Home Vegetables When the cleaver comes out of prison. Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, succeeded in canceling his court verdict. Far-right organizations in the life of Maxim Martsinkevich

When the cleaver comes out of prison. Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, succeeded in canceling his court verdict. Far-right organizations in the life of Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich, better known under the pseudonym Tesak (he received such a formidable nickname because of his love for edged weapons) is a well-known person both in the Internet community and among neo-Nazi organizations. He became famous thanks to his nationalist views, as well as shooting videos about how he and like-minded people reveal the identities of pedophiles. In 2014, Martsinkevich was again sent to prison, and now everyone is interested in the question of why Tesak was imprisoned this time.

A little about the personality of Maxim Martsinkevich

From an early age, Tesak was an ardent supporter of nationalism, so in 2005 he created his own neo-Nazi organization called Format 18. It got its name due to a combination of letters 1st means A - Adolf, and 8th H - Hitler. Tesak himself never hid this, moreover, he always spoke with admiration of the Nazi ruler.

With his like-minded people, he fought against the non-Russian population of the country, which, in his opinion, behaved inappropriately. Since Maxim loved the public, he regularly released videos in which he expressed his opinion about the situation in the country. The story about how he and the guys in Ku Klux Klan costumes butchers a Tajik guy made a special noise. As it turned out later, the video was staged, so there was no reason to initiate a criminal case.

Why was Tesak imprisoned in 2007?

As many people know, this is not Martsinkevich's first arrest. So, in 2007, Tesak was imprisoned. For what? The reason was the statement of Alexei Navalny, a well-known political figure and activist. It was he who witnessed the nationalist intrigues of Martsinkevich and considered it his duty to punish the skinhead.

So, why was Tesak imprisoned in 2007? Maxim Martsinkevich, inspired by his nationalist idea, decided to make an open statement to the people. To do this, he broke into the Bilingua club with his group, where they were held. After a short speech, he, along with his guys, shouted the famous “Sieg Heill” for several minutes.

On July 10 of the same year, Tesak was arrested and charged under Art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At that time, this was a new part of the Criminal Code, which prohibited any actions leading to inciting hatred between people on ethnic grounds. The court found Martsinkevich guilty and sentenced him to three years in prison, a little later he was given another sentence under the same article. This time, the reason was an old video in which he cracks down on a Tajik drug dealer.

That's what Tesak was imprisoned for in 2007. In total, Martsinkevich served 3.5 years. By the way, in 2010 the Format 18 organization was officially banned by law, as it was considered extremist.

Public organization "Restruct"

After his release from prison, Martsinkevich continued his nationalist activities. Since his old organization was closed, he created a new social movement called Restruct.

Along with the name, priorities have changed, now Tesak began to actively fight against pedophilia. To do this, with the help of figureheads, he appointed meetings for lovers of minors, at which he caught them. Everything that happened was recorded on camera, after which the video was uploaded to the Internet, thereby exposing the identity of the pedophile.

Despite the cruelty of Martsinkevich's methods, many supported him, and his Payback Pedophilia program had a fairly high rating on the network.

Why was Tesak imprisoned for 5 years in 2014?

At the end of November 2013, a Moscow court opened another case against Maxim Martsinkevich. The basis for it was all the same. A few days later, the court decided to take Tesak into custody until all the circumstances were clarified.

Having learned about the case in advance, Tesak left the country - first to Belarus, and then to Cuba. But he did not succeed in hiding for a long time, on January 17, 2014, he was arrested by the Cuban police. The reason was the lack of a passport, which had been stolen from him the day before by an unknown person. But the authorities did not look into this matter, on January 27 they sent the activist home by plane, where he was met by Russian

Six months later, the Kuntsevsky court delivered its verdict - capital punishment. Therefore, in July 2014, the cleaver was sent to a maximum security prison for 5 years. True, in November of the same year, the court commuted the sentence, reducing the term to 2 years and 10 months.

But still, why was Tesak imprisoned (2014)? According to the court, the basis for opening the case was the videos in which Martsinkevich called for reprisals against the “chocks”. At least, this is how it was established. Although Maxim himself is sure that he was ordered because he crossed the road to many influential people.

