Home Fertilizers Who is in charge of the personnel department. Selection and placement of personnel. Functions, powers and main roles of HR services

Who is in charge of the personnel department. Selection and placement of personnel. Functions, powers and main roles of HR services

Responsibility for the selection of the company's employees rests entirely with the HR manager. The recruiting and appraisal process is as accurate as any other management activity.

On the way to the success of the company, personnel really decide, if not everything, then a lot, and the founders of the company are well aware of this. The growth of competition, improvement of technologies, the struggle for the consumer and the quality of products are forcing the leaders of the company to consider the complex of management issues in a new way. The requirements for the employee are also changing. Human potential, the ability of a leader to correctly set a goal and effectively manage labor resources are becoming the main factor in the success of an organization. Labor resources- these are all employees of the company, including production and management personnel (managers and specialists).

A special role in attracting highly professional personnel to the organization, and in increasing the production, creative efficiency and activity of personnel, in the development and implementation of the organization's personnel development program, in identifying management methods by human resourses and the development of labor potential are currently played by personnel services - centers for the development and implementation of the firm's labor strategy.

This means that personnel work is no longer viewed as purely administrative (issuing orders for the enrollment of employees selected by a higher manager, storing personnel information, etc.) and carried out independently of other management functions.

Currently, she must assist in business development through the recruitment of highly skilled workers, career planning, performance appraisal and pay improvement.

The personnel department must know the economic needs of the organization and, in this regard, consider its activities in interaction with other services and departments. The result of the activities of the personnel department should be greater involvement of people in business, knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, development of labor potential, and a favorable psychological climate. That is, there is a process when the function of personnel management of human resources changes from passive assistance to active decision in the economic issues of the organization.

Human resource management, that is, work with personnel, considers people as the property of the organization, the assets of the organization, human capital, a resource that, like other resources, must be effectively used to achieve the goals of the company; it assumes less control over workers, but more motivation and stimulation of work. The importance of this work is obvious.

The main goals of the HR department:

1. Analysis of the labor market. The labor market is an important multifaceted sphere of the economic, economic and political life of society. In the labor market, the cost of labor is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, job security, the possibility of obtaining an education, professional growth, etc.

2. Formation of personnel of the organization (planning, recruitment, selection and recruitment, adaptation of employees, release, analysis of turnover, etc.);

3. Unconditional focus on the requirements of labor legislation;

4. Development of employees (vocational guidance and retraining, assessment of the professional performance of personnel, organization of career advancement);

5.Analysis of costs and results of labor;

6. Improvement of the organization of labor and its stimulation;

7. Creation of a good social and psychological climate. The climate of the team is a predominant and relatively stable mental attitude of the team, which finds various forms of manifestation in all its life.

8. Creation of safe working conditions. Labor safety is a state of working conditions in which the impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded.

9. Development of a labor motivation system. Motivation can be considered one of the management methods, an integral part of the management process, aimed at achieving a specific goal of management - to make people work effectively.

10. Taking into account not only the current, but also the future needs of the organization in personnel, proceeding from the tasks of its development, the forecast of the market situation and the tendency of the natural movement of the labor force;

11. Broad cooperation with trade unions;

12. Development of social and pension policy of the organization;

13. Resolution of conflicts;

14.Maximum care for each person, respect for his rights, freedoms, dignity;

15. System of remuneration.

The day-to-day duties of a personnel officer are regulated by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in a decree of 08.21.1998. It details the areas of responsibility of a specialist, the limits of subordination, considers the regulatory framework required for an employee of the personnel department, the procedure for submitting and maintaining documentation. The unified qualification guide defines 17 professions, which, in the performance of their official duties, are guided by job descriptions personnel worker... The structure of the department that regulates the activities of employees is reflected in the corresponding Regulation "On the personnel department".

HR Specialist - Job Responsibilities

The job description of a specialist in the personnel department established the procedure for labor relations, the range of responsibility, the functions assigned to the employee, the requirements for him, the required level of education and subordination. A person with sufficient professional training, education and experience for at least 12 months.

