Home Berries Crafts from paper without. Crafts for children from paper: interesting do-it-yourself applications. Crafts for children from cones

Crafts from paper without. Crafts for children from paper: interesting do-it-yourself applications. Crafts for children from cones

You can make a lot of crafts from plain paper that will keep your baby busy and enjoyable. As you know, cutting and gluing paper parts develop the child's fine motor skills, and also allow the child to show their imagination and creativity. After all, you can make absolutely everything out of paper that you have enough imagination for. And we will help you and your baby get some inspiration and tell you what you can do out of paper.

What can children make out of paper?

We make paper applications for children 1-3 years old

Basket with mushrooms

We need

  • Sample
  • Paper
  • Pieces of colored paper
  • PVA glue

At this age, it is still too early to handle scissors and carry out complex elements of crafts. Therefore, it is better to start with simple applications.

  1. Take a piece of paper and draw a basket on it or circle its pattern.
  2. Cut the mushrooms of different shapes and sizes for the child from colored paper.
  3. Cut into small pieces of brown and yellow paper.
  4. Ask your toddler to glue the pieces of paper over the basket. You need to try to fill all of its space, without going over the edges.
  5. Then have him fill the basket with mushrooms. We glue the mushrooms to the basket.

Also, the basket can be cut out of paper and glued, or painted with paints.

Aquarium with fish

We need

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Markers

If the child does not yet know how to cut objects, it is better to do it for him. Prepare all materials in advance.

  1. Take a piece of blue paper and cut out a semicircle. This is for the aquarium. You can leave the sheet as it is - rectangular. After all, aquariums come in different shapes.
  2. Prepare small parts for the baby, cut out fish, algae, pebbles and bubbles.
  3. Ask the baby to make the bottom of the aquarium by pasting it with paper pebbles.
  4. Then, to keep the fish cozy, populate their house with algae.
  5. Now you can "launch" the fish - glue them.
  6. The fish also breathe, only with gills and under water, so let's add air bubbles to the fish.
  7. Draw the scales and eyes as desired.

What else can you make of paper for babies?

For children at such an early age, it is best to start mastering creativity by creating simple appliqués from small pieces of paper. Be sure to do crafts under the supervision of an adult.

  • You can make anything out of pieces of paper, even a ladybug. Don't forget to decorate it with a flower:

  • They say that bears and fish are not very friendly, although the first second are very fond of:

Paper crafts for children from 3 years old

Passionate about "Chtun"

We need:

  • Sheet of colored paper
  • Sheet of white paper
  • Scissors
  • Paper glue
  • Markers
  1. Ask your child what is his favorite book. Fold a sheet of A4 white paper in half to make a book and ask your child to draw the cover of the book on it with felt-tip pens. Let him also write on it her name and the name of the writer, if he already knows how to do this. If not, then help him in this.
  2. Cut three strips from a colored sheet about 1 inch wide. We will make legs out of two, and divide one into a pair of chtuna handles. Fold your legs in an accordion.
  3. The remaining rectangle of paper is the torso of our creature. Glue your legs to it.
  4. Cut the sheet for hands in half and have the child draw fingers at the tips. This can simply be done by drawing a grid: 4 vertical stripes and one horizontal one below. Glue your arms to your torso. Insert the booklet into them using glue.
  5. Bend your upper body forward. Scissors into ragged bangs in a zigzag fashion.
  6. Cut out a couple of circles out of white paper and draw the pupils inside them. Glue them to your torso. You can also add glasses from them, as shown in the picture.
  7. Now it remains to finish drawing parts of the face: a smile, a nose, etc.

Stick the chtuna near the bookshelf. So he will remind the kid about reading and will be a kind of call to read something.

Voluminous bunny

We need

  • Paper (white or colored)
  • Scissors
  • Paper glue
  • Felt-tip pen
  • Ruler
  1. We take a sheet of paper and horizontally cut out two strips along the width of the ruler.
  2. We bend the first strip into two WRONG parts and cut. We fold each of them into a ring and glue them. We glue both rings to each other.
  3. Cut the second strip into three equal parts. Cut one of them lengthwise into two thin strips - these will be the ears of the bunny. Make a loop out of each and glue. Glue the resulting ears with the head - with a smaller ring.
  4. From the second part we make legs in the same way as ears. We glue them from the bottom of the body.
  5. We cut the third part lengthwise into two thin stripes, but now we round off its corners with scissors. We pass this strip through a large ring - the body and glue it inside so that the legs stick out.
  6. From the last strip we make a small ring - a tail. To do this, it is worth shortening it a little. We glue on the back.
  7. It remains only to draw the eyes and nose of the bunny with a felt-tip pen.