Maxim Martsinkevich was born in Moscow in 1984. He graduated from the College of Architecture and Building Arts, then studied for two years at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and began to increasingly flicker in neo-Nazi circles. The first associates for Tesak were Nazi skinheads from the Russian Target group, which was headed by Semyon Tokmakov, nicknamed Bus, then he joined the People's National Party of Alexander Ivanov-Sukharevsky.

In 2005, a website was launched, thanks to which the 120-kilogram neo-Nazi gained his first fame - Format-18. It published videos with staged "executions" of foreigners, Tesak's own discourses about the superiority of the white race, and filming "power actions", that is, street attacks, the victims of which were selected according to external signs. In fact, Format-18 was a neo-Nazi informal organization with dozens of participants, but Martsinkevich himself called it a "creative association." At the same time, he, along with like-minded people, became close friends with the National Socialist Society of Dmitry Rumyantsev, who at that time had already managed to spoil relations with all the notable forces of the right flank - the Russian National Union, the Slavic Union and the Movement against Illegal Immigration (all four organizations mentioned in the last sentence of the banned as extremist).

On February 28, 2007, a debate was held at the Bilingua Club in Moscow, hosted by Yabloko representative Alexei Navalny. Publicists Yulia Latynina and Maxim Kononenko were discussing the topic “Where are the democrats?” when about a dozen skinheads entered the hall. The largest of them demanded that he be given the floor, but Navalny refused to do so. Then Tesak's comrades-in-arms began to throw up their hands in a Nazi salute and shout "Sieg Heil!" When the already turned off microphone nevertheless ended up in the hands of Martsinkevich, he asked Latynina: “Why go into politics if you are not ready to sacrifice your life? And in general, do you agree that when we kill all the liberals, life will become much better? In response, the publicist doubted that the young man would be able to kill all the liberals.

“No one wanted to answer my question. Then I just started "Zig!", ten people from the audience answered with a slender "Heil!" and so ten times, ”the neo-Nazi himself later described what happened in LiveJournal. Ten minutes later, Martsinkevich and his comrades-in-arms left, having missed each other at the exit with a police squad.

Later, members of the Democratic Alternative movement - Alexei Navalny, Maria Gaidar and Oleg Kozyrev - filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office. On the night of July 3, security forces raided the apartment on Rublevsky Highway, where Tesak lived. As the magazine noted The New Times, during the arrest, Martsinkevich behaved provocatively, told the police about his love for Hitler and offered to make Alexander Lukashenko president of Russia. Later, he was charged under part 2 of article 282 of the Criminal Code (inciting hatred with the threat of violence) and detained for two months.

“I’ve been in prison for two months now, and I’ve begun to slowly get used to prison, which, in general, doesn’t make me happy, but life makes life easier. In the cell, in addition to watching TV and reading the Criminal Code, I am engaged in playing chess. At first, when my head was only occupied with what the trackers were going to do with me, it was impossible to play. But now, when it became clear that my situation could not be worsened, it became easier to play. Now we are waiting in the cell to see if Kasparov will come to us to show us a master class. Before the elections, this is especially likely,” Martsinkevich wrote about his first experience in a pre-trial detention center. In February 2008, he was sentenced to three years in a colony-settlement.

While Tesak was serving his sentence, a second sentence was passed against him. The reason was the video "Format-18" with a staging of the hanging of a "Tajik drug dealer", filmed in 2006. In the video, people in white caps pretended to hang a foreigner, cut off his leg and burn it at the stake, and one of Tesak’s associates, who calls himself the “great dragon of the Moscow region”, makes a speech in which he speaks of an “influx of colored filth” and "enemies of the white race". This recording was shown in the "Maximum Program" on NTV and in the "Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya" on REN-TV.

The “great dragon” himself, the organizer of neo-Nazi combat training, Artem Zuev, ended up in the dock along with Martsinkevich. Although the case was initiated shortly after the video was broadcast on federal channels, it was only after Tesak's first sentence stood in the Moscow City Court. The second verdict was announced in January 2009. Another six months in a colony were added to Martsinkevich's term (under the same Article 282), and Zuev was sentenced to three years probation. On December 20, 2010, Format-18 was recognized by the Moscow City Court as an extremist association.

