Home Diseases and pests Slow child - what to do? Slow reaction in a child. Congratulations, you have a genius! What to do if the child is a brake

Slow child - what to do? Slow reaction in a child. Congratulations, you have a genius! What to do if the child is a brake

How exactly does a child's inattention manifest itself?

  1. He does all the work, especially school assignments, quickly and too superficially.
  2. In his work, he makes a lot of mistakes.
  3. He doesn't pay enough attention.
  4. The child gets tired too quickly even from a small amount of work.
  5. The child does the job very slowly.
  6. High level of dreaminess.

Absent-minded and inattentive child

An absent-minded and inattentive child is not a diagnosis. And first of all, all parents should remember this. Voluntary attention can be trained even at an early age. Today in stores you can buy a wide variety of dynamic toys that are designed to improve attention in children up to one year old.

If, however, a child's attention disorder has developed over time, for example, when he went to kindergarten or school, you can try to eliminate the underlying causes of inattention. Educators recommend giving children a separate place in the house where they will always prepare for lessons. It needs to be well organized.

Remember that children need to eat right, because a lack of omega fatty acids leads to a decrease in attention. Today it is no longer necessary to force a child to eat fish oil or fish. There are many different supplements on the pharmaceutical market today that are rich in these fats. They support the mental and physical health of the baby.

The child is inattentive in the classroom

A child's success in school is highly dependent on his attentiveness. As a rule, children become distracted if their parents do not participate in their upbringing. That is why you need to try to develop the attentiveness of your child from the first grades of school. First of all, psychologists recommend finding out what exactly teachers and parents hide behind the concept of "inattention." You also need to pay attention to how your child's absent-mindedness manifests itself.

It happens that children are inattentive only in a particular lesson, then, most likely, he does not like this subject or the teacher does not explain the material very clearly. If the child is absent-minded not only at school, but also at home, this may mean that something is bothering him.

Parents can help their child improve mindfulness through simple psychological methods and special games. Also, do not forget that it is very important for attentiveness to observe a certain daily routine. Remember that the child will be less distracted if homework, games, and time for themselves follow a pre-written plan.

If the child is slow and inattentive

Slow children are distinguished by low lability of nervous processes, which determine how quickly the child will complete a particular task. Adults can, if necessary, change the pace of their activities, but even for them this does not happen immediately. It is extremely difficult for children to do this.

Unfortunately, most psychologists are of the opinion that the slowness of a child with low mobility of nervous processes will never go away. Since it is their individual characteristic. Of course, over time, the child will be able to perform all actions faster than before, but he will always lag behind his peers.

So that slow children do not lose their attentiveness during the performance of any tasks, especially school ones, they should in no case be forced to work faster. It is necessary to create the ideal conditions under which the child will be comfortable. Psychologists say that if you unsettle such a person, it will be very difficult for him to regain his attentiveness.

The child is inhibited and inattentive

Already in infancy, it can be determined whether your child is retarded or not. Such children sluggishly and reluctantly suckle at the mother's breast, sleep a lot and fall asleep quickly enough. But if at a young age this does not frighten the parents, then in the elementary grades it begins to worry quite strongly. This is due to the fact that a retarded child is often inattentive, which negatively affects his work.

As soon as you notice that your child is overly inert, you need to immediately start encouraging him to be more active. First of all, psychologists recommend not to do the following things:

  1. Do not force homework to be done immediately after the student returns home. He needs to take a break for at least two hours.
  2. Written assignments should not be forced to redo often, even if he did not do them carefully the first time. This can lead to the fact that the child develops a negative attitude towards learning.
  3. Do not leave your child alone when he is doing his homework.
  4. Do not force the kid to play team outdoor games. He will slow down the whole team, and this will lead to negative consequences for both sides.
  5. Don't punish your child if he or she takes things too slowly.

The child is restless and inattentive

Restlessness and inattention, most often, are explained by the fact that the child is simply not ready yet for school due to the peculiarities of his physical and mental development. Some children get bored in elementary school because they have already learned this material at home. Others, on the contrary, cannot understand the task, so their attentiveness suffers greatly.

Most often, such children are given a special diagnosis: hyperactivity and attention deficit. To treat this condition, psychologists recommend using specially developed techniques, thanks to which the child's behavior is corrected. These techniques also include psychotherapy. The child adapts faster and will be able to change his way of thinking.

Sometimes medication is also used, but it should be understood that any medication in this case should be prescribed by a specialist.

