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Mystery of History: Ominous Predictions of Monk Abel

Monk Abel is one of the sons of a serf peasant, born at the beginning of 1757 (in some sources the month of birth is indicated as March, in some as April). Abel was born in the village of Akulovka, which at that time was part of the Tula province. His father and mother were peasants of the rich landowner Naryshkin. No one had heard of this family or of Abel until, at the age of 39, he had to meet personally with General Samoilov himself. And it happened like this.

Fateful meeting with the general

Having been a monk for 20 years, Abel wrote prophetic letters, books, etc. For such content of his writings, Abel was very often thrown into prison. It follows that most He spent his life there rather than in his cell.

When meeting with the general, he asked what the fortuneteller prophesied. In response, from Abel, chained and shackled, he heard the chilling news: “The Mother Empress will die on November 6.” The general could not believe his ears and, in response to the monk’s words, ordered him to be exiled to Peter and Paul Fortress. Abel would have sat forever in the castle if his prophecy had not come true. On November 5, Empress Catherine the Great was found in in serious condition, and on November 6 she died. Paul ascended the throne after Catherine. He ordered everyone to be released from prison. Abel was freed along with the rest of the captives.

Rumors about the prophet spread very quickly, and the newly crowned sovereign wished to meet the monk in person. To celebrate, the emperor even kissed the fortuneteller as a sign of such a “joyful” prophecy of Catherine’s death.

Unable to resist curiosity, Paul asked Abel to tell him about his future fate. However, this time the prophet avoided answering, leaving the question open.

The emperor was merciful to Abel and sent him to live and serve in the Nevsky Monastery, where the conditions were quite decent, and the abbot turned out to be kind.

After 12 months, a request was received to transfer Abel to another monastery. The reason given was the following - predictions to brothers in the monastery of the dates of their death and other fables.

Monk Abel predicted the death of Emperor Paul

The emperor ordered Abel to be transferred to the Valamsky monastery. There were very strict rules for the ministry, and Paul hoped that the fortuneteller would no longer engage in “nonsense.” But the emperor's hopes were not justified. In 1800, a draft called “A Terrible Book” arrived from Valam, which was written by the monk Abel. This manuscript was read: first by the Metropolitan, then by the secret chamber, and after that Abel was sent to Petropavlovka.

Prediction for Paul

Pavel ventured to visit the monk personally. That day Lopukhina’s favorite was with him. They went into Abel’s cell cheerful, but came out already scared. The favorite left with teary eyes, and Pavel frowned irritably and knitted his eyebrows.

That night the sovereign could not sleep - he wandered around the rooms in deep thought, sat down to write a message, threw down his pen, sighed heavily, wandered around again, and wrote again. Early in the morning, he personally dropped the epistole into a special secret chest in the hall of the Gatchina Palace, writing on top (literally): “To be revealed to the heir to the throne no earlier than on the hundredth day from the minute of my death.”

From that day on, the courtiers began to notice oddities in the behavior of their master, Pavel often arrived in a state of deep thought, moments of blues came over him, and he began to be afraid of everything, even his own shadow. According to the favorite Lopukhina, it was the prediction of the recluse Abel that made such a strong impression on the emperor because it concerned the death of Paul. And an unnatural death. But this did not save the sovereign from a terrible fate. The conspiracy with the participation of the heir Paul, the eldest son of Alexander, was aimed at murder, which took place on the night of March 12 (old style) 1801.

Abel predicted a war with Napoleon

New predictions for the new ruler

And again the subsequent ruler Alexander I ordered the release of Abel. But the recluse once again could not restrain himself and again composed a prophetic scripture, where he reported about the upcoming war with the Gauls, about the siege and mass fires in Moscow.

Abel predicted that on June 12 (old style) 1812 the king (Napoleon) would come. He will be strong and powerful and will enter the gates of Moscow. He will loot all the churches and a terrible fire will break out, from which the entire city will burn.

The newly elected sovereign did not believe Abel, but just in case, he ordered him to be imprisoned in the Solovetsky prison, they say, let him sit there until the forecasts come true.

