Home Vegetables I dreamed about an icon, what does it mean: interpretation of a dream. The Bulgarian village of Rupite: the most mysterious place on the planet, where Vanga drew her strength from

I dreamed about an icon, what does it mean: interpretation of a dream. The Bulgarian village of Rupite: the most mysterious place on the planet, where Vanga drew her strength from

The question of the Church’s attitude towards the soothsayer Vanga still worries society. Who was she? From whom did you receive your gift? There are still people who call Vanga “saint”, “soothsayer”, “clairvoyant”, comparing her with the blessed Matrona of Moscow and not understanding why the church recognized Vanga as a witch.

People ask: “Why? Isn't she a churchwoman? I went to church; built a temple - it was her life’s dream,” “What bad did this woman do who helped so many people?” etc. She said: “Go and be baptized!” – as if she had never been alien to the Church. This is where difficulties arise.
On the one hand, she clearly declared that she belonged to the Church, and on the other, everything she did was completely contrary to the dogma of the Church. And this is another clear indication that it is becoming increasingly difficult for modern man to distinguish between spirits and adhere to the true teachings of Christ. This is the fruit of an atheistic upbringing and Christian illiteracy.

Brief biography of Vanga (1911-1996)

Vangelia Pandeva Gushcherova (1911-1996), better known as Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumnitsa (now Macedonia) in the family of a poor peasant. Vanga was only 3 years old when her mother Paraskeva died in 1914, at the birth of her second child. After the end of the First World War, around 1919, her father Pande Surchev married a second time, to Tank Georgieva, who became Vanga's stepmother. From Tanke he had three more children (Vasil, Tome and Lyubka). At the birth of his fourth child in 1928, Tanka, his second wife, also died.

When Vanga was 12 years old, in 1923, an event happened to her that changed her whole life. later life. When she, along with two cousins, was returning to the village from the field, a hurricane terrible power lifted her into the air and carried her far into the field. They found it littered with branches and covered with sand. Due to sand getting into her eyes, she undergoes three unsuccessful eye surgeries, as a result of which Vanga completely loses her sight.

At the age of 14, Vanga was sent to the city of Zemun (Serbia) to the House of the Blind, where she spent three years of her life and studied the Broglie alphabet, music, and began to play the piano well. The girl is taught to knit, cook, and sew. At the age of 18, she is proposed to by a blind man named Dimitar, who also lives in the House of the Blind. His parents are rich, and the girl can expect a prosperous future. Vanga agrees, but at this time she receives news from her father about the death of Tanka’s stepmother. The father calls his daughter home, since her help is needed in caring for her young brothers and sister. The wedding with Dimitar is upset, and Vanga returns to her father, actively getting involved in everyday chores.

Knowing how to knit beautifully, Vanga takes home orders and does weaving. But the money earned is not enough for a decent life, and the family lives in poverty.

Vanga's unusual abilities began to manifest themselves in April 1941, when she was 30 years old. Visited her "tall, fair-haired, mysterious horseman of divine beauty", who told her that he would be by her side and help her make predictions about the dead and the living. Soon after that “from her lips another voice began to be heard, which named with amazing accuracy areas and events, the names of mobilized men who would return alive, or with whom some misfortune would happen...”. From that time on, Vanga began to often fall into a trance, receive more and more visitors, find lost people and things and talk to "dead».

In 1940, at the age of 54, Vanga’s father died. In May 1942, Vanga married, according to the categorical order of the “forces,” Dimitar Gushterov (despite the fact that he was then engaged to another woman).

Vanga's family life was unhappy, she had no children, and 5 years after the wedding, her husband Dimitar became seriously ill (in 1947), began drinking very heavily and died in April 1962 at the age of 42.

In 1982, at the age of 71, Vanga moved to the area of ​​Rupite, surrounded by respect and great recognition from many people. Vanga received visitors almost until her death, at the age of 85 (she died of cancer on August 11, 1996). More than 15,000 people attended her funeral, including senior officials (presidents, ambassadors, diplomats, the entire cabinet of ministers, deputies and journalists). This is, in general terms, the life of the world famous soothsayer.

Vanga's grave

The emergence of the "gift"

In her youth, when Vanga became blind, according to her, John Chrysostom appeared before her, who said that she would become the first fortune teller (strange, because St. John Chrysostom always spoke of sorcerers as servants of the evil one). And much later, she became the owner of an unusual “gift”. Many people came to her every day. She could tell a person's past. Reveal details that even your loved ones didn’t know. She often made forecasts and predictions. People left very impressed.

Vanga’s visions began with her communication with a certain “horseman”. Here is how the niece describes one of these visions from Vanga’s words:
“...He (the rider) was tall, fair-haired and divinely handsome. Dressed like ancient warrior, in armor that shone in moonlight. His horse swung its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves. He stopped in front of the gate of Vanga’s house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vanga and spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die. In this place you will stand and predict the dead and the living. Don't be afraid! I will be next to you and will say what you have to convey to them!
Who was this horseman who appeared to Vanga?

The source of Vanga’s “gift”

According to relatives and those who knew Vanga, she spoke of voices that dictated prophecies. The Holy Scriptures and the Holy Fathers speak of two sources of the gift of prediction: from God and from demonic forces. There is no third one. Who gave Vanga information about the invisible world? Where did this amazing awareness come from? This answer can be found in the book of Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga’s niece.

