Home Vegetables Charlotte with frozen black currant. How to bake charlotte with currants. Vanilla charlotte with currants: a recipe in a slow cooker

Charlotte with frozen black currant. How to bake charlotte with currants. Vanilla charlotte with currants: a recipe in a slow cooker

Once upon a time the word "charlotte" for me meant a pie made of bread with a very, very apple filling. Now I, like many others, call any biscuit with a filling: apple, nut, peach, apricot ... berry, charlotte.
Any of these "charlotte" cooks faster than any other homemade baked goods. It is difficult to spoil it and it is not a shame to put it even on a festive table.

Berry biscuit recipe:

How to bake:

Photo 1.

Divide the cooled eggs into whites and yolks. In order for the whites to whip without problems, they must be placed in a dry dish and make sure that no pieces of yolk get into. Chilled egg whites whisk better.

Photo 2.

But the yolks with sugar will beat faster into a thick foam if the container is placed in a water bath.

Photo 3.

Mix half of the whites, whipped yolks with sugar and sifted flour. Stir very gently with a spoon, add half of the remaining whipped whites and mix even more gently until a more or less homogeneous mass. Put in a warm baking dish, the bottom of which, if necessary, grease with vegetable oil.

Photo 4.

Cooking a charlotte with frozen berries is a little more difficult than baking the same biscuit with fresh berries. If the berry is fresh, you can simply put it on a layer of prepared biscuit dough without any preliminary preparation. Frozen berries (in this case, black currants) can be done in two ways. First, take it out of the freezer, defrost it, drain the juice and put it on the dough.

Photo 5.

Or spread it in a thin layer while still frozen. In this case, it is better to put less and not to tighten in baked goods. And in fact, and in another case, the biscuit will turn out to be more "juicy". Not all currants will retain their original shape. But this will not affect the taste of charlotte.
To the berry, you can add either finely chopped nuts, or a pinch of nutmeg, or (as in the photo) a little cinnamon.

Photo 6.

Beat the remaining proteins with a couple of tablespoons of powdered vanilla sugar.

Photo 7.

After the winter, the currants remained in the freezer, so I decided to bake a delicious pie with it. The first thing that came to mind was a charlotte with frozen berries in the oven, this recipe is very popular in our family. And I like it because with minimal effort, and also very quickly, delicious baked goods are obtained. This is what I often bake when guests come unexpectedly or there is simply not a lot of free time.

Charlotte with frozen currants is a real lifesaver for many housewives, I hope, after looking at this step-by-step recipe with a photo, you completely agree with this. I highly recommend baking it if you haven’t tried it before. And instead of currants, you can add other berries or pieces of fruit. Although charlotte with apples is a more familiar combination, for many, this option will also not leave anyone indifferent.


Chicken egg - 5 pieces

Sugar - 240 g

Flour - 190 g

Frozen currants - 50-100 g

Servings: 6-8

Bake 40 minutes in the oven

266 Kcal per 100 g

How to make charlotte with berries

I drive eggs into a mixer container and add sugar. It is not necessary to separate the whites from the yolks, since with prolonged beating, the dough will turn out to be the desired consistency. Beat them with a mixer for 5 minutes at high speed. If the mixer is weak, then double the whipping time.

And at this time I prepare the berries, if they are fresh, then you need to rinse and dry them with a paper towel to remove moisture, and if frozen, take them out of the freezer to defrost a little.

At the end of beating, the dough should be very airy with a fairly dense foam. In no case, there should be no particles of unbeaten yolk, and if so, then continue until it is completely homogeneous. Then I add the sifted flour and mix. It is important to add all the ingredients as indicated if you want the same fluffy pie.

The dough is obtained without lumps, airy with a uniform texture. I grease the sides of the removable form with butter, and put parchment on the bottom. Then I pour in 1/3 of the dough into it, I spread the berries randomly on it.

And pour the remaining dough on top, after which I carefully distribute it over the entire form. I will bake it in a heated oven at 180 degrees.

The time in the oven is at least 40 minutes, sometimes, due to the large number of berries, you have to bake a charlotte for an hour. To understand when it will be ready, 40 minutes after the start of baking, I pierce it in the center with a wooden toothpick, if there is dough on it, wait another 10 minutes and repeat the procedure. From the finished cake, it should come out completely dry, if so, I take it out of the oven, remove the mold, parchment and put it on a dish. Also, the baking time depends on the size of your form, I have it 22 cm in diameter, respectively, if yours is wider, it will bake faster due to the lower height of the cake. When the charlotte has cooled down, you can serve it to the table.

I got such a delicious and fluffy charlotte with frozen berries, and accordingly, following these simple tips, you will also bake an excellent pie. Bon Appetit!

This pie always helps me out when "guests are on the doorstep", the recipe is simple, baked quickly, food is almost always in the fridge.
What could be simpler - fruit filling and dough on top. No frills - everything is simple, almost obscene.
(by the way, this is still a "complex" recipe. I bake the simplest recipe charlot weave, when already "guests have appeared")

In fact, charlotte recipes are apparently invisible, as well as versions of its origin. According to one version, the name "Charlotte" is the result of the unrequited love of a certain cook for a certain poor Charlotte, after whom this dish is named.
But, since we all firmly know that Russia is the homeland of elephants, we can safely say that the recipe for the Charlotte cake was born in our country. Pimerno, at the beginning of the 19th century, a dish called Charlotte Russe appeared. It was invented by the French chef Antoine Karem, who was in the service of Alexander I. So and so.
(something with this chef is not clean - he is credited with creatingvinaigre that , and in general he was a woman, they say ...)

