Home Berries Didactic syncwine as a means of optimizing work on the development of children's speech. Modern technology "didactic syncwine" in the work of the speech therapist Sinkwine in speech therapy practice

Didactic syncwine as a means of optimizing work on the development of children's speech. Modern technology "didactic syncwine" in the work of the speech therapist Sinkwine in speech therapy practice

The experience of working with children with speech disorders shows that even after the completed course of correction and development of the speech of children with good diagnostic indicators, there are difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think about and formulate an answer. In this regard, in parallel with the task of accumulating, enriching, clarifying the vocabulary, another, no less important one should be solved: creating conditions for its activation and actualization of one's own utterance. And here the didactic syncwine can come to the rescue. This technology does not require special conditions for use and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. Sinkwine with French language translates as "five lines", a five-line stanza of the poem. Didactic syncwine is based on the content side and syntactic predestination of each line. Compilation of didactic syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most essential elements in the information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. These abilities are in great demand in modern life.



Innovative technologies

in the work of a teacher - speech therapist. Didactic syncwine.

"Studying the native language, the child learns not only words, but also many concepts, thoughts, feelings, artistic images ..."

K. D. Ushinsky

In the modern world, the processes of modernization of education are actively taking place. Modern preschool pedagogy cannot remain aloof from the ongoing processes. Speech is the most important means of communication and the pinnacle of cognitive processes. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by a child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. Therefore, speech development of preschoolers must be considered as the basis of correctional activity. In speech therapy practice, a sufficient number of techniques, scientific papers, articles on the correction of speech disorders in preschoolers have been accumulated. Today is notable for the active growth of new developmental technologies, many of which can be successfully used in correctional work. Working with children with speech disorders, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use as much as possible all the techniques and methods known in special pedagogy, including modern methods that would contribute to: improving the thinking and cognitive abilities, developing the lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech of preschoolers. And this means reliance on personality-oriented, activity-based, integrated and differentiated approaches, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and the needs of the modern information society.

The lexico-grammatical side of speech of older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment differs significantly from the speech of normally developing peers, their vocabulary both quantitatively and qualitatively. Poor dictionary. Children use well-known, frequently used words and phrases in active speech

Misunderstanding and distortion of the meanings of words, as a rule, manifests itself in the inability to select from the vocabulary and correctly use in speech the words that most accurately express the meaning of the utterance.

Difficulties in agreeing words in phrases and sentences, which are expressed in the inability to correctly choose the endings of words

The experience of working with this category of children shows that even after the completed course of correction and development of the speech of children with good diagnostic indicators, there are difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think and formulate an answer. In this regard, in parallel with the task of accumulating, enriching, clarifying the vocabulary, another, no less important one should be solved: creating conditions for its activation and actualization of one's own utterance. And here the didactic syncwine can come to the rescue. This technology does not require special conditions for use and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. Sinkwine with French language translates as "five lines", a five-line stanza of the poem. Didactic syncwine is based on the content side and syntactic predestination of each line. Compilation of didactic syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most essential elements in the information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. These abilities are in great demand in modern life.

The relevance and expediency of using didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice is explained by the fact that:

New technology opens up new opportunities, modern speech therapy practice is characterized by the search and implementation of new effective technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.

Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.

It is a diagnostic tool that makes it possible for the teacher to assess the level of the child's assimilation of the passed material.

Has the character of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but also contributes to the development of memory, attention, thinking

The history of the emergence of syncwine is quite young, according to the main version, at the beginning of the twentieth century, this genre of poetry was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsi. It began to be introduced into domestic pedagogy since the end of the 1990s, thanks to a group of enthusiasts from the Foundation for Legal Reforms. Writing a didactic syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing analytical skills. Syncwines are also an excellent method of control and self-control.

The preliminary work on creating a speech base for compiling syncwine with older preschoolers with OHP is based on that part of the program of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina "Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children", which concerns the development of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech. In order to most correctly, fully and accurately express his thought, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary. Children are offered a certain algorithm proposed by the author of this technology V. M. Akimenko, which helps to compose a story on any lexical topic. The vocabulary topics that the children of the correctional group learn are the topics of syncwines.

