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What is a youth slang "entry" and what do they do there? Why do criminal cases and broken destinies appear after the "entries"? The translation of the word "entry" into human language means "getting on the guest list for a private party." At the same time, in Russian realities, the word “fit in” can be followed by such deeds that the parents' hair on their heads moves in horror, and their hand reaches for validol. But this is secondary - the main thing is that a teenager can ruin his life in order.

What do they do on the list?

In very rare cases, they sing songs with a guitar, play "Monopoly" and eat a cake with tea. In 90% of the list, it is a joint drunkenness, when the parents are at the dacha. At such parties, girls are deprived of their innocence, guys are trying "spice", or something more serious. In principle, there is nothing fundamentally new. Such parties were arranged back in the USSR, and in the 90s things were much more severe than today.

Tip # 1: Drink gently.

Sometimes it happens that it is unrealistic to refuse. Then it is better to drink in the morning: a small amount of alcohol in 8-10 hours will prepare the liver, and it will be more difficult to get drunk.

Tip # 2: Simulate a parent call.

If you are the owner of the apartment where the registration is taking place, and the rout begins, then in order to get rid of the guests, imitate a call from the parents, who will “come now”.

Tip # 3: Take a spray can and a phone.

If there are strangers at the party, you shouldn't forget about safety. But no one should know about the means of self-defense, except you.

Tip # 4: Warn loved ones.

Warn loved ones about who you are going to check in with. Better yet, give at least an approximate address.

Tip # 5: Go with your friends.

It is better to go to the registration only with friends, reliable people who will help out in a difficult situation.

In the provinces, young people have nothing to do, so everyone is stupid from idleness. But it would be wrong to blame the state, since the consequences of the "listings" lie mainly on the shoulders of the parents. If the parents are normal, they will find something to do with the child, and if there is no music or art school nearby, then at least they will buy a dog for him.

If the parents themselves like to drink in the evenings, watch TV, are lazy, and do not develop culturally in any way, then one should not be surprised why the daughter came “on her brows” and then became pregnant. The state is to blame for only one thing - propaganda on TV, which makes idiots out of a normal society.

How to get on the list?

Today 99% of invitations to such parties are sent through social networks. This led to the fact that often at parties there are guys of different ages. Accordingly, when a 14-year-old girl falls in love with an 18-19 year old boy, and there is a bottle of vodka on the table, the ending of the story can be deplorable.

In some companies, there is the concept of a pass for registration. That is, a person must complete the task, or bring something. Of course, tests on listings can be quite tough, so, no matter how you want to go there, you should think about it three times.

Each youth group usually has 2-3 strongest guys and girls who dictate the rules. At a young age, physical strength, cunning, arrogance are of paramount importance. Therefore, the "nerds" on the listings have a hard time, they become "scapegoats".

What are the types of lists?

There are many varieties of such parties, they can be classified according to place of stay, types of alcohol, and so on. But the most famous are given below:

  • Flat- mass drinking "in the hut", that is, in an apartment, both rented and someone else's. It is characterized by frequent scandals with neighbors and cuffs to the owner of the living space from the parents.
  • Sauna- she's a bathhouse. A list with youngsters who decided to play billiards and taste the charm of leather sofas on which proletarians, Caucasians, market traders, cops and criminals sat with sweaty naked asses. It is remembered by a fungus and various diseases.
  • Kitchen- hanging in someone's kitchen. It is especially fun to shout songs at 3 am, and then write explanatory notes at the local police department.
  • Entrance- list for rogue. You need to get into someone else's entrance, saying in the intercom that you are neighbors of Aunt Anya from the 38th apartment. Cultured people relieve themselves in a garbage chute, uncultured people - in an elevator.
  • Acquaintance- it's "legion". There should be the same number of guys and girls, a large amount of alcohol and, moreover, drugs, is excluded.

So, in the youth language, “entry” means an ordinary drinking party, with all the consequences, and more intelligent youth prefers to use traditional terms like “meeting”, “rendezvous”, “celebration”, “revelry”, “feast”, “dinner party ".

Not everyone can understand the slang of today's youth. For example, what is an entry? Let's figure it out.

The word "viska" means to stay overnight, "register" with someone for one night... As a rule, such a pastime is associated with drinking alcohol, sex, loud music, smoking cigarettes, etc. Previously, this word was used by representatives of hippies, who gathered in whole groups at someone's apartment. Today, the list is characterized as a large-scale party in the apartment of a person who is ready to receive a large number of visitors and provide them with the proper fun.