What are the main mistakes parents make? It is impossible to find such a person who would never be wrong. What mistakes parents make most often, and how to recognize their mistakes?

Many parents ask themselves questions of how to teach a child to be independent, since such a nuance is a pillar of the educational process. The best and lasting effect will come out if you explain to him the thought and purpose of what is happening. The child must understand what is happening, connect events with reasons, draw their own conclusions. This means the inevitable passage of the ill-fated "why" stage, when the child is interested in the causes of literally everything that catches the eye. But at the same time there is a very useful inculcation of the habit of getting to the bottom of the real cause of everything that happens.

Most often, a diet for adolescents is needed to lose excess weight. Obesity threatens many teenagers today much more often than before. This is due to an increase in the volume of food consumed, a large amount of too fatty, unhealthy foods in the menu.

Psychologically speaking, fear is a negative emotion. It occurs in cases of danger to human life and health, both physical and mental. Fears may arise as a result of the negative impact on the human psyche of social factors.

For many parents, such a phrase as dysgraphia in children will not say anything. In the USSR, this disease was known, but little attention was paid to its diagnosis. A kid suffering from problems with spelling and writing could be told more about the need for attentiveness, perseverance, and the importance of knowing the rules of spelling. Pathology was diagnosed in exceptional cases, when it turned out to be rather difficult to suggest any alternative options. According to statistics, this disease is rarely pronounced.

If you're lonely
So your time has come
And waits around the corner
Crossroads of seven roads.

“Your child is mentally retarded. What will grow out of this? " - says the strict teacher to the confused parent about the slow reaction of her child. “He thinks about his own in the lesson. I asked a question - does not hear! Thinks about an elementary question for half an hour! Where does it go? All the children have already thought a hundred times and given an answer, but he is thinking everything. " The teacher does not realize that for the first time a special child got into her first grade. Child with sound vector.

Slow response in sound baby

Sound children, both boys and girls, are strongly distinguished by their behavior among other children with a delayed reaction and calm demeanor. They are quiet, silent, at recess they do not yell with the rest of the children, they do not push around. They prefer to sit in the classroom at their desks. They do not like change, unlike other children. They love the lesson more. Because at recess, everyone yells, but in the lesson it is quiet.

Such children are not always good at academic performance: they are not “knowledges”, “nerds” and other excellent students who always pull their hand from the first desk. They may not be too interested in studying, sometimes they “hammer away” by spending school hours playing in their mobile phone or fencing themselves off from the outside world with headphones. In the first lessons, if you can see them, then rather asleep, since the sound engineer does not tend to wake up early. But he can play his games with interest well after midnight. These children are typical owls.

The soundman thinks about the question for longer than others, and therefore the reaction of such children seems to be slowed down. When addressing him, remember that this is a double introvert, he is focused on his thoughts. And in order to answer your question, the sound engineer must lose his temper, hear your question, bring it inside himself, find a solution, lose his temper and give the answer out. The speed of response should not be used to assess the intellectual abilities of the sound engineer. By spending more time on these additional steps, he will eventually solve the problem with one thought in two minutes.

I liked it - put a "heart":

"Come on as soon as possible, otherwise we'll be late for kindergarten again!"- begs the mother, and the baby continues to hesitate. This problem is familiar to many adults. Someone forces children to finish breakfast or dressing, urging them on with hurtful words and even cuffs. Others, however, redo everything themselves, leaving alone the mess. How to help a slow child and an irritated mom?

To find the right approach to the solution, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this slowness. And they are not always on the surface. The problem is most often noticed by parents in preschool childhood, although the first signs can be tracked already in infancy.

Such a feature can cause a lag in learning and skills formation, low concentration and absent-mindedness, a sense of guilt due to regular remarks and, as a result, neuroses. Therefore, the identification of the source of sluggishness should be entrusted to a neurologist, psychologist or pediatrician.

Where does slowness come from?

