Home Vegetables Who said the earth is dead no. Who Said The Earth Is Round? History and interesting facts. Biblical descriptions of the Earth

Who said the earth is dead no. Who Said The Earth Is Round? History and interesting facts. Biblical descriptions of the Earth

There are mutations and birth defects, from which there is only one goosebump, which is impossible to look at without pinching in the chest. And there are those that one could even dream of even at certain moments. This may seem silly to some, but personally I would love to be born with six fingers on each hand. I would even say that this is some kind of a good mark. What's wrong with that? Those born with such an anomaly, unlike many others, do not suffer from their own peculiarity at all. On the contrary, they attract everyone's attention and, as a rule, are happy in life. Most importantly, it does not cause inconvenience and problems. Moreover, the sixth finger is usually fully functional and helps to cope with ordinary tasks even better than those who have only some five fingers on their hands.

Six-fingered people and animals are born so often that even the name for such a special mutation - polydactyly - has long been born in science.

Polydactyly - multi-finger; comes from the Greek "daktylos" (finger); means any presence of extra fingers on the limbs in humans and animals.

In general, there are not so few such lucky ones on Earth. One of those whom I envy lives in the Krasnodar Territory. This is Robert Zavenovich Karapetyan, born in the fertile Armenian land on January 18, 1949. As soon as Robert was born, which was to be expected, he greatly frightened his parents with his harmless difference from others. However, they decided not to leave everything in the care of fate and to get rid of the extra phalanges on their own. The very next day, they were going to tightly tie the baby's finger with thread to dry it out.

Fortunately for Robert, at night his mother had a dream in which the saints were told not to touch a finger. It may well be that mom came up with a dream to convince her husband not to touch the boy. In general, they left him his chance to live with an unusual feature, perhaps thereby saving himself from death, because it is not known how the tying of a finger with a thread could end

Supporting my opinion, Karapetyan considers his fingers to be a gift of God, which he is only proud of. It should be noted that the anatomical peculiarity did not at all prevent him from achieving success in the field where hand control is of the utmost importance - Robert Karapetyan is a highly qualified chef.

Perhaps, God's gift in the form of extra fingers will also serve as a good sign for a baby recently born in Kamensk-Uralsk. Moreover, if this is a gift from God, a stunning future awaits the boy, because he has as many as 6 extra fingers on all limbs: one on his hands and two on his legs. True, his mother immediately abandoned him. Honestly, I can't figure it out. If his fingers are quite capable, then how can they interfere with those around him and himself? Is this an aesthetic ugliness? No. Not at all. He only has a little more fingers than necessary. It's like I would consider myself a freak due to the fact that my biceps have several times more meat than ordinary people. If these lines reach Kamensk-Uralsk, then I would be glad if the otkaznitsa changed her mind and took her miracle back. He will only bring her happiness.

The most amazing story happened in 2004. Then, in the Lipetsk region, in just some ten days, as many as four six-fingered children were born. Although some parents of these babies intend to have surgery on them in the future, if they have not already done so, I would ask them to wait until the children are at least 20 years old, when they themselves can decide what they need and what not. Of course, this can only be discussed if the extra fingers are efficient, do not interfere and are aesthetically pleasing.

The fact that polydactyly is not at all a rare disease is proved by the fact that, in addition to ordinary people, many celebrities and people who had a significant impact on the entire process of the development of human history suffered from it. The most famous mutant with six toes on his left foot was Joseph Stalin, which few people know. That is why he was called not only Koba and Usatii, but also Six-fingered. This physical deviation obviously greatly influenced a man like Stalin. Even Marilyn Monroe, who already had six toes on her right foot, and not on her left, as the ruler of the USSR, experienced similar psychological problems from such a miracle. It turns out that one of the most attractive and odious figures of recent centuries has gained her fame even despite such a rare disease. What is not a proof that this cannot be ugliness?

Moreover, Dzhugashvili is not the only ruler lucky enough to be six-fingered. The 16th century English queen Anne Boleyn also had six fingers, but on her right hand.

