Home Berries What birds are considered the highest flying. The sharpest vision. The slowest flight

What birds are considered the highest flying. The sharpest vision. The slowest flight

Daily at different corners of our planet, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of birds rise into the sky. The wings of these creatures allow them not only to overcome great distances, but also to rise up to great heights. Their unique abilities in navigation still amaze many scientists, and sometimes remain the same mystery to them.

We are already accustomed to watching birds soaring high in the sky. But how high can they rise into the sky, and which birds rise above the rest of the birds? In most cases, they fly at an altitude of about 150 meters, but during the annual migrations, some representatives are able to rise to a height of up to 3 thousand meters. But as it turned out, this is not the limit ...

White stork

White stork (lat. ciconia ciconia) is one of the most beautiful and graceful birds on the planet. This long-necked and long-legged representative of the feathered world during long-distance flights to wintering places overcomes huge distances at an altitude of 2 to 3 thousand meters. I would like to note right away that the wingspan of the white stork is 150-200 cm.

andean condor

(lat. Vultur gryphus) is one of the largest flying birds of prey in the Western Hemisphere. In addition, the Andean condor is national symbol such Latin American states as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, playing essential role in the culture of all these countries. This unique bird, living in more than harsh places of the Andes, daily travels several kilometers in search of food, rising to a height of about 3-5 thousand meters.

Black swift

Black swifts (lat. Apus apus) - this small bird is also called the "mad swift" and this is not surprising, since the black swift is considered the champion among birds for the duration of stay in the air and the second in flight speed (more than 120 km / h). In addition, the black swift is one of the highest flying birds. It rises to a height of 3000 meters.

Golden eagle

Berkut (lat. Aquila chrysaetos) is another large and most famous predatory bird, with the ability to climb to great heights. The wingspan of a golden eagle can reach two meters. This predator has excellent eyesight, so it is not difficult for him to rise to a height of 4500 meters above the ground and look out for his prey from there.


Plovers (lat. Pluvialis) is a small but cute bird from the plover family (lat. Charadriidae). It can fly both at a completely low distance (almost touching the surface of the water), and at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters. Representatives of this family are well known on the Wadden coasts (the Wadden Sea).


mallard (lat. Anas platyrhynchos) - a bird belonging to the duck family (lat. Anatidae) and the most recognizable and common wild duck. However, few people know that this waterfowl is also an excellent flyer. During annual flights to wintering grounds, these birds rise to a height of up to 6900 meters. There were cases when ducks at such a height collided with a flying plane.

gray geese

Gray geese (lat. anser anser) is a representative of the number of waterfowl. These geese settle along the shores of lakes, bolts, ponds and other bodies of water. They are very smart, strong and careful birds. They can easily fight back even a predator, especially if it threatens their offspring. During migrations, gray geese, gathered in flocks, fly in a wedge, scattered or in a line. During such a flight, birds rise to a height of up to 8 thousand meters.

whooper swan

Whooper swan (lat. Cygnus cygnus) is a large (from 7 to 10 kg) waterfowl. In December 1967, a small flock of swans was seen flying at an altitude of 8230 meters over Ireland. The height of the birds' flight was recorded by radar. It is worth noting that this was not the only recorded flight of screamer swans, and their ability to fly at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters has been confirmed more than once.

mountain goose

mountain goose (lat. Eulabeia indica) - a waterfowl nesting in the mountains Central Asia(at an altitude of 1000 to 5000 m). According to scientists, this bird is able to fly over the Himalayas in just 8 hours, rising to a height of 10175 (!) meters. At the same time, they are not able to cover very long distances.

Ruppel's vulture, or African vulture

Ruppel's vulture, or African vulture (lat. Gyps rueppellii) are the highest flying birds on the planet. According to scientists, it is Ruppel's vultures that most often encounter flying aircraft. The highest recorded flight altitudes of this neck are 11277 meters and 12150 meters. The African Vulture lives in the northern and eastern parts of the African continent.

Such flights are truly delightful. But how do birds flying at such heights manage to cope with thin air, solar radiation and low temperatures not yet known.