  • Sometimes this happens against the background of a long illness. After the restoration and increase of immunity, the pace of the child's activity is restored.
  • It can arise due to organic brain pathology resulting from an unfavorable pregnancy, difficult childbirth or the birth of a premature baby.
  • Often, excessive "lethargy" is just a period of normal development. In the early years (from 1.5 to 3 years old), children are characterized by imperfection of fine motor skills. Their fingers cannot cope with buttoning, tying shoelaces.
  • Retraining left-handers to right-handers is also on the list of factors contributing to the slowing down of mental processes.
  • The phlegmatic is a classic example of kopushi. He does not tolerate haste, reasonable and thorough. Dislikes innovations, chooses proven and familiar techniques. Waking up and getting ready is a real challenge for adults.
  • A decrease in general activity is often associated with a stressful situation - moving, divorce, moving to a new educational institution, domestic conflicts. The child's psyche simply cannot cope with the increased stress.
  • Slowness is another form of manipulation of adults in a family with an authoritarian type of upbringing, strict requirements, severe punishments and continuous control. In this way, the child secretly protests against numerous assignments and orders.

So, in order to change the situation for the better, in some cases, it is enough to improve relations between household members, wait until he grows up, or conduct vitamin therapy in order to promote a speedy recovery. Now let's discuss what to do if the baby is unhurried by nature, and this is in no way connected with upbringing in a family.

What do we have to do?

  1. Get an hourglass that shows how time passes. Invite the child to dress or eat until the sand runs out. With the help of such a device, he will independently learn to monitor the speed of his actions and will try to finish all things as quickly as possible.
  2. Sometimes a son or daughter falls into a stupor due to the difficulty of switching to other activities. Give them some time to get ready: "Play with the construction set for another five minutes, and then we'll have dinner and brush our teeth." The warning will prepare them for the next assignment.
  3. Most children feel calmer if they have a clear daily routine. For preschoolers who still can't read, it is helpful to have a graph with photographs that shows the sequence of actions: washing, getting dressed, having breakfast, etc. This can significantly reduce the number of reminders, and the child will feel more confident.
  4. Develop the mobility of the nervous system through daily work. It can be running, finger gymnastics, cycling, rope exercises. To heighten the effect, switch from a slow rhythm to a fast one.
  5. Pay special attention to the adaptation stages in educational institutions, because these children are inherent in the fear of the unknown. Be sure to tell the teachers about the psychological qualities of the future pupil.
  6. Planning is one of the best methods of dealing with crumbs' sluggishness and irritation. If a student’s morning toilet takes, it seems, half the day, prepare his clothes in the evening and make sure that his backpack is packed and waiting for the owner at the door. Reduce the chaos and your emotional state will bounce back as well.
  7. Set clear time limits for your student for a specific activity. For example: "Dima, you have 20 minutes to have lunch." After 15 minutes, remind in a discreet way that the meal will be over soon.
  8. If a child has difficulties for school, not having time to master the educational material, you should help him at home. Disassemble and repeat everything that he goes through in the classroom. Better yet, go ahead a few topics in order to keep up with the teacher's thoughts.
  9. Provide gentle support and genuine interest to sluggish children at all times. They are very often unsure of their own skills and abilities, and also feel guilty about their slowness.

What shouldn't be done?

  1. Don't use offensive nicknames. The phrases "kopusha", "gimmick", "send for death" hurt your child. Treat him as if he already does almost everything on time (or, at least, tries).
  2. Never compare slow toddlers to their more active peers. Draw an analogy with their past results: "Now you eat much faster!"
  3. Refrain from participating in competitive games. Believe me, this will not bring a crumb of luck, because he painfully experiences any failure.
  4. Firmly understand that slowness is not a fault, but a peculiarity of a little man, so shouts, and even more cuffs, will not speed up his actions.

However, do not think that a leisurely child will grow up to be a failure. Remember age compensation and that it is in your power to help him adapt to the frantic rhythm of the world around him. And psychologists say that it is from phlegmatic crumbs that calm and purposeful people are most often obtained.

Why are some children slow?

And now here's a task: put a full stop in each cell and count loudly "One, two, three" and so on. Lena painstakingly draws dots and, drawing out the words, making long pauses, counts.

And now here's a task: put a full stop in each cell and count loudly "One, two, three" and so on. Lena painstakingly draws dots and, drawing out the words, making long pauses, counts.
- Okay, smart girl, now do the same, only faster.

The girl looks up in fright and, barely audibly, guiltily, says: "I can't go faster ...". There are tears in my eyes, my lips tremble ...
- That's always the way, - the mother remarks irritably. - I told her: "Hurry", and she almost - in tears. Previously, I was not such a crybaby, but now it comes to hysterics.

Mom's story: “I was growing normally, only ate poorly, I could sit over a plate for hours. then she went to the garden.