The terrible prophecy came true again, and at the beginning of 1813, the old prophet Abel was released. Based on his bitter experience, the monk decides to leave Russia. First the monk went to Jerusalem, and the flood to the Athos monastery. IN last years life, old, exhausted by life and undermined by illnesses, Elder Abel came to his homeland. But before his death, he again predicted that the next to sit on the throne would be the youngest of all the brothers of the heirs, Nikolai Pavlovich (Nicholas the First). And again everything came true, and again everything happened again.

The last imprisonment and death of Abel

The monk also prophesied his death

When Nicholas I became ruler, the predictor Abel was sent to prison. So in captivity Abel not only spent half of his life conscious life, but also met his death. Some sources say that he was killed by a prison guard as punishment for another prediction displeasing the ruler. Other facts claim that Abel was killed by lung disease, dampness, beatings and poor treatment of prisoners. The world did not immediately learn about the death of the predictor.

This happened in 1831. But historical data suggests that Abel died two years before the date indicated in the books.

There is no confirmation of this statement, but history has not preserved accurate data, facts about death, and the cause of death. Only a small entry was found in the casemate books stating that prisoner number so-and-so died. There is no exact information about death and the cause of death.

The monk also prophesied his death. He predicted both his imprisonment and his violent death.

Predicting the future by time period

No one knows for sure how many books with predictions he wrote. Medievalists name at least three, although not a single one of them has survived. Only fragments of references to them remain.

And so it happened. The last ruler of Russia, Emperor Nicholas II, was shot along with his family in own home in 1918. The reign of the Romanov dynasty has come to an end.

Prophecies of Elder Abel about the future of Russia until 2017 (XXI century)

The prophet prophesied the following:

Boris Yeltsin will be in power in Russia, then he will resign, and after that Vladimir Putin will rule. He also wrote about the appearance of a second Boris, called the giant titan. Under his rule, the country will be on the verge of collapse; many disasters will await it. But soon Boris will leave, and in his place a “short man” will appear. Abel also prophesied the appearance of a sovereign ruler who would assume office three times. According to the monk, a century of prosperity and well-being awaits Russia.

Abel wrote about the appearance of the second Boris

Although the monk’s predictions about the time after Putin’s removal are viewed very ambiguously. Abel prophesied that there would be 10 kings, described the image of a faceless sword-bearer who would shed blood and even subject the country to disintegration. There are also references to a man with unclean skin (as history has shown, it is said here about Zyuganov) and “marked” (in whom one can guess Gorbachev).

The monk prophesied difficulties for Russia that would overtake it in the 21st century. He described this period of difficult trials. One of the main figures in the political arena in Russia will be a certain Khromoy, who will hold on to the government chair with all his might. Mentioned in his predictions were the Golden-Haired Lady with three chariots and the “Great Potter,” whose merit would be the unification of the country and the reckoning with all the villains. Experts believe that the monk prophesied, without realizing it, a crisis for Russia, which began in 2017, i.e. all the monk’s prophecies were about the 21st century. There are opinions of some researchers that it is at this time that the end will come military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Abel's predictions about the end of the world

The last predictions of the monk Abel date back to 2892. According to interpreters, this time can be considered the end of the world. Most likely, in his last book, the monk mentioned the coming of the Antichrist. Lines from Scripture tell of the darkness into which the world will fall for a whole thousand years, that all of humanity will turn into a flock, which will be ruled by a certain shepherd. After a thousand and 50 years, all the dead will be resurrected, and living people will change, become renewed, different. All humanity will be divided according to their deeds, according to their sins. Accordingly, some will live forever, and the rest will perish.

Interpretation of Abel's predictions by specialists of the 21st century

A lot of information about the coming times in the world community and Russia as a great state was stored in the security service. Among this information were the prophecies of the monk Abel about Russia and the world for the 21st century.

Some facts became public only during the collapse Russian state. Here are some of them:

Many of the prophecies of the monk Abel came true, some were confirmed in passages. If you continue to believe the prophet, then Russia, starting from the 21st century, will experience hard times. Abel also foresaw a special year in the history of the state - 2024 (XXI century). This year is indicated on the icon of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which is kept in one of the Russian monasteries. It was written according to the monk's predictions. Abel prophesied the ascension of a blessed king to the throne, from the moment of whose reign the greatness of the state would begin. We'll see, time will tell.

