Home Vegetables What delicious to cook on February 23. A treat for real men. Festive salad "Tank"

What delicious to cook on February 23. A treat for real men. Festive salad "Tank"

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a significant and great date for our people. Many celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, preparing a variety of dishes, as for the New Year. On this occasion, the wives turn on all their culinary skills to please the men. Everyone has long known that the best present, in addition to socks and shaving foam, will be a delicious treat prepared with soul and warmth.

Many are lost in conjecture, thinking about what to cook for their husband on February 23, how to please a loved one with delicious delicacies. It would be appropriate to make something nutritious and as satisfying as possible. Almost all men love meat in different variations, the easier it is for you and me, dear women! No need to bother with light snacks and salads.

But do not forget about the decoration of the solemn table. You should forget about pathos and surroundings - we focus on conservative design. Incense will be useful if you mark the date tete-a-tete. Also take care of a sweet dessert. For example, bake a cake. Beat your loved one on the spot! We present to your attention the original recipes for February 23, which will be the best present and will be remembered for a long time.

Juicy manti from and potatoes

Uzbek food has long taken root in Russia. In principle, these are large dumplings, only steamed with the addition of spicy spices and have an unusual shape. To make the dish juicy, you need to roll out the dough very thinly, and take a lot of fillings. Some housewives consider Asian food difficult and are afraid to cook it.

But this is only at first glance. Following a step-by-step recipe, you will be able to create a culinary work that will delight you with taste. No more guessing what to cook for your husband on February 23rd. Manti will surely please your chosen one, especially in combination with a spicy sauce. Enough demagoguery - let's move on to the process.

Ingredients for the dough: a glass of boiled water (warm), two eggs, a pinch of salt, flour (by eye). For the filling: (400 g), five potatoes, onion, black pepper, two cloves of garlic. Products for the sauce: in equal proportions mayonnaise and sour cream (150 ml each), 40 g of spicy adjika or tomato paste, six cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill.

kneading the dough

What to cook for your husband on February 23? Of course, the meat according to this recipe. Beat the eggs with a whisk, season with salt, pour warm water in a thin stream and carefully pour in the flour in small portions. We stretch well. So that it does not stick to your hands, grease with vegetable oil. The mass should turn out without lumps, a homogeneous consistency. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

Now let's deal with minced meat: cut the turkey into small cubes, add grated potatoes, sauteed onions, chopped garlic and spices.

We form manti

We spread the chilled piece of dough on a wooden board sprinkled with flour, cut into small pieces, which we roll out into thin squares. We spread the minced meat on each flour product, fasten the side edges overlapping on both sides, connect the pockets. Make sure that the dough does not tear, otherwise the filling will pop out.

We coat the steamer sheet with butter so that the manti does not stick to the surface. We cook for at least 40 minutes. You can use a multicooker. Make the sauce: mix all the above ingredients. Ready manty is laid on green lettuce leaves. When setting the table on February 23, do not forget to style it unobtrusively and nicely.

Festive recipe for lamb with pumpkin and chestnuts

Unlike pork and beef, sheep meat is considered dietary and contains a minimum amount of cholesterol. In addition, it is tender, juicy and nutritious. Let's describe the original version for real gourmets. To knead the test you will need:

  • 300 g flour;
  • one egg;
  • butter (20 g).

Other ingredients: a kilogram of young lamb meat, half a kilogram of pumpkin, two glasses of pomegranate juice, 1.5 glasses of rice, chestnuts (400 g). You will also need five onions, a pinch of saffron, one hundred grams of butter.

Cooking organization

Holiday recipes are numerous, our version will appeal to everyone without exception. To begin with, boil the washed rice groats for no more than 10 minutes. The main thing is not to digest, otherwise it will turn into porridge.

Let's make the dough: beat the eggs into the sifted flour, add oil and water. We roll out the layer, line it on the bottom of a deep cauldron, pour it with melted butter. Put half-cooked rice on top, cover with a lid, cook for another 20 minutes.

Immerse the chestnuts in water, put on the stove - do not touch for 7 minutes. Cut raw pumpkin into medium pieces. Chop the onion, sauté in butter, then add the chopped meat. Pour pomegranate juice and a glass of boiling water - simmer for half an hour.

Fry the pumpkin with chestnuts, transfer the mass to the lamb. Season food with salt and pepper. Simmer covered for ten minutes. Stir the saffron in a tablespoon of water, pour rice over it. Discard the dough on which the cereal was prepared. We level the grains of rice on the surface of the plate, put pieces of stew with pumpkin on it. We chop greens.

Chicken dishes (holiday) for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Poultry meat will never be superfluous on the table. The optimal ratio of quality and price makes it in demand. If you try and add a twist, you can get a delicious dish, such as Provencal chicken - a traditional French dish.

Essential Components:

  • chicken carcass;
  • vegetables: five tomatoes, three onions, seven cloves of garlic;
  • pitted black olives - 150 g;
  • cheese - two hundred grams;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • spices: two large spoons of Provence herbs, 2.5 grams of fennel seeds, a pinch of red pepper, salt.

Technological process

If your man prefers lean meats, be sure to cook a variety of chicken dishes. Festive variations will surprise the hostess with ease and speed, and guests with juiciness and piquancy. Now to the recipe. We cut the carcass into portioned pieces, lightly add.

Separate the pulp of tomatoes from the skin, cut into slices. Onions - half rings, and olives - into four parts. We combine all the ingredients, put one part on the bottom of the brazier. Put the meat on top. Season with spice sauce: mix squeezed garlic with fennel, pepper, herbs and olive oil.

We cover with a "vegetable coat". Bake for 1-1.5 hours. A few minutes before turning off the oven, sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Such a seemingly banal recipe, but what taste and aroma! on February 23 will surprise your man. Decorate the room with candles and incense for a romantic atmosphere!