It would seem that everything is clear: teenagers gather at their friend's, get drunk, get corrupted, get high and turn the whole apartment upside down. In fact, not everything is so sad. The lists have a small set of rules that each participant in the event must adhere to. These include:

  • Courtesy to all those present on the list;
  • No questions about the sleeping place. Typically, most guests sleep on the floor;
  • You can not touch the things of the owner of the apartment and take them out of the dwelling;
  • The use of the bathroom and landline telephone is possible only with the consent of the owner.

Also, the organizers of the registration can establish additional rules that are needed to exercise control over the party.

Stills from the movie "Project X fell"

List types

The most interesting thing is that there are several types of lists at once, each of which has its own name.

  • Legion. It is considered the safest type of listings due to the fact that all those present know each other and gather not so much for drinking alcoholic beverages, as, for example, for communication of interests. It is interesting that initially guys gather at legions, who then invite girls to visit, and often unfamiliar ones, for example, from VKontakte. Legions are held about 3-5 times, after which the guys begin to get bored with such a situation.
  • Flat. Also an entry, but much more secure. As a rule, young people gather on flat to do what they love, which can be listening to music. It is noteworthy that in the language of informals, the word "flat" means a "tough" party with the most unfavorable conditions for a party.
  • On the side. An unsafe list because it gathers complete strangers gathered on a social network. The problem may be that at the very last moment the registration can simply be canceled.
  • Submarine. It would seem that this is a completely familiar entry, during which the company gets together and closes in the apartment or goes to the dacha for several days in order to have a good time. However, throughout the entire "submarine" it is impossible to leave the apartment (dacha), while all electrical appliances are completely ignored. You cannot use telephones either. Thus, the effect of complete separation from the familiar world is achieved.
  • Hustle. Translated from English, this word means hustle and bustle. As you might have guessed, hustle is the name for those appointments where such a huge number of people gather that there is simply no overcrowding in the apartment. Not everyone likes such entries, at the same time it is much easier to get to know people on them, with whom, among other things, you can hang out next time.
  • Road party. As you might guess, this is a get-together that takes place on the way somewhere. Most often, a road party can be seen in the compartment of a sleeping car.
  • List of sausages. This funny name was given to the party, which was not attended by a single girl who promised to attend this event.

And finally, it is worth telling that VKontakte posts are popular today. A certain user collects complete strangers at home, who hang out all night long, or even a few. It is not difficult to find such entries - just use the search in VK. Just remember that such events can end in disaster!

At all times, young people have looked for ways to at least temporarily separate themselves from the world of supervising adults and conduct it the way they would like. This question arises most acutely when the interests and lifestyle of young people sharply differ from those accepted in society, namely when various subcultures arise. For such meetings, the format of the meeting called "entry" was invented. The listings are divided by type, each has its own peculiarity, which are described in more detail in the article.

In Soviet times, the most striking, rebellious was the hippie subculture, which is distinguished not only by freedom of thought, but also by freedom in choosing life morality. Hippies are often credited with freedom in sex, a free attitude towards soft drugs. In order not to restrict their freedom, it was necessary to gather somewhere for communication. Therefore, it is with the hippie movement that the emergence of such a concept as a list is associated.

Subscription- This is a temporary shelter, a shelter for those close in spirit who really need it. Usually in the vacated apartment as a result of the departure of the parents on a business trip, to the dacha or to their own, those wishing to spend time at certain occupations are invited. At the same time, the offered activities can be completely varied, either it is the usual holding of a party, or listening to music, or the same activities for which the founders of the hippie list gathered.

Types of registration
The list now has different meanings, and there are several types of registration.

The simplest one is called a flat list. As mysterious as it sounds, this is just a daytime gathering of like-minded people (listening to music, discussing sports events, politics, etc.).

The safest one is called Legion. It happens when people who have known each other for a long time gather, it is not the first time that they gather. The purpose of such meetings is not only drinking alcohol, but also communication. The number of guys is equal to the number of girls, and the latter are invited almost every time new ones, which brings some variety to the communication process. But after 3-4 times the participants get bored with this entry and they start looking for other entries.

The list on the side is organized by complete strangers, so going there alone is a completely reckless act, it is better to find yourself a reliable acquaintance for the company.

The Hustle listing assumes such a number of people that not only sit (lie), but also stand all crowded and nowhere.

