Home Trees and shrubs Pisces horoscope for the end of August

Pisces horoscope for the end of August

As the horoscope for August 2017 assures, at the end of this summer the life of Pisces will be filled with creative emotions. You will decide to sow around you exactly what is commonly called “reasonable, good, eternal”, receiving a feeling of boundless happiness from your creative deeds. And the most important thing is that all the kindness that you share with the world will very soon return to you like a boomerang, saving you from problems, for a long time darkening your existence. In a word, dear Pisces, by your example you will once again prove that every person receives from the Universe exactly what he himself sends into it.

The personal life of Pisces in the finale of this summer will seem to many to be an episode of some beautiful series about love, filmed by a very talented director. If in the recent past your regular partner decided to put your relationship on pause, in August you are destined to finally reunite. Moreover, the other half will tearfully beg you to return everything as it was. You will forgive her all her sins and open the doors of your heart for her again. Will you be able to forget a past insult? Undoubtedly! You will drive her far away from you, contrary to the advice of relatives and friends who will urge you to slightly teach your erring partner a lesson. Pisces, not yet created love union, in August they have every chance to get rid of mental loneliness. Your acquaintance with a new passion will occur under very mysterious circumstances (it is possible that you will help this person get rid of some problems by showing your inherent mercy). It will soon become clear that both these troubles and your appearance at the most necessary moment were dictated from above (you and your new partner will decide that you are two particles of a single whole, two halves that have been looking for each other for a long time).

As for work and financial matters, this aspect will not cause Pisces the slightest worry. If you work at an enterprise, you will add a number of new qualities to your job description. You will increasingly help your colleagues, spending your precious time, and for some of them you will turn into a real guardian angel. By helping this person complete some emergency project, you will not pursue selfish interests. However, “selfish interest” will appear on its own, whether you want it or not. Immediately after you save your colleague from problems, he will share with you his brilliant idea (it is this project, which from now on you will develop through joint efforts, that will later turn into a “gold mine” for you). Pisces, busy working for themselves, will also do good without breaking away from their main professional occupations. You will notice that one of the employees of your company has become very gloomy, and a little later you will pay for the expensive treatment of one of this person’s relatives. Wanting to thank you, the employee you helped will tell you important secret your main competitor (you can be sure of the reliability of this information).

Like everyone who is used to looking at the world with optimism the world, Pisces in August 2017 will enjoy their good health. At the same time, you should not forget that you should periodically give yourself complete rest (preferably alone) so that your nervous system got rid of the overload. Meditation and relaxing baths with aromatic oils will perfectly cope with this task.

Favorable days for Pisces in August 2017: August 3, 6, 11, 20, 25, 29.
Difficult days for Pisces in August 2017: August 8, 16, 22.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces woman

Love horoscope

August 1 - August 10. During this decade, due to the accumulation of personal planets, it will be difficult for you to pay attention to anything other than work. Ideal if you and your loved one work together. Then time pressure will only bind you more tightly and your feelings that arose earlier will only get stronger.

August 11 - August 20. A true friend and patron will appear in your life. If deep down in your soul you realize that this person is yours, then you will not hesitate and tempt fate, but immediately show your true attitude to him. He may suggest starting life together, and without thinking twice you’ll agree, even if you’ve known him for almost a week.

August 21 - August 31. The third decade will force you to pay attention to the person from your environment. You knew him before, but only now with some sixth sense do you feel that he has been partial to you for a long time, although he will never admit it. Due to the position of Mars, you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of flirting a little with a fan and will quickly feel that his passion for you is not a figment of your rich imagination.

Romantic date. Love in August can overtake you at work. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to meet with your chosen one except in the office, try to make sure that no one finds out about your dates - this is in your own interests.

Family horoscope

You will be immersed in household chores and will do everything free time dedicate to cleaning, cooking, searching for thrift stores and other ways to cut back family budget. True, it’s unlikely that anyone will appreciate your efforts. Most likely, your relatives will believe that working for the benefit of the family is your normal state. And in principle, you should have no other desires. You'll want to get more respect and decent treatment to yourself.

The secret of happiness. Most month you will spend a lot of energy on the bustle of your home. You should stop and think - is it worth it to work so hard? Don't spend money on unnecessary things.

Holiday horoscope

Pisces are not the biggest workers of the Zodiac, but in August you will outdo even your antipodes Virgo, as you will declare that rest is a change of activity. And indeed, after work week you can enthusiastically work in the country and also do household chores.

Place of power. You will be happy to stay at work longer than usual and also help your colleagues who are lagging behind. A purely Japanese respect for work will awaken in you, so you will be pleased to be in a place where you will observe coordinated activity.

Horoscope of work and money

You will develop good relationships with colleagues, you will want to learn more about them, maybe you will even start to support someone friendly relations, spend time together after work. Your bosses will treat you generally well, but will point out that you need to be more ambitious.