Baked chicken rolls

This dish can easily claim the title of a gourmet treat. The cooking process will not take much time, and you will be able to prepare for the event. It is necessary to purchase in advance about two kilograms of chilled chicken fillet, three hundred grams of high-quality bacon, three medium-sized ripe oranges. Also take green salad leaves, black pepper, vegetable oil, salt.


Remember that the table for February 23 should be different from No pink tones and flowers are needed. Cut the fillet into small slices, pour over the squeezed juice of oranges, flavor with spices. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for two hours.

We cut the bacon into thin strips, wrap a piece of meat in it - turn it into a tube, fixing it with a toothpick. We lay parchment or foil on a baking sheet, grease with oil, lay the formed rolls. We put in the oven for 20 minutes.

We dip the baked chicken tubes on lettuce leaves. We frame cherry tomatoes and enjoy a magnificent evening. As you can see, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. Recipes for February 23 are very simple. Show your imagination and a little effort, then your table will be replete with culinary delights.

In addition to deli meats, use fish. For example, salmon steaks under spicy festive dishes are many-sided, they will satisfy the taste preferences of any gourmet. Do not forget to please your man with a sweet product. Note to the hostess - biscuit cake.

Festive cake with condensed milk

If you still have a question about what to cook for your husband on February 23, then after you try this sweet dessert, all doubts and worries will go away. The process, of course, is lengthy, but the time and effort spent is worth it. Cake ingredients:

  • three hundred grams of flour and the same amount of butter;
  • six eggs;
  • boiled condensed milk - a can;
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • 15% cream - 30 ml;
  • fruit jam, walnuts.

Let's get started...

Let's prepare a white cake: beat two eggs into a lush voluminous foam, then carefully pour in 150 g of sugar, sifted flour (120 g). The dough will be liquid, bake for about half an hour.

Brown cake: in sown flour (180 g), add baking powder, remaining sugar, cocoa powder, beaten eggs (4 pcs.). Put in the oven for 20 minutes. Cut the cooled cake into two equal parts.

Cut out a star from white and chocolate cakes (do not touch the second layer). You can use a stencil. The remaining brown biscuit is generously covered with fruit jam, sprinkled with chopped nuts.

We make cream: beat boiled condensed milk with butter (150 g). Lubricate the chocolate biscuit soaked in jam, creamy mass. On top we set a star from a white cake, pour over with cream, sprinkle with nuts. Cover with a brown star, also soak with white sweet sauce. Refrigerate the product for about an hour.

Prepare the glaze: combine cocoa powder with sugar and cream, cook until thickened. We put a piece of butter (50 g), wait until the icing has cooled down, cover the cake with it. Decorate with fresh strawberries, sprinkle the sides with walnuts.

This is where we will end. We hope that the holiday recipes for main dishes will come in handy and win the hearts of men.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Initially, it was believed that this is a holiday of people who served or are serving in the army. But, today, many women stand guard over peace and tranquility along with men, so this holiday has lost its original meaning and has become just a holiday for men. It doesn’t matter what professions they have, how old they are, whether they served in the army or not - these are people who you can always rely on in difficult times. Real defenders!

In our article, we would like to talk about how beautiful and interesting to set the table for the holiday, what to cook on February 23 to surprise and please your beloved men.

Table setting for February 23

For the festive table for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, serving is a very important point. Therefore, it will be a great solution to serve cooked dishes in an unusual style. So that the main participants of the celebration, looking at the design of the dishes, understand that today is their holiday!
Here you need your imagination and talent of the designer.

Below you can see several options for decorating dishes for February 23rd. It can be carved dishes in the form of a star and salads in the form of a tank or a soccer ball.

In the matter of decorating the table, it is best to start from the hobbies, activities and hobbies of your men. Many advise to make a table in military style or in the main colors of the flag. But if your friend, father, husband has nothing to do with the army, and even worse, if he has bad memories associated with this or your men simply do not like khaki, why set the table in such styles. Do something pleasant for your men, set the table with their favorite flowers.

You can simply cover the table with a green or blue tablecloth, serve napkins to match.
You can also add various figurines symbolizing the day of the defender of the patronymic, and even better if you yourself make jewelry that will remind you of your joint happy days together, of helping and protecting your men in relation to you.

What to cook for February 23?

February 23 is the only men's day that belongs entirely to them. And, therefore, men should be congratulated on a grand scale. Show more care than usual so that they feel like they are having a holiday.

For a special mood, you need to prepare a festive treat.
Desserts, mousses for a men's holiday are not relevant. Hearty salads, various spicy snacks are suitable.
Also, on the festive table of the heroes of the occasion, alcoholic drinks are appropriate.
There are no traditional recipes, such as a turkey for Christmas, on February 23rd. And, thanks to this, you can show maximum skill in cooking.

Above, we decided in what style we will set the table, depending on the hobbies of your men, now you need to decide on taste preferences and the venue for the feast.

First, we decide on the place, the men's holiday can be perfectly celebrated outside the home, if, for example, you have a summer cottage, then it would be ideal to fry a barbecue. If you do not plan to stay at home at all, then field kitchens will help you, taste delicious buckwheat porridge with tea right on the street.

It may well turn out if you arrange a holiday in nature, the so-called picnic.
Here you can do without lace tablecloths and crystal wine glasses. The main thing - exquisite "marching" dishes.
Serving a camping table implies disposable plates, glasses. Now they are offered in many different sizes and colors. Again, you can take the color in the style of "military", so that everything is in the theme. Arrange prepared dishes in containers and serve them to the table.

The main thing is that there is a lot of tasty and beautifully cooked. Meals are usually prepared at home. They should be such that it is not necessary to warm up. That is, mainly appetizers and salads.

If a holiday is arranged for male colleagues, then the “office” version of the dishes can be exactly the same as in nature.

