Home Vegetables English articles for children. What are articles for in English? Article a or an

English articles for children. What are articles for in English? Article a or an

Articles in English a / an and the indicate the degree of certainty of the subject in a given context or in general. In Russian, they, as official words, are absent and are not translated from English, but sometimes they can “occur” in phrases like: “I know a girl. This girl goes to our school. " Or: “One boy was very fond of reading. Once this boy found one very interesting book ... "

Therefore, on an intuitive level, sometimes we also use the words "one / one / one / alone" when we first mention the subject, and "this / this / this / these" when it is used again in speech. This is especially common in fairy tales: "Once upon a time there was an old man ..."

Use of articles in English

Correct use of articles in English often causes difficulty. There are, of course, rules for the use of certain articles - a / an, the, article zero, but since native speakers trust, first of all, their intuition and logic, then by putting ourselves in their place and trying to think like them, we could greatly facilitate the task.

What is this certainty / uncertainty?

I have bought a dog. - I bought a dog. In this context, you are talking about a dog for the first time, this means "some dog, one of many", the listener is not yet clear about which particular dog we are talking about, so in this example we use the indefinite article -а.

The dog is very cute. - The dog is very cute. Now you are already talking about “a particular dog - the one that you bought. The listener already understands that we are talking about your dog, so the definite article -the is already here. In other words, as in the "bearded" anecdote about English for the "new Russians": the article -а means "type", and -the means "concretely", that is, one of many or a specific example.

Table of articles in English

To systematize all of the above will help table of articles in English.


The subject is mentioned in this context again: I have an interesting idea. I have an interesting idea. Wow, tell me about the idea, please! Wow, tell me about this idea, please.)
An object or person is the only one in a given setting: The actress is on the scene. The actress is on stage. (on a certain stage)
The noun is preceded by an ordinal: He is on the second floor. It's on the second floor.
The noun is preceded by a superlative adjective: She is the most beautiful girl, I`ve ever seen. (She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen.
A noun denotes a substance in a certain quantity or a certain place, in a given setting: Pass me the salt, please. Pass me the salt, please.
Where is the water? Where is the water?
Noun is one of a kind:> the sun, the moon, the sky, the universe, the earth
With the names of countries, including words such as republic, union, kingdom, states, emirates, as well as with the names of countries in the plural: the German federal republic
the United Arab Emirates
the Philippines
Before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, island groups, deserts: the Atlantic, the Pacific ocean, the Nile, the Bahamas, the Alps
With the cardinal points The South, the North
A noun denotes a whole class of objects: The giraffe is the tallest animals. The giraffe is the tallest animal.
After the words one / some / many / most / both / all of Some of the mistakes are very bad.
Some of the mistakes are very gross.
Before the family name in the plural: The Smiths have moved to another town. The Smiths moved to another city.

A / An

At the first mention of the subject: A man is waiting for you. A man is waiting for you. (some)
If we are talking about an unspecified quantity: I can bring a coffee to your friend. I can bring coffee to your friend.
With the names of the professions: He is an engineer. He is an engineer.
In the nominal part of a compound predicate: She is a smart girl.
When an object belongs to the class of homogeneous objects: There is a bee in the cup. There is a bee in the cup. (not an ant).
In stable combinations like: what a ..
a little
a few
a lot of
as a rule
as a result
for a while
to be in a
to have a
to see a
there is a
What a lovely day!
I`d like to say a few words.
I have a little free time.
I have a lot of friends.
Before the words such, quite, rather, most (meaning "very"): He is quite a young man. He's a pretty young man.
If you can replace the article with the word "one". : There is a flower in the garden.
There's a flower in the garden.
There is one flower in the garden.