After leaving the colony, Tesak, who had lost weight and become more skilled in the art of giving interviews, continued his creative activity, switching his attention from foreigners to pedophiles. His YouTube The Occupy Pedophilia show, which Tesak himself called a "social project", quickly gained popularity among ultra-right youth. Between the capture of alleged pedophiles and "prevention talks" in which a neo-Nazi poured urine on his victims, Martsinkevich held paid seminars, telling the audience how to behave in prison and steal food from stores. Tesak did not remain aloof from the "swamp" wave of protest: he tried to speak at a rally on Sakharov Avenue and be elected to the Coordinating Council of the opposition, however, to no avail. While at large, Martsinkevich managed to publish the book Restruct!, in which he shared his impressions of the colony and his ideas in the field of migration policy. After a while, it is this book that will become the reason for the next term of the neo-Nazi.

Tesak's activities as part of Occupy-Pedophilia were actively covered by REN-TV and NTV, which regularly aired stories about "safari" - as Martsinkevich called the hunt for an alleged pedophile with the participation of a baited teenager - in news releases. In November 2013, employees of the Center "E" and investigators of the Investigative Committee searched the apartment of Martsinkevich's father as part of another case under Article 282, in which the neo-Nazi was a witness. Without waiting for a change in the procedural status, Tesak wrote on his VKontakte page that he was forced to "urgently leave to rest." He later said that, having learned about the search in his father's apartment, he went to Ukraine, and from there to Cuba.

“I was sure that sooner or later my activities would lead to the fact that they would attack me, start a case or arrange a provocation - there are so many people who want to find no ends ... The fact that they brought a case against me under Article 282 - quite predictable. Shouldn't I be planting drugs? Although I thought they would try to kill, to be honest, ”Martsinkevich wrote. He connected the new criminal case with the popularity of Occupy-Pedophilia and the growing activity of the ultra-right movement Restrukt, created on its basis: according to Tesak, shortly before the search, he completed a three-week tour of Russia, during which he opened "branches" of the association.

On December 14, the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow arrested Martsinkevich in absentia, after which he was put on the international wanted list. At the same time, it turned out that the new accusations against him were not related to Occupy-Pedophilia - the attention of the investigators was attracted by the videos published on YouTube- neo-Nazi channel - “Throw out the chock! Pre-election campaigning!”, “Slasher about the film Stalingrad and the situation in Biryulyovo” and “Slasher about the film Okolofutbol”.

In the first video, Tesak claimed that Moscow's problems would be solved when all migrants were evicted from it. Martsinkevich filmed the last two on a mobile phone camera when he went to the cinema at Stalingrad and Okolofutbol. Standing against the backdrop of posters in the lobby of the cinema, he commented on the actions of the characters; What made these amateur video reviews unique was the author's characteristic far-right rhetoric. Investigative Committee experts saw in the videos the presence of "neo-Nazi ideology in value judgments" and "negative attitude towards Russia's victory in the Second World War."

“I don’t run out of money, but I don’t have enough money for a ticket to Russia. I will live here in the mountains, eat beans and shrimp,” Martsinkevich said in an interview. lifenews. But the neo-Nazi did not stay long in Cuba - already on January 17 he was detained for staying in the country without a visa for more than 30 days, and 10 days later he was extradited to Russia. Once in custody in the Moscow SIZO-3, Tesak went on a hunger strike due to the refusal of the investigation to attach to the case file the results of an examination of three videos, conducted at the request of his defense. According to the neo-Nazi's lawyer, he stopped it only after 60 days, having lost 43 kilograms. At the same time, Tesak's third case was taken to court.

The verdict was announced in mid-August 2014. Speaking with the last word, Martsinkevich stressed that he was engaged "not in politics, but in social work," and refused to admit guilt. The Kuntsevsky District Court issued an extremely harsh decision against the backdrop of established practice under Article 282: it sentenced him to five years in a strict regime colony. This time, the report about the verdict was shown not only by REN-TV and NTV, but also by Channel One with Rossiya-1. “To hear the verdict in the hall of the Kuntsevsky District Court, Maxim Martsinkevich appeared with an haughty smile. This is the third trial of a man named Tesak. By the age of 30, Martsinkevich, who calls himself not only a Nazi, but also a racist, managed to acquire a whole track record of dubious achievements, ”one of the stories said.