Much information about the life of the monk Abel has been preserved, his predictions have been recorded, but who he really was: a skillful swindler or a real soothsayer - we are left to guess. History does not know the exact answer.

He was a prophet who predicted the main events of the 19th and 20th centuries. The seer Abel also predicted the death of the Romanov dynasty.

During the reign of Catherine II, a monk-seer lived in the Solovetsky Monastery, his name was Abel. Abel began to prophesy about the death of the empress. The walls, even the monastery ones, have ears - for his predictions, Abel was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress “under the strongest guard.” After the death of Catherine, who died in exact accordance with Abel’s prophecy, the monk was amnestied by Paul I himself. The Emperor wished to meet with the elder and listen to new forecasts from him. Abel described in detail the death of the emperor, and at the same time the unenviable future of the Romanov dynasty.

"Your reign will be short, and I see your cruel, sinful end. You will suffer martyrdom at the hands of Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants; you will be strangled in your bedchamber by the villains whom you warm in your royal bosom. IN Holy Saturday will bury you... They, these villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will declare you insane, will revile your good memory... But the Russian people with their truthful soul will understand and appreciate you and will carry their sorrows to your tomb, asking for your intercession and softening of their hearts unrighteous and cruel. The number of your years is like counting a beech". (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

The prediction that the Russian people will appreciate Paul I has not yet come true. If a survey were conducted today about the attitude of Russians towards past autocrats, Pavel would certainly be one of the outsiders.

About Alexander I

Abel was released in peace to the Nevsky Monastery for a new monastic vow. It was there, at his second tonsure, that he received the name Abel. But the prophet could not sit in the capital’s monastery. A year after his conversation with Pavel, he appears in Moscow, where he gives predictions to local aristocrats and wealthy merchants for money. Having earned some money, the monk goes to the Valaam Monastery. But even there Abel does not live in peace: he again takes up the pen and writes books of predictions, where he reveals the imminent death of the emperor. Abel is brought in shackles to St. Petersburg and locked up in the Peter and Paul Fortress - “for indignation peace of mind His Majesty.” Immediately after the death of Paul I, Abel was again released from prison. This time Alexander I becomes the liberator. The new emperor warns that he sends the monk to the Solovetsky Monastery, without the right to leave the walls of the monastery. There Abel writes another book in which he predicts the capture of Moscow by Napoleon in 1812 and the burning of the city. The prediction reaches the king, and he orders to calm down the imagination of Abel in the Solovetsky prison.

"The Frenchman will burn Moscow down under Him, and He will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But secret sorrow will become unbearable to Him, and the Royal crown will seem heavy to Him. He will replace the feat of Royal service with the feat of fasting and prayer. He will be righteous in the eyes of God: he will be a white monk in the world. I saw over the Russian land the star of the great saint of God. It burns, it flares up. This ascetic will transform Alexandrov’s entire destiny...". (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

According to legend, Alexander I did not die in Taganrog, but turned into elder Fyodor Kuzmich and went to wander around Rus'.

About Nicholas I

When in 1812 the Russian army surrenders Moscow to the French, and Belokamennaya, as the monk predicted, almost burns to the ground, the impressed Alexander I orders: “Release Abel from the Solovetsky Monastery, give him a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries, provide him with money and clothes.” " Once free, Abel decided not to irritate royal family, but went on a trip to the Holy Places: visited Mount Athos, Jerusalem, Constantinople. Then he settles in the Trinity-Sergeyeva Lavra. For some time he behaves quietly, until, after the accession of Nicholas I, he breaks through again. The new emperor did not like to stand on ceremony, so “for the sake of humility” he sent the monk into captivity in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimovsky Monastery, where in 1841 Abel reposed before the Lord.