K. Stoyanova reports various details about how Vanga communicated with the other world, with “spirits”:
Question: Are you talking to spirits?
Vanga: Many and different people come. Some I can't understand. Not the ones who come and are near me now, I understand. One comes, knocks on my door and says: “This door is bad, change it!”
Question: Do you remember anything after you were in a trance?
Vanga: No. I remember almost nothing. After the trance I feel very bad all day.
Question: Godmother, why don’t you remember what is said during a trance?
Vanga: When they want to speak through me, I, like a spirit, leave my body and stand aside, and they come into me and speak, and I hear nothing.

It is enough to look at the forces with which Vanga communicated to understand that they are dark. As Stoyanova wrote, according to Vanga herself, the creatures who communicate with her have some kind of hierarchy, because there are “bosses” who rarely come, only when it is necessary to report some extraordinary events or major disasters.
Then Vanga’s face becomes pale, she faints, and a voice that has nothing in common with her voice begins to be heard from her mouth. It is very strong and has a completely different timbre. The words and sentences that come out of her mouth have nothing in common with the words that Vanga uses in her ordinary speech. It’s as if some alien mind, some alien consciousness is invading her in order to communicate through her lips about events fatal to people. Vanga called these creatures “great power” or “great spirit.”

The description of the creatures with whom Vanga communicates very clearly reveals to us the world of celestial spirits of evil, exactly as it was described in Holy Scripture and the Holy Fathers: the dark forces have a hierarchy; a person cannot control his mental and physical activities; “forces” arbitrarily come into contact with Vanga, completely disregarding her desires.

Other demons who gave Vanga predictions about the past and future of her visitors appeared under the guise of their deceased relatives. Vanga admitted: “When a person stands in front of me, all his deceased loved ones gather around him. They ask me questions themselves and willingly answer mine. What I hear from them is what I pass on to the living.” The appearance of fallen spirits under the guise of dead people has been known since ancient biblical times. The Word of God strongly prohibits such communication:

Do not turn to those who call forth the dead (Lev. 19:31).

In addition to the spirits that appeared to Vanga under the guise of “small forces” and “big forces,” as well as deceased relatives, she communicated with another type of inhabitants other world. She called them residents " planet Vamfim" (no comments).

In K. Stoyanova’s story about Vanga’s contacts with the dead, there is an episode where she communicated with a long-dead clairvoyant.
And when Svyatoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him: “ Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions" As is known, the Council of Bishops in 2000 excommunicated the ardent fighter against Christianity N. Roerich (founder of the occult teaching “Agni Yoga”) and E. Blavatsky (founder of the Theosophical Society) from the Church.

In addition, Vanga spoke very well of Juna Davitashvili, approved of the activities of psychics, communicated with many of them personally, and was actively involved in healing herself. As for the methods of its treatment, not a single magic textbook would disdain to describe them.
Here brief retelling one of the many cases in Vanga’s practice and the recommendations she gave. A certain man, having lost his mind, grabbed an ax and rushed at his relatives, but when his brothers tied him up and brought him to Vanga, she advised him to do the following:
« Buy a new clay pot, fill it with water from the river, scooping it upstream, and pour this water over the patient three times. Then throw the pot back so it breaks, and don’t look back!”. We do not see a word about repentance and church life, which could heal the soul of the sick! Healings performed by Orthodox saints have always had the goal, first of all, of spiritual healing; healing the flesh at the cost of defeating the spirit is the lot of occult healers of all stripes.

In her activities, Vanga often used sugar, which allowed her to see a person’s past and future. A person who came to her for advice brought with him two or three pieces of sugar, which before that should have lain under his pillow for several days. Taking these pieces in her hands, Vanga told the person about his past and future. Fortune telling using a magic crystal has been known since ancient times. For Vanga, sugar was a type of crystal accessible to everyone that anyone could bring (sugar has a crystalline structure).

All the above facts and evidence show that Vanga’s “phenomenon” completely fits into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits. The inhabitants of the other world revealed to Vanga the present and past of people.

Vanga herself did not realize that she was communicating with the world of fallen spirits. Nor did her many visitors understand this. A strict spiritual life and many years of ascetic experience save one from being seduced by fallen spirits. This attitude teaches spiritual sobriety and protects from harmful charm.
St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), discussing fallen spirits, says that because of their sinfulness, people are closer to them than to the Angels of God. And therefore, when a person is not spiritually prepared, demons appear to him instead of angels, which, in turn, leads to grave spiritual seduction.
Vanga had neither experience of Christian spiritual life, nor knowledge that could help her in a critical assessment of the incomprehensible phenomena that suddenly powerfully invaded her life. The house in which Vanga lived, in her opinion, was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple. There is evidence that many people, coming to this place, felt oppressed.

Yes, Vanga was engaged in divination and some of her predictions came true, but from the point of view of biblical teaching, this fact in itself does not prove the spiritual purity of the source of the predictions, for example, in the Bible we read about a maid who was possessed

“... with a spirit of divination, who through divination brought great income to her masters” (Acts 16:16).

Let us emphasize that the spirit of divination left the woman after the command of the apostle. Paul, speaking in the name of Jesus Christ:

“Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And [the spirit] went out that same hour” (Acts 16:18).

Considering Vanga’s sympathies for the occult and extrasensory perception, we can conclude that the basis of her spiritual phenomenon were the same forces that feed the occult and magic, and therefore, if Vanga had been in the place of that New Testament servant, she would have suffered the same fate.

