Home Potato D Salinger biography. Secrets of Jerome D. Salinger - a recluse from a forest hut. Early years and education

D Salinger biography. Secrets of Jerome D. Salinger - a recluse from a forest hut. Early years and education

“Stitch by stitch we “draw” our life ...”. This saying is fully true: many talented needlewomen know special embroidery signs that in a certain way affect the fate of each person. Similar superstitions arose in ancient times, and our wise ancestors always tried to observe them in order to live in peace and harmony!

What is the significance of embroidery today: why do we need symbols and signs in embroidery?

There are many signs associated with embroidery, both good and not so good.

AT modern world available a large number of superstitions associated with creative process embroidery with a needle, hoop, sewing machine, or in any other way. Embroidery signs affect important aspects human life and are associated with family well-being, making a profit, fulfilling desires, expecting pregnancy or one's own health.

If you follow folk beliefs in embroidery, then happiness, prosperity and love will come to the house. When a woman is in interesting position”and sews - the pregnancy will proceed favorably, childbirth will be easy and fast. The same applies to diseases: the patient will recover sooner. Therefore, an embroidered picture, presented with all my heart, will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires!

How to embroider?

Pattern for embroidery should be chosen to your liking

The embroidered pictures have their beneficial effect for every individual. But it is necessary to take up sewing in right time without forgetting personal responsibility. It is forbidden to take the first image that comes across on the subject - it must be chosen carefully and with soul. The image you like can be embroidered even on Sunday.
The exception is Christian holidays, or other events that directly prohibit needlework. You need to imagine what you want, fully concentrating - nothing should interfere with an exciting activity. Create favorable atmosphere music or complete silence will help. But watching TV does not allow you to fully concentrate on the lesson.

Signs in embroidery for the fulfillment of a wish

The embroidered icon favors the intended

There are several ways to fulfill your desires with embroidery. Below are the most curious and common signs in embroidery associated with images:

  • "Mill" - soon the desired goal will be achieved or you will hear good news;
  • "Mayak" - the fulfillment of a desire or finding a good job with a friendly team;
  • “Calm sea, river, ocean” - the image means a quiet, peaceful and long life;
  • "Hummingbird" - symbolizes fast execution desires and material well-being;
  • "Icon" - the image of the saint promises the fulfillment of the plan and serves as a special amulet.

Also, needlewomen can make and voice a wish with the first cross, or the first knot - simple stitches will surely be fulfilled soon cherished dream. Whereas the last knot on the canvas of knitted fabric means a favorable outcome of events.

Signs in embroidery for improving living conditions

Embroidery at home will help you quickly move to a new home

Knowledgeable people say: in order to improve living conditions, the mistress needs to personally embroider an image of the future home, or a general image of the desired housing. The magic mechanism of a speedy move equally successfully launches both an unsightly rickety house and a magnificent palace - it all depends on the personal preferences of the seamstress.

Signs in embroidery for the purchase of a car

The principle of embroidering an image is the same as for the acquisition of a treasured home. Only in this case you need to draw with stitches the brand of the vehicle that the person wants to purchase. There is an old belief: what happens as a result in the picture will arrive soon as the fulfillment of the plan.

Signs in embroidery for love, marriage, family

Wolves are monogamous by nature, embroidery of a wolf couple will help strengthen the family

If you want to find love, save a marriage, or create strong family, then it is recommended to embroider paired images of animals, birds, people, plants. They symbolize strong bonds, friendship and unbreakable union. Below are the most popular and effective drawings:

  1. "Wolves" are lonely, loyal and devoted animals, choosing their only partner for the rest of their lives.
  2. “Beautiful snow-white swans, or bright mandarin ducks” are the most faithful and at the same time proud representatives of the bird family.
  3. "Couple in love" - ​​she must kiss, hold hands, or hug in the picture. This symbolizes fast and long-awaited love. You can’t embroider quarreling or separated lovers - such negative images mean grief, sadness, tears, parting.
  4. "Kiss" - symbolizes the intensity of love passion between lovers, the imminent acquisition of their desired second half, or a fateful acquaintance.
  5. "Stranger" - this embroidery will soon give a lonely girl an interesting acquaintance with a pleasant personality. In this case, you can not use the image of icons - this action is contrary to all church canons.
  6. "Heart" - it acts a powerful amulet in love and family life. It is believed that this embroidery attracts positive emotions and the desired love affair, and also symbolizes a quick meeting with a kindred soul.
  7. "Tree" - it takes root in relationships with other people, making them stronger, stronger and more friendly. Enhances love connection. Negative value - can attract close attention of unpleasant admirers or former lovers to a lonely person.
  8. "Unicorn" - embroidery symbolizes good luck in all endeavors, a strong family and mutual love, and for pregnant women - happy motherhood. Usually, such an image is embroidered on a special canvas made of knitted fabric.
  9. "Rooster" - a primordially Russian image on the embroidery of the desired young man. When a beloved man appears in the life of a seamstress, she is subsequently recommended to add a chicken to the rooster in the picture - the paired combination of these birds symbolizes happiness and love.
  10. "Butterfly" − chinese character family, love and loyalty. This image on embroidery quickly attracts a soul mate and harmonious relationships to the life of a lonely person, which corresponds to the teachings of Feng Shui.
  11. "Phoenix" − oriental symbol romantic relationship, happy marriage and mutual love. This is an embroidery against envious and unkind personalities, it revives again and again from the ashes the burning passion between partners.
  12. "Rose" is a well-known symbol of passionate and mutual love. It is recommended to embroider a red rose, which greatly enhances the fiery feelings of lovers, but it is also possible to depict a rose flower as a sign of tenderness and innocence.
  13. "Red poppy" - a symbol of strong and strong love. It is desirable to hang such embroidery in the common living room, or in the parent's bedroom - the long-awaited romantic feeling and happiness will knock on the house faster.
  14. "Peony" - embroidery of this beautiful flower greatly enhances the attractiveness of a single woman and leads to acquaintance with interesting man. Promotes the emergence or intensification of passion between lovers.
  15. “Wedding paraphernalia” - the symbols of a happy and strong family are usually white doves, or golden rings, denoting eternal and devoted love, as well as an imminent marriage with a loved one.

