Home Vegetables Kid (Christian stories for children). Musical-rhythmic exercise "All kids love to sing"

Kid (Christian stories for children). Musical-rhythmic exercise "All kids love to sing"

On this page you will find the Ethiopian folk tale The Tiger and the Goat, you will definitely need this information for the overall development of your child.

Tiger cub and goat. Ethiopian folk tales

A tigress cub and a goat cub met on the mountainside and played and frolicked together all day long. And when evening came, they went home. The tiger cub came to his mother and said:
- I played so well today with a little kid! We had so much fun!
Tigress said:
- How stupid are you! You don't deserve your father! You should have killed that kid. Then we would drink his blood and eat his flesh. Go to him tomorrow morning. Deceive him. Tell him: "Let's play!" - and lure him into the woods. And then strangle him and bring him here. This is how real tigers do it!
- All right, - said the tiger cub, - I'll do it. And the goat also came to his mother and said:
- Mother, today I played with a little tiger cub so much fun! The old goat trembled with fear.
- Woe! Woe! How stupid you are! - she said. "Doesn't your father's blood flow in you?" You must know that tigers are our enemies. A tiger cub is the same tiger. If tomorrow he comes and says: "Let's go play!" - don't go to him. He will lure you into the forest, and then he will attack you, strangle you, tear you to shreds. That's what all tigers do!
The goat said:
- Okay, I'll remember your words.
The next day, the tiger cub went to the house where the goat lived and began to call him:
- Little goat! Little kid! Come out to me! Let's play like yesterday!
The goat said:
- No, I won't go to you!
Then the tiger cub asked:
- Why not? We played so well yesterday!
The goat said:
- In your house they gave you advice, and in my house they gave me advice. That's why we won't play together anymore!
And the tiger cub, ashamed, left.
“My son,” the tigress asked him, “why didn’t you bring a kid?”
The tiger replied:
- He knows who I am. They told him everything about me.


To expand the knowledge of children about kids, goat, goat.
Enrich children's active vocabulary on the topic.
To form stable ideas about color (red, yellow, green, blue), size (large-small, wide-narrow), quantity, shape of objects.
To teach children to navigate in space and understand the meaning of the concepts "between", "below". "above", "around", "through", "side".
Teach children to count and compare aggregates.
Continue to learn to listen carefully to the tale.
Exercise in drawing with stamps, gluing, constructing from building material and modeling (pinching, straight and circular rolling, pressing down).
Teach children to coordinate words and movements.
Develop auditory and visual attention, fine and general motor skills, a sense of rhythm.


Toys: wolf, goat, kids, goat.
Silhouettes of kids' heads cut out of cardboard with bells of different colors, without horns. Multicolored clothespins.
Sheets of paper with a painted goat without horns. Plasticine, glue sticks, paper-cut pictures with a basket and a bucket.
Image of a stove with doors of various shapes; doors cut out of thick cardboard, goat pictures.
A sheet of green cardboard with glued narrow and wide stripes-rivers. Figurines of kids, big and small Christmas trees.
Building material: cubes, cylinders, triangular prisms, bars.
Sheets of paper with a painted one-color dress, stamps.
A picture depicting a goat with a cut through the silhouette of clothes, sheets of colored cardboard.
Audio recordings: “Playing with bells”, “Goat is coming”, “All kids love to sing”.

Lesson progress:


Hello golden sun!
(Hands up with outstretched fingers - imitation of the sun's rays)

Hello blue sky!
(Hands draw "clouds" in the sky)

Hello free breeze!
(Parents lightly blow on the heads of babies)

Hello little friend!
(pat the baby's head)

We live in the same region, I greet you all!”
(The teacher gives a hand to each child and greets)

Surprise moment “Who lives in the house?”

Here is the house. And who lives in it? Let's knock. (Children knock with their fists. The door of the house opens, figurines of goats appear from there and are distributed to the children).