The shuffle-type list, on the other hand, is a gathering of a very small number of people with similar interests to discuss the pressing problems of humanity, science and art.

A submarine is a pre-planned listing. The name is not accidental, since the initiator buys in excess of a sufficient amount of booze and snacks for it, gathers like-minded people, with whom he closes for several days in some place remote from civilization. At the same time, communication with the outside world is disconnected, they are fenced off from it in every possible way.

If none of the invited girls appears on the scheduled list, then such a list automatically gets the name of a sausage-list.

Road party - a registration somewhere on the way: in a train compartment, in a trailer, etc.

Still appointments are subdivided into planned and unplanned.

Unscheduled appointments
Occurs after one of the guests discovers that he is late for the subway, bus, tram, etc. The whole company can also sit up. So that people do not spend the night at the entrances and on the street, their owner, willy-nilly, has to leave for the night before the opening of the metro or the arrival of other transport.

Scheduled appointments
Usually associated with parents who vacated the apartment for the weekend due to leaving the country. And only an overnight stay in a sheltered house distinguishes it from an ordinary party. In addition, the planned listings include the need to accommodate a team of fans who followed their favorite team to the competition. This also includes hitchhikers who have arrived in a new city and who need an overnight stay so that in the morning, with renewed vigor, go to places unknown to them.

Tourist listing
For those who like to travel without any restrictions of freedom and, most importantly, without extra costs, there is a kind of registration. It lies in the fact that in almost every country in the world there are people who are completely free of charge, for the sake of good company, are ready to let travelers in to stay. They either themselves advertise on the Internet on those sites where travel lovers usually communicate with “savages”, or those same “savages” share the addresses and phone numbers of these people. Avid hippie travelers may have a lot of such phones, but not all of them will work and will not be ready to receive them for every call, but there is always a chance and rarely anyone in an unfamiliar city stays on the street overnight. This term is also applicable when a traveler asks to spend the night with one of his relatives living in this settlement.

Registration rules
Those who want to fit in without problems and not be kicked out of the place of registration in a couple of hours must observe some rules that are more moral and ethical in nature than legislative.

1) You should not too actively insist on the registration when you are denied it, because this is not the sacred duty of the owner, but his willful desire, therefore, in this case, persistence and insolence are inapplicable.

2) Politeness is a prerequisite for staying in the owner's house, and not only with the owner, but with those whom he may still have sheltered.
3) Full and unconditional submission to the regime of the owners of the house, i.e. if the house is used to going to bed early, it is necessary to do this with everyone together, and if sleep does not occur without communication and cheerful gatherings, you will have to support the company, even if you have no strength at all.

4) It will not be entirely correct to ask where "your" bed is, if there is one, the owner will show him himself, but usually you have to spend the night on the floor, so having a sleeping bag with you will always be in the most advantageous position. It takes up a little space, weighs little, and the advantage in its presence is undeniable, so there is a reason to take a sleeping bag with you on a free trip.

5) The same goes for food. It is not necessary to ask the owner what to eat from the food, but it is simply necessary to offer the food brought with you, or at least something for tea. If you wish, you can carefully inquire about the possibility of using the kitchen and the equipment available there for cooking.

6) Cleanliness and neatness will make any guest welcome. To wash the dishes for yourself and the owner, carefully so as not to interfere with the basic cleaning, take out the trash - this is the minimum that hospitable hosts expect from those whom they have sheltered.

7) You should not bother with your conversations and express your thoughts when it is not interesting, and no one asked about them, i.e. distract the owners as little as possible.

8) The things of the owners are taboo. It is impossible to take them without asking, to consider them, and even more so to take them out of the house, even if it is planned to return them without fail in the future. It is strictly forbidden to look into wardrobes and bedside tables, to "manage" in the absence of the receiving people.

9) The ability to use the bathroom should also be negotiated with the owner, since not everyone wants to see a stranger in their bathroom.

10) A landline telephone can also be used only by agreement with the owner and preferably only for local calls. Naturally, these conversations should not have an hour's duration.

11) It is imperative to agree in advance on how many people apply for registration. The easiest way is when there are no more than 3 applicants, if a large company is traveling, then you will have to split into small subgroups. And you need to start worrying about your overnight stay in the morning, and not when it’s already dark outside.

12) If, for some reason, the need for the registration has disappeared, it is necessary to notify the people who agreed to give their shelter.