The embroidered picture should be placed in strictly certain place: on the southwest side own apartment. According to Feng Shui, this sector is the zone of love and passion. And on the first knot, you can whisper paired names - your own and your beloved.

Signs of embroiderers for the birth of a child

By embroidering a stork with a baby, you can speed up the appearance of a desired pregnancy.

The appearance of children is long-awaited and happy event in the lives of many people. And in order to speed it up, esotericists advise expectant mothers to observe the following common embroidery signs in images:

  • “Angels, babies, mothers with children, a stork with a child” - such magical egregors greatly increase the possibility of becoming pregnant, and for pregnant women - to give birth to a healthy and strong baby.
  • “Madonna and Child” - an embroidered image of a holy mother with a baby is the most powerful and effective amulet for creating a happy and strong family. Shows kindness to pregnant women and contributes to the birth of a healthy baby.
  • “The color of a baguette, or a passe-partout” - it is believed that the chosen color scheme for the design of embroidery correctly suggests the gender of the unborn child based on ancient predictions, if a woman is sewing during pregnancy.
  • “A family of bears, or a burst pomegranate” - this embroidery means the favor of higher powers for the birth of a second child or the appearance of numerous offspring for further procreation.

Preferred embroidery options for pregnant women are images of saints, icons, other church items, or old Slavic amulets, symbolizing the birth of a strong and healthy offspring. Even embroiderers use paired images of animals, birds, people, and other images.

Signs of embroiderers related to human health

Embroidery with the image of cranes is an excellent amulet for health

To be a healthy, strong and energetic person is recommended folk omens embroider on the canvas the following images of birds, animals, people or plants:

  1. "Crane" - an old and effective amulet to preserve health for many years. The best way- embroider a bird sitting on a pine branch - this tree symbolizes longevity and vitality.
  2. "Turtle" - acts as a symbol good health and longevity. The slow and clumsy animal serves as a kind of "hours of youth" and for a long time preserves the natural beauty of the protected woman.
  3. "Plants" - usually embroidered for the speedy recovery of a sick person, or a noticeable improvement in the state of his body. The symbols of unceasing vitality here are iris, bamboo and peach tree.
  4. "Birch" is a Russian witch symbol. The image of this tree on embroidery protects a person from enemy encroachments, acts as a weapon against evil spirits and is in an efficient way ritual cleansing.
  5. “Woman in a hat” - this image is advised to be embroidered by ladies who want to get rid of a few extra pounds. It enhances the effect of the diet and promotes noticeable weight loss.

Signs of embroiderers associated with paintings for wealth and a successful career

An embroidered icon is able to normalize the energy background in the house

Embroidery is a special kind of art, which, in addition to the aesthetic, has one more, energetic side. Stitch by stitch, creating this or that image from threads, the embroiderer attracts certain event in your life or those of your loved ones. Embroidery is a special ceremony and signs in embroidery have special meaning, therefore, at all times it was not recommended to pick up a needle and thread in a bad mood, so as not to "weave failures for yourself." Knowing the symbolism of embroidery, you can get into the desired life changes.

Symbolism of flowers

When planning to create this or that embroidery, it is important to understand the symbolism of flowers. Blue colour symbolizes the sky and the higher self. By using this color in your thread picture, you thereby call for patronage higher power. White color traditionally - a symbol of purity and innocence, red - personifies the fiery element, passion, joy, thirst for life and helps to activate the energy around. The yellow color is responsible for the element of earth and will help in the implementation of all ideas. Black is associated with the infinity of space, eternity and change, and is also associated with the element of water.

Green color will bring success in financial affairs and help improve health. Orange color will give the necessary energy for the realization of all desires and in due time will open the necessary doors for this. Blue will help creative self-realization, revealing your talents and ability to persuade. Purple promotes the disclosure of superpowers, will help develop intuition and make the right decisions.

