Home Vegetables University named after n p ogarev. Mordovia State University N.P. Ogareva. The structure and material and technical base of the university

University named after n p ogarev. Mordovia State University N.P. Ogareva. The structure and material and technical base of the university

National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education.

The founder of the university is the Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder of the university are carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Mordovia State University was established on October 2, 1957 on the basis of the Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute, organized on October 1, 1931. Its creation meant a qualitatively new step in the development of higher education in Mordovia. Today Mordovia University is one of the largest centers of higher education, science and culture in Russia.

The university presents all levels of higher education and a number of specialties of secondary vocational education, there are programs for retraining and advanced training. The university carries out fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2010 No. 812-r, the category “national research university” was established with respect to the Ogarev Moscow State University.

The university is located in the central part of Russia, 620 km from Moscow. There are 2 branches, 29 educational buildings, 14 dormitories, in which more than 4700 students, more than 80 graduate students, families of university employees live.

The scientific and pedagogical potential of the university is more than 1.5 thousand people. Of these, doctors of sciences, professors - 280; candidates of sciences, associate professors - 1,100.

Education of students at Mordovia University is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time (evening) forms. More than 20 thousand students study at the university in all forms of education. Among them are more than 1,100 foreign citizens.

Training under the programs of higher (HP) and secondary (SVE) vocational education of students enrolled in the university before 2011 is carried out according to the state educational standards of the II generation, and those enrolled in 2011 and in subsequent years - according to the federal state educational standards of the III generation. Duration of study for full-time / part-time (evening) forms of study: 5/6 years (training of specialists), 4/5 years (bachelor's degree) and 2 / 2.5 years (master's degree). At the Medical Institute, respectively, 6/7 years. The training of specialists is carried out in the form of lectures, laboratory, seminars and practical classes.

The educational process in most areas of training and specialties is conducted in the state language of the Russian Federation - Russian. By decision of the Academic Council of the university, classes can be conducted in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign languages. A number of educational programs are carried out in English.

Awarded diplomas and degrees: graduate, candidate of science, doctor of science, bachelor's and master's. After completing the training, those who have completed the curriculum are issued a Russian state diploma of the established form on higher education and qualifications.

National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev is located in Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, and is the largest university in the region. The university was founded in 1957 on the basis of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. The structure of the university includes 10 faculties, 7 institutes and two branches in the cities of Ruzayevka and Kovylkino. The rector of the university (since 2010) is S.M. Vdovin, the president of the university is N.P. Makarkin.

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History of Moscow State University N. P. Ogareva

Mordovian University traces its history to the creation of the first higher educational institution in Mordovia - the Mordovian Agricultural Pedagogical Institute. It was opened in the region (at that time the Mordovian Autonomous Region) on October 1, 1931 by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.

A year later, on November 23, 1932, the Agricultural Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute (MGPI). It included the creation of historical, mathematical, chemical, biological departments and a department of literature and language. The first graduation of specialists (73 people) took place in 1935.

The main task of the university at first was to provide schools in the region with teaching staff. The accelerated training of teachers was carried out at the Teachers' Institute, which was opened as part of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute in 1934. In 1935, MGPI students moved to a new four-story building at the corner of Bolshevistskaya and Rabochy Lane (now B. Khmelnitsky Street). The first educational building existed until 2010; on September 15, 2016, a new educational and laboratory building of the Mordovian University was opened in its place - the tallest building in Saransk.

From 1938 to 1957, the Mordovian Pedagogical Institute was named after the Russian poet Alexander Ivanovich Polezhaev, who was a native of the Mordovian region. In the same decades, the largest Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin worked at the university. For the first time, M.M.Bakhtin came to Saransk and began working at the university in 1936 after exile. Then, from 1945 to 1961, until his retirement, Mikhail Mikhailovich taught at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Mordovian Pedagogical Institute (since 1957 - the Mordovian University), was an associate professor, head of the department of Russian and foreign literature. In Saransk, he prepared for publication the books that brought him worldwide fame - "Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics" (Moscow, 1963), "The Creativity of Francois Rabelais and the folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance" (Moscow, 1965). In 2015, in the year of the 120th anniversary of M.M.Bakhtin, a monument to the scientist was unveiled in the park near the central campus of the university, and the memorial and research center of M.M.Bakhtin appeared as part of the university.