Purchase of the month. Do you dream of high quality household appliances, devices that will help you cope with household chores. Allow yourself this luxury and relieve yourself a little.

Horoscope health

This month you will be able to do a lot of useful things. For example, quit smoking or go on a diet and even manage to lose weight. Moreover, the reason will not be the desire to attract someone’s attention. You will transform yourself only because you want to be attractive to yourself. Try not to deviate from your chosen path.

Horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces men


Your Pisces lover may have an office romance. It's good if you work with him, but if not, your life may be spoiled by doubts and suspicions. Track his returns, invent a bunch of household chores for him, tell him that you simply cannot cope without his help. You can even refer to your bad feeling, your partner is a rather compassionate person and will not allow himself to offend his beloved woman by cheating, but at least She's still unwell.


Your loved one will be very interested household, garden. If you share his hobby, then you will spend all weekends in stores and in the garden beds, and your hard worker will enthusiastically dig into the ground and grow an unprecedented harvest, the subject of his pride.


Your partner will work hard and save a lot of money by managing the family budget correctly. You should support it in every possible way, as all this will save you a lot of money - both now and in the future.


He will begin to show interest in his health, read literature devoted to maintaining good physical shape, study various diets, “get his family hooked on natural foods,” healthy eating.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces child

0–6 years. Your Pisces baby will be your most important and most hardworking assistant. You can safely entrust him with wiping the dust, putting away the dishes or even washing the floors, he will do everything with enthusiasm and pleasure.

7–12 years old. Little Pisces will want to feel what it is like to make money. You can play a little in the profession - and pay for some of the child’s work around the house. But it’s even better to negotiate with one of your friends or neighbors so that your child has the complete illusion of real work from a stranger.

13–17 years old. A Pisces teenager will cause you anxiety - during active growth The child is likely to develop some health problems. You can visit doctors, spend a lot of time on his well-being and examinations. Now is a good time for such actions.

Pisces will not have time to rest in August. A lot of things and worries fall on their shoulders. This is the richest month for astrological events, therefore, even while resting, you need to turn on your head and control what is happening around you.

At the beginning of August, Pisces may want to be alone with themselves. Depression and feelings of loneliness are possible. That's why the best option Would you like to relax and get some rest, take some time for yourself? Make it for yourself.

By the middle of the month, incomprehensible events and confusion in life are possible; the main thing is to calm down and trust your inner voice.

At the end of August, due to solar eclipse, it is best to avoid all kinds of important decisions and contracts.


IN last month summer, Pisces should pay attention to their health, especially if you have any chronic or cardiovascular diseases, keep an eye on it.

Try to avoid drinking alcohol and other alcoholic beverages. It’s best to switch to a healthy diet and try to find harmony with yourself and your body.

Towards the end of August, refrain from surgical or cosmetic interventions. Try to be less nervous and don't take everything to heart.


Pisces' love life will be unstable in August, so control your emotions and try to be more stress-resistant. During the period of eclipses, do not have much hope for new acquaintances or romance. August is not the best best month for love and infatuation.

If you have a young man and you live together, then the stars promise you peace and comfort in your home. In August, you will be especially tender and caring towards your partner. It is possible that your family life will be released to everyone, so try not to believe gossip and rumors.

As for relations between relatives, everything will be wonderful here. You will see each other a lot and communicate with each other.


In terms of money and finances, August will be very successful for Pisces. Money will come to you regularly, additional income is possible. If you lent someone a large amount of money, then perhaps they will pay you back. At the end of the month, try not to buy too expensive things, as in the end you may find out that you don't really need them. Try not to spend your previously saved money unnecessarily. As for robots, unusual and creative projects await you.

Pisces are spending this summer in a triumphant mood. August 2017 will truly be a productive period for many areas of your life (including finance, your career, and everything that is commonly called your personal life). And the most paradoxical thing is that these August victories will come to you effortlessly, as if by will happy occasion. At first it will be difficult for you to believe that fate can be so favorable to you, but soon you will get used to receiving countless gifts from it. From this it follows very important advice, dear Pisces! When receiving all these gifts, please do not allow yourself to become infected with star fever! Yes, Fate will be very generous to you, but, seeing the “narcissism” coming from you, it will demand that you return everything back (so is it worth losing all these benefits through your personal fault?).

Now about what gifts of Fate and at what specific moment you will receive. The first and main present awaits you in the interpersonal sphere. The person you longed to conquer in the past will finally notice your existence on this planet. Furthermore, he will not just cast an interested glance in your direction, but will also take a big step to get closer to you! Of course, for many, your quickly created love union will cause envy, anger, and extreme jealousy. Just don’t allow yourself to respond to all the provocations coming from envious people! These people are just waiting for you to show your new passion all your bad parts. best qualities. Instead of being indignant and responding with aggression to aggression, enjoy communication with your new chosen one (or chosen one). Moreover, this person will need love no less than you (that is, your loneliness will definitely brighten each other up).