The head of the HR department is responsible for the development and content of the instruction, and it is approved by the head of the company. It reflects all the job responsibilities of a specialist in the personnel department. Their composition, execution rules, powers are detailed by the administrative acts of the enterprise, internal regulations, federal and regional regulations. They consist in performing the following tasks:

  • documenting the hiring and dismissal of employees, transfer of personnel to other staff units in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and orders of the management;
  • registration of activities and changes in the personal data of employees of all levels - from director to watchman - in accordance with the standards of accounting documents with changes to information bases;
  • collection of data for certification and advanced training;
  • development of an incentive and collection mechanism;
  • compilation and maintenance of personal files, collection and processing of personal data;
  • registration of work books - making entries, registration, accounting and storage;
  • the formation of work experience;
  • monitoring of vacations and control over the implementation of the schedule;
  • timely selection of documentation for the archive and its registration;

The activity of a personnel specialist provides for access to confidential data - personal files, commercial secrets. If the employee's actions caused property or financial damage to the organization, he will be held liable according to legal regulations.

The human resources specialist can carry out his job duties overtime. According to Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the overtime rate is set by the enterprise.

Human Resources Officer - job responsibilities

As stated in the Unified Qualification Handbook, applicants with secondary education are considered for the position of HR inspector, the presence of professional experience does not matter. The whole volume job duties the HR inspector is defined in an internal instruction. It includes the execution of office tasks:

In addition to office work, the duties of a personnel inspector also include the selection of employees for vacancies in accordance with professional requirements and the level of communication. A recruiter places ads in the press, Internet portals, sends an application to the employment center, conducts an interview. His task is not just to find a professional, but to find a person who will easily join the team and will not become a source of conflicts. The management may stipulate the duty of an inspector to conduct a competition among applicants. Qualifying events and control of the passage are in the competence of the personnel officer.

Responsibilities of the head of the personnel department

Only an employee with a diploma of higher education who has worked in a similar position for at least 3 years. His candidacy is determined only by the head of the company. Management activities are carried out on the basis of the company's internal charter, strictly within the framework of the Russian labor and civil law and in accordance with the job description of a cadre worker. The head of the OK is accountable only to the top management of the company.

The duties of the head of the personnel department are as follows:

  • development of regulations on personnel policy;
  • assessment of the organization's need for staff renewal;
  • management of the state according to authority and competence;
  • methodological and informational support of certification, organization and analysis of its results;
  • debugging the processes of transfer, dismissal or hiring of personnel;
  • correctional activity;
  • regular monitoring of the fulfillment of official duties by specialists of the personnel department;
  • control over the execution of orders for rewarding and incentives.

The duties of the personnel officer-chief include the implementation of measures to establish work discipline, increase the motivation of the team. The head is engaged in the preparation, approval of official information intended for the director. The competence of the management is to consult personnel on current personnel issues.

O professional level the head of the OK is evidenced by the knowledge of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation, methods of assessing employees, the structure of the enterprise, requirements for paperwork, standards fire safety and labor protection.

An instruction with the duties of a personnel officer - a chief, an inspector or a specialist - is signed by the applicant when hiring. The document is drawn up for each category of workers according to a standard template.

Human Resources Department is a structure in an organization that deals with personnel management.

Human Resources is not only functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the personnel department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

The purpose of the HR department

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and the effective use of the potential of employees.

The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: submission of information about vacancies in the media and employment services, the use of selection methods, testing, procedures for the adaptation of specialists and subsequent professional development.

HR tasks

The main task of the personnel department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, to determine the number of working, days off and sick days for calculating salaries, vacations and submitting information to the accounting department of the organization.

Also, the main tasks of the HR department are:

    organization of selection, recruitment and recruitment of personnel with the required qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: from submitting information about vacancies in the media and the employment service to applying selection methods, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creation of an efficient staffing system;

    development of career plans for employees;

    development of personnel technologies.