When teaching the compilation of syncwine, the following tasks are solved:

Clarification, expansion, activation of the dictionary;

Acquaintance with the concepts: “a word denoting an object”, “a word denoting the action of an object”, “a word denoting a sign of an object”;

Children learn to: select adjectives for a noun, select verbs for a noun;

Children get acquainted with the concept: a proposal. Make up sentences on a subject, plot picture, using sentence schemes;

Children express their personal attitude to the topic in one phrase; and also use the knowledge of proverbs, sayings on a given topic.

Compilation of didactic syncwine is a fascinating process, creative and vivid, which requires finding the most essential in the material, highlighting it and formulating it briefly, thereby making competent sentences using graphic schemes. This method may be in demand in modern speech therapy. When working with didactic syncwine, vocabulary and grammar are first clarified. This allows you to achieve good results when working on the development of the internal plan of the statement at the sentence level. Composing a syncwine also allows you to achieve excellent results when automating sounds, since words and sentences will be matched to the pronunciation of the child. The use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of speech therapy classes and techniques and ensures its logical completeness. Sinkwine is also a diagnostic material and allows the speech therapist to assess the level of the child's assimilation of the material passed through.

The compilation of syncwine is carried out within the framework of the passage of a certain lexical topic. Sinkwine improves vocabulary work in correctional work with children with OHP. Teaches you to determine the grammatical basis of sentences. Develops linguistic flair, phrasal speech, associative thinking is formed. Sinkwine helps to analyze information, summarize ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words.

Algorithm for composing syncwine:

The first line should contain the very topic of didactic syncwine, usually this is the phenomenon or subject in question. Most often, only one word is written on the first line, but sometimes a small phrase is also written. In terms of speech, this is a pronoun or a noun, and answers the questions: Who? What?

In the second line, there are already two words, sometimes phrases, which describe the properties and characteristics of this object or phenomenon. In terms of speech, these are usually participles and adjectives that answer the questions: What? Which?

The third line already contains three words (sometimes phrases) that describe the actions that are usual for this phenomenon or object. In terms of speech, these are verbs and participles that answer the question: What does it do?

In the fourth line - the child directly expresses his opinion about the topic raised. Sometimes it can be just a famous aphorism, phrase or something similar, sometimes even a small verse. The most traditional variant is when this phrase consists of four words.

The fifth line - again contains only one word or phrase. It is, as it were, a summary of the entire poem, reflecting the essence of the object or phenomenon that is spoken about in the didactic syncwine, and the author's opinion about it. Usually as part of speech is also a noun or pronoun and answers the question: Who? What?

Sketches can be made to help maintain the semantic program of the sentence. In the future, this is removed and the scheme of the proposal remains, which turns into the internal plan.

The speech therapist selects pictures and words for the pronunciation of each child. Further sentences can be memorized, which allows you to work on sound pronunciation. Then the structure of the sentence is extended by introducing into it a definition expressed by an adjective and an addition expressed by a noun in the accusative, genitive, dative and instrumental cases without a preposition.

The work ends with the formation of the ability to build common sentences of different structures, relying on plot pictures, questions, diagrams, etc. Children repeat that the sentence contains the main words, without which it is not built. In other words, we can say that these are not great essays, where children learn to make sentences correctly while working on the development of the internal plan of speech at the sentence level.

The ability to compose a didactic syncwine requires a certain preparation from the child, and from the speech therapist teacher - carefully thought out, systematic work. It is advisable to use didactic syncwine in work with preschoolers with OHP, starting from the second half of the first year of schooling, when children have already mastered the concept of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-sign”, “sentence”. Didactic syncwine is compiled at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on the topic. The tasks for children may vary. This is the compilation of a didactic syncwine by all children for one word-subject on a lexical topic, and the compilation of didactic syncwines for different word-objects related to each other by a lexical topic. It is possible to compose a short story based on a ready-made didactic syncwine using words and phrases that make up this syncwine. Children need to find the necessary words-signs, words-actions from their entire vocabulary, make up a common sentence with these words, choose a word that is associated with this concept. The higher the level of the child's speech development, the more interesting the syncwines are.

