Home Berries The title of the lesson is about truth and lies. Conversation for children “A lie does not make a person beautiful.” Senior group. Educational hour: “Truth and lies”

The title of the lesson is about truth and lies. Conversation for children “A lie does not make a person beautiful.” Senior group. Educational hour: “Truth and lies”

Educational hour:"Truth and lie"

Target: Explain to students how fantasy differs from lies;

How does fantasy differ from truth? why lying is bad.

Tasks: Find out what fantasy is closer to - truth or lies; consider the types of lies, the reasons for the desire to lie.

Preparatory stage:

Prepare pieces of paper with false and true statements in advance.

(Children are not sitting at desks.)

1.Organizational moment

I invite everyone to hold hands and look at each other, making eye contact.

The circle is a symbol of unification, kinship of souls. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let us all try today to be open, honest, not to be disingenuous, and of course, smile at each other.

2. Define the topic.

Let's start our conversation with a fairy tale:

Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, there lived two sisters. One was called Truth, the other Lie. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, resourceful. The people loved the truth, but avoided lies, since it prevented them from living and working honestly. Let’s say, the people begin to sow grain in order to grow a harvest, and the Lie is right there: “Why should you work and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind itself will blow them away.” An honest person does not listen to her, you know, he works, but a lazy person likes this advice: he will lie down under a bush and fall asleep. The work is somehow completed, he deceives himself, the harvest is gone and he won’t be in his field. And this is hunger for the people. People began to think about how to get rid of Lies. The truth really reproached and shamed her, but at least she knew that she was lying and deceiving herself. The people decided to drive her out. Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dirty deeds. She still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of her from the earth. People try to be friends only with the Truth. But if a person at least once opens his heart to Lies, then it will settle there and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

What we're going to talk?

The topic of our conversation is “Truth and lies”

(Discussion of the definitions of “true” and “false”)

Let's try to define these concepts.

It happens in the world,

Sometimes you can't tell:

True, next to you

Or insinuating lies.

How to figure this out?

How to learn to live.

So that only the truth is nearby,

Why not be friends with lies?

3. Disclosure of the topic.

Discuss and select from the list for each word words close in meaning and synonyms.

What did you get?

What is truth? Lie?

In Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary these concepts are defined as follows:

Is it true - this is what corresponds to reality, the truth.

Lie – this is a deliberate distortion of the truth, a lie.

Game "True or False"

Children go to the board, take turns reading statements (true or false) and distribute them into “true and false” baskets.

* Cones grow on a birch tree.

* A wolf can sit on a tree.

* There is snow in the winter.

* Spruce needles are modified leaves.

* If a fish is in a good mood, it sings.

*If a boy is in a good mood, he wags his tail.

* If the house gets boring, he goes for a walk.

* ZHI, SHI write with the letter I.

* CHU, SHCHU write with the letter Y.

* Yesterday was Thursday.

* Our earth is flat.

* Writers write books.

* The rooster plays the piano.

* Apples grow on the Christmas tree.

* Lies are usually used for selfish purposes.

* Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

* Lying can cause harm to others.

(The poetic character ZHENYA asks to figure it out):

And Fantasia? Is this true or false?

The teacher invites the children to take a piece of paper with the word “fantasy” written on it. Children should think about what this word is closer to - truth or lie.

(Questions for conversation:)

*How is fantasy different from truth?

*How does fantasy differ from lies?

Some people confuse fantasy and lies

What is the difference between fantasy and lies?

*Who is more pleasant to people: a dreamer or a liar, and why?

* Do you need to learn to lie?

* Do you need to learn to fantasize? *Do you always need to tell the truth face to face?

*How do you understand the statement: “The most dangerous person is a liar”?

Do you think it’s good or bad to fantasize all your life?(Children's answers)

Not all people retain the ability to fantasize throughout their lives. Many are so busy with their own problems and troubles that they simply do not have time for such a thing as fantasy. And people who have managed to retain the ability to fantasize are usually engaged in creative professions: artists, musicians, writers. Their job is to create fantasy illusions, and many do their favorite thing all their lives.

Each of you has heard from parents, educators, and teachers that lying is bad.

But did they explain to you why it is not good to do this? Have you tried to figure out why people start lying?

(Situations from school life.)