In November of the same year, the Moscow City Court, having considered the appeal of the defense, reduced the term of imprisonment by almost half - to two years and nine months. Discussing his fate at this meeting, the neo-Nazi compared himself to Socrates, Galileo and Solzhenitsyn.

In June 2014, the Restrukt members massacred a native of Azerbaijan, Zair Alyshev, who died from his injuries. A criminal case was initiated against the participants in the attack under part 4 of article 111 of the Criminal Code (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim). From that moment on, the Investigative Committee was closely involved in cases against activists of the neo-Nazi movement, which were later combined into one production and transferred to the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Moscow. At the end of June, Tesak's supporters tried to hold an "international congress" of the movement in the concert hall of the Izmailovo hotel complex, but OMON fighters broke into the event. In October of the same year, the Chertanovsky District Court satisfied the demand of the prosecutor's office to recognize the book "Restrukt!" extremist material.

Already two months after the verdict in the third case, Tesak became a defendant in the fourth; it was no longer initiated under the usual Article 282, but under Article 213 (hooliganism). In March 2015, Tesak was taken away from the colony for investigative actions in Moscow and imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center. At the end of January 2016, the case was transferred to the Babushkinsky District Court, but two months later it returned it to the prosecutor's office to eliminate the violations. As a result, Tesak was charged with two episodes of Article 282 of the Criminal Code - for the book "Restruct!" and the audiobook "Destruct", as well as part 2 of article 162 (robbery committed by a group of persons), part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism committed by a group of persons) and part 2 of article 35, part of article 167 of the Criminal Code (organization of damage to property by a group of persons) for "safari" on the alleged drug trafficker, captured in roller"Occupy-Drugophilia #8". In it, Martsinkevich and his associates catch a native of Tajikistan, Mukhtarov, who, according to their information, was selling spice, and then they tear his shirt, beat him and force him to eat the vegetable matter found on him.

According to the decision to bring him on trial, on August 17, 2013, Martsinkevich, Knyazev, Shankin, who by that time had not reached the age of criminal responsibility, and at least three other accomplices, caught Mukhtarov and began to use violence: Tesak hit the man with a stun gun, Shankin “with the aim of intimidation and suppression demonstrated the metal club he had with him. After that, according to the document, the Restruct leader took out 3,500 rubles and a telephone from the pocket of the victim's trousers. Nokia 5220 worth 3,610 rubles, then tore with his hands the company's shirt worn by the victim S.Oliver worth 4,812 rubles 50 kopecks, and Knyazev, in turn, soiled Mukhtarov's trousers Donatto worth 2012 rubles 50 kopecks with spray paint. In carrying out these actions, the resolution says, the neo-Nazis acted “out of hooligan motives,” which forms a separate part of the relevant article.

Martsinkevich himself denies the allegations. “[That is] having entered into a conspiracy for profit under the guise of fighting spices, together with a group of activists from the OD “Restrukt”, I attacked the victim Mukhtarov Kh. and took away his phone, which he valued at 1000 rubles. and 3,500 in cash. We subsequently divided the money. Oops! […] Next comes hooliganism, art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Those. actions committed on the grounds of contempt for society and morality, in order to violate public order. […] And then comes the spoiling of the shirt, vv. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A trifle, up to 5 years in total. I tore off several buttons to Mukhtarov, but he said that because of this, his shirt worth $200 (!!!) had become unusable, and he threw it away :))) I never had a shirt for $200, but he - was. And threw it away. And the investigation believes that they also conspired and planned to damage the clothes. This is the accusation in the end: a writer-gopnik-hooligan:) Postmodern!” Martsinkevich explained the essence of the charges on his VKontakte page.

