Home Vegetables Scenario presentation of the profession "Social worker" (grades 7-9). Presentation on the topic: "Social worker: a servant of two masters" Boyko Ivan, Faculty of Psychology, midnight improvisation. Sample presentation on social worker

Scenario presentation of the profession "Social worker" (grades 7-9). Presentation on the topic: "Social worker: a servant of two masters" Boyko Ivan, Faculty of Psychology, midnight improvisation. Sample presentation on social worker

  • Social work is a professional activity in organizing assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups in difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration. In its most general form, social work is a complex social phenomenon, an independent field of scientific and practical knowledge, a profession and an academic discipline.

  • The goals of social work are related to maintaining the personality of the client, and the tasks of social work vary depending on the areas of social practice, the nature of the problems of clients, the socio-psychological characteristics of clients, and the conditions of a particular society.

  • On October 1, we celebrated the International Day of Older Persons. Every year its importance grows in Russia. This is due to public recognition and respect for the older generation.

  • In total, the Russian holiday of family, love and fidelity, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, was celebrated for the third time, and we have already managed to appreciate its special poetry and began to comprehend the deep meaning. To get to the very essence here, of course, no one is given. Many couples do this all their lives, which, perhaps, is happiness. Family. Marital. Higher. It is never given to one, but only to two.

Let mom hear, let dad come

Being good parents is not an easy job, but adoptive parents are doubly difficult

Learn to manage emotions

Mood variability, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism are noted as common features of adolescence.

Fingers help you speak

Only finger gymnastics is one of the areas for the development of fine motor skills in children.

Caress my mother, the sun,

To ignite a tired heart.

Let the gray hairs thaw - break through

Primrose of noisy hair.

My slow wind is fine,

Smooth out the years on her face.

To make mom younger

And fun - fun again.

Bird, sing! Smile, sun!

Life, do not hide your bounty! ..

If youth does not return to her -

Let old age come later.

(Yuri Pashkov)

  • "Introduction to the specialty. Social work "-Pavlenok P.D., Kukanova E.V., Shapovalov V.K.
  • Lectures on the subject - introduction to the specialty
  • Internet

Elena Koroleva
Scenario for the presentation of the profession "Social worker" (grades 7-9)

methodical development

educational work in 9th grade


Career guidance and professional self-determination

Profession presentation

« Social worker» (1slide)

Cl. head 9 class GBOU SOSH p. N. Kutuluk - Koroleva E. O.

1 leading - A long time ago

In one wild forest lived- were:

Yaga is a prominent and portly woman,

At that time, fashionable among evil spirits,

2 leading - Koschei Vampirovich the Immortal -

The man is rich, but harmful,

1 leading - Yes, Antipka-Leshachok-

fluffy man,

In appearance - morel, but nimble.

2 leading - They lived - did not grieve,

Befriended each other

So from fairy tale to fairy tale they were famous,

Yes, trouble came - they grew old.

Yaga - Oh, one daring fellow

Turned out to be such a trickster

He made me lie down on a shovel

Yes, I put it in the oven!

Koschey. I haven't had teeth for a long time

I don't eat meat or beans.

I was emaciated, poor fellow, so -

Only one bone left!

1 leading - And Leshak Antipka

Weak became so flimsy,

Dilapidated and overgrown with moss.

Here is the question.

Yaga. Who would warm us, pity us?

Would you feed us, wash us, heal us?

Goblin. - Oh, don't talk, godfather!

So there was no mind

And now quite jelly:

Here from here to here.

(Points to his head.)

Baba Yaga. - No, you, godfather, me Listen:

I have a flutter in my chest,

And inside such an ache,

What - God forbid!

Koschey. - I'm gurgling right here!

But he was once cool!

I was emaciated in a love race

Dried up - more beautifully put in a coffin.

(to the motive of the famous "homeless" song). - 1

Together. – Forgotten - abandoned

We are old,

And no one loves us

Happiness - we have no share!

Goblin. - He was a foolish little

Yes, I was funny!

Oh, where have you gone

All my joy?

Koschey. “Where are you, old power?”

Where is the sparkle of the eyes?

Baba Yaga. - Oh, don't tear my soul

With his howl, Koschey!

