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Fortune telling on wax bear cub meaning. The meaning of the face and head when divining on wax. Figures of mythological characters

Multi-colored-striped, layered chalcedony with beautiful patterns are called agates. If the layers in the cut of the stone have straight lines parallel to each other, this is an onyx stone. Depending on the color of such stripes, onyxes are distinguished: sardonyx - brown and white stripes; carnelian - white and red stripes; striped chalcedony-onyx - white and black stripes, gray and white stripes, etc.

Description of the stone

The name "onyx" comes from the Greek word swelling - a nail. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: chalcedony-onyx, carnelian-onyx, sardonyx, nogat.

Onyx is one of the varieties of agate. The color of minerals varies from dark green to light green. A distinctive feature of onyx are stripes of red, white, brown, black colors. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the more valuable the onyx stone is. There are transparent and opaque crystals.

Onyx semi-precious stone is a variety of chalcedony with thin plane-parallel banding. Unlike other agates, onyx layers are contrasting in color.

Deposits of stone. The best onyx is mined in the Arabian Peninsula, in India, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA.

Physical Data

a) Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) is distinguished by color - layers are white and black, carnelian-onyx - red and white, sardonyx - brown and white, gray and white - chalcedonyx, as well as ordinary onyx with a variety of color combinations. There are also plain dark onyxes,
b) onyx hardness - 6.5-7,
c) stone density - 2.6 g/cm3,
d) the degree of transparency - translucent to transparent.

Application for treatment

Onyx was called the stone of speakers, during the processes it was placed under the tongue to impress the audience with eloquence.

Onyx radiation is useful for stimulating appetite and normalizing digestion.

It is recommended to wear onyx talismans at the level of the solar plexus. It helps with brain diseases, suicidal tendencies, loss of appetite and diarrhea, liver diseases, constipation, worms, rheumatic diseases.

Onyx stone has healing properties. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that onyx stone cures many diseases. For example, if onyx products are worn on the body, then it will improve the functioning of almost all internal organs (the effect of this mineral on the kidneys and liver is especially beneficial), it will alleviate the condition of weather-dependent people, strengthen the spine, and improve hearing.

Lithotherapists suggest that onyx treats nervous diseases, depression, relieves the negative effects of stressful situations, relieves insomnia and nightmares. In some countries it is believed that onyx is able to increase potency. Connoisseurs of the healing properties of minerals claim that water infused with onyx is useful for obesity: it reduces appetite.

Onyx affects the solar plexus chakra.

magical properties

Like other minerals, onyx stone has magical properties. Onyx has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. In the Bible, you can find a mention of the Jerusalem Temple, in which the walls were made of translucent onyx. In the Muslim temple, which is located in the Kaaba, black onyx is inserted into the wall. In ancient Rome, this stone was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

Many magicians and sorcerers claim that onyx has great magical properties, but they only work if a person has good intentions and a good heart. Onyx is a stone of the elderly, whom it protects from loneliness, helps to endure hardships more easily and look to the future with optimism.

Onyx stone is most suitable for people born under the sign of Virgo. He gives them the ability to quickly accumulate positive energy, brings good luck and luck.

Talisman onyx

Onyx is the talisman of military leaders, leaders and pioneers. A ring with this stone attracts good luck, and also strengthens the spirit, preventing you from getting lost in the most difficult situation. A talisman made of onyx is able to protect from evil spirits and black sorcerers. In some countries, it is believed that an onyx stone inserted into a ring protects a person from premature death.

The mineral onyx has been known since antiquity, but different peoples treated onyx differently. So, in the East, he was considered an unlucky stone. The Arabs called onyx "al jazz" - sad. The Yemeni peoples believed that it resembled the eyes of a dead woman, so they tried to sell it as soon as possible. In China, they did not come close to the mines where they mined onyx, fearing a bad omen. But the French believed that only "a person pure in heart and sinless in thoughts" can find an onyx stone.