At home, she did not pay attention to how she dresses, dressed herself. You know, it's like a thousand things to do at home, but Lena is not the only one, then the youngest was already born. And as I went to kindergarten, there are only complaints; everyone has been walking for a long time, but she is just getting dressed; everyone is already having dinner, and she unlaces her boots. And at home everything is the same ... But my main torment began last year, when I went to school. At first, the letters could not be learned, the lessons were done for 3-4 hours. How many notebooks we have filled, but there is no sense ... Look here. (Mom holds out notebooks, in which on each page in red ink: "Again half of the assignment. Where is the second half of the assignment?" it got worse and worse with both writing and reading. She has a B in reading speed and is not very good at mathematics ... "

Mom complained for a long time about Lenin's stubbornness and whims. She had no doubts that she was right and wanted to get one piece of advice: "How to force?"

We managed to talk to Lena with great difficulty. And we learned: she is "the slowest and the whole class pulls back"; "tortured mom" - and mom often punishes her: for bad grades, and "for the dirt in the notebook", and for the fact that "everything does not have time" ... Now she often has a "bad mood", "wants to cry" , and a headache, "especially when I sit down to do my homework; I tell my mother, but she does not believe." And Lena is afraid to be alone in the room and cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening. Grievingly pursing her lips and not childishly sighing heavily, Lena ends unexpectedly: "I'm tired of everything, I'm tired."

Needless to say - there is something to get tired of this unfortunate girl, brought to the point of neurosis by the lack of understanding of adults! The test results showed that Lena's intellectual development, knowledge and skills were age-appropriate, she had mastered the school curriculum satisfactorily. But the pace of activity (her individual pace) is more than two times lower than that of her peers. Yes, she writes very slowly; but when it works at its own pace, there are almost no mistakes, no quivering lines and additional strokes, no "dirt". It turns out "almost beautiful"! She reads aloud, she is really not good enough: she rearranges and changes sounds, makes long pauses between syllables, sometimes as if she stumbles and stops. In general, he does everything hesitantly; or rather, in complete confidence that he is doing wrong; does not believe in praise, encouragement at the first moment; gathers for a long time before starting to carry out the task, fusses, gets nervous. She reacts to "Take your time", "Take your time", "Everything is good" as to a fit - she is so accustomed to the fact that she "always lags behind" and is being adjusted ... The results of the examination showed that Lena is a so-called slow or sluggish child.

Unfortunately, such situations are not isolated. And, even more regretfully, neither parents nor teachers, as a rule, understand the child's condition. And they continue to give deuces, scold for them, reproach for laziness - not paying attention to the child's own suffering ... And they are not only moral. Fatigue gradually grows, headaches appear, sleep is disturbed ... As a rule, everything ends with such a sharp deterioration in health that not only pedagogical correction, but also treatment is needed. But at first these are not sick children; simply these are the features of their nervous system. Hence the slow speech and writing, which is why they are involved in work longer than others, it is more difficult to move from one type of activity to another. And, as a rule, they do not keep up with the pace of class work. It is clear what happens next: constant fear of being left behind, failures, discontent of the teacher and parents, eternal prodding - all this leads directly to health problems ...

Teachers do not need to be convinced of the need for an individual approach to such children - they have heard about it a hundred times. But in practice ... in practice, almost nothing happens! The excuse is class overcrowding, difficulties with today's children, the intensity of today's learning process. And they try to either ignore such children, or demand: "Faster!" Already in the second quarter, gaps in knowledge accumulate, academic performance drops sharply and ... the child, as a rule, does not leave the category of unsuccessful ones. And often parents already consider their child not very capable, if not stupid. How, they say, others manage to do everything, but he, it seems, does not understand that he needs to faster. And the parents themselves do not understand - the point is not in abilities, but in the fact that the child is constantly imposed on an unbearable pace of work! The teacher speaks too quickly, the type of activity changes too quickly, everyone opened their notebooks too quickly and write; and then they do something else, and he still writes ...
Proven: even the slightest degree of slowness greatly reduces a child's chances of school success. And therefore, help to such children is needed not when there is already poor progress and deviations in health, but from the first days at school!

We have quite a few slow children: according to some data - 22% (according to our observations - less - 10-12%, but we do not include in this number those children whose slowness is associated with left-handedness, frequent illnesses, general weakness). "Truly slow" have low mobility of nervous processes; this determines the optimal pace of any activity for them.