However, everything is good in moderation. Five fingers - just right. Six fingers is okay too. But when there is much more - this is no longer included in any framework. In August 2006, a little boy had to undergo an operation in China, whom nature has endowed with too many instruments necessary in life. He had 2 extra fingers on one hand, and 3 on the other at once, and despite the fact that the legs were six-fingered. Naturally, in these cases, you need to do the operation, but at the expense of simpler cases, I doubt it.

However, there may not always be more fingers than necessary. Sometimes there are fewer of them. This is especially bad when the thumb is missing. I've seen such people in my life and their inconvenience really makes you feel sorry. It would seem that there is not enough of such a trifle, and without it the whole life goes downhill.

Next, we will talk about claw-feet, but in the context of this topic I want to add that in an African village where ordinary people live with two thumbs on their feet, sometimes the same people are also born, but with two fingers on their hands. Since such are not very viable, it is usually not very easy for them to leave offspring, and by now there are not so many of them. But it could happen that all the people of this area would be two-fingered both on their feet and on their hands.

And in the same Kamensk-Uralsk in the fall of 2006, a girl was born, who, not only had only 6 fingers formed on her hands, only the big one on her right hand was capable of functioning. In this case, surgeons have to work hard. Hopefully they can make it easier to accommodate the little ones. In any case, her parents did not abandon her, for which they deserve respect.

Almost always, in such cases, we can only rely on surgeons. Once they had to perform a unique operation. Several years ago, a boy was born in Sevastopol, who had no fingers at all on his right hand, except for the metacarpal bone - the base of the thumb. Praise to the St. Petersburg surgeon Sergei Golyan, head. Department of Hand Surgery of the St. Petersburg Pediatric Orthopedic Institute named after Tournev, which was able to perform a truly unique operation.

Sergei Golyan decided to transplant fingers from his feet onto his hand and lengthen the metacarpal bone. Everything went well and now the boy has an almost normal hand, to which the second and third toes of his right foot were attached, and on the left - the fourth and fifth.

However, not everyone was as lucky as the boy and Sevastopol. Not only can many not meet such outstanding surgeons, but in general they may not even have a single finger on any of their hands.

In the summer of 2007, the world was rocked by the news: “A baby was born in New York with six fingers and toes. The boy is completely healthy. Its weight is over 3 kg. " What is the name of this anomaly? Is it possible to predict its development? The article contains detailed answers to many questions of concern.

The sixth toe refers to development. Polydactyia or hexadactyly are extremely rare - 1 newborn in 5000 cases. Modern medical advances make it possible to remove the defect even in childhood. Surgical intervention is aimed at achieving a cosmetic effect.

Six fingers on a hand can be for a number of reasons. The main generally accepted fact is heredity:

  • 6 fingers on the hand or foot of one of the parents;
  • extra chromosome in pair 13;
  • anomalies of bone development;
  • genetic disease.

Interesting to know! Scientists have proven the fact of the development of a palm or foot with 6 fingers due to the mother's bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, lingering depression and severe stress increase the likelihood of developing abnormalities.

Fantastic and unproven versions

Many scientists are tormented by the question: "Is 6 fingers a disease or a regularity?" One of the fantastic versions says that a person is a product of a mixture of pre-existing races. In ancient times, six-fingered people were not uncommon. But their small number influenced the fact that the genes were suppressed. Therefore, under special conditions, echoes of antiquity are still encountered today.

Another version is based on the legends of the Sumerian epic. Previously, there was a tenth planet - Tiamat. It was inhabited by intelligent creatures that had a gigantic stature and 6 fingers on their hands. After the death of their home planet, the survivors inhabited the upper Euphrates. Gradually, the strangers mingled with the Assyrians, giving them a new gene.

Important to remember! In any case, a six-fingered hand or leg is not a reason to ascribe terrible diseases or infectious pathology to the owner.

Celebrity polydactics

An interesting version says that six toes on a foot or hand are a sign of the elect. This is a kind of mark for extraordinary and talented individuals.