Hat - dinosaur

We need:

  • Colored paper - 3 sheets
  • Paper glue
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  1. First, you need to cut 4 stripes about 3 cm wide along the length of the sheet. Two of them will go to the circle, and the rest - across the "cap" (spikes will be attached to this part).
  2. From the two remaining sheets of paper, cut strips about 5 cm wide, but now across the sheet (shorter). There should be 10 stripes. We will make thorns out of them.
  3. Fold each piece in half. Step back about 1-1.5 cm from the fold line and draw a triangle mark up to the edge of the part, as in the picture below. Cut before reaching the fold line.
  4. Glue the strips for the cross piece and glue the thorns to it, as shown in the photo.
  5. Let the glue dry. At this time, measure the size of your baby's head. Glue the rim of the cap along its diameter with tape. The same with the cross side.
  6. Now glue the triangles of the thorns tightly together. While the glue dries, it is better to secure the thorns with paper clips or clamps so that they do not fall apart.
  7. Glue the comb to the beanie at the front and back.

What else can be made of paper for a child?

You can make any headdress out of paper, which will be an excellent accessory for a festive or any other occasion.

  • A headpiece is a great addition to a fancy dress party. You are unlikely to find such a hat in a store:

Paper crafts for a child from 5 years old


We need:

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Felt-tip pen
  1. The principle of creating crafts is similar to rabbits. Also make 4 strips of paper. Divide two of them into equal parts. We need about 10 short strips.
  2. Roll one strip into a ring. Put the other one inside the ring and glue it as well. Similar to making a paper garland.
  3. Take a piece from another strip and fold it in half. Draw an elongated triangle, slightly receding from the fold line. Cut without touching the seam. This will be the mouth of a crocodile. Bend the crocodile's nose to make it look like a crocodile's face.
  4. Cut out two small triangles and glue inside the mouth. Draw the fangs with a felt-tip pen.
  5. Slip your head through the top ring of your torso and tape together.
  6. Cut into thin strips. Round one at the edges and push it inside the triangle and glue. These will be the eyes. Draw them with a felt-tip pen.
  7. From other thin ribbons create 4 legs and attach them under the crocodile's belly.
  8. Slip a strip of paper at the end of the body, glue it into a loop and cut a corner at the end. This will be the crocodile's tail.

Rainbow and clouds

We need

  • Colored paper - rainbow colors
  • Thread - 60 cm
  • Beads - 3-4 pcs.
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Sewing needle
  • Stapler
  1. Cut 7 strips of each rainbow color, 4 cm wide, and red - 29 cm long, each next color 2 cm smaller than the previous one.
  2. In the center of each stripe, draw a line with a pencil. Now fold the ribbons on top of each other so that the centers line up.
  3. Pierce all tapes in the center with a needle. Let an adult do it. A thread will be passed through this hole in the future.
  4. Now fold the stripes so that the edges match (see picture). Staple at this location.
  5. Trim the other side of the rainbow in one line and sew with a stapler. You should have such a blank.
  6. 6. Now we put the thread into the needle and put on one bead, and tie it with a knot so that it does not fall. We pass the thread through the rainbow into the hole that we made at the very beginning of the work. Tie the thread with a loop at the top.
  7. You can also add a few more beads if you like. Cut out 9 droplets of the same size, bend them along their length. We glue one drop on the thread, but do not cover it up to the end. One volume droplet should consist of three flat ones. Therefore, we fasten their sides together (photo below).
  8. Decorating the ends of the rainbow. Also thread them with a bead and add drop by drop.
  9. Now all that remains is to add fluffy clouds by gluing them to the ends of the rainbow with cotton wool and glue.