Didactic game "Wide and narrow rivers"

Place the kid on the green grass next to the yellow square. In place of the square we will build a house. Like this: put the cube down. on it is a cylinder, and on top is a roof-prism. Our kid galloped to eat grass. There is a river in front of him - a narrow river. The goat easily jumped over it. Behind the narrow river, Christmas trees grow: large and small. Put them between two rivers. Count how many Christmas trees? Two Christmas trees. A kid ran around a big Christmas tree. I ran around a small Christmas tree and wanted to jump over a wide river. Yes, there was not enough strength - he flopped right into the water. Get out on the bank and cry. Don't cry, kid, we'll build a bridge for you. I will put one bar like this - on a wide barrel. And I will put two bars on the sides on a narrow barrel. It turned out a bridge with a railing. Go, kid, across the bridge across the wide river, jump over the narrow river and run home as soon as possible.

Didactic game "Clothes for kids"

Here are the kids in the picture, put a colored sheet under the picture and tell me, what color is your kid's clothes?

Drawing with stamps “Dress for a goat”

And here is a new dress for the mother goat. Let's decorate it with a beautiful pattern.

Dynamic pause "Playing with bells"

Children pick up bells and perform movements to the music.

Reading the fairy tale "Kids and the wolf"

There lived a goat.
The goat made herself a hut in the forest and settled in it with her kids.
Every day the goat went out for food.
She leaves, and tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not to unlock the doors for anyone.
The goat returns home, knocks on the door and sings:

"Kids, kids,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come
Milk brought.

The kids will hear their mother and unlock her doors.
She will feed them and go out to graze again.
The wolf overheard the goat and, when the goat left, he went to the door of the hut and sang in a thick, thick voice:

"You, children, you, fathers,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come
Milk brought ... "

The kids listened to the wolf and say: “We hear, we hear! You don’t sing in a mother’s voice, mother sings thinner! - And they did not open the door to the wolf.
The wolf left without salty slurping.
A mother came and praised the children that they obeyed her: “You are clever, children, that you did not open the door to the wolf, otherwise he would have eaten you.”

Didactic game "Hide the kid in the stove"

The kids got scared of the wolf and climbed into the stove. Help the kids to hide, pick up the doors of a suitable shape.

Game with clothespins "Colorful horns"

What color is the goat's bell, make him horns from clothespins of the same color. (Then you can invite the children to exchange pictures).

Didactic game "We plant and collect cabbage"

Here is your garden. Circles - a place for planting cabbage. We have big and small circles. Show big circles. Show small circles.

The sun warms the earth.
The rain waters the earth.
Not rare, not often
Cabbage has grown.

Cabbage grew both large and small. Plant large cabbages in large circles. And small cabbage - into small circles. Count how many big cabbages? Two. How many small cabbages? Five. Which cabbage grew more, large or small? Small cabbage grew more.
Now harvest and put in baskets. Large cabbage in large baskets, and small cabbage in small baskets.

Visual activity "A horned goat is walking"

Here comes the horned goat. Ouch! Where are the goat's horns? Let's make them out of plasticine. Divide the plasticine into two parts and roll up small sausages. Attach them to the goat's head and press.

And decorate the goat's dress with colored plasticine circles.
A goat carries a basket of apples and a bucket of milk. Attach these pictures to the goat's hooves and glue.

Dynamic pause "A goat is coming"

Children perform movements according to the words of the song.

Game-dramatization "Wolf and goats"

The goats went for a walk. They pinch grass, drink some water, jump, catch up with each other, shout. So the gray wolf was awakened. As the wolf howls: "woo!". The goats shout: “me-e” and quickly run to their mother. The wolf left, the kids calmed down and again went out for a walk. (Game repeats)

Musical-rhythmic exercise "All kids love to sing"

Children beat the rhythm with musical and noise instruments of their choice.

The message about the goat can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about a goat for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

goat report

The goat is one of the first wild animals that man tamed.

The goat is a small animal, its body is covered with thick hair. The legs of the goat are high, slender, the tail is short. The goat has large gray-green eyes, erect ears, and its head is decorated with sharp horns. These animals have good eyesight, hearing and smell, they are graceful and agile, run fast, jump well, and can climb steep mountain slopes.

They nibble grass in meadows and fields, eat leaves and young shoots of trees and shrubs.

The average life expectancy of an ordinary goat is 8-10 years, some animals can live up to 15-24 years.

Pregnancy lasts 143-155 days, more often 1-2 kids are born, rarely 4 or even 6. Kids grow quickly, lactation in goats can last up to 300 days a year. Depending on the breed and lactation period, a goat can produce from 0.5 to 7 liters of milk per day.

