Home Trees and shrubs What is actually happening in the world now? Confrontation between the United States and the West - modern geopolitics of Russia

What is actually happening in the world now? Confrontation between the United States and the West - modern geopolitics of Russia

As sad as it is, planet Earth is someone's property. This property belongs to someone.

The owner conducts systematic work on the exploitation of its subsoil and uses his most "advanced" ideas for this.

If we were in his / their place, we would have done the same, would not have invested, just like that.

We would have found, or would have created, some kind of robots and organized their work on the extraction of usefulness, it is not for us to work hard in a foreign land, go-know what circumstances there are.

We would have thought about how to develop our business, just to make it work.

But the fact is that our robots must have some kind of intelligence in order to work well, and if with intelligence, then it will not last long. They will most likely go on strike and send us where they came from.

It means that the matter must be furnished tightly and covered. And they can finish everything exactly, then it is necessary to make sure that their mind is under constant control and with the possibility of correction.

Then for this we will have to deploy a detachment of our agents there, albeit with tangible financial losses, but for the system to work. We will teach our confidants how best to play / gamble slaves. We will give them all the necessary occupations and promise them a life with full pockets of money.

As you can see, in relation to the slaves, we are already turning into a hostile, devilish force, containing psychic beings in captivity and complete deception, otherwise we are covered!

Someone will say that aliens with their own level do not need any gold, that they can find ready-made meteorites and melt for themselves as much as they want, but the fact is that rare minerals are really rare and it is not possible to dig and load them with bulldozers. bacteria in certain conditions. Diamonds are also grown in a special natural technology and all this for many millions of years. They have to be pulled out of the rock with difficulty and only mentally capable robots are capable of durable work.

Before we did anything to the Martians, someone did it to us.

We are those slaves and there is no getting away from it.

Looks like those owners have a huge fear of losing their business. They guard the planet like the apple of their eye, do not let strangers here and even blow up meteorites that are dangerous to their "business". For loyalty, they can blackmail, threaten the destruction of life on the planet.

They need us, but still do not fully understand how much. We do not know the whole complex of their interests. And they, being thousands or billions of years older than us, may be able to use not only physical energy, perhaps they feed on our psychic energy, since they arrange constant stress in the form of wars and revolutions. Although there is an explanation for this; They set a goal to turn all the inhabitants of the planet into slaves or to destroy the rebellious at least whole countries.

They do not like it when slaves are not useful ..

If so, what should we do? There will be no strike, we are all tied to their monetary system and dependent in all directions. They will cut off the energy supply and food of any region in a matter of hours. It is useless to search for their agents, they are even everywhere, but they are protected reliably.

Sabotage in the form of refusal to reproduce is dismissed by the people themselves as something unnatural, although in the Bibles they scoff; You can't multiply. -It's your own sin! You just bring your children into this hell!

We created concentration camps with our own hands, our children, and solemnly hand over the keys to the executioners who hate the human race. Juvenile justice are the first birds ..

It is impossible to convey in detail what has been diligently hidden / distorted for centuries. And the most important thing is that none of the slaves wants to know.

But there are books and anyone can be sure that the truth is written here.

As long as Vladimir Putin remains in power in Russia, peace in Europe is impossible. As the biggest obstacle to peace and the main source of potential war, Putin has become the main threat to Russia's neighbors and the West. But what exactly drives him?

Analyzing the reasons for Putin's foreign policy steps, experts disagree. Some believe these moves are based on his realistic fears of a strategic encirclement from the West. Others see the reasons for his actions in his authoritarian regime and imperialist ideology.

However, most characteristic feature Putin is his unpredictability. Where is his foreign policy based on some conspicuous logic, its actions are predictable and can be explained in hindsight. But his ability to constantly surprise the population of his country and catch the world community by surprise shows that there is neither logic nor strategy at the heart of his actions.

On the contrary, they seem to be based on his personal whims. As Russia's undisputed dictator, he can do whatever he thinks is right - whether it is in Russia's interests or damaging the interests of his perceived enemies.

In this sense, Putin is the Hitler of the 21st century - a tyrant who solipsistically defines rationality in terms of his own changing understanding of the issue.

A good example of this is building military power Russia and saber rattling at the borders of Ukraine. Does this portend war? Or is it just being done to intimidate? Nobody knows, and each interpretation is just speculation and speculation about what is actually going on in Putin's head.