Examples of children's didactic syncwines.

Lexical topic: "New Year"

1. New Year.

2. Joyful, long-awaited.

3. Comes, amuses, pleases.

4. I love this holiday.

5. Gifts.

1. Mom.

2. Smart, beautiful, kind.

3. Reads, knits, cooks, cleans up.

4. Loves me and dad.

5. Family.

Lexical topic: "Season of the year"

1. Winter.

2. Snowy, cold.

3. Freezes, sweeps over, delights.

4. Covers the ground with silvery snow.

  1. Enchantress.

Lexical topic: "Transport"


2.New, silver.

3., flies, buzzes.

4. I love to travel.

5. Air transport.

It is difficult for a child with OHP who has a poor vocabulary to compose a syncwine about an airplane, as well as a person far from chemistry about tannins. Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, it is easier to organize the process of learning new words in play. Composing a didactic syncwine is a fun and interesting game. It is advisable to compose a didactic syncwine to consolidate any lexical topic. This work can be done individually and in subgroups. How can you use an individual approach in subgroup work when using the technology of didactic syncwine in the development of coherent speech? A speech therapist teacher can realize this task, taking into account the individual selectivity and personal activity of each child, while giving him a free independent choice based on the desire to realize individual interests and needs. The use of didactic syncwine allows you to use the interests and needs of the child for the benefit of personality development. To give the child the right to free and independent choice, the speech therapist teacher needs to create a kind of field of choice. When creating a field of choice, a speech therapist teacher takes into account the individual interests of preschoolers, features of activity, preferred types of activity, ways of working with the material, features of mastering the material. The field of choice consists of a number of activity alternatives, which allows a balance between the initiatives of the speech therapist and the child. For example, a task for a speech therapist teacher: to get an educational product - a story within the framework of a lexical topic. Children are offered a choice - to compose a syncwine for everyone to one word-subject, or to each compose a didactic syncwine to different words-objects, related to each other by a lexical topic. Here we see two alternatives emerge. Depending on the choice of children, the speech therapist teacher organizes and structures the field of choice: introduces new conditions, changes the situation of choice. So, it is possible to propose the following alternatives: write in block letters on a sheet of paper, on a blackboard; use a ready-made picture, draw, paint an object, make an applique, sculpt, lay out a mosaic, assemble a picture from cut parts, use visual-graphic schemes and compose a syncwine orally. Further, the speech therapist teacher offers the following branch of choice. The child is offered: compilation of syncwine; correction of the finished syncwine; improving the finished syncwine; analysis of incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the available ones).

At the first stage of work in teaching the compilation of syncwine, the vocabulary of preschoolers is being clarified, expanded and improved. Children get acquainted with the concepts of "word denoting an object" and "word denoting the action of an object", thereby preparing a platform forfollow-up work on the proposal. Giving the concept "a word denoting a feature of an object", I am accumulating material for the distribution of the sentence by definition. Children master the concepts of "living and inanimate" object, learn to correctly ask questions to the words denoting objects, actions and signs of the object. Children design their works (syncwines) both in the form of graphic drawings, which help preschoolers to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling, and in the form of oral essays based on a diagram. Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, it is easier to organize the process of learning new words in play. And composing a didactic syncwine is a fun and interesting game. It is appropriate to start at the initial stage of teaching children how to compose syncwine with the use of didactic games and exercises. The group created files of didactic games: "Pick up the definitions", "Learn the subject by definition", "Who does what?", "What are they doing with what?", "Name part of the whole", etc.

At the second stage, work continues to enrich and revitalize the vocabulary; composing a sentence of several words, showing the attitude to the topic, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described subject or object, subject (plot) picture. At this stage, it is very important to teach children to express their personal attitude to the topic in one phrase; as well as use the knowledge of proverbs, sayings on a given topic.

When compiling a syncwine, you can use such work options as: compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine (using words and phrases that are part of the latter); compilation of syncwine based on the story you listened to; correction and improvement of the finished syncwine; analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a topic (first line) - it must be determined based on the existing lines).