But if you still decide to celebrate at home, then the first thing you need to do is remember what your men love.

You can clarify which alcohol a man will prefer for a holiday, and the choice of dishes that will be on the festive table will depend on this.

On February 23, you definitely need to cook hot, appetizers, salads, and, if you have a sweet tooth, then dessert. There are many options. Let's consider some of them:

Rich hodgepodge, with its amazing taste, is loved by everyone. The dish is not fast, but worth it. There are many recipes. This option is different in that it does not contain expensive products.

1. Pork - 250 g
2. Smoked sausage - 250 g
3. Boiled sausage - 250 g
4. Chicken breast - 250 g
5. Pickled cucumbers - 250 g
6. Tomato - 50 g
7 Onions - 150 g
8. Olives - 50 g
9. Olives - 50 g
10. Cucumber pickle - 100 g

Pork meat, cook for an hour over low heat, after removing the foam. Remove, let cool and cut. Chicken breast, cook for 20 minutes. And also, cool and cut into strips.
Cut the boiled and smoked sausage, finely chop the onion, cut the cucumbers into small strips.
Fry meat ingredients with onions. Then add cucumbers and fry for another three minutes. The next step is to add the tomato, simmer for five minutes.
Dip the cooked meat and fried vegetables with sausage into the boiled broth. Pour in the cucumber brine. After that, seasonings.
Serve with a circle of lemon, olives and olives. You can add sour cream.

Meat "Three in one"

Three types of meat in one dish is an incomparable solution. It is very festive and, by all means, men should like it.

1. Pork or beef tenderloin - 500 g
2. Bacon or smoked meat - 300 g
3. White wine - 100 ml
4. Chicken breast - 2 pcs.
5. Garlic - 2 cloves
6. Spices

Dry the washed meat and breast and cut into small pieces. Same size. Salt the meat, pepper, pour white wine. Remove to refrigerator. Salt the chicken a little, squeeze the garlic and add the oil. Olive is recommended. After a few hours, marinated meat and chicken pieces, steamed together, wrapped in strips of smoked meat or bacon. Secure the ends of the bacon with a toothpick.
Put the cooked meat rolls on a greased baking sheet, and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.
Serve garnished with any vegetables or boiled rice.

You can cook a festive snack from the liver. And by adding mushrooms there, you can turn an ordinary liver into a masterpiece of culinary art.

1. Beef liver - 500 g
2. Chicken liver - 500 g
3. Eggs - 2 pcs.
4. Milk - 1/2 cup
5. Salt, pepper.

1. Mayonnaise - 300 g
2. Garlic - 5 cloves
3. bow 1
4. carrot
5. Salt, vegetable oil.
6. Two hard-boiled eggs and one bunch of dill - for decoration.

Pass the prepared liver through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, spices, flour and mix everything until smooth. Get a cookie dough. It should be like a pancake.
Fry like pancakes in a pan greased with oil.
Now, chop the onion, simmer until transparent, add finely chopped carrots, salt and simmer until the carrots are soft. Add garlic, passed through a press, to mayonnaise. Mix. Lubricate the liver cakes with mayonnaise and stack one on top of the other, shifting the filling. Press the last cake a little, spread with mayonnaise, sprinkle first with grated protein, then with yolk. Decorate with dill. It is advisable that the snack stand for a while to soak.
No holiday table is complete without a salad. Men are generally reluctant to change their culinary habits. Therefore, it would be appropriate to offer something with herring. Always a win-win. Hearty and very tasty.

1. Beets - 2 pcs.
2. carrots 2 pcs.
3. potatoes 4 pcs.
4. bow 1 pc.
5. boiled eggs 2 pcs.
6. Slightly salted herring 1 pc.
7. Mayonnaise 80 g
8. salt, pepper.

classic salad recipe

We cut the herring. Rinse under running water, dry. Carefully remove all the insides, cut off the fins. Make a longitudinal incision along the spine. Near the tail, pick up the skin of the fish with a knife. Then take it off
Now, you need to separate the bones from the fillet. Pry off the fillet from the side of the spine and, pressing your finger against the bones, separate the fish meat. Remove spine.

Why is it important to cut the fish yourself? This is the only way to be sure of its freshness.

Boil all vegetables with skins on. So they will be more starchy. Peel the prepared vegetables, cut the onion into small cubes. Hard boil eggs. Cut the fish into cubes.

You need to pay attention that there are no bones.

When the preparation is completed, you can start laying the layers. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.

The first layer is herring fillet, then a layer of onion. Then, grated potatoes. Again, an onion. Grate the carrots, then the eggs. The last beet, also grated on a coarse grater. Top with a large layer of mayonnaise.

If desired, the vegetable layers can be salted. Decorate according to the holiday.

If you wish, you can make a "royal herring under a fur coat." How? Everything is the same, only on top you need to make a layer of red caviar. And, decoration, and, truly - royal scope.

But the festive table should delight and surprise. Therefore, you can cook a real "male" dish

1. Pork 1 kg
2. Bow 3 pcs.
3. Vegetable oil - 50 ml
4. Pepper, salt and rosemary.

Cut the meat into large pieces, about 5 cm each, onion rings. Mix everything and add spices to taste. Thread onto wooden skewers, alternating, and arrange on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven at 220 degrees for about one hour. The taste is not worse than at the stake.
Tips: the marinade at first can not be salted; keep the meat in the marinade for no more than two hours; wooden skewers need to be held in cold water for about forty minutes so that they do not burn.

If you cook from beef, then the meat is tougher. To make the barbecue a success, you need to pour alkaline mineral water into the marinade.
Men are well-known meat-eaters, so barbecue can be served both for the first and for the second, and even instead of compote.

Do not forget that the simplest dish, beautifully served at the table, cheers up and develops an appetite.