One day, by chance, finding myself close to a cross that had a piece of the Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, Vanga demanded that he be removed from her, since she cannot prophesy. It is known that if you started reading next to Vanga Orthodox prayers, she was also losing her gift.

Vanga Church

Vanga built a church in Rupite in the name of St. Paraskeva of Bulgaria. But here, too, not everything is so simple.

The built temple violates all church canons. The architecture and painting belong to the famous artist Svetlin Rusev, who is a big fan of Nicholas Roerich, which was very evident during the construction of the church. The altar and wall paintings were so inconsistent with the ideas of the Orthodox faith that some even called for the destruction of the building. The temple was nicknamed "Masonic".

Vanga herself called the construction of the church a “sacrifice.” The foundation stone of the church was laid on August 20, 1992 by the then Nevroko Metropolitan Pimen, but it should be noted that that year a schism occurred in the Bulgarian Church, and Metropolitan Pimen was one of the organizers of this schism. The construction of the church was carried out by the Vanga Foundation.

In 1994, the altar of the temple was consecrated by the canonical Metropolitan Nathanael of Nevrokop, but despite this, schismatics and members of the “Vanga Foundation” immediately began to dispose of it. Currently, this temple has been turned into a tourist center. It is interesting that opposite the image of the Savior hangs a portrait of Vanga herself, made using the “pseudo-icon” technique, which also caused sharp rejection by the clergy, who call such faces semi-occult.

About the “holiness” of Vanga

Today, the countrymen of the great clairvoyant demand that the Church canonize Vanga as a saint. People come to her grave in Rupite, as if to a saint, with prayers and requests. Their argument for Vanga’s “holiness” is the words of Stoyanova:
“Vanga was chosen by Heaven. Auntie was a believer, a modest woman. She observed the canons, prayed, and attended church with joy. And she always called for faith in God! As for the priests, they did not officially recognize her, but even metropolitans came to talk to her about business. And she told the truth, even the hard-hitting one.”
Vanga herself in her statements spoke about good attitude to the Church and sometimes even baptized children. But Vanga didn’t convert anyone to Orthodoxy!

It must be emphasized that true Orthodox holiness is fundamentally different from the phenomena that we see in Vanga. Christian holiness manifests itself with full and clear consciousness of spiritual experiences; there is no violence against the will of man.
The grace of God transforms a person not after natural disasters and hurricanes or after the appearance of horsemen, but after conscious Christian asceticism and observance of God's commandments. It usually takes many years of purification before the spiritual fruits begin to be visibly manifested. What is needed is moral effort and, as he says, the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

Vanga is far from these conditions, just as she has many misconceptions regarding the Christian faith. It is noteworthy that Vanga falls into a trance and does not remember anything after it. She has an alien voice in which she speaks, and this shows that another creature is possessing her, which she herself admitted. At the moment of such penetration, she (“the saint”) began to growl. This is not holiness, but obsession, the opposite of holiness. A person in such a state does not communicate with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord, but with dark forces.

As for performing miracles, miracles may not necessarily be manifestations of holiness. As we know from the lives of saints, not all saints performed miracles. Conversely, there are many cases of miracles in the absence of holiness (sorcerers, fortune tellers, modern psychics with frankly abnormal lives, some fans of Eastern religions, etc.), which is clear evidence that these supernatural “miracles” are the work of fallen spirits.

"Icon" of Vanga in her church

Many people who are far from the Church and have naive ideas about dark forces (and their human servants) are deceived by the fact that Vanga often talks about God, light, faith, Christ, love, wisdom. Vanga uses the word “Christianity” only as a screen. Under the guise of Christianity, they preach unchristian ideas and practice unchristian actions.

What do Vanga and Blessed Matrona of Moscow have in common? Blindness? So Homer was blind. Vanga openly practiced witchcraft, talked about a special gift that appeared to her after a strong hurricane, and took money for the reception (not personally, but through the foundation). It was a well-organized and well-established business, from which a lot of people profited - everyone around the Bulgarian sorceress. Blessed Matrona lay paralyzed, humbly carried her cross and prayed to God for the people who asked her about it.
No easy way to God and never was. That is why the Lord speaks about the narrow path. He does not promise everyone who wants to enter the Kingdom of God that they will enter it. He says the Kingdom by God's power is taken. Modern man does not want to make any effort and does not force himself to do anything. He wants everything to go as planned magic wand. He wants to drive his car to the Kingdom of Heaven, where God himself will meet him, pat him on the shoulder and tell him that everything is fine, you are beautiful, nothing is required of you. But that's not true.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

Used Books:

1. Hieromonk Vissarion (Zaographsky). "VANGA - PORTRAIT OF A MODERN WITCH"
2. Hieromonk Job (Gumerov). How does the Church relate to the “clairvoyant” Vanga?
3. Pitanov V.Yu. Vanga: who pulled the string?
4. Hieromonk Vissarion: “There is no easy path to God”

There is a high interest in Vanga in Russia. In the spring of 2011, a film about her was released on NTV - with a rating comparable to the ratings of football matches. Now on Channel One in prime time, that is, at the most convenient time for viewing, the series “Vangelia,” dedicated to the Bulgarian soothsayer, has been running for the second week. At the same time, the main character in the film looks almost like a saint: kind, meek, hardworking, sincerely pious.