On October 2, 1957, on the basis of the A.I. Polezhaev Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, the Mordovian State University was established with the Faculty of History and Philology, Physics and Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, Agricultural Faculties, as well as the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The following year, the university began training its own scientific personnel in graduate school. In accordance with the urgent tasks of the development of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, new faculties and specialties were opened: in the following decades, the faculties of construction, electronic engineering, agricultural mechanization, economic, legal, medical and the only lighting engineering faculty in Russia were formed (since 2016 - the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering ).

Since 1970, Mordovia University has been named after the Russian poet, publicist and revolutionary Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev. The Ogaryov family estate - the village of Staroe Akshino - is located 40 km from Saransk. The university has a museum of N.P. Ogarev. One of the symbols of Mordovia University is the Ogarev monument, unveiled in 1984.

In 1982, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Mordovia University named after N.P. Ogarev was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples for services in training specialists and the development of scientific research.

In the 1990s. the structure of the university changed - the largest faculties were transformed into institutes, and research institutes were also opened. In 2000, branches of the Mordovian University were opened in the two largest (besides Saransk) cities of Mordovia - Kovylkin and Ruzayevka.

A new stage in the history of Mordovia University began with the establishment of the category "National Research University" in its relation in 2010. In recent years, Mordovia University has become a member of the Association of Leading Russian Universities and the Association of Classical Universities of Russia, and has also strengthened its international positions.

Positions of the university in the rankings

National Research Mordovia State University is ranked among the top 600 universities in the world according to the Round University Ranking and ranks 16th among Russian universities included in this rating. In 2016, Moscow State University. N.P. Ogaryova was included in the top 200 universities according to the international ranking QS EECA 2016 (Emerging Europe & Central Asia 2016, universities in 25 countries of Europe and Central Asia are assessed). In 2014, the Expert RA agency included the university in the rating of higher educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where it was awarded the “E” class (“sufficient level of student training”).

University rectors

Educational programs of Mordovia University are annually ranked among the best educational programs of higher education according to the results of the All-Russian project "The best educational programs of innovative Russia".

More than 150 additional educational programs are being implemented at the Mordovia University. In 2015, a joint project of the Mordovian University, the Agency for Innovative Development of Mordovia and the Mail.ru Group "Techno College" was launched. The project participants - students of IT-related areas of training and specialties - undergo free practical training in web and mobile development.

Scientific activity

The development program of the Mordovia State University for 2010-2019 identified two priority directions for the development of the university's scientific activities: PNR 1 "Energy saving and new materials" and PNR 2 "Fundamental and applied research in the field of Finno-Ugric studies." Thanks to the funding received under the NRU development program, the university has formed a modern system of research, innovation and implementation structures: 127 research laboratories and centers, including 5 centers for collective use, as well as a technology transfer center, a center for youth innovative creativity, 7 youth innovation centers, 10 student design bureaus. In just five years, 3 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the Development Program, half of which was for the purchase of modern scientific equipment.

Currently, the university employs 280 doctors of sciences, professors and 1,100 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 16 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other state academies. The university scientists annually implement more than 40 grants from international and Russian foundations. The volume of R&D carried out by the university over the past 5 years amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. The share of financing contracts on orders of enterprises of the real sector of the economy in the total volume of R&D is 72%.

Moscow State University N.P. Ogareva is a member of 12 technological platforms and serves as a basic scientific platform for the implementation of key projects within the innovative territorial cluster of the Republic of Mordovia. The University actively includes objects of intellectual property in the economic circulation. The university's innovation belt numbers 25 small innovative enterprises. According to the monitoring of the effectiveness of innovation activities of Russian universities, carried out in 2016 by RVC and NRU ITMO, Mordovia University took first place in the ranking in terms of the amount of funds received in 2015 through the use of the results of intellectual activity.