And in conclusion, it is advisable to quote wise and relevant words: “The six-fingered hand is not ugliness. Ugliness is within a person. " And maybe an extra finger is a sign of your uniqueness and originality?

Q Who Said the Earth Is Round?

They say that this is ...

However, the hypothesis that our planet has the shape of a ball existed for a very long time. The first to express this idea back in the VI century BC was the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. Another philosopher, Aristotle, who lived in Ancient Greece two centuries later, gave clear evidence of sphericity: after all, during lunar eclipses, the Earth casts a round shadow on the Moon!

Gradually, the idea that the Earth is a ball, hanging in space and not supported by anything, spread more and more widely. Centuries have passed, people have long known that the Earth is not flat and does not rest on whales or elephants ... We walked around the world, crossed our ball literally in all directions, flew around it on an airplane, photographed it from space. We even know why not only ours, but all other planets, and the Sun, and stars, and the Moon, and other large satellites are precisely "round" and not of any other shape. After all, they are large, have a huge mass. Their own gravitational force - gravity - tends to give celestial bodies the shape of a ball.

Even if some force appeared, greater than gravity, which would give the Earth the shape of, say, a suitcase, it would still end the same: as soon as the action of this force ceased, the force of gravity would begin to collect the Earth into a ball again, "pulling in" protruding parts until all points on the surface are at an equal distance from the center.

Let's continue our reflections on this topic ...

Not a ball!

Back in the 17th century, the famous physicist and mathematician Newton made the bold assumption that the Earth is not a ball, or rather, not quite a ball. Guessed - and mathematically proved it.

Newton “drilled” (of course, mentally!) To the center of the planet two communicating channels: one from the North Pole, the other from the equator, and “filled” them with water. Calculations have shown that the water has settled at different levels. Indeed, in the polar well, only the force of gravity acts on the water, and in the equatorial well, it is still opposed by the centrifugal force. The scientist argued: in order for both columns of water to exert the same pressure on the center of the Earth, that is, so that they have equal weight, the water level in the equatorial well should be higher - according to Newton's calculations, 1/230 of the average radius of the planet. In other words, the distance from the center to the equator is greater than to the pole.

To check Newton's calculations, the Paris Academy of Sciences sent two expeditions in 1735 - 1737: to Peru and to Lapland. The expedition members had to measure the meridian arcs - 1 degree each: one - in equatorial latitudes, in Peru, the other - in polar latitudes, in Lapland. After processing the data of the expeditions, the head of the north, geodesist Pierre-Louis Maupertuis, announced that Newton was right: the Earth was compressed at the poles! This discovery of Maupertuis was immortalized by Voltaire in ... an epigram:

Messenger of physics, courageous sailor,

Having overcome both mountains and seas.

Dragging the quadrant through the snow and swamps,

Almost turning into a lapp.

You found out after many losses.

What Newton knew without leaving the door.

It was in vain that Voltaire was so caustic: how can science exist without experimental confirmation of its theories ?!

Be that as it may, now we know for sure that the Earth is flattened at the poles (if you will, stretched out at the equator). It is stretched, however, quite a bit: the polar radius is 6357 km, and the equatorial one is 6378 km, only 21 km more.

Looks like a pear?

However, can the Earth be called, if not a ball, but an "oblate" ball, namely an ellipsoid of revolution? After all, as we know, its relief is uneven: there are mountains, there are also depressions. In addition, the forces of attraction of other celestial bodies act on it, primarily the Sun and the Moon. Even if their influence is small, the Moon is still capable of bending the shape of the Earth's liquid shell - the World Ocean - by several meters, creating ebb and flow. This means that the “rotation” radii are different at different points!

In addition, in the north there is a "liquid" ocean, and in the south - a "solid" continent covered with ice - Antarctica. It turns out that the Earth does not have quite the correct shape, it resembles a pear elongated to the North Pole. And by and large, its surface is so complex that it does not lend itself to a rigorous mathematical description at all. Therefore, scientists have proposed a special name for the shape of the Earth - geoid. The geoid is an irregular stereometric figure. Its surface roughly coincides with the surface of the World Ocean and continues on the mainland. The very "height above sea level", which is indicated in atlases and dictionaries, is measured precisely from this geoid surface.