We, although not in the service of the royalty, will still make the pie delicious. (We love delicious food no less than the emperor!)

for Charlotte's recipe we need:

3 chicken eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 glass of sour cream

1 cup flour

1 tsp baking soda

3 medium-sized apples (remove the pits and stalk) Apples are better to take Antonovka, the pie with them turns out to be a masterpiece, but if they are not there, it doesn’t matter, rub ½ lemon zest on the laid out sweet apples, I also take frozen black and red currants, chaotically I throw it on apples, it turns out both colorful and tasty.

Handful of frozen red currants (do not thaw)

Handful of frozen blackcurrants (do not thaw)

Charlotte pie recipe

Egg, beat sugar

Introduce sour cream, beat

We extinguish the soda with vinegar, add to the mixture and beat again

We cut out the core of apples and everything that is superfluous. The apples are ready, it remains to cut them into thin slices. (There is a difference from the traditional "charlotte" recipe - we cut the apples not into slices or cubes, but into flat slices)

Add flour to the dough, beat until smooth.

Pour half of the charlotte dough into a greased dish and place the apples on top of the dough.

Pour the rest of the dough on top and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
We check the readiness with a toothpick - dry - done!

As always, gently turning it over, we remove the product from the mold.
Charlotte can be served without decorating. And even hot!

Charlotte pie is ready! Always so homey, so smart and always delicious!

from visitors' letters about the charlotte pie recipe:

- "... cooked yesterday, added vanillin and cinnamon. It turned out yummy. True, it took about 50 minutes to cook, but it looks like it depends on the oven ..."


- "... it's very simple and tasty, I bake this recipe myself and I advise everyone ..."


- "... I just baked such a cake, super! But I put half a glass of sugar, it turned out to be a moderately sweet charlotte, such a magnificent one, it melts in my mouth))) ..." - "... it is better not to put currants in a charlotte, otherwise it turns out very sour. And this is a good recipe ..."


*** to lay down or not to lay down, put or not put - a matter of taste. but it is better to use more "culinary" terms - add, throw, throw ... ***

Alenka Alenkina

Charlotte is a popular sweet dessert not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. In English cuisine, charlotte is a type of pudding made from white bread dipped in butter or an egg mixture and apples. First, lay out a layer of bread, apples (fresh or boiled with sugar) on it, cover with a layer of bread, bake in the oven and serve the dessert warm with whipped cream or ice cream. In Germany, bread and fruit are complemented with liqueur and custard.

A classic charlotte in Russia is an airy sponge cake filled with fresh apples. There are different baking options; for taste, semolina, cottage cheese, sour cream are added to the dough, for the aroma and color of cocoa, coffee and grated chocolate. Fillings made from fresh fruits, berries, preserves, jam, condensed milk allow you to diversify baked goods and create them with new flavors.

A fragrant and amazingly tasty charlotte with currants turns out. Berries can be used black or red. Cooking a popular dessert with red currants.

Taste Info Charlotte and biscuit


  • Flour (premium grade) - 150 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 170 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Red currant (fresh) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons;
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Butter - 10 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tsp

How to cook a delicious charlotte with currants in the oven

Break the chicken eggs into a large bowl and add sugar.

Beat the egg mixture with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass is smooth.

We send sifted wheat flour of the highest grade to the prepared mixture.

Pour baking soda into a tablespoon, pour in a small amount of vinegar, the soda will begin to foam, after 3-4 seconds we send everything to a bowl with egg mixture and flour. Mix the blank for the dessert until smooth. To prevent the workpiece from settling, mix with a mixer (lowest speed) or a whisk.

We wash the red currants, dry them on a towel and separate the berries from the twigs. To make the cake easily detach from the walls of the dishes after baking, grease the round shape (for beauty, you can take a carved one) grease with softened butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Distribute the red currants to the bottom in an even layer.

Pour the berries with prepared biscuit dough.

We put the dish in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake a fragrant cake for 40 minutes. We check for readiness with a wooden stick (skewer, toothpick), insert in the middle and, if the surface remains dry, the baking is ready. Charlotte with currants in the oven should double.

We take out the fragrant delicious dessert with berries, let it cool, turn it over on a beautiful flat plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and immediately serve with your favorite hot or cold drinks. Bon Appetit!

Cooking tips:

  • You can use fresh lemon juice to extinguish baking soda.
  • The baking soda can be replaced with baking powder, which is mixed with flour.
  • Berries are suitable for cooking fresh or frozen.
  • The pie turns out to be even more flavorful if you mix two types of berries, i.e. cook with red and black currants.
  • When baking, the biscuit dough will never settle if you do not open the oven door for the first 15-20 minutes.
  • The biscuit turns out to be even more magnificent if the whites and sugar are beaten separately from the yolks. Then mix everything with flour, slaked soda and spread over the berries.
  • Grated nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts) and coconut will add a wonderful taste to the pie.

The correct classic charlotte is made with bread and apples, but many different variations have brought this dessert to its current state, using flour and making something like a biscuit dough. However, this was not the end of all the transformations, and a replacement was now found for apples. They began to be replaced by berries and now no one will be surprised by such a recipe as charlotte with black currant.

Time: 40 minutes

Servings: 12

Bringing this recipe to life is much easier than it seems, you just need to try a little and put a little bit of diligence. Charlotte with currants will be ready literally 40 minutes after the start of its preparation. Therefore, it can rightfully be called a quick delicacy.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 1 glass of frozen or white currants;
  • 10 walnuts (for decoration).

Cooking method

This Recipe is very easy to execute, and it is especially good because it can be cooked using it both in winter and in summer, because there is no difference whether fresh or frozen berries were used. Let the recipe be slightly different from the original, but this does not make it worse or better just different.

Cook tasty and bon appetit!

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