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Mistakes in the media. Speech errors in the media

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Lexical errors are associated with ignorance of the meanings of words and set expressions and, due to this ignorance, their incorrect use in speech. Let's give some examples.

The use of the word “back” instead of “again”, “again” turned out to be a very tenacious mistake: “Gabardine came back to us”, “Rizhsky railway station must be renamed back ...”, “Later Balanchine gave her (the ballerina) this party back.” Quite often, journalists begin a sentence with the words “in this connection” (“In this connection, I would like to recall recent events as well”). Most often, this phrase is used when the text does not indicate any connection between the previous and the next. That's right: "In connection with this ...". Thanks to this combination of words, a connection is established between what has already been said and what will be discussed in the future.

A common mistake is to use the words "painting" instead of "signature" and "number" instead of "date". (Reporter: “We received such a letter, and at the end of its painting and number.”) Painting is painting on walls, ceilings and household items (Khokhloma, Gorodets painting). Not to be confused with the word "receipt", for example, a receipt for receiving money. A signature is a hand-written name under a document, confirming the authorship of the signatory or his agreement with the stated. As for the words "date" and "number", they are also not synonymous, therefore, interchangeability in the text is not justified. The concept of "date" (litter indicating the time) includes the day, month, and year, and the number is only the day of the calendar month. (For example: "The film will premiere on the sixteenth"). When compiling a document, we fix exactly the date, that is, the day, month and year of its execution.

Lexico-stylistic errors also include ignorance of the features of the lexical compatibility of words in the Russian language. For example: “The standard of living of the people is deteriorating” (correctly: “The standard of living of the people is declining”). The sentence was also incorrectly drawn up: "In order to improve the crime situation in the city, law enforcement agencies are working in an enhanced mode." Criminogenic - conducive to the commission of a crime. Correct: "To change the crime situation in the city ..." or "To improve the general situation in the city ...".

There are frequent cases of incorrect use of the words "main" and "capital". Thus, in the sentence “In the film The Cranes Are Flying, Tatyana Samoilova played the title role,” the word “capital” was used in the sense of “main”, which is incorrect, since “capital” means “placed in the title, which was not the case in our example (and was not implied). And the actress played the title role in the film "Anna Karenina", named after the heroine.

The errors of the following kind are typical for television and radio broadcasting: “The fire broke out at a very high altitude”, “The reporter conducted a reporter’s research”, “Those who distinguished themselves in this operation were awarded state awards”, “Speaking of the conversation with Stepashin, the deputy noted…”. This series can be continued for a long time. Phenomena of this order in linguistics are commonly called tautologies. Undoubtedly, colloquial elements, colloquial inclusions (namely, inclusions) have the right to life in journalism. However, journalists often lack a sense of proportion in the use of colloquial style means, for example: “Visitors to the museum are all MVD, museum workers did their best for them.”

It should be noted that the colloquial tone in information and analytical programs often gravitates towards the rude colloquial, or even completely replaced by it. Evidence of this is frankly rude vocabulary: hawal, freebie, goats, screw up, get into your pants, etc.

As for foreign words, the need for some of them is undeniable, but why do we need "confrontation", "round", "summit", "consensus", "teenager", "show", "mimicry", "brain ring" and hundreds others! The current scale of borrowing is disastrous for the Russian literary language.


Errors of this kind are explained by violations of the rules for the formation of various forms of the word. The largest number of speech errors occurs when using a numeral. In the examples below, the errors are explained precisely by ignorance of the features of the declension of the words of this part of speech.

Let's look at a few examples. “Yesterday there were about four hundred cells here (in Severomorsk)” (correctly: “about four hundred”). "Operations will be carried out with fifty percent of the holding's shares" (correctly: "with fifty percent"). “More than eight hundred thousand pensioners can now live with dignity” (correctly: “more than eight hundred thousand pensioners”).