Well, scientifically:

Geoid(from ancient Greek γῆ - the Earth and ancient Greek εἶδος - a kind, literally - "something similar to the Earth") - a convex closed surface that coincides with the water surface in the seas and oceans in a calm state and perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point. A geometric body deviating from the figure of rotation An ellipsoid of revolution and reflecting the properties of the potential of gravity on Earth (near the earth's surface) is an important concept in geodesy.

1. World Ocean

2. Earth ellipsoid

3. Plumb lines

4. Body of the Earth

The geoid is defined as the equipotential surface of the earth's gravity field (level surface), approximately coinciding with the average water level of the World Ocean in an undisturbed state and conditionally continued under the continents. The difference between the real mean sea level and the geoid can be up to 1 m.

By definition of the equipotential surface, the surface of the geoid is everywhere perpendicular to the plumb line.

A geoid is not a geoid!

To be completely honest, it is worth admitting that due to the difference in temperature in different parts of the planet and the salinity of the oceans and seas, atmospheric pressure and other factors, the surface of the water surface does not coincide in shape even with the geoid, but has deviations. For example, at the latitude of the Panama Canal, the difference in the levels of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is 62 cm.

Strong earthquakes also affect the shape of the globe. One of these 9-point earthquakes occurred on December 26, 2004 in Southeast Asia, Sumatra. Professors of the University of Milan Roberto Sabadini and Giorgio Dalla Via believe that it left a "scar" on the planet's gravitational field, as a result of which the geoid significantly sagged. To test this assumption, the Europeans intend to send a new GOCE satellite, equipped with modern highly sensitive equipment, into orbit. We hope that soon he will send us accurate information about the shape of the Earth today.

and some more interesting things about the Earth: for example, when did you know that the Earth is round? or When the Earth was first photographed from space. But you know for example Why continents and parts of the world are called that? and more recently it was reported that the Long-lost continent was discovered at the bottom of the Indian Ocean

They say that this is ...

However, the hypothesis that our planet has the shape of a ball existed for a very long time. The first to express this idea back in the VI century BC was the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. Another philosopher, Aristotle, who lived in Ancient Greece two centuries later, gave clear evidence of sphericity: after all, during lunar eclipses, the Earth casts a round shadow on the Moon!

Gradually, the idea that the Earth is a ball, hanging in space and not supported by anything, spread more and more widely. Centuries have passed, people have long known that the Earth is not flat and does not rest on whales or elephants ... We walked around the world, crossed our ball literally in all directions, flew around it on an airplane, photographed it from space. We even know why not only ours, but all other planets, and the Sun, and stars, and the Moon, and other large satellites are precisely "round" and not of any other shape. After all, they are large, have a huge mass. Their own gravitational force - gravity - tends to give celestial bodies the shape of a ball.

Even if some force appeared, greater than gravity, which would give the Earth the shape of, say, a suitcase, it would still end the same: as soon as the action of this force ceased, the force of gravity would begin to collect the Earth into a ball again, "pulling in" protruding parts until all points on the surface are at an equal distance from the center.

Let's continue our reflections on this topic ...

Not a ball!

Back in the 17th century, the famous physicist and mathematician Newton made the bold assumption that the Earth is not a ball, or rather, not quite a ball. Guessed - and mathematically proved it.

Newton “drilled” (of course, mentally!) To the center of the planet two communicating channels: one from the North Pole, the other from the equator, and “filled” them with water. Calculations have shown that the water has settled at different levels. Indeed, in the polar well, only the force of gravity acts on the water, and in the equatorial well, it is still opposed by the centrifugal force. The scientist argued: in order for both columns of water to exert the same pressure on the center of the Earth, that is, so that they have equal weight, the water level in the equatorial well should be higher - according to Newton's calculations, 1/230 of the average radius of the planet. In other words, the distance from the center to the equator is greater than to the pole.