You can make pizza. It will replace regular sandwiches.

Italian pizza recipe

First you need to prepare the yeast dough. To get the right result, you need to use fresh yeast, not dry. Flour must be hard grades. Do not use eggs, sugar - these products will make the dough heavy. It must be done within two hours. You need to stretch it not with a rolling pin, but with your fingers. Baking time - 10 minutes. At a temperature of 280 degrees.

1. Fresh yeast 10 g
2. water 300 ml
3. salt
4. Flour 2 cups

Dilute the yeast in water, add salt, flour, at the very end add a spoonful of olive oil. Knead the dough.
While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. The filling should be exactly like dough. Cheese is better to choose the type of "mozzarella".

Filling Ingredients:
1. Cheese 120 g
2. Salami 80 g
3. Mushrooms 80 g
4. Olives 7 pieces.
5. Tomato sauce or ketchup

Grate the cheese, cut the salami into thin circles, cut the olives and champignons into thin slices too. Stretch the dough, lay out the filling in layers; salami, mushrooms, cheese, olives.

In fact, pizza is cooked in stone ovens at a very high temperature, approximately 600 degrees. But, the oven is quite a suitable option.
May this holiday be unforgettable!

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What dishes to cook on February 23 to surprise a man? Dishes and recipes for delicious treats on the festive table.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a landmark for men, because women of the country honor the stronger sex. Choosing gifts is a difficult and pleasant thing, however, it is equally important to prepare a surprise for your beloved husband: set a chic table. Dishes should not only be hearty and tasty, but also correspond to the tastes of a loved one.

February 23: dishes and recipes

Obviously, any representative of the strong half of humanity loves to eat tasty and dense. In order to surprise and please your loved one, light, dietary dishes are not suitable. Food should be nutritious and satisfying.

Meat on the table, cooked exquisitely and originally, is the best treat for a man. In addition, sweets should also be on the table. A wonderful dessert will cheer up a dear person. He will certainly appreciate the effort spent. See a selection of 4 dishes, what to cook on February 23 for the festive table.

Turkey in prunes and dried apricots cooked in the oven

The most tender turkey meat is very tasty and exquisite. To cook such a dish means to please your loved one for sure. In addition, the bird is quite simple in cooking: even an inept hostess will cope with the task. Maintaining the required temperature in the oven (200 degrees) is the main task, because the turkey weighs quite a lot. The simplest, most affordable cooking option: baking in a sleeve.


Medium sized turkey;
300 g of prunes and the same amount of dried apricots;
a pinch of cinnamon;
seasoning for poultry;
vegetable oil: 4 tablespoons.

It is important that the turkey is chilled, not frozen. Wash the bird, process from feathers and entrails, if necessary. Scald with boiling water, blot the carcass inside with a paper towel. Mix oil, salt and seasonings, coat the bird (inside and out) and place in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Filling: rinse well, mix dried apricots with prunes, add cinnamon. Place the stuffing inside the turkey. Prick the skin on the abdomen with skewers.

Thoroughly lubricate the bird with oil, without missing a single patch of skin, put a special sleeve on the carcass and fix it with a clip. Place the turkey in the center of the oven (preheated).

Bake for 1.5 - 2 hours, from time to time checking how the cooking process goes: the bird gives the juice in which it is baked - this gives the meat a special tenderness. Half an hour before the end of the frying, cut the sleeve so that “our” turkey in prunes is covered with a fragrant, crispy crust. Serve the dish whole or in portions. Mandarin slices are perfect as a side dish.

Watch the video: turkey baked with prunes

Medallions stuffed with meat

A very tasty and easy-to-prepare treat for February 23 for a loved one. Pork tenderloin and poultry meat will give the medallions a delicate, delicate taste that will impress any gourmet.


500 g pork tenderloin;
400 g chicken or turkey breast;
250 g smoked meat;
garlic: 1.5 cloves;
white wine: half a glass;
vegetable oil;
salt: to taste.

Rinse the meat, blot with paper, cut into small pieces. Salt, add chopped garlic and oil, pour wine and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Having formed the medallions, wrap them with strips of smoked meat, stab them with toothpicks. Then put on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil and put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. When the sides of the medallions are fried until golden brown, turn them over.

Spread the meat, pouring the resulting sauce. Serve hot with fresh vegetables and herbs. Garnish can be round new potatoes, with dill.

Watch the video: hot dish pork medallions

Salad Polyanka with mushrooms and chicken layers - recipe with photo

The recipe for a light and delicate salad is a real table decoration, an original and tasty dish that can be prepared on February 23. Pickled mushrooms and onions add a special touch to the dish. Variations with mushrooms can be absolutely anything.


Chicken breast fillet - 1 pc.;
150 g pickled mushrooms;
120 g pickled onions;
120-130 g gherkins (pickled);
carrots - 2 pcs.;
eggs - 5 pcs.;
a pinch of dried dill or parsley;
salt: to taste;

Boil the chicken breast, cut into strips. Add chopped boiled eggs. Finely chop pickled cucumbers and onions, add to the breast. Fry the grated carrots in a small amount of oil. Drain the mushrooms in a colander, mix everything.

If there are no pickled mushrooms at home, you can put champignons fried over medium heat in a dish, however, canned ones will give the greatest zest. Add finely chopped greens to the salad.

At the bottom of a deep plate we place a cling film and lay it out in layers:

3 chopped eggs + onion;
carrots + cucumbers;
leftover eggs and meat.

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, also apply mayonnaise on top. Tip the salad onto a wide plate, carefully remove the film. Sprinkle salad generously with herbs. Place in the refrigerator to soak for at least 8 hours.