Which bird flies the highest? One of the most beautiful sights that can bring a person a sense of freedom and a lot of positive emotions is the flight of birds. Looking up at the sky, sometimes one wants to quote Chekhov: “Why don't people fly? Why don't people fly like birds? Every day millions of winged creatures soar upwards in different parts of the planet. Birds are unique and special creatures on our planet. Not only can they take off into the air and cover great distances in flight, they also have a number of features, for example, birds do not have teeth, and birds do not have bladder . The flight height of each bird species is different, but in most cases the flight takes place at an altitude of 150-200 meters above the ground, but this is far from the limit. It is really interesting what the flight height can be, and which bird flies the highest. Record holders of high flights. Among birds, there is a kind of rating of which bird flies the highest. The figures registered by scientists can amaze the imagination, because it turns out that even a figure of 3000 meters is far from the limit for winged pilots. Ninth and tenth place. White stork. This bird is one of the most beautiful and majestic on the entire planet. Its wingspan averages 1.5 - 2 meters. Thanks to them, the stork can travel huge distances at a height of up to 3,000 meters. Black swift. This small bird flies at great speed, more than 120 kilometers per hour. However, the height of its flight is worthy of respect, because the swift can rise to 3 thousand meters. Eighth place. Eighth place rightfully belongs to the golden eagle. This bird of prey has excellent eyesight. Therefore, in order to track down its prey, the golden eagle can rise to a height of 4.5 thousand meters, and from there it is easy to see even a moving small rodent. Seventh place. Andean condor. This majestic bird is a symbol of many Latin American countries, and rightfully deserves it. The condor lives in the Andes and, in search of food, flies long distances at an altitude of up to 5 thousand meters. Sixth place. Plover. A small bird can fly over the water itself, almost touching it with its wings. And at the same time, it is able to rise to a height of up to 6 thousand meters. Fifth place. Mallard - the most recognizable wild duck is not only a lover of water. She may well compete for the calling of which bird flies the highest, because during seasonal flights, the flight height of these birds reaches 7 thousand meters. At this altitude, they sometimes even collide with aircraft. Fourth and third place. Grey goose. Another representative of waterfowl is in no way inferior to its rival, because it is able to rise 8 thousand meters above the ground. In addition, gray geese are very brave birds that are not afraid to repulse a predator if it threatens their offspring. Swan. This bird is perhaps the most beautiful and graceful of all birds known to us. This "aristocrat" has repeatedly confirmed its ability to fly at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters. Second place. The mountain goose takes the honorable second place in the ranking of the highest-flying birds. Despite the fact that this bird cannot cover long distances, the height of its flight is truly amazing. Mountain goose is able to fly the most high mountain on the planet Everest and climb 10 thousand meters! First place. Ruppel's vulture. The second name of the bird is the African vulture, and it is the undisputed winner in the nomination "which bird flies the highest"! The highest recorded flight of a record holder is 12150 meters! Unfortunately, due to such high flights of vultures, planes are very often shot down, apparently such is their price for victory.

    The Vulture bird flies above all, it can rise to a height of up to 10,000 meters, more than once this bird was noticed when it collided with aircraft. The neck is still famous not only for its flight height, but also for its size. The length of her body can reach up to 1 meter.

    This bird is called a vulture. There is such a case that a passenger plane at an altitude of 11,300 meters above the Earth met this flying bird as if nothing had happened. Eagles, condors and cranes also fly quite high above the ground.

    Vultures fly above all birds - vultures, condors, vultures, as well as whooper swans, which were seen at an altitude of 8230 m.

    one of the vultures was observed at an altitude of 11,275 meters above sea level,

    but the absolute record holder is an inhabitant of the vulture mountains: on November 29, 1973, a vulture, flying over Côte d'Ivoire, collided with a passenger plane at an altitude of 11,277 m

    A vulture bird can rise high into the sky, it manages to fly up to a height of a little more than 11 thousand meters, cranes also fly high, black swifts rise to three thousand kilometers, gray geese. Lots of birds that fly high.

    It is believed that vultures fly above all. The record for flight altitude still remains with the African vulture. An incident was recorded when this bird collided with an aircraft at an altitude of over 11 thousand meters.

    The highest flying bird is Whooper Swanquot ;. She was seen at an altitude of over 8200 meters. But there was also another small but proud bird. She said: And I will fly to the very sun! And the bird flew higher and higher until it burned its wings and fell to the very bottom, the deepest gorge! But no one knows the name of this bird.

    In general, I read that such birds as cranes, vultures and vultures fly high.

    To date, a maximum height has been recorded for such a bird as a vulture. The maximum flight height is more than 11 thousand meters, to be exact, then 11300).

    In the history of aviation, a case of a collision of an aircraft in the sky over Abidjan with a vulture at an altitude of 11,300 meters is known. This happened in November 1973. In general, the crane of the Gruidae family is considered the highest flying bird.

