Home Vegetables Forbidden fruits. What fruits can be eaten with diabetes mellitus, and which cannot? Types of arterial hypertension

Forbidden fruits. What fruits can be eaten with diabetes mellitus, and which cannot? Types of arterial hypertension

One of the important points in the treatment and prevention of gout is the organization of proper nutrition. The patient's diet is limited to foods rich in purines and animal fats. Therefore, in addition to prescribing medications, the attending physician always explains to the patient which vegetables and fruits can be eaten with gout, and which should be avoided. These recommendations will help relieve an acute attack of the disease and prevent the development of relapses.

To reduce the number and duration of attacks, it is necessary to reduce the number of meals with a high purine content in the diet. At the same time, it is prohibited to use the following products:

  1. Fatty animal food - red meat and fish, offal, refractory fats, canned food and strong broths.
  2. Legumes - soybeans, peas, beans, lentils.
  3. Smoked dishes - ham, sausages, etc.
  4. Pickles and marinades.
  5. Salted and smoked fish, caviar.
  6. Mushrooms in any form, including mushroom broths.
  7. Some fruits and berries - raspberries, grapes, figs.
  8. Vegetable crops - cauliflower, sorrel, spinach.
  9. Salty and fatty cheeses.
  10. Spices and hot seasonings.
  11. Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea.
  12. Alcoholic drinks.
  13. Yeast.

Diet and menu principles

For patients with gout, a diet number 6 according to Pevzner is provided. If a person has a tendency to be overweight, it is possible to follow diet number 8.

The main condition for proper nutrition is the elimination of foods rich in purines and oxalates from the diet, limiting the amount of salt and increasing fluid. It is very important to consume enough "light" proteins, vegetables and fruits. The essence of building the menu and diet is as follows:

  1. All food components must be easy to digest.
  2. You need to eat fractionally and in small portions - from 4 to 6 times a day.
  3. Once a week, you can arrange fasting days with vegetables or fruits.
  4. Meals should be balanced and high in calories.
  5. With obesity, the diet should be aimed at normalizing weight.
  6. Very often, gout is accompanied by diabetes mellitus, which also affects the nature of the diet. In this case, it is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates.

In no case should you starve for gout. A complete refusal of food affects the production of uric acid and can provoke an exacerbation.

Eating vegetables

Most of the vegetable crops have a positive effect on the patient's condition. You can prepare fresh vegetable salads, caviar, and also serve boiled or baked products on the table.

Potatoes and pumpkin

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants contained in this culture help to cleanse the body and protect cells from harmful factors. The vegetable has a beneficial effect on the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys and joints, and also removes excess fluid from the body, thereby contributing to the normalization of blood pressure.

Potatoes for gout are useful in any form. To relieve acute pain in inflammatory syndrome, prepare a stew with celery, parsley and cilantro. The juice from the raw product affects the regeneration of cartilage and is very beneficial for the joints.

Eggplant and squash

Eggplant patients with gout should be eaten with caution. On the one hand, this vegetable contains a large amount of potassium and promotes the excretion of uric acid from the body. On the other hand, the composition contains substances involved in the synthesis of uric acid, which can cause an attack of joint pain.

Zucchini with this pathology is allowed and very useful. They are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Eating zucchini caviar promotes the excretion of urates and oxalates from the kidneys and prevents the development of urolithiasis.

Cabbage and corn

White cabbage brings great benefits to the body. This vegetable is available all year round. Vitamin K contained in the product is involved in blood clotting, normalizes bowel function, promotes protein production and energy metabolism. Sauerkraut contains a large amount of vitamin C and enhances the excretion of uric acid. However, this product is rich in sodium and chlorine, which increases blood pressure, negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and causes the development of edema. Therefore, you need to use sauerkraut in small quantities and infrequently.

Cauliflower is only contraindicated in gout because it is rich in purines and can trigger an attack.

A permitted product for this disease is corn, which is filled with vitamins and other biologically active substances.

Garlic and onion

Garlic is high in trace minerals that help lower uric acid levels. These include molybdenum, iron, copper, sulfur. In addition, garlic helps to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the development of obesity and arterial hypertension.

Onions contain a large amount of salicylic acid, increases the content of urates in the blood and can provoke an attack, therefore, it is undesirable to use it in case of illness.