The pendant can beautify a child's nursery, delighting him with bright colors on cloudy days. Or you can give the craft to your dad so that he can place this gift at his workplace. He will always remind him that a loving family is waiting for him at home.

Origami paper crafts for children from 7 years old

Organizer for stationery

We need

  • Thick paper - 6 sheets (assorted colors)
  1. Each compartment must be completed separately. To do this, take a sheet of paper, fold it in a triangle and cut it off so as to make a square format out of it.
  2. Then we fold it in half, the resulting side doors bend inward in halves. Turn the sheet over, make the same folds. As a result, the sheet should turn out to be all in square lines.
  3. We fold each corner inward, as shown in the picture, and fold the two sides inward.
  4. Then we turn the craft over and bend it inward on both sides. Insert a piece of colored paper into the resulting pockets, cut it to size, if necessary.
  5. We insert one side into the hole of the other, forming a three-sided cup.
  6. Repeat these simple movements with the 5 remaining pieces of paper.
  7. Glue the resulting cups together. Circle the bottom on a regular sheet of paper, cut out and glue to the cup.

Creative people sometimes do not find ideas of what can be made out of paper. Each thing is an amazing and attractive subject to look at. The creations become the decoration of the living room. As a rule, these are diverse compositions and figurines.

The basic material for them is paper. Unfortunately, in the experience of many, ventures are exhausted. We offer several of them. They are multifunctional, designed for both professionals and beginners.

First, let's clarify that doing it yourself is good not only because it takes up free time, but also develops fine motor skills. It also improves memory and creativity.

Simply put, creativity develops the right hemisphere of the brain. Moreover, the general state of health also improves: pains decrease: aching or migraines, moral stress and fatigue dissipate. This is a good rest, which boosts self-esteem and mood. We offer to get down to business!

Materials (edit)

  • Colored, white, corrugated paper. Get A4 size;
  • Multi-colored cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick and PVA;
  • Ruler (10-30 cm);
  • If necessary, markers or pencils;
  • If possible, select mini staplers to add originality to the product.

Purchase the necessary arsenal in office supply stores. Usually experienced creators have almost all the things in the workshop.

Making bookmarks

Bookmarks are used to quickly read or study something. Of course, it is extremely pleasant to look at the attribute in the book, which is made with love by the reader. Let's look at a few ideas.

Heart shaped bookmark

  • Use a square cut out of dense material as a base.
  • Bend the workpiece from each of its edges to form a triangle.
  • Fold each side up.
  • Fold about 1 cm to form side triangles.

Corner bookmark

  • Fold a square of paper in half vertically.
  • Bend the side corners of the triangle up, return to the opposite position.
  • Fold the top corner.
  • Repeat the side manipulation. Tuck them into the fold.

The accessory is good for those who constantly lose everything. The bookmark will not subside; it is clearly fixed at the edge of the page.


  • Print out a worm or snake pattern.
  • Cover it with strips of excellent texture and shade.
  • Make eyes or draw them.
  • Punch a hole with a hole punch.
  • Pass the tape. Attach it to the cover of your book.

So, you got acquainted with the design techniques for book accessories. Agree, they are much neater in comparison with a sheet torn from a notebook.

Volumetric decorations

The 3D method allows you to make products that will certainly attract the enthusiastic glances of guests.

So you can decorate the room with dignity:

  • Garland;
  • Wall panel;
  • Hanging decorations.

The period of making the craft, in contrast to the monotonous and hefty boring one, will take longer: both several hours and 2-3 days.

However, capacious multifaceted gizmos look much more interesting, they are noticeable and attract attention. They are light enough to make.

Paper garlands

In total, you need two layers of blanks. They can be of various shapes: circles, stars. The main thing is to observe their symmetry in a vertical section.

Cut out similar figures from cardboard, which is distinguished by its density. Those that will be on top are better to decorate or make from decorative paper.

The whole manufacturing process is concluded in the connection of 2 layers between each other. Hang the resulting figures on a ribbon. Use a hole punch for easy attachment.

Paper panel

The technique of performing the panel is not very complicated. It is suitable even for beginners.

  • Decide on the shape of the details: butterflies, hearts. Choose symmetrical ones.
  • Cut out blanks from decorated cardboard.
  • Fold the pieces vertically in half. Carefully work out the fold, this is the place for future fastening.
  • Use glue to secure the elements along the fold line.