Zero article:

Before nouns with definitions (pronouns, numerals, proper nouns in the possessive case.): My mother works here. My mom works here.
Tom`s bag. Tom's bag.
When summarized in the plural. before countable nouns: Apples are my favorite fruits.
Apples are my favorite fruits.
Before nouns as a definition: guitar lessons - guitar lessons
Before the names of countries, continents, cities, streets: Germany, Poland, London, Hyde Park, High Street
Before abstract (uncountable) nouns: This is important information. This is important information.
Before the names and surnames of people: His name is Lee.
In adverbial combinations: for breakfast, at lunch, to dinner, at night, by bus, on sale, in fact, from time to time, from school, to work, at work, from work ...

If you still have questions about the article in English, Double You Studio - an English language school in Kiev (suburb, Vishnevoe, Sofievskaya Borshagovka, Boyarka, Petrovskoe) will help you to figure it out.

How to explain to a child what an article is and why is it needed? and got the best answer

Answer from Ђatiana [guru]
The article is needed to determine the gender and declension of a noun. So to explain. If the child is still small, then it is better not to explain at all, let it be better to memorize, then understand.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to explain to a child what an article is and why is it needed?

Answer from Yergei[guru]
Why do you need an article? Is it not in Russian?
The article is typical of English nouns.
There are 2 articles in total - SPECIFIC and UNDEFINED.
Defined - THE
Undefined - A / AN
There is also the so-called ZERO article. This is when the article is not used at all for one reason or another.
First, let's take a look at UNDEFINED “A / AN”.
A - we use before nouns that begin with a consonant (a plate, a house, a door)
AN - we use before nouns that begin with a vowel (an umbrella, an apple, an armchair).
Now about the use cases
A / AN indicate one subject (not without reason they originally came from the numeral one - one), which we are talking about in the first.
They have built a house at last.
Give me a book, please.
When it comes to professions
You know .my best friend is a teacher of English.
I wonder, is he a banker?
In the following expressions:
A couple of ...
A pair of ...
A few
A little
A lot of
I decided to buy a pair of new shoes.
We've got a lot of free time today.
In exclamations!
What a wonderful weather today!
What a stupid guy he is!
What a terrible hat she is wearing!
If the noun is preceded by a descriptive adjective), o indicates the qualities of an object or person)
He is such a clever person
It's a nice weather today!
Have a good time!
THE DEFINITEL ARTICLE THE is used in the following cases:
If we are talking about a certain subject, or about what was mentioned earlier
The friend of mine is a reliable person.
They've built a house.
The house is rather modern and huge.
All rivers, oceans, newspapers, magazines, steamers, etc. (and I mean their names) require a definite article
I am fond of reading "THE TIMES"
My friend made up his mind to stay in the “GRAND hotel”.
Last summer I had a rest at the BLACK SEA coast.
If we are talking about things that are one of a kind.
Some countries and states.
We use the ZERO article:
In the names of cities, the names of people and in the names of animals
London is the capital of The United Kingdom.
Peter was eager to have a new family.
When we talk about an object or phenomenon in its general meaning
Summer / spring / winter / autumn is coming!
Lion is an animal
We never use the SPECIFIC article with plural nouns!

Answer from Ўliya Yulia[newbie]
And you first indicate the age of the child, so that they would help you with your question

Answer from Culturolog[newbie]
Defined is male, Undefined is female: the rest when he gets The Passport.

Answer from Michael[guru]
an - like, it's like
the - specifically ... this is specific
and the anecdote of the new Russian was taught the articles ...

Answer from Evgen Tkalenko[guru]
I remembered like this:
"A" = "ANY". Bring me A chair = Bring me ANY chair (for example, to screw in a light bulb).
"The" = "THAT". Bring me THE chair = Bring me THE (THAT) chair (i.e. we both know which chair we are talking about).
For a child, it will be clearer (so it seems to me).

Answer from Basilisk[guru]
First, it's better to tell about stamens and pistils.

Answer from Nadezhda Egorova[guru]
Articles are just words. The article A (AN) means any, THE means not any, but this one, the one I am pointing to.