Let's talk about situations from school life. What do you do if:

  • got a bad grade;
  • lost replacement shoes;
  • were late for class;
  • Were out for a walk, didn’t have time to clean the room before mom arrived?
  • broke a beautiful vase?

Have you ever had a situation where you used deception?

But the Russian people have one more wisdom: “A lie for salvation.” How to explain such a phrase? When can a person resort to this?

(Working with proverbs)

There are many proverbs about truth and lies. I think you have already worked with them.

I suggest you make two proverbs and explain their meaning.

(Each group is given two identical proverbs)

A lie is beautiful, but you can’t escape the truth.

The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.

What proverbs did you come up with? Read it. Explain their meaning.

Do you know proverbs about truth and lies?

4. Summing up

Now you know that there are different types of lies, and that you should not use false statements. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who tells the truth than with a liar. And besides, how can you trust a person who constantly deceives you? Therefore, it is best to be honest, and then other people will be honest with you.

5. Result of the work.

(Drawing up rules of honest behavior.)

I invite you to help draw up rules of honest behavior.

1) Said - do it.

2) If you’re not sure, don’t promise.

3) If you made a mistake, admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) If you can’t tell the truth, explain why.

6) Act only honestly.

If you follow the rules that we have drawn up in communicating with other people, then you can truly be considered honest guys.

It happens in the world,

Sometimes you can't tell:

True, next to you

Or insinuating lies.

Let's go guys

Live honestly in the world

Let's not lie, we'll just

Tell the truth!

Guys, thank you so much for your work. I would like to believe that our conversation touched each of you and left its mark. I wish you continued success.

Maria Matveeva
Lesson summary “Truth and lies”

Subject: Social hour

Target: 1. Form the necessary moral knowledge, cultivate the habit of analyzing one’s manifestations in relationships with others.

2.0 ensure the unity and interconnection of the formation of moral knowledge, skills and behavior habits.

Equipment: task cards, box with prizes, mugs, tea, pie.

Progress of the event

Organizational part

Educator: Hello, dear friends! Today you have found yourself in an unusual country. There are only two cities in it - the city « Truth» and the city "Lies". In the city « Truth» always say the truth, in the city "Lies" everyone is talking lies. (The children split into two teams)

Main part

Educator: In these cities, not all residents speak lies, we just need to find out, and for this we will be helped by our jury, which will evaluate who speaks the truth and who doesn't. I will read out several phrases to each team (one for each participant, your task is to answer Right: « true or« lie» . And the jury will carefully monitor your answers, awarding one point for each "hit". So, let's start!

1 Competition: True - False

Phrases for the first team

If a bee stings, it will die. (Truth)

Mice grow up to become rats. (not true)

If you cook hard-boiled eggs longer, they will boil and become soft-boiled. (not true)

Turtles hatch from eggs. (Truth)

The sundial has no hands (Truth)

You cannot put out a fire with boiling water. (not true)

The elephant is afraid of mice. (Truth)

Phrases for the second team

Pushkin was interested in photography as a child. (not true)

If you dial your number on the phone, you can talk to yourself. (not true)

38 degrees is normal body temperature for humans (not true)

Bullfinches have a red belly, while tits have a yellow belly. (Truth)

The log does not sink in water. (Truth)

Gasoline can be extinguished with water. (not true)

An ambulance is called by calling 01. (not true)

Bottom line

2 Competition: Detectives.

Educator: There are famous detectives in the world who are always looking for the truth, with the help of various evidence, evidence. And one such detective sent you a task. This is who you need to learn to distinguish from truth from falsehood!

(Teams take turns choosing a task card. Discuss it for a few minutes. Then answer the question, explaining their answers.)

Task on 1 card

A saucepan is placed on the table (without cover).The question goes like this: “Imagine that this pan is the largest in the world. It will fit not only cabbage soup and porridge, but everything in the world. And yet, there is one item that will never fit in this pan. What is this item? (Saucepan lid)

Task on card 2

A man came to the director of the museum and asked to buy a valuable antique painting from him, on the back of which there was an inscription: “I finished work on this painting today, ... month, ... year (date is illegible, 3 years before Napoleon’s invasion. (Signature of the author)“The director doubted the authenticity of the painting. What do you think about this? (The author of the picture could not have known the date of the beginning of Napoleon’s invasion 3 years before this event. The picture cannot be genuine)

Bottom line: The jury deliberates and announces the results of the competition.