Consider the fact that by gluing something to the wall with an adhesive liquid, you spoil the wallpaper forever. In case you are not ready for such a crucial step, place the details on a piece of paper of any convenient size (choose A4 or A3). Decorate the product with a beautiful frame or baguette. This way you can save the wallpaper.

Hanging decorations. Manufacturing method

The rosette is a worthy example of such a decoration. We can often meet her as a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year.

Technique of execution - origami:

  • Divide the square into 2 equal rectangles. One of them is again in two parts.
  • Make a fold line from each side of the shape.
  • The result should be an accordion. If it doesn't work, finish the job.
  • Fold the blank in half to make it look like a fan.
  • Also turn the squares into an accordion.
  • Connect all the parts along their edges with a glue gun.

The decoration can be hung over a work table, or used as a toy over a crib. Follow the analogy.

Take the base 25x25, 15x15, 20x20 cm. Choose the length based on the intended dimensions. Remember to think about every step. Wrong action contributes to the redoing of the entire work.

The glowing garland can also be made by yourself. To do this, make holes in the center, insert bulbs into them.

Hang the garlands on the tree branches. It will look unusual and original.

In case of difficulty, refer to the Internet, where step-by-step diagrams and master classes are given.

There are many interesting ideas for handicrafts to choose from. Each of them can be personalized.

Paper needlework will be useful for both adults and children. After a while, the job will be very easy. The process will bring joy and pleasure.

We recommend teaching children to creative work from early childhood. It is at this stage of development that you can develop attentiveness and hard work in your baby. Don't forget to help him. Thus, you will be able to combine the pleasant and the useful.

The idea of ​​making a bouquet of flowers out of paper is pretty good. For paper crafts, we need to purchase colored paper, cardboard, felt-tip pens, a stationery knife, tape, scissors and PVA glue.

Bouquet of paper

First, you need to make three blanks for each flower, two of which should be the same color, they should have six petals.

Place one blank in front of you, on top of which you glue a circle.

On the mug, first make holes for the eyes and mouth in the form of a smiley.

After gluing the mug with a flower, you need to paint your eyes with a black felt-tip pen, and then bend the petals inward.

The next step is to cut out the stem, which we further attach to the flower, and on the other side of the flower, attach the same blank.

You can also make leaves for a bouquet, which can be made from green paper.

First you need to draw an oval and cut it out, and then use scissors to make notches.

In order for the individual pieces of paper craft to become a single whole, tie the flowers with a ribbon or some other fabric for decorating the bouquet.

Such a bouquet will never fade and will be a great decoration for your home.

Simple crafts from plastic bottles

The simplest crafts for children include crafts from bottles.

For example, you can make a piggy bank from a bottle, for which you only need a marker, a stationery knife, dice (4 pieces), a small bottle, glue and colored paper.

The first step is to cut a straight line, the width of which can be 5 centimeters, and the length of this line should be enough to grip the bottle.

Draw eyes with a marker, and draw nostrils on the bottle cap. Using a clerical knife, cut a hole for coins.

As legs for the pig, you need to attach the dice with glue.


This craft develops the child's imagination, and is also useful in everyday life.

Ball of threads

The craft can be used as a lampshade for a lamp or simply hung as a decoration.

A ball of threads is made very simply, you will need colored threads, a ball, transparent glue to make it.

First, we need to inflate the balloon and tie its tip so that the air does not come out.

Then the inflated ball must be wrapped with threads, after which glue is applied to the surface of the ball and wait until it dries.


Now you need to separate the ball from the threads, to do this, just pierce it with a needle and everything is ready for the craft.

Plasticine gnome and cones

As a simple DIY craft, you can make a gnome. For crafts, you will directly need a pine cone, light-colored plasticine, pieces of fabric, glue and a brush.

First of all, the child should roll a ball out of a piece of plasticine, after which it is necessary to make indentations on the ball using a brush for the nose, eyes and mouth.

At the next stage of our craft, you need to attach the resulting head to the top of the cone.

Then the child should cut a triangle out of the fabric and glue it on the sides, as a result, a cone should be obtained. The cone will play the role of a cap for our character.