"The beginning of the reign of Your son Nicholas will begin with a fight, a Voltairian rebellion. This will be a malicious seed, a destructive seed for Russia. If it weren’t for the grace of God covering Russia, then... About a hundred years after that, the House of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, and the Russian Power will turn into an abomination of desolation"(Prophecies of Monk Abel)

About Alexander II

After Abel's death, his name was not forgotten. TO end of the 19th century century, even a certain cult arose among intellectuals: they wanted to make the monk Abel a Russian Nostradamus. God saved - the letter that Abel gave to Paul I was “waiting in the wings” in the Gatchina Palace. According to the emperor's will, it was to be opened 100 years after Paul's death.

"Your grandson, Alexander II, destined to be the Tsar-Liberator. He will fulfill your plan - he will free the peasants, and then he will beat the Turks and also give the Slavs freedom from the yoke of the infidel. The Jews will not forgive him for his great deeds, they will begin to hunt him, they will kill him in the middle of a clear day, in the capital of a loyal subject with the hands of renegades. Like you, he will seal the feat of his service with royal blood...." (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

About Alexander III

The hundred years expired in 1901. Emperor Nicholas and his family arrived at the Gatchina Palace. According to recollections, they were cheerful and cheerful. However, after reading the letter, Nikolai’s mood seriously worsened.

“The Tsar-Liberator will be succeeded by the Tsar-Peacemaker, his son, and your great-grandson, Alexander the Third. His reign will be glorious. He will besiege the accursed sedition, he will bring peace and order.” (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

About Nicholas II

What I read made Nicholas II think seriously...

« Nicholas II - the holy king, like the long-suffering Job. He will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove-like purity. Scripture testifies about him: Psalms 90, 10 and 20 revealed to me his whole fate. He will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns; he will be betrayed by his people, as the Son of God once was. The Redeemer will be, he will redeem his people - like a bloodless sacrifice. There will be a war, a great war, a world war. People will fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, and begin to destroy each other with foul-smelling brimstone. On the eve of victory, the royal throne will collapse. Treason will grow and multiply. And your great-grandson will be betrayed, many of your descendants will whiten their clothes with the blood of a lamb in the same way, a man with an ax will take power in madness, but then he himself will cry. The Egyptian execution will truly come". (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

About the new turmoil

Perhaps knowledge of fate explains a lot in the behavior of Nicholas II in recent years. His humility before his own fate, paralysis of will, political apathy. The emperor saw his calvary and ascended it. And his fate, like the kings who preceded him, was predicted by the monk Abel.

"Blood and tears will water the damp earth. Bloody rivers will flow. Brother will rise up against brother. And again: fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and an internal enemy, godless power, the Jew will scourge the Russian land like a scorpion, plunder its shrines, close the churches of God, execute the best people Russians. This is God’s permission, God’s anger for Russia’s renunciation of its God-anointed One. Or else there will be more! The Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of tribulation so that people will come to their senses. Two wars, one worse than the other. The new Batu in the West will raise his hand. People between fire and flame. But he will not be destroyed from the face of the earth, for he is satisfied with the prayer of the martyred king.". (Prophecies of Monk Abel)

Monk Abel (in the world Vasilyev Vasily) was born in 1757. He passed away in 1841, leaving behind many prophecies. He made predictions of the main events of the 19th and 20th centuries. Abel predicted the death of the Romanov family, the consequences October revolution, the course of the Great Patriotic War. He was called Nostradamus of Rus'. Not all handwritten documents have survived to this day, but prophecies about the fate of Russia in the 21st century remain.

Monk Abel

Russian Orthodox monk Abel was born in the Tula province, in large family. WITH youth he was engaged in carpentry. After a serious illness, he decided to go to a monastery, for which he did not receive parental blessing. At the age of 28, he took a ransom from his master Lev Naryshkin and secretly left his native place. Leaving his wife and three children, he reached the Valaam Monastery, where he took monastic vows.

In the Nikolo-Babaevsky monastery he wrote his first prophetic book, in which, among other events, he predicted the death of Catherine the Second in 8 months. Then came the prediction of the murder of Paul the First. For his prophecies, he was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned. By order of Nicholas the First, monk Abel was detained and imprisoned in the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal. There he lived out his last years. The monk was buried behind the altar of the St. Nicholas Church of this monastery.