The antipode of the Vangelia in the film is the priest: angry, vengeful, he, frankly, in principle, bears little resemblance to a living person: he speaks bookish words in the style of the 19th century (“be gone, Satan” and everything like that), threatens, intimidates and tries to forcibly expel from the girl the demon. Of course, Vanga looks much more worthy in the eyes of the audience. At the same time, the series' ratings are off the charts.

We turned to Russian and Bulgarian experts with a request to comment on Vanga’s personality and say a few words to the viewers of Channel One.

Vanga is a demonic commercial project

Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov:

It is unfortunate that our domestic television, instead of sowing “reasonable, good, eternal,” brings corruption to our people, introducing various occult things into the consciousness. Instead of showing Christian values, they broadcast demonism in the form of various magic, astrology, psychics, etc. Vanga is just one of such projects. As a result of the phenomenal ignorance of our people in religious matters, which arose as a result of communist rule, when all attempts to Christianize the population were prohibited and the bearers and teachers of Christianity were destroyed, a spiritual vacuum appeared. In fact, humanity has traveled back 3,500 years in its history.

When a people's religion leaves, as they say, a holy place is never empty, and demons come. Television also provides them with a service, which simply makes a business out of it, similar to the trade in drugs, weapons or pornography. It’s especially scary that he’s doing this. Vanga is an ordinary sorceress, all her predictions are not worth a penny. She simply took advantage of her illness, knowing that people always have a special attitude towards sick people. As a result, those who helped her turned it into a commercial project, that’s all.

And here they also portray a priest, and they portray him as a rabid idiot. In more than thirty years, I have never met such idiots as shown there in my life. Of course, if viewers like to plunge into such black and hopeless stupidity, let them watch this series, but I warn you that there will be no mental health from watching it. On the contrary, things will be imprinted on the mind that are extremely harmful to the soul.

Bulgaria is surprised that there is a cult of Vanga in Russia

Coordinator of the catechetical strategy of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for the Sofia diocese, head of the Publishing Center named after Saints Cyril and Methodius in Sofia Rusev:

We are very surprised that in Russia there is a real cult of Vangelia Gushcherova. Obviously, Soviet socialism completely destroyed the Orthodox identity of Russians, and only those of them who live church life, know how to distinguish truth from manipulation. Speaking about the supposed “holiness” of Vanga, let us at least dwell on the fact that Vangelia took money from her visitors. Did the saints, who had God's gift to heal people, take money from someone? Let's take, for example, St. Kosma and Damian, healer Panteleimon! And one more thing to think about: Vanga herself said that if she bows to the icon Holy Mother of God, which is located in the Rozhen Monastery in Bulgaria, “her strength will leave her.”

30 years ago, the daughter of Todor Zhivkov, who was at that time the irreplaceable leader of the Communist Party, Lyudmila Zhivkova, was one of those who supported Vanga’s status as a “state witch.” Lyudmila Zhivkova herself invited theosophists, awarded the son of Nicholas Roerich, studied the occult, and Vanga, for her part, helped her in providing evidence of the “existence of the supernatural” in life. I note that this happened in those years when people were imprisoned on suspicion of engaging in religious or parareligious activities. However, a “political umbrella” existed over Vanga all this time.

Bulgarians have long known that Vanga very rarely “guessed the future” of visitors. This is clearly visible in the film by the researcher of the “Vanga phenomenon” Lozanov, made in the 80s of the last century. I personally know people from whom she could not guess anything at all. The most significant case for all Bulgarians is Vanga’s “forecast” about the results of the final match of the World Cup in the USA. As many people know, then the Bulgarian team unexpectedly reached the semi-finals. Then the “prophetess” expressed her forecast for participation and victory in the championship finals. The disappointment of the fans was universal.

Of course, there are cases when Vanga gave successful advice regarding treatment, but later it usually turned out that the patients’ condition worsened. All this was subsequently explained by the “wrong” actions of the patient.

It must be said that Vanga is an object of local patriotism, since he makes his region a place of some kind of “occult tourism,” and tourism is always associated with money. Therefore, even here, not everyone dares to declare that Vanga is deceiving, because to do this means ruining the business of dozens of people. Some priests also participate in this lie. The “service” itself in the so-called “Vanga Church” - a formidable “Christ-like” temple - is paid to the priest-poacher 200 euros. At the same time, the priest unwittingly legitimizes Vanga’s activities as a “saint.” By the way, on the “iconostasis” in the “Vanga Church” the sorceress herself is depicted in front of an exceptionally formidable image of the Mother of God.

Iconostasis of Vanga’s “church”

Any PR of this kind is PR of the occult

Deputy Head of the Missionary Department of the Chelyabinsk Diocese Konstantin Putnik:

Vanga is an occult healer who has nothing to do with Christianity. Any PR for this kind of people is PR first and foremost as an exercise. Yes, formally Vanga does not engage in occult practices and does not use spells, but the source of her knowledge is certainly not Christ. Firstly, if Vanga’s gift were from God, she would not be mistaken, since God, in principle, does not make mistakes.

Secondly, if God wants to warn a person about something, He will not hide His words behind some vague phrases. For example, the famous phrase “Kursk will go under water,” which is now attributed to Vanga, allegedly had something to do with the Kursk submarine. But if the Lord wanted to point this out, He would have said so: “The Kursk submarine will go under water.” These kinds of predictions should be treated with extreme skepticism. Otherwise, the Lord appears in the form of a not very understandable being who, for an incomprehensible purpose, pours out predictions that cannot help anyone and cannot prevent anything.