At the end, it is necessary to make mittens from fabric, and then attach them to the cone using plasticine and our gnome from the cone is ready.

Paper bookmark

As a simple craft for kindergarten, a paper bookmark is perfect. For children to be able to make such a simple craft, they will need a pencil, a ruler, colored paper, scissors and glue.

To begin with, children should draw a square measuring 20 by 20 centimeters.

Then divide the resulting square into 4 identical parts using a pencil and a ruler, as a result there will be 4 squares measuring 5 by 5 centimeters.

The second step is to divide the upper right and lower left squares in such a way as to get triangles, that is, you need to draw a line diagonally from the upper corner to the lower corner.

We do not need triangles with the outer side and can be crossed out.

Then it is necessary to cut out a figure from paper without taking into account the crossed out triangles.

The upper triangle needs to be trimmed. If everything is done correctly, then the paper will be in the shape of a diamond, to which two triangles are glued.

The next step is to fold all the triangles in half, and then alternately put them on the tip of the rhombus. You should get a pocket that will fit over the end of the page of the book.

To make the bookmark original, children can be advised to cut some kind of applique from colored paper.

Photo of simple crafts

We learn to do unpretentious paper crafts with our own hands in childhood. A ship, an airplane, a New Year's snowflake, a postcard for mom on March 8 - which of us has never made them at least once. Affordable and malleable material became the basis for the amazing origami art invented by the Japanese. How to do under the tree made of paper for home decoration, we will tell you.

Papier-mâché bird

Paper carousel

Cute paper dandelions

Any paper can be used for crafts. Colored sets for children's activities, corrugated sheets, paper napkins, cardboard - all these varieties make interesting, useful and beautiful things for the home.

Flowers look very beautiful and realistic in do-it-yourself corrugated paper crafts. Rose petals from such paper turn out like real ones. The same rose can be made in another way, by cutting out a spiral from thick paper and bending it outward.

All kinds of boxes, boxes, cardboard stands will always be used in the household. The turntables loved by children will perfectly fit into the decor of the suburban area. Cardboard Christmas tree toys can be made by the whole family, giving them the most original images.

Turntables for children

A traditional paper fan can become the wings and tail for a bird of paradise, and a cardboard toilet paper cylinder will successfully serve as the basis for an airplane cockpit or the body of a dog.

The paper craft "daisy flowers", which will take very little time to make, will look amazing. The middle of the flower can be made by wrapping a rolled napkin ball in yellow paper. You should have a paper chupa chups. Then wrap a strip of corrugated paper cut around it several times and secure it with thread. To give the flower a realistic look, shade the edges of the paper with a different color. Craftsmen who have been working with paper for a long time create amazing things. These are flower arrangements, figurines of animals and birds, and picturesque panels.

Volumetric craft that imitates rose petals

Advice! For serious work, with many details, such as chic paper peacocks and parrots, it is worth starting with a thorough experience with paper.

Decorative fans

Tea bag house

Elegant envelope for the holiday

Holiday decorations

You will not surprise anyone with an openwork snowflake on the window, but if you want to stand out and deliver something pleasant to your guests, while spending a minimum of money, then you should master more complex designs.

Paper garland - this is a universal decoration for both the New Year and birthday. It can also become a permanent decorative element for a nursery or bedroom. Since our task is to teach you how to make a paper craft with your own hands, we will not only tell you, but also show you the entire manufacturing process.

Garland links

Let's start by preparing tools and materials. We will need:

Colored paper

Our goal is flat chain garland. What do you need to assemble a chain? Links, of course. We will cut them out of colored paper.

3D garland chain

Multilayer garland of colored paper

Important! Decide in advance what link size and chain length you need. Based on this, prepare the amount of colored paper.

Getting started:

Fold a sheet of paper in half.

Draw the shape of the link on one side. It can be a circle, an elongated loop, a square, or a heart, whichever you prefer.

The first link can be used as a template for subsequent details, so as not to draw it every time.

Cut out the link along the outlined lines.

Having prepared a sufficient number of links, we begin assembling the garland.

We glue both halves of the link.

We thread the next, not glued link into it, and then glue it together.

We continue assembling the garland to the length we need.