Work with parents is of great importance at this stage. After the consultation "Application of the Sinkwine Method in the Development of Speech of Senior Preschool Children", the master class "Learning to Make Sinkwine", parents and their children are invited to write "Compositions - Sinkwine" on the topic of the week. And by the end of the second year of study, children who can read create a syncwine - writing in block letters on a piece of paper. The use of syncwine in the correction of OHP contributes to the successful correction of the entire speech system as a whole: the impressive speech of children develops, the lexical side of speech is enriched and activated, word formation skills are consolidated, the ability to use sentences of different composition in speech, the ability to describe objects, compose syncwine according to subject picture (subject) pictures, according to the listened story or fairy tale.

Didactic syncwine allows you to create conditions for a child's free choice of activities, decision-making, expression of feelings and thoughts, thanks to it, it is possible to support the individuality and initiative of each child, and this, in turn, creates a social situation for the development of the child, which is important in connection with the introduction into the action of the FSES of preschool education.

The work plan of the speech therapist teacher Pronikova E.V.

to train draftingdidactic syncwine of older preschool children with OHP.

Month year

Kind of activity


September - December 2015

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the concepts of words - objects, words - signs, words - actions, a sentence, living - inanimate

January 2016

Consultation "Application of the sinkwine method in the development of speech in older preschool children

Individual lessons with children to teach how to compose syncwine.

Pupils, speech therapist

February 2016

Master class "Learning to make a syncwine"

Group educators, parents, speech therapist

March-May 2016

Pupils, speech therapist

September - December 2016

Individual and subgroup lessons on composing syncwine on lexical topics at the end of each week.

Pupils, speech therapist

January 2017

Competition for the best composition - sinkwine.

Pupils, parents

January - May 2017

Individual and subgroup lessons on composing syncwine on lexical topics at the end of each week.

Pupils, speech therapist

May 2017

Exhibition of children's syncwines with drawings.

Educators, pupils, parents, speech therapist teacher


Akimenko V.M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. - Rostov / D., Phoenix, 2011

Dushka N. Sinkvain in the work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Magazine

"Speech therapist", No. 5, 2005

Akimenko V.M. New pedagogical technologies: Textbook. Method. allowance. Rostov n / a., 2008.

Gin A. Methods of pedagogical technique. - M.: Vita-Press, 2003

Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children. Rostov n / a., 2008



1 word - noun (word - object)



2 words - adjectives (words - signs)

Which? Which? Which? Which?


3 words - verbs (words - actions)

What is he doing? What are they doing?

Fourth line

4 words - sentence, phrase on the topic

EI KABACHENKO, teacher-speech therapist, Open World, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, school № 2444;

KABACHENKO N.A., speech therapist, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Central Education No. 1446, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education, no. 2444, Moscow

oopedic practice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders. Being on the border of pedagogy, psychology and medicine, modern speech therapy uses in its practice the most effective technologies of related sciences that help to optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher. In speech therapy practice, they cannot be considered as independent, they become part of the generally accepted time-tested speech therapy technologies, introducing new ways of interaction between the teacher and the child, new incentives; serve to create a favorable emotional background, the inclusion of intact and activation of disturbed mental functions.

These technologies include:

  • · Neuropsychological;
  • · Kinesitherapy;
  • · Various types of speech therapy massage;
  • · Sudzhok therapy;
  • Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova.

The development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech in older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP level III) lags significantly behind the age norm. In active speech, they mainly use well-known, frequently used words and phrases. Misunderstanding and distortion of the meanings of words, as a rule, are manifested in them in the inability to choose and correctly use in speech the words that most accurately express the meaning of the utterance, in the imperfection of the search for nominative units.

Difficulties in agreeing words in phrases and sentences are expressed in such children in the inability to correctly choose the endings of words. They are characterized by low activity of cognitive activity, rapid fatigability, insufficient efficiency in the classroom, stability of attention, low initiative in playing activity, limited opportunities for the distribution of attention, with a relatively intact logical reduced verbal memory, poor memorization productivity.