As for Channel One, we have long been concerned about its position. Personally, the fact that “Vangelia” was shown on Channel One does not surprise me at all, since Malakhov with his urine therapy and other healing “knowledge” has long been “registered” on this TV channel, and in the “Let’s Get Married” program an astrologer makes predictions. Apparently, Ernst himself is very inclined towards this kind of spiritual practice.

I would simply not advise viewers of the series to watch it, or at least not to watch through rose-colored glasses, but to perceive everything critically and rationally, understanding why it is being done. It seems that a new occult spirituality is being prepared. But it should be remembered that the phenomenon of occultism as such cannot give anything positive. A person who encounters it, over a period of time, is still convinced that this is deceit, that it is impossible to cure a disease with occult practices or, relying on them, to build his own family life. And then the person becomes disappointed.

The goal of occultism is to again attract the attention of a person, so that a person constantly swims in this ocean and does not have the opportunity to get ashore. For this purpose, Vangas, Malakhovs, etc. exist, and then, perhaps, something else will appear.

Prepared by Ksenia Kirillova

Sometimes appears in the media fake information that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church canonized Vanga as a saint. This statement is not true. Here is the official response to our site “Superstition.net”, received from Bulgaria:

Prot. Vasily Shagan, rector of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Varna, Bulgaria:

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is not going to canonize Baba Vanga. I have not even heard of such a movement in our Church. If there is something similar, then this, I assume, is a bunch of some ardent representatives of the Vanga cult. She actually built a temple at her own expense, which was painted by one of the famous Bulgarian artists. But he obviously tried his hand at church painting for the first time, which resulted in something terrible, in the literal sense of the word.

This information can be confirmed in Moscow, at the courtyard of the Bulgarian Patriarchate:

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Gonchary

Goncharnaya st., 29, t. 915-62-88 M. "Taganskaya"

The rector of the metochion is Archimandrite Boris (Dobrev), Archimandrite Trifon (Krevsky), Priest Sergius Rznyanin, Priest Mikhail Avramenko. Divine service daily. Liturgy at 8 o'clock, on holidays. and Sunday Liturgy at 7 and 10 o'clock the day before all-night vigil at 17 o'clock

Archimandrite Gabriel, rector of the Bulgarian metochion in Moscow(Friendship magazine (Russians), No. 6, 1990):

Firstly, the prophecies of the Vangelia are not always correct. For example, she was wrong in her predictions for my relatives. And secondly, the Bulgarian Church does not at all claim that Vanga’s gift is from God. It may well be similar to that possessed by the slave mentioned in the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

You, of course, remember that in one of the cities of Macedonia, a maid possessed by the spirit of divination followed Paul and his disciples for several days in a row. She did not stop shouting: “These people are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” It seems that there is something terrible in words that correspond to the truth? But the Apostle, recognizing their spirit, stopped this glorification of the enemy, speaking through her mouth, for what the enemy does, at first glance, is useful for a person, is certainly with a harmful purpose. The Apostle expelled this spirit from her, and she immediately lost the gift of prophecy.

True, among other gifts of the Spirit, Saint Paul also mentions the gift of prophecy. This is sent down to some saints. But they, knowing the will of God, never revealed to people everything about their fate, but only spiritually useful, saving things. the hard way human

Priest Dionisy Svechnikov:

The Church has a negative attitude towards Vanga’s activities. Vanga never had anything to do with God, and her predictions had nothing to do with Divine revelations. For the sake of authenticity of my words, I would like to give a couple of examples from the book of Vanga’s niece Kasimira Stoyanova, “The Truth about Vanga,” which make it clear that the Bulgarian healer was in direct contact with unclean spirits. Here is an excerpt from Kasimira’s story from this book: “I remember the day I turned 16 years old. I remember precisely because after dinner in our house in Petrich, Vanga suddenly began speaking, addressing me specifically. And it was no longer her at all, and I heard the voice of a completely different person: “You are always, every second in our sight.” And then she told me everything I had been doing all day... I was speechless. And then I asked my aunt why she said all this? Vanga was surprised: “I didn’t tell you anything.” But when I repeated everything I had just heard from her lips, she quietly said: “It’s not me, but others who are always near me. Some of them I call “small forces”, they were the ones who told you about your day through me, and there are also “big forces”. When they start telling me, or rather through me, I lose a lot of energy, I feel bad, I remain depressed for a long time.” As can be seen from this passage, Vanga's revelations are nothing more than obsession evil spirits. And, of course, communication with angels cannot lead to feelings of despondency. Here is another example, taken from the same book, from which we see that Vanga was in contact with demons of no lower order: “Having learned about the approaching disaster, my poor aunt turns pale, faints, incoherent words fly from her lips, and the voice at such moments has nothing in common with her usual voice. It is very strong and has nothing in common with Vanga’s everyday vocabulary... It’s as if some mind is moving into her to inform her about fateful events. She calls it “great power” or “great spirit.” I don’t think it’s worth saying who Vanga called “big spirits.”

I think all this information is enough for you to determine your attitude towards Vanga.

In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the design of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite. The chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, so they simply say “temple” about the building, without specifying its affiliation.