By choosing one or another color in the process of embroidery, you activate the power of various elements

So, the symbolism of flowers is clear. It is important to know and where to start creating a picture-amulet. On the growing moon, it is good on one of the first five days of the new moon to buy embroidery thread and a needle. You need to pay for the purchase either against the calculation, or simply not take the change. You need to return home without talking to anyone along the way until you cross the threshold of the house. This morning, before dawn, take a glass of running water and place it on the windowsill on the sunny side. When you return with your purchase, sprinkle the threads and needle with this water three times with the words: “For the right cause, for the right cause. What you think is what will happen. Right". After that, you need to make the first few stitches in the picture, and then embroider when it suits you.

The process of embroidery should not be a routine task for you. You need to put a special message into each stitch, then the picture-amulet will work one hundred percent.

Obviously, the symbolism of the picture needs to be decided in advance. If you are not strong in embroidery, you can use threads to make universal symbols of good luck, love, prosperity. For example, a square embroidered with green threads will contribute to financial stability, the red triangle will help the successful development of any business, the yellow circle will contribute to the realization of desires. A wavy line embroidered with silver threads will help you find your way and make the right decision. For those who are ready to embroider more complex images, it is important to get acquainted with the main symbolism of amulets.

For personal happiness

If your goal is to find a faithful life partner and get married, choose poppies for embroidery. A great option is a poppy field. In principle, a flower field is a symbol of male power. One of the most strong characters- peonies. These flowers will help harmonious development relationship of the newlyweds. And as soon as children appear in the family, it is better to change the embroidery with peonies to another symbolism. If in the early years life together these flowers will kindle passion, then after the appearance of offspring they can provoke infidelity. For example, you can replace peonies with an embroidered picture of a pair of doves, symbolizing loyalty and devotion.

Paired embroidery in the bedroom will help maintain the fire of passion between spouses

In addition to the flowers of luck in love, pairs of animals or birds will contribute. If this is a man and a woman, choose a plot where they hold hands and look at each other. If a girl wants to bring the wedding closer, she can embroider two wedding rings on a red canvas with gilded threads, lying one on top of the other. Another ancient sign is associated with the image of a unicorn. It is believed that if a girl, a woman, embroiders this rare animal, then it is guaranteed in the very near future.

The embroidered picture will become a personal talisman for love for the girl. The picture must be paired and made in warm colors.

Another symbol favorable for relationships is two butterflies. To strengthen the marriage and mutual fidelity of the spouses, you can embroider a pair of swans. For a happy marriage, a girl can first embroider a rooster, and then next to him a hen and chickens. It is believed that then the marriage will be official, and the spouses will live in perfect harmony. But married woman it is not recommended to embroider a rooster so that a love triangle does not arise.

By the way, there is such a sign - in no case should you give your fiance a hand-embroidered work, it is believed that this is for an unexpected parting.

Another one true omen among embroiderers - if a married couple has difficulty conceiving a child, the woman must embroider three angels. In the case when a woman experiences health problems, she can embroider a peach. The health of all family members will be kept by a pair of cranes flying over a pine tree.

For family well-being

A woman can bring good luck to herself and other members of her family by embroidering a sailboat, which literally symbolizes the arrival of good luck. Such a picture should be hung on the wall so that it is not located opposite the front door, but rather “looks” inside the house. In order for the family to always have money, it is good to embroider several goldfish, and even better carps. A running horse will also bring prosperity to the house. This embroidery also needs to be fixed on the wall looking inside the room. The same message is carried by an embroidery picture depicting sunflowers and a solar disk.

An embroidered basket with fruits and berries is a symbol of wealth and abundance. Place it in the kitchen.

For the kitchen and dining room, embroidered baskets of abundance are ideal - this is exactly the kind of energy they will attract into the house.

It is believed that the horse, in addition to financial well-being can also bring personal popularity. A picture depicting clusters of juicy grapes will bring abundance to the house. It is desirable to embroider it, of course, with your own hands and fix it on the wall in the kitchen. An image of an embroidered hummingbird is good to hang in the living room. This bird symbolizes the joy and enjoyment of life. For those who strive to be successful in professional activity, eagle or deer embroidery can be recommended. The eagle will contribute to rapid career growth, and the deer will improve professional skills and strengthen the position in the company.

Embroidering a tigress with a cub, a woman creates a charm for her child. You can embroider an image of a tiger on an apron for a boy as a symbol of courage, strength and perseverance, and a butterfly on an apron for a girl as a wish of happiness and good luck. If your goal is to reveal and enhance the creative abilities of a child, embroider an elephant with a cub, a symbol of intelligence, insight and prudence. Harmonious Relations between children and parents will be provided by the embroidery of a horse guarding a foal. The horse, in principle, is considered an animal that patronizes children.

