Home Vegetables Prospects for Russian gas turbine manufacturers. Problems and prospects of the gas turbine market in Russia

Prospects for Russian gas turbine manufacturers. Problems and prospects of the gas turbine market in Russia

Such an industry, as a miscellaneous industry, refers to the type of mechanical engineering that produces goods with high added value. Therefore, the development of this area is consistent with the priorities of our country’s leadership, which tirelessly declares that we need to “get off the oil needle” and more actively enter the market with high-tech products. In this sense, the production of turbines in Russia may well become one of the drivers along with the oil industry and other types.

Production of turbines of all types

Russian manufacturers produce both types of turbine units - for energy and transport. The former are used to generate electricity at thermal power plants. The latter are supplied to aviation and shipbuilding enterprises. A feature of turbine production is the lack of specialization of factories. That is, the same enterprise produces, as a rule, equipment of both types.

For example, the St. Petersburg Production Association Saturn, which began in the 50s with the production of only power-generating machines, later added gas turbine units for sea vessels to its product range. And the Perm Motors plant, which initially specialized in the production of aircraft engines, switched to additional production of steam turbines for the electric power industry. Among other things, the lack of specialization speaks to the broad technical capabilities of our manufacturers - they can produce any equipment with quality assurance guarantees.

Dynamics of turbine production in the Russian Federation

According to BusinesStat, turbine production in Russia increased approximately 5-fold between 2012 and 2016. If in 2012 industry enterprises produced a total of about 120 units, then in 2016 this figure exceeded 600 units. The increase was mainly due to the growth of power engineering. The dynamics were not affected by the crisis and, in particular, the increase in the exchange rate.

The fact is that turbine plants practically do not use foreign technologies and do not need import substitution. In the manufacture of turbine equipment, only our own materials and equipment are used. By the way, this is an additional point that makes this area mechanical engineering is a competitor to the oil industry.

If oilmen require foreign technologies to develop new oil fields, then producers gas turbine units make do with their own achievements. This reduces the cost of producing turbines and, accordingly, reduces production costs, which in turn improves the competitiveness of our products.

Cooperation with foreign manufacturers

The above does not mean at all that our manufacturers pursue a policy of secrecy. On the contrary, the trend recent years is to strengthen cooperation with foreign vendors. The need for this is dictated by the fact that our manufacturers are not able to organize the production of gas turbines with increased power. But such flagships, as well as some European companies, have the necessary resources. The pilot project was the opening of a joint venture between the St. Petersburg Saturn plant and the German company Siemens.

Yes, cooperation with distant partners in the field of turbine production is intensifying, which cannot be said about cooperation with close allies. For example, because of this, our manufacturers have practically lost connections with Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkov production associations, which have been supplying components since Soviet times.

However, here too our manufacturers manage to solve problems positively. Thus, at the Rybinsk Turbine Plant in the Yaroslavl region, which produces power plants for ships, they switched to producing their own components to replace those that previously came from Ukraine.

Changing market conditions

IN Lately the demand structure has changed towards the consumption of low-power devices. That is, the production of turbines in the country has intensified, but more low-power units have begun to be produced. At the same time, an increase in demand for low-power products is observed both in the energy sector and in transport. Today, low-power power plants and small vehicles are popular.

Another trend in 2017 is the increase in steam turbine production. This equipment, of course, is inferior in functionality to gas turbine units, but is preferable in terms of cost. For the construction of diesel and coal power plants These devices are purchased. These products are in demand in the Far North.

In conclusion, a few words about the industry's prospects. According to experts, the production of turbines in Russia will increase by 2021 to 1,000 products per year. All the necessary prerequisites are provided for this.

On October 24, Russian Gas Turbines LLC, a joint venture of GeneralElectric, Inter RAO Group and United Engine Corporation OJSC, opened a plant in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, for the production, sale and maintenance of gas turbines of type 6FA (6F.03).