Having in general full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, children with OHP lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking and without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

The experience of working with older preschoolers with OHP, analysis of the methodological literature show that even after the course of correction and development of speech, children with good diagnostic indicators still have difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think and formulate answer. Therefore, even at first glance, successful first-graders often have problems in their studies. Difficulties do not appear immediately, but most often in the second half of the year, when the requirements for the speed of completing tasks increase and the ability to analyze information, choose the main thing, express your thoughts briefly and accurately comes to the fore.

The use of didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice ( syncwine- translated from fr. - "five lines", a five-line stanza of the poem). This technology does not require special conditions for its application and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories, contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts, enables the teacher to assess the level of the child's assimilation of the passed material, has the character of a complex effect, not only developing speech, but contributing to the development of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking), allows the child to be an active, creative participant in the educational process.

Didactic syncwine is based on the content and syntax of each line. Its compilation requires the ability to select essential elements from the available information, draw conclusions and formulate them succinctly.

Currently, the compilation of syncwine is actively used in psychology as an effective tool for reflection and in the work of subject teachers at school as a means of promoting the solid assimilation of knowledge, developing the ability to generalize and summarize information, making it possible to assess the level of knowledge of the student. A person who does not have knowledge of the topic will not be able to compose a syncwine.

The basic rules for compiling syncwine include the following:

  • · The first line includes one word, the word-subject, reflecting the main idea;
  • · The second line - two words, words-signs, characterizing the subject;
  • · The third line - three words, words-actions, describing actions within the framework of the topic;
  • · The fourth line - a phrase of several words, showing the author's attitude to the topic;
  • · The fifth line - words associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the topic (it can be one word).

Examples of composing syncwine

1. Doll.

2. Beautiful, beloved.

3. Stands, sits, smiles.

4. My doll is the most beautiful.

5. Toy.

1. Machine.

2. Fast, powerful.

3. Goes, overtakes, brakes.

4. I love to ride.

5. Transport.

1. Rain.

2. Wet, cold.

3. Dripping, knocking, pouring.

4. I don't like rain.

Thus, in order to correctly compose a cinquain, it is important:

  • · Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic;
  • · own:

Analysis, generalization,

Concepts: word-object (living-inanimate), word-action, word-sign;

  • · Be able to select synonyms;
  • · Learn to correctly understand and ask questions;
  • · Coordinate words in a sentence;
  • · Correctly formulate your thought in the form of a proposal.

The preliminary work on creating a speech base for compiling syncwine with older preschoolers with OHP is based on that part of the program of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina "Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children", which concerns the development of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech.

At the end of the first year of study, most older preschoolers gradually master the skill of composing syncwine, exercising in the selection of actions and signs for objects, improving the ability to generalize, expanding and refining vocabulary, working with a sentence.

Sinkwine can be composed in individual and group sessions, sessions with one group, or in two subgroups at the same time. Children who can type can create syncwine on a piece of paper, but those who cannot - in the form of oral essays based on a diagram. You can give work at home for the joint activities of the child and the parents: draw an object and draw up a syncwine.

The following work options can be used:

Drawing up a short story based on the finished syncwine (using words and phrases that are part of the latter);

Sinkwine based on the story he listened to;

Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine;

Analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a topic, the first line - on the basis of existing lines, it must be determined).

use of syncwine

  • · In the classroom to consolidate the studied lexical topic.

1. Birch.

2. Thin, white-barreled.

3. It grows, turns green, pleases.

4. Birch is a symbol of Russia.

5. Wood.

  • · To consolidate the concepts learned in the preparation for literacy classes.

1. Sounds of speech.

2. Vowels, consonants.

3. Hear, pronounce, highlight.

4. Sounds are added to words.

  • · In the classroom for the development of coherent speech: using words from syncwine, come up with a story.

1. Hare.

2. White, fluffy.

3. Hides, fears, runs away.

4. I feel sorry for the hare.

5. Wild animal.

A white fluffy hare lives in the winter forest. The life of a hare is difficult, he is afraid of a wolf and a fox, seeing them, hides or runs away. I feel sorry for the hare. It is difficult for wild animals to live in winter.