Goat's milk is very useful and tasty, in composition it is very close to women's milk, people fed their babies with goat's milk. Cheese, cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream are prepared from goat's milk.

What are the names of animal cubs - such a question is usually of interest to children. You can start with domestic animals, or rather, with those who can be found in the village. In today's world, many people do not know the names of baby sheep, young pigs, goats, cows, and turkeys. It's time to find out how and why different children of animals and birds got their names.

What are the names of animal cubs, such a question is usually of interest to children

Sheep, rams and their cubs

To start a conversation about domestic animals and their cubs should be with an animal that was one of the first tamed by man. It's about sheep and rams. One little sheep could save a whole family. These creatures gave people not only milk and meat, but also warm wool. It should be noted that a young sheep could be used not only as a source of wool, meat and milk, but also as a religious symbol.

It's time to figure out what the baby sheep and ram are called. Sheep and ram are domestic artiodactyl animals that belong to the bovid family. As you might guess, the sexually mature female of this animal is called a sheep, and the male is called a ram. Townspeople who are ignorant of agriculture often think that these are different animals. Accordingly, various non-existent animals appear, for example, a female ram or a male sheep.

There are also a number of strange versions about the name of the cub of these animals. Often, as an answer to the question, what is the name of the cub of a sheep and a ram, you can hear different options: a sheep, a sheep, a sheep, etc. Among the strangest names, one can still distinguish: a ram (for a male) and a small sheep (for a female).

The value of animal sounds in the development of a preschooler

All these names do not correspond to the name of the young animals of these animals accepted in Russian. It is important to remember that the offspring of a ram and a baby sheep will be called the same. The only correct name for their cub is lamb.

Experts in the field of language are sure that the origin of the word for a small lamb is associated with religious rites. For many peoples, the little sheep was associated with the birth of hope and freedom. Often a small sheep was used as a sacrificial animal.

Thus, the word lamb has a very ancient history. According to scientists, the Russian name comes from the Latin agnus, from which the Old Slavonic lamb first appeared.

Today, a little sheep no longer has such a sacred meaning as ancient people endowed it with. The lamb is treated only as a pet calf.

Now we know what the name of the baby sheep is, and if necessary, you can explain why it was called that. From now on, the question of who the mother of the lamb is will not confuse.

It is worth noting that there is a special designation for sheep that have come out of the most tender age, but have not yet reached marriageable age. So, a young sheep, already an adult, but not yet capable of procreation, has a special name. Often in the speech of farmers you can hear the strange word yarka. This is the name of a young sheep, which has not yet brought offspring.

Animals and their babies (video)

Pigs and their offspring

Pigs, like sheep, were domesticated by man at the very beginning of his history. These animals belong to the order of artiodactyls. Pigs give man meat, lard, skin and bristles. For this, they are bred in farms.

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A male pig is called a boar, a boar, a hog, a female is a pig, a sow. Baby pigs are called piglets. We need to figure out why the parents and the cub have such different names.

As already mentioned, pigs were domesticated by man in ancient times. Then people preferred different words to designate males and females of animals.

The familiar word pig is related to German Schwein, English swine and Latin suinus. Apparently, in the ancient Indo-European language, it meant the female of this animal, bringing offspring. So the masculine form would be the pig. The word comes from the Indo-European sus - pig.

Pigs, like sheep, were domesticated by man at the very beginning of his history.

But the boar was called differently in ancient times. In the Proto-Slavic language, linguists restored the form porse for it, in Latin - porsus. The ancient Slavs called a male pig a pig. This is where the word piglet comes from. As you can easily see, it is formed using the suffix -enok, which means a small creature.

Initially, only male cubs were called piglets. Gradually, the name spread to all the children of the pig.

By the way, the process of the birth of cubs is called farrowing, and a pregnant pig is pregnant, that is, it has been under a farrow. So even our modern language preserves the ancient names of animals.

Cow, bull and calf

A cow, like a sheep with a pig, was tamed in ancient times. This animal gives people milk and meat. Her skin is also used.

The male cow is called a bull. And the baby cow is a calf. The names bull and heifer are also acceptable. They indicate a different gender of the young.

polar animal fox

It is worth figuring out why again the parents and their young have names that come from different roots.

The word "cow" itself comes from the same stem as the Latin cornu, meaning horn. Thus, it is a horned animal.