The image of three turtles standing on top of each other is also considered a symbol of family well-being. Such a "pyramid" of turtles helps to strengthen relationships in the family, the growth of mutual understanding and cohesion. But the embroidered heron will help to survive in the most seemingly hopeless situation. Such a picture will contribute to the emergence of unexpected sources of income. In addition, the heron is a keeper hearth and family traditions.

For signs to work

If you have any cherished desire and for embroidery you have chosen a symbol that contributes to its fulfillment, briefly formulate it and write with a pencil on the embroidery canvas. Remember the main rule - write in the present tense, as if your plan has already been fulfilled. When you embroider, think about your desire, live it as if you are already a participant in the desired events. Be inside the image. So you invest in embroidery the energy necessary for the realization of desire. In fact, the embroidery process itself becomes a magical act in which subtle energies are actively involved. That's why it's so important to embroider in good mood only when you feel inspired.

The embroidery process must be conscious, then the embroidery-amulet will work

If you are in a good mood and the embroidery goes smoothly, but if in the process of embroidery you were badly pricked with a needle, there is such a sign that the canvas itself indicates errors in the pattern or the whole pattern. It is not customary for embroiderers to work with pictures of sunsets, it is believed that by embroidering such a picture, one's own luck will leave after the departing luminary.

The symbol of the highest luck is the dragon. Start embroidering it on the first day of the new moon. This picture will bring you great success.

It is believed that the most favorable days for embroidery are the seventh, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and fourteenth lunar days. It is an auspicious sign if there is a clear sky and good weather on the day of embroidery. Some embroiderers adhere to the rule - never leave an embroidery fabric on the bed, otherwise the process of fulfilling a wish can be very long.

There are a lot of embroidery symbols and any of them will work if you take the embroidery process seriously enough and consciously control emotions in the process of creating your own picture-amulet.

MEANING OF EMBROIDERY - symbols and signs in embroidery

If you love to embroider, then you probably thought about what this or that picture you embroidered means. This is especially important when embroidering as a gift, because you often want to give (to yourself or a friend) not just a beautiful picture, but also good luck, happiness, health and love. You can do this if you are guided when choosing a theme for embroidery embroidery signs and meanings of symbols according to Feng Shui.

There are a number of signs that many embroiderers know about.

Let's try to systematize them.

(1) Housing problem or what to embroider to expand living space

(buy a cottage, an apartment, get your own house).

An embroidered HOUSE contributes to the appearance of your home. It does not matter whether it is a set of some company, embroidery according to the scheme, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It doesn't matter if it's a rural hut or luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. According to the experience of embroiderers, both small pictures and grandiose buildings were embroidered - the sign works.

(2) Love, get married.

POPPIES and POPPY FIELDS (and indeed, flower fields) - to "male power".

PAIRED embroidery of animals or birds - two storks, ducks, a couple of wolves contributes to meeting with your soul mate, as well as family well-being. It is especially good if a picture with a pair of wolves hangs in the house.

If you will embroider a couple of people - a man and a woman, then ideally they should hold hands or kiss.

A meeting with a loved one is perfectly facilitated by PEONY.

According to Feng Shui, PEONY is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most auspicious symbol for young couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its favorable effect is relevant only in the first years of marriage. When children are born and the young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage.

Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, replace the embroidery with another one.

To speed up the wedding, you can embroider gold wedding rings on a red (required!) background (I think it is possible on a red canvas).

If an unmarried girl embroiders a UNICORN, then she will get married in the near future.

(3) Children

The most famous sign among embroiderers is the embroidery of three angels from Dimensions - Almost Perfect.

If you embroider them, you will definitely get pregnant. Judging by the reviews on the forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases.

(4) Health

CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) is one of the most important symbols of health. PEACH is also considered a symbol of health.

(5) Luck in business, money, wealth

SAILBOAT - embroidered to attract good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. You need to embroider not a modern boat, wooden, but beautiful, powerful, and outwardly reliable. When you hang, carefully choose a place, it should not hang opposite the entrance, it should "float into the house", that is, it should be turned with its nose into the house.

GOLD FISH - success in financial affairs.

CARPS - symbolize wealth.

A THREE-LEGED TOAD WITH A COIN IN THE MOUTH is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases money luck. It is better to place in the zone of wealth (southeast sector). It is necessary to arrange - as if she jumps into the house.

HORSESHOE - a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up.

MONEY TREE - to wealth and attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly:

According to Feng Shui, a tree should have:

An odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease, not increase). It is best if there are 9 coins. Coins must be with a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs

An odd number of flowers, and preferably 3 flowers. Flowers should be like cherry blossoms.

Attached flowers and coins should be red thread.

The tree should hang opposite the front door so that the money goes into the house.

HORSE - a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upwards. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If a symbolic image of gold is attached to the horse's back, then the horse will bring you fame and money...

(6) Car

The embroidered MACHINE repeatedly helped embroiderers to acquire a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car - from a Ferrari to an antique 1898 Opel.