The first two units, intended for delivery to enterprises of OJSC NK Rosneft, will be assembled in 2015. The maximum production capacity of the enterprise will be up to 20 gas turbine units per year, which will satisfy the demand for highly efficient power units for projects combined production thermal and electrical energy.

In the Russian Gas Turbines project, General Electric owns a 50% stake, Inter RAO Group and UEC each have a 25% stake.
Investments of participants in the creation and development of production amount to 5 billion rubles.

2. But they say that they don’t produce anything in Russia. Even sanctions did not affect this project.

3. Officials arrived to get acquainted with the enterprise and start production.

4. They were given a tour of the enterprise.

5. Official opening on an improvised stage in the factory workshop.

6. General Director of Russian Gas Turbines LLC Nadezhda Izotova. She stated that she expects to increase the localization of domestic components to 50% within five years, and Ron Pollett added that perhaps up to 80%. It follows from this that soon turbines will consist of 80% Russian materials, which involves the creation of new jobs and enterprises in Russia.

7. Nadezhda Izotova, Chairman of the Board of JSC Inter RAO Boris Kovalchuk, President and CEO of GE in Russia Ron Pollett.

8. Governor of the Yaroslavl region Sergei Yastrebov.

9. The production of the 6FA gas turbine in Russia is a unique example of cooperation in the field of advanced technologies in power engineering.

10. The 6FA turbine is a high-tech product whose combined cycle efficiency is more than 55%.

11. The 6FA turbine is distinguished by high reliability, compactness, and the ability to operate on different types fuel, including in harsh climatic conditions, which determines the widespread use of 6FA in power generation, district heating and industrial cogeneration.

12. Thanks to Russian Gas Turbines, Rybinsk, the second largest city in the Yaroslavl region, is becoming a center of world-class gas turbine construction.

13. The construction of the plant opens up great prospects for the development of the region. The Rybinsk Aviation Technical Academy will become the supplier of personnel for Russian Gas Turbines. The company's staff will be about 150 people, 60 of whom have already started work. GE donated expensive equipment to the university to train students, which can be used to model turbines in detail and make more accurate calculations.

14. Fleet of forklifts.

15. Assembly shop of the plant.

16. The opening of the plant will help create new jobs and increase the prestige of the engineering profession.

17. At the initial stage, the annual production volume will be 14 units. The plant has already started assembling the first turbine.

On October 24, the Russian Gas Turbines LLC plant opened in Rybinsk. This is a joint venture between General Electric, Inter RAO Group and United Engine Corporation OJSC for the production, sale and service of 6FA type gas turbines.

In this project, General Electric owns a 50% share, Inter RAO Group and UEC each have a 25% stake. Investments of participants in the creation and development of production amount to 5 billion rubles. But before the grand opening, I arrived at the plant in end of August, see how the control assembly of the first turbine is progressing. We will start with this beauty.