In addition to Martsinkevich, Knyazev and Shanin, there are seven more people in the dock accused of unrelated episodes. In early June, the state prosecution requested terms for them: for one of the accused - three years and four months in prison, for another - five years, for two more, including 19-year-old Elizaveta Simonova - six years each; The prosecutor demanded to send two more to a colony for nine years, one - for ten, and Martsinkevich himself - for 11 and a half. “11.6 years of strict regime on charges of writing a book and squeezing a cheap mobile phone ... This is about four times more than the average Russian gopar gets for several episodes of similar robberies,”

For the first time, Martsinkevich gained fame as an NS skinhead and leader of the interregional branch of the neo-Nazi youth organization Format 18.

Within the framework of Martsinkevich's "Restruct" movement, there were about ten projects, among which the most famous was Occupy Pedophilia, the stated goal of which was to fight pedophiles and promote the ideas of National Socialism among young people. Martsinkevich's methods in many cases did not comply with the law, however, they even led to the initiation of a criminal case against a high-ranking bailiff of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. After the arrest of Martsinkevich and the initiation of numerous criminal cases against members of Restrukt, the movement announced its self-dissolution in 2014.

Martsinkevich was sentenced three times to criminal punishment under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For the first time, a criminal case was initiated against him in 2007 for disrupting a liberal colloquium at the Bilingua club under fascist slogans. The second time Martsinkevich was sentenced in 2009 to three years for a video with racist content, which was qualified by the court as inciting ethnic hatred. Memories of criminal prosecution and three and a half years of imprisonment formed the basis of Martsinkevich's book Restruct, written after his release. Upon his release, Martsinkevich did not work anywhere, kept a video blog, lived off the funds he received from those who wanted to participate in the “hunt for pedophiles”, from conducting paid seminars on life in prison, on how to shoplift, etc. . For the third time, Martsinkevich was charged under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for publishing scandalous videos in the fall of 2013. On August 15, 2014, he was sentenced to five years in a strict regime colony (later the sentence was reduced to 2 years and 10 months). In the fall of 2016, Martsinkevich was supposed to be released, but already in the colony new charges were brought against him and he was again taken into custody. On June 27, 2017, Martsinkevich was sentenced to 10 years in prison in a strict regime colony in the case of attacks on people who sold spices, which were carried out as part of the Occupy-Drugophilia project. In May 2018, the Moscow City Court overturned the sentence, but in December of the same year, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow re-sentenced Martsinkevich to the same punishment. Along with him , a number of his associates were sentenced to real terms of imprisonment .

early years

According to Maxim Martsinkevich, he is of Russian-Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian origin. Parents - Sergey Evgenievich and Victoria Leonidovna Martsinkevich. The mother does not share the son's extremist views, the father supports the son's convictions. Tesak spoke about this in his first book, Destruct, released in audio format: in it, the nationalist tells about his family, youth, events from college admission to the first court verdict. In September 2012, Martsinkevich told Lenta.ru about his personal life that he was not married and had no children. Has an interest in journalism.

The Format 18 organization was banned by a court in September 2010 for extremism.

The film "Russia 88"

On July 2, 2007, about 10 policemen from the T Center and the Lynx special forces detachment arrested Martsinkevich by ambushing him at the sports club where he came to train. On February 18, 2008, Martsinkevich was sentenced to three years under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“inciting hatred or enmity”). Novaya Gazeta noted that the investigation turned a blind eye to the main episodes of the nationalist's criminal activity, and the court assigned him a lenient sentence.

Second criminal case

In 2006, 20 people dressed in white Ku Klux Klan robes staged the execution of a Tajik drug dealer; the process was filmed and then posted online on the YouTube video service. The organizers were Maxim Martsinkevich and Artyom Zuev, who played the role of the Great Dragon of the Moscow Region. He owns the voiceover.

At the trial, in a conversation with journalists, Martsinkevich tried to predict the verdict:

I think they will give them 5 years, because drug dealers are, as I understand it, a social group protected by our Constitution. In principle, of course, I respect the decision of our court, and, apparently, I will have to apologize to the drug dealers. I am very glad that I did not speak out against pedophiles anywhere, because then, I think, I would have received another article, and maybe even more serious. Because pedophiles, I suspect so, are an even more protected social group.