Together. - Here I will die in the wilderness

I'm alone

And no one will know

Where is my grave.

2 leading - Here they sit, sad,

They pity each other's fate.

Look, someone is making his way through the thicket.

We took a closer look…

Yaga. - Yes, this is Kikimora Bolotnaya -

Wicked Witch!

Goblin. - She herself is well-fed and well-groomed,

It looks like a polished ruble.

Koschey. “But she turned five hundred years old in the spring.

Yaga. - You tell, tell us, Zelenaya, -

Why are you so chill?

Koschey. - Who warmed you, took pity on you?

Goblin. - Feed, washed, healed you?

Kikimora. - Oh, I was also abandoned,

Overgrown with moss and mud!

But I learned from Magpie a message,

What in the world is such a service there is:

That special service

called " Social".

Yaga. - Tell us in friendship -

What is this service?

Goblin. - Are they accepted as a clerk there?

Koschey. - Al is hired as a soldier?

Kikimora. - Oh, not that, not that at all!

This is a service to help those

Who toils under old age,

Needs help.

Avon, I'm alive!

Goblin. - Here, back and forth, things!

Never heard of such a thing.

Kikimora. Yes, you are completely wild!

So be it, I'll tell you the way

To social threshold.

(Approaching the door with the inscription "Social Security")

Kikimora. - The director will receive you here,

Svet Sergeevna's name is.

What backed up in fright.?

We are with Sergeyevna's friend!

Song: There is many different professions ... - 2

(on the motive of how not to have fun now)

There is many different professions,

But it's just not more important

How social worker, -

Our unequivocal answer.

Every day it Work,

Forgetting about yourself -

Constant care

About Russian society.

Pap pap paparap pap

Director. We respect the elderly

And we know your problems.

Now you are all counted

We will register.

You will get along with us

If you pay money.


Goblin - (scratching the back of his head, puzzled).

You need money - that's the attack.

Al Immortal rob?

He has them - a dime a dozen!

Tea is not enough.

Goblin reaches for Koshchei's purse. He hits him on the arm.

Director. - Where is Alena? There are things.

Ask to come.

(Alena arrives)

Here is Alena the shy

You will have a homemaker:

And bring food

And he will clean up in the hut.

Koschey - (getting more and more excited).

For a girl like this

Do not shake the old days?

I'm rich and lonely

Why am I not her husband!

Koschey, trying to stay brave, goes to Alena. But a sharp pain in his back halfway twists him, he almost falls. Alena, Baba Yaga and Goblin rush. to help him.

Goblin. - Are you crazy, Vampire?

Look, how he rushed, shot!

Baba Yaga. What kind of wife is there -

He needs a doctor!

Ek heart twisted -

Rocker all back!

Koshchei is hardly seated on a chair. He sits bent over, groaning.

Director. You will also have a nurse.

Wise not by age

The name is Vasilisa.

Vasilisa, where are you?

Vasilisa (appears in a white coat).

Vasilisa approaches Koshchei, stroking his back. Koschei straightens up, smiling blissfully. The screens move, hiding the heroes.

Leading. And Vasilisa and Alena took

For our green evil:

And washed them, fed them,

Yes, they were cured of evil longing!

(on the motive Fashion changes daily)

I go daily to work,

And as long as there is a white light,

In our house of love and care,

At least one client will be found.

In anticipation of miracles impossible

Every day social worker waiting.

He will feed and put everyone to sleep,

And take a walk on his hands.


Better be people!

Let's respect old age

After all, we will all be.

Happiness in life is to be needed by someone,

Leaving a piece of my soul.

And even though the schedule is scheduled in minutes,

Do not rush to leave the client.

You listen to all their illnesses,

About the neighbor who snores loudly

About the diet, which is more useful than before,

About belching, constipation and gastritis!


What to say, what to say

Better be people!

Let's respect old age

After all, we will all be.

Social work it is the protection of the population and care for the needy,

and, of course, charity, that from words "create" and "good".

on this day in 1701, the Decree of Peter I was issued

about the opening of shelters for the poor, the poor and the abandoned people at the churches.