Non-declension or incomplete declension of complex and compound numbers is a violation of the literary norm. Journalists rarely decline the numeral "one and a half". Within a day and a half, the city was empty” (correctly: “a day and a half”).

Mistakes are also frequent in the choice of the case form of a compound numeral ending in "two", "three", "four" in combination with an animated noun. In such constructions, regardless of the category of animation, the accusative case retains the nominative form, for example: “Thirty-two wounded were brought to the hospital this month” (not “thirty-two wounded”).

The following sentence does not correspond to the literary norm: "The construction of the complex should be completed by two thousand and three" (correctly: "... by two thousand and three"), since only the last word is declined in a compound ordinal number).

There are errors like this: "The government promises to pay pensions by the tenth of September" (correctly: "...by the tenth of September").

There are still frequent errors in the use of collective numbers. Their use in combination with nouns related to official business vocabulary is not recommended in the literary language (especially in information programs). For example: “It is no coincidence that two senators appeared in this region at once” (correct: “...two senators...”).

The numerals “both” (male) and “both” (female) are not always correctly used, for example: "The introduction of another currency (other than the ruble) is detrimental to both countries" (correct: "... for both countries").

A speech error is the formation of masculine nouns in the nominative case in the plural: inspector (instead of inspectors); handwriting (instead of handwriting); locksmith (instead of locksmiths); sniper (instead of snipers); paramedic (instead of paramedics)

There are errors in the air and in the formation of the genitive case of plural nouns. The following formations are considered normative: barges - barges (not "barge"); weekdays - weekdays (not "buden"); melons - melons (not "melons"); shoulders - shoulders (not "shoulders"); towels - towels; sheets - sheet (not "sheet"); twilight - twilight; manger - manger.

Journalists make mistakes when declining nouns denoting the names of certain nationalities. In particular, mistakes are not uncommon when using genitive plural forms, for example: Bashkirs - Bashkirs (not "Bashkirs"); Buryats - Buryats (not "Buryats"); Turkmen - Turkmen (not "Turkmen"); Yakuts - Yakuts (not "Yakut").

Zerbaliyeva Nailya Faikovna, Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Culture of Speech, Dagestan State Technical University, Makhachkala

Radzhabova Gulchimen Seifullakhovna, Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Russian Language and Culture of Speech, Dagestan State Technical University, Makhachkala [email protected]

Analysis of errors in print and electronic media

Annotation. The article "Analysis of errors in print and electronic media" characterizes the systematization and typology of errors. The necessity of a deep study of the functioning of the language, close attention to the language of the newspaper is considered. Considerable attention is paid to identifying the causes of the appearance and developing a set of measures to eliminate such errors. Key words: spontaneous speech, reader, newspaper, influence, similar errors, language, speech norm, gross error, types of errors. Section: (05) philology; art history; cultural studies.

At present, questions of the development of speech, i.e. questions of practical mastery of the language are posed as the most important issues of teaching the Russian language. Features of the phonological system of the native language contribute to the perception and designation of the sound composition of the Russian word from the perspective of the native language, which is a source of specific (national) errors. Correct classification of errors helps to find the right ways to correct them and organize further work on the language, makes it possible to think over the methodology for working on each type mistakes, develop a kind of rules for this work.

Mastering any aspect of linguistic culture is associated with certain difficulties. Often they violate the rules of combining words in a sentence, incorrectly form the grammatical forms of words, use words incorrectly.

Lexical or semantic errors caused by ignorance of the lexical meaning of words and the features of their combination. Violation of lexical norms leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement.

Lexical errors are errors in the use or formation of words. Quite often you can find the wrong use of the verb to lay instead of put. The verbs lie and lay have the same meaning, but lay is a common literary word, and lay is colloquial. There are also violations of lexical norms associated with the fact that students confuse words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning. For example, the use of the verbs to provide and present. The verb to provide means "to give the opportunity to use something" (to provide an apartment), and the verb to present has the meaning "to transfer, present something to anyone" (to present evidence).