On January 16, 2009, Maxim Martsinkevich was re-convicted to 3 years under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Inciting hatred or enmity on the grounds of nationality or religious affiliation." The court took into account the positive characteristics of Martsinkevich. Taking into account the previous term, the sentence was 3.5 years. Artyom Zuev received 3 years probation.

On December 31, 2010, Martsinkevich was released from custody due to serving his sentence. Six months after his release, he tried to run for the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition, was registered as a participant in the elections, but was subsequently disqualified due to "insufficient opposition" and Nazi inclinations.

"Occupy Pedophilia"

After leaving the colony, Martsinkevich organized the Occupy Pedophilia movement, whose members were engaged in beating and humiliating people who are considered pedophiles. The participants of the movement found their victims via the Internet and got acquainted with them on behalf of minors, then offered to meet. Martsinkevich himself and several members of the movement came to the meeting. All bullying, including Martsinkevich's favorite method of reprisal against "suspects" - pouring urine, was recorded on video, and then the videos were posted on the Internet. Law enforcement agencies did not react, leaving the actions of the participants in the movement with impunity.

In September 2013, the attention of television and the print press was attracted by a rally organized by Martsinkevich in an apartment on Baumanskaya Street, as a result of which Andrei Kaminov, the former deputy head of the Office of the Federal Bailiffs Service of the Moscow Region, was arrested and charged with indecent acts of a sexual nature against a minor.

Martsinkevich himself called Occupy Pedophilia "a social project aimed at promoting National Socialism, revealing the essence of liberal views and drawing public attention to this problem". To participate in the "hunt for pedophiles", which the participants called "safari", it was necessary to pay a certain amount of money to Martsinkevich.

Criminal prosecution in Belarus

On February 14, 2013, Martsinkevich was detained in Belarus for a fight and placed in a pre-trial detention center in Minsk (on February 24 of the same year he was released), after which a criminal case was initiated against him for hooliganism with the use of weapons. The media reported that Martsinkevich was detained for a fight with fans of the Belarusian football club Partizan, who consider themselves anti-fascists, and the purpose of Martsinkevich's visit to Minsk was laser correction in his eyes (Tesak had -7 vision). On March 5, 2013, Tesak was allowed to leave Belarus, and on April 16 of the same year, the case against Martsinkevich was closed.

Third criminal case

In autumn 2013, Martsinkevich left Russia for Belarus.

On December 13, 2013, Martsinkevich was arrested in absentia by the Kuntsevsky District Court on charges of extremism. The reason for the accusation of extremism under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or enmity and humiliation of human dignity with the use of violence) were three videos on YouTube, where Tesak speaks in the spirit of the skinhead subculture. In one of the videos, the neo-Nazi, according to the examination, showed an act of disrespect towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the review of the film "Stalingrad" and drew a number of inappropriate parallels between the treacherous nature of the feelings of a Russian girl who felt sympathy for a German officer in the film, and the feelings of a girl , entering in the current conditions in connection with representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Muslim East. The investigation also checked the videos of the Occupy Pedophilia movement. Martsinkevich himself claimed that the new case was the result of an order from the "pedolobby" and revenge. Tesak saw the connection between the initiation of a criminal case and the fact that he exposed Andrei Kaminov, deputy head of the FSSP near Moscow department, who came on a date with a teenager arranged by Martsinkevich, in pedophilia.

After the initiation of a criminal case in the fall of 2013, Martsinkevich, who learned about this in advance, fled through Belarus to Cuba. According to media reports, Tesak planned to stay on Freedom Island and continue to publish videos from there. On January 17, 2014, Tesak was detained by law enforcement in Cuba. On January 27, 2014, he was expelled from Cuba for violating immigration laws and sent in handcuffs on a Havana-Moscow flight, while crossing the border he was detained by Russian law enforcement agencies. On January 29, Martsinkevich was charged in person in Moscow.