The same applies to Putin's latest provocation - the alleged neutralization of Ukrainian terrorist groups in Crimea by Russian special services. Putin's statement that Kiev has now turned to terror follows directly from his previous definition, which he gave to the democratic government of Ukraine, which came to power after the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych, calling it fascist.

Is this provocation a prelude to a full-scale attack like Hitler's after the infamous events in Gleiwitz in 1939, during which German saboteurs in Polish uniforms attacked a German border radio station? Or it should scare the Russians into supporting Putin's party at parliamentary elections in September? Or is this provocation a signal to the West and Kiev that Putin is furious and could deal a serious blow?

Nobody knows, and it is possible that even Putin himself does not know this.


Putin is a master of punching the table

Slate.fr 08/17/2016

Putin is preparing a new blow to Ukraine

Newsweek 08/17/2016

Putin and Poroshenko are preparing for a new war

Haqqin.az 08.16.2016

World attention is riveted on Putin

La Nacion Argentina 15.08.2016

The Washington Post 08/12/2016 Is Putin Rational? The answer depends on what is meant by rationality. If rationality means doing the right thing from a moral point of view, then Putin is rational - only in some kind of perverse, immoral world. If rationality presupposes a search best means to achieve his goals (however dubious they may be), then Putin must be called extremely (and alarmingly) irrational.

After all, has the power increased and international status Russia since Putin started the war against Ukraine? Has its economic situation improved? Has his own position been strengthened?

To each of these questions, Putin would almost certainly answer in the affirmative (in Germany, the Fuehrer also believed that the final victory was already near - even when his country was on fire), but if an impartial analysis were made, the answer would be the opposite.

Finally, if rationality implies understanding the relationship between actions and consequences, between causes and effects, then Putin should be considered irrational - not because he misunderstands these relationships, but because he, apparently, believes that actions do not entail are consequences, and causes do not give rise to consequences. Hence - and its unpredictability.

Comparison with Hitler sounds, of course, strong, but Western politicians it is high time to understand that they are dealing with a man who could easily unleash a world war because, being at the pinnacle of power for almost two decades, he began to believe that he is Russia.

What the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher David Hume once said about rationality also fully applies to Putin: ". Indeed, the fact that a full-scale military attack on Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia does not seem to make sense is precisely the reason Putin could do it.

While irrational leaders must be negotiated, the only thing that can (probably) keep them in check is combat readiness. Their promises are as meaningless as their statements of peace, and their appeasement policies only whet their appetites. Only a strong army and a decisive containment policy can keep them within certain limits.

German Social Democrats like to say that security in Europe is impossible without Russia. Maybe it is so. But no less true is the statement that peace in Europe is impossible with Putin.

One way or another, he will have to leave - so that the peace-loving Europeans can breathe a sigh of relief again.

The main conflict of 2012 - preparation for the Third World War

An isolated approach to the analysis of inherently complex conflicts that are breaking out at an accelerating pace around the world is not productive. To understand what is happening and predict future events, it is necessary look at the whole situation... The geopolitics of the 21st century cannot be understood by looking at the number of warheads alone. Civil, “Arab spring” in Egypt, destruction of Libya and Iraq, growth of China, catastrophe in Japan, Eurozone crisis, American missile defense in Poland, Iran’s nuclear program, approaching “Latin American spring”. Taking a quick glance at this picture, we will see nothing but chaos. However, applying the correct interpretation model, we immediately find all relationships, actions and maneuvers, built in accordance with the powerful (albeit invisible) will that secretly rule the world today.

Don't trust the newspapers ...

It's good to be informed. But information is useless if you are not able to analyze it and bring it into proper form. Too much raw data will simply overwhelm your brain. Therefore, it is wiser to stay away from loud headlines, breaking news, terrorist threat alerts, and showbiz news anchors. It's like an impressionist painting by Claude Monet: at close range, you will see only a disorderly heap of colored dots, but it is worth taking a few steps back, and the picture will appear before your eyes in all its glory.

Abstracting from information hubbub, we need to find the right connections between events, despite the opposition of the dominant ones. By now, most of us have realized that our planet is at war. And the war is not going on with aliens (it would be clearer that way!). Our civilization is waging a civil war within and against itself. Reading the world press, you might think that sovereign states are at war, but it's not that simple.