Under Catherine II there were created:

Houses of care for the poor,

orphan houses,


Homes for the terminally ill

Homes for the insane.

In the surviving archives of the Bor district

first mention of organs social supplies date back to 1943.

The District Council of Deputies - that was the name of the Social Security in those years,

whose main tasks It was:

Appointment of pensions and benefits,

Caring for the disabled and the families of military personnel.

Since January 1986, the head of the district SO was appointed

Iskorneva Valentina Vasilievna,

awarded with a badge "Excellent student social security of the RSFSR» .

In the 1990s, the number of recipients of pensions and benefits increased.

Recalculations of pensions were made manually on wooden accounts.

Only in 1993 in the Bor district social security

received from the region 2 sets of computer equipment.

The ancestor of the entire computer database is

Korostina Svetlana Ivanovna

The terms for assigning pensions and benefits have been reduced from 3 months to 10 days.

At the end of 1997, under the administration of the Bor district, a

Control social protection of the population - USZN.

Under the jurisdiction of USZN - social support of the population.

Now he has 26 people on his staff.

Management provides 80 kinds social assistance.

The USZN is responsible for guardianship and guardianship issues.

over incompetent adults.

This work Organized by an experienced professional work

Selina Lyubov Evgenievna.

She stood at the origins of the creation

Borsky socially-rehabilitation shelter for children and adolescents "Polyanka" located in the village of N-Kutuluk.

In the structure of the Administration of the municipal district of Borsky, Samara Region. there is:

Deputy Head of Administration for social issues,

Committee on family, guardianship and trusteeship,

Department of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports,

Commission on juvenile affairs, - Commission on housing issues.

In 2001, the department of pensions was withdrawn from USZN, which was included in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Since March 2007 acquired the status of a legal entity

TsSO - "Center social services for the elderly and the disabled.

For the convenience of customers, a multifunctional center has been opened in the regional center (MFC).

At social workers CSO is the most diverse Work

and in the case when they serve customers, and when it is necessary to perform a special task. For example, on holidays, deliver gifts to veterans on Victory Day

or survey the living conditions of the older generation.

A social worker is also a lawyer, and psychologist, and propagandist.

Social work as a profession appeared in Russia in 1991,

when the new specialties:

- Social worker,

- social educator and

Specialist in social work.

At present social worker profession is in demand among students.

For this profession there is a century-old history of mercy, kindness and sensitivity.

Education social work in Russia is carried out in 47 specializations,

which can be divided into groups:


- work in a particular social area,

Technology Specializations social work.

Specialties « Social work» study in 200 universities across the country.

preparation social workers carried out in 52 educational institutions.

In the Samara region this is:

Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts

Samara State University - Samara Medical Institute REAVIZ

Togliatti State University of Service

Branch of the Russian State social university in. Tolyatti

Provincial College (Pokhvistnevo, - Samara socially-pedagogical college

Provincial College (Syzran, - Chapaevsky Provincial College.

We have very difficult tasks with you.

Let the 21st century be in the yard,

But in an age of great technical possibilities

In the first place is the person.

In any affairs, problems, undertakings

The first role was assigned to him.

And, meanwhile, and help, and attention,

And everyone needs good support.

The whole sphere is on that social,

To help and advise in time,

Support someone financially

To say a kind word to someone.

Song "Hymn social worker» .

With a difficult fate, more than one million Russians,

Illness chained someone to bed for a long time,

And orphans dream of finding their mothers,

Which did not have time to give warmth and love.


And when suddenly "Thank you, folks!" we hear back

War veterans, old men who fought for us

Young fighters who survived Afghanistan and Chechnya,

And the heroes of Chernobyl - Russia remembers you,

You rightfully deserve a decent life for yourself.

Social worker - there is no harder profession,

We accept someone else's misfortune with all our hearts and souls,

And when suddenly "Thank you, folks!" we hear back

There are no more rewards, the grateful word of a man.

slide 2

The concept of "social worker"

A social worker is a "servant of two masters". On the one hand, he serves people - helping to cope with a specific problem, and this is the helping side of social work; on the other hand, he serves the state by helping its citizens.

slide 3

A necessary component of professionalism in the activities of social workers.