With a creative, non-directive use of syncwine in the classroom, it is perceived by preschoolers as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express their opinion, agree or disagree with the opinions of others, and agree.

The effectiveness of using syncwine lies in quickly obtaining a result and consolidating it, facilitating the process of mastering concepts and their content, expanding and updating vocabulary, learning to express your thoughts, choosing the right words, and developing the ability to analyze.

Writing syncwine requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). The use of didactic syncwine in the classroom allows the speech therapist to harmoniously combine the elements of the three main educational systems in his work: information, activity and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children with special educational needs.

Sinkwine about Sinkwine

1. Sinkwine.

2. Creative, energizing.

3. Develops, enriches, clarifies.

4. Sinkwine helps you learn.

5. Technology.

Akimenko V.M. New pedagogical technologies: Textbook. Method. allowance. Rostov n / a., 2008.

Akimenko V.M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. Rostov n / a., 2011.

Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children. Rostov n / a., 2008.

A. Learning to Think Together: Materials for Teacher Training. M., 2007.

Bakhman E.V. Sinkwines in chemistry lessons. School: day by day. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.den-za-dnem.ru/page.php?article=410 (Date of access: 03.08.2012).

Gin A. Receptions of pedagogical technique. M., 2003.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the automation of sound [L] in various positions. Action words. Compilation of syncwine.

(subgroup lesson with students of grade 1)

Target: teach to pronounce the sound [Л] in words with a closed and open syllable, developing self-control; continue to work on the mobility of the tip of the tongue, achieving a clear pronunciation of the sound [L]; exercise in the definition of sound in syllables and words, in the selection of words for schemes. To develop and fix phonemic hearing on the acoustic image of a given phoneme. Raise the need for verbal communication and the desire to help each other.

Equipment: pictures of articulatory gymnastics for sonors; sound profile [L]; animation picture "Flower"; recording of the sound of the balalaika, the noise of the sea and the cry of seagulls; pictures depicting objects with and without sound [Л]; pictures for the game "Determine the position of the sound [L] in the word"; picture of Pinocchio; colored cubes, cash register letters.

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

a) Greetings. -Let's say hello the way you want. (Hello. Good afternoon).

I'm glad to see you. Now let your fingers say hello. We work in pairs. (Finger gymnastics: fingers of one child alternately touch the fingers of another child). What are your fingers? (Warm, gentle, strong ...). Now make a lock. Look into each other's eyes and smile. This is how we will work together in class today.

b) Didactic exercise: "Who is sitting where?" (Orientation in space). -Name a picture where there is no sound [L] and sit down. Lera, between whom are you sitting? Sasha, who is sitting on your right? Nastya, who is sitting to your left. Dasha, who is sitting opposite you?

c) Conversation about the weather. -What is the weather today? (Cloudy, cold). What is the weather like in summer? (Warm, sunny). Do you like sunny weather? (Yes, sure). See how the flowers rejoice in the sun. (Showing an animated picture where flowers bloom and stretch towards the sun).

2. Finger gymnastics: "Handles - flowers". Let's imagine that our pens are flowers. (The hands are on the table, with tightly clenched fingers). The sun shone. And our "flowers" began to bloom, "petals" reached out to the sun. (The fingers slowly move apart and stretch to the top, and the palms are pressed tightly against the table). - It's evening. The sun is hiding, and our "flowers" are closed, they will "sleep". (The fingers slowly lower and squeeze).

3. Communication of the topic of the lesson. Didactic exercise: "What sounds like?" (Recognizing the sound of a musical instrument). The recording of the balalaika playing sounds. (Children call what sounds). Let's say this word together quietly. Tell me, what sound have we heard in this word twice? (Sound [L]). Let's learn to speak this sound correctly.

4. Articulation exercises."Brush", "Painter", "Snake", "Sail". (Use of cards: "Pictures-symbols"). - Find out where the sound profile [L] is? (Working with the sound profile [L]: the position of the tongue and the nature of the air stream).

5. Work on the sound [Л] in open and closed syllables."Finish the quickwork."

Speaks - speech therapist. Children speak.