Other vegetables

Cucumbers, cilantro and parsley are diuretic. You can eat them in small quantities for gout. It is not recommended to include dill in any form in the diet, since it is harmful for this disease. And you can eat sweet bell peppers. However, it will be most useful if it is not cooked.

Celery allows you to eliminate inflammation and swelling of the joints, so it is recommended to eat it even with an exacerbation. The juice of this plant helps to remove uric acid from the body.

Experts have different opinions regarding tomatoes. Some categorically prohibit including them in the diet for gout, others recommend taking them as a very useful product. Before making a final decision, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Berries and fruits

In the menu of patients with gout, it is imperative to include fruits and berries. The list of permitted includes:

  • apples;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • melon;
  • lemon;
  • cherries;
  • bananas;
  • kiwi;
  • cranberry.

Lemon garlic tincture is a proven folk remedy for ailments. Several lemons are chopped in a meat grinder, mixed with crushed garlic and poured with boiling water. The tincture is taken to remove urates, relieve swelling and inflammation. You can learn more about the treatment of joints with lemon by watching the video.

Apples can be eaten in any form - fresh, baked, in the form of compote, etc. The smaller the size of the fruit, the more nutrients it contains.

Bananas are especially beneficial when combined with unsweetened yogurt. You must eat at least one fruit per day.

Cherries and cranberries are the most beneficial berries for gout. They can be consumed fresh or any type of composition can be prepared - medicinal fruit drinks and tinctures, boiled or baked. These berries promote the elimination of urates from the body, relieve inflammation and pain in the joints.

Forbidden fruits

The list of fruits prohibited for gout includes dates, grapes, raspberries, and strawberries. These fruits contain a large amount of purines, and raspberries, in addition, are rich in salicylates, which can provoke aggravation. All varieties of these fruits and berries are excluded from the diet.

Plums have a diuretic effect, therefore, experts do not recommend including them in the diet of a patient with gout.


The patient's diet should be balanced and have sufficient calories. For gout, you can eat vegetables and fruits that are low in purines, rich in potassium and promote the excretion of uric acid. The diet must be agreed with the attending physician and nutritionist.

The development of diabetes mellitus and the rapid progression of its symptoms largely depends on the factor of proper nutrition. Since the disease provokes a lack of insulin, the patient has an urgent need for constant monitoring of blood glucose levels.

To further eliminate the symptoms associated with diabetes and chronic disorders, diabetics have to pay special attention to dietary and healthy nutrition.

An important role in this moment is played by a properly selected diet of fruits and vegetables. Indeed, as it turned out, not all of them can be eaten in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Products rich in vitamins and useful microelements provide high-quality diet therapy. Since the patient now largely avoids foods that are oversaturated with carbohydrates, starch and sugar. The daily intake should not exceed 2300 calories... The volume of liquid that should be drunk in its pure form within 24 hours is 1.5-2 liters.

Glycemic index and nutritional value of foods

Correct and balanced nutrition is the basis of a therapeutic and prophylactic diet for diabetics. Since the constant monitoring of glucose in the patient's blood no longer allows eating all kinds of food, diabetics also have to carefully calculate the daily diet, focusing on the glycemic index and nutritional value of the food.

The glycemic index is a qualitative characteristic of an indicator that indicates the degree of influence of food eaten on the glucose content in the body.

Thanks to the correct preliminary calculation of the portioned food using a specially compiled table of indicators of the glycemic index of all products, the amount of sugar in the blood can be reduced or increased.

The standard indicator of pure sugar is 100. The reaction of the body to the product consumed in a peculiar way reflected by means of numerical values ​​helps to think over the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus to make it as useful and safe as possible.

The GI index may directly depend not only on such factors as the method of heat treatment of the product or its preparation. The internal composition of the product is also a significant factor. The fiber, fat, protein, type of carbohydrates contained in vegetables and fruits determine the glycemic index.

Forbidden fruits

Of course, not all fruits are contraindicated for diabetics. But the following exceptions should be considered and not included in the diet during the diet at all stages of diabetes treatment and its stages.