The meaning of the stone

In the Middle Ages, onyx symbolized vision - the eyes. Onyx cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of the sculptures. Since ancient times, onyx gems have been very popular among many peoples. Known throughout the world "Gonzaga Cameo", it is rightly called the pearl of glyptics. It is carved from three-layer onyx by a remarkable craftsman of the 3rd century BC. BC e. in Alexandria. It depicts in profile King Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("Loving Sister") with his wife and sister Arsinoe. They seem to embody the masculine and feminine principles.

The history of this cameo is long and complicated. It is known that in the middle of the XVI century. she was in the treasury of the Dukes of Gonzaga in Italy, and after repeated changes of owners fell into the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1814, in Paris, his wife Josephine presented the cameo as a gift to Emperor Alexander II, on whose orders it was sent to the Hermitage for safekeeping. "Onyx is the owner's watchman from fire and madness."

Like agate, onyx is a dog stone. The energy of this stone brings firmness and stability to the wearer's life. Onyx stone is suitable for businessmen, it helps in business negotiations. Gives the desire to complete things, leaving nothing for later, disciplines a person well, changes character towards rationality and the ability to calculate the situation. It is very difficult to stir up its power, it is a slow-witted stone.

In order for this mineral to draw attention to you, it will take a lot of patience. At first, the onyx stone is attentive to everything that happens around, and only after making sure that you are making your contribution to what is happening, it begins to help you. Since ancient times, onyx has been revered as a stone of leaders. It was believed that he endowed with strength, provided power, power. The onyx talisman protects against sudden death and attempt on life.

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Onyx stone is a natural material that is actively used in the jewelry industry, folk medicine and in various magical rituals. At all times, people believed that onyx is not just a variety, but a stone of strength, inspiration and pure internal energy. Nature has made this material also beautiful, its color can be varied - from transparent light green to rich dark brown or black.

Interesting! Onyxes of white, red, brown colors are especially in demand. But the most valuable material is black without veins and plane-parallel layers.

Onyx stone: a unique history of the mineral

An ancient Greek legend told that black onyx appeared from the nails of Aphrodite. This happened when the goddess fell asleep. Taking advantage of this, the god Eros, the beloved son, cut off her nails. It was in those places that onyxes formed. Even the word itself from ancient Greek means "nail". There is another explanation for this name - the name onyx was given to the stone for its structure and appearance. The layered surface of the material resembles the surface of a nail.

In ancient times, in Rome and Greece, the stone was highly honored, calling it a deep heavenly shade. Several decades passed before the Romans and Greeks began to classify both brown and black onyx as chalcedony. The mineral was used to make various amulets of power, as well as to create seals. The peculiarity of such items is that wax did not stick to them even after prolonged use.

Place of Birth

The most beautiful onyx stones are a mineral of chalcedony varieties, which is mined in Uruguay and Brazil, on the Arabian Peninsula and in India. There is a lot of mineral, which is actively mined and developed, in Australia, USA. The processed material is highly valued by jewelers and workshops that make decor, souvenirs and crafts. Onyx stone is also mined in our country, there is a lot of it on the Chukotka Peninsula, in the Kolyma, and in the Primorsky Territory.

Interesting! But the most famous are the deposits of Karklyukskoe and Kap-Kotanskoe, where there are even whole halls and enfilades, galleries, the surfaces of which are covered with streaks of the mineral. Cap Cotan is also famous for the fact that even stalactites and stalagmites have grown from stone here.

Chemical and physical properties of onyx stone

The composition of onyx stone is silicon dioxide with the formula SiO2. Dense sedimentary rock is a chalcedony fibrous variety in which various impurities are present. It is these blotches that create stunning visual effects - a single-color or multi-color surface, multi-colored layers and blotches, contrasting combinations of shades.

Attention! Onyx stone has a layered structure in which carbonates alternate with agate. The light transmittance of the stones is different. In nature, there are minerals slightly greenish, but with a completely transparent structure. There are also those that only partially transmit light, reflect it or are opaque, like black onyx.