Of course, an adult can arbitrarily change the pace of his activity and do something, for example, bang his finger on the table, faster and slower ... But only the fastest pace of a slow person will still be lower than the pace of a fast one! And a child at the age of six can practically work only at his own optimal pace. Moreover, many researchers believe that the individual pace of activity is an innate feature, which is practically impossible to change significantly.

The mobility of nervous processes determines not only the speed of the movement itself, but also the time from the signal to the beginning of the action until the beginning of this action. With age, these indicators gradually improve, and, naturally, the movements of a preschooler are much faster than the movements of two or three-year-old children. But individual differences do not disappear anywhere, they are sometimes even stronger; and among six-year-olds there may be children whose pace is the same as that of fast four-year-olds ...

Parents often ask: Will the slowness go away? No, in children with low mobility of nervous processes, the rate of activity will always be lower than in children with high mobility. The main thing is not to speed up their work at the initial stage of training, but to create all the conditions so as not to aggravate this condition, not to ruin their health. After all, it is worth unsettling the child - and this, in turn, will further slow down both writing and reading, and any other activity. And besides, it will greatly worsen its quality.

To rush and urge such a child is not only useless (he will not work faster; the effect will be the opposite), but also harmful - this creates conditions for the emergence of neurosis.

Many parents of sluggish children themselves notice this, but they see here almost childish malignancy: "I rush him, but out of spite he is even slower ..." The fact is that the speed of action in such children is 1.5-2 times lower than usual.

It's easy enough to check. Put a sheet of paper in a cage in front of the child and ask to put a full stop in each cell (on any line) and count loudly to ten. On average, ordinary six-year-olds complete this task in 10-12 seconds, seven-year-olds - in 6-8 seconds; and for the slow ones this time is 1.5-2 times longer.

And this "spite", to which sometimes parents react so nervously, alas, little depends on the child's desire. Firstly, six-year-olds and younger children cannot distinguish between speed of action. True, at the word "Faster!" they start to fuss, count louder or quieter - but the speed remains the same! Secondly, in slow children, the time from the signal "Do" to the start of action is 2.5-3 times longer than in the rest. Shouting, irritation, discontent of adults slow down their preparatory period even more; and it seems that they are pulling out of spite.

This must be taken into account when children sit down for lessons, and when, showing parental zeal, you suddenly demand: "Quickly tell me the rule!" A sluggish child may know this rule perfectly well, but you don't let him get it together, you urge him on: "I haven't learned it again!" He gets nervous - and the process of inhibition is even deeper. And the point is not that he understands poorly - we are talking only about the pace, and by no means about the quality of mental activity.

If we take into account the peculiarities of such a child and, most importantly, give him the opportunity to work at an optimal (for him!) Pace, the quality and accuracy of such work can be very high!

Another characteristic of sluggish children that should be kept in mind is the difficulty of switching (especially quickly) to a new activity. These children are often referred to as "inert", meaning that they do not keep up with a rapidly changing situation, often do not grasp it. If you were explaining mathematics to your child, and then suddenly at the same time decided to remember how this or that letter is written, the child's answer will upset you - but he just has not yet been able to switch, reorganize; that is why it cannot answer your question straight away. And at a superficial glance, this difficulty in switching, the inability to keep up with rapidly changing tasks, a change in activity may seem stupid indifference - the child does not seem to react ... In reality, a new task may come at a time when the solution of the previous task is still going on ...

Using the example of slow children, we can personally understand how meaningful real meaning has a thesis with which "in general" everyone agrees, but in fact they neglect: children are different. In mobile children, the acceleration of the rate of signal delivery has a stimulating effect on the course of nervous processes. And in slow children, when the rate of signaling is accelerated, the amount of assimilated information decreases! Slow ones react to the load not by increasing, but by further decreasing the amount of assimilated information, which means that the load leads to deeper inhibition. You can imagine the difficulties a slow child has when listening to fast speech or watching a quick display of educational material! He does not have time to grasp the essence of the story or explanation; naturally, most or less of what is heard and seen is not assimilated. But if you repeat the same thing again or speak more slowly, such children would do a great job! But this, alas, is not always possible in the classroom; therefore, parents can help the child.

We advise parents: not only to analyze in detail everything incomprehensible, not learned in the lesson, but even to go one step ahead so that the child already knows what he will do in the lesson on the eve so that he can catch the teacher's thoughts and actions. If you do not give the child such a preliminary supply, then gaps will accumulate very quickly; But it is especially difficult for such children to catch up!