The current world war is being waged by an extremely influential, illegal, authoritarian, but very small number, deeply rooted in the public and private power structures of almost every country on Earth, especially -. This one is like malignant tumor , which cannot be removed, but you can try to weaken it and stop metastases in order to avoid the death of all mankind. Humanity needs some kind of "political chemotherapy" capable of destroying the tumor that has enslaved the world.

The clearest manifestation of this disease is sharp social and political inequality in, where 1% of the population belongs to the rich, who own 35% welfare of the entire country, and 90% of the population - the poor, who are left with only 25% of the national wealth. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of congressmen, senators and senior officials are just in the same "one percent of the rich."

Understanding of hidden intentions, long-term plans, main goals and collusion of elites is especially necessary for the citizens of Australia and. After all, formally, the troops of these countries are robbing and destroying states objectionable to the elites on the orders of national leaders. The victims of voter mistakes in Argentina, Colombia, Nigeria or Malaysia are the same voters. And the fate of hundreds of millions of people at risk of being bombed, drone attacks, military interventions and coups d'état depend on elections in the United States, Great Britain or France.

Iron Mountain Report

An old book from the late sixties called "The Iron Mountain Report on the Possibility and Feasibility of Keeping Peace" was allegedly written by the "Hudson Institute" (future think tank) at the request of the then US Secretary of Defense - Robert McNamara. Many people think that this book is a duck. However, its content is quite consistent with the events of the second half of the last century. According to the book, its authors are fifteen people from a special research group, whose names were to remain, and the book itself was not intended for the general public. The main conclusion of the "Report ..." is that war or its semblance needed by governments to maintain their power. The book says that the causes of wars are not international conflicts and interests. It would be more logical to argue that in most cases, militant societies need conflicts and create them themselves. War is the highest manifestation the strength of the state. Therefore, wars, real or possible, are a matter of life and death from the point of view of preserving control over society.

Also in the "Report ..." it is indicated that production has always been associated with economic "losses". The book argues that war is the most important tool through which you can create artificial economic demand without any political obstacles: "war and only war solves the problem with weapons."

At the end of the "Report ..." there is a quite natural conclusion that "world peace" not only undesirable but also unresponsive public interest since war, in addition to economic, also serves social and cultural purposes.

“The constant threat of war is the solid foundation of government. This threat serves as a rationale for political decisions ... war is actually synonymous with national unity. The absence of wars implies the inevitable absence of state sovereignty and a traditional ethnic state. " Thus, “wars are the main evolutionary tool for maintaining an acceptable balance between population and the resources necessary for its survival. War should be considered a unique need for the human species. "

So, to survive, entrenched in, etc., like air, war is needed, the threat of war and rumors of war. However, America, Great Britain and their allies do not need any kind of enemy. Give them an impressive, dangerous, "terrible" enemy. First it was Germany, then Japan, Soviet Union, "The Red Menace". Today, the "terrorist threat from Islamic fundamentalists" acts as a scarecrow. But gradually the sight of the secret elite shifts to the side Of Russia and Of China.


In the recent past, Russia, one way or another, played the role of a buffer, brake and wall, restraining the aggression of the Western powers. When Russia becomes a buffer, the whole world suffers. Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Palestine are examples of this. In all these cases, Russia opposed the EU and in words but not in practice. The Western powers have always gotten their way, even at the UN.

But for some time now Russia is more and more acting as a brake on ambitions, which is especially noticeable in Iran and Syria. In November 2011 and February 2012, Russia vetoed two UN resolutions put forward by the US-UK-France against Syria. Had these resolutions passed, Syria would have suffered the fate of Libya, which fell under the 1973 UN resolution last year. In addition, Russia rejected pseudo-IAEA reports and did not support sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program. In addition, Russia sent to the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean significant amount military forces designed to counterbalance the military presence.

One can only guess how high the probability of the outbreak of hostilities was in reality. But be that as it may, the calming effect on the United States, Britain, France and Israel has been produced, and they are forced to postpone the execution of their threats to attack Iran and Syria. back side coins is that with the allies they are forced, therefore, to turn to the criminal tactics of artificial incitement civil war and a surreptitious revolution known as the Arab Spring.