In addition, the HR department must submit information to employees in Pension Fund RF, insurance companies, Tax and Migration Service.

HR functions

The main function of the personnel department at the enterprise is the selection of personnel.

The main functions of the HR department at the enterprise include:

    determining the organization's need for personnel and recruiting personnel together with the heads of departments;

    analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the staffing table of the enterprise;

    registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;

    carrying out operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with the current labor legislation;

    organization of employee appraisals;

    preparation of plans for staff development.

HR department structure

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number are determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

V small companies(up to 100 employees) one or two employees of the personnel service are enough.

At the same time, small businesses may not have a separate employee, and then such work is performed by the chief accountant or general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel department of personnel from three to four personnel specialists

On large enterprises employing 500 or more people, the HR department can have from 7 to 10 employees.

Human Resource Relationships with Other Departments

To effectively perform its functions, the HR department needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with the accounting department of the organization

The HR department interacts with the accounting department of the organization to resolve issues related to remuneration.

So in the accounting department of the organization, the personnel department submits documents and copies of orders for dismissal, admission to work, on business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees.

Interaction with the legal department

The Legal Department provides HR staff with information about recent changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other divisions of the company

On personnel issues, the personnel department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

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HR department: details for the accountant

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It is widely believed that some workers in any business have privileges. For example, the personnel service is hated for inactivity. They say, they sit still, they do not bring any benefit. Is it really so? Let's take a look at what is the responsibility of the HR department. Will a lazy and illiterate person be able to cope with them?

Analysis structure

It should be warned right away that learning about the responsibilities of the HR department is not easy. They are numerous and specific. Among them are the most simple operations that any employee sees. There are others. Only employees of the given structural unit... And to the rest of people, these functions seem mythical, unnecessary, even strange. Let's divide the material into paragraphs dedicated to each one of the areas of work of the HR officer. We will only study general functions. Indeed, depending on the owner and the branch of the enterprise, they are supplemented with new ones. So, the responsibilities of calving personnel government organization significantly differ from those in private production. If you take a job at a factory with dangerous cycles it is not like the one being driven in the trading structure. Everywhere has its own specifics. It influences, by the way, the duties of the head of the personnel department. But first things first.

Selection and placement of personnel

Any venture does not start with a hanger. The first step is to create its structure. At this stage, a special table is drawn up, in which data is entered on the specialists needed for production, their level of qualification and number. This is the most important document on which bosses, accounting, economists rely in their work. Its formation is the responsibility of the personnel department. When the document is prepared, verified, approved, recruitment begins. For this, interviews or competitions are organized. The personnel officer is obliged, based on the results of the conversation, to conclude whether a person is suitable for work at the enterprise or not. He assesses the skill level, moral qualities, sociability, initiative and much more. In fact, the list of criteria is approved by the management of the organization. It can be wide enough. The HR inspector communicates his findings and recommendations to the management. That is already making a decision.

Document flow

There are a lot of papers in the described case. Even more. The personnel officer is obliged to create a special card for each worker. It contains all information about a person from personal data to individual characteristics... By the way, informally, the bosses are waiting for the personnel officer complete information about employees. Say, gossip is collected? And if you are given a birthday prize, are you happy? But these little things lie on the shoulders of the HR inspector. Appointments to positions, internal transfers, dismissals are formalized by special orders. They are made by a personnel officer. All documents are required to be drawn up in strict accordance with the law. After all, everyone influences the fate of a living person. For example, a worker begins to draw up an old-age pension for himself, and they require a certificate from one or another place of work. They are issued on the basis of documents that were prepared by a personnel officer. I made the last mistake, the employee may not be taken into account for the calculation of the pension.