So, the individual rate of a child's activity is determined mainly by the innate characteristics of his nervous system. However, several other factors and circumstances may contribute to it: upbringing, conditions for growth and development , health status etc. Let us imagine a child who is being raised by an elderly grandmother. She has measured movements, a slow gait, a slightly stretched speech, she does not tolerate noise, fast movements - and constantly restrains the pet, does not allow "running without use", "spinning". Such a baby will not be able to painlessly fit into an active, mobile children's society; he will shy away from children and be acutely aware of his awkwardness, since he is not used to thinking quickly and acting quickly. Therefore, such a child (possibly with quite normal mobility of nervous processes) may face difficulties inherent in slow children.

Of particular importance is the influence of educational influences in cases where inertia (low mobility) of nervous processes manifests itself as a natural trait. Such children are "comfortable", they do not cause anxiety, they prefer quiet sitting games to run. Due to their slowness, they may shy away from their peers since kindergarten; a if parents encourage such behavior, do not help the child - they do not teach to move, run, jump and sometimes, for fear of infections or for some other reason, they themselves limit contact with children - all this only aggravates the slowness.

And now a child of such development and upbringing comes to school. And - a new environment, new faces, new requirements turn out to be overwhelming for him! The kid is lost, does not know what to do, literally freezes when he is asked a question; in response, he is often silent or begins to cry.

... Ira grew up "imperceptibly" (so my mother said). Even the first year, usually the most difficult for parents, was neither sleepless nor hectic. She slept for 10-12 hours, however, she ate without desire. Ira went on time, began to speak; but she was not very talkative; every word is gold. This is not to say that she was sad; but there was some kind of stiffness in her, lethargy. Until the age of three, her mother was at home with her and tried to avoid contact with the children, since they always ended in Irina's tears: "The children always hurt her, took away toys, she was very upset." I got used to kindergarten for a long time, it was difficult and was glad for any reason to stay at home. Once, already in the senior group, I ate snow, "to get sick and not go to kindergarten." Yes, and the teacher did not really like her: "I always have to mess with her alone - I dress, then undress, then I feed, otherwise I will sit over a plate all day."

Ira prepared for school and went to study with great desire. But the first day at school ended in tears. Ira did not have time to do anything, avoided children, shuddered and was lost when they called her last name. And the loud-voiced and very determined teacher terrified her. At home, the torment continued - it was necessary to write beautifully and quickly, but it turned out worse and worse ... And with reading the disagreement ... Ira closed herself, often cried for no reason, began to sleep badly (screamed in her sleep, fell asleep with difficulty); and vomiting started one morning in front of school. They called the doctor, decided that she had eaten something wrong. For several days Ira did not go to school - and everything was all right; but as soon as it was necessary to go to class, the vomiting was repeated. This went on for several weeks, until the parents were advised to see a neuropsychiatric doctor. He immediately understood: all these violations were manifestations of a school neurosis, which arose in a slow child as a result of constant time pressure.

We talk about this in detail because Many parents are satisfied with a quiet child that does not cause much concern even more than a lively, restless, active one. And it turns out: the property of mobility, and so insufficient, is weakened even more without training! Namely, children with insufficient mobility of nervous processes need constant training! Otherwise, the process of adaptation to school may not only be difficult, but with a combination of unfavorable conditions (incorrect tactics of the teacher and parents), lead to school stress and cause serious health problems. So do not rejoice at quiet children - it is better to try to stir them up in the time left before school.

Sometimes sluggish children have a fairly quiet first week of school. And the main difficulties begin in the second quarter. The volume, intensity of writing increases - and then a whole bunch of difficulties in writing arise. The child has only two paths. Or write beautifully, in accordance with the requirements of calligraphy, but then things go slowly. Or quickly, as the teacher requires ("Keep up with the pace of the whole class!"), But then trembling lines appear, additional strokes, letters look in different directions, their height and width are not respected. However, try to write yourself 2-3 times faster than usual - what happens? So it is with a sluggish child ... Then it gets worse. He does not have time to complete all the tasks, he begins to write with errors. And at school and at home they think: "He began to be lazy", "Doesn't want", "Doesn't try".

Even greater difficulties arise when checking writing and reading "for speed". Unfortunately, not all teachers know: the pace of writing and reading in slow children can be much lower than in the standards - but this does not affect the quality of reading. If you see that the teacher does not pay attention to the slowness of your child, try (but tactfully, correctly, without reproach) to bring this feature to the teacher's mind and ask him to be more lenient towards the slow writing. And do not scold the little schoolboy yourself for his handwriting! In the future, a lot is compensated, something can be trained, on something you can not fix your attention. After all, the main thing in the end is not exemplary calligraphy, but children's health!