The main question is what else will allow Russia to do before it turns into a solid wall and unambiguously conducts before the Western powers red line? If or when Russia finally does so, Western countries will either have to retreat or break down the Russian wall. It will depend on what they decide whether we all take part in the Third World War or not.

China will also be an important factor influencing decisions. all of the above in relation to Russia is also applicable to China. Global elites view China as a strategic adversary due to its rapid economic, political, demographic and military growth. In addition, China is increasing its presence in the Pacific Basin and the Indian Ocean.

But have Chinese Empire behind ten thousand years of history, and the Chinese think in their own way. China is biding its time playing chess with the young American Empire. China may well decide to play the geopolitical rather than the financial and economic card by sacrificing all of its dollar reserves, only to harm the American monetary system that the United States needs to maintain a giant war machine. Perhaps China will first use not the military, but financial leverage?

The worst-case scenario for the West (as noted by Samuel Huntington in his 1990 Clash of Civilization theory) will come true if China achieves two key geopolitical goals, which it is slowly but surely approaching:

1. Reaching agreements with India and Russia on close cooperation and strengthening relations on the Asian continent.

2. Overcoming disagreements with Japan, with the subsequent achievement of agreements on close cooperation. If Japan and China develop a common geopolitical strategy, like France and Germany after World War II (which led to the formation of the EU), then the entire Asia-Pacific power center with two-thirds of the world's population will slip out of hand. Just imagine the union of advanced Japanese technology and Chinese material and labor resources!

Five types of war ...

Back in the 60s of the last century, the authors of the Iron Mountain Report suggested finding a more effective replacement for traditional wars (but, in their opinion, it was necessary to fight in any case). At the same time, future wars acquired unexpected and amazing properties... The Report's recommendations included:

1. Large-scale program space exploration, many of whose goals cannot be achieved (but you can pour budget money there, as in, raising the economy).

2. Invention of a new external enemy: a potential threat from extraterrestrial civilizations.

3. Creation new threat to humanity, for example - pollution.

4. Applying new methods of birth control: adding chemicals in food or water.

5. Creation of fictional, periodically alternating, enemies.

Nearly half a century later, some of these recommendations have been achieved (for example, the first point is military and civilian astronautics). Others are under development and implementation (points two (books and Hollywood films), three and four). But cornerstone is point number five: "the creation of fictional, periodically alternating, enemies." Them for recent times there were plenty: Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Islamic terrorism. Now - Iran and Syria.

A serious problem for humanity is that they are increasingly resorting to covert, high-tech operations, instead of direct intervention, since reports from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan did not look very good on the evening news ...

V this moment can be distinguished five types of wars that leads with his hands, and. The types are listed in ascending order of "psychological" component and strategic / logistic complexity:

1. Military invasion... An overt attack, with a clear territorial nature, is carried out with overwhelming military and economic superiority. According to Colin Powell's doctrine of the 1990s, "The United States should wage war against other powers only when victory is guaranteed by an overwhelming military advantage." Can you imagine a more ruthless doctrine? Cowards shelling half the globe while sitting with the joystick at the screen in a safe place.

2. Military coup. Organs local authorities captured with the help of traitors from among the military, while providing military, financial, informational and diplomatic support. The method was widely used against Latin American countries in the 50s and 70s. As shown by the events in Egypt, it is still used.

3. Financial coup. First, the big international banks are driving the country into a corner by putting heavy debts on it. When the target country is no longer able to deal with debt, the banksters send representatives of the "" / "World Bank" with the support of the world media and rating agencies. They bring the situation to economic and social problems, are destroying the financial and monetary system, as a result of which there is growing discontent among the people, which is required to justify a regime change. This method has been tested in Latin America and is now successfully used against Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland. And soon they will try it on themselves and.

4. Social Revolution. Consists of funding political activists for regime change in the target country. To this end, the American, British and Israeli embassies provide financial, media and logistic (street riots) support to any dissidents, in order to eventually gather all the forces around the necessary political party or movement. In the 1980s, they used the so-called "human rights" organizations in Latin America. A prime example Argentine "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" can serve.