Grammar errors, in accordance with the three main sections of grammar, can be divided into: a) word-formation errors; b) grammatical and morphological errors - incorrectly formed forms of words. For example, a distortion of the gender of nouns: “courage” (courage), “government” (government), “statement” (statement), “to the department” (to the department), “premium” (award), “owners” (owners); c) grammatical and syntactic errors violation of the rules for connecting words in a sentence.

Syntactic norms are the rules for using syntactic constructions. Word order mismatch creates sentences that have two meanings. For example, how to understand the phrase "the owner of the house slept?" Is it about the sleeping owner of the house, or about where the owner slept? In the sentence “there is no such term in ancient documents of this kind”, a combination of this kind may refer to a combination of ancient documents or to the word term.

Correction of a syntactic error is possible only if it is established which rule for linking words in a sentence is violated. Kyazikov also includes stylistic errors associated with the use of linguistic units (words, phrases, sentences) in a statement or text that have a stylistic coloring that does not correspond to the stylistic coloring of a given statement or text as a whole. Stylistic errors include cases of unsuccessful, incorrect use of synonyms, verbosity, unreasonable repetition of the same words. For example, an old oak, a decrepit hut (instead of an old oak, a dilapidated hut); in the sentence “The traitor betrayed Sasha and seized him”, a stylistic mistake should be considered the setting of his complement after the predicate; in the sentence “And they tortured him for a long time and then they executed him”, the repetition of the words and him should be included among such mistakes. Back in 1952, A.N. Gvozdev in his work states that stylistics "finds out the peculiarities in the meaning and expression of various synonymous language devices". Stylistic errors are corrected by replacing the used word or expression with a synonymous word or expression corresponding to the style of the entire work, by eliminating verbosity, repetition, etc.

Links to sources 1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. Rostovna Don 2002.S. 53.2. Gvozdev A.N. Essays on the style of the Russian language, M. 1952. S. 67.3. Kostomarov V. G. Language taste of the era. From observations on the speech practice of mass media. SPb, 1999.S. 44. Zerbalieva Nailya Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of Russian language and speech culture department, DSTU, Makhachkala Radzhabova Gulchimen Seifullakhovna Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of Russian language and speech culture department, DSTU, Makhachkala Analysis of errors in printed and electronic media Abstract. In the article "Analysis of errors in printed and electronic media" is characterizedthe classification and typology of errors. Discussed is the need ofindepth study of the language functioning, attention to newspapers language. Considerable attention is paid to the reasons of the emergence and development of complex measures to eliminate such errors. Key words: spontaneous speech, reader, newspaper, influence, similar errors, language, speech standard, gross error, types of errors.

Novikova V. I.

Morphological errors

Errors of this kind are explained by violations of the rules for the formation of various forms of the word. The largest number of speech errors occurs when using a numeral. In the examples below, the errors are explained precisely by ignorance of the features of the declension of the words of this part of speech.

Let's look at a few examples.

“Yesterday there were about four hundred cells here (in Severomorsk)” (correctly: “about four hundred”). "Operations will be carried out with fifty percent of the holding's shares" (correctly: "with fifty percent"). “More than eight hundred thousand pensioners can now live with dignity” (correctly: “more than eight hundred thousand pensioners”).

Non-declension or incomplete declension of complex and compound numbers is a violation of the literary norm. Journalists rarely decline the numeral "one and a half". Within a day and a half, the city was empty” (correctly: “a day and a half”).

Mistakes are also frequent in the choice of the case form of a compound numeral ending in "two", "three", "four" in combination with an animated noun. In such constructions, regardless of the category of animation, the accusative case retains the nominative form, for example: “Thirty-two wounded were delivered to the hospital this month” (and not “thirty-two wounded”).

The following sentence also does not correspond to the literary norm: “The construction of the complex should be completed by two thousand and three” (correctly: “... by two thousand and three”), since only the last word is declined in a compound ordinal).