Feng Shui is the science of understanding how our environment affects our physical and emotional health. This is a system knowledge based on the study of nature. It allows you to change and enhance the energy of your surroundings. Symbols are very important in Feng Shui, they help harmonize space, suppress negativity, attract the energy of abundance and success, fulfill wishes...

Since most of the signs came to us from Feng Shui, the meanings of the main symbols are given below.

Longevity, happy and peaceful old age

Fertility and happy marriage


Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness

Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conduit of auspicious energy

Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable

calm; a vase filled with something - a symbol of attracting wealth

Traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from adversity


Abundance, fun

Health, wellbeing


Bringing good luck to the house

Marriage, loyalty

Meekness and purity. Pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity

Support, protection and assistance

Bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring

GOOSE (pair)

Faith and fidelity in marriage


Dignity, Hope, Security


The highest symbol of good luck, creativity; brings business success

New Opportunities, Joy, Happiness

strength, strength



Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity.

Sensitivity, abundance, longevity

happiness and eternity

Peace of mind in any situation


Grace, nobility, marital fidelity

movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge

Life without aging

Good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being.

two carps

A symbol of the complete harmony of relations between a man and a woman


Symbol of the joy of life

Sign of victory, courage, power

A symbol of incoming good luck in business, security, hope


Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity

Prosperity, prosperity, well-being


success and abundance

Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity

Energy and courage. Defender of the home and public places




Happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue,

Life to the end, predetermined by fate

Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility

Protector of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.


love, sophistication


Symbol of strength and courage


Originality of thought, cunning, ingenuity


Powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind

Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards

Symbol of good luck and auspicious opportunities

A symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of manhood. Fire protection

Symbol of longevity

ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity


A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory

Symbol of joy, beauty, happiness

Diligence, success in science, art, trade

Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development

Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal

Power, strength, insight

Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments

Reliable protection

"happy meeting" symbol

Sign of providence, abundance, truth

A symbol of long life, loyalty and devotion



Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power

DUCKS (pair)

happiness in love

Symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Helping childless couples. Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol fruitful union, happy marriage and healthy children



Symbolizes fidelity and longevity


Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes the steady movement forward.

Remember that thoughts are things. When embroidering a picture for yourself or as a gift, knowing that it symbolizes what you wish for the donee or yourself, think about it, imagine your wish fulfilled and, we are sure, everything will come true!

It has long been known that if you want something very strongly, and work on fulfilling your desire, of course it will come true. But besides actions, the Thought itself is also very important. And in order for it to work too, embroidery helps us. After all, this is our signal to the Universe about our secret dreams and desires. You sew, focus on desire - and the Universe watches and fulfills.

It doesn’t matter what and how to embroider: you can cross stitch, you can use satin stitch, you can use floss, you can use wool, you want it on canvas, you want it on clothes, there is absolutely no difference in what language you inform the Cosmos about your plans. The main thing is to embroider with feeling, plainly and with arrangement.

For a successful pregnancy and childbirth:

Those who want to get pregnant embroider "Not perfect" from Dim and Kiss Vervako, Kid from ZR(silhouette with light threads on a black canvas).

Phoenix helps childless couples. Phoenix paired with the Dragon depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children!!!

Poppies, poppy field- male power, and another solution to the problem of the birth of a child is an embroidered stork with a baby.

Your own accommodation:

Embroidered HOUSE contributes to the appearance of their homes. It does not matter whether it is a set of some company, embroidery according to the scheme, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It does not matter whether it is a rural hut or a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. According to the experience of embroiderers, both small pictures and at home were embroidered.

Trap (Catcher) dreams

hung over the head of the bed, or close to it and contributes to good sleep and good dreams. Inventing the dream trap, the Indians recreated the woven web of leather ropes. It was in this way, in their opinion, that she did not let the evil spirits through, causing confusion in the mind and, thereby, did not allow nightmares to form. It hangs at the head of the bed. And the purpose: that mesh that in the middle holds bad dreams and misses the good ones. Weaving should be exactly like this.


Poppies, poppy field- male power, solution to the problem of childbirth

Rose, the queen of flowers, according to legend, grew up in a paradise without thorns, but gained them after the fall of man as a reminder. The rose symbolizes martyrdom as well as charity.

Easter lily (narcissus)- symbol eternal life. Early Christians believed that she sprouted from the tears of Eve leaving paradise. Lily means perfection, so the expression "gild the lily" means trying to improve what needs no improvement, as Shakespeare says in "King John": "to gild the gold the highest standard and painting a lily ... this is a waste of time and a ridiculous excess. "The Easter lily - the daffodil - blooms during Easter, when the cold, joyless winter of sin has suddenly been replaced by the spring of salvation. The flower is very accessible and unusually beautiful. Embroidered daffodils, tulips, blooming at the same time with daffodils and a little later irises (saber lily), and also the lilies themselves adorn the decoration of churches and houses for Easter.

Cushions embroidered in warm colors protect conjugal love, cold - develop the gift of foreboding troubles.

Flower embroidery guards from a divorce from a loved one, with figured ornament- from sudden danger, depicting people, landscapes, buildings helps to achieve success in business endeavors.