Photos of the temple built by Vanga and her words.

“I have seen this Church since 1941, from April 6, to this day. And I say to myself: here is my daughter, here is my son, my glory, this is everything for me ... "

I said that today is the fourteenth (October 14, the day of the consecration of the temple - Ed.), and the Church is empty, and I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move my leg, my body below the waist seemed to be numb. And I was scared. Why was there no strength in my legs and I couldn’t stand? I survived it. She said that the church would be ready for that day. You can’t build a garage for yourself, but with God’s help I built a church!

Lord, Lord! There was no one in Petrich who would give even 200 or 1000 leva. Nobody gave a penny. And now they are spreading rumors that the money was stolen. Yes, my documents are in order, here they are, a whole bunch of papers, everything is written down down to the last penny. Okay, let them fight, because all evil is because of money, because of this damned money.

Whether I am the church, or the church is Vanga, or I am Vanga the church, in any case the temple wins. Early in the morning, when I go to church, at least a hundred souls are already waiting there. They had already prayed, lit the candles, and given five leva each. And, leaving, they say: “We lit a candle for your health.” Why? So that you are alive and well, they say. They come from America and from other powers, I can’t say exactly how many of them...”

Temple of Light Petka Bulgarska.

The Temple of “Sveta Petka Bulgarska” was built in 1994, according to the design of Vanga’s friend, architect Svetelin Rusev, as well as through the labors and efforts of Vanga herself, in the village of Rupite, where she was born, lived and prophesied. And to the right of the temple is the grave of Vanga, who bequeathed to bury herself here, next to the temple.

The temple was built with Vanga’s own money, as well as with funds from sponsors and citizens from Bulgaria and other countries.

At the request and instructions of Vanga, an unusual painting of the church completed Svetelin Rusev, wood carving - Grigor Paunov, and made the iconostasis, sculptures and cross Krum Damyanov. All of them, including the team of masons and Vanga’s volunteer assistants, worked on the construction of the temple for free.

The reason for the refusal of local clergy to consecrate the temple.

To the article, the temple “Sveta Petka Bulgarska”.

Different from the established ones church canons, the unusual painting of the temple in Rupite, was the reason for a sharply negative reaction from some Bulgarian clergy, who categorically refused to consecrate the temple built by Vanga.

And this decision of the Bulgarian clergy, after the death of Vanga, provoked a PR campaign in the media to demonize the image of the deceased Vanga.

Meanwhile, according to existing popular belief, people are obliged to treat the dead with respect. “About the dead it’s either good, or nothing, or just the truth” - reads folk wisdom. They say that the soul of a person who has violated this commandment does not find a place in his life after death. world of the dead, to whom during his lifetime this man showed disrespect.

The crafty decision of the Bulgarian clergy not to consecrate Vanga’s temple had a completely different background. In her book “Vanga,” Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova writes that the conflict between the seer and local priests existed for a long time. And the Bulgarian clergy, who during their lifetime were afraid to object to the prophetess, who saw through their inner essence, found a way to take revenge on Vanga shortly before her death. Here is what Krasimira Stoyanova writes: “Vanga was chosen by Heaven. My aunt was a believer and a virtuous, highly moral and modest woman. She followed all the rules Orthodox faith, prayed a lot, joyfully visited churches and monasteries. And she always and everywhere called people to believe in God! As for the church ministers, they already applied double standards towards Vanga. They did not officially recognize her, but priests, even metropolitans, came to my aunt and asked about their personal affairs. And she always told them the truth, even the hard-hitting one.”

Vanga never did evil to people and taught them to do only good. And I was not able to find a single piece of evidence, even among her enemies, that Vanga caused harm to even one person. This is what her goddaughter Venetta Sharova says about Vanga.

Testimony from Vanga's goddaughter Venetta Sharova.

“Aunt Vanga was like a mother to me. At the age of 16, like many others, I came to see her. I'm standing in the corridor, waiting. She came out and pointed at me - come in. That's how we met...

At first they were just friends, and then I started helping her with housework, I was there until last day. She always taught me: don’t get angry, if someone does you harm, leave him. Let him be responsible for all his mistakes. And no matter what happens, always do good. She not only told people about their illnesses, about whether the problems would be resolved, but also taught to love, to be humble.

The temple in Rupite is Vanga’s long-time dream.

Vanga dreamed all her life of building a temple in Rupite, but poverty got in the way. She always received visitors for free, and only in 1967, by decree of the Bulgarian government, a visit to the Bulgarian prophetess became paid. For citizens from socialist republics, the visit cost 122 rubles, and for visitors from capitalist countries - 50 dollars. And only after this did Vanga have the opportunity to earn money to build a temple in Rupite.

Here's what Venetta Sharova writes about it: « Vanga dreamed of building a temple in the village of Rupite, where we lived. I was worried that I wouldn’t make it in time. She built it with her earnings, and so that there was money, she accepted without interruption, day and night. Sometimes it starts at nine in the morning and ends after midnight. In case of emergency, she could work all night. When construction of the temple began in August 1992, Aunt Vanga was so happy! She commanded the construction, told the workers what to do and how to do it.

When the dome was being installed, she sat on her favorite bench opposite the temple, bowed her head first to the left, then to the right and asked to put the dome “a little in the other direction so that it would stand straight.” “How do you see all this?” - the builders asked her. And my aunt answered: “I don’t need eyes.”

