatsu, or a combination of these techniques. Oriental medicine seeks to treat not the external symptoms of diseases, but their sources, which are in violation of the internal balance.

yin and yang man and woman

Of course, we humans are also divided into Yin and Yang, where Yang is the masculine principle, the destructive force, and Yin is the feminine principle, the creative force. The characteristics of Yin-Yang are clearly demonstrated in the picture below.

The original meaning of Yin: The northern side of the slope, that is, not sanctified by the sun. As for Yang - the southern side of the slope, that is, illuminated by the sun. Ying-Yang have their own symbols. For Yin: moon, night, water, turtle, black, north, lead, even numbers. For Yang: sun, day, fire, dragon, red, south, mercury, odd numbers. Now take a look at the harmonious exchange in the picture below:

It is very important to understand the law of energy exchange. Many people live by the principle of receiving without giving anything in return. In this situation, the balance is disturbed, as a result of which, even if a person received something for free, he will still pay for it sooner or later.

People are divided into two categories: consumers and creators. It is clear that the first category dominates the second. And you have probably heard many times that in order to get something, you first need to give something. This is the law of conservation of energy, which says that freebies do not exist.

shoulder blade tattoo

Yin and yang is a famous ancient sign of Chinese culture. His popularity all over the world has found its place among tattoos. This is a universal pattern that both a young man and a girl can fill.

Place placement of various parts of the body. A tattoo can be done on the neck, on the ankle - it will look spectacular in any chosen place.

The history and symbolism of the yin yang sign

Initially, these two symbols were considered as a designation illuminated by the sun. The luminary moved in an endless cycle, the mountain fell alternately under the sun's rays or into the shadow.

Cycles succeeded each other, which meant a constant cycle of life in nature. The two opposites are inseparable. Being one whole, the parts fight each other, winning and losing alternately, either to the light or to the dark side.

These symbols laid the foundation for two opposite eastern cultures - Confucianism and Taoism. Taoists believed that yin, the feminine principle, rules in the world, adherents of the second religion argued that yang decides the fate of a person.

Tattoo on the shoulder with the addition of a dragon

Yin was interpreted not only as a female symbol. This is the dark side of life, which is characterized by paranormal activity. The symbol is attributed to:

  • cunning
  • secrecy
  • intrigue.

Yin philosophy is responsible for even numbers. Yang was associated with masculinity, logic, and practicality. It is characterized by:

  • activity
  • life
  • bravery.

Rational properties, parity of digits are attributed.

Yin is the moon, yang is the sun. There are no clear definitions of yin and yang. These two opposites can be interpreted differently depending on what religion or culture a person adheres to.

yin yang tattoo meaning

The meaning of the yin yang tattoo fully reflects the symbolism that connoisseurs put into the mandala Japanese culture. But those who fill it bring their own meaning depending on the goals, the meaning of life.

Tattoo may mean the following:

  • - a person adheres to one of the religions of the East;
  • - harmony is the main thing that prevails in the life of a tattooed person;
  • - the desire to see the positive and bright moments among the negative dark sides life;
  • - a person seeks to find peace of mind, to achieve inner balance in life;
  • - acquire certain character traits - strength, activity, self-confidence.

Tattoos are characterized by two primary colors, black yin and white yang. But there may be color images of the tattoo. Especially if the characters are stuffed in the form of animals:

  • tiger and dragon
  • two fish,
  • wolves, owls

Tattoo on the shoulder with the addition of a tiger and a dragon

When attributing yang properties to the sun, yin properties to the moon, you need to remember that just as you can see the moon during the day, so the yin yang tattoo is ambiguous.

Yin has a yang light point and vice versa. This is a sign that there is no good without evil, and bright side without the dark, they exist together, complementing each other.

The meaning of tattoos for men and girls

The tattoo is universal, suitable for both women and men. The meaning with which this tattoo is stuffed by representatives of both sexes is similar.

Rethinking the past, they draw a tattoo to achieve inner balance. Guys get tattoos to achieve peace. Their tattoos often mean the struggle of opposites in the soul and the desire to find peace in life.

Tattoo on the forearm

Girls are characterized by stylized sketches in color. The feminine requires airiness, which can be reflected in the symbol's openwork tattoos. Men prefer monochrome.

Location of the sketch on the body

When choosing a place for applying a tattoo, be guided by the size and sketch. Not all monochrome tattoos look good in volume.

When choosing a large drawing, make it in color. Such a sketch will suit guys if you place it on the chest, side, upper back, shoulder.

shoulder blade tattoo

Classic symbol tattoos are more suitable for girls. Small drawings of yin yang can be stuffed on the neck, wrists, ankles. It will be interesting to look at the tattoo on the female lower back, lower back or coccyx.

It is better for young people not to experiment with these places. A tattoo on the shoulder, forearm is suitable for both girls and guys.

And on the leg it will look more profitable for men. On the arm, especially inside, composite tattoos look spectacular - color images of the sun - moon, fire - water.

fans oriental cultures can choose the location of the tattoo, focusing on the chakras of a person.

Options for combining a yin yang tattoo with other symbols

Tattoos are found in various styles and execution techniques:

  • - in realism (a pair of wolves, two dogs fighting each other), such tattoos or birds are more often stuffed in color;
  • — monochrome, classic black and white tattoo tigers;
  • - dotwork or graphics, drawing dots or lines from which a pattern with open edges is formed;
  • — animal sketches (cats, wolves, dolphins);
  • - watercolor, suitable for large bright drawings (dragon tattoos with their rich color) or small sketches for girls (opposite symbol in lotus flowers)

Classical Yin and tiger as a symbol of perseverance, courage.