Watch the video: mushroom meadow salad

Wine pear: dessert recipe

The recipe for a delicious, beautiful and light dessert, suitable for any solemn or romantic occasion, it will be especially suitable to cook on February 23rd. Amazing spicy taste will give your beloved man an unforgettable experience. What to cook for February 23


Pear ("Conference"): 6 pieces;
0.5 l of red wine;
0.5 l of white wine;
sugar: 10 tablespoons;
lemon peel;
orange peel;

Of course, you can make the wine pear dessert in just red or white wine, but the best solution is to make both options. Thus, the beloved will enjoy the different tastes of the dessert, besides, fruits of different colors look truly magnificent and appetizing.

Wash the pears and cut off the skin, do not remove the ponytails. Remove orange and lemon zest. Put orange zest, sugar in a saucepan, pour white wine, boil until sugar is completely dissolved.

We put pears (3 pcs.) In the prepared syrup so that it completely covers them; bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook the pears until soft, then put on a plate. Similarly, cook fruit in red wine, adding lemon zest and cinnamon. Serve chilled, top with syrup. Dessert goes great with scoops of ice cream.

Watch the video: how to cook a wine pear

In the question of what to cook for February 23, the main thing is to approach the matter with soul and love. If these two conditions are met, the dishes will seem tastier, even if something is not entirely successful. Having received a portion of attention, a loved one will gladly forgive possible culinary mistakes. After all, tenderness and female affection is the best gift for a man.

Lastly, watch another video on the topic of recipes for your beloved men.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Not much time is left until February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! This means that it is time for us women to think about choosing gifts for our beloved men. And what is the best gift we can give our warriors? Of course love, warmth and care!

Many express this in cards, poems, songs, or gifts. Undoubtedly, this is all good, but you should not forget about a small but important addition to the gift - cook your men's favorite dishes, and set a delicious, satisfying and festive table. After all, do not forget the old and wise proverb - "The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach." Therefore, we will devote today's article to culinary recipes that can be pampered by men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

As you know, many men love high-calorie and satisfying food, for example, a piece of fried pork, baked lamb, juicy steak and other meat products. It is rare that anyone will refuse a delicious beer or a picnic in a snowy forest. Therefore, today we will not bypass any culinary addiction and we will try to feed each man with his favorite dishes.

beer party

Of course, at home we are unlikely to be able to recreate the full entourage of a Bavarian establishment with waitresses in low-cut bright suits and braided two blond pigtails. But we will try to please our men with a tasty, satisfying and salty snack with a glass of cold fresh beer.


Shrimps can be cooked in a variety of ways. The most classic option is to boil in salted water with various spices and serve with soy-lemon sauce.

Mexican prawns in spicy sauce will delight real gourmets and will appeal to those who love spicy dishes. To do this, sauté garlic and onions in a pan for 5 minutes. Add hot sauce, salt and peeled shrimp. Stew them for 3-4 minutes, then remove from the sauce and put on a dish, and strain the sauce and pour into a gravy boat.

Spicy shrimp kebab will add variety to the beer party menu. Therefore, first prepare the marinade from chopped garlic, hot peppers, olive oil, salt, juice and lemon zest. Place the peeled shrimp in this marinade for 45 minutes. Then string them onto wooden skewers, wrap each with bacon and bake in the oven for 2 minutes.

Chicken meat

Crispy spicy chicken wings Ideal as an appetizer for beer. To do this, spread the wings with a mixture of hot red and black pepper, and bake them in the oven for 45 minutes.

Chicken kebab will take its rightful place on the table. You will need chicken fillet cut into pieces. It should be strung on wooden skewers, marinated for 30 minutes in salt, red pepper, tomato sauce and olive oil. Then bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.

Spicy chicken legs have a beautiful golden hue and original taste. To prepare them, chop the onion and garlic with a blender. Add white wine, olive oil, ketchup, mustard, salt, red and black ground pepper there. In this mass, marinate the legs for 30 minutes, and then bake in the oven at 190 ° C for 45 minutes.

In addition to these dishes, there are a huge number of traditional beer snacks. For example, homemade potato chips, baked sausages, sausages, seafood, cheese balls and much more. You can find all these recipes in our Cookbook.

winter picnic

Perhaps the words “winter picnic” sound somewhat doubtful, but you can enjoy a country walk with a snack in the fresh air at any time of the year! Therefore, if your men love this type of vacation, let them enjoy the winter nature and prepare everything you need for this. Here, dishes prepared in advance at home will be appropriate.

For example, from a piece of hearty lavash with meat and mushrooms no man will refuse. To do this, lay out products on each layer of thin pita bread and lightly grease them with mayonnaise. The first layer is fried twisted meat with onions. The second layer is fried chopped mushrooms with onions. The third layer is Korean carrots. The fourth layer is finely chopped greens. Roll it all up, wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge. And in nature, all that remains is to cut the pita roll into slices.

Pancakes with red caviar or red fish will be an excellent snack for strong men's drinks. To do this, bake pancakes and wrap them with red caviar or fish with a piece of soft cheese.

Very useful in nature fragrant teas, which can be prepared in advance in a thermos from your favorite herbs.

Well, do not forget, of course, about juicy pork skewers. Fatty pork tenderloin is best suited for its preparation, which is cut at home into pieces of at least 5 cm in size and marinated in salt, pepper, bay leaf and vinegar. And, having arrived at a picnic, make a fire, string meat on skewers and fry on coals with a good heat.

You can find a list of other different delicious dishes that are suitable for celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland holiday in nature in our Cookbook under the appetizers section.

home dinner

The classic version of the celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day is native walls with a wide-laid table. Make sure that the dishes that your beloved men prefer are prepared. Well, we will help you with this a little.

What dishes do men like the most? Of course, most prefer juicy meat. Therefore, we propose to prepare pork ribs. To do this, pour the ribs with soy sauce, add finely chopped chili, ginger, garlic and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Then fry them in vegetable oil and you can serve.