3 Competition "Balloon"

Educator: Do you know that the balloon may never fall. How can it be? (children's answers)

We'll see if we play the game. You will be given two balls, your task is to throw them up on command and keep it in the air for as long as possible by blowing on it. The team whose ball touches the ground first will lose.

Bottom line: The jury deliberates and announces the results of the competition.

4 Competition "Fairytale biathlon"

Educator: It would be good if deceivers were found only in fairyland. But, unfortunately, there are enough of them in other countries. Let's remember the most famous deceivers from fairy tales. I will ask questions to both teams in turn. If you answer right away, you get 3 points, if you answer with one hint - 2 points, if with a second hint - 1 point. If you don’t answer at all, you get zero!

1 The good girl had to lie to break free.

The one who did not let her in, himself brought her home, suspecting nothing.

If he had known that he was not carrying pies at all, the dogs in the village would not have beaten him up. (Masha from a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

2. To have a good lunch, this vile deceiver pretended to be a kind old lady.

In his cap, glasses and under the blanket it was difficult to recognize him.

And yet the girl was surprised why her grandmother had such big teeth.

(Wolf from a fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood")

3. Small liar traders said that their goods were magical.

Even the king believed it.

But if he hadn’t believed it, he wouldn’t have appeared before the people in the funniest form imaginable.

(Traders "invisible fabric" from a fairy tale by H. H. Andersen "The Naked King")

4. This liar knows many ways to get her way, and one of them is flattery.

The stupid bird believed her.

Missing your cheese is a shame.

(Fox from I. Krylov's fable "A Crow and a fox")

5. This liar helped his master a lot by coming up with a new name for him.

Having obtained the owner a suitable castle and expensive clothes, he turned him into a worthy groom for the princess.

But the fact that he wore boots greatly surprised passers-by.

("Puss in Boots" from the fairy tale by C. Perrault)

6. This cunning deceiver was able to change his voice.

The children did not immediately believe that their mother had come.

Of the seven children, only one remained, who told the goat what happened.

(Wolf from a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

7. This deceiver thought of pretending to be deaf.

The stupid little round one sang songs to her.

The stupid round piece sat on her tongue, all that was left was to swallow it.

(Fox from a fairy tale "Kolobok")

8. To turn her life into a fairy tale, this liar declared that the unusual crystal product belonged to her.

It couldn’t possibly belong to her because it doesn’t fit at all.

This crystal thing was dropped by its owner when she ran home.

(Stepmother's daughter from a fairy tale "Cinderella")

9. When they get together, they don’t just make things up, they seem to tell fairy tales.

They gave the girl their ice cream so that she would not cry when her mother scolded her because of her brother.

When my brother said that she ate the jam, and he did it, and spread the jam on her lips.

("Dreamers" from a story by N. Nosov)

10. These treacherous women deceived the king, telling him things that were terrible to imagine.

That’s why it was only many years later that he saw his son for the first time.

They themselves should be tarred in a barrel and allowed to float on the sea-ocean.

(The weaver with the cook, with the matchmaker Babarikha from "Tales of Tsar Saltan" A. S. Pushkin)

Bottom line: The jury deliberates and announces the results of the competition.

5 Working with proverbs

Educator: ABOUT truth and there are many proverbs of lies. I think you have already worked with them.

I suggest you make two proverbs and explain their meaning.

(Each group is given two identical proverbs)

Beautiful lie, yes from you won't get away with the truth.

Is it true It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

What proverbs did you come up with? Read it. Explain their meaning.

Who will be the first to answer the proverb and Right, he earns a point.

Bottom line: The jury deliberates and announces the results of the competition.

Final part

Educator: Now you know that lies come in different forms that you should not use false statements. With a man who speaks the truth, it’s much more pleasant to communicate than with a liar. And besides, how can you trust a person who constantly deceives you? Therefore, it is best to be honest, and then other people will be honest with you.

I suggest each team make several rules of honest behavior. (Compilation rules of honest behavior.)

1) Said - do it.

2) If you’re not sure, don’t promise.