The main physical and chemical properties of onyx stone include the following indicators:

  • Abrasion - up to 1.7 g / cm 2.
  • Hardness (Mohs scale) - up to 7.
  • Compressive strength - up to 100 MPa.
  • Water absorption - up to 0.4%.
  • The porosity index is 0.4–0.9%.
  • Density - 2.5–1.8 g / cm 3.

Interesting! The physical and chemical indicators of onyx will put it on a par with granite, and according to some criteria, natural material even surpasses them (this applies to the level of frost resistance, water absorption, hardness). The peculiarity of onyx stone is the simplicity of its processing. This indicator makes it possible even to manufacture a variety of crafts and jewelry.

Healing properties of onyx stone

Since ancient times, onyx has been considered a mysterious and healing stone. And today they use the mineral of esotericism, energy in alternative medicine for:

  • Stimulation of brain activity, development of memory and attentiveness. This is especially important for people engaged in mental activity, as well as for children, students, schoolchildren.
  • Treatment of diseases that are associated with tongue-tied tongue, stuttering. Black onyx helps to forget about the ailments of the speech organs.
  • Getting rid of depressive, stressful conditions, apathy, insomnia, causeless fears and anxiety.
  • Onyxes, which have scarlet and variegated veins, allow you to get rid of problems with potency.
  • Treatment of ailments that are associated with insufficient blood circulation in the heart and brain.

The magical properties of onyx stone allow the owner to gain the necessary confidence, forget about fears and increase their own self-esteem, even get rid of old psychological traumas.

The magical qualities of onyx

The magical properties of onyx stone were known in ancient times. They spread to different spheres of human activity, because:

  • Develop mental abilities, ingenuity, observation. If you use a stone as a talisman, you can succeed and not miss your chances that fortune provides.
  • Inspire and stimulate creativity.
  • They help develop oratory skills, become a popular person, express competent and correct arguments, prove the case in disputes and discussions, which is important for politicians, coaches, teachers, military leaders.

Interesting! Black onyx is especially valued by esotericists. It protects the owner in crisis situations, avoids danger and risk. However, power engineers are advised to wear a talisman only for mature people with a strong character, since black onyx has a rather aggressive energy. Interestingly, a black stone helps to cope with bitterness, the pain of loss, as well as cope with fears and fears of death.

Onyx: choose amulets and talismans

Onyx has always helped people who are determined, responsible, strong. Therefore, the power engineers have identified it as an effective, strong talisman and amulet for military leaders, firefighters, pioneers, teachers, leaders in life. It is enough to wear a ring with a stone to attract good luck, find a way out even from a difficult situation, strengthen willpower and spirit.

Variety of colors and types of onyx

Depending on the properties, onyx stones are classified into:

  • - material with white and brown veins.
  • Arabic - white and black stripes successfully complement each other.
  • Chalcedony is a mineral with gray and white stripes.
  • Carnelian is a stone with red and white veins.

The vast majority of stones that are found in nature are blue or greenish, brown or pink in color. And only a small amount of the extracted material has a transparent structure or completely black color.

How to distinguish fakes?

Technology, the development of the industrial, jewelry industry made it possible to forge onyx. To distinguish an analogue, one should take into account the properties of onyx stone, as well as navigate:

  • By color - synthetic shades are always brighter than natural ones.
  • For the price - natural stone will not be cheap.
  • By thermal conductivity - even in warm hands, natural stone remains cold for a long time.

Onyx products: proper care

Onyx - the gem is quite fragile, fragile. It scratches or breaks easily. Therefore, it is impossible to allow contact of two copies. To clean onyx, it should be wiped with a crumb, you can use a soft toothbrush with soapy water.

Onyx and zodiac signs

The stone becomes a talisman for strong personalities, suitable for Aries, allowing them to achieve results in various fields. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are also in excellent contact with the mineral. It allows them to show their feelings, overcome fatigue and laziness, make the right important decisions. But onyx will not allow Gemini to concentrate on one goal. Since the peculiarity and character of the stone is the exact opposite of the temperament of people. For Capricorns, the stone will allow them to feed on the energy of nature, give them confidence.