Before veal loin no man can stand. To make it especially tasty, it should be fried for 30 seconds on each side in a pan and brought to readiness in the oven at 160 ° C for 5-10 minutes.

Grilled veal You can also surprise and please your beloved man. To do this, marinate meat steaks with onions for two hours in mustard, cayenne pepper and olive oil. Then fry on both sides in a grill pan and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

From pork in honey glaze no man will refuse. To prepare it, coat the meat with a marinade of soy sauce, honey, mustard, ketchup and black pepper. Then put it on a frying pan with a grill and put it in the oven at 160 ° C for 90 minutes.

We have selected for you, dear women, recipes dedicated to the men's holiday. Make sure that Defender of the Fatherland Day turns into a real holiday for your men and will be remembered for a long time. And in order to please your men with the proposed fragrant and satisfying dishes, it is not at all necessary to wait for the holidays!

And if you haven’t found anything suitable for yourself from the above dishes, then our Cookbook of “wild” housewives will be happy to offer you a large selection of culinary recipes for holiday dishes for all tastes. Here you can choose any recipe and cook a festive dish not only on Defender of the Motherland Day, but also for many other celebrations.

What to cook for your beloved men on February 23? Use our selection of step-by-step recipes and your holiday table will be the most beautiful delicious!

Festive cake "February 23" - pastries for real sweet tooth. It turns out very tasty. Such a cake will be a pleasant surprise on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

For the white biscuit:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - ¾ cup;
  • flour - 120 g.

For the chocolate biscuit:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp

For cream:

  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • regular condensed milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a few drops of cognac.

For impregnation:

  • Strawberry jam;
  • water;
  • cognac.

For glaze:

  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cream 15% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g.

For sprinkling:

  • walnuts.

For decoration:

  • strawberry jelly - 1 pack;
  • cocktail cherry;
  • confectionery balls.

Chop the walnuts and decorate the sides of the cake.

Prepare jelly as indicated on the package, pour into any mold. When the jelly is set, cut it into pieces and fill the star on the cake. Decorate the holiday cake "February 23" with cocktail cherries, confectionery balls, let it soak and can be served.

Recipe 2: Vest cake for February 23

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda and vinegar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2.5 - almost 3 cups of flour, how much dough will take. You don't need a lot, the tough dough is hard to roll out.

For smearing cakes:

  • 1.5 cups of sour cream 20%;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

For stripes:

  • equally sour cream and heavy cream, 2-3 tablespoons each;
  • blue food coloring.

Knead the dough and bake the cakes. Mixing eggs, sugar, soda with vinegar, honey and softened butter in a saucepan, stirring, heat over low heat until foamy. Remove and gradually stir in the flour to make a moderately steep, moderately soft dough. We divide into 6-7 cakes.

Now the fun begins: we take a children's T-shirt, a sheet of cardboard and trace around the contour of the T-shirt (or just by hand) and cut out the template.

We roll out one cake thinly (1-2 mm) on a table sprinkled with flour, keep the rest sprinkled with flour in a bowl under a towel, then they are warm, soft and roll out easier.

Having rolled out the cord according to the size of the template, bake for 4-5 minutes on a fire above average on a baking sheet dusted with flour. Remove with a spatula on the table and the same, while the cake is hot, cut out according to the “T-shirt” pattern.

Thus, we bake and cut out all the cakes.

We are preparing a cream - sour cream, or simply mix sour cream with sugar and a little water, so that it is not very thick. We smear with cream all the cakes, except for the top one. And the top one is simply lubricated with sour cream, thick, so that the pattern does not blur.

Now we need to make stripes!

Mix sour cream with cream. Part of the dye (about half a bag) is diluted with a little boiled water and added to the cream, stir until a uniform color.

We fill the confectionery syringe with a “flat” nozzle and carefully draw stripes. To get it right, you should first practice on something, for example, on a plate.

The pie for our favorite Defenders is ready! Happy holiday, grandfathers, fathers, uncles, brothers, nephews and sons!!! Since February 23!!!

Recipe 3: Stuffed Volantes (Step by Step Photos)

Filled flounces are an incomparable snack option for a festive table, a buffet table. The most important thing in this recipe with a photo is that fillings for vol-au-vents can be invented endlessly, completely different variations that your imagination can come up with will do. All kinds of pate, a variety of salads, you can come up with a lot of something interesting. Today I propose to dwell on three options for fillings - cheese with eggs and garlic, beets with herring, mushrooms fried with onions and sour cream. Everything is clear with the fillings, but as for the vol-au-vents themselves, it’s even easier here - you just need to cut out the finished puff pastry with molds and bake, during the baking process it will grow decently and you will get chic blanks. Well, if you're a little interested, then let's get started.

  • puff pastry - 500 gr.,
  • beets - 1 pc.,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • herring fillet - 4-5 pieces,
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 3 cloves,
  • champignons - 150 gr.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • greens - optional
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Prepare all the products on the list and proceed. Remove puff pastry from the refrigerator in advance, allow time for the dough to completely thaw. Choose any round molds, one with a large diameter, the second with a smaller diameter. So, cut out all the dough in a large shape, put half of the blanks aside, the second half is still needed.

From the second half of the blanks, cut out the rim for the flounces, using a mold with a smaller diameter.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put all round blanks on a baking sheet, gently grease each circle with beaten yolk. On top of each round blank, place a ring of dough, which is cut out in a small shape. The rest of the puff pastry, which we no longer need, can be sprinkled with cheese and seasoned with spices, baked - this will be a great addition to broths or soups. So, the dough rims themselves are also gently greased with yolk. Bake the fritters for 12-15 minutes.

Peel and grate boiled or baked beets, add mayonnaise and garlic, skipped on the press.

Salt and pepper the beets, mix.

Wash and dry the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, chop the onion into cubes. Fry the mushrooms with onions in a pan, add sour cream at the end, salt and pepper.