3) If you made a mistake, admit it.

4) Say only what you think.

5) You can’t tell tell the truth - explain why.

6) Act only honestly.

Bottom line: The jury deliberates and announces the results of the competitions.

If you comply rules, which we compiled in communication with other people, then you can really be considered honest guys.

It happens in the world,

Sometimes you can't tell:

With you, Truth, near

Or insinuating lie.

Let's go guys

Live honestly in the world

Let's not lie, we'll just

Tell the truth!

Guys, thank you so much for your work. I wish you continued success.

Software tasks:

  • introduce your child to school life through a fairy tale;
  • help build a model of possible relationships with a teacher and classmates in a new life;
  • to try out different behavior options in a safe manner in communication situations that are significant for children;
  • develop skills of voluntary regulation of behavior;
  • develop communication skills with peers and adults;
  • form adequate self-esteem, increase self-confidence;
  • create conditions for children to become aware of ineffective behavior patterns and change them.

Greeting "Good morning"
Psychologist: “Please close your eyes (children are sitting on chairs), whoever hears their name opens their eyes and sits in any place in the circle. Now let’s hold hands and say: “Good morning!”

Guys, do you know who Fairies are? Children's answers. Fairies are different. There are Fairies of fire, night, water, love, dance, joy, sand.
In the old days, Fairies endowed newborn children with wonderful gifts: the Fairy of Love gave the child a good heart, the Fairy of the Night wonderful dreams, the Fairy of Joy a good mood, but the Fairy of Sand or the Sand Fairy could give a journey through a fairy tale.

Ritual of entering a fairy tale.
Today you and I have such a fabulous journey ahead of us. But this will require a lot of effort. And our heart will give magical power. The heart has incredible power if it is kind, loving, trusting and joyful. I think each of you has such a heart. Now place your right palm on your chest, close your eyes and quietly listen to how your warm, kind heart beats. Ask your heart to give you the strength to travel through a fairy tale. Silently to myself. Happened? Well done. And here comes the Fairy, she invites you to visit her, in the sandbox. Quiet, calm music sounds, children sit around the sandbox, carefully examine the sandbox itself (its shape, color, material from which the sandbox is made), and point out the symbolic designation of sky, water and earth.

Also, with the help of the Sand Fairy, children define for themselves some rules of behavior in the sandbox:

1. You cannot intentionally throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. You cannot throw sand at others or put it in your mouth.

3. After playing in the sand, you need to wash your hands.

The psychologist, on behalf of the Fairy, asks to “gently, kindly say hello to the sand,” i.e. touch the sand in different ways.

Exercise “Hello, sand!” (reduction of psychophysical stress)
Children touch the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then with the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time.
Children describe and compare their sensations: “warm - cold”, “pleasant - unpleasant”, “prickly, rough”, etc.
Well done boys! And now it’s time for our fairy tale.

Listen carefully, memorize carefully, your ears open, the fairy tale begins.

Fairy tale “A task for a little fox”
(showing a fairy tale in the pedagogical sandbox)

Conflicts began to occur frequently in the old Fox's family. Their reason was to raise the little Fox.

Grandfather believed that raising a real Fox was very difficult. The fox must be able to cleverly deceive even his relatives.

Papa Fox was against such tricks. He believed that this could not be done, because everyone would call Little Fox a liar, and no one would be friends with him.

The little fox listened to these disputes and thought:

Who is right, grandpa or dad?

At school, Little Fox was very absent-minded because he kept thinking about it. He made many mistakes while solving problems in class. U

Little Fox had never had any difficulties with mathematics before, so the kids and the teacher were very surprised.

What happened to you, are you sick? - teacher Hedgehog asked.

I? No! Not sick! But my grandfather is barely alive,” Little Fox blurted out for some reason.

Is your grandfather sick? - the guys asked.

Yes very! I looked after him all night! “He has become very weak,” the Little Fox continued to think.

And the more he composed, the more he became carried away and drowned in a quagmire of lies.

But all the students believed and sympathized with the Little Fox.

“You know what, Little Fox, go home now,” the teacher suggested. - Your grandfather needs you. Love and care help the patient recover.

The little fox collected his things in his briefcase and left the classroom.