5. Artificial civil war. It consists in financing, arming and supporting the paramilitary "opposition" opposing the government of the target country. As a rule, a "national liberation" or some other "council" is organized around which groups of rebels, criminals and the mafia unite, as was the case in Libya, Egypt and Syria. Wherein key role are played by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD, and in the case of Libya and Syria - Al Qaeda (CIA department), acting under the guise of "freedom fighters". Such events were dubbed the "Arab Spring", having presented them to the world public opinion under the sauce of a righteous rebellion local population against repressive, authoritarian regimes.

In fact, the benefits are derived from the already existing problems: regimes too late in power (Egypt, Libya), religious enmity (Shiites and Sunnis). It is not surprising that Bassma Kodmani, "a member of the executive council and chief foreign policy officer of the Syrian National Council," attended a conference in Virginia last June.

She recently warned of the imminent "Latin American Spring" fueled by social and political tensions based on the huge economic divide between rich and poor. As a rule, the rich are associated with the United States, and the poor have leaders who naively believe that the only problem are the "corporate exploiters - the Yankees", overlooking the really important political and social factors.

Signs of this approaching "Latin Spring" are the coup in Paraguay, the bought elections in Mexico, and the growing US military presence in Colombia and other parts of the region. Often the type of war is more low level can go to a higher one. For example, a social upheaval can develop into a full-fledged civil war, if it is in the interest ...

What, Where, When, Why

What is the ultimate goal behind all of this? The chaos sown locally by secret elites in certain regions and countries is harmoniously built into the picture "New world order" globally. In part, the wave of "chaos" is aimed at destroying countries that, in one form or another, have preserved national sovereignty... That sovereignty was a common feature for all "rogue states" - Libya, Iraq,. The same goes for new targets like Syria, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Ecuador. The more sovereign states will be weakened, the better for the global government, which needs a single planetary state of the communist type with a totalitarian order.

All these Arab Latin American "springs", invasions, no-fly zones, sanctions, rhetoric about "rogue states" are nothing more than preparation and his allies before an attack on Asia, that is, before the war with Russia and China.

Of course, such a war is contrary to Powell's doctrine. China and Russia are very strong and it is very risky to contact them. If only (holy, holy!) They do not clash with each other, and do not involve other countries in the conflict: India, Pakistan and Brazil. Let's hope that nothing like this will happen in the near future - these events are not possible until 2020. And today, in all hot spots, we are seeing preparations for these events.

What is the reason for this? Perhaps the empire-like, hyperinflationary dollar — the rescue of powerful money bankers — has driven the Western elites into a corner. It's like chess. If you see that any further moves lead to failure, you have two options:

1. Admit defeat.

2. Knock over the chessboard ... and grab the pistol!

Five axioms that you need to know in order to understand what is happening in the world in recent years.

1. Axiom one. There is no "global financial crisis in the world."

And the collapse of the pyramid of the dollar of the Federal Reserve System (USA) takes place.

The US Federal Reserve is a private firm that unites 12 "federal banks" located in the US and has the right to issue its banknotes and non-cash "USD" and which provides loans and credits to the US government, and also sells its "USD" as a commodity around the world , wholesale and on credit in exchange for real material values ​​or certain political decisions.

Until 1971, the FRS dollar was backed by gold, but the temptation of the owners of the sacred printer to make fortunes for themselves and the organizations and individuals under their control "with the stroke of a pen" forced them to abandon the free exchange of dollars for gold and resort to open fraud.

In 1971, $ USD itself was declared the number one commodity due to its status as the main world reserve currency... That is, all the central banks of the world must have it in collateral if they want to be banks, and all trade contracts for energy resources must be paid in "$ USD". To promote this product on the world market, the owners of money use the financial pyramid scheme, and as a tool - the US state and other states controlled by them, military alliances, as well as private banks, corporations, media, public and scientific organizations around the world. But every financial pyramid comes to an end, and this is exactly what is happening now. $ USD is "printed" (stuffed on the "keyboard") by almost two orders of magnitude more than it is actually provided. A pyramid of debt and credit is on the verge of collapse, a giant bubble is about to explode right now. With unpredictable consequences for humanity.

This is an axiom. Math and nothing personal.

2. Axiom two. The collapse of the $ USD Pyramid can be delayed.

The collapse of the $ USD Pyramid can be delayed by a couple of decades ...