  1. The oldest legend says that Solomon's temple was built of onyx, but without the use of windows. Even without window openings, the temple was filled with light, since the transparent material let it through in sufficient quantities.
  2. The mineral was also used in the construction of the Kaaba, the famous temple and sanctuary in the Islamic world.
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Onyx is a valuable ornamental stone, which is one of the varieties of quartz. In ancient times, art products and carved cylinder seals were made from it.

The perception of this stone among representatives of different peoples and faiths varies significantly. Arabs believe that the gem symbolizes sadness or the eye of a dead woman. By
According to the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, the stone brings misfortune and sadness. Some believe that onyx is a harbinger of separation, bitterness, loss, despair and disappointment in lovers. Others argue that the mineral gives the owner power, insight, and protects against accidents.

Known for its unique properties since antiquity, but in order for the mineral to bring only benefits, you need to know who it suits according to the horoscope.

Onyx and fire signs

Wearing onyx has a positive effect on Aries going. Thanks to the stone, they become more aware, can develop creative and intellectual abilities. The mineral also teaches the representatives of the sign to manage their emotions and make informed decisions, makes them more purposeful, and also protects from the evil eye.

The ideal talisman for Lions is. It enhances the owner's leadership qualities and intellectual abilities, helps to earn the favor of others, gives determination and inflexibility.

Onyx also suits Sagittarius. A black-colored stone will be an excellent amulet against the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people and a talisman that will help you find harmony.

The influence of onyx on air signs

Stones that have warm and bright hues, such as sardonyx, are suitable for Gemini. From such minerals, representatives of the air sign will be able to recharge their batteries. In addition, onyx will contribute to the disclosure of Gemini's leadership qualities and hidden talents.

Libra should pay attention to blue gems. Such a mineral will help the representatives of the sign feel stability and confidence in the future.

Onyx has a beneficial effect on Aquarius, especially those born in the first decade of February. With its help, representatives of the sign will be able to easily overcome any difficulties, realize their plans. Stones of cold shades will bring them the greatest benefit. Thanks to the mineral, women will be able to get answers to exciting questions.

Onyx and signs of the earth element

Taurus onyx will help get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction. A suitable talisman for them will be a warm-colored stone. The mineral will make Taurus more liberated and sociable. However, for individuals who are characterized by self-doubt, it is undesirable to wear a gem, as it will only bring failure to their lives.

The virgins will find a healer in the stone who can save them from a headache. The gem will also help restore strength, relieve stress, and will help to find inner harmony. Thanks to him, respect and mutual understanding will always reign in the Virgo family.

Capricorn and Onyx receive energy from the planet Saturn, which helps to win over the enemy and contributes to success in professional activities. For women of this sign, the mineral will give strength in difficult life periods.

The influence of the magical properties of onyx on watermarks

Onyx is perfect for Cancers. This zodiac sign is characterized by inertia and indecision. The stone will endow him with purposefulness, give faith in his own strength, help to abandon prejudices, take a different look at the world around him and improve his social status. Cancer is a water sign, so a bluish gem will suit him. Such a mineral will become a faithful defender against adverse influences and will help to cope with your fears.

Scorpio should pay attention to. By choosing this gem as a talisman, representatives of the sign can easily cope with apathy and melancholy. In addition, the mineral will protect the owner from troubles in family life.

Onyx is contraindicated for fish. This semi-precious stone will make them more down to earth and rob them of creativity.

magical properties

Onyx has unique magical properties that depend on the type of stone.

The healing properties of onyx

Onyx has been widely used in lithotherapy. In ancient times, onyx powder was used to get rid of diseases of the oral cavity. In order to cope with obesity, water was insisted on it. Modern specialists, knowing that the healing power is contained in the stone, use the so-called onyx preparations.

A magical semi-precious stone of amazing color - onyx - has been known to people since biblical times. Due to mystical power and healing properties, the mineral was used in religious rituals and in folk medicine. A magical gem radically changes the life and fate of the owner. However, onyx is not for everyone. To get the most out of communicating with a stone, you should be aware of its varieties, properties and compatibility with zodiac signs.