Answer from Vladimir[guru]
If you do not know yourself, how do you explain to your child? 🙂

Answer from Olga Tishineva[guru]
I explain it like this:
1. Countable nouns in the singular cannot be used without an article - the (this is a tie for a gentleman) - and -a (an) is "butterfly").
2. A (an) is from Old English - one - therefore it can never be used with a plural.
3. And then ... different "little tricks" .... :-)

Answer from Ўliya[active]
we can say that the articles are the so-called paws, with the help of which one word clings to another. but since not all animals have legs, words do not always have articles.)) or something like that))

Answer from Anna Konoplyanaya[guru]
Don't tell them about cases and stuff. Especially for someone who is small. Let them learn it by heart, then they will understand. If you are talking about English, then you need to work out here, because the articles (definite and indefinite) are one of the most difficult topics. Don't touch German at all, there are articles for the same thing for which we have endings. You can tell the elder one, don’t load the younger one, he will not understand, but will only be horrified at how difficult it is (although I think it’s not particularly difficult). Good luck!

Answer from ASYa[guru]
first of all, you yourself need to understand what articles are. In many languages, articles have occurred:
indefinite - from the word "ONE"
definite - from the word "THIS / THAT"
In Russian, they also say "I have one friend ..." "I had one book somewhere" (not in the sense that 1, not two ... but just insert this word in a conversation) .. . which means uncertainty.
Then they no longer say "one friend" or "one book". The next sentence would be "This friend ...", "this book" ... In fact, these words "one" and "this" play the role of an article. It's just that you can do without them in Russian. And in some languages ​​they are used to using these words, which is already wrong without them.
Examples of articles:
German - ein / eine (neopr), ein = one
das / der / die (def), dieses / dieser / diese = this / this
das / der / die also "which / which / which"
Spanish - un / una (unopr), un = one
el / la (def) - from lat. ille / illa = "that / that"
French - un / une (unopr), un = one
le / la (def)
English - the (def) - related to this / that (this / that)

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here are more threads with similar questions.

In English, unlike Russian, special words are widely used - articles. The article and the rules for its use in English are presented in the examples below in order to facilitate the perception of the necessary material. In English, two articles are distinguished - definite the and undefined a (an) ... The article is usually placed only in front of nouns. The indefinite article applies exclusively to countable singular nouns, and the definite article can be applied to different singular and plural nouns, whether they are countable or not.

First, let's remember in which cases the article is not used. The article is not used if the noun is preceded by (one, two, six, etc), possessive or (this, that, my, our etc.), another noun in the possessive case (my father's, Mary's etc), or negation "no" (not not!). Examples:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I have no brother.

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Note: if the noun in the possessive case performs the function of an adjective, the use of the article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name(male name). Paula is a woman's name(female name). It's a children’s bicycle(children bicycle).

The article is not used with uncountable nouns denoting an indefinite amount of a substance or an abstract concept:

  • I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee. - I do not like tea, I prefer coffee ( Tea coffee- generally)
  • Friendship is one of the most important things in my life. - Friendship is one of the most important things in my life (friendship is an abstract concept)

The article is not used with the names of sports:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. - I love football and my sister prefers badminton.

Also, the article is not used with proper names (except for some geographical names, which will be discussed below).

Indefinite article "a"

The indefinite article is "a". "An" is not an independent article, but the indefinite form, which is used before nouns that begin with a vowel: an apple, an orange.

  • The forms a and an are remnants of the Old English word for "one", so the indefinite article is used only with singular nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • At the first mention of the subject. For example, I live in a house.
  • When designating a profession or occupation. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • After: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • If a characterizing adjective is used with a noun, in such cases the article is placed before the adjective. Example: This is a flower... This is a red flower.
  • Memorize the use of the indefinite article in sentences of the following type

- What a beautiful color!
- What a tasty cake!
- What a good girl!