For example, after construction was completed, the Bulgarian artist Svetlin Rusev began to paint the faces of saints for interior decoration temple. Every evening his aunt asked him what he had done that day and what he would do tomorrow. The only portrait of Vanga in this temple, Rusev also drew according to her instructions. She often repeated that the temple became a second home for her. Before the reception, people went there, brought flowers, lit candles.

When my aunt got sick, I was near her all the time, she knew that she was going to die, and she kept repeating: “I’m leaving.” Last months Vanga did not get out of bed, I looked after her. And when it became clear that I could not give her the care she needed, she was taken to the Sofia Hospital. A few days after my aunt passed away, her body was brought to the temple. I remember I touched her hands and felt the warmth. And on the night of the funeral, Vanga came to me in a dream. She came out of the coffin, holding her hair in her hands, and for some reason said: “You burned my hair!”

For me she is still alive. When I feel like I’m missing her, I come to the grave, talk to her, and the melancholy gives way to lightness.”

Symbolism of the temple.

The mournful symbolism of the Vanga temple painting does not contradict any Christian values, and, apparently, is just her own vision of future events associated with the coming “end of the world.” But this requires some further explanation.

Christian doctrine is a cosmic religion, and the iconostasis of any church is just a multifaceted symbolism of Noah’s flood and the upcoming “end of the world,” which Vanga, who had the gift of clairvoyance, undoubtedly knew about.

In my book “The Fifth Dimension,” I already wrote that every year, together with her loved ones, Vanga celebrated the day when a cosmic catastrophe and a volcanic eruption occurred in Rupite, during which many local residents died.

Let's remember this quote from Krasimira Stoyanova's book: "Annually,October 15, when church calendar Peter's Day is listed , Vanga is gathering guests. Neighbors, friends, acquaintances are sitting at a modest meal. The meal is quiet, without libations and solemn speeches. ...

Here's what Vanga said: " On the same day, a thousand years ago, a strong volcanic eruption occurred here. Lava flows flooded a large and rich city, thousands of people died in the fire .

And the people who lived here were tall and stately, very beautiful, dressed in white clothes with a metallic sheen. The city had theaters and libraries; its citizens valued enlightenment more than other benefits, deeply revered wisdom, and felt themselves on an equal footing even with kings. A blue river flowed through the city; it carried its waters along a bottom covered with golden sand. Newborns were baptized in this river, and the children grew healthy, gradually turning into young people, strong in body and healthy in spirit... The main city gates were decoratedgolden-winged griffins - patrons of the city . Nearby stood three large temples: Saint Petka, Holy Mother of God And Saint Panteleimon. The earth's hot abysses breathe even now, their breath is warmed mineral water. Listen, you will certainly hear sighs for a long time dead people. And so I dare to ask you, my guests:While we are alive, we will remember with quiet prayer all those who died so suddenly, in the color and grandeur of a joyful earthly life. Should they have died? And isn’t there a deep prophetic meaning hidden here?”

The prophetic meaning was hidden by Vanga in the secret symbolism of the temple she built. After all October 15 noted not only Peter's Day(from Greek Peter - (heavenly) stone). Bulgarian Church and Balkan countries on the eve of this day the feast of St. Paraskeva (Holy Friday, or the feast of Sveta Petka). Therefore, we are obliged to say a few words about this holiday.

Sveta Petka Bulgarska.

The Feast of Light Petka Bulgarska, or Paraskeva of Serbia, is one of the most revered in the Balkans. This holiday has different countries there are other names: Paraskeva Friday, Tarnovskaya Friday, Bulgarian Friday, Moldavian Friday, or simply Sveta Petka - “Holy Friday”.

The memory of Paraskeva of Serbia is celebrated Orthodox Church August 30 and October 14 (27). This is the eve of the feast of Paraskeva of Ionia, or Saint Paraskeva Friday (from the Greek.Παρασκευ - "holiday eve, Friday"), which is celebrated by the Orthodox Church October 15 (28).

The holiday of Paraskeva Friday is celebrated in honor of the Orthodox saint, famous for her asceticism. And Vanga knew that at the same time This holiday is also a day of remembrance of the cosmic catastrophe. This should not be surprising, for Christianity is a cosmic religion, and I have already written about the fact that many iconic cosmic catastrophes in the church calendar are designated by the names of Christian saints.

Location Rupite.

The village of Rupite, surrounded by mountains, is located in the Petrichesko-Sandansky basin, at the site of the crater former volcano casing. It is believed that The crater is more than a thousand years old, but on its slopes there are still hot sulfur (up to +75 degrees Celsius) geothermal springs. Because of them, even in winter the temperature in Rupite is higher than in the surrounding villages. Thousands of people come to these healing springs every year.

Vanga has repeatedly said that in Rupite there is a center of powerful cosmic energy which gave her strength. And thanks to this energy, until her death she was engaged in healing the sick, and also served as a consolation and prophetess for visitors who turned to her.

But she always carefully avoided voicing bad prophecies, and it did not matter whether it concerned life individual, states, or natural disasters of the Earth. Eyewitnesses from her close circle testify that before the consecration of the temple, Vanga was very afraid to go into a trance, so that in this uncontrolled state, she would accidentally, prematurely, reveal the secret of the strange symbolism of the temple and the purpose of its construction.

About the “navel of the Earth” in the vicinity of Rupite.