To improve health:

Cranes- preferably 2 and in combination with a pine branch or the tree itself ... This is one of the most important symbols of health.

Peach also considered a symbol of health.

Good luck, wealth and prosperity, solving everyday problems:

sailboat- a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. For effective work talisman, it is necessary that the sailboat be turned with its nose inside the house. If you place pieces of gold or its imitation on the deck of the ship, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the talisman."

gold fish- success in financial affairs.

Phoenix- a symbol of prosperity, symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children!!!

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth- a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place in the zone of wealth (southeast sector). It is necessary to arrange - as if she jumps into the house. Can be placed in a water fountain - will increase monetary luck.

Peacock- a talisman that attracts good luck and success. Feathers also work.

Horseshoe- a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up.

Windmill- having conceived a wish when embroidering, it will surely come true.

Grape- if there is something with grapes in the kitchen, it will bring wealth

Money Tree in Feng Shui represents your business or family budget. The tree grows and develops, and the fruits on it are coins. A money tree is for wealth and the attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly: according to Feng Shui, the tree should have: - an odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease, and not arrive). It is best if there are 9 coins. Coins must be with a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs - an odd number of colors, and preferably 3 flowers. Flowers should be like cherry blossoms. Flowers are attached and coins should be a red thread. A tree should hang opposite the front door so that money goes into the house.

The Dragon brings business success. This is one of the favorite symbols in Feng Shui. He must be depicted with a magical pearl - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth. This magical pearl is a symbol of the inseparability of matter and spirit. If the dragon does not have a pearl, he is angry and does not bring good luck.

Elephant- an auspicious animal of Feng Shui. It attracts the luck of an auspicious star. Thanks to its trunk, the elephant can get something from far away. This ability of his is used in Feng Shui to draw the luck of a favorable star of prosperity into the house. If an auspicious star is located right at the entrance and all luck enters through the door - this is wonderful, but extremely rare. In other cases, you can resort to the help of an elephant. The elephant is placed on the windowsill, with its trunk in the direction of a good star, and it draws good luck from the street through the window into the house.

Dolphins- cheerful friends and helpers (but you need to place it in the Helper zone - northwest)

The fountain- a symbol of wealth and abundance. Moving water represents great luck.

The mountains- to attract success in business, it is good to place in the north, but not with sharp peaks and without water, and it is desirable that these pictures be behind your back, as support.

Horse- a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upwards. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If a symbolic image of gold is attached to the back of a horse, then the horse will bring you fame and money.

presence in the kitchen images of fruits and vegetables promotes abundance.

LIGHTHOUSE- to solve a problem that has been tormenting for a long time, changes in life for the better (change of job, partner, etc.)

Spikelets of wheat, rye, oats promote well-being, wealth, health, comfort in the house.

For the wedding to find a couple:

Gold wedding rings- you need to embroider their image on a red (required!) background.

Peony- a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most favorable symbol for young married couples; the picture should be hung in the southwest. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its favorable effect is relevant only in the first years of marriage. When children are born and the young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. If a woman is divorced and has children, then you can safely place peonies. Of course, if you want to meet your destiny.

butterflies- it is recommended to decorate bedroom walls with fluttering butterflies to activate romantic relationship. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people to get their lives on track and keep the fire going. existing relationships. Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks to give the impression that they have naturally flown into your room.

wedding towel, the one where there is a pair of birds is especially good, images of storks on a nest (lelek), pairs of pigeons (necessarily turned to each other with their beaks), a wreath of viburnum and hop leaves were considered traditional family symbols.

Unicorn- if you embroider an unmarried girl, then she will get married in the near future. It symbolizes long life, celebration, splendor, joy, famous descendants and wisdom!!!

Pair of animals: embroider a couple of swans, a couple of wolves, a couple of storks, a couple of ducks, two butterflies - marital happiness (remove images of single women from the apartment),

peahen bird- a symbol of family happiness.

If you embroider a couple of people- a man and a woman, then ideally they should hold hands or kiss.

Sets from ZR "Glance", "Emerald" etc. - to attract males to the house

Protection for children:

Tigress with baby: In the East, the tiger is considered the king of the mountains. Tigers serve the best amulet from any negative influences and evil forces. This is a wish for children to grow up strong, healthy, in complete safety and to be worthy of royal nobility. Tiger cubs under the tree of longevity serve as a talisman for children and ensure their successful development. This is a wish for children to grow up strong, healthy and worthy of royal nobility.

Elephant with baby: A symbol of strength, insight, intelligence, prudence and peacefulness. Brings good luck to the owners of the house and protection to children, stimulates creativity.

Horse with baby A beautiful horse protecting a foal symbolizes a source of strength and energy, provides protection to children, brings parental love, joy of life, beauty and optimism. The image serves as a wonderful supportive tool for children. the horse is the patron saint of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.

In general, any picture where there is a mother with a baby, whether it be people or animals (where there is care), this will be additional protection.