Evaporate the sour cream, put the mushrooms in a bowl, let them cool down a bit.

Grate the melted cheese on a fine grater, also grate one hard-boiled chicken egg, add the garlic, skipped on the press, mix.

While the fillings were being prepared, the flounces had time to bake, let them cool completely.

Stuff the flounces with the prepared filling, put a piece of herring on top of the beets. Grind all the flounces with chopped herbs and serve them to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: original appetizer for February 23

Coming soon February 23rd. If your man loves to gourmand, then this appetizer will be a godsend for him!

  • Cucumber 1 pc
  • Mint 30 g
  • Garlic 2 tooth
  • Curd cheese 200 g
  • Black pepper
  • Pine nuts
  • Gelatin
  • Lemon

A very light and tasty snack, consisting of just such simple ingredients.

Take cucumber in proportions one to one with mint and chop with a blender.

Mix curd cheese with chopped garlic, add lemon juice. Salt, pepper to taste.

You can add to this appetizer whatever you like according to your taste, and in any quantities. If you don't like mint, you can substitute dill. If you do not like garlic, you can not add it at all. And someone instead of curd cheese will take yogurt or sour cream.

Dilute 1 tablespoon of gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Add to separate cups to the cucumber mass and to the cheese mass, mix everything.

In this way (as in the photo), first pour the cucumber mass and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then pour the curd mass on the frozen cucumber. We put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Garnish with roasted pine nuts when serving. And serve on the festive table for the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Recipe 5: breakfast on February 23 for a husband

  • Sausage (boiled and smoked (to taste))
  • Soft cheese (curd cheese (to taste))
  • Dutch cheese (to taste)
  • Cucumber (to taste)
  • Tomato (to taste)
  • Bread (to taste)
  • Pate (to taste)
  • Ketchup (to taste)
  • Mayonnaise (to taste)

We open the refrigerator and take out everything you need for sandwiches for breakfast, in any quantity. I had all of this on hand today.

I spread the bread with pâté and cheese, and then cut the sausage, cheese and vegetables into pieces that resemble ties, shirts and bow ties for men.

Here are some funny sandwiches I got. I'll make his favorite coffee and serve it to him for breakfast. Don't forget to congratulate him on February 23!!!

Recipe 6: pancake bags - a snack for February 23

Today we offer to cook pancake bags stuffed with boiled chicken, fried mushrooms and pickled cucumbers. Such a cute and mouth-watering appetizer is perfect for the Shrovetide table and on February 23, it will decorate the holiday and guests will certainly like it!

For pancakes:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - about 250 g.

For filling:

  • chicken (fillet) - 300 g;
  • champignons - 270-300 g;
  • onion - 1 medium head;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • pickled cucumbers (or salted) - 100-150 g;
  • cheese - 80-100 g;
  • fresh dill - a small bunch;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For registration:

  • pigtail cheese - 1 pc.

Lightly beat the eggs with salt until the whites and yolks are combined and a light foam appears. Pour warm milk, add sugar. In this case, we make the dough not very sweet, since the pancakes will be stuffed with salty filling.

Mix the flour with soda and, after sifting, gradually add to the milk. Working intensively with a whisk, we achieve a homogeneous and smooth composition without lumps.

Add vegetable oil, mix. The resulting mass of a sufficiently liquid consistency is left for half an hour at room temperature.

After the specified time, we collect the dough with a ladle and distribute a thin layer around the perimeter of the hot pan. We prepare pancakes in the traditional way: as soon as the bottom side is browned, we turn the product over to the other side and keep it on the hot surface for another 20-30 seconds. It is advisable to grease freshly baked hot pancakes with butter to soften the edges.

We cool the pre-boiled chicken fillet and disassemble it into thin fibers.

Chop cucumbers into small square pieces.

Grind the peeled head of onion with a knife, fry in heated vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes.

To the soft onion, load the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bchampignons. Stirring occasionally, cook the mushrooms over medium heat until lightly browned. Sprinkle lightly with salt at the end.

We combine chicken fillet, cucumbers, as well as cooled mushrooms with onions in a deep bowl. Add finely grated cheese and finely chopped fresh dill.

We fill the components of the filling with mayonnaise. Take a sample, salt and pepper to taste.

Now let's start forming pancake bags. To do this, put a portion of the filling in the middle of each pancake (about 2 tablespoons).

We lift the edges of the pancake up and connect in the center. To fix the resulting shape, we tie the workpiece with a cheese braid thread.

Pancake bags with filling can be served either cold or slightly warmed in the microwave.

Recipe 7: how to cook tarts for February 23

Appetizing and incredibly bright tartinki prepared according to the Belarusian recipe are a wonderful table decoration. Despite the fact that such an appetizer is prepared from the simplest products, the dish turns out to be unusually tasty, rich and tasty. Miniature sandwiches, created according to the principle of canapes, will be an excellent decoration for a feast. But Belarusian tartinki are no less attractive as an everyday snack. It can be served as an independent dish. However, it will give a special culinary chic to boiled potatoes.

  • salted herring - 1 carcass;
  • boiled beets - 50 g;
  • rye bread - 400 g;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • fresh dill - 3 sprigs;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • table mustard - 1 tsp;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

On a note! To make the taste of ready-made tarts more dense and rich, it is recommended to use homemade mustard and mayonnaise.

Every culinary specialist will be able to cope with cooking, even if he encounters Belarusian cuisine for the first time.

You need to cut the fish. Bones, skin and all the insides are removed from the herring.

The finished fillet is cut into small pieces. It is optimal to choose the size that you plan to make the sandwiches themselves.

Boiled beets are rubbed on a grater with the smallest cells.

Mayonnaise and beets should be mixed.

Mustard is added to the resulting mixture and lemon juice is poured.