The university has 11 dissertation councils. The university annually organizes more than 40 all-Russian and international conferences. Youth science is actively developing. Young scientists of the university became the owners of 171 grants of the UMNIK program of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

On the basis of the faculties (institutes) of the university, three All-Russian student olympiads and competitions in the specialty are held annually. Since 2012, the university has been annually implementing a program for the development of student associations "Student associations as a creative component of the scientific and educational process at the national research university."

International connections

Mordovia University carries out international relations in the following areas:

  • development of the international partner network of the university, which currently includes more than 80 world scientific and educational centers from 29 countries of the world;
  • carrying out interdisciplinary scientific research in collaboration with leading world scientific centers;
  • export of educational services of the university;
  • development of international academic mobility.

Mordovia State University has been actively working in the educational services export market since 1989. During this period, more than 900 citizens from 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, America were trained at the university, including postgraduate students with the defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of sciences. The intensification of activities in the field of training foreign citizens is associated with obtaining the status of a national research university in 2010.

For 10 years, the contingent of foreign citizens studying at the university has grown more than 10 times. In 2016, more than 1150 foreign citizens from 53 countries of the world study at the university - Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Vietnam, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Egypt, India, Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, Kazakhstan , Cameroon, China, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Latvia, Mali, Morocco, Mongolia, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Sri Lanka , Chad, Ecuador, South Ossetia, etc.

The university is pursuing an active policy of promotion in the international educational markets through a developed agent network and Internet platforms. Information about university study opportunities can be found on the websites of renowned online recruiters Masterstudies and Studyabroadonline (in Chinese).

Moscow State University N. P. Ogareva implements a number of educational projects with the support of the European Union. Joint scientific research in priority areas of the university's development is carried out within the framework of international programs (TEMPUS, Jean Monnet and others), as well as jointly with international partners. Research and educational structures of the network type are constantly operating:

  • Laboratory for research of thin-film coatings deposited by nanotechnology atomic layer deposition (ALD - atomic layer deposition). The laboratory was opened jointly with Beneq Oy (Finland).
  • International Network Institute for Basic Research and Applied Technologies. The Institute was opened jointly with Loughborough University (UK)
  • Moscow State University N. P. Ogaryova is a resident of the Technopark of Zhenjiang (PRC).
  • Joint Russian-French Automotive Training Center "Educational Technologies in the Automotive Industry". The center was created jointly with the European partner of the National Association for the Training of Specialists for the Automotive Industry SOFAZ (GNFA, France).

Mordovia University is a member of the Eurasian Association of Universities, the International Association of Finno-Ugric Universities, the Association of Educational Organizations of Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The structure and material and technical base of the university

The structure of Mordovia University, in addition to faculties, institutes and branches, includes administrative departments and centers, a scientific library, a publishing house, and editorial offices. Mordovia University publishes 16 scientific journals, including 7 from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission: "Integration of Education", "REGIONOLOGY REGIONOLOGY", "Bulletin of the Mordovian State University" and the international scientific journal "Finno-Ugric World", "Economic History", "Humanities: topical problems of science and education ”,“ Journal of the Middle Volga Mathematical Society ”.

The scientific library is named after the outstanding Russian philosopher and thinker M. M. Bakhtin, who worked at the university for about 25 years. The Scientific Library of the University contains about 2.5 million documents in various media, access to the world's leading information resources is provided. It offers users 16 reading rooms and a modern information and situational center.

The material and technical base of the university includes 29 educational and laboratory buildings, the Palace of Culture and Arts, the Studenchesky swimming pool, six gyms, three sports and recreation complexes, and two ski resorts. The 16 dormitories of the university are home to about 5000 people. The university campus was among the winners of the All-Russian competition for the best student hostel.

The sports infrastructure of the university includes 2 sports and recreation sports complexes, an air-supported multifunctional sports complex, a student swimming pool, a ski base, 6 sports and 5 gyms. Moscow State University N. P. Ogareva won many times in the All-Russian competition "University of healthy lifestyles."

student life

The system of student self-government at Mordovia University includes more than 40 public organizations, including a trade union committee and a student council. Students can prove themselves in many areas of activity: student science, entrepreneurship, student teams, self-government, creativity, volunteering, etc.