There are also errors of this kind: “The government promises to pay pensions by the tenth of September” (correctly: “... by the tenth of September”).

There are still frequent errors in the use of collective numbers. Their use in combination with nouns related to official business vocabulary is not recommended in the literary language (especially in information programs). For example: “It is no coincidence that two senators appeared in this region at once” (correct: “...two senators...”).

The numerals “both” (male) and “both” (female) are not always correctly used, for example: “The introduction of another currency (except for the ruble) is detrimental to both countries” (correctly: “... for both countries").

A speech error is the formation of masculine nouns in the nominative case in the plural:

inspector (instead of inspectors)

handwriting (instead of handwriting)

locksmith (instead of locksmiths)

sniper (instead of snipers)

paramedic (instead of paramedics)

There are errors in the air and in the formation of the genitive case of plural nouns. The following formations are considered normative:

barges - barge (not "barge")

weekdays - weekdays (not "buden")

melons - melons (not "melons")

shoulders - shoulders (not "shoulders")

towels - towels

sheets - sheet (not "sheet")

twilight - twilight

manger - manger

We remind you that the singular form of the word “shoes” is “shoe” (and not “shoes”), and the word “slippers” is “slipper” (and not “slippers”).

Journalists make mistakes when declining nouns denoting the names of certain nationalities. In particular, mistakes are not uncommon when using genitive plural forms, for example:

Bashkirs - Bashkirs (not "Bashkirs"),

Buryats - Buryats (not "Buryats"),

Turkmen - Turkmen (not "Turkmen"),

Yakuts - Yakuts (not "Yakut").

Lexical errors

Lexical errors are associated with ignorance of the meanings of words and set expressions and, due to this ignorance, their incorrect use in speech.

Let's give some examples.

The use of the word “back” instead of “again”, “again” turned out to be a very tenacious mistake: “Gabardine came back to us”, “Rizhsky railway station must be renamed back ...”, “Later Balanchine gave her (the ballerina) this party back.”

Quite often, journalists begin a sentence with the words “in this connection” (“In this connection, I would like to recall recent events as well”).

Most often, this phrase is used when the text does not indicate any connection between the previous and the next. Correct: "In connection with this ...". Thanks to this combination of words, a connection is established between what has already been said and what will be discussed in the future.

A common mistake is to use the words "painting" instead of "signature" and "number" instead of "date". (Reporter: “We received such a letter, and at the end of its painting and number.”) Painting is painting on walls, ceilings and household items (Khokhloma, Gorodets painting). Not to be confused with the word "receipt", for example, a receipt for receiving money. A signature is a hand-written name under a document, confirming the authorship of the signatory or his agreement with the stated. As for the words "date" and "number", they are also not synonymous, therefore, interchangeability in the text is not justified. The concept of "date" (litter indicating the time) includes the day, month, and year, and the number is only the day of the calendar month. (For example: "The film will premiere on the sixteenth"). When compiling a document, we fix exactly the date, that is, the day, month and year of its execution.

Lexico-stylistic errors also include ignorance of the features of the lexical compatibility of words in the Russian language. For example: “The standard of living of the people is deteriorating” (correctly: “The standard of living of the people is declining”). The sentence was also incorrectly drawn up: “In order to improve the crime situation in the city, law enforcement agencies are working in an enhanced mode.” Criminogenic - conducive to the commission of a crime. Correct: "To change the crime situation in the city ..." or "To improve the general situation in the city ...".

There are frequent cases of incorrect use of the words "main" and "capital". Thus, in the sentence “In the film The Cranes Are Flying, Tatyana Samoilova played the title role,” the word “capital” was used in the sense of “main”, which is incorrect, since “capital” means “placed in the title, which was not the case in our example (and not implied). And the actress played the title role in the film "Anna Karenina", named after the heroine.