On the way home, Little Fox had already forgotten about his fictional story.

Little Fox came home cheerful and carefree.

Why did you come so early? - Grandfather Fox asked his grandson.

At that time he was making something and was surprised to see the Little Fox.

Our teacher is sick! - he whispered.

How did you get sick? Something serious? - the old Fox became worried.

Yes, probably! - continued the Little Fox, amazed at his intelligence and resourcefulness.

“It’s bad, very bad,” grumbled the grandfather, “I feel sorry for teacher Hedgehog, let him get well soon!”

The little fox hovered around his grandfather for a bit, watching the chair being repaired, and then went about his business, satisfied with his invention. Meanwhile, classes ended at school, and the teacher decided to visit the sick old Fox. Having collected a few gifts, he hurried to the fox's house. Coming closer, the Hedgehog heard someone cheerfully whistling a song. The teacher was a little surprised and thought that it seemed to him: how can you have fun if your loved one is sick? However, the song continued to sound, and the confused teacher saw the old Fox in the open door, who had finished his work and proudly assessed the result, practicing artistic whistling.
The hedgehog remained standing rooted to the spot.

The fox noticed the guest and also had difficulty understanding what was happening.

I'm glad you're feeling better! - the teacher finally said.

And you? - asked the surprised grandfather.

“Now something will happen,” whispered the Little Fox. - Oh, let it be a dream! I wish I could only dream it! Yes, I'll wake up now - and everything will be as before.

But this was not a dream. The little fox understood this, just in case he even pinched himself, but he felt nothing but pain.

Tears rolled down the Fox's fluffy cheeks. He was both ashamed and scared.

What's going on there? What are they talking about? What are they going to do with me? - Little Fox asked himself.

The teacher and grandfather were already sitting in the kitchen and talking quietly. The little fox heard only the words that the old fox repeated several times:

It’s my own fault, it was I who taught him to deceive.

What the Hedgehog answered to this, the frightened Little Fox could not make out. He could only guess. The little fox sobbed bitterly again and covered his head with a pillow so as not to hear anything.

Suddenly he felt that someone had touched him. The little fox raised his head and saw the teacher.

A lie is like a spider, which, having made its way furtively, begins to weave a sticky web,” the teacher said quietly. - At first it may seem like a funny game, but then the liar begins to realize that he is confused. And the longer the lies continue, the stronger the web. If you want to grow up free and happy, drive away the spider, break the web!

The little fox could not answer the teacher, because the lump in his throat prevented him from pronouncing the words. But he realized that lying primarily harms the liar himself. And Little Fox made his choice...

I will try to be honest!!! - he promised the teacher.

I believe in you! - answered the Hedgehog.

At school, Little Fox confessed to his deception, and the students forgave him. Since then, if Little Fox wants to tell a lie, he imagines a huge spider and stops his lie.
Discussion of a fairy tale :

  • How did the family want to raise Little Fox?
  • What did Little Fox do at school?
  • Do you think cheating is good or bad?
  • How did Little Fox feel when everyone found out the truth?
  • How do you think others will treat a deceiver?
  • What does a lie look like?
  • What does this fairy tale teach us?

Exercise "Spider"
Children pass the spider around and say: “Go away spider, I will never cheat.”

Exercise “True or false?”
Children stand in a circle and hold hands, the psychologist is in the center. He explains that if what the psychologist says is true, the children raise their hands up and shout:

“Yes!” If it’s not true, then they throw up their hands and shout: “No!”

There are fireflies in the field, right?

There are fish swimming in the sea, right?

The calf has wings, right?

The pig has a beak, doesn't it?

There is a peak to the mountain, right?

There are doors to the hole, right?

A rooster has scales, right?

The tree has leaves, right?

There are books on the shelf, right?

Baba Yaga has a broom, doesn’t she?

Exercise “Draw a lie”
Children draw their lies on pieces of paper and then tear them into pieces.

Exercise “Fairy of Truth”
The Fairy of Truth touches each child with a magic wand and gives each child a bead of truth, which must be kept with them so that it helps them speak only the truth.

Ritual of exit from a fairy tale
“Guys, our fabulous journey has come to an end, we spent all the magical power, but gained invaluable experience. Let’s scoop this experience into our palms, apply it to our hearts and take it from the fairy tale to real life.”