The diet for diabetics involves the exclusion of such fruits from the diet:

  • Bananas... In exceptional cases, the doctor may allow you to occasionally eat a small amount of bananas, however, it is highly discouraged to introduce them into the diet on your own during the period of diabetes treatment.
  • Melon... Juicy and ripe melons are too saturated with sugar, which is dangerous for diabetics. So, perhaps, it is better to exclude it from the diet.
  • Grape... A high concentration of glucose in grape juice, also, if present, will not contribute to diabetes mellitus in recovery.
  • Cherries... All varieties of sweet cherries are a direct threat to diabetics during treatment. Even a small amount of fruit or juice will only harm a diabetic. However, a small amount of sour varieties of garden cherries can be included in the diet. Of course, prior consultation with a highly specialized doctor is required.
  • Pineapple... It is also not advisable to include exotic pineapples in diabetic juices and dishes.
  • Persimmon... Another fruit prohibited for diabetes is persimmon.

What fruits can diabetics eat?

Since fruit juices and slices are very beneficial due to their high concentration of vitamins, it is important to be aware of which fruits diabetics eat and which ones are prohibited.

In diabetes mellitus, as a rule, fruits are selected, whose glycemic index does not exceed 50-65... Using a special table of the glycemic index of permitted fruits, you can easily navigate and make yourself a weekly menu. However, pay attention to the total amount of fruits you eat, not just your GI score.

Unsweetened varieties of various fruits are the main part of the diet during lunch and afternoon snacks. For example, sour apples, orange, lemon or grapefruit.

The most healthy and allowed fruits are listed below:

  • Flavored pears can not only be the basis of a snack or dinner, but also become a perfectly matching component to any side dish with meat.
  • Apples, especially those varieties that suggest a rich green color of sour or sweet and sour fruit, are the most useful and safe for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics.
  • Ripe raspberries grown at home and in the forest are one of the best options. Note that even yellow raspberries can still be eaten if you have diabetes.
  • Fresh, sour lemon can be consumed not only by adding it to a cup of tea, but also as a salad dressing. Also, lemon goes well with fish.
  • Diabetics will not have to give up the fragrant orange so beloved by everyone.
  • A truly diabetic fruit is grapefruit. It is often included in the diet of not only dieting diabetics, but also healthy people who are desperately struggling with extra pounds.
  • Exotic pomelo is also not excluded from the diet during the diet. This amazing fruit not only helps to lose weight faster, but also perfectly saturates the body with the necessary substances and vitamins.
  • Delicious strawberries are not only healthy, they are also medicinal. Organic acids and various vitamins that make up the berries are of great benefit. Keeping the body in good shape and helping it fight the disease.
  • In reasonable quantities, diabetics can eat cranberries and lingonberries. However, you must constantly monitor the size of the daily portions.
  • Black currant helps a weakened body to replenish vitamin reserves in the shortest possible time, maximizing the speedy recovery. Therefore, such a berry is often used for medicinal purposes.
  • Cherries are not excluded from the diet of diabetics, of course, unless the patient suffers from a specific allergy.
  • Ripe peaches contain high concentrations of potassium, magnesium, sodium and silicon. They include vitamins of groups A and B. Also, each juicy fruit contains a lot of vitamin C.
  • Fresh plums have not only excellent taste characteristics, but also medicinal properties.

How to drink fruit juice properly

You can also introduce healthy fruits into the diet in the form of juices. A glass of pomegranate or lemon juice is especially safe for diabetics. A delicious and nutritious drink made from blueberries and fresh cranberries.

Since some fruits can have an overly sour taste, they can be combined in correctly calculated proportions with others that are not prohibited for diabetics.

Cold birch sap can form the basis of an original recipe.

If you feel like experimenting, pairing fruits with vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, or beets is daring. Cucumber juice also goes well with most fruits, making the drink more nutritious and rich in useful microelements.

All fruit juices have a positive effect on the health of diabetics, since, due to their unique composition, they are able to significantly reduce the glucose level in the patient's blood. Fruit juices are good for strengthening the immune system, thereby increasing the body's resistance. Another useful function of vitamin-rich fruits is their ability to prevent any complications that occur with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Carrot and apple juice is indispensable during all stages of the diabetic diet. Since it not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also helps to eliminate the feeling of hunger.