The definite article "the"

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • If we are talking about a certain subject or objects (both in the singular and plural), about which / which we have already spoken about, or in the context we understand what we are talking about. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting. / I know all the people in this photo.
  • With items that are one of a kind - Thesun, thewind, themoon,theearth
  • After . For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C - the smallest - the smallest, the quickest - the fastest
  • C, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (BUT: if the ordinal indicates a number, the article is not put: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • With the cardinal points: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With the last name - if we are talking about the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovs, the Smiths - Smiths
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema / theater; to the shop / market; at the cinema / the theater; at the shop / the market

The definite article with place names

The definite article must be used with the following place names:

  • seas - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • oceans - the pacific ocean
  • rivers - the Voilga, the Nile
  • channels - the English Channel
  • bays, straits - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • deserts - the Sahara, the Gobi
  • mountain ranges - the Alps
  • countries, if the name contains the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, is in the plural (t he Netherlands) or abbreviated to the abbreviation (the USA, the UK)

The article is not used with the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, cities, continents, streets, squares, airports. Exceptions:

  • theGambia- Gambia,
  • the Hague - The Hague

The definite article is also used with the names of hotels, cinemas, theaters, newspapers and magazines.

We have reflected the basic rules for using the article. There are many nuances, and the scope of one article does not allow me to mention everything. But we have prepared another video tutorial on some difficult use cases of the article:

We hope that the above will help you understand the articles in English and use them correctly in your speech, but do not forget that repetition is the mother of learning, do not be lazy to revise the rules as often as possible.

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Indefinite article a / an in English (the indefinite article) has two forms:

a[ə] - used before consonants. That is, if a word begins with a consonant, use a:

a b ook, a t able, a m an, a g irl, a c omputer, a t omato, a yacht [ jɒt], a unit [ ˈJ uːnɪt]

an[ən] - used before vowel sounds. That is, if a word starts with a vowel sound, an:

an a pple, an e ngineer, an i dea, an o range, an a nswer, an hour [ˈ ə (r)]

Please note that the choice of the form of the indefinite article is determined not by the spelling, but by the pronunciation.

For example, the word hour (hour) starts with a vowel sound, so we use the article an (an hour), although the consonant is written first h... Or, for example, the word yacht (yacht) spelled with a vowel y, but the consonant sound [j] is pronounced, so we choose a (a yacht)... Using different forms of the same article helps to make speech euphonious, light, natural. Try to pronounce a apple or an book and you will feel how difficult and uncomfortable it is.


Indefinite article a / an used only with singular:

a pen(a pen), a story(history), a chair(chair), a child(child), a flower(flower)

If the noun is used in plural form, then the indefinite article is absent. The absence of an article in front of a noun is commonly referred to as the "zero article."

pens(pens), stories(stories), chairs(chairs), children(children), flowers(flowers)

When the indefinite article a / an is used

Below you will find a description of the main uses of the indefinite article. a / an in English.


Indefinite article a / an used when we first mention an object or person. In this case, we assume that our interlocutor does not know what or whom we are talking about.

Yesterday I bought a handbag... - Yesterday I bought a purse.
Until that moment, I hadn't said at all that I was going to buy a bag. That is, I mention this for the first time (my interlocutor does not know anything about this bag), hence the indefinite article a / an.

If you continue to talk about this bag, then the noun handbag (bag) will already be used with the definite article the, since this time the interlocutor knows which particular bag we are talking about:

Yesterday I bought a handbag. The handbag is very beautiful. - Yesterday I bought a purse. The bag is very pretty.

Although most often a personal pronoun is used instead of a noun, it sounds more natural and avoids repetitions:

Yesterday I bought a handbag. It is very beautiful. - Yesterday I bought a purse. She is very beautiful.


Indefinite article a / an is used when we are not talking about a given (specific) object or person, but simply about any, about some, about one of a group of the same objects or people. In other words, when we talk about an object or person in general, without having in mind a specific a skirt, work, pen or dog:

I want to buy a skirt... - I want to buy a skirt. (some kind of skirt, which one I don't know yet; I only know that I want a skirt, not a dress)
He refused to look for a job... - He refused to look for work. (some work)
Give me a pen, please. - Give me a pen, please. (any, any)
It is a dog... - This is a dog. (some kind of dog, any dog)

When we are not talking about a certain object or person, but about any, then further, if we need to re-designate it, we do not use personal pronouns or a definite article the... And again we use the indefinite article a / an or pronoun one.