The books have not been preserved in the form they were during the life of the prophet. Numerous fragments remain. Deciphering the surviving materials leaves many questions. Abel's prophecies concerning the October Revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War and modern Russia in the 21st century.

Book of Prophecies

At imperial court At all times there have been clairvoyants and predictors. Abel’s main work was “The Terrible Book.” In it he outlined observations, truths and predictions. Because the events on these pages were not always rosy, the monk spent almost 20 years of his life in the dungeons of prisons and many years in prison in monasteries.

Royal power I tried as best I could to protect the people from communicating with the seer. For the same reason, Abel's manuscripts were mercilessly burned. Only parts of the manuscripts have survived to this day., random excerpts. There are prophecies concerning the end of the world. Abel predicted that in 2896 “the world will come to an end.” According to the prophet, the Antichrist will appear on earth, who will plunge the world into thousand-year darkness. "After 1050 years dead will rise from their graves, and renewal will come. Humanity will be divided into good and evil. The good are destined to live forever, and the evil are destined to sink into oblivion and become dust,” he writes in his book.

Accurate predictions about the end of the world are lost. Historians have only small fragments of this manuscript.

Until now, Abel's predictions have come true. In his handwritten works, he not only indicated the dates of death of the monarchs, but also indicated the cause of the sad events. The monk depicted his visions using intricate pictures that his contemporaries had to decipher.

It is impossible to know whether the predictions about the apocalypse are true. But prophecies about Russia in the 21st century can be compared with current events. Recently another prophecy of Abel became known. He predicted the mass migration of people from their native lands, and assigned Russia the role of the center of the new world. Exact date the events are not indicated, but the mass flight of peoples from the territories of military conflicts is already taking place.

By comparing historical events with prophecies, historians have found that Abel accurately predicted:

  • military coup of 1917;
  • Russia's war with Napoleon and the burning of Moscow;
  • dates of death of monarchs;
  • fall of the Romanov dynasty;
  • The Great Patriotic War.

Historians have not yet been able to decipher the exact meaning of the prophecy, which sounds like this: “The new Batu will raise his hand. But Russian power will rise, Batu will collapse, and will not survive.”

Russia in the 21st century

The main theme of the prophecies about modern events was the saying “And people will leave their lands and go on the run, and the Russian State is destined to become the center of a new world.” According to predictions, troubles in Russia will end when the “chosen one of God” becomes the head of the state, and the soothsayer predicts a three-time reign for him.

The great gift of the clairvoyant was confirmed during his lifetime by the events he predicted. Nobody doubts this now. The course of modern events can be interpreted with some differences. But the essence remains - the elder predicts a great future for Russia.

According to the prophecy, the Russian Federation will be led three times by a short ruler. Abel does not reveal his name prematurely “for the sake of fear of dark power,” but calls him this: “the second Boris, only much more powerful.” Previously, predictions about Boris Yeltsin came true.

Scientists had to collect information bit by bit in order to reveal Abel’s predictions to the world. But many figures in the political arena remain not fully disclosed in the predictions. Abel wrote about a “marked” ruler (M. Gorbachev), and a ruler with unclean skin (presumably Zyuganov). The seer mentions the Lame One, who will try to maintain his power at any cost; about the Golden Lady and the Potter. Who these figures are will probably be revealed by the future.

To date, the meaning of predictions about Russia in the 21st century has not been fully revealed. Predictions of monk Abel for the period from 2017:

  • division of power between 10 rulers (it is possible that the collapse of the state into separate entities is predicted);
  • the appearance on the political arena of a faceless sword-bearer who will shed a lot of human blood (he will also provoke the collapse of the country);
  • the steering wheel of power will be in the hands of a green-eyed native of the swamp;
  • a long-nosed man who will be hated by the people will gather an army of millions of defenders;
  • a maiden with golden hair will drive three chariots;
  • Chaos and troubles will be defeated by “Gonchar” when the reins of power belong to him.

There is an opinion that 2017 will mark the beginning of dramatic changes in the history of the state.

The word “crisis” is not mentioned in the manuscripts, but Abel writes that difficult trials await Russia. The end of this period is predicted to be the end of 2017. Many of the events are still ahead, and the future will show whether the prophecies will come true.