Crater in Rupite.

Patomsky crater.

In the book “The Fifth Dimension” I already wrote that in addition to extinct volcano, in Rupite there is another crater, the so-called (“navel of the Earth”), which is a formation formed at the site of a cosmic electric discharge explosion. For a reason unknown to us, it was in such places that the ancient prophets and sibyls most clearly manifested the gift of prophecy. It is easy to understand that this crater was also connected the amazing phenomenon of Vanga’s clairvoyance, which was most clearly manifested in Rupite. For those who are not familiar with my previous books, I must inform you that the crater at Rupite is like two peas in a pod Patomsky crater, formed after an electric discharge explosion of a fragment of the Tunguska body. To verify this, it is enough to compare photographs of these craters.

The reason for the construction of the temple in Rupita.

This is what Krasimira Stoyanova writes about this place and the reason for the construction of the temple: “... I remember another story about those times. Vanga remembers that old people told us what their grandfathers had seenhuge pillar of fire on a hill". In their opinion, at this place, again during Turkish slavery, fifteen martyrs, defenders of the Christian faith, were slaughtered. There was a temple there thenSaint George the Victorious , but the Turks destroyed it to the ground. Vanga says that in 1941 a huge temple appeared to her, supported by fifteen holy officers. Who are they and where did they come from? When excavations were carried out later, columns of a former temple were discovered at this site.St. George. And then the citizens of Strumica built big church, which was called “Fifteen Holy Martyrs of Strumica”. But the opening of the churchSt. George ahead. Vanga herself still lives with the desire to open this temple, because she hears a “voice” that says:"Come and open the gates. They are iron and heavy, but behind them there is a bright light" . Feeling sorry for people, Vanga did not want to reveal things ahead of time. secret reason construction of his temple. Therefore, we have a need to supplement our story.

The cross is a symbol of cosmic catastrophe.


On the side of the basin opposite from the temple, according to Vanga’s wishes, there was a huge cross has been laid out, in the form of steps leading to its top. In religious mythology, the cross is a designation of the epicenter of a cosmic catastrophe, and one must assume that in this simple way, Vanga designated the epicenter of one of the cosmic explosions of a future cosmic catastrophe. And here we need to give a little more additional information. A great way to have fun at night is sex dating in Tyumen, which will surprise you with new and unforgettable sensations.

Prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov.

Feeling sorry for the psyche of people, Vanga avoided talking about the secrets associated with the “end of the world” and never named the date of this disaster. But in different years, while in a state of uncontrollable trance, she left several testimonies about this terrible disaster: « One day this world will end, but the end will not come soon. Do not be afraid! Live in harmony and help each other. Living in fear is not living. But man cannot change what is written in heaven. Sooner or later it happens."

… “Earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes. Many people will die from this. There will be fighting on all sides. There will be no pets, trees will be destroyed, … . People will walk around naked and barefoot - there will be nothing to eat, no heating, no lighting.”

The famous Russian seer and saint, Elder Seraphim of Sarov, in one of his prophecies, said that when the time of difficult trials and chaos comes, the few survivors will find salvation in his Sarov monastery. In addition to this, it should be said that in the Christian faith, all monasteries and temples are dual-use objects, and during the upcoming “end of the world”, are intended to serve as islands of safety for people who miraculously survived the fire of a cosmic catastrophe. Drawing an obvious parallel, we can assume that the strange painting on the walls and the entrance to the Vanga temple depicts mourning people who will find shelter in the Vanga temple in the difficult days of the coming cosmic catastrophe. Apparently, Wang asked to depict the faces of these people on the walls of the temple in Rupite. That is, Vanga built her temple as another island of safety, giving people hope for salvation. So “What is surprising in your eyes?”


During Vanga’s lifetime, thousands of tourists and pilgrims traveled to Bulgaria specifically to see Vanga. She tried to accept and comfort everyone who needed her help. Her amazing prophecies were never understood during her lifetime. And science has yet to study this strange world, in which the souls of the dead are able to tell us about the past and future of the world of the living. There are no lies or time frames in this world, and not everyone is given the opportunity to testify to it to people. And we should be grateful to Vanga, who took the trouble to tell us about it amazing world to people. After all, our information about this beyond the real, otherworldly knowledge is so small that we are forced to make it the measure of our faith and our monstrous obscurantism.

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Wise words Wangi about icons

Vanga's wise words about icons

What is an icon, momiche, and why should they be present in the house? Some say: God is omnipresent, He already hears me, why do I need an icon? That's right: God hears, but man is forgetful and sinful, and if he is not reminded of God, then he may not remember. An icon, firstly, is a reminder of God. But not only. The icon itself is spiritual, because the Holy Spirit lives in it and acts through it. Have you heard, Momich, how the Lord and mother of God? There were many such cases; this happened in the lives of each of the holy people. These are not simple visions, not dreams, not dreams, this is reality, only such a reality that you and I cannot comprehend with our minds. You also know that icons cry and exude myrrh. It happens that an old icon suddenly becomes like a new one by itself, but it happens the other way around - in an instant a new icon becomes old. All these are signs that the icon is not just an image of God, the Mother of God and the saints, not just a reminder of them. This is a window, momiche, a window into the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the window through which God looks at you. And people who have icons in their homes know this. The presence of the saint’s icon keeps people from bad thoughts and actions, and averts many troubles from home.

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