Labor books

As a rule, the head of the personnel department is himself responsible for the safety of all documents. Although, if the structural unit is large, then its employees are responsible for their unit. One of the most important is keeping records in work books. For those who work, this document is primary, basic. After all, it is in it that all the information and work path of a person, rewards and punishments are found. In these little books, people's destinies and a chance for a calm old age. Therefore, entries in them should be done carefully, with wording that complies with the law. Each is endorsed responsible person... V large organizations it is the head of the personnel department, in small - the head. In addition, each entry is stamped. The latter must contain all the details of the enterprise. V work books, in special sections they enter information about state awards, serious foreclosure. The designated person is personally responsible for the correctness of the information.

Work with personnel

A large block of activities of this structural unit concerns the improvement of interaction in the team. This implies the study of business and personality traits workers. Compilation of characteristics. Data analysis, on the basis of which proposals are made for the redistribution of duties or personal transfer of a person to another place. In addition, personnel officers are involved in organizing advanced training for workers. This work includes accounting, study plan, referral to courses or inviting lecturers and supervision. The work, you know, is scrupulous and difficult. After all, the inspector of the personnel department, who deals with it, is obliged to talk to everyone, convince, sometimes and force them to do what is necessary.

Responsibilities of the head of the personnel department

The head of the structural unit distributes responsibilities between employees and monitors their implementation. He is the leader and the most qualified specialist simultaneously. Naturally, this person must know the whole structure of the work, understand what is being done and why. In the process of monitoring, he makes comments to employees, prompts, teaches. He bears personal responsibility for the result of the department's activities. That is, a specialist's mistake also affects the reputation (and wallet) of the boss. The head of the department endorses all documents, checks the legality of their preparation. In addition, his responsibilities include the formation of a strategy for personnel work at the enterprise.

Encouragement and punishment

These disciplinary measures are documented in the HR department. That is, it is the specialists' shoulders to investigate misconduct, their correct design, and bring it to the attention of the employee. Measures disciplinary action- it's a very complicated matter. Just say the word "reprimand" to the head of the enterprise. But to arrange it in such a way so that no court can easily overturn it. This requires special knowledge. There are many subtleties in papers of this kind. If you think rewards are easier, you are wrong. The department prepares award documents. Each type of incentive has its own limiting conditions. All of them need to be known to the subtleties in order to tell the manager which award will "pass" the qualification, and which one will be denied.

HR documents

Like any structural unit described, it has its own specifics. First of all, it is necessary to write and approve the regulation on the personnel service. All of its functions, rights and obligations are prescribed in it in detail. If the department is small, then the instructions for the personnel department are written. In principle, its content is the same as that of the position. In addition, work plans need to be drawn up. Perspective contains activities with a long term of execution. The monthly (quarterly) work is detailed. Items on the entire range of functions are entered there. However, an experienced HR officer does not stop there. He also needs planning tables. For example, in government institutions they include promising dates for changing ranks, accounting for seniority, and so on. Each such change is recorded by an order. On its basis, accounting increases wages employee. The private sector also has its own nuances of such work. Returning to the beginning of the article, answer: can the duties of the HR department be performed by a quitter with low level education?

E.O. Ostyukova, L.A. Kairova, students

Z.V. Yakimova

scientific. hands., cand. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor

Vladivostok State University economy and service


HR administration in any organization takes one of the main roles.

In most cases, this is due to a very close scrutiny supervisory and control bodies. How much the organization of personnel records management meets the formal criteria for fulfilling all the requirements and complies with the norms, depends how much the personnel records management can become a real tool and assistant for running and managing a business.

Currently successful and effective management staff cannot be carried out without good knowledge normative documents... There are regulatory legal acts of the federal level that regulate the rules of behavior of people at work, the list and procedure for performing their duties, and labor legislation sets the amount of time that employees should spend on the work they perform and devote to their rest; the rights and obligations of the parties to the employment contract; the procedure for remuneration of employees, etc.