Our Ilyusha is very small al-al-al-al.

They took the tablecloth off the table la la la la.

We scored an all-ol-ol-ol goal in unison.

It's like it's warm outside lo-lo-lo-lo.

Who's standing in the corner lou-lu-lu-lu

We bought a new chair st-st-st-st.

He sawed up the slab, il-il-il-il.

The boy began to sing a song, ate-ae-ate-ate.

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

- "Which syllable is superfluous?" (il-il-al; yl-yl-il).

- "Name the missing syllable in words." (ne ..., yab ... to, beet ..., so ... ma, shoko ..., mo ... to).

- "Which word is superfluous?" (shovel, lamp, rocket; horse, robot, boat).

- "The shortest and longest word?" (Which word is the shortest and which is the longest? Varnish, paw, shovel; pilot, diver, bow).

EXERCISE MINUTE. Performing movements in accordance with the content of the text of the poem. Wooden Pinocchio

By order of Malvina

And he ran and jumped,

And turned his head.

Three tilts quickly made

And again he sat down at his desk.

8. Words-actions.

-Guys, what tasks did Pinocchio perform? (He ran, jumped, turned, did, sat down). What sound do these words end with? (To the sound of [L]). What do these words mean? Actions. We already know words-objects, words-signs, and now we have learned words-actions. Action words are denoted by two lines. You have schematics of all words. Show me the action word diagram. Now come up with your own word-action.

- "Building a pyramid" -Guys, help Buratino build a pyramid. (On orange squares you need to put pictures with the sound [Л] at the beginning of the word, on yellow pictures with the sound [Л] in the middle of the word, and on dark red pictures with the sound [Л] at the end of the word. Is it a beautiful pyramid? (Yes) What did you and Pinocchio do? (Build.) What does the word BUILD mean? (Action).

- "Learn the action!" -Pull the pictures out of your envelope, look and remember the action depicted there, but do not show or tell anyone. And now Lera will show us, and we will guess what she is doing. (Children take turns showing the action that is depicted in their picture. All the others name what their friend is doing. Buratino puts letters on the board if they guessed the action correctly, from which at the end of the lesson the children will form a word).

RELAXATION.- Sit comfortably. Now you will hear something. Close your eyes and listen. (We listen to the sound of the sea and the cry of seagulls). -What did you hear? What did you want to do? (Swim, sunbathe, dive ...). What are these words? (Action words).

9 composing syncwine... - Guys, who is our guest today? (Pinocchio.). Pinocchio also wanted to swim in the sea. What Pinocchio? (Cheerful, smart, funny ...). What are these words? (Sign words). Now name the words-actions that Buratino performs. (Jumps, runs, laughs ...).

Now come up with a proposal for this scheme:. (Pinocchio plays. Pinocchio dances. Pinocchio laughs.). Guys, who is Buratino? (Toy).

10. Tell us about Pinocchio. ( Pinocchio is cheerful, smart; plays, laughs. Pinocchio is jumping. Toy.)

11. Assignments from Pinocchio.–Choose a picture from Pinocchio and make the name of the depicted object from letters. Where is the [L] sound in your picture title? Come up with a word - action to your subject. (Yula is spinning. The elk is standing. The boat is sailing.)

12. Reflection.

- Semantic reflection of the lesson(What did you learn to do?). What will Pinocchio tell us? We will know this when we put together a word from letters. (Well done).

-Emotional reflection of the lesson(What did you like?).

- Buratino has prepared riddles for you. You will learn them at home and guess in the next lesson. (Riddle: Needles and pins are crawling out from under the bench. They are looking at me, they want milk.)

-Exit password... –And we will tell Buratino one more tongue twister about an elk, try to speak the sound [L] well. Say this tongue twister softly. (A young elk was running on the golden straw.) Now say in a whisper.

Say goodbye! (Good bye see you!).

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Slide captions:

"Didactic syncwine" Modern technologies in speech therapy syncwine Compiled by: Bukaeva Tatyana Ivanovna teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 5 "Fairy Tale", Poronaysk 2016

Modern speech therapy is in constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the learning and development process of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with special educational needs.