Exercise “Goodbye, everyone.”
Children hold hands, stand in a circle, smile at each other and say loudly in chorus: “We are healthy, we are beautiful, we are happy, goodbye to everyone.”

Lesson notes.

Developed by teacher

Subject:"Truth and lie"

Target: To form in children the concept of truth and lies.


1. Teach children to tell the truth.

2. Develop speech and thinking.

3. Cultivate moral qualities - honesty, justice.

Help children understand that they need to tell the truth without fear, but to lie


Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizing time. Greetings.

2. Introduction to the topic:

Now I will read you a fairy tale, after listening to it, maybe you will learn something new for yourself. The fairy tale is called "Two Sisters". Why do you think the fairy tale is called that? What can happen in this fairy tale?

· Teacher reading the fairy tale “Two Sisters”:

“Behind the high mountains, behind the green forests, there lived two sisters. One’s name was True, the other (What do you think her name was?) was False. The truth was beautiful, strong, kind; Lies are cunning, resourceful. The people loved the Truth, but avoided Lies, since they interfered with living and working honestly. Let’s say, they are starting to sow grain in order to grow a harvest, and the Lie is right there: (What could the lie tell them?) “Why bother you and bend your backs, throw the grains, the wind itself will blow them away.”

An honest man does not listen to her, you know, he works, but a lazy man likes this advice: (What will a lazy man do?) He will lie down under a bush and fall asleep. The work is somehow completed, he deceives himself, the harvest is gone and he won’t be in his field. And this is hunger for the people.

People began to think about how to get rid of Lies. (Is it possible to get rid of lies? And how to do this?) The truth really reproached and shamed her, but at least she knew that she was lying and deceiving. The people decided to drive her out. Since then, Lies have been wandering around the world and doing their dirty deeds. It still lives with us and no one knows how to get rid of it from the earth. People try to be friends only with the Truth. But if a person even once opens his heart to a lie

(How is this? What does it mean?), then it will settle there, and then it will be very difficult to get rid of it.”

Did you like the fairy tale? Why? Who was the story about?

Were your assumptions that you spoke about before listening to the fairy tale justified?

Did you learn something new about truth and lies?

Guys, can you protect yourself from lies? (children's answers)

3. Subject message: Today we will talk about truth and lies.

4. Work on the topic:- How do you imagine truth and lies? So that you can answer this question, I suggest you dress two dolls.

Game “Dress up the dolls – sisters Truth and Lies”

(We offer clothes in dark and light colors, various ribbons and rags)

Children's comments about what they wore and why.

Truth and lies are two sisters. Why do you think? Why do the same parents have children with different personalities? Who does it depend on?

· Game “Choose the meaning of the word”, with commentary on each word:

True False

Sincerity Hypocrisy

Directness Crookedness

Truthfulness Betrayal

Honesty Deception

Frankness Lies

Truth Treason

The meaning of the words “truth” and “lie” from the explanatory dictionary.

· Questions:

1. What does it mean to be honest?

2. What do you think is easier to say - the truth or a lie?

3. What do you tell more often – the truth or a lie?

4. What would you choose: a bitter truth or a sweet lie?

5. Which fairy-tale hero often resorts to lies and deception? Name fairy tales with this hero.

6. How would you behave in such situations: late for class; broke a window with a ball; got a bad grade; broke your new car? How would you talk about this?

7. Have you ever had such situations when you cheated?

8. Which person in the world is easier to live - an honest one or a deceitful one?

· Presenting situations: How would you act in such situations?

“I broke a beautiful cup from an expensive set. When my mother came home from work, I honestly told her about it. Although mom felt sorry for the cup, she didn’t even scold me, but praised me for my honesty and decency.”

“In 2nd grade I got a bad mark in Russian. But she didn’t confess to her mother. Mom later found out and punished me. The next time I got a C in math and told my mom. She explained this topic to me, and I no longer had bad grades. That’s how the truth helped me, and the lies let me down.”

· Discussion of proverbs and sayings about truth and lies:

“A lie is beautiful, but you can’t escape the truth”

“The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water”

“Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie”

“Do not look for truth in others if it is not in you”

“If you tell the truth, do the truth”

“Lies distort, truth corrects”

“Everyone loves the truth, but not everyone tells it”

· Retelling of A. Ulyanov’s story “Who broke the decanter?”