The whole family can take part in the work process. Assign responsibilities and things will go faster.

Gift wrapping made of paper

Newspaper roses with ombre effect

Colored paper balloons

Paper applique is applicable for the design of greeting cards, and for the creation of wall panels. And again, do-it-yourself colored paper crafts with step-by-step instructions await us.

Volumetric paper applique - heart

The easiest way is to cut a flower out of colored paper, stick it on a white sheet and the applique is ready. Even a child can do such a picture, which he successfully does in labor lessons. For the creativity of an adult, we offer voluminous paper crafts, including applications.

This is the kind of panel we should get.

Panel made of paper with a terry effect

Let's prepare for work:

Colored paper (blue, yellow, green and brown).


A piece of cardboard for the base.

Since we have to create a craft from paper and cardboard with our own hands, we will compose step-by-step instructions.

We will spill the paper into squares with a side of 2 cm.

We cut the paper into squares.

We take one square, put the sharp end of a pencil in its center and crush the paper around the pencil. (In order not to tear the paper, blunt the pencil, and twist it over the canopy).

Having prepared a sufficient number of details, we proceed to "writing out" the panel.

We draw borders of colored fragments on cardboard.

We begin to fill them in by pasting the prepared squares. For ease of operation, we string the square on the finger, put a drop of glue on its bottom and press it against the cardboard.

DIY Christmas card

Thematic card as a gift to the needlewoman

In the same technique, you can perform more complex paintings in terms of the plot. You can present such a paper craft for your birthday or use it as a decor for a summer cottage or children's room.

You can make very beautiful do-it-yourself paper crafts by replacing smooth sheets with soft napkins. In order to lay out the panel, you do not need scissors and a pencil, just wrinkle multi-colored napkins and make a drawing from shapeless spools.

Cardboard cake with gifts for guests

Valentine's Day decor

Chic decorative shoes


If you want to decorate your home with paper figurines, you should pay attention to ancient Japanese art. Original origami do-it-yourself paper crafts require care and patience when assembling.

Wedding bridal bouquet

If this is your first time taking up origami, it's best to start with simple designs. For example, here is how a swan gathers. In addition to the diagram, we have compiled a step-by-step description for such a paper craft with our own hands.

Take a square sheet of paper that is convenient for you.

Fold the sheet in half diagonally.

We bend it in both directions and return it to its original position.

Bend the sides of the square, adjacent to one corner, to the central diagonal.

We make the swan's wings by bending the vertices of the resulting triangles at an angle.

We turn the folded sheet down and fold it up diagonally.

We measure at the base of the resulting triangle 1/3 of the length of its larger side.

Now the sharp left corner must be turned inside out. Make sure that its sides form a right angle with the base.

We bend the top of the resulting small triangle 1 time to make the neck of a swan.

We get the swan's tail by bending the right triangle of our workpiece in parallel. We put them in an accordion and the figurine is ready.

Please note that the first experience of assembling origami may not be ideal for execution. Don't worry, repeat the fold a few times to fill your hand.

Funny DIY paper crafts for the summer will help you decorate a summer gazebo or a country house. And we offer you a practical video on how to create a paper lamp:

Paper metropolis

Candlesticks made of paper

Modular origami

Paper crafts - video

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. In kindergarten, beautiful paper crafts teach how to create the smallest children. Later, the skills are consolidated in elementary school, and older children learn from each other and make cool figurines, delicate flowers and valentines, postcards and cardboard panels with their own hands. Among the techniques for working with paper are applique, and quilling, and origami, which allows you to create volumetric 3D crafts, and design.

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. In kindergarten, beautiful paper crafts teach how to create the smallest children

For paper craftsmen, complex tools are not needed. The most basic things can be found in any home, and what is not there can be easily bought at the nearest stationery store. So, you will need:

  • paper of various grades and types (white, colored, corrugated, etc.);
  • cardboard (thin, for child labor, toilet paper rolls, postcards, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • paper glue (silicate, PVA, starch or other).

You can decorate paper crafts with your own hands with beautiful ribbons, beads or rhinestones, and sparkles. Paints with a brush can also come in handy. As colored paper, you can use pages of glossy magazines or napkins of different shades. If you need to cut a lot of the same parts, it is best to prepare a template from thin cardboard in advance.