Children's laziness and unwillingness to learn are sewn into crosses in the picture "Too tired" from Dim (well, the same cat on a branch !!!)

The primary colors used in traditional Chinese embroidery consist of five of the following:

Blue- the personification of the higher Yang, the symbol of the sky;

White the personification of the highest yin, a symbol of purity;

Red symbols of fire, joy, happiness;

Yellow symbols of the Earth, power, dreams;

Black symbol of water, variability, eternity, space.

For example, images of a tiger were embroidered on children's aprons, or necklaces with a lock - symbols of strength and long life; butterflies - wishes of happiness; and even an official on a horse - a wish successful career. The fertile symbols include a unicorn, a three-legged frog (a symbol of wealth), a carp.

Symbols in Feng Shui and not only:

STORK- Longevity, happy and peaceful old age

QUINCE- Fertility and happy marriage

BUTTERFLY- Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness. Butterfly - a symbol of new life, means rebirth, a wonderful symbol of resurrection and eternal life." a symbol of serene joy, happiness;

BAMBOO- Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conduit of auspicious energy

BULL- Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable

VASE- Tranquility; a vase filled with something - a symbol of attracting wealth

FAN- A traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from adversity

GRAPE- Abundance, fun

WATER- Health, well-being

WATERFALL- Bringing good luck to the house

CROW- Marriage, fidelity

PIGEON- Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity. The dove symbolizes forgiveness. When the dove with the olive leaf appeared in Noah's ark, it was a sign of forgiveness.

MOUNTAIN- Support, protection and assistance

POMEGRANATE- Bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring

GOOSE(couple) - Faith and fidelity in marriage

DOLPHIN- Dignity, Hope, Security

WOOD- Longevity

THE DRAGON- The highest symbol of good luck, creativity; brings business success

THRUSH- New opportunities, joy, happiness

TOAD- strength, strength


CRANE- Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life, health. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity.

HARE- Sensitivity, abundance, longevity

STARS- Happiness and eternity

ZEBRA- Peace of mind in any situation

KINGFISHER- Grace, nobility, marital fidelity

SNAKE- Movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge

IRIS- Life without old age

CARP- Luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carps - a symbol of complete harmony in relations between a man and a woman

hummingbird- Symbol of the joy of life

HORSE- Sign of victory, courage, power

BOAT- A symbol of incoming good luck in business, security, hope

BASKET- Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity

RAT- Prosperity, prosperity, well-being

SWALLOWS- Success and abundance

SWAN- Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity

A LION- Energy and courage. Defender of the home and public places

LEOPARD- Courage

BAT- Happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end, predetermined by fate

LOTUS- Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility, fidelity symbol

HORSE- Protector of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.

MAGNOLIA, ORCHID- Love, sophistication

BEAR- A symbol of strength and courage

A MONKEY- Originality of thinking, cunning, ingenuity

DEER- Career

EAGLE- A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind

PEACOCK- Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards

PALM- Victory

LANDSCAPE- A symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities

ROOSTER- A symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of manhood. red rooster - a talisman against fires, white rooster drives away evil night spirits!!!

PEACH- Symbol of Longevity

PEONY- Ardent passion, unquenchable love, glory, dignity

PARROT- A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory

BIRDS- A symbol of joy, beauty, happiness

BEE- Diligence, success in science, art, trade

FISH- Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development

SAKURA- Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal

ELEPHANT- Power, strength, insight

OWL- Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments

DOG- Reliable protection

MAGPIE- Symbol of "happy meeting"

SUN- A sign of providence, abundance, truth

PINE- A symbol of long life, loyalty and devotion


TIGER- Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power. The symbol of the tiger is used with great care, because. this is a very ferocious animal, which, if not handled appropriately, can destroy its owner. If you decide to use the symbol of the tiger to protect your home, be sure to check if there are any among your family members who were born in the year of the animals that make up the food of the tiger (boar, rabbit, rooster) !!!

Ducks(couple) - Happiness in love

PHOENIX- Symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Helping childless couples. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children.



HERON- Symbolizes fidelity and longevity

CICADA- a symbol of immortality and resurrection, happiness and eternal youth. The only insect that lives for more than 17 years. It is believed that these tiny creatures inspire great ideas and give vivacity to thought!!!

TURTLE- Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes the steady movement forward.

Well, a little more...

Landscape- a symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities;

Legumes- a symbol of prosperity, satiety, physical strength.

Broom- sweeps energy dust out of the house.

Larks- a symbol of fertility and childbearing.

cereals- a symbol of material wealth.

Corn is a symbol of children's health.

Lyko- leg health.

Poppy- a symbol of the fulfillment of desires.

Sackcloth- prosperity in the house.

Coin- a penny saves a ruble.

Nut- a symbol of mental strength, wisdom, longevity.

Pepper- from quarrels in the family and a symbol female beauty and youth.

Horseshoe- luck, happiness.

Sunflowers, seeds- the energy of the sun and health.