The recipe for its preparation is very simple and does not take much time. All you need is 1 liter. carrot and 2 liters. apple juice to be mixed. If you want to sweeten the drink a little, add about 50g to it. sweetener. Such juice can be drunk in fractional portions not only fresh, but also rolled up.

Dried fruits

The selection of dried fruits should be treated especially carefully. Because not all fruits that are allowed for fresh consumption can be introduced into the diet when dried fruits are made from them.

Take plums, for example. Ripe fruits are very useful and can even have a healing effect on the body of a patient with diabetes mellitus. But prunes should already be excluded from the diet. Also, diabetics should not eat raisins and dried figs.

Before eating salads that include dried fruits, it is always better to check the glycemic index in a specially compiled table. Careful planning of the dosage of each product will help to avoid bad consequences.

Recommendations for the use of vegetables for diabetes

Usually, doctors do not limit the diabetic's vegetable menu to strict severity. But since each case is different, there may be exceptions.

Vegetables that are high-carbohydrate in composition are best limited by alternating between them, and not overusing in quantity. Vegetables that are very starchy in composition are also best eliminated from the diet or minimized as much as possible. Diabetics should not overuse potatoes, green beans and green peas. Large amounts of beets and carrots can also negatively affect your well-being.

Fresh vegetables that are not harmful to diabetics:

  • Cauliflower, as well as varieties of white cabbage, are not prohibited at all for people suffering from diabetes. Therefore, you will not have to exclude borscht, cabbage pies or salads from the usual diet.
  • Zucchini of any kind can be served with tolu not only as a side dish, but also as a main course. They are best steamed, stewed or baked.
  • Cucumbers include a large amount of vitamin in their composition and are not sweet, therefore, in the presence of diabetes, their use is not prohibited.
  • Eggplants can be cooked by combining them in an original way with other vegetables, or served as a completely independent dish. A dressing of garlic and herbs will perfectly emphasize the delicate taste and aroma of a delicious dish.
  • Celery and fresh lettuce, like the above vegetables, remain on the menu.
  • Bright and juicy Bulgarian pepper will decorate any dish.
  • Tomatoes in a reasonable amount are good for diabetics. The salads they contain are rich in nutrients and vitamins.
  • Pumpkin is especially useful in treating diabetes mellitus.
  • Lentils should not be excluded from the diet either.
  • There are no prerequisites for excluding onions from the daily menu.
  • Herbs such as parsley and fresh dill will still remain a decoration of any dish.

Pancreatitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the pancreas. This inflammation occurs due to the fact that the enzymes that are secreted by the gland are not released into the small intestine due to the blockage of the ducts. The indiscriminate intake of fruits can often lead to pancreatitis. It is important to determine what kind of fruit is eaten for pancreatitis.

What leads to pancreatitis

Due to the blockage of the ducts in the body, a large amount of pancreatic toxins accumulates, which are activated in the gland and lead to its destruction. As a result, the pancreas begins to digest itself.

Lack of activity, taking a large amount of alcoholic beverages, fatty, spicy, smoked products, lead to the development of such a disease. When treating a sick person, first of all, you need to deal with your diet, add all the necessary foods to it and remove harmful ones.

If you have a pancreatitis attack, it is important to follow a strict diet for several weeks. At this time, nutritionists recommend that the patient eat mainly cereals, light meat broths, mashed potatoes, as well as casseroles from one ingredient.

When exacerbating the process, it is recommended to use the following vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes. After 2-3 weeks, it is allowed to add cruciferous broccoli and cauliflower to the diet, but only under normal tolerance. It is important to remember that with an exacerbation of the disease, the pancreas may be in a vulnerable state. Vegetables are allowed to be consumed only in processed and chopped form.

What should you eat?

  • vegetable soup puree from zucchini and carrots;
  • mashed cauliflower and eggs;
  • broccoli and turkey puree soup.

Vegetable soups and broths are best cooked in a slow cooker or a saucepan, covering it with a lid. With this preparation, the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals is retained in the products. It is also important to remember about fresh vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be spoiled or sluggish.

The fruit of the gland can be started at 3 weeks of treatment. They include sugars that lead to the production of insulin. It is important to eat them very carefully. Sour berries and fruits can provoke the development of gastritis and reflex activation of the production of enzymes by the pancreas. In addition, it is important to remember that raw fruit often causes bloating and flatulence. Nutritionists advise to boil them before using them or use them as an addition to ready-made food.