The first mention of the gem dates back to ancient times. Onyx is described in ancient Greek mythology (the legendary story of its appearance) and in the Bible. There are also descriptions of the mineral. According to legend, onyx arose after the son of Aphrodite, Eros, cut off the nails of his sleeping mother, which turned into beautiful stones.

The mystical mineral was of great importance in world cultures and religions. In ancient Egypt, it was considered the privilege of the priests and was used in religious rites and magic. They say that onyx adorned the walls of the Temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem and the famous Kaaba mosque. Healers of antiquity and the Middle Ages believed that this variety of quartz drives away diseases and gives longevity. The gem was also considered a protector from troubles, failures and other people's malice.

According to its chemical composition, the mineral belongs to the group of quartz, which also includes agate, and, perhaps, that is why onyx is often called a variety of this stone.

The main difference is the pattern of clear parallel stripes, which is considered one of the characteristics of onyx.

Other properties:

  • The chemical formula of a mineral belonging to the group of chalcedony is SiO2, or silicon dioxide.
  • The composition includes many impurities, which affect how the stone looks: general color, overflows, stripes of contrasting shades, the presence of dot inclusions.
  • Onyx is characterized by a rather high hardness - 7 units out of 10 possible.
  • According to the structure, a natural gem can be half or completely transparent, there are specimens that do not transmit light at all.
  • Simplicity and ease of processing. This explains the popularity of the material among craftsmen who make jewelry and household items.

Most often, natural onyx is found in sedimentary rocks. The stone is mined in many countries of the world - in the USA, Mexico, Australia. Mines are also being developed in Iran, Egypt, Turkey, and Afghanistan. Also, deposits are found in Uruguay, Brazil and the Arabian Peninsula. On the territory of Russia, deposits are located in the Kolyma, Primorye and Chukotka.

Varieties of stone

Various types of onyx are characterized by a richness of shades, which allows you to create genuine masterpieces from stone: jewelry, figurines, original knick-knacks. The magnificence of colors gives the products extraordinary beauty and originality.


The famous variety of the mineral is Arabic onyx, which is characterized by black color combined with white stripes (there are no monochromatic specimens in nature). Differs in magical power that changes the character of the owner. The stone teaches you to better understand others and pushes a person to introspection and self-improvement. Black onyx is rarely found, for this reason it is often ranked among precious gems.


Another species - sardonyx - demonstrates a combination of brown, reddish and bright orange tones in any combination.


Carnelian - a mineral with white and red stripes - is also called carnelian. This species is known for the power of love magic, as well as the ability to fight headaches and blood diseases.


Instances of green color - the so-called marble onyxes - are distinguished by a combination of stripes of various shades of this tone (from light green to bright emerald).

gray white

Gray-white chalcedony is also considered a variety of onyx. Known to people since antiquity. The magical properties for which the chalcedony mineral is famous have been used in magic and folk medicine. The stone helps to regulate blood pressure, improves heart function and restores healthy sleep, and also gives psychological comfort and a surge of vitality.


The combination of brown, red and white stripes is a distinctive feature of the three-layer onyx, which is also characterized by a blue color.


A mineral in which shades of pink, beige or blue alternate is defined as ordinary onyx. Moreover, the colors combine light and bright tones of the same gamut. There are specimens of this species that show a honey golden or yellow color.


Rarely found white onyx, belonging to the variety of the same name. However, the color of such a stone is not snow-white, but with a bluish or pinkish tint.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, people have learned to benefit from the healing properties of onyx. It was ground into a powder and used to treat wounds, which quickly healed with the help of this miraculous remedy. For the treatment of diseases of the stomach, they drank water in which the mineral lay for several hours.

Nowadays, lithotherapists also use the crystal, believing that the healing power of the stone can get rid of many health problems. Among the useful properties of the gem are:

  • a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and improving the blood supply to the body (this applies to pink or red specimens);
  • restoration of the nervous system and mental state of a person;
  • help in the fight against vision and hearing problems (marble gems);
  • curing diseases of the digestive system (yellow and brown stones).