The image is associated with the president Russian Federation. The prophet predicts that under the rule of V.V. Putin, Russia is destined to become a great power and center Orthodox faith. The elder did not give a name in his predictions, allegedly out of fear of dark forces.

Abel wrote that under the reign of the Titan, “a great destiny is destined for Russia.” In his writings, the monk calls Putin “God’s chosen one,” who has the power to stop the troubles in the country, bring light, and “his name is destined threefold for the history of Russia.”

Abel also mentions that there will be two impostors, but they will not be able to sit on the royal throne, since they are not “messengers of God.” But they will break through to power and rule, although not at the head of the state. The future is depicted as a time of trials that will lead to prosperity. The elder does not reveal the name of the future savior of Russia.

The prophecies found can be interpreted differently, and time will tell whether they will come true with accuracy. A fact that is difficult to argue with is that President V.V. Putin really did everything to recognize Russia as the center of Orthodoxy and became a powerful figure in history.

The meaning of the number in Abel’s drawings - 2024 - has not been fully deciphered. What will happen this year, humanity will be able to find out quite soon.

Abel, the famous monk, nicknamed “The Prophetic”, who predicted the fall of the Romanov dynasty, still remains a very mysterious person. How did he make his predictions and, most importantly, what remained unknown to us, our descendants? Does Russia have a happy future, or...

Abel, known as Vasily Vasiliev, was born in 1757 in the village of Akulovo, Tula province, into the family of a horse-farmer. At the age of 19, he left home, wandered throughout Great Rus' for 9 years, and in the fall of 1785 he humbly asked the abbot of the Valaam Monastery to allow him to live in the monastery. After living for a year in the monastery, Abel asked the good abbot, Abbot Nazarius, to go “to the desert,” settling as a hermit in a monastery.

Various temptations overcame Abel in the monastery, and at the age of 30, after a mysterious vision, he received the gift of prophecy and set out on a new journey “to tell and preach the mysteries of God.” For another 9 years he wandered around the world and finally stopped at the St. Nicholas Monastery in the Kostroma province. In the monastery he wrote “a book of wisdom and wisdom, in which it is written about the royal family.” The abbot of the monastery was seriously frightened and immediately sent Abel, along with his book, to Kostroma, to the spiritual consistory.

Archbishop Paul was even more frightened than the rector - after all, the book said that “Empress Catherine the Second will soon lose this life and her death will happen suddenly.” The fortuneteller, shackled, away from sin, was sent to St. Petersburg under strict escort.
In St. Petersburg, during interrogations, Abel humbly answered Chief Prosecutor Samoilov: “I was taught to write this book by the One who created heaven and earth, and everything in them...” Samoilov was especially interested in two questions: “Question 1. What did you dare to say in the book his own, as if he were a fallen emperor Peter III from your wife? Question 2. Why did you include in your book such words that especially relate to Her Majesty, namely, “Akiba’s son will rise up against her” and so on, and how did you understand them?” To which the seer humbly responded: “For this is what God revealed to me.” They reported to the empress. But she, who did not tolerate mysticism, did not want to meet the prophet and ordered him to be imprisoned forever in the Shlisselburg fortress.

The prisoner spent 10 months and 10 days in a secret cell - until the death of the empress. In the casemate, he learned the news that shocked Russia, which he had known about for a long time: on November 6, 1796, at 9 o’clock in the morning, Empress Catherine II suddenly died. Exactly to the day, as the prophetic monk predicted.

Emperor Paul, having ascended the throne, immediately summoned Abel. Having removed those close to him, Paul “with fear and joy” asked to bless his reign, and also asked Abel “what will happen to him?” The Life is silent about Abel’s answer. Perhaps, taught by bitter experience and not wanting to go back to the dungeon, Abel kept silent about something, since Paul ordered Abel to be settled in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and to be provided with everything he needed.