    They say that vultures really fly the highest

    At the same time, I once watched a program about birds

    So they kind of said that eagles can fly very high.

    Birds usually do not rise above 10 thousand meters.

    They just don't need it. Birds with powerful wings fly high.

    The vast majority of birds do not rise above 1000 or 1500 meters. But there are exceptions to one of the most famous birds of a high half; are: mountain goose, whooper swan, gray goose, mallard, plover, golden eagle, black swift, Andean condor and White stork. Nevertheless, the vultures, or rather the African vulture, are the record holders for the height of the floor. Scientists have recorded their flights at an altitude of more than 12 thousand meters!

    An unusually interesting question! And the answers are basically correct. However, before I contribute, let's figure out how to great height, more than 10,000 meters, the birds will be able to breathe. After all, for example, most people experience oxygen starvation, having risen only 2 kilometers above sea level.

    It turns out it's pretty simple! Moreover, nature has provided for everything! Thanks to the unique respiratory system, our feathered friends, with e air sacs, birds, here, extract from the air, even more oxygen than on earth!

    As for the direct answer to the question, in addition to the above, one of the champions of high-altitude flights are Indian geese. As ornithologists say, these amazing birds easily cope with the flight through the Himalayas, the average height of which is 6 km, and the maximum is 8848 (Mount Everest). However, the true champions, rather unpleasant representatives of the bird class, are African vultures, from the genus Vultures. In 1975, one of these scavengers managed to climb to a height of 11,500 meters, and found himself in the path of a plane flying over the Ivory Coast.

One of the most beautiful sights that can bring a person a sense of freedom and a lot of positive emotions is the flight of birds. Looking up at the sky, sometimes one wants to quote Chekhov: “Why don't people fly? Why don't people fly like birds?

Every day millions of winged creatures soar upwards in different parts of the planet. Birds are unique and special creatures on our planet. Not only can they take off into the air and cover huge distances in flight, they also have a number of features, for example, as well. The flight height of each bird species is different, but in most cases the flight takes place at an altitude of 150-200 meters above the ground, but this is far from the limit. It is really interesting what the flight height can be, and which bird flies the highest.

High flight record holders

Ninth and tenth place.

White stork. This bird is one of the most beautiful and majestic on the entire planet. Its wingspan averages 1.5 - 2 meters. Thanks to them, the stork can travel huge distances at a height of up to 3,000 meters.

Black swift. This small bird flies at great speed, more than 120 kilometers per hour. However, the height of its flight is worthy of respect, because the swift can rise to 3 thousand meters.

Eighth place.

Eighth place rightfully belongs to the golden eagle. This bird of prey has excellent eyesight. Therefore, in order to track down its prey, the golden eagle can rise to a height of 4.5 thousand meters, and from there it is easy to see even a moving small rodent.

Seventh place.

Andean condor. This majestic bird is a symbol of many Latin American countries, and rightfully deserves it. The condor lives in the Andes and, in search of food, flies long distances at an altitude of up to 5 thousand meters.

Sixth place.

Plover. A small bird can fly over the water itself, almost touching it with its wings. And at the same time, it is able to rise to a height of up to 6 thousand meters.

Fifth place.

Mallard - the most recognizable wild duck is not only a lover of water. She may well compete for the calling of which bird flies the highest, because during seasonal flights, the flight height of these birds reaches 7 thousand meters. At this altitude, they sometimes even collide with aircraft.

Fourth and third place.

Grey goose. Another representative of waterfowl is in no way inferior to its rival, because it is able to rise 8 thousand meters above the ground. In addition, gray geese are very brave birds that are not afraid to repulse a predator if it threatens their offspring.

Swan. This bird is perhaps the most beautiful and graceful of all birds known to us. This "aristocrat" has repeatedly confirmed its ability to fly at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters.

Second place.

The mountain goose takes the honorable second place in the ranking of the highest flying birds. Despite the fact that this bird cannot cover long distances, the height of its flight is truly amazing. Mountain goose is able to fly over the highest mountain on the planet Everest and climb 10 thousand meters!

First place.

Ruppel's vulture. The second name of the bird is the African vulture, and it is the undisputed winner in the nomination "which bird flies the highest"! The highest recorded flight of a record holder is 12150 meters! Unfortunately, due to such high flights of vultures, planes are very often shot down, apparently such is their price for victory.

Scientists still cannot answer how birds at such a height manage to cope with low temperatures and rarefied air. It is difficult to imagine that it was not scientists who first learned which bird flies the highest, but aircraft pilots. This, indeed, inspires respect for the winged angels!

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