In the acute process, compotes can be made from fruits. For this, exclusively fresh and dried fruits are used. To improve the overall taste of the compote, you can add stevia leaves to it. Such a culture will help give the compote a sweet taste and will not overload the pancreas.

Onset of remission

During the period of remission, experts allow the use of root crops (carrots, beets and potatoes), crucifers (broccoli and cabbage). Cucumbers are used peeled and added to fermented milk dishes. Tomatoes are allowed to be stewed and added to light soup and garnish. Zucchini and pumpkin during remission can be consumed in any form and without any special fears.

During remission, it is forbidden to eat leaf crops - spinach, sorrel (they include a large amount of acids that provoke blood clots). From root crops it is forbidden to use radish (it stimulates inflammation of the gastric mucosa), garlic and onions. The pancreas reacts negatively to the intake of such vegetables and can lead to flatulence and various complications.

If you add prohibited vegetables and fruits to salads, then gastritis can become very aggravated and go into a reflex form. Some people recommend adding corn, beans and peas to the diet. But it is important to remember that such ingredients can lead to increased fermentation and gas formation.

It is important to prepare meals only from fresh products and consume in small quantities. Small amounts of corn and beans can be added to soups, as well as canned peas.

What fruits can be used for pancreatitis? The pancreas reacts positively to the consumption of bananas and apples, which are pre-peeled. With an aggravated form of the disease, such fruits should be consumed in the form of jam or jam. During remission, pieces of dried and fresh fruit can be consumed as a snack or for dessert.

What fruits are unacceptable for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? With pancreatitis, experts do not recommend using citrus fruits, since their juice contains a large amount of acids that provoke irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Oranges with pancreatitis can be consumed, but only in small quantities and provided that they are sweet.

It is important to remember that the pancreas reacts negatively to drinking too sweet or acidic drinks. It is important to cook compote without adding sugar. Dried fruits in case of illness will help to provide the body with the required amount of glucose and fructose, without overloading the irritated organ itself. Also, it is advised to add medicinal herbs, fresh berries, fruits and natural sugar substitutes to the compote. When brewing, it is best to use rose hips and raspberry leaves.

Dried fruits with pancreatitis also have a good effect on the affected organ, if added to compote. In case of chronic inflammation in the stomach, it is important to add more healthy fruits to the diet. Compotes and jams are prepared from them - boiled products are absorbed much faster. After several months of treatment and adherence to a strict diet, the patient will understand exactly which fruits and vegetables are allowed for pancreatitis, and which should be excluded from the diet.

Features of reception

A patient with pancreatitis, in order to avoid complications of the condition, must observe the following rules:

  1. Do not eat fruit in the morning.
  2. You need to eat food often and in small quantities.
  3. When choosing fruits, choose fruits with a soft skin and skin and a slightly sweet taste.
  4. With an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of dangerous symptoms, it is not recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits. They should be steamed or baked in the oven.
  5. It is important to get rid of those fruits that have a bitter or sour taste (green apples, cherries, lemons, currants), they are especially acidic, lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the release of pancreatic juice.
  6. It is also important to be very careful about the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, which are high in sugar. It is forbidden to include canned fruits and sugar-rich drinks in the diet.
  7. In chronic pancreatitis, you should not eat berries. It is allowed to use a rosehip decoction (without added sugar) 150-200 ml several times a day. This drink can be drunk at any stage of the lesion.

Seeing a nutritionist

Adding more approved fruits and vegetables to your diet can help speed up the recovery process of your pancreas and relieve irritation. The nutritional components contained in fruits and vegetables are allowed to be added to any diet.

The taste of food with pancreatitis should be neutral, otherwise an active process of producing pancreatic enzymes will begin in the body, which will provoke complications and unpleasant pain.

Before introducing any products into the daily diet, it is important to first consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to understand exactly which fruits with chronic pancreatitis can be consumed, and which diet is best for the patient.

The benefits of fruits

Fruits for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are the main food that will help enrich the body with vitamins and micronutrients. With their lack in the human body, the development of a chronic form of the disease begins (the inflammation process begins to intensify, the glandular tissue is destroyed), the risk of complications increases significantly. Fruits are especially important for the body, which contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, E, PP and B.