What do you think this story will be about? What could happen to the heroes of this story?

Primary reading of the story by the teacher.

“Volodya was a big naughty man and a prankster, but his good side was his truthfulness: he would play tricks and always confess. So, at the age of five, he once broke his older sister’s ruler, which she had just received as a gift. He himself ran with a broken ruler to tell her about it, and when she asked how it happened, he said:

He broke it on his knee, lifting his leg and showing how it happened.

It’s good that he doesn’t do anything on the sly,” his mother said.

Once, however, when he was eight years old, he hid one of his tricks. He was taken by his father along with his elders for the first time to Kazan to go from there to the village of Kokushkino to visit his aunt. In Kazan, in his aunt’s apartment, he, scattering with his relatives and cousins, accidentally pushed a small table, from which a glass decanter fell to the floor and broke into pieces. Auntie entered the room.

Who broke the decanter, children? – she asked.

Not me, not me, everyone said.

“Not me,” said Volodya.

He was afraid to confess to an unfamiliar aunt, in a strange apartment; it was difficult for him, the youngest, to say: “I”, when everyone else said the easy: “Not me.” It turned out that the decanter itself broke. Two or three months passed. Volodya had long since left Kokushkino and lived in Simbirsk. And then one evening, when the children had already gone to bed, the mother, going around their beds for the night, approached Volodina. He suddenly burst into tears.

“I deceived Aunt Anya,” he said, sobbing, “I said that it was not I who broke the decanter, but it was I who broke it.”

His mother consoled him, saying that she would write to Aunt Anya and that she would probably forgive him.”

Questions: Did you like the story? Why? What is the name of the story?

Who is the main character? What happened to him?

Why didn’t Volodya immediately admit that it was he who broke the decanter?

How do you think Volodya felt when the decanter broke?

Why did Volodya cry at night?

Why did Volodya, after a while, decide to confess to his mother that he had committed a crime?

How do you think Volodya felt when he admitted his crime?

What would you do if you were the boy?

What proverb fits this story?

Independent reading for children. Selecting keywords or phrases.

Retelling the story by children.

5. Summing up:

Today we talked to you about truth and lies. Truth and lies, like good and evil, walk side by side. While you are still in school and do not fully comprehend these concepts. The good thing is that you understand: you need to tell the truth without fear, and avoid lies. In conclusion, I want to read a poem:

It happens in the world,

Sometimes you can't tell:

The truth is with you

Or an insinuating lie?

How to figure this out?

How to learn to live

So that only the truth is nearby,

Why not be friends with lies?

Sometimes lies are beautiful

And the truth is so bitter

But to an honest man

That bitterness is not terrible!

