Home Berries We correctly issue a new employee to the organization - the entire list of mandatory documents required for hiring. Top ten mistakes when applying for a job

We correctly issue a new employee to the organization - the entire list of mandatory documents required for hiring. Top ten mistakes when applying for a job

Jobseekers aren’t the only ones playing the wrong game when they try to impress the employer during the interview. The latter can also embellish working conditions, and talk about wages last.

There can be a lot of deceptions when applying for a job, but there are three main ones. Leading the way is a vague list of responsibilities. When the employer and job seeker are discussing job duties, functional, tasks, they will only talk about the most important thing. The employer will not tell you about some unsightly, uninteresting, difficult moments, or mentions them in passing.

Several typical examples... The commercial medicine clinic recruits pediatricians. It is assumed that they will conduct outpatient appointments and devote time to patients in the hospital. At the interview, they do not say that there are still night shifts. And when doctors go to work, they find out about it after the fact.

Or the manager of a cafe or restaurant. At the interview, a person can be given a fairly standard range of responsibilities (keep track of the schedule, order, staff, etc.). But in practice, this often means the following: if one of the subordinates did not come to work, the employee will perform his duties. Carrying plates instead of a waiter, cutting a salad instead of a cook, and if the washer or cleaning lady does not come out, the manager starts the funnest.

This often becomes a stumbling block for many employees. Recently in my practice there was a case when a woman - an accountant named the additional workload as the reason for her dismissal. She calculated wages. But, in addition, she was charged with the obligation to travel to production 400 km from Moscow by bus twice a month in order to collect personal signatures from workers on the payroll. She was completely unprepared for this - she was not warned at the interview.

The scope of responsibilities, which is not discussed in sufficient detail, is, unfortunately, almost a traditional deception of future subordinates.

Another item is the work schedule. For example, sales consultants are hired, saying: "We have a 10-hour shift, from 10.00 to 20.00, without a break, without leaving the workplace with lunch." In fact, it turns out that you need to come in an hour to open the hall, check everything and arrange the goods. And after the store completes its work, it takes about an hour more to hand over everything, put it on the alarm, etc. Thus, the person receives a 12-hour shift. And he finds out about it when he already goes to work.

This, by the way, is faced not only by line (not very qualified) employees, but also by specialists of a fairly high level. For example, from recent situations: a woman got a job in a chain of bowling centers as a marketing manager, with a fairly high pay and high level responsibility. Later it turned out that her duties included visiting bowling alleys and supervising their work at night (from 12.00 am to 3.00 am) twice a week. They explained it to her as follows: "You must see and feel your clients." And this did not at all exclude daytime office work.

And the most painful deception for a person is salary conditions. Because you can put up with responsibilities, adapt to the schedule, but cheating with a salary can be very noticeable. A typical situation looks like this: the director at the interview promises a salary of 50,000 rubles. And he says: "You are accepted, come out on Monday." The candidate leaves and then from his line manager or colleagues finds out: in fact, he will receive 50,000 rubles after the probationary period, while the amount is 40,000 rubles. A probation last three months or more.

And when payday comes, 20,000 rubles are credited to the card, the rest of the money is the bonus part, which will be paid in two weeks. Maybe later. Thus, a person who counted on 50,000 rubles, in fact, receives at least half.

It's good if this situation can be resolved immediately. But there are people who have been waiting for the promised money for months. And, when they nevertheless break through to the director, with whom they agreed, three to four months pass, and the boss declares: "Well, you have been working for us for so long, so you agree with the terms!" And it is impossible to change anything: you must either accept or quit.

It is impossible to avoid this, but you can try to neutralize it. The first recommendation is to clearly discuss everything at the interview, come with a list of questions. Because a person can get confused during an interview, feel stressed, or feel embarrassed to clarify information. He may be distracted or deliberately distracted by talking about interesting work, high goals... And it will never come to a discussion of formalities. Therefore, you need to ask clearly formulated questions from your list.

The second point is the need to record all agreements reached during the interview and assure them with the manager before starting work duties.

You can wait a long time from the company for an agreed employment contract, and it is better to sign at least an agreement of intent or a list of responsibilities, working conditions. Use a piece of paper or a certified email. In the event of a labor dispute or legal proceedings, this document can be accepted by the court for consideration, especially if it bears the signature of the employer.

That's why The best way to minimize deceptions is to discuss everything in detail and be sure to record.

How does an employee get a job?