1. The rotor comes vacuum packed. It is already balanced and prepared for installation. You just need to take it and put it in the turbine.
2. The turbine itself, of course, is a work of art.
3. Look at the girl who modestly peeks out from behind part of the body.
4. Now this is just an assembly. But in the future, the share of Russian components will be increased to 50% with the prospect of up to 80%.
5. K next year Two pilot units will be assembled and supplied to enterprises of OJSC NK Rosneft.
6. The body is incredibly beautiful, of course. There is something here that catches your eye.
7. Turbine efficiency in the combined cycle reaches more than 55%.
8. The plant will have a staff of about 150 people. There are currently 60 working.
9. After reaching its design capacity, the plant will produce 20 units per year. 10. But at the initial stage it is planned to produce only 14.
11. Turbine blade. Holes - cooling.
12. Emergency shower.
13. Turbine painting shop and test bench.
14. Now let's fast forward to October and open the plant.
15. A very pleasant music program.
16. The official photographer looks at dervishv as... just a photographer :)
17. I settled in well.
18. Officials inspect the plant and turbine.
19. Guests and journalists are waiting for the opening ceremony.
20. m... bow :)
21. Incredibly beautiful GE logo.
22. Correspondent for a local TV channel.
23. Important people.
24. Camera gimbal.
25. Fellow photographers are filming the opening ceremony.
26. Approximately this is the frame. General Director of Russian Gas Turbines LLC Nadezhda Izotova, Chairman of the Board of JSC Inter RAO Boris Kovalchuk, President and CEO of GE in Russia Ron Pollett, Deputy General Director of the Rostec State Corporation Dmitry Shugaev, CEO JSC United Engine Corporation Vladislav Masalov and Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Sergei Yastrebov solemnly opened the plant.
27. But the most beautiful part is the rotor.
28. You could look at him for a very long time.
29. While the press approach is underway... we are studying the rotor.
30. Already prepared part of the body.
31. No, well, mimimi! :)
32. And this is also beauty.
33. And the RGT employees did not waste time. Remember the girl from frame No. 3? :) They arranged the opening of the plant once again for themselves.
34. Meanwhile, the housing of the second turbine is mounted on the vertical assembly berth. Next, it will be lowered into a horizontal position, halved, and the filling will be mounted.
35. And the assembly of the third has already begun.
36. Frame for turbine. It is assembled as a separate self-sufficient element, where almost all the wiring and electronics are mounted. The opening of the plant brings new jobs to the city. Future engineers will also study here. The city itself, in which two factories for the production of turbines already operate, is becoming world-class gas turbine construction.

A gloating article appeared in the Western press that the construction of new power plants in Crimea was actually stopped due to Western sanctions - after all, it’s as if we forgot how to make turbines for power plants ourselves and bowed to Western companies, which are now forced to curtail their operations due to sanctions supplies and thereby leave Russia without energy turbines.

“The project envisaged that turbines manufactured by Siemens would be installed at the power plants. However, in this case, this German engineering company risks violating the sanctions regime. Sources claim that in the absence of turbines, the project faces serious delays. Siemens officials have always said that they do not intend to carry out supply of equipment.
Russia studied the possibility of purchasing turbines from Iran, making changes to the project to install turbines Russian production, as well as the use of Western turbines previously purchased by Russia and already located on its territory. Each of these alternatives poses specific challenges, leaving officials and project leaders unable to agree on how to move forward, sources say.
This story demonstrates that, despite official denials, Western sanctions still have a real impact. negative impact on Russian economy. It also sheds light on the decision-making mechanism under Vladimir Putin. It's about about the tendency of high-ranking officials, according to sources close to the Kremlin, to make grandiose political promises that are almost impossible to implement."

"Back in October 2016, company representatives at a briefing in Munich reported that Siemens excludes the use of its gas turbines at thermal power plants in Crimea. We are talking about gas turbines that were produced in Russia at the Siemens gas turbine technology plant in St. Petersburg, which was put into operation in 2015. The shares in this company are distributed as follows: Siemens - 65%, Power Machines - beneficiary A. Mordashov - 35%. gas turbines 160 MW, and the contract signed in the spring of 2016 specifies a thermal power plant in Taman."

In fact, it so happened that since the times of the USSR, the production of gas turbine units for power plants has been concentrated at 3 enterprises - in what was then Leningrad, as well as in Nikolaev and Kharkov. Accordingly, with the collapse of the USSR, Russia was left with only one such plant - LMZ. Since 2001, this plant has been producing Siemens turbines under license.

“It all started in 1991, when a joint venture was created - then still LMZ and Siemens - to assemble gas turbines. An agreement was concluded on the transfer of technology to the then Leningrad Metal Plant, which is now part of OJSC Power Machines. The joint venture assembled 19 turbines over 10 years. Over the years, LMZ has accumulated production experience so that it can learn not only to assemble these turbines, but also to manufacture some components independently. Based on this experience, a licensing agreement was concluded with Siemens. for the right of production, sales and after-sales service turbines of the same type. They received the Russian marking GTE-160."