By completely destroying the Russian State, plundering our country's resources and transferring them to the US Federal Reserve System through numerous intermediary corporations and banks, through explicit and implicit enslavement of the Russian population. Further, the Pyramid can get further postponement of its collapse through the subsequent destruction of countries such as Syria, Iran, India and China. True motive today's total and hybrid war against Russia is a postponement of the collapse of the Pyramid. "Money and nothing personal." All other motives are a smoke screen.

3. Axiom three. Russia told the US Federal Reserve: Stop!

Putin's Russia is the only country in the world that stopped the Pyramid movement and proposed a plan for a smooth, peaceful transition (through the search for compromises) to a new global financial architecture with multiple national emission centers. However, most of the world financial and political elite are not satisfied with this proposal. Not satisfied with the fact that the collapse of the Pyramid will destroy their condition and deprive them of real power. Many of them are ready to start the Third World war in a thermonuclear version, hoping to survive in it and then re-edit, refuel with what remains after it.

This axiom and all the others below follow from the first.

4. Axiom four. All of the world's leading Western media are 100% lying.

All the world's leading Western media have one general line, they lead information war against Russia and its allies, their task is to vilify Russia and dehumanize its citizens, above all the Great Russian People. Therefore, they lie, even if they tell the truth about certain world events. For the truth has long been in the service of lies and lies are also selective presentation of truthful information if it keeps pace with the general line. And their lies are transcendental because they no longer have time and Day X is near.

5. Axiom five. "War is a way of deception."

Officially, Russia cannot directly point to our main enemies. For today their power in the world under their control extends to all subordinate "instruments" in a secret, behind-the-scenes way.

And to tell the slaves - and everyone who explicitly or implicitly supports in this war the owners of money and their tool - the Western elite - are slaves and tell them that they are slaves is like immediately provoking their powerful response and thus being isolated and deprived of any peaceful, diplomatic way to win a war without a hot phase, simply by waiting for the Pyramid to collapse and bury its creators.

Therefore, the President of Russia uses the word "partners" in relation to slaves. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia also uses another phrase, but I will not repeat it, swearing on the Internet is prohibited. The Russian president is following a strategy that is generally consistent with the treatise "The Art of War" written in ancient times by the great Chinese commander Sun Tzu, who, by the way, did not lose a single battle in his entire life. Some of the contradictions in his words and his seemingly contradictory moves should be taken as tactics within the framework of this war. "War is a way of deception." He is not obliged to initiate everyone, including the power structures of Russia, into his plans. He is not obliged to explain in detail to the people for certain actions. He is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and we, the people, are a warrior and must remember about subordination.

This is all you need to know before trying to analyze and understand what is happening in our world now.

What's going on in modern world looks like an endless series of inexplicable irrational paradoxes.

All global politics"Whirled" around the civil war in the east of Ukraine. But the paradox is that politics has ceased to be like politics. The old policy - subtle diplomacy, the ability to negotiate for the good of your country - no longer exists. Instead, a strange, irrational dislike for Russia emerged.

There is no doubt that the West is against Russia, and the civil war in Ukraine is used by Western countries only in one vein - accusatory.

Paradoxically, the West (yes, the West that supported the Maidan orgy and turned a blind eye to the development of radical nationalism in Ukraine) blames Russia for the fact that some Ukrainians kill others. Russia, the very country that tried with all its might to warn, prevent the bloody Ukrainian events!

It's a paradox, but the West - the very West that has banned testing of cosmetics on animals - turns a blind eye to the horrors of the civil war in eastern Ukraine. There are thousands of evidences of war crimes committed with the consent of the Ukrainian authorities, outright genocide of the Russian-speaking population of eastern Ukraine, continuous violations of the law and all existing human rights, the death of tens of thousands of people ... But these evidences are not of interest to world politicians. OSCE observers are stubbornly unwilling to see anything.

It's a paradox, but the inhabitants of Ukraine, a country driven to suicide, themselves are convinced that they are at war with Russia, approving the destruction of Russian-speaking fellow citizens. "Ukraine has not died yet ..." "We will lay our souls for our freedom ..." The words of the Ukrainian anthem evoke a sad irony - they turned out to be too prophetic. They will put it - both the soul and the body.