Let's go guys

Live honestly in the world

Let's not lie, but just

Correctional and developmental lesson on moral education S.V. Morgacheva, teacher, MBOU "Beyskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type" Topic: "Truth and lies." Objectives: 1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the concepts of “truth” and “lie.” 2. Education of such moral qualities as “honesty”, “truthfulness”. 3. Speech correction. To develop students' thinking, memory, attention. Equipment: multimedia, colored envelopes with cut-out proverbs, cards with words, emoticons (good, bad mood). Progress of the lesson: 1). Organizing time. Hello guys! Together again you and me. Get ready to work and listen to me. A). Emotional mood of children (choice of emoticons according to their mood). Slide 1 (smiley) - I invite everyone to hold hands and look at each other. The circle is a symbol of unification. When a person looks into the eyes of another person, it is very difficult for him to tell a lie. Let's all try to be open, honest, and of course smile at each other today. 2. Introduction to the topic. A). Exercise to develop logical thinking (work in pairs). - Guys, on your tables there are envelopes with the task: -make a proverb out of words; -read and explain the meaning of the proverb. Slide 2 (proverbs) 1. Tell the truth, do the truth. 2. There are many lies, but only one truth. 3. A lie does not make a person beautiful. 4.You can’t hide the truth in a bag. 5. Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie. 6. No matter how you hide the truth, it will still come out. (read all the proverbs) 3. The main part. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. - What are all the proverbs about? (about truth and lies) - Guys, why are the envelopes on your tables different colors? Can't you guess? - What are the proverbs in the blue envelopes about? (about the truth). How does a person who tells the truth feel? (calmness, tranquility…..), that’s why the color of the envelope is pleasant, calm. - What are the proverbs in the red envelopes about? (about lying). What does a person who tells a lie, lies feel? (worry, anxiety.....), that’s why the color of the envelope is bright, restless. - Name the topic of our lesson (children’s answers: truth and lies). That's right, the topic of the lesson: “Truth and lies” (Slide 3) - Today we will talk about such concepts as “truth” and “lie”, we will select words that are close in meaning to them, we will talk about the important moral qualities of a person that have been valued at all times , can manifest themselves in real life, let’s figure out what is easier, to tell the truth or to lie. - What do you guys think, what is truth? (children's answers: truth - honesty, sincerity.... .). (Slide 4) - In Ozhegov’s dictionary, TRUTH is what corresponds to reality, the truth. (children repeat the definition) - What do you guys think, what is a lie? (children's answers: lie - deception, untruth, lies, fiction.....). (Slide 5) - In Ozhegov’s dictionary, a LIE is a deliberate distortion of the truth, untruth, deception. (children repeat the definition) 1).Task: the words “Truth” and “lie” are located on the board, select words close in meaning to them and explain own choice. Sincerity, deception, truth, fiction, slander, honesty, pretense, frankness, reality, justice, lies, untruth. - Well done! 2) - Listen to S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Nakhodka”. (Slide 6) I ran out into the street, walked along the pavement, turned left around the corner and found a wallet. Four compartments In a heavy wallet, And in each compartment there is a nickel on a nickel. And suddenly, along the same street, along the same pavement, a girl walks towards her with her head bowed. And sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. But then trouble happens, And I stand trembling: I don’t find my favorite knife in my pocket. And suddenly I see a girl walking along the pavement, a girl holding my knife and asking: Is yours? I take the knife confidently, I put it in my pocket. A girl walks by, doesn't know anything. And sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. I rushed after the girl, and I caught up with her, and I asked the girl: - Yours? Tell me, is it yours? “Mine,” said the girl. I walked with my mouth open. Give it back! I thought that someone would find it. - What feelings does the poem evoke? (feelings of pity for the girl..). Why? Don't you feel sorry for the boy? - Why didn’t the boy give away his find right away? - How do you think the boy acted? (honestly) - Think about what made the boy act honestly? (feeling of shame...) - What would you choose: the bitter truth or the sweet lie? Why? (If you don’t tell the truth, you will be ashamed. A lie can be sweet, but it is always punishable. The truth is strongest). PHYSICAL MINUTE (Slide 7) Exercise “True or not?” Children stand in a circle and hold hands, the teacher is in the center. He explains that if what the teacher says is true, the children raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!”; if it is not true, then they lower their hands and shout: “No!” There are fireflies in the field, right? Fishes swim in the sea, right? The calf has wings, right? The pig has a beak, doesn't it? There is a peak to the mountain, right? There are doors to the hole, right? A rooster has scales, right? The tree has leaves, right? There are books on the shelf, right? Baba Yaga has a broom, doesn’t she? 4. Reinforcement (Slide 8) a). Solving situations. - Everyone knows that lying is bad. Have you ever told a lie? - What will you do if:  You are late for class.  Didn't arrive at school on time.  Lost replacement shoes.  They took someone else’s mittens.  Didn't do your homework.  Violated discipline. - Well done! I hope that you will tell the truth more often, without fear, and that you will avoid lies. 5. Final part. Summing up the lesson. Reflection - What is the topic of our lesson? - What qualities are valued in people at all times? (honesty, truthfulness) - Has everyone chosen for themselves what to do in a given situation? - Truth and lies, just like good and evil, walk side by side. And sometimes it is difficult to choose the right solution. - At the end of our lesson, I would like to give you a reminder with the rules of honest behavior. (Slide 9) Said - do it. If you're not sure, don't promise. If you were wrong, admit it. Just say what you think. If you can't tell the truth, explain why. Just act honestly. - How do you feel after our lesson? (change or not change the emoticon) (Slide 10) - Did you like our lesson? - Well done! Thanks for the work.

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