We do paper crafts ourselves (video)

Paper flowers

They can be useful for decorating postcards, creating bouquets and compositions, for decorating other crafts. Flowers are the most irreplaceable element of any holiday and a special category in papermaking. They can be made from almost any type of selected material.

For those who like to work with their own hands, a master class on what roses can be created from double-sided colored paper will be very interesting. You will need circles of different diameters: the larger the blank, the more magnificent and larger the rose will come out. You should not try to cut a perfectly correct figure. An uneven edge will give the flower petals a natural look.

Cut the finished circle in a spiral, moving from edge to center, leave a small circle in the middle. The resulting strip must now be rolled into a roll, also starting from the edge. Make the first few turns tight, and then wind the rest of the strip around this core, aligning the bottom edges of the paper. In the process, you can lightly fasten the turns with glue, especially if the material is dense and rigid. After finishing twisting, glue the bottom edge of the roll to the circle remaining in the center.

You can make a panel with flowers from such roses. If you stick flowers on a cardboard heart, you get a beautiful "Valentine" or postcard. By attaching roses to natural branches, you can arrange a composition in the ikebana style.

Origami leaves and flowers

The Japanese art of origami allows you to make bulky paper crafts on a variety of topics. Flowers and leaves can be made from modules that are held together with glue. For Women's Day or another spring holiday, you can quickly make a souvenir in the old Japanese style.

A whole basket of snowdrops can be presented to someone even on New Year's Eve, if you follow the instructions. This requires only white and green paper, a basket and wire. Origami snowdrops need to be made step by step from the Trefoil modules:

  1. For each flower, you need to make 3 modules of white paper, as follows from the diagram (top, left).
  2. Grease one of the leaves with glue, it is shaded in the photo on the right, above. Insert a piece of paper into a pocket on another module, from the inside of the same sheet.
  3. Also glue the 3 trefoil, and then connect the extreme modules in the same way. A hole will remain in the center (photo above, in the lower left corner).

It remains to make the stem and leaves of the snowdrops. To do this, wrap the wire with thin paper (corrugated paper or napkin). Leave a free end about 2 cm long. Make a thickening around it by winding a little more layers of paper. Pass the free part of the wire through the hole in the flower cup, arrange a ring inside it and bring the remaining tip to the stem. Wind up a few more layers of green paper to form the base of the flower. Glue long narrow leaves, bend the stem and make a few more snowdrops.

Other examples of crafts in the photo below were created from the same modules: for a water lily, you need to assemble a base of 7 green modules, connecting them in the same way as for a snowdrop cup. The white flower consists of 3 rows with a gradually decreasing number of modules (from 6 to 3). For the petals, you need to place the elements with the wrong side up. Craft "Bouquet of fuchsia" consists of flowers made in the same way as snowdrops, but from 2 tiers - white and pink. Using origami modules, you can make other crafts from colored paper, combining them in different quantities according to the same principle.

Origami leaves are made in another way. How to make different types of paper out of paper in stages:

  1. Draw a flat pattern of the sheet. You can do this on paper folded in half so that the halves are symmetrical. If the material is not painted, then a brush and gouache will come to the rescue.
  2. Fold the finished sheet unfolded like an accordion, placing the folds parallel to the lower, long side of the pattern.
  3. Squeeze the folded workpiece in the middle and bend it so that the halves of the long side are side by side. Glue these parts together.
  4. The stalk can be made from a twisted strand of paper or wire. A small hole remains at the fold of the folded reamer. You need to thread the finished element into it and glue the end.

Flowers and beautiful autumn leaves can be combined in a wide variety of compositions. But interesting ideas from paper do not stop there.

Gallery: beautiful paper crafts (25 photos)

Fun bookmarks for books

Another area of ​​application of skills in papermaking is making simple but necessary things. These include DIY crafts such as bookmarks. It's nice to pick up a book or notebook, in which funny cartoon characters, a funny monster or cute animals will look out from the right page.

The easiest way is to make bookmarks with slotted parts. For their manufacture, it is better to take thick paper or thin cardboard. Diagrams can be enlarged and printed, or you can make the desired drawing yourself. Further work is very simple: along the edge of the colored face of the chanterelle, on the border with the gray stripe, you need to make a through slot. A clerical knife will help in this.