However, employers have their own important tool. personnel policy are local regulations... According to Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, “employers, with the exception of employers - individuals not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing norms labor law(hereinafter - local regulations), within the limits of their competence in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law, collective agreements, agreements. " On the one hand, these documents should not worsen the position of the employee and reduce the level of his rights and guarantees in comparison with the current ones. federal laws on the other hand, the range of issues that are regulated by local regulations is very wide. It includes issues such as specific modes and schedules of work in the organization; the amount of remuneration, including bonuses, additional payments and allowances; list of professional and job duties of the employee, etc.

The main function of personnel documentation is the registration and consolidation of labor relations. Labor relations in accordance with Art. 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a relationship based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the employee's personal performance for a fee of the labor function (work according to the position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; the specific type of work entrusted to the employee), the subordination of the employee to the internal labor regulations while ensuring the employer working conditions stipulated by the labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, labor contract.

As already mentioned in the article, local regulations should not reduce the level of the employee's position in the organization, therefore, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personnel management and labor organization should be based on the principles social partnership, coordination of interests of employees and employers. However, unfortunately, not all managers pay enough attention to this issue. In most cases, the heads of organizations begin to remember about the issue of personnel accounting when employees of regulatory bodies come to them with a check, or when a former employee goes to court with a claim. In such situations, correcting errors can incur large financial and time costs, which will not always help to win and bring success in resolving the issue. This is what shows how important it is to organize the correct maintenance of personnel documentation, including when registering labor relations in accordance with the current labor legislation.

Employment contracts that are concluded with employees can also become provocateurs labor disputes- if, when compiling them, the personnel service employees did not pay due attention possible consequences when certain conditions are included in the contract; or they can become insurance for both the employee and the organization against violation of the rights and interests of one of the parties to the labor relationship. It follows from this that one of the keys to the successful existence of an organization is serious attitude the management of the enterprise to the norms of labor legislation, excellent knowledge of employees involved in HR administration of their competencies, as well as managers should pay sufficient attention to the training and professional development of HR personnel.

Human Resources is a kind of intra-organizational Insurance Company, the purpose of which is to protect your employer from sanctions from supervisory authorities and lost litigation, for which you need to be able to solve the following tasks:

Timely warn the management of the organization against actions that may go against the norms of the law, and protect from the corresponding risks;

Offer the head of the organization such options for resolving issues that will bring them closer to the desired results.

Also, in the work of a personnel officer, it is very important not only to clearly draw up documents, but also to register and store cases. This process allows you to create a base that will help to prove your case and ensure a win in any labor dispute, as well as prevent its occurrence: after all, complaints do not arise from scratch, there must be a reason for every complaint. And the reason for the complaints and lawsuits of employees is the violation of legal norms by employers and mistakes of personnel workers.

However, sometimes HR people spend a lot of time creating completely unnecessary documents. This may indicate the incompetence of the employee. Therefore, the issue of creating, storing, changing, registering HR records should be approached deliberately and have at least experience in this area. The way to improve professionalism and gain experience is not to be afraid and to be able to find time for self-development.

So what is HR documentation?

Before trying to answer this question, I would like to note that HR documentation is a part of general concepts, such as document flow, office work and personnel office work.

Document flow is the activity of organizing the movement of documents in the enterprise from the moment of their creation or receipt until the completion of execution: sending from the organization and (or) sending to the archive. It should be noted that in this definition the emphasis is on the words "movement of documents", that is, their path from one department or from one employee to another. In this case, the order of movement of the document (their path) is predetermined by the adopted management process in this organization. For example, if the head of an organization requires that all received documents first be reported to him and only he will appoint an executor, the path of movement of the document will be multi-stage from top to bottom. If the organization has a clear division of functions between structural divisions and employees, most of documents will go immediately to the department to the performers, that is, the path will be different, much shorter.

Office work is a broader concept; it is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

It follows that HR administration is a narrower concept, which implies the organization of work with documents that are related to HR issues.