To check Newton's calculations, the Paris Academy of Sciences sent two expeditions in 1735 - 1737: to Peru and to Lapland. The expedition members had to measure the meridian arcs - 1 degree each: one - in equatorial latitudes, in Peru, the other - in polar latitudes, in Lapland. After processing the data of the expeditions, the head of the north, geodesist Pierre-Louis Maupertuis, announced that Newton was right: the Earth was compressed at the poles! This discovery of Maupertuis was immortalized by Voltaire in ... an epigram:

Messenger of physics, courageous sailor,
Having overcome both mountains and seas.
Dragging the quadrant through the snow and swamps,
Almost turning into a lapp.
You found out after many losses.
What Newton knew without leaving the door.

It was in vain that Voltaire was so caustic: how can science exist without experimental confirmation of its theories ?!

Be that as it may, now we know for sure that the Earth is flattened at the poles (if you will, stretched out at the equator). It is stretched, however, quite a bit: the polar radius is 6357 km, and the equatorial one is 6378 km, only 21 km more.

Looks like a pear?

However, can the Earth be called, if not a ball, but an "oblate" ball, namely an ellipsoid of revolution? After all, as we know, its relief is uneven: there are mountains, there are also depressions. In addition, the forces of attraction of other celestial bodies act on it, primarily the Sun and the Moon. Even if their influence is small, the Moon is still capable of bending the shape of the Earth's liquid shell - the World Ocean - by several meters, creating ebb and flow. This means that the “rotation” radii are different at different points!

In addition, in the north there is a "liquid" ocean, and in the south - a "solid" continent covered with ice - Antarctica. It turns out that the Earth does not have quite the correct shape, it resembles a pear elongated to the North Pole. And by and large, its surface is so complex that it does not lend itself to a rigorous mathematical description at all. Therefore, scientists have proposed a special name for the shape of the Earth - geoid. The geoid is an irregular stereometric figure. Its surface roughly coincides with the surface of the World Ocean and continues on the mainland. The very "height above sea level", which is indicated in atlases and dictionaries, is measured precisely from this geoid surface.

Well, scientifically:

Geoid(from ancient Greek γῆ - the Earth and ancient Greek εἶδος - a kind, literally - "something similar to the Earth") - a convex closed surface that coincides with the water surface in the seas and oceans in a calm state and perpendicular to the direction of gravity at any point. A geometric body deviating from the figure of rotation An ellipsoid of revolution and reflecting the properties of the potential of gravity on Earth (near the earth's surface) is an important concept in geodesy.

1. World Ocean
2. Earth ellipsoid
3. Plumb lines
4. Body of the Earth
5. Geoid

The geoid is defined as the equipotential surface of the earth's gravity field (level surface), approximately coinciding with the average water level of the World Ocean in an undisturbed state and conditionally continued under the continents. The difference between the real mean sea level and the geoid can be up to 1 m.

By definition of the equipotential surface, the surface of the geoid is everywhere perpendicular to the plumb line.

A geoid is not a geoid!

To be completely honest, it is worth admitting that due to the difference in temperature in different parts of the planet and the salinity of the oceans and seas, atmospheric pressure and other factors, the surface of the water surface does not coincide in shape even with the geoid, but has deviations. For example, at the latitude of the Panama Canal, the difference in the levels of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is 62 cm.

Strong earthquakes also affect the shape of the globe. One of these 9-point earthquakes occurred on December 26, 2004 in Southeast Asia, Sumatra. Professors of the University of Milan Roberto Sabadini and Giorgio Dalla Via believe that it left a "scar" on the planet's gravitational field, as a result of which the geoid significantly sagged. To test this assumption, the Europeans intend to send a new GOCE satellite, equipped with modern highly sensitive equipment, into orbit. We hope that soon he will send us accurate information about the shape of the Earth today.




and a little more interesting things about the Earth: for example, here or. But you know, for example, and just recently reported that

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