Natural onyx is a stone that can rejuvenate the owner both externally and internally. Varieties of green shades are famous for this ability. The mineral strengthens the defenses and increases the vital resources of the body. Moreover, it is believed that the most “striped” specimens have the best effect.

Those who are going to use the gem for treatment should remember that only natural samples are suitable for this purpose.

magical properties

Since the discovery of the nugget, the magical properties of the stone have also become known. The main significance of onyx in human life was the ability to influence the character of the owner, giving courage, determination and willpower. And such qualities are important for a person who wants to succeed in life. It was believed that the gem gives hardness and enhances the leadership abilities of the owner, so he was perceived as a talisman of leaders and rulers.

Other useful properties of onyx include:

  • strengthening memory;
  • improvement of logical thinking;
  • development of sanity;
  • increased focus and self-confidence.

With the help of gem magic, artists will be able to discover and develop new talents in themselves, as well as avoid a creative crisis.

The striped mineral cools the ardor of overly emotional natures, makes you really look at the world and directs the owner's energy in the right direction.

Stones of green shades (marble) are considered to be the keepers of peace and tranquility in the family, protectors from bad thoughts and adultery. Instances of black color are used as amulets that expel someone else's negativity from life, protect from misfortunes, disasters and troubles. Blue gems bring peace and peace of mind, while white gems attract good luck in personal and professional life.

Onyx is called the amulet of the elderly, whom the mineral will help to avoid feelings of loneliness, charge with vigor and energy. Moreover, such a patron is good for both women and men.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Experts in the field of astrology and esotericism are sure that the healing and magical abilities of the stone will manifest themselves to the maximum only if the right patron and protector is chosen. To do this, you need to know who suits onyx according to the zodiac sign, and take this information into account when purchasing a talisman. And knowledge about the influence of varieties on representatives of each of the four elements will help you choose the gem that suits your horoscope.

  1. Representatives of the elements of water. People born during the period of domination of the zodiac signs of the water element (Cancer and Scorpio) will feel the onset of a streak of luck in life, reveal new talents and receive powerful protection from negativity. The recommended colors of the mascot are blue, cyan and black. Onyx is not suitable for fish.
  2. Representatives of the element of Fire(Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) will be able to strengthen the charisma and inclinations of a leader, gain the trust of others and find new friends, become softer and more tolerant of people. These signs of the zodiac are suitable for black onyx, which is considered a strong protector from ill-wishers.
  3. Representatives of the earth element. Onyx semi-precious stone will help people who were born during the reign of the earth element to gain determination and self-confidence, as well as strengthen determination and the will to win. Full compatibility for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo with white, pink and beige gems.
  4. Representatives of the signs of Air(Libra, Gemini and Aquarius) with the help of the mineral will gain confidence, rationality in actions and making specific decisions. Green and blue specimens are considered lucky for these people.

stone products

The mineral is popular primarily as an ornament. This semi-precious stone gives luxury and elegance to products, and also serves as a reliable talisman. Beautifully look gems of red, yellow, lilac or purple colors, inserted into earrings, rings, pendants, brooches and bracelets.

To enhance the magical effect, stones are often set in silver. This precious metal, having a strong energy, enhances the magic of the mineral. And if white onyx (a symbol of good luck) is adjacent to silver, then positive changes in life are guaranteed.

In combination with gold, stones enhance the leadership qualities and charisma of the owner, strengthen self-confidence and the desire to win. However, even without a frame, jewelry looks luxurious and suitable for all occasions.

The gem is also used as an ornamental stone for the manufacture of figurines, caskets and household items (for example, dishes). Vases, lampshades, mirrors are often inlaid with natural specimens, and are also used to decorate the facades of houses.

Onyx jewelry or talismans will be a wonderful gift, because their magic works wonders. But in order for the magic not to run out, and the appearance to please the eye for a long time, the stone needs attention and care. Then the life of the owner, no doubt, will flow in the right direction.

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