What fruits with pancreatitis can and should be eaten? For diseases of the pancreas, seasonal fruits are recommended. In this case, the fruits should be soft, fresh and not have a hard skin. They will provide a positive effect for the human body if they are taken in small quantities and with the right combination.

Reception principle

In the presence of acute pancreatitis, some fruits and berries are excluded from the diet due to a strict diet. The starving diet continues for several days, and then the gradual introduction of fruits and berries begins, but only in the form of compotes and jelly.

With an exacerbated form of pancreatitis, the list of permitted fruits is quite wide, which helps to significantly diversify your diet and prepare many healthy dishes.


Feijoa during pancreatitis is useful in that it helps to improve metabolic processes and normalizes the activity of the digestive system. Berries include a large amount of vitamin A and vitamins B, PP and C. Feijoa also contains a large amount of iodine, zinc, calcium and magnesium. In addition to treating the pancreas, fruits have a positive effect on problems with the immune system and thyroid gland.

Feijoa can be used in the preparation of jelly, compotes, added to meat and fish. The freshness and ripeness of a fruit can be determined by the quality of its pulp. It should be transparent. If the fruit contains brown spots, then the berry should not be eaten.

Almost all fruits sold in the supermarket are colored green. If you leave the fruit in a ventilated and lighted place, then after a few days they will ripen and be ready to eat. Feijoa in the store can be purchased from November to January.

Eating pineapple

The safety of eating pineapples for pancreatitis will directly depend on the stage of the disease. During an exacerbation of the disease and over the next 10 days, pineapples should be eliminated from the diet, and on the following days they should be consumed in small quantities 3 times a week.

First, pineapple puree is introduced into the diet, which is prepared through heat treatment (boiling, stewing, baking). If the pineapple puree is well tolerated by the patient, fresh fruit can be started. You need to peel the pineapple from the peel before the meal itself, while removing the rough middle.

Pineapples contain a large amount of vitamin A, as well as trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, pineapple helps protect the pancreas from the development of the inflammatory process. The fruit strengthens the body's defenses against infections and helps to ease bowel movements.

The main disadvantage of this fruit is a large amount of sugar, which can complicate the situation and lead to diabetes mellitus. In case of serious diseases of the digestive system (ulcerative lesions), taking fresh pineapple can only worsen the general condition.

Avocado for pancreatitis

Determine whether it is possible to eat avocados with such a disease can only be a doctor after determining the stage of the disease. If the benefits of the fruit exceed the possible complications, then it must be added to the diet.

With pancreatitis, it is very important to monitor the amount of avocado consumed. In addition to fat, avocados are also rich in fiber. When consuming large amounts of fruit, it can provoke diseases of the digestive system and bloating.

Taking kiwi

Whether it is allowed to eat kiwi for pancreatitis will depend on the ripeness of the fruit. It is recommended to include only sweet and ripe fruits in the diet. Unripe and sour can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Kiwi can be consumed only if there is a stable remission. Before using the fruit, peel off the skin, remove the core.

The following fruits should be eaten with caution: pears, oranges, tangerines, grapes and mangoes.

A diabetic's diet requires careful selection. Many patients are unjustifiably afraid to try any fruit, while another part, on the contrary, believes that some fruits, such as green apples, can be eaten uncontrollably. This topic has overgrown with a large number of myths and confuses patients who still cannot understand which fruits are possible with diabetes mellitus and which are not. Let's try to figure it out in detail so that all doubts about this disappear.

Fruit for type 2 diabetes mellitus in most cases is a useful product, because they have a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. These substances are essential for diabetic patients who have low immunity and frequent complications.

It's important to know: When choosing and eating fruits, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. (GI) should not exceed 70. GI refers to the rate at which carbohydrates are converted from food to glucose.

2. The amount of fruit consumed should be moderate. So a day you can eat:

  • 2 larger fruits (orange, apple, pomegranate, etc.);
  • 3 medium-sized fruits (kiwi, apricot, tangerine, etc.);
  • about 100 grams of small berries (blueberries, currants, etc.);
  • About 2 slices of melon or watermelon, which is approximately 300-400 grams by weight.