But the biggest paradox is that the world economy has ceased to be like the economy. If everything that is happening was beneficial to someone, it would still be understandable. But the economic sanctions that Western countries are announcing on Russia are extremely destructive to their own economies. And even at the risk of their own self-destruction, self-destruction, they do it!

Paradoxes, paradoxes, paradoxes.

Civil war in eastern Ukraine as a result of pressure on the Russian world

In fact, the world has not gone mad at all, and there are no paradoxes in modern events. Everything that happens is a consequence of reasons, some driving forces hidden in the collective unconscious of a single humanity.

All causal relationships become clear if you look at everything that happens through the prism of the eight-dimensional matrix of the psyche. Then even the not very diplomatic phrase of the American president does not seem strange at all: "There are only two threats in the world: Ebola and Russia."

Without realizing it, the President of the United States voiced what the collective unconscious knows unmistakably - Russia can deprive all humanity of the future... And it's not about political action Russian politicians, not in nuclear weapons and not in military technology.

What then? Why is Russia so special and how can it harm humanity? What is the real reason for this threat, which is not recognized, but is expressed by the colossal pressure on the Russian world that we are witnessing?

Systemic causes of what is happening in the world

We live in a time when humanity faced real threat self-destruction. This is exactly what Carl Gustav Jung spoke about in one of his video interviews: “The world is hanging by a thread and depends on the human psyche. This is not a threat from ordinary disasters or nuclear bomb... These are all the deeds of people. We are a great danger. The psyche is a danger. "

Why did the psychic of humanity become dangerous?

The fact is that our collective psychic is constantly growing and developing. Each subsequent generation is born with a greater mental volume than the previous one - it has greater potential, intelligence, abilities, talents. The leap that humanity has made over the past 100 years in the development of civilization and nanotechnology testifies to the incredible growth of the mental.

The problem is that with such growth, not only our abilities have increased, but also the power of desire. This refers to the innate desires of vectors, eight measures of the psychic matrix of humanity.

Since these desires are still hidden in the unconscious, that is, they are not realized by us, as the mental volume of humanity grows incredibly, deficiencies - collective suffering - grow incredibly.

Collective suffering has reached such a peak that the world hangs in the balance ...

People feel fear of the future. This fear is unconscious, it is not at all connected with the world economic crisis... This is the fear of self-destruction.

Mankind can only get rid of this fear and collective suffering through spiritual revelation - knowledge of oneself, awareness of what is hidden in the unconscious. That is, the future of humanity depends on how the sound measure "works" - one of the eight measures of the matrix of psychic humanity. And this is about 5% of people, carriers of the sound vector. The most self-centered introverts.

Only a person with a sound vector is concerned about questions about the meaning of life, about the purpose of human existence, about God, the Great Design and the like. The innate desires of a sound engineer are desires for knowing oneself; this is precisely his specific role and function of sound measure.

Why Russian World?

In Western countries (including the USA and Japan), the mentality is skin-like - the desire for a sound vector in these countries is aimed at scientific and technological progress, the development of IT technologies. Let's remember the famous sound engineer Steve Jobs. No matter how philosopher and seeker he was, first of all he was a genius IT-schnick.

Only against the background of the urethral-muscular mentality, the desire for the sound vector is directed directly towards knowing oneself - towards spiritual revelation. The spiritual state of a sound engineer is the revelation of a single humanity in oneself.

The consciousness of each person creates the illusion of separation from the others, and in the consciousness of the sound engineer, this separation is felt especially sharply.

When enough sound people - the most self-centered people you can imagine - come out of the state of self-centeredness ("there is no one but me") and feel the whole appearance in themselves, this will entail the emergence collective consciousness for all mankind.

Collective consciousness is the awareness of what is hidden in the unconscious of a single humanity, a completely different state in which a person cannot harm his neighbor, just as he could not harm himself.

Only after reaching this state, humanity will get rid of the risk of self-destruction. Natural awareness of shortages and fulfillment will occur, tension and hostility will subside. At the same time, the whole world is consolidating around Russia.

In the meantime, the collective unconscious leads the united humanity, it puts pressure on the Russian world. This is manifested by the actions and statements of world politicians, sometimes frightening themselves.

What is happening in the world should not be treated with censure, despair, hatred: "What are you bastards doing?" This perception only reinforces the dislike. And dislike, hatred is the opposite of a spiritual state.

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