Pisces who have already gotten married will receive gifts of a different kind from Fate in August 2017. If your couple has had any problems in the past with conceiving offspring, at the end of the summer you will meet a highly qualified doctor, and he will give you a chance at motherhood (fatherhood). If problems with procreation are completely irrelevant for your married couple, communicate more often with your parents (or distant relatives). Having shown good attitude to one of them, you and your significant other will hear sensational news (a relative touched by your attention will announce in the presence of other members of your family that he will bequeath his entire impressive fortune to your married couple). Of course, you will not get it here and not now, but even the prospect of having such an enviable inheritance in the future will make you very, very happy.

In August 2017, as already noted, you will generally receive a lot of very pleasant news, and one of them will concern the dismissal of your eternal opponent from the current position. You will scold yourself that you can’t rejoice at someone else’s misfortune, but you still won’t be able to hide your joy from such news. Around mid-August, the colleague you hate will leave his post, and you will immediately take this vacant chair. At this very moment, you should remember the important advice you read at the beginning of the horoscope for August. Remember the risk of contracting star fever? So here it is. If from the first days of your stay in new position announce to everyone that you are now head and shoulders above the rest of the team; you won’t be able to stay in this position for long. Why? The reason for this is the intrigues that your offended colleagues will build. Appreciate what you have, dear Pisces, and instead of making new enemies, enlist the unlimited support of your work team!

In August 2017, Pisces will re-evaluate life values, as a result of which completely different priorities will appear. In the last month of summer, Pisces will want to try to live differently, see what they could only hear about before, taste life, and this will be quite possible. We can say that for the first time in their lives, Pisces will put personal interests first and begin to fulfill their secret desires and cherished dreams. The first thing they will do is take a vacation and book a ticket to a resort or buy a ticket to a dispensary. Pisces, in general, do not know how to live for themselves, but now they urgently need to unwind, throw off this burden of self-sacrifice, have a good rest and pamper themselves with everything they have enough money for.

During the first ten days of August 2017, Pisces will enjoy a carefree life, where there are no responsibilities, problems or assignments. There is only relaxation, communication, acquaintance, entertainment and spa treatments. At some point you may feel like you are in heaven. Even if everything seems unreal to you or as fragile as a house of cards, you shouldn’t break it or spoil your mood prematurely. Enjoy your vacation, enjoy new sensations and impressions. During this period, Pisces will be able to open up and learn a lot of new things. Don't be afraid of change, be open and confident in your abilities. The stars advise Pisces not to take everything to heart and not to experience every minor trouble as a whole tragedy. You tend to exaggerate, but not now. Look at the world with different eyes, go on a trip, see how other people live and how you could live. The only thing that will help you overcome your innate timidity is a frequent change of environment. If possible, make sure that every day something new and more interesting awaits you. And remember that the author of the script of your life is you and no one else. Only you have the power to change the course of events to the one you want. It depends on you what will happen tomorrow. And remember, if you cannot change a circumstance, change your attitude towards it. You are omnipotent. Take advantage of this. Even if your trips have nothing to do with resorts, try to follow the example of other people and learn from them to enjoy life.

Some representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, in the second ten days of August 2017, due to current circumstances, will not be able to quit their jobs and will work throughout this period, although not always at their workplace. Most of them will travel on business trips, to advanced training courses and to other cities in order to expand the sales market. The beneficial influence of Uranus on the professional sphere of Pisces’ life will help you achieve the desired results and implement everything that was planned. A little more courage and initiative, and you can take the reins of power into your own hands. During this period, you will develop remarkable organizational and leadership abilities; you will easily be able to organize and lead a team. These qualities will be noticed and adequately appreciated by higher authorities. So, a promotion and a good monetary reward await you ahead. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion at a collective meeting and make your own proposals for improvement. Believe me, almost everyone present will support you. You need to believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities. And to do this, you just need to take the first step and stop being embarrassed by the public. Good luck in all matters is guaranteed to you. So don't guess or doubt. Go boldly forward without looking back.

In the third ten days of August 2017, the favorable location of Venus will help lonely representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign meet their soulmate. They will fall madly in love and will be capable of the craziest acts for the sake of their object of adoration. Family Pisces At the end of the month, absolute harmony, sincere and deep feelings, complete mutual understanding and trust await. Although, sometimes outbreaks of wild passion will dilute this idyll and quiet haven with notes of jealousy and passion. You can be calm, your feelings will not fade away, and your loved one will surround you with care and attention. You can relax and have fun. Although it wouldn’t hurt for you to give your lover pleasant surprises from time to time. At the end of August, the stars strongly recommend that Pisces forget for a while about their daily worries and affairs, take a break from the hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of beauty and exciting things. You will want to start living again and radically change your usual lifestyle.

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