Pumpkin is a symbol of fertility.

Fruits, berries- cornucopia.

Bread- spiritual and material wealth.

Flower is a symbol of the sun.

Flowers- comfort, coziness.

Garlic, onion, poppy- drives away evil spirits.

Cone family fortress.

And finally, probably the most important rule - it doesn’t matter which symbol you choose for yourself - the main thing believe that he will help you, and everything will come true.

If you love to embroider, then you probably thought about what this or that picture you embroidered means. This is especially important when embroidering as a gift, because you often want to give (to yourself or a friend) not just a beautiful picture, but also good luck, happiness, health and love. This can be done if you are guided when choosing a theme for embroidery by embroidery signs and the meanings of symbols according to Feng Shui.

There are a number of signs that many embroiderers know about.

Let's try to systematize them.

(1) Housing problem or what to embroider to expand living space

(buy a cottage, an apartment, get your own house).

An embroidered HOUSE contributes to the appearance of your home. It does not matter whether it is a set of some company, embroidery according to the scheme, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It does not matter whether it is a rural hut or a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. According to the experience of embroiderers, both small pictures and grandiose buildings were embroidered - the sign works.

(2) Love, get married.

POPPIES and POPPY FIELDS (and indeed, flower fields) - to "male power".

PAIRED embroidery of animals or birds - two storks, ducks, a couple of wolves contributes to meeting with your soul mate, as well as family well-being. It is especially good if a picture with a pair of wolves hangs in the house.

If you will embroider a couple of people - a man and a woman, then ideally they should hold hands or kiss.

A meeting with a loved one is perfectly facilitated by PEONY.

According to Feng Shui, PEONY is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most auspicious symbol for young couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its favorable effect is relevant only in the first years of marriage. When children are born and the young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage.

Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, replace the embroidery with another one.

To speed up the wedding, you can embroider gold wedding rings on a red (required!) background (I think you can also on a red canvas).

If an unmarried girl embroiders a UNICORN, then she will get married in the near future.

(3) Children

The most famous sign among embroiderers is the embroidery of three angels from Dimensions - Almost Perfect.

If you embroider them, you will definitely get pregnant. Judging by the reviews on the forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases.

(4) Health

CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) is one of the most important symbols of health. PEACH is also considered a symbol of health.

(5) Luck in business, money, wealth

SAILBOAT - embroidered to attract good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. You need to embroider not a modern boat, wooden, but beautiful, powerful, and outwardly reliable. When you hang, carefully choose a place, it should not hang opposite the entrance, it should "float into the house", that is, it should be turned with its nose into the house.

GOLD FISH - success in financial affairs.

CARPS - symbolize wealth.

A THREE-LEGED TOAD WITH A COIN IN THE MOUTH is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place in the zone of wealth (southeast sector). It is necessary to arrange - as if she jumps into the house.

HORSESHOE - a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up.

MONEY TREE - to wealth and the attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly:
According to Feng Shui, a tree should have:

An odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease, not increase). It is best if there are 9 coins. Coins must be with a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs

An odd number of flowers, and preferably 3 flowers. Flowers should be like cherry blossoms.

Attached flowers and coins should be red thread.

The tree should hang opposite the front door so that the money goes into the house.

HORSE - a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upwards. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If a symbolic image of gold is attached to the horse's back, then the horse will bring you fame and money...

(6) Car

The embroidered MACHINE repeatedly helped embroiderers to acquire a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car, from a Ferrari to an antique 1898 Opel.


Feng Shui is the science of understanding how our environment affects our physical and emotional health. This is a system of knowledge based on the study of Nature. It allows you to change and enhance the energy of your surroundings. Symbols are very important in Feng Shui, they help harmonize space, suppress negativity, attract the energy of abundance and success, fulfill wishes...

Since most of the signs came to us from Feng Shui, the meanings of the main symbols are given below.

Longevity, happy and peaceful old age

Fertility and happy marriage

Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness

Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conduit of auspicious energy

Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable

calm; a vase filled with something - a symbol of attracting wealth

Traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from adversity

Abundance, fun

Health, wellbeing

Bringing good luck to the house

Marriage, fidelity

Meekness and purity. Pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity

Support, protection and assistance

Bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring

GOOSE (pair)
Faith and fidelity in marriage

Dignity, Hope, Security


The highest symbol of good luck, creativity; brings business success

New Opportunities, Joy, Happiness

strength, strength


Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity.

Sensitivity, abundance, longevity

happiness and eternity

Peace of mind in any situation

Grace, nobility, marital fidelity

movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge

Life without aging

Good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being.

two carps
A symbol of the complete harmony of relations between a man and a woman

Symbol of the joy of life

Sign of victory, courage, power

A symbol of incoming good luck in business, security, hope

Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity

Prosperity, prosperity, well-being

success and abundance

Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity

Energy and courage. Defender of the home and public places


Happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue,
life until the end, predetermined by fate

Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility

Protector of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.

love, sophistication

Symbol of strength and courage

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