In 2015, the Volunteer Center for the 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ was established at Mordovia University. Saransk is one of the host cities for the 2018 World Cup, and 1,300 volunteers will be trained to organize matches at Mordovia University.

In 2012, teachers and students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology and the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering established the Center for Olympiad Training in Programming. The center prepares for the Olympiads, holds its own competitions and ensures the participation of Mordovian University students in Russian and international competitions. The highest achievement of the university students was a III degree diploma at the Semifinals of the ACM ICPC 2014 Student World Championship in Programming.

Over 40% of students are involved in the sports life of the university. There are 30 sports sections. The Universiade in 11 sports and the Spartakiad in 10 sports are held annually. The university has a sports club, a student sports club "Ogarevets", a center for the development of physical culture and sports activities with students with disabilities. Among the students and alumni of the university there are Olympic champions, winners and prize-winners of the world and European championships. Every year student teams take over 140 prizes in official district, All-Russian and international sports competitions.

Notes (edit)

  1. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 / Endowment Management Fund “Development of the Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev "

At the Faculty of Continuing Education, Moscow State University. N.P. Ogarev completed an additional professional training program "Development of urban (rural) settlements: legal and socio-economic aspects." The training was traditionally initiated by the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia.

From April 8 to April 24, in the sports hall of the educational building No. 1, basketball competitions among girls were held in the Universiade-2019 classification. 11 teams took part in the competition. The leaders of the competition were representatives of the Medical Institute.

The work of Roman Motkin won 1st place in the IV International competition of educational and scientific works of students, undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students UNIVERSITY KNOWLEDGE - 2019 (within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard) in the nomination "Professional competencies" in the direction of "Sociological Sciences", stage "Postgraduate study". Topic of the article: "Problems of the social and professional status of an insolvency administrator." Head - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor S.V. Polutin.

On April 22-23 in Nizhny Novgorod, the Assembly “NGOs of Volga Region. New Opportunities for Cooperation ”. The event was organized within the framework of the “Wider circle. Resource kaleidoscope in the outback of the Volga region 2018-2019 ", which is implemented by a network of resource centers of SO NPO Volga Federal District. From Mordovia, this network includes the Council of Veterans of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva and the Regional Center for Silver Volunteering of the Republic of Mordovia.

According to the results of the second All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional" in the 2018/2019 academic year, a 4th year student of the "Software Engineering" direction of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogareva Vladislav Kiselev became the winner in the direction of "Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems" and the prize-winner in the direction of "Software Engineering" (in the category "Bachelor's degree").

The next issue of the electronic edition for students and postgraduates "Ogarev-online" in the section "Medical Sciences" has been released. It includes articles by the winners of the competition of scientific works and participants of the IV All-Russian scientific-practical conference of young scientists, graduate students, students "Actual problems of biomedical disciplines."

On April 23, an expanded meeting of the administration of the Mordovian University took place. Before the discussion began, Rector S.M. Vdovin presented to the dean of the Faculty of Law Yu.N. Sushkova Gratitude of the Association of Lawyers of Russia - for high achievements in professional activity in the field of jurisprudence.

On April 24, the all-Russian campaign "St. George's Ribbon" started at the Mordovia University. In the afternoon, residents of Ogarev will join the International volunteer civil-patriotic project "15 days before the Great Victory", aimed at fostering and maintaining civil-patriotic feelings among the descendants of the participants in the Great Patriotic War.

On April 23, as part of the industrial tourism program, which is being implemented at the site of AB InBev Efes JSC - AB InBev Efes, an excursion was held for students of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the areas of training "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry", "Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials", organized by Center for Assistance to Employment of Graduates of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva.

On April 23, an exhibition of works by a teacher of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Moscow State University was opened at the University History Museum. NPOgaryova Olga Alekseevna Botina "Capital city, beloved city". The artist presents the architectural landscapes of Saransk, made in watercolor technique.

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