She wants a car but he says they don’t need one... “She wants a car, but he says they don’t need it.
She wants a car but he says they don’t need a car... “She wants a car, but he says they don't need a car.
She wants to have a car (not a motorcycle, not a bicycle, but some kind of car, so a car), but he says they don't need a car (they don't need any machine at all, not a specific one). Since in the second part of the sentence we are again talking about any / indefinite machine, we again use a car.


Indefinite article a / an we also use to describe or give any information about what has already been mentioned. In this case, an adjective is often used before the noun. Note that although the article comes before an adjective, it refers to a noun:

It is a beautiful place... - This is a beautiful place. (describe what this place is)
He is a clever boy... - He's a smart boy. (characterize what kind of boy he is)
Do you live in a big house? - Do you live in a big house? (we ask in which house)

When we talk about a person's profession or work, we also use the indefinite article a / an:

She is a teacher... - She is a teacher.
I am a doctor... - I am a doctor.


Historically indefinite article a / an descended from the numeral one (one)... Hence the possibility in some cases to replace the article a / an numeral one... Such a replacement is possible when the article a / an essentially means "one". For example, this meaning of the indefinite article is observed in numerals a hundred, a thousand, a million and in the word a dozen (dozen) when used alone or before a noun:

This toy costs a thousand roubles. = This toy costs one thousan d roubles. - This toy costs one thousand rubles (one thousand rubles).
Give me a dozen, please. = Give me one dozen, please. - Give me a dozen please (one dozen).

It is with the origin from the numeral one (one) and the value of the singularity of the indefinite article is associated, which is especially manifested when expressing measures of time, distance, weight or quantity:

This chocolate bar costs a dollar... - This bar of chocolate is worth a dollar. (= one dollar, we can replace a dollar on one dollar)
I'll call you in an hour... - I'll call you in an hour. (= after one hour, we can replace an hour on one hour)
Can i have a kilo of tomatoes, please? - Can I have a kilogram of tomatoes, please? (= one kilogram, we can replace a kilo on one kilo)

Please note that the numeral one instead of the article a / an should be used only if you want to emphasize that we are talking about exactly one object or person, that is, when you want to be very precise:

I have got one sister... - I have one sister. (not two sisters, not three, but only one)
I have got a sister... - I have a sister. (in this case, I am simply reporting that I have a sister)

The meaning of the singularity of the indefinite article can be seen in some stable phrases that convey a single action:

have a look- take a look
have a snack- have a snack
have a try- try, try
have a rest- relax
have a good time- have a good time
give a chance- give a chance
give a hint- hint
give a lift- give a lift
make a mistake- to be wrong
play a trick- play a trick


Indefinite article a / an also used when it is necessary to indicate the quantity per unit of measurement. For example, when we talk about the price of oranges per kilogram, the salary per month, the number of classes per week, or the speed of the car per hour. The noun denoting this very one unit of measurement, and will be used with the indefinite article.

The oranges were 80 roubles a kilo... - Oranges cost 80 rubles per kilogram.
She works 8 hours a day... - She works 8 hours a day.
I go to aerobics twice a week... - I go to aerobics twice a week.


Indefinite article a / an can also be used with some uncountable abstract nouns (for example, humor - humor, hatred - hatred, anger - anger, magic - magic) in the case when they have an adjective with them. Usually, this use of the indefinite article is characteristic of the book style and expresses the author's desire to emphasize the individual, special nature of this or that abstract concept.

Note that in the above case, the use of the indefinite article is optional. If you do not want to highlight in a certain way the special nature of any emotion, character traits, etc., the article a / an you can not use it.