Actually, all the procedure is very simple, the order of registration is as follows:

  • interview;
  • decision-making;
  • request for the required package of documents;
  • familiarization with local documentation;
  • conclusion of a contract (civil or labor);
  • registration of an internship (trial period).

No, the penultimate and last points are not at all confused in places, as it might seem at first. The fact is that, according to the provisions of labor legislation, it is possible to demand something from an employee (for example, this applies) only after he has been familiarized with local rules and instructions.

Which means - they did not just retell in a nutshell, but provided papers for study and under the signature. AND this rule cannot be neglected if the head does not want to be involved in an administrative, and in other cases - and a criminal article. Moreover, without such a procedure, it will be impossible to bring the employee to financial responsibility.

You can download a sample employment regulation.

Required documents

What documents are needed when applying for a job?

There are very few of them.

Let's take a closer look Required documents when applying for a job:


When applying for a job, an employee is required to present a passport... This is the main document of a citizen, it is required when applying for any position - it contains data about a person, his place of birth, marital status, at what address he is listed and other data.

Employment history

Included in the list of mandatory documents, with the exception of one case - if the candidate has not worked anywhere before coming to you. In this case, the responsibility for drawing up a work book falls on the organization.

Education document

Do I need a diploma when applying for a job? Mandatory for those cases when the position implies the possession certain knowledge and skills, qualifications.


This notorious little card is a compulsory pension insurance document.

Refers to the number of mandatory - after all without it, the employer will not be able to make insurance contributions which is required.

But again - if the employee already has it.

If not, then this is not a reason to refuse to hire - SNILS will be issued by the employer.

Certificate of no criminal record

The employee must provide.

It is needed, but not always - only when applying for positions in certain areas - this is pedagogical, social and medical, as well as everything related to work with minors, their service, social security (Art.331, Art.351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) ...

This applies to both public and private institutions. For example, this is the work of an educator in a patriotic health camp.

If it turns out that the document provided by the employee is fake, this will be the reason for the termination of the employment contract (Article 81 of the Labor Code)

In other cases, the personnel officer does not have the right to demand such a document from the applicant.

Military registration documents

The employer has the right to demand a military ID when applying for a job. Presented the document is a confirmation of age and military status(the call ends after 27 years), as well as a mandatory document ( the federal law No. 53-FZ, dated March 28, 1998, art. 65 TC). And the refusal to show it is a reasonable reason for refusing a candidate for office. Why? Is it possible to hire without a military ID?

The fact is that the employer is almost always obliged to notify the military commissariat that a new staff has been hired for them. When entering some departments (for example, the police, the FSB), the suitability or unfitness will be taken into account, as well as in what physical form the candidate is.

Of course, it is very ugly to spread rot obese people, but if, say, in a private security company they decide that such a weighty security will be more of a hindrance than protection, they will refuse him for this very reason and the law will be on their side. A some directors directly refuse to hire if the applicant has not yet served in the army.

The call is the reason for the "pause" in labor relations employer and employee, this must be remembered by both parties before signing the contract.

The employer may require in some cases

Medical book

The medical book is a mandatory document (Article 213 of the Labor Code and Federal Law No. 52-FZ, Art. 34) for anyone who wants to get a job related to:

  • trade;
  • product turnover, storage and transportation of drinking water;
  • educational and educational activities;
  • utilities.

It is necessary for the employer to make sure that the person whom he admits to the areas of special requirements is healthy and is not a carrier of infection. is carried out on the eve of registration and then once in a set period... For workers under 21 years of age, this is once a year.

A health certificate is also required for underage applicants.


The document is needed if a non-citizen of the Russian Federation gets a job.


Is an inn required when applying for a job? Not required... But if the employer still insists, and the applicant is interested in this place, then it is better not to be stubborn. This greatly increases the chances that the answer will be yes - especially for positions in municipalities.

Characteristics from the previous place of work

Characteristics when applying for a job (a sample is presented below). This paper is not only optional, but the personnel officer does not even have the right to demand it. Characteristics when applying for a job is inviolability personal information, which let them ask for what they need, from the previous place where the candidate worked.

AND based on the information received, conclusions about suitability are drawn... If, of course, that party agrees and he himself permits (Article 88 of the Labor Code) - and for this, his “tick” in the appropriate box is necessary, meaning consent and signature.

But that's not all. No one has the right to oblige the management of firms to issue such a document.- even if the employee asks for it, personnel service has the right to refuse.