The origin of the word "calf" is still controversial among experts. The most common version says that in ancient times the word meant "carried out".

Goat, goat and kid

Another domestic animal often found on farms is the goat. These artiodactyls give a person not only milk, from which cheese is made. Depending on the breed, in addition to milk and meat, skins, wool and down are also obtained from them.

I must say that there are much fewer problems with the name of a baby goat. The male of this animal is a goat, the female is a goat. And even the smallest children, thanks to fairy tales and cartoons, know that a goat cub is a kid. As you can see, the already familiar suffix is ​​again involved in the formation of the name of the cub.

Sometimes non-specialists call baby goats lambs. This is absolutely false. As it is already clear, each pet has its own name for children: a sheep has a lamb, a goat has a goat.

By the way, a goat can have from 1 to 5 kids. So the famous fairy tale about the wolf somewhat exaggerates the fertility of this animal.

Domestic animals and their cubs (video)

A story about a beloved pet

Korobenkova Ekaterina, 7 years old, student of the 1st grade "Paper Fantasies" MKOUDO "Spas-Demenskaya School of Arts", Spas-Demensk, Kaluga Region
Supervisor: Tsukanova Tatyana Petrovna, teacher of the class "Paper fantasies", MKOUDO "Spas-Demenskaya Children's Art School", Spas-Demensk, Kaluga Region
Purpose: A story for family reading, for introducing children to pets; designed for children 3-5 years old, their parents, kindergarten teachers.
Target: a story about a beloved pet
- talk about your favorite pet;
- remember riddles, nursery rhymes, games, fairy tales with this animal;
- develop communication skills;
- develop imagination and encourage creative initiative;
- educate respect for wildlife, observation, curiosity.
Guys, guess who the story will be about?
The tail is small, short,
Nose pink and wet
Four hooves, and a beard to them,
So this is, guys, just ... a goat!

(Leonov V.A.)
Loves cabbage and grass
And she has the most valuable fluff,
And treats everyone with milk,
Drives away enemies with horns!

(Leonov V.A.)
It was a long time ago, my mother fed and said:
There is a horned goat!
There is a butted goat!
For the little guys.
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Doesn't drink milk?
Gore, gore, gore!

I have a goat named Milka. She is already an adult. She has goats. Milka does not like strangers, butting at once and walking behind.

It's spring, green grass is growing. My grandfather or grandmother and I go with Milka to the field so that she nibbles on the juicy grass.

And in the evening she gave delicious healthy milk.
I will tie the goat
To the white birch.
I will bind the horned
To the white birch.
Stop my goat
Stop, don't be afraid!
white birch,
Stop, don't swing!
At the goat, at the horned one,
Little goats at home.
They are merrily jumping on the benches,
They don't mess around, they don't cry.
Mom will come from the forest
Milk will bring them.

And we also have a leader - the goat Yasha. He is gentle and doesn't offend anyone. I want to ride it sometimes.
All kindergarten children know the song about the stubborn goat.
Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother.
One-two, one-two! Gray goat!
Grandmother loved the goat very much.
One-two, one-two! I loved it very much!
The goat decided to take a walk in the forest.
One-two, one-two! Take a walk in the forest!
Gray wolves attacked the goat.
One-two, one-two! Gray wolves!
There were horns left from the goat, but legs!
One-two, one-two! Horns and legs!

I offered the girls a song-game "A goat was walking through the forest"

With the help of a calculator
White goat with a beard
Goes to the river for water:
So that the goat will wash the kids,
To cook dinner for the family.

you need to choose the driver, put in the center, and the participants join hands and form a circle.
The goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest(we go one way, and the driver goes the other)
Found myself a princess, princess, princess(in the other direction, the driver chooses a pair)
Let's goat jump, jump, jump,(we all jump, and the driver facing his pair and holding hands!)
And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.(we all jump)
Let's stomp with you, stomp, stomp,(everyone stomp)
And clap your hands, clap, clap,(we all clap)
Let's spin with you, spin, spin,(you can spin in different ways - in a pair, one at a time, the driver kneels down, and the partner spins, holding her hand)
And forever make friends, make friends, make friends(only a couple in a circle embraces).
(The driver, having bowed, leaves in a circle, and the one who was chosen becomes the leader. The game continues.)
They supported me! We played and we had fun.

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