When organizing document flow, an enterprise is faced with the following basic concepts:

A document is a material form of receipt, storage, use and dissemination of information provided by law by fixing it on paper, magnetic, film, video, photographic film, optical disc or on another medium;

A primary document is a document that includes background information;

A secondary document is a document that is the result of analytical-synthetic and other processing of one or more documents;

Electronic document - a document, the information in which is recorded in the form of electronic data, including the mandatory details of the document;

Archival document - a document, regardless of its type, type of material medium, information, place and time, creation and form of ownership of it, which has ceased to perform the functions for which it was created, but is stored or subject to storage, taking into account its significance for a person, society or state or value to the owner the same as movable property;

Official document - a document created by an organization or an official and drawn up in accordance with the established procedure;

Electronic document management (appeal electronic documents) - a set of processes for creating, processing, sending, transferring, receiving, storing, using and destroying electronic documents, performed using integrity checks and, if necessary, with confirmation of the fact of receipt of such documents;

Registration of documents - fixing the fact of creation or receipt of documents by assigning them serial number and records of established information about them;

A document form is a standard sheet of paper with permanent information reproduced on it and a place reserved for changing information.

Personnel documentation is a collection of documents that reflects the presence and movement of labor resources.

HR processes need to be documented; admission, dismissal, transfer, disciplinary action, business trip and vacation must be formalized by appropriate orders and instructions.

Personnel documents are legally recorded important facts, which are the basis of the labor relationship between the employee and employers. From this you can see how important it is to competently conduct personnel records management.

HR administration allows you to effectively solve several problems at once:

Create effective system personnel management that will meet the strategic objectives of management;

Document all employment relationships;

Formalize personnel procedures for a specific entrepreneur;

Create an organizational and legal basis labor activity for both the employer and the employee; after all, personnel documents support the interests of both parties to the labor relationship;

Regulate the relationship between the employee and the employer. It is possible to achieve a certain balance in the relationship between the employee and the employer by maintaining personnel records and clearly regulating their rights and obligations (for example, job description clearly regulates what is the responsibility of a particular worker, his responsibility, rights and obligations);

Resolve labor disputes. In most cases, the quality of personnel documents processing helps to achieve the success of the employer's position in conflict situations.

However, the main task of HR administration is to give labor relations more transparency. The HR documentation system defines certain rules, upon adherence to which employees feel stability and security, and allows employers to increase the level of personnel management. Hence, again, it can be noted that the most accurate regulation of the range of rights and obligations of workers and employers is in the interests of both parties.

In this regard, a special role in the organization of personnel records management is played by the definition of its role in the documentary support of the organization as a whole, in which three groups of documents can be distinguished: internal; incoming (incoming); outgoing (outgoing). Each of these groups has its own characteristics of processing and passing.

The procedure for the preparation and approval of internal documents does not differ significantly from the preparation of outgoing documents and includes the same operations, with the exception of sending to the addressee.

Registration can be done for all groups of documents, but primarily for incoming documents. Work on execution and control of execution covers internal, incoming documents and only as an exception - outgoing ones. From the stage of forming cases, all groups of documents go through the same operations, except for incoming documents, which, with rare exceptions, are not transferred to archival storage.

The flow of documents in the organization:

1. Receipt of documents

2. Sorting documents

3. Registration

4. Transfer to the head of the organization or heads of structural divisions

5. The head of the decision and the transfer of documents for execution

6. Directly the execution itself

7. Storage of documents (transfer to the archive)

The responsible person must "filter" incoming documents sent to the head of the enterprise, and submit to him for consideration the most important and urgent of the received documents. Documents that do not require a decision at the level of the head can be transferred directly to the deputy head of the enterprise, to structural divisions or immediately to executors.

Due to the fact that the workflow reflects the management system, allowing you to clearly see it, it is extremely important to analyze the workflow to improve the work of the management apparatus.

Today, no one needs to prove the value of information in the field of management, and every manager understands that he can make a decision on any issue only if he has the appropriate information on the issue. The faster he receives information and the more complete it is, the more chances he has to develop best solution as soon as possible.