3. Time of consumption - it is better to leave the fruit intake for the first half of the day, because you eliminate drops in blood sugar. It is best to eat the fruit separately from the main meal during snacks.

Permitted fruits

To begin with, consider the healthy and permitted fruits in patients who have.
They include those fruits and berries that have a low glycemic index, namely:

  • Any kind of apples, pears, plums, pomegranates, apricots and peaches.
  • Most berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, melons, watermelons, etc.).
  • Citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits.
  • Exotic fruits: pineapple, papaya, mango and kiwi.


Apples are not only allowed, but also indicated for diabetes. It is worth dispelling the myth that green apples have less effect on glucose levels. In fact, the color of the apple does not matter. Both have a glycemic index of 30. Eat raw or baked, and always with the peel. They are low in calories and can serve as a good snack due to the presence of easily digestible carbohydrates. In addition, they contain vitamins C, A and E useful for the body, trace elements - copper, manganese, potassium and substances that improve the functioning of the digestive system - pectins.


This fruit, like apples, is rich in fiber, due to which it increases intestinal motility, preventing the formation of constipation. The glycemic index of the fruit is 33, which is the norm for patients with type 2 diabetes.

The beneficial substances of the pear include the presence of B vitamins, as well as A, E, C, P and PP and minerals (potassium, copper, cycle, calcium, iron). To prevent the side effect of taking pears in the form of flatulence, it is best not to eat the fruit on an empty stomach. It is also better to limit its use in case of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


A fruit that is useful in all respects, which helps to improve health not only for diabetics, but also for people with problems of the hematopoietic, digestive and nervous systems. Thus, pomegranate prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, increases hemoglobin levels, and eliminates stool disorder.

Of particular importance in pomegranate fruits are bones, which contain a large amount of fiber and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the intestines. This is important to know in order to use it in the form of grains along with seeds. Pomegranate juice is also allowed for consumption, but only in an amount of no more than 60 drops, diluted in water and, of course, without added sugar.

Pomegranate has a glycemic index of 35. The permissible daily intake of the fruit is about a handful of kernels, which is approximately 100 grams.


Blueberry is a unique and healthy berry, which, due to its properties and composition, is even capable of lowering sugar levels in diabetics with mild illness. This became possible due to the presence of neomyrtillin and glycoside in blueberries.

The glycemic index of fresh berries is 30. You can use both, from which you can make tea or infusion, and fresh berries. In those seasons when it is extremely problematic to get blueberries, you can purchase blueberry paste, which has all the same set of nutrients and vitamins that can have a beneficial effect on the concentration of glucose and the state of the body as a whole.


With a low calorie intake and a glycemic index of 40, it is another fruit that patients with type 2 diabetes can enjoy.

The main effects on the body are as follows:

  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers glucose concentration;
  • improves appetite;
  • has a tonic effect.


Kiwi is an extremely healthy fruit. Among fruits, he is the leader in the amount of vitamin C. By eating just one fruit, you can get the daily requirement of this vitamin. This is especially important for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. often their body is weakened, which means that they are more susceptible to viral diseases than anyone. The GI of the fruit is 50, which falls under the norm and proves once again that it can be consumed with diabetes mellitus in the amount of 2-3 pieces per day.

In addition to vitamin C, kiwis are rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also contains B vitamins, which are essential for diabetics to prevent neuropathic complications.


It is not prohibited in diabetes mellitus, but it should be used carefully, because it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. Of course, the fiber, which is included in its composition, will not allow blood sugar to rise instantly, but if you eat more than 1 fruit, you can still lead to the development of hyperglycemia.

In moderate quantities, this product is not only tasty, but also has many positive effects for diabetics, namely:

  • activates metabolic processes;
  • enhances immunity;
  • prevents the development of retinal antiopathy;
  • removes excess fluid from orgasm and prevents kidney stones from forming;
  • improves mood;
  • cleanses the intestines from toxins.

Among the foods listed above, apples, grapefruit, oranges are blood sugar lowering fruits. they have a low GI and high fiber content that do not cause glucose spikes.

Forbidden fruits

Along with the permitted ones, diabetics still have to give up some of the fruits. This is due to their high glucose content, which will negatively affect the course of the pathology.