On July 30, 2014, hearings on the merits of the case began in the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow. Martsinkevich was accused of "inciting ethnic hatred" (part 2 of article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the indictment, the defendant posted three extremist videos on his page on the VKontakte social network from September 14 to October 14, 2013: reviews of the films Stalingrad and Okolofutbola, as well as the Throw out the Chock video, which contain psychological threats . The court granted the request of the prosecutor's office, on August 15, 2014, sentencing Martsinkevich to five years in prison to be served in a strict regime colony. On November 11 of the same year, the Moscow City Court, having considered the complaint of the convict, reduced the sentence to 2 years and 10 months.

Other incidents

In October 2014, it became known that a new criminal case was opened against Martsinkevich under the article on hooliganism.

In November 2014, it became known that another criminal case had been initiated in Moscow under Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code (inciting national hatred) for writing and publishing the book "Restrukt", the book itself was recognized as extremist.

Fourth criminal case

On March 18, 2015, it became known that Martsinkevich was facing new charges of robbery and hooliganism.
Tesak was found guilty of attacks on citizens; while one of the victims died. The prosecutor requested for Martsinkevich 11 years and 6 months in prison to be served in a strict regime colony. Charges were brought under articles: 282 (“Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”), 162 (“Robbery”), 167 (“Deliberate destruction or damage to property”) and 213 (“Hooliganism”). The judge of the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow, Alexander Glukhov, partially granted the request of the prosecutor, on June 27, 2017, sentenced Martsinkevich to 10 years in a strict regime colony (while the sentence is calculated from January 27, 2014), according to other reports from June 27, 2017. One of his accomplices also received 10 years, the rest - 3-5 years.

On May 21, 2018, it became known that the Moscow City Court overturned the verdict of the Babushkinsky Court of June 27, 2017 and sent the case to the court of first instance for a new trial; the measure of restraint of liberty remained unchanged. In December 2018, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow re-sentenced Martsinkevich to 10 years in a strict regime colony. The defendant filed an appeal against the verdict. He is serving his sentence in a double cell in the federal prison SIZO-1 Matrosskaya Tishina.


  1. Maxim Tesak Martsinkevich vs. Dmitry "Enteo" Tsorionov YouTube
  2. A neo-Nazi nicknamed Tesak detained in Cuba, Gazeta.ru (January 18, 2014). Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  3. Interview with Maxim Martsinkevich (Tesak) on the radio
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  12. I don't want to go to jail again, Lenta.ru (September 18, 2012). Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  13. Nationalist M. Martsinkevich was arrested in absentia for extremism, Society, RBC (December 13, 2013). Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  14. Nationalist Tesak expelled from Cuba detained in Moscow
  15. In Moscow, the nationalist "Tesak" was charged. // RBC, 01/29/2014
  16. Nationalist Tesak received 5 years in a strict regime colony, Rosbalt (August 15, 2014). Retrieved 15 August 2014.
  17. The Moscow City Court commuted Tesak's sentence to 2 years and 10 months, Society, Gazeta.ru (November 11, 2014). Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  18. Nationalist Tesak was sentenced to 10 years in prison for attacking people Politics, RBC (December 29, 2018). Retrieved December 29, 2018.
  19. Neo-Nazi Tesak was sentenced to 10 years for "Occupy-Drugophilia", Society, RBC (June 27, 2017). Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  20. Tesak's books
  21. Cleaver was ambushed by partisans // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 02/18/2013
  22. One of the skinhead leaders was detained in Moscow, Lenta.ru. Archived
  23. Tesak was accused of inciting ethnic hatred, Lenta.ru. Archived from the original on February 27, 2012. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
  24. Krivets, Natalya. Tesak told Komsomolskaya Pravda about his adventures in Minsk, Komsomolskaya Pravda (February 28, 2013). Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  25. Website www.rulit.net. Maxim Martsinkevich. Restruct. pp. 1-12
  26. Site closure Format 18
  27. The Investigative Committee recognized the authenticity of the video recording of the execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani, Lenta.ru. Archived from the original on February 27, 2012. Retrieved March 4, 2014.
  28. Interview of P. Bardin to Novaya Gazeta
  29. Maxim Kononenko. Demons, Vzglyad.ru (September 11, 2012). Retrieved 18 August 2014.
  30. Ruslan Kadrmatov. Came for Tesak. One of the leaders of Moscow skinheads was detained, Lenta.ru (July 4, 2007). Retrieved 18 August 2014.
  31. Anatoly Karavaev.