There is an exception to this rule - if a citizen claims to be a judge ( RF Law No. 3132-1 on the status of judges). In this case, the responding party does not have the right to reject the request for issuing a testimonial - moreover, even the time frame in which it is necessary to be in time with the answer will be indicated.

You can sample a job description.

Salary certificate from the previous place of work

By the way, this is quite rare - you need to calculate exactly how much to pay the recovered person.

But sometimes HRs require it so that the accountant can calculate the amount of income tax.

And for this you need to know what the person's salary was since the beginning of the year. Previous bosses cannot refuse such a certificate upon request.... If they refuse, it is sure sign the fact that the former employer "tricky" with the paperwork, or even did not bother with them at all.

Job application form

The law does not in any way state that this document is binding, as well as its uniform standard. However, there is little doubt that it is really required. The form is approved for each organization its own, but the "backbone" remains the same - passport data, photos, data on education and work experience, personal characteristics, what position the person is aiming for and what he would like to get from it, what he enjoys in his free time.

The message to the military registration and enlistment office contains:

  • full name of the military commissariat;
  • full name, phone number and address of the company;
  • employee data - passport information, who works, department;
  • number of military registration specialty;
  • number of the order for admission or dismissal, date of signing;
  • director's signature and date.

Sample message to the military registration and enlistment office for a job.

In other words, accepting a new person into an organization is not as easy as it might seem. And here, like nowhere else, formalities are important - after all, any annoying little thing can seriously poison the life of the management, and even lead to the closure of the company.

Useful video

You will learn about what documents are required for employment for a job seeker in the video presented:

Every day, millions of people across the country are looking for work. Accordingly, job cheating has become widespread. New schemes of fraudulent employment appear regularly. You need to know the most popular methods of fraud when applying for a job in order not to suffer from fraudsters.

1. The most hackneyed way is to lure people into a pyramid, scientifically - into a multi-level network marketing... The meeting, as a rule, is magnificently furnished, smiles, pathos and general optimism. Expectation of imminent wealth.

But in any pyramid, the winner is always the one who is closer to the beginning of the queue, that is, to the top of the pyramid. Therefore, real wealth and prosperity "threatens" only the founder of the network. The rest have a slightly different perspective. After long ordeals and attempts to sell the goods, you may well be left alone with a batch of goods purchased for your own money " excellent remedy against aging ".

2. Here is another "bearded" way of deception: it offers "simple work with letters at home." To receive it, you need to send a self-addressed envelope to a post office box. Then it turns out that for the "program of work" you have to pay 50 rubles - by postal order to PO Box. Then they ask to send another 150-200 rubles - for "documentation", etc.

3. Often in advertisements proposed work for home phone... In this case, you call the list of subscribers, inviting them to purchase some product or service. But often in this way firms sell their products, the product of which does not differ high quality... And the deceived consumer only knows the phone number of the intermediary, that is, yours.

4. Here is relatively new way"Make money" on a job seeker: a person is hired, but they are asked to pay immediately bank card through which "supposedly" his salary will be transferred. The amount varies from 2,000 rubles. up to $ 1000. I think further everything is clear - having paid money "for the card" a person will no longer see either the work or the card.

One of the modifications of this scheme is the following scheme: scammers advertise for a job, conduct an interview and ask to open a Visa Classic or Master Card in one of the banks to transfer salaries. Then, taking the card “for paperwork”, they make a duplicate and urgently send it to Finland or Poland, where small amounts - up to $ 50 at a time - can be withdrawn without authorization in Russia. Up to $ 10 thousand is withdrawn from each card per day, while the total amount of damage is already calculated in hundreds of thousands of dollars. The scheme still works.

5. The most "original" scheme of "recruitment" is the scheme used for lawyers, as well as specialists in audit and accounting. The scheme works as follows: the company invites specialists for an "interview", in which applicants are asked as a "test" to draw up detailed plan development of the organization or run a report. After that, they say that they will call back later, and that's all. Simply put, job seekers do a specific job for a business without receiving any payment for it.

6. Another common way of deception is the offer to conclude an agreement "for the provision of consulting and information services" for job search. Usually the cost of such "services" is small - about 400 rubles. Of course, this is where the services end. The client will never see any job offers or money.

7. It is suggested to grow mushrooms at home, but pay in advance for the mycelium and instructions. When you bring the finished product to the firm, you will be told that it is substandard. The mushrooms, they say, pumped up and grew of the wrong width, height and thickness, and all at the same time. Don't try to keep going, hoping to succeed in the end. Your mushrooms are doomed to be substandard anyway.