Errors of the following kind are typical for television and radio broadcasting: “The fire broke out at a very high altitude”, “The reporter conducted a reporter’s research”, “Those who distinguished themselves in this operation were awarded state awards”, “Speaking of the conversation with Stepashin, the deputy noted ...” This series can be continued for a long time . Phenomena of this order in linguistics are commonly called tautologies.

Undoubtedly, colloquial elements, colloquial inclusions (namely, inclusions) have the right to life in journalism. However, journalists often lack a sense of proportion in the use of colloquial style means, for example: “Visitors to the museum are all MVD, museum workers did their best for them.”

It should be noted that the colloquial tone in information and analytical programs often gravitates towards the rude colloquial, or even completely replaced by it. Evidence of this is frankly rude vocabulary: hawal, freebie, goats, screw up, get into your pants, etc.

As for foreign words, the need for some of them is undeniable, but why do we need "confrontation", "round", "summit", "consensus", "teenager", "show", "mimicry", "brain ring" and hundreds others! The current scale of borrowing is disastrous for the Russian literary language.

Phonetic errors

Phonetic errors make up the largest group of errors associated with violations of stress norms. Most often, errors are found in the following word forms (reference is given according to the "Dictionary of stresses of the Russian language" Ageenko F. L., Zarva M. V., M., 2000); below are the correct options:

bartender - bartender

draft beer)

versts, versts (but: ten versts)

ages (people of all ages)

give (awards)

(c) hospitals

Maiden's field (but: maiden's memory)


contractual prices - by contracts

make (an agreement)


away (adverb)

published, published

trump (not trump)

more beautiful,

procession (not a godfather)

(from) massage

masterfully (written)

workshop (game)




guardianship (not guardianship)

rated (not rated)


survived (a friend for five years)


(you're right

bow down

(c) networks (Internet, telephone, etc.)

sides (but: two sides, both sides)

contracting parties, on all four sides)

Syntax errors

The most common syntax error is a violation of control rules, for example:

weighed in on...

The law provides for...

claims to...

understands about...

showing in a few words about...

we have already discussed this...etc.

It should be correct to say:

weighed (what?) all the pros and cons...

States that...

understands what people want...

showing how it happened...

we have already discussed (what?) this topic...etc.

Journalists make a common mistake by using a noun in the genitive case with the prepositions "according to" and "thanks": according to the order, according to the agreement, thanks to the good weather. That's right: according to the order, according to the contract, thanks to the good weather. The noun in combination with the prepositions "thanks" and "according to" is used in the dative case.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://cjes.ru were used.

Mistakes in sound usage

media quote


correct option

Thanks to the intervention of the authorities, a [f "o] ra did not take place ...

TV NOTR, "Kaleidoscope", 24. 10. 05

For the last [t "o] last period, 12 thefts were committed ...

NTV, "Emergency", 14. 09. 05

is [t "e] kshiy

The child is transferred under the a [p "o] ku of the relevant authorities ...

TV KBR, "Local time", 21. 09. 05

Ma [n "e] vry ​​were produced ...

ma [n "o] vry

... lead an ace ["oh] a long way of life ...

TV NOTR, "Kaleidoscope", 07. 10. 05

a [s "e] long

Mistakes in accents

media quote


correct option

There are pluses and minuses...

NTV, "Today", 09. 10. 05 (Kvashnin, presidential plenipotentiary).

pluses, minuses.

The minutes of the meetings are attached to the case…

NTV, "On duty", 22. 12. 05


The Russian alphabet has been repeatedly transformed ...

NTV, "Today", 05. 01. 06

The contract was not respected...

TV KBR, "Local time", 24. 12. 05

The Ukrainian side agreed...

NTV, "Today", 04. 01. 06 (Alexey Miller).


The catalogs represent the entire range…

Problem removed...

"First", "News", 26. 12. 05

Errors in the formation of the genitive case of nouns and plural pronouns

media quote


correct option

Armenians lived in their apartment.