The Moscow City Court overturned the court verdict to Maxim Martsinkevich, who is known by the nickname "Tesak". Last year, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced a public figure to a ten-year prison term. A member of the Restrukt organization banned in the Russian Federation was accused of extremism and inciting ethnic hatred. Previously, "Tesak" became famous for its activities aimed at combating drug dealers and pedophiles.

Maxim Martsinkevich was sentenced three times to punishment under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. "Tesak" promoted the National Socialist ideology, for which he went to court several times.

The reason for the latest arrest was the videos of an unacceptable nature that Martsinkevich filmed for his Youtube channel. The convict was supposed to be released in 2016, but he was charged with new charges.

On July 27, 2017, the Babushkinsky Court of the capital sentenced Maxim Martsinkevich to 10 years in prison. Tesak's accomplices received a slightly shorter term - from 3 to 10 years in prison.

The reason for the extension of the term of the former participants of "Occupy-narcophilia" was the fact that they attacked other people. In particular, on persons of Caucasian nationality. Among the victims were traders of smoking mixtures.

In total, ten members of the banned movement, including Tesak, appeared before the court. As law enforcement agencies managed to find out, between 2013 and 2014, Occupy Necrophilia committed about 9 attacks on sellers with prohibited smoking mixtures.

One of the spice dealers from Azerbaijan was killed during an attack by extremists. The rest suffered during the beatings with the use of third-party special equipment.

"Occupy Necrophilia" took away mobile phones and money from drug dealers. Based on this, the court decided to punish Maxim Martsinkevich and other members of the organization not only for extremism, but also for hooliganism, robbery and deliberate destruction of other people's property.

Earlier, Martsinkevich was sentenced to a four-year term in a colony for a video in which he staged the execution of a Tajik drug dealer. While at large, the convict published the book "Restrukt", in which he described the details of the hunt for him by law enforcement agencies for three and a half years.

Where is Tesak now?

To date, Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed "Tesak" is in prison. A criminal case was opened against a public figure, so after the verdict he was sent to a strict regime colony. On May 21, 2018, it became known that the Moscow City Court decided to review the sentence to Martsinkevich, which was handed down in 2017.

The convict had the right to appeal against the verdict of the court. Tesak's lawyers helped him get his sentence overturned. The punishments for accomplices of Maxim Martsinkevich were also reduced: Dmitry Shildyashov received up to 5 years and 10 months in a strict regime colony, Roman Maksimov - up to 4 years and 10 months in a general regime colony, Alexander Shankin - up to 5 years and 10 months in a general regime colony.

"Tesak" considers himself innocent. According to a member of the ultra-radical organization, the government is pursuing a dual policy and, instead of drug dealers, punishes those who fight them.

Subscribe to our channel #realtime - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNx6NYPiaV_erHMcM_aLjA?sub_confirmation=1 Public figure Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich will not be released in 2016. This conclusion was made by the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow, extending Martsinkevich's term of detention. Martsinkevich, as well as nine other defendants, are accused of extremism, hooliganism, robbery, and deliberate destruction of other people's property. Information about the release of Tesak in November 2016 is outdated. By a court decision, Martsinkevich was left with a measure of restraint in the form of detention for six months - until April 17, 2017, for the period of consideration of the criminal case. Thus, Tesak will remain in custody for another six months. Recall that Maksim Martsinkevich was a member of the Restrukt movement and the leader of the scandalous Occupy Pedophilia project, whose stated goal is to fight pedophiles. Earlier, he was convicted for publishing extremist videos on the Internet, as well as for statements during a debate in the Moscow Bilingua club. In total, in two cases, he received 3.5 years in prison. For the third time, in 2014, Martsinkevich was sentenced by Russian courts to 2 years and 10 months in prison for extremist activities, which, however, were not related to the Occupy Pedophilia project. Despite this, the movement continues to carry out its activities to this day, and similar groups appear outside of Russia, inspired by the activities of Tesak.

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