After living for a year in the Lavra, Abel did not calm down, he went again to Valaam, where he wrote new book, “like the first one is also more important.” Once again, the frightened abbot reported to St. Petersburg. The book was delivered to Paul I. It contained a prophecy about the imminent violent death of Pavel Petrovich, about which during a personal meeting the monk either prudently remained silent, or there was no revelation to him yet. It is even indicated exact date death of the emperor. On May 12, 1800, the angry Pavel ordered the ill-fated Abel to be imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress, in the Alekseevsky Ravelin, where he again spent 10 months and 10 days - until Pavel suddenly died “from a blow.” Emperor Alexander, having ascended the throne, immediately sent the ill-fated soothsayer to Solovki.

But even here the restless monk could not calm down. In 1802 On Solovki, Abel writes the third book, “in it it is written how Moscow will be taken and in what year.” At the same time, the year 1812 is indicated and the burning of Moscow is predicted. Emperor Alexander, not believing Abel, ordered to put the crazy monk in a monastery prison, promising that he would sit there until his prophecy came true.

Abel spent 10 years and 9 months in a terrible monastery prison. The prisoners there were treated mercilessly, two of them died from cold, hunger and carbon smoke, and good Abel, who decided to intercede for them, the regime was tightened to the point that he “was under death ten times, a hundred times he came to despair.”

When Napoleon captured Moscow, Alexander remembered Abel. The Solovetsky abbot received an order: if the prisoner is still alive, immediately send him to St. Petersburg. Despite the obvious resistance of the abbot, Abel was nevertheless taken to the capital, where the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, A.N. Golitsyn, talked with the obstinate monk. The conversation was long, its exact content is unknown to anyone, since the conversation took place face to face. According to the monk himself, he told the prince “everything from beginning to end.” Having heard in the “secret answers” ​​the prophetic monk’s predictions, according to rumors, of the fate of all sovereigns until the end of centuries, until the coming of the Antichrist, the prince was horrified and was afraid to present the monk to the sovereign. After a conversation with Prince Golitsyn, Abel was left alone, and the soothsayer himself lost his desire to make predictions. “Now I decided it was better not to know anything, although to know and remain silent,” the monk answered his patron Countess Potemkina.

All subsequent years, Abel wandered, avoiding settled monastic life. He visited the Greek Athos, Constantinople-Constantinople, and Jerusalem. He was met either in Moscow or in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, some considered him a prophet, some a charlatan. “Many of my friends saw him and talked to him; he is a simple man, without the slightest information and gloomy; many ladies, considering him a saint, went to see him and asked about their daughters’ suitors; He answered them that he was not a seer and that he only predicted when inspiration told him to speak. Since 1820, no one has seen him again, and it is not known where he went,” wrote L.N. Engelhardt in his “Notes.”

N.P.Rozanov traced the documents future fate Abel. In 1823, he was placed in the Vysotsky Monastery, but a few months after the death of Emperor Alexander, Abel quietly disappeared from the monastery, since “the father archimandrite wanted to send him to St. Petersburg by a false decree to the new sovereign” - perhaps Abel again wrote a new prophecy, which scared him abbot. One way or another, the new Emperor Nicholas, having familiarized himself with Abel’s case, ordered to imprison him in the prison department in the Suzdal Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, the main church prison. There, in a secluded cell, the “life and suffering” of the monk Abel ended in 1841.

In 1875, the magazine “Russian Antiquity” (No. 2) published “The Life and Sufferings of Father and Monk Abel,” written by himself in early XIX century, 20 years before his death. At the very beginning of the “Life” the most important prediction of the monk was stated that in 1842. God's grace will descend on the earth and “all his elect and all his saints will reign. And they will reign with him for a thousand and fifty years, and at that time there will be one flock throughout the whole earth and one shepherd among them... then the dead will rise and the living will be renewed, and there will be judgment for all and division for all: who will be resurrected to eternal life and to immortal life and those who will be given over to death and corruption and eternal destruction.” This will happen in 2892.

Alas, this prediction has not yet come true, and God’s grace has not arrived on earth! The seditious books he compiled have not reached us, except for two: “The Book of Genesis” and “The Life and Sufferings of the Father and Monk Abel.” There are no prophecies in either book, except those that had already come true by that time. But, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, other books set out the history of the fall of the Romanov dynasty and even something related to our time. Still, we are left with the testimony of contemporaries.

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