1. The ability to establish the optimal level of identification of social workers with clients 2. Identification is the unity of three components and interrelated components - cognitive, emotional and behavioral; 3. Identification is a unit of consciousness and refers to the dynamic characteristics of a person. 4. The personal qualities of future social workers affect the level of identification with clients. Students who establish the optimal level of identification with clients are characterized by personality traits: awareness of their individual characteristics, which are different from the individual characteristics of other people; respect for oneself and recognition of the value of others; taking responsibility for what is happening; the ability to control one's own emotional state and the emotional state of others, establishing relationships of interaction. 5. Students with a high level of identification are characterized by qualities that prevent the establishment of an optimal level of identification with clients: poor knowledge of their psychological characteristics and their clients, low self-esteem; inability to control one's emotional state; external locus of control; divergence of the main components of the functional state (well-being, activity, mood), a strong psycho-emotional reaction to stress, low performance. 6. Students with a low level of identification are characterized by qualities that hinder the establishment of an optimal level of identification with clients: lack of reflection skills; negative attitude towards clients, inability to control one's emotional state, external locus of control, low activity in the process of professional activity.

slide 4

Types of social services

  • slide 5

    Types of social service institutions:

    1) stationary institutions of social service (boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, special boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, neuropsychiatric boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding schools for children with physical disabilities); 2) social shelters for children and teenagers; 3) social rehabilitation institutions for disabled adults; 4) complex centers of social services for the population; 5) rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities; 6) social adaptation centers for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation; 7) territorial centers of social assistance to families and children; 8) social rehabilitation centers for minors; 9) gerontological centers; 10) centers of social and psychological assistance to the population

    slide 6

    Social worker clients

    Clients of social workers can be: an individual; a family; Group; community of people or organization.

    Slide 7

    Ethical principles of social work

    1) a firm belief in the value, dignity and creative possibilities of each individual; 2) belief in the undoubted right of everyone to have their own opinions and beliefs, freely express and implement them to the extent that this does not infringe on the rights of other people; 3) an unshakable conviction in the inalienable and inalienable right of every person to make his own choice and act on its basis within the framework of a changing and developing, but at the same time stable society. Of particular importance in social work is the process of mutual influence of value systems.

    Or someone who: drags groceries, pays utility bills and performs other tasks for lonely pensioners. goes to old people's apartments, buys food and medicine for them))) (

    What should he? 1. Social workers are obliged to be guided in their activities by the provisions of this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 2. Social workers who are guilty of disclosing information about recipients of social services without their written consent are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. For dishonest performance of their duties, internal regulations, failure to comply with labor protection requirements, failure to comply with labor discipline, social workers shall be liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Social workers are obliged to provide their office mobile phone number for prompt communication of service recipients with it.

    In accordance with GOST R, a social worker must: Provide serviced citizens with food, hot meals, industrial essential goods, medicines according to doctor's prescriptions. Provide first aid: measuring body temperature, applying compresses, mustard plasters. Ensure interaction with institutions of education, healthcare, social services, etc. in order to most effectively provide services to clients. Organize the provision of funeral services. And so on…

    Motivation The motivating factors of labor activity of social workers include: gratitude for their work on the part of clients - 62.8%, the ability to help people - 56.8%, the communicative component of labor - 45.3%, flexible working hours - 43.9 %, provision of a travel ticket - 44.6%.

    Internet to help God, what a difficult profession we have. My head is spinning. I read the discussions and decided that everyone has their own problems. I worked for 16 years when it was easier to start working, well, now they don’t know what to complain about, but what hang services. And everyone is frightened with something. Now they are frightening with re-attestation, if we don’t pass, they will calculate. We need to know some laws, well, do we need this? We are being beaten in the head. Hello, I have been working as a social worker in Moscow for four months already. The salary is 5th category. For me, it turned out to be the most difficult communication with the wards. After all, old people are very capricious. Taken from 6?page=83#comments

    Worked for 4 months. My job was to provide financial assistance to people in need. Created lists and mailed them. Looked at all my life. The work of social the worker is the most ungrateful. Side by side with practically impoverished people, the disabled... I was 19 years old. And to look at such a wrong side of life was just creepy. You have to be a cynic or a really sympathetic and kind person to work in this field.