The basic principles of document management include:

Prompt passage of documents: in order to reduce the time of their stay in the field of office work, various operations for processing documents should be performed in parallel (for example, copying and distributing copies of a document to persons in the execution of which they participate simultaneously, etc.);

Each movement of a document must be justified, it is necessary to exclude or limit the return movement of documents;

The order of passage and processing processes of the main types of documents should be uniform;

To optimize the routes of movement of various categories of documents (incoming, outgoing, internal; orders for the main activity and personnel, letters and proposals of citizens; applications; complaints, etc.), route schemes are developed;

All correspondence entering the organization, regardless of the addressee, must be processed at the office;

All documents (both registered and non-registered) are marked with a registration stamp to record the fact and the time of their receipt at the institution. The stamp and date are stamped on the day of receipt of the document.

During the initial processing, documents are sorted by structural unit. Documents addressed to the management are transferred to the office or to the manager's secretary-assistant. Documents addressed to structural divisions are sorted by their names, and then sorted out by the secretaries of these divisions.

Non-registered documents must be laid out by structural divisions for delivery to the destination, the rest of the documentation is submitted for registration.

The results of the review of documents by managers are reflected in resolutions. The head of the institution or structural unit, considering the received document, must give clear and specific instructions for its implementation. With the resolution, the document is transferred to the responsible executors. If several performers are indicated, the document is transferred to each of them in turn. For simultaneous work over the document, photocopies are made from it according to the number of performers. The original of the document is sent to the responsible executor, indicated in the resolution first.

The execution of the resolution is carried out by the responsible executor together with the employees specified in it. When transferring a response document for signature, it should be accompanied by the materials on the basis of which it was prepared. This facilitates the work of the manager, avoids calling performers, etc. The document and all related materials are sent to the case when the work on the response document is fully completed.

The number of outgoing (sent) documents includes, mainly, response letters stating consent, refusal to the corresponding request or proposal of the addressee, and initiative letters of the broadest subject, requiring a response from the addressee.

The passage of an outgoing document includes several stages:

1) drawing up a draft document, printing it;

2) approval of the project, its endorsement, if necessary;

3) signing (approval) of the document;

4) registration and sending of the document.

The approval and approval process can be accelerated by sending copies of the project to interested organizations and individuals. Signed documents are registered and sent for shipment (to the office, expedition, secretary).

Internal documents go through the following stages: preparation of a draft document, reprint, approval, endorsement, signing, execution. Therefore, the routes of their passage at the stages of preparation and execution are the same as for outgoing documents, and at the stage of execution they coincide with the routes of incoming documents.

Summing up, we can say that the correct organization of document flow at the enterprise affects the efficiency, efficiency, and reliability of the enterprise as a whole. With the rational organization of document circulation, the productivity and efficiency of labor performed by the employees of the enterprise increase, and the costs associated with the functioning of the management apparatus are reduced. At the same time, it should be noted that the management of personnel records management in the organization has important role... Thanks to a good base of personnel documentation, a large number of problems can be solved, for example, avoiding conflict situations, establish internal organizational rules and work procedures, improve the personnel management system, facilitate the work of the personnel manager and the manager himself, avoid penalties from the inspection authorities.

1. Labor Code RF of 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ (current edition of 04.11.2014) [ Electronic resource] // SPS Consultant-Plus. Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru/

popular / tkrf / 7utm_campaign = law_doc & utm_source = google.adwords & utm_medium = cpc & = utm_content = Labor% 20Code & gclid = CKjGh4b3gsICFYPPcgoddmwAaQ

2. Zhuravleva, I.V. HR management and HR regulation - how important is it to follow the rules? [Electronic resource] / I.V. Zhuravleva // Electronic journal SKB "Kontur". - Access mode: https://school.kontur.ru/publications/6

Schur, D.L. Reference book on personnel records management / D.L. Schur, L.V. Trukhanovich. - 7th ed. - M .: Business and service, 2013 .-- 608 p.

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