It is not clear where the developments that were successfully produced there over the previous 40 years went. As a result, the domestic power engineering industry (gas turbine industry) was left broke. Now we have to scour abroad in search of turbines. Even in Iran.

“The Rostec Corporation has agreed with the Iranian company Mapna, which produces German gas turbines under a license from Siemens. Thus, gas turbines produced in Iran according to the drawings of the German Siemens can be installed at new power plants in Crimea.”

In August 2012, our country became a member of the World trade organization(WTO). This circumstance will inevitably lead to increased competition in the domestic power engineering market. Here, as elsewhere, the law applies: “change or die.” Without revising technology and carrying out deep modernization, it will be almost impossible to fight the sharks of Western engineering. In this regard, issues related to the development of modern equipment operating as part of combined cycle gas plants (CCGTs) are becoming increasingly relevant.

Over the past two decades, steam-gas technology has become the most popular in the world energy sector – it accounts for up to two-thirds of all generating capacity commissioned on the planet today. This is due to the fact that in combined cycle gas plants the energy of the burned fuel is used in a binary cycle - first in a gas turbine, and then in a steam turbine, and therefore the CCGT is more efficient than any thermal power plants (CHPs) operating only in the steam cycle.

Currently, the only area in the thermal energy industry in which Russian producers are critically behind the world's leading producers is high power - 200 MW and above. Moreover, foreign leaders have not only mastered the production of a unit capacity of 340 MW, but have also successfully tested and are using a single-shaft CCGT layout, when a capacity of 340 MW and a steam turbine with a capacity of 160 MW have a common shaft. This arrangement makes it possible to significantly reduce the construction time and cost of the power unit.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in March 2011 adopted the “Strategy for the development of power engineering Russian Federation for 2010–2020 and for the future until 2030,” according to which this direction in the domestic power engineering industry receives solid support from the state. As a result, by 2016, the Russian power engineering industry should carry out industrial development, including full-scale testing and refinement on its own test benches, advanced ones (GTUs) with a capacity of 65–110 and 270–350 MW and combined cycle gas units (CCGTs) at natural gas with increasing their coefficient useful action(efficiency) up to 60%.

Moreover, manufacturers from Russia are able to produce all the main components of CCGT units - steam turbines, boilers, turbogenerators, but a modern one is not yet available. Although back in the 70s, our country was a leader in this direction, when supersupercritical steam parameters were mastered for the first time in the world.

In general, as a result of the implementation of the Strategy, it is assumed that the share of power unit projects using foreign main power equipment should be no more than 40% by 2015, no more than 30% by 2020, no more than 10% by 2025 . It is believed that otherwise the stability of the Russian unified energy system may become dangerously dependent on the supply of foreign components. During the operation of power equipment, it is regularly necessary to replace a number of components and parts operating in high temperatures and pressure. However, some of these components are not produced in Russia. For example, even for the domestic GTE-110 and licensed GTE-160, some of the most important components and parts (for example, disks for rotors) are purchased only abroad.

Such large and advanced concerns as Siemens and General Electric, which often win tenders for the supply of energy equipment, are actively and very successfully operating in our market. In the Russian energy system there are already several generating facilities, to one degree or another equipped with the main power equipment produced by Siemens, General Electric, etc. However, their total capacity does not yet exceed 5% of the total capacity of the Russian energy system.

However, many generating companies that use domestic equipment when replacing it still prefer to turn to companies with which they have been accustomed to working for decades. This is not just a tribute to tradition, but a justified calculation - many Russian companies They have carried out a technological update of production and are fighting on equal terms with the world's power engineering giants. Today we will talk in more detail about the prospects of such large enterprises, such as JSC Kaluga Turbine Plant (Kaluga), CJSC Ural Turbine Plant (Ekaterinburg), NPO Saturn (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region), Leningrad Metal Plant (St. Petersburg) , Perm engine-building complex (Perm region).

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