13) Once on the list of travelers like themselves, it is highly recommended to get to know them, because this acquaintance makes it possible to acquire additional phone numbers for registration in other cities.

Although these rules are not written, their observance forms a definite opinion about the traveler and in the case of positive memories and emotions left behind, it is a certain guarantee that next time he will be accepted with great pleasure.

What are the risks of inscribing?

Those appointments, when people do not know at all who invited them, unplanned, of course, carry a number of unpleasant moments. You can run into inadequate hosts, as well as the hosts can shelter inadequate guests. But the big danger is associated with the fact that in the overwhelming majority of entries imply the intake of alcohol, and in unlimited quantities. And this is fraught with a lot of trouble the next morning. And it’s good if only the loss of a certain amount of money is found, with complete safety of health. And, therefore, the most important rule for those who fit in is to be careful about the use of alcohol and other proposed unknown substances.

In general, the registration is a good opportunity to get to know new people, to expand the circle of contacts.

For such a long event, each owner prepares in advance, stocking up on a large amount of food and alcoholic beverages. Finding out what an entry in youth slang is, it is worth immediately clarifying that young people on a "submarine" gather in remote places, disappear from civilization for several days, turn off their mobile phones in order to mentally rest and relax. There are several nights ahead, newcomers are faced with an unusual environment. The most interesting thing is dancing, drinking, socializing at night.

This is a noisy party with a huge number of strangers in an apartment where there is nowhere for an "apple to fall." The apartment is not suitable for living, but you can have a snack, spend the night, have fun for free. This is an unsafe place for parties, because under certain life situations and the prevailing circumstances, a police squad can knock on the door at night, having received a complaint from disgruntled neighbors.

Road party
In this case, young people gather together, traveling to an unfamiliar city. The meeting place can be a train carriage, a ship's cabin, and other types of public transport. The purpose of the list is to search for fellow travelers, like-minded people, new acquaintances, to determine the place of temporary residence. Travelers of this kind belong to a separate community and will find a temporary refuge in any country in the world.

What do they do on the lists
If especially active teenagers organize such large-scale events, then in order to communicate and have fun. You can also live for free in a foreign city, meet new people, make useful contacts and create an accurate list where you can always spend the night for free. This is often done by young people who do not get along with their parents, children from their own yard. The desire to stand out from the crowd and express oneself makes the entry especially popular among the masses. This extraordinary tradition has lived for many decades and continues to live on.

How to get on the list
The task of the organizers is not only to find a free apartment and a secluded place, but also to provide progressive youth with exciting leisure, unforgettable fun, and a good reputation for themselves, new acquaintances. There is a practice of registration in almost every city, only the names and passwords are hidden from the public. Such meetings of "friends" are accompanied by secrecy, and you can get to such an event through friends. Other options to find out about the list are presented below:

Recently, among the youth you can often hear such a word as "registration". Some do not know at all what this concept is, others have a biased and negative connotation of the listings. But in order to get an objective idea of ​​the phenomenon, it is necessary to find out where the term came from - and how different the entries are.

Subscription. What is it in adolescents?

For the first time, the registration appeared in the Soviet Union - visitors from other cities stayed with friends for several days or for a long time, as if registering with them for a certain period. This type of residence has gained particular popularity in an informal environment. Helping each other, representatives of subcultures could almost constantly provide their apartment to half-acquaintances with whom they were united only by common hobbies.

With the advent of modern times, the isolation of the cultural and musical environment has become much less. The term "entry" has migrated into teenage slang - now this word is used to refer to youth parties in an apartment where there are no adults. Most often, the registration implies a long pastime - with one or even several overnight stays.

What is happening on modern lists?

This entirely depends on the interests of the assembled company. Some teens get together to watch movies, listen to music, or play multiplayer computer games. Others, taking advantage of the absence of adults, strive to touch the "adult life" - they try alcohol and cigarettes and flirt with their peers.

But the point that unites almost all the lists is the lack of free space. Even in a small apartment several dozen people can gather - and if most of them stay overnight, then the assembled will have to sleep in the most unimaginable places - on the floor, on chairs and even in the bathroom. Going to check in, it will be polite to take some food with you - or to prepare money for a contribution to the general “cashier”. The owner is not obliged to feed all the numerous guests at his own expense.

Thus, a list is a neutral concept, meaning only a short-term residence of young people (both boys and girls) in the apartment of someone from the company. And how fun, high-quality and safe the entry will turn out depends on the composition of all those present.

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