Didactic syncwine has a slightly different structure and is not based on syllabic dependence. It is characterized by the semantic and syntactic predestination of each line. Didactic syncwine is a technology that does not require special conditions for use and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers.

The relevance and expediency of using didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice is explained by the fact that the new technology: opens up new opportunities; helps to optimize the work of a teacher-logopedist; fits harmoniously into the work on the development of LGK; does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness; contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts; is a diagnostic tool; enables the teacher to assess the level of the child's assimilation of the passed material; has the character of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

Sinkwine is five non-rhymed lines in the form of a poem. Syllables in words obey certain rules.

Rules for composing didactic syncwine: first line - one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea; second line - two words, adjectives; third line - three words, verbs, describing actions within the topic; the fourth line is a phrase of several words, showing the attitude to the topic; the fifth line - words associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the topic (it can be one word).

To correctly compose a syncwine, you must: have sufficient vocabulary within the topic; own generalization; concepts: word - object (alive not alive), word-action, word-sign; learn to understand correctly, understand and ask questions; coordinate words in a sentence; correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence.

The method of didactic syncwine develops and improves the thinking abilities of preschoolers with speech impairments and allows them to think more productively. The innovativeness of this technique is the creation of conditions for the development of a personality capable of critical thinking, i.e. exclude unnecessary and highlight the main thing, generalize, classify.

For example 1. Doll 2. Beautiful, smart, beloved. 3. Stands, walks, smiles. 4. My doll is the most beautiful. 5. Toy.

For example 1. Hare 2. White, fluffy 3. Gallops, hides, is afraid 4. I feel sorry for the hare. 5. Wild animal.

For example 1. Machine 2. Fast, powerful, beautiful. 3. Goes, overtakes, brakes. 4. I love to ride. 5. Transport.

Lexical topics: "New Year" 1. New Year 2. Joyful, long-awaited. 3. Comes, amuses, pleases. 4. I love this holiday. 5.Gifts. "Our city" 1.Poronaysk 2.Big, beautiful, clean. 3. It grows prettier, develops. 4. I live in this city. 5.Poronaysk is a city by the sea. "8th March" 1. Mom. 2. Smart, beautiful, kind. 3. Cooking, knitting, drawing, singing, cleaning. 4. Loves me and dad. 5. The family. "Winter" 1.Winter. 2. Snowy, cold, frosty. 3. Freezes, sweeps, delights. 4. Covers the ground with white, fluffy, silvery snow. 5. The sorceress.

Topic: "Exotic animals" 1. Elephant 2. Big, strong, smart. 3. Stands, walks, bathes, eats. 4.I love this animal. 5. The animal. 1.Leo. 2. Handsome, mighty, strong, large. 3. Attacks, sneaks up, growls. 4. Freedom-loving animal. 5. The animal. 1.Giraffe. 2. Tall, graceful, handsome. 3. Defends, fights, 4. The most unique animal. 5. The animal.

The effectiveness and importance of syncwine. facilitates the process of assimilating concepts and their content; teaches you to briefly but accurately express your thoughts; promotes the expansion and updating of vocabulary; reinforces knowledge on the studied lexical topics.

The technology "Didactic syncwine" harmoniously combines the elements of three main educational systems: Informational; active; personality oriented.

Literature 1. Akimenko V.М. New pedagogical technologies: teaching method. allowance.- Rostov n / a; ed. Phoenix, 2008. 2. Akimenko V.M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. - Rostov n / a; ed. Phoenix, 2011. 3. Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children. - Rostov n / a; ed. Phoenix, 2008. 4. Bannov A. Learning to think together: Materials for teacher training. - M .: INTUIT.RU, 2007. 5. Gin A. Methods of pedagogical technique. - M.: Vita-Press, 2003 6. Dushka N. Sinkwein in the work on the development of speech of preschoolers. "Speech therapist" magazine, No. 5 (2005). 7. Terentyeva N. Sinkwein based on The Foundation Pit. Literature. The magazine "September First", №4 (2006).

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