A hard-boiled egg must be peeled. It should also be grated on a fine grater.

Egg chips are transferred to the beetroot dressing, and everything is thoroughly mixed.

The resulting mixture is interrupted with an immersion blender to make the mass more tender and homogeneous.

The husk is removed from the bulb. The fruit must be washed and dried, after which it is cut into neat and thin rings.

Bread should be cut into small pieces. The optimal slice thickness is 1 cm.

On a note! To give the tarts a special piquancy, you should slightly dry them in a toaster.

The resulting slices should be cut so that the resulting piece fits entirely in the mouth.

Each blank is smeared with beetroot dressing.

A slice of herring is laid out on the sauce, a ring of onion goes on top.

Based on a step-by-step recipe for tarts, it remains only to decorate them with dill and serve.

Recipe 8, simple: shoulder strap sandwiches

  • bread for toast - 4 pcs;
  • salted lard - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 pcs;
  • carrots - a little for decoration;
  • lemon peel - a little for garnish

Take 4 slices of toast bread and cut off the edges to give the sandwich the shape of a shoulder strap.

In total, you need to cut 4 "shoulder straps".

We spread salted lard on bread, trying to give the pieces of lard the same shape so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the bread.

Put thin slices of garlic on top of the fat.

Cover with bread on top. It turned out simple sandwiches, no frills. It remains only to decorate, for this you need to cut thin strips from carrots, and stars and buttons from lemon peel. The same stars can be cut out of cheese, and stripes can be drawn with ketchup, for example.

A minimum of products, a minimum of hassle - strictly, like a man :)

Recipe 9, step by step: boats for February 23

This original way of serving salad will look spectacular both on the festive table and on an ordinary family evening. The marine theme involves the use of cold dishes containing seafood in this recipe. Although the taste of cucumbers goes well with meat and offal. Thus, you can fill the boats in the cucumber flotilla with any salad of your choice. Now we will tell you how to cook this unusual dish using crab sticks and squid.

  • Cucumbers 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) 2 pcs.
  • Squid fillet 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 200 gr.
  • Canned corn 100 gr.
  • Crab sticks 200 gr.
  • Lemon 1 wedge (or 1 tbsp lemon juice)
  • Canned pineapples 100 gr.
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste to taste

Fresh cucumbers should be thoroughly washed in water and dried. It is advisable to choose them of approximately the same size so that the dish looks more aesthetically pleasing. Speaking more specifically about the size, it is worth noting that the length of the cucumber is not as important as its volume. That is, the vegetable should be "pot-bellied". This is necessary in order for the boat to turn out to be roomy and beautiful. We leave a few cucumbers untouched for decoration, and cut the rest exactly in half along the entire length. Next, with a spoon, you need to clean the cucumber pulp from each half. We leave the pulp, in the future we will still need it. In order for the boats to be stable, you need to cut off the bottom a little from each slice of cucumber, without damaging its integrity.

We use two different salads at the heart of the recipe, so you need to cook them in two bowls. Eggs should be placed in a saucepan, pour water, add a pinch of salt and put on medium heat. From the moment the water boils, we detect 7 minutes, after which the eggs must be placed under cold water and held in this state for several minutes. Next, remove the shell from the eggs. The squid fillet needs to be thawed and skinned.

This can be done in the following way: with a fingernail or a sharp kitchen appliance, you need to pry off the skin and carefully remove it, pulling it away from the pulp. She will be removed according to the principle of a stocking. Next, the fillet must be thoroughly washed. Add the squid meat to a pot of boiling salted water and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. Then we take it out into a bowl and let it cool.

In one bowl, add finely chopped squid meat, chopped 4 eggs, and finely chopped onion. We also send chopped slices of canned pineapple to the squid bowl. All ingredients are sprinkled with lemon juice and mixed thoroughly.

Salad with squid is dressed with light mayonnaise. The second dressing for the cucumber flotilla, recommended by us, with crab sticks. They need to be thawed and finely chopped. Dump them into a second bowl. We also add chopped 2 eggs, canned corn and chopped cucumber pulp, which we have left after preparing the boats. Crab salad is slightly salted and peppered, dressed with mayonnaise and thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Cucumber molds are filled with our fillings with a small spoon and placed on a wide dish. You can lay the flotilla scattered (meaning different fillings) or in a certain order, for example, in the middle with crab filling, and around the edges with squid salad.

Next is the most important stage in the preparation of the cucumber flotilla, which we give the composition maximum realism. Cucumbers need to be cut into very thin longitudinal plates. And the peeled and washed bell pepper should be cut into small triangles that will serve as flags. On a toothpick or a short skewer, you need to string a slice of cucumber on both sides, so that in the end you get a semblance of a sail. We string a triangle of red pepper on the free edge, and with the other edge we fix a toothpick in the salad fillings. The cucumber flotilla is ready, you can serve a snack on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 10: onion and meat balls for the holiday

Onion-meat balls filled with mushrooms, onions, parsley and minced meat are ideally combined with barbecue sauce.

  • 2 onions;
  • 0.5 kg of ground beef;
  • 1 pack of bacon;
  • ¼ cup onion, diced;
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley;
  • ¼ cup chopped mushrooms;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. spicy ketchup;
  • 1 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce (if available)
  • ¼ cup breading;
  • 1 bottle of barbecue sauce.

Prepare the coals in a broiler or preheat the oven to 220°C.

The peeled onion must be cut off the upper and lower parts. Then cut it in half and separate the layers, saving the largest for future balls. What remains, cut into cubes.

Combine ground beef and diced onion, parsley, mushrooms, sugar, seasonings and breadcrumbs in a large bowl. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Shape the meatballs just the right size to fit the cooked onion halves. And make ball blanks.

After that, wrap the blanks with three slices of bacon. Secure the bacon with toothpicks so it doesn't unravel while cooking.

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