TV KBR, "Local time", 14. 10. 05

"MK" dated 14. 03. 02, title.

I apologize to their mothers, but this is a subjective and real assessment.

"KP" dated 15. 11. 05, p. 22, "The game of the rat."

The Children's Home lacks basic things: sheets…

TV KBR, "Local Time", 14. 01. 06


The farm regularly harvests a good crop of tomatoes…

"Terek" dated 20.08.04, "Rent today", p. 2.


Errors in the accuracy of speech

media quote


correct option

Subscriptions who do not pay the phone fee on time will be disconnected.

"Terek" dated September 23, 2002, p. 4, announcement.

  • 1. subscriber;
  • 2. subscription

painting there was no chief on the document.

NTV, "Emergency", 30. 11. 04

Not on the notice of dismissal number.

REN-TV, "Hour of Judgment", 14. 06. 05

The apartment was made wanted...

TV KBR, "Local Time", 20. 10. 05

Pay will be produced from the 10th to the 20th of every month…

“KBP” of 24.09.02, “Trade unions seek justice”, p. 2.

Violation of the purity of speech

media quote


Museum visitors media workers, museum workers did their best for them...

"Life" dated 27.02.04, p. 5 "Opening of the Museum"

The Prime Minister approved amendments to the SDA, allowing cops pick up any car.

"KP" dated 02.10.03, p. 3 from the title

Yes to me according to fig

"Cosmo" No. 12, 2005, p. 180 "Interview. Stas Piekha"

Weird Guys: Trading dope, drink, shied away through the streets.

"KP" dated 11. 11. 05, p. 2 "Picture of the day"

“Let your every working day brighten up the carnival of your loved ones at home!” - wished our zvezdun.

"KP of 12.11.05, p. 14" Grouch of the week "

eat worms on air...

"KP" dated 10.22.05, p. 14 "Bad anecdote"

Here's a kid just yesterday from the zone leaned back, With Hodor was there, he will tell you everything!

"KP" dated 29.10.05, p. 2 "We inform you of the details"

Here prostebala I'm Sergei Bezrukov...

"MK" from 24. 11. 05, "Crooked air"

Well, the president did not like them faces

"News", ORT, 13. 09. 05, 21. 00, V. Chernomyrdin

In Europe, the ability of citizens to park their cars is striking. bibiki

"Unlucky Notes", Dmitry Krylov, 20. 11. 05

"My Fair Nanny", STS (nanny Vika)

While the pasta is cooking let's look at The Beatles cassette.

"Three Windows", ORT, 05. 11. 05, 10. 30, A. Makarevich.

Having studied these errors, we can conclude that speech in the media is heavily clogged. The reasons for this, in my opinion, could be the following:

  • - reduction of editorial exactingness to journalists regarding the observance of language norms;
  • - decrease in the quality of proofreading work;
  • - confusion and vagueness of thought of the authors of journalistic articles, political statements and laws, and, as a result, the ambiguity of the language of their works;
  • - relaxation of censorship
  • - insufficient attention to the culture of speech on the part of the presenters on television

The consequence of all this was massive errors among different segments of the population. Of course, schoolchildren and young people are more influenced, as they absorb all the information like a sponge. They believe a lot that sounds from TV screens, take an example from authoritative people (politicians, artists, presenters, journalists). This, in turn, can greatly affect the culture of speech in society, moreover, it is already affecting. But the culture of speech is part of the general culture of man. By the way a person speaks or writes, one can judge the level of his spiritual development, his inner culture. A person’s mastery of the culture of speech is not only an indicator of a high level of intellectual and spiritual development, but also a kind of indicator of professional suitability for people of various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, school and university teachers, radio and television workers, journalists, managers, etc. . It is important to master the culture of speech for everyone who, by the nature of their activities, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, teaches, educates, conducts business negotiations, and provides various services to people.

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