All the bookmarks in the photo below are made according to the same principle. To decorate the elements, you can use movable eyes and decorative wire ("brush"), applique and paints. The imagination of the master can suggest the most incredible ideas based on the products already presented. Figures of birds and animals can also be used to decorate homemade postcards, cutting holes along the contour of a branch (for an owl and a bird), depicting a snowdrift from behind which a fox's face will look out, etc.

Corner bookmarks

Another option for bookmarks is a corner. To make such gizmos, you need to make a pattern, as in the photo. To create such a scheme, you need to draw a square, and then add 2 more of the same shapes to it on adjacent sides. Draw diagonals in the side pieces.

Then you can act in different ways. Stopping at step 1 and cutting out a polygon consisting of a square and 2 triangles, the master will be able to make a bookmark with a large backdrop (nibbler or angry bird). Continuing to draw, lengthening the lines formed by the hypotenuses of the triangles and connecting their extreme points with a straight line, you can make a bookmark with a slightly protruding backdrop (bunny or flower corner). In any of the options, you need to fold the pattern along the sides of the triangles. Connect the triangles with glue. Between them and the back of the bookmark, there is a pocket into which you can insert a page of the book. Glue additional details and decor separately.

Another option for bookmarks is a corner

The corner can be done differently:

  1. Cut 2 parts from a postcard, a beautiful candy box, velvet paper. It can be a heart or some other figurine.
  2. Sew the sharp corner of the heart with a contrasting thread.
  3. Decorate, if necessary, the front side of the romantic bookmark.

For those who have not yet used books on their own, ideas for creating toys will come in handy. The child can even do some of them with his own hands under the guidance of elders.

Paper flowers (video)

Paper toys

Almost regardless of age, children love to play with building models. They build houses from cubes, boxes, any material at hand. Then these structures were replaced by the houses of Barbie and Ken and their many friends.

Back in the 18th century, the art of making toy houses out of paper and cardboard was widespread. These models were quite expensive and only available to wealthy families. Nowadays, when materials can even be junk, all parents can afford to make a paper house for a child.

To create a fabulous log cabin, you need paper tubes. They can be made by folding thin cardboard, Whatman paper or similar material according to the template (on a pencil). The edges need to be coated with glue and connected. From ready-made "logs" you can fold a fairy-tale house together with your child, glue windows with shutters, a roof and doors to it.

Another option for crafts made of cardboard or thick paper is models created from sweeps. This can be a model of Baba Yaga's hut, your own house, a castle, or some kind of fictional building. It is desirable that its walls are interconnected. The reamer pattern should resemble an unfolded box: with only 1 seam for joining the sides. Glue the base and roof separately. By cutting out a paper fence, you can enclose such a house with a hedge.

It is very convenient to make round towers of locks from cylindrical sleeves from towels, toilet paper, cling film, etc. For them, you need to make a roof in the form of a cone, rolling it from a circle cut along the radius. Having understood the principle of constructing such patterns, everyone will be able to independently create paper houses of a more complex design.

Near the house you can always find some kind of animals: cats, dogs, and if this is a fabulous forest hut, then a deer or even an elephant. Children are very fond of such paper figures. Older children are happy to create them on their own, and the younger ones need to show how to make the desired animal out of paper:

  1. Draw the torso and head.
  2. Draw legs or feet in a symmetrical shape. It can be an arch, corner, etc.
  3. Make cuts on the torso where the legs should be.
  4. Insert the parts of the paws into the slots, securing them perpendicular to the plane of the body.

To make a baby elephant, the legs need to be drawn and cut out along with the body. He will be able to stand leaning on huge ears. This detail is also made symmetrical, and you can insert it into the slot on the head of the elephant figure.

As a basis for figures of people and animals, you can use cardboard sleeves. Having painted or pasted over them with colored paper, you need to cut and attach details of the face or muzzle, headdress, hair, ears and horns.

There are many options for making various paper crafts. Craftsmen with an artistic streak create real masterpieces, collecting three-dimensional paintings from carved parts. But even children can begin to acquire skills in handling cardboard and paper, develop spatial imaginations and hone their taste.

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