8. One of the most common methods of deception is an offer to work hard without registration of labor or to take a person for a trial period. After that, the trial period is prolonged and becomes infinite. However, since a person is not registered in any way, no one will pay him money. After a while, a person either leaves of his own free will, or he is simply thrown out into the street and a new "sucker" is taken. Therefore, these companies publish announcements for the recruitment of new employees on a regular basis.

9. Sometimes citizens are lured to various paid courses "with a guarantee of subsequent employment in prestigious foreign companies." You are being lectured. After completing the courses, you can really get a job - you will merge with the mass of smiling young people trying to foist every second passer-by with all sorts of rubbish: from "self-sharpening" knives and "environmentally friendly" cosmetics to invitations to a presentation newest means from the same sweating of the feet. You will simply waste time in which you could still find a really good job.

The schemes by which money is collected from the unemployed "for study" have become very common. Most often, the role of "bait" is played by the prospect of working as a manager of a travel agency or an insurance agent. As a rule, we are talking about small amounts - 200-400 rubles.

All those who "bite" for a couple of days are really read some kind of lectures, and then they are offered to go through a "qualifying round" (which no one passes). At the same time, it is almost impossible to prove that you were deceived. They promised to teach - and so they did. And nobody guaranteed you employment ...

10. It happens that employment agencies take money from clients and then provide them with an “employers database” cut from old newspapers. The most unpleasant option for a job seeker is when he is hired specifically to set him up. There are known cases of hiring graduates for accounting work economics faculties directly on the eve of the upcoming inspections.

Scammers when applying for a job.

One of the ways to increase income is to change old work to a new one. This is a natural process. Everyone knows that inflation is rising. If at the same time it does not grow wage, then in a few years the employee will automatically think about changing jobs. Simply because offers from other employers will sound so much more tempting.

But when you change jobs, you can fall into the clutches of scammers who warm their hands on unfortunate job seekers. In this article, we will list the main ways of "divorce" for money when applying for a job.

Ways to cheat when applying for a job.

The most popular way to cheat is receiving money from a job seeker before hiring... It doesn't matter for what. The main thing is that there is a reason. What can they ask for money for?

It happens more often in Moscow, where housing is tense. The firm is applying for a job + provides a hostel at the lowest market prices... Come, pay for the hostel. When you arrive by the specified address to the hostel, it turns out that no one is waiting for you there. They can drive you for a week, promise to deal with the issue. Then the employee gets sick, the secretary changes, in general, ends in the water ...

One of the common ways to cheat is tasks for checking the applicant... This is especially developed among specialties related to programming. But it is often found in other areas as well. You are told that they want to check your level of knowledge and are given an assignment before hiring. Program a specific task, draw up a marketing plan for product development, etc. The main thing is that it will most likely be a small but complete solution. This is how dishonest employers save money and use your knowledge to solve their production problems. They usually say that they will call back later. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that sometimes normal firms do this too. It is quite difficult to distinguish a swindler from a normal company here. But if you do not feel sorry for your time spent and the task is not of particular value, but only shows the level of skills and knowledge, then the task can be completed. If the task is complex enough and can be a ready-made commercial solution to any task, then it is better to refuse such an offer.

And finally, about interesting scammers who can even benefit you! I have already heard several times that a certain firm is recruiting workers. The main thing is to require workers who do not understand "all sorts of papers." So, instead of a contract for employment, they draw up a contract for the transfer of the funded part of the pension c. The fact is that the profitability of non-state funds is higher, for such grief workers it is even beneficial. And scammers for each contract have 500-1000 rubles of bonuses from. There are such cunning scammers.

What should alert you?

1. The employer vaguely explains or does not say at all what the company does. Cannot communicate clearly about your future responsibilities. Instead, the phrases are about nothing and the classics of the genre - "all the details in the interview."
2. They promise too much: the salary is higher than the pines, dizzying career growth, a free schedule, etc.
3. Require nothing. Little interested in experience past work, skills and knowledge. Or they are interested, but not specifically, more out of politeness, as it were. And they take practically everyone.
4. The company has a "strange" office. According to the stories, the company is "cool", and the office is in a remote area, without a sign, unkempt, feeling that it was rented yesterday and for a week. Employees are solid HR managers.
5. Hiring is organized in the form of a "fan": there is a queue of applicants, they are quickly "interviewed", congratulated and happily hired. Or they are sent for preliminary training, but without the execution of employment contracts.
6. The main difference: they are already hired, but you have to pay a little. Read the options above.

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