A color or black and white image of two owls means two people who are close in spirit, the symbol in the center speaks of harmony between them. Koi looking up and down are a symbol of the cycle of life and the balance of female and male energies.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade with the addition of Koi carps

The image is widespread, woven with roots or from different times of the year. Such tattoos speak of the philosophical mood of the wearer, an understanding of the inevitability of life and death. Sketches with Indian or Chinese motifs are popular.

Original elements for a tattoo, compatibility. Tattoos look unusual, where the symbol of two principles can only be guessed. The wearer of the tattoo tattoo creates a kind of intrigue.

Images of life and death in the form of two angels or skulls look spectacular. Such sketches are performed in monochrome.

AT classic tattoos central points can be replaced by stylized images - the moon and the sun, air and earth. The symbol can be hidden in a tattoo, for example, a dragon or a toad holding a coin in its mouth.

yin and yang; Yin Yang; yes chi

In ancient Chinese mythology and natural philosophy, the dark principle (yin) and the opposite light principle (yang), almost always acting in pairs.

Initially, yin apparently meant the shady (northern) slope of the mountain, and yang meant the light (southern) slope. Subsequently, with the spread of the binary classification, yin became a symbol of the feminine, north, darkness, death, earth, moon, even numbers and so on. Yang, respectively, began to symbolize the masculine principle, south, light, life, sky, sun, odd numbers, etc.

Among the oldest of these paired symbols, according to the Swedish sinologist B. Karlgren, are cowrie shells (feminine) and jade (masculine). It is assumed that this symbolism is based on archaic ideas about fertility, reproduction, and the phallic cult. This ancient symbolism, emphasizing the dualism of male and female principles, received iconographic expression on ancient bronze vessels in the form of phallus-shaped protrusions and vulva-shaped ovals.

Not later than the Zhou era, the Chinese began to consider the sky as the embodiment of yang, and the earth as the embodiment of yin. The whole process of the universe and being was considered by the Chinese as the result of interaction, but not the confrontation of yin and yang, which aspire to each other, and the culmination of this is the complete merging of heaven and earth. The Yin and Yang system was the basis of the ancient and medieval Chinese worldview, was widely used by the Taoists and in folk religion for the classification of spirits, for divination, omens, etc.

In the system of I-ching digrams, tri- and hexagrams, yang is depicted as a continuous line, and yin as a broken line. Together they symbolize all the complementary opposites of the dualistic universe in the powers and qualities of human, animal and plant life.

Yin must always go before yang, because it symbolizes the original Darkness before the appearance of the Light of creation - yang. It is also the primordial waters, passive, feminine, instinctive and intuitive in nature; soul, depth, narrowing, negative, soft and compliant.

Fairy-tale animals (dragon, phoenix and qilin) ​​are able to embody both one and the other principle, and mean the perfect interaction of these two principles in their unity. The same applies to the lotus.

personifies the perfect balance of the two great forces of the universe, each of which has within itself the embryo of the opposite principle. This shows that there is not only a male or only a female principle in the universe, but that each of them contains the spores of the other, and that there are continuous changes. Both beginnings are included in the circle of universal cyclic circulation and change.

These two forces hold each other back in confrontation, but not in an antagonistic way, but as interdependent partners. One of the beginnings is the essence, but only two find expression in the manifestations of the beginnings in the material world.

Cadluntl yin-yang (tai chi) are depicted as prisoners in a circle. Their figurative and symbolic representation is based on a circle, a picture of the first one, from which the yin / yang polarity originated - a philosophical concept presented by the philosopher Zhu Xi (1130-1200). The separation of both poles is caused by an S-shaped division in half of the surface of the circle, with the yin half being assigned the dark part, and the yang half the light part of the circle. It is only from this polarity that the creation of the five elements occurs, from the interaction of which all the richness and diversity of the world (the “ten thousand things”) flows. It is also important that, as an expression of interdependence, a dark center should be present in the yang part of the divided circle, and a light center in the yin part (depicted also in the form of circles). This seems to emphasize that we are talking not about the mutual struggle and hostility between light and darkness because of the desire to achieve the dominance of one of the two principles, but rather about the desire for complementarity of one with the other.

In ancient cave sanctuaries, yang and yin stones were used, the former must be dry, and the latter wet. When heavy rains fell, the forces of the yang stone were awakened with the help of a whip, and during drought and heat, the forces of the yin stone were awakened in order to achieve harmonic balance.

Yin symbolizes everything that is dark and earthy:

  • femininity,
  • north,
  • cold,
  • shadow,
  • Earth,
  • passivity,
  • humidity
  • black color,
  • valley,
  • trees,
  • nocturnal, aquatic and marsh animals,
  • most colors.
  • even numbers;

Yang symbolizes everything light, dry and high:

  • masculinity,
  • light,
  • activity,
  • dryness,
  • emperor;
  • active start,
  • rationality,
  • height,
  • extension,
  • positive
  • hard and unyielding.
  • mountain,
  • sky, heaven,
  • solar animals and birds;
  • odd numbers;

Basic values:

  • Cosmic Egg, primordial androgyne,
  • perfection of balance and harmony, the union of two principles
  • incompleteness, part of the original whole, passing through history, the suffering of separation, the search for the completeness of the "I" - divided.

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