So, the prohibited fruits and berries with type 2 diabetes include:

  • sweet cherries;
  • bananas;
  • grape;
  • some dried fruits, which will be discussed below.

In addition, it is better for diabetics to refrain from consuming juices, nectars and compotes from fruits, berries and dried fruits, especially with added sugar.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that provokes, if the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the development of all kinds of complications in different systems of the body.

A special topic for diabetics is their nutrition, in particular with regard to sweets. And if everything is clear with sweets, cakes and cookies, then what about fruits? After all, they contain many useful vitamins, fiber. Is it really necessary to give up all this? Let's figure it out.

Fruit for diabetics - is it possible or not?

Diabetes mellitus is a specific disease in which the patient's condition directly depends on his nutrition.

For this reason, it is necessary to constantly monitor the type, quality and quantity of foods eaten, some of which are strictly prohibited, and some are allowed in small quantities. Not so long ago, doctors believed that fruits are contraindicated for diabetics, but now this myth has been dispelled - not all of them are dangerous.

A fruit portion for one meal of even the lightest fruit in terms of glycemia should fit in the palm of your hand - a small apple or half a large one, a small cup of berries, etc.

The index indicator must be known in order to determine how quickly the body will process fruit into glucose, and whether a surge in the indicator is possible.

The most suitable for diabetics are fruits with a GI of less than 50, they will also be ideal in the diet of losing weight patients. Also, products with a GI of up to 65 are considered an acceptable value, which is considered an average, transitional indicator.

At the same time, it is imperative to understand that we are talking only about fresh fruits, since in thermally processed, dried fruits and squeezed juices, the index of the indicator increases several times.

Fruit should always be present in the diet of a diabetic

The benefits of fruits are undeniable - vitamins, fiber, trace elements - all this helps the work of internal organs, the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, assimilation of substances, and normalization of immunity. And even, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the normalization of blood sugar (naturally, if consumed within reasonable limits).

Fruits with a low glycemic index usually contain a lot of pectin and fiber, which are very beneficial for diabetics.

  • Insoluble fiber actively acts in the intestines, regulating motor functions, and also gives a feeling of fullness, which is important for losing weight patients.
  • Soluble, when combined with water, takes on the appearance of a jelly and swells, which allows it to lower the content of harmful cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Both of these types are found in all fruit fruits.

Pectin, on the other hand, normalizes, which in diabetics suffers greatly from the disease, and also relieves the body of toxins (after all, sugar literally poisons the patient's body, which means that by-products are also formed).

Now let's take a look at the most suitable fruits for diabetics.

Fruit name GI (glycemic index) per 100 grams. XE (grain units) 1 XE / gram
Apricot 20 1/110
Lemon 20 1/270
Plum 22 1/90
Grapefruit 22 1/170
Cherry plum 25 1/140
30 1/90
Green (unripe) banana 30 1/70
Pear 33 1/90
Garnet 35 1/170
Nectarine 35 1/120

This table shows the TOP-10 fruits that can and should be eaten in certain quantities for diabetes. You can see that they all have a low glycemic index, and also have a low specific gravity of bread units for a certain amount of product.

Eat only such fruits, this guarantees you good health and fills the body with fiber and essential vitamins, strengthens the immune system and improves digestion.

Forbidden fruits for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus has a sweet name, but not everything is so rosy.

Foods with a high glycemic index provoke surges in glucose, and this affects the well-being of patients, and significant disorders and complications can develop. To avoid all this, to delay for a long time, possibly eating right, excluding unhealthy fruits from your diet. And what are they - dangerous fruits? Let's briefly consider the most "bad" ones for diabetics.

Fruit name GI (glycemic index)per 100 grams. XE (grain units)1 XE / gram
Dates 103 1/15
Watermelon 70 1/270
A pineapple 68 1/140
Orange 65 1/130
Melon 65 1/100
Raisin 65 1/15
Ripe banana 60 1/70
Persimmon 58 1/70
Mango 55 1/11
Grape 55 1/70

As you can see, all these fruits not only have a high level of the glycemic index, but many of them also contain a large number of bread units per low weight of the product. Therefore, their use in the diet of a patient with diabetes is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous, and also fraught with poor health and an increased risk of the formation of dangerous conditions.

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