    About the salary Of course, a social worker is a hell of a job and I know this firsthand because I have been working for 14 years on the service of 6 people and I have to do absolutely everything and wash and make blanks and sew in linen and read newspapers .... a lot of work and we work every day and the social worker's rate is 2300 and with education, here are the officials and think about who goes to work for that kind of money only people with a good heart and there are fewer and fewer of them, and on the contrary, there are more and more old people every year ..

    In our Voronezh region, it’s not better either. The salary has fallen to the minimum, and even minus income, you’ll get 4000 at best, 3800 at worst. And work was added and scribbles too. And in Samara, the salary has become the same certification + harmfulness experience = 8350. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR BENEFICIARIES. AND THEY DEMAND FROM US ADDITIONAL .... FOR SUCH A SALARY THIS IS SIMPLY A FUCKING AGAINST US. NO HONOR, NO CONSCIENCE

    They congratulated the social workers on the holiday, gave the social workers letters and thanks, it would be better if they gave money !!! Who worked for years, they say that there are a lot of these pieces of paper, but what's the point ??. at present, the manager is offered dismissal if the social worker has no education. how do you like this? nothing has been added in Moscow, and this has been going on for many years. Salary Let our government live on this money

    I wrote above about the salary in Moscow, thousands - this salary is harmful + 30% experience (over 5 years) + Moscow pays extra, we call this surcharge "Luzhkov's" at present, the head has offered to dismiss if the social worker has no education. how do you like this? Hooray! Reduced!

    … Every month they only talk about a raise. And when else to deal with them. And we endure working in silence. After all, salary increases are not expected. Do not hope - keep silent. Strike is not about us. So we sit and do not blather. Be afraid and be patient. You can't eradicate slaves and Chaldeans from us. But our profession all over the world is honorable and well-paid and worthy of perception, and society needs officials more than officials. Think about it. If you can still think.

    Salaries of social workers will increase The wages of social workers will increase by more than 2.5 times by 2018, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin promised journalists on Friday before the awards ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian competition for the title of "The best worker of a social service institution."

    June 7 at the MU "Complex Center
    social services for the population"
    held an event dedicated to
    Day of the social worker.

    The event began with a congratulations from the director
    Center ("Director Ulya") - Natalia Naumenko.
    Social workers were awarded
    Diplomas of "working bees" in various
    nominations. It was very unexpected
    interesting and fun.

    At the social worker Valentina
    Troshina this day was an anniversary. Her
    presented flowers, a diploma and a commemorative

    Social department staff
    home care #3 introduced
    comic number "Crow and Fox".
    They once again proved - social
    workers are professionals.

    The festive concert program was continued by employees
    departments of rehabilitation, temporary residence and departments
    for disabled children.

    Departments of Rehabilitation and Temporary Residence
    were awarded a comic commemorative diploma.

    Nobody could hold back the tears when
    Anna Kuzmina is a volunteer participating
    performed a romance in the life of the Center
    "White acacia clusters are fragrant."
    Musical director Irina
    Romanova was awarded a commemorative

    The chairman came to congratulate the social workers
    Committee for Social Protection of the Population Valentina
    Bernardovna Kuznetsova. They heard many kind words in
    your address.

    Those who did not receive diplomas were
    were awarded with commemorative photographs.

    Solemn - concert
    part of the event
    established tradition
    completed the speech
    Anna Kuzmina and Diana
    Sinyavskaya with a song
    Russia is my star.

    Comic event ended
    photo session.

    And such a gift was presented by nature
    to the Day of the social worker in our

    Dear colleagues!
    I wholeheartedly congratulate you
    happy professional holiday
    Happy social worker!
    I wish you not to lose that spiritual
    with which your hearts are filled,
    do not lose faith in people, despite
    for all the problems
    getting in the way of help and
    Do your blessed duty
    with joy and pleasure!
    We have a tough job...
    But our soul is open
    For those who need care
    For those who need protection.
    Questions and problems - without an account,
    And we love our work.
    We have a tough job...
    But people need us!!!
    Director of the MU "Complex Center for Social Services for the Population"
    Natalia Naumenko
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