On a note

To learn how to use the indefinite article a / an more or less automatically, try to form a rule in your head: use the indefinite article with countable singular nouns when there is no other reason for using the definite article the or some other qualifier (possessive or indefinite pronoun).

Every parent wants his child to receive a full education and be a specialist in many fields, especially when it comes to foreign languages. Trying to give to the maximum, we often forget that it is sometimes difficult for babies to understand some peculiarities of speech that he has not previously encountered. Articles are recognized as one of such difficulties on the way to improving knowledge. They are the bonding particle used with nouns and help you more accurately define what is meant. Unfortunately, the array of information about the correctness of the application confuses students, and therefore they use it at their own discretion.

Let's work together to analyze the articles in English according to the rules for children in order to understand what the main obstacles are. According to the traditional form, there are 3 classes of articles:

  • uncertain(a and an),
  • definite(the)
  • and null.

So, let's take a closer look at the scope of their use.

Article "a" and "an"

Indefinite articles have been transformed over time from the word "one" and differ in that "a" is placed before consonants, and "an" is written next to vowels to maintain euphoniousness.

Cases when their use is necessary:

  • May be near countable nouns filed in singular from a similar class: We saw a flower yesterday. - We saw the flower yesterday.
  • If about something said for the first time: I had a new friend yesterday. - Yesterday I made a new friend.
  • If by the word we mean the meaning as each or anyone, speaking as about fact: I'm writing with a pen in my notebook. - I write with a pen in a notebook.
  • Meaning the word "one": I'll call you in an hour. - I'll call you in an hour.
  • When talking about the whole class of subjects(for example, about the class of animals, plants, etc.): Rose is a very beautiful flower. - Roses are a very beautiful flower.
  • In those situations when it comes to small particle anything: I would eat a piece of bread. - I would eat a piece of bread.

We have already mentioned that the English language is quite difficult at first. Therefore, there are circumstances in which the indefinite article can be applied in the plural. There are also stable phrases, they will be useful to you in the future:

  • To be in a hurry
  • To be at a loss
  • To have a headache / toothache
  • In a loud voice
  • In a whisper
  • It's a pleasure.

You can submit the rules in the format of a fairy tale, where the articles will be 2 brothers who set off on an adventure, and along the way they will find friends (suitable situations of use).

The article "the"

Derived from the words "those" [ðəʊz] - those and "this" [ðɪs] - this. Used with singular and plural nouns.

Rules for the use of the article "the":

  • If we understand what is at stake, because it was mentioned earlier, or we guess: He wants to drive. They go to the cars. - He wants to drive. They walk towards the cars.
  • The story is about a unique subject: The sun rises in the east. - The sun rises in the east.
  • Next to a noun meaning species, genre, variety of something: The apple tree grows everywhere. - The apple tree grows dedicated.
  • Exception: the word "man" in the sense of a species.
  • In context with the words "last" and "next": The next summer promises to be warm. - Next summer promises to be warm.
  • In conjunction with adjectives as nouns: The strong must help the weak. - The strong should help the weak.
  • If we mean some common place that everyone knows about (hospital, store, etc.): The hospital is on my street. The hospital is on my street.
  • Among the instruments of music: My hobby is playing the guitar. - My hobby is playing the guitar.
  • Before different nationalities: The Russians are very cheerful people. - Russians are very cheerful people.

Zero article

At its core, the zero article implies its absence in principle. Here are a few points when you need it:

  • For uncountable and abstract nouns: Happiness is something you can't buy. - Happiness is something you can't buy.
  • With plural countable nouns: She brought apricots. - She brought apricots.
  • With proper names: Eva is the smartest girl. - Eva is the smartest girl.
  • If there are demonstrative and possessive pronouns before:
  • I liked this album. - I liked this album.
  • I reminded my friend about homework. - I reminded my friend of my homework.

Learning articles in English according to the rules for children will be a little boring, so think ahead about how to diversify the process. Perhaps it will be riddles, competition tasks. Ask the children to draw examples of times when one of the articles is used.

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