Does exercise help slow children?

Yes, special studies have shown: systematic classes help to increase the speed of work for both preschoolers and schoolchildren. This training is most successful between the ages of 4 and 6. In order for the classes to be effective, the child's life should be organized in such a way that all the loads are trainers. In addition, a special training is needed - daily 10-15 minute sessions. It is not at all difficult to create such conditions, but there is a special tactic that you must follow: do not rush, do not rush the child, do not be nervous yourself, do not jerk or urge him on. Are you in a hurry? These are already your problems. Remember: any rush will slow you down even more! Calmly, without irritation, wait for the child to get up (by the way, slow children do not jump out of bed right there, they have to get away from sleep, just lie down for 5-10 minutes), wash, have breakfast. Better wake him up early ...

Do not conflict in the evening before going to bed, do not reproach for long preparations for bed. At the same time, you yourself must be sufficiently organized - otherwise there will be no success. It is necessary to make it easier for the child to carry out all daily activities: it can help with this well-organized regime... If the child gets used to (it takes time, so be patient) at the same time to get up and go to bed, eat and do homework, if he knows what is to come and what he has already completed, then it will become much easier for him to cope with slowness. ...

You can think of many games that will help your child overcome it: it is important to do something together, competing - but it is important not to get carried away with the "role of the winner" and adjust to his pace.

It's a difficult question: is it possible to act on a hogwash with humor? Yes, you can make a joke at the pigs - but kindly, without irritation! You can emphasize this quality in yourself - and let the child laugh. Let us give him the opportunity to realize his slowness and at the same time not to feel defective and incapable.
Train yourself (and him too) to the thought: because he is slow, he is neither good nor bad, but just the way he is. And he needs to be helped with precisely these qualities of his to navigate both in school and in life.

How else to train? Need to know: training with gradually accelerating movements is not very successful; using top speeds is more effective, but leads to fatigue. The most successful work is with the use of the "slow-fast" technique: abrupt transitions from a slow tempo of movements to a fast one and back are included in the classes; and from time to time limiting speeds of movements are also given.

You can use games with changing speed of movements:

1) walking-running-walking slow;
2) clapping hands slowly, quickly, slowly;
3) "running" with fingers (thumb and forefinger); for a child this is a rather difficult task, so first let him learn to "run" like this at a normal pace; you can compete;
4) jump over the jump rope, changing the pace;
5) knock on the table or on the drum (with all fingers or one);
6) draw sticks and put dots. To do this, use a squared notebook;
7) the same task, but more complicated - to put dots, draw sticks and count: "One, two, three ..." - up to ten.

When the child learns to work at a certain pace and slow it down, you can try games with the fastest possible movements. Do not be upset if at the beginning your "Faster!" may come out even more slowly, especially for those movements that are performed with hands, fingers. At the initial stage, you should not play "who is faster".

When to conduct these classes? At any time of the day, the main thing is that they are systematic, not tedious, but interesting, not a burdensome obligation, but a fun game.

To relieve emotional stress, you can use special complexes of autogenous training. It is believed that already at the age of 7-8, children are able to understand the rules of autogenous training and apply it meaningfully. If you have the opportunity to attend special autogenic training groups for children (or with children), that's great. If not, you can use some of the techniques yourself at home. In order for such a training to be effective, you first need to relax the child, relieve tension. Did you know that movements, outdoor games, gymnastics, exercises with a ball and a rope not only strengthen the child physically, but also relieve tension, give the necessary relaxation?

See the following articles on our website:

If you find several times a week half an hour or an hour to run with your son or daughter, play cat and mouse, catch up, rounders, badminton or just jump like a hare, walk like a bear, run like a lion ", you will notice how tension, alertness, uncertainty disappear, how your contact with the child is being established. You can relax the child in the evening, before going to bed, after taking a walk together, discussing some business. "Does mom sing you songs before bedtime?" - we ask the kids. A typical answer: "I used to sing, now - no, she says that I am already big." It would be nice to sit next to (slowly, without twitching because there are a lot of things to do or an interesting program on television), pat the child on the head, on the back with light, calm movements, hold several times on the forehead, as if removing all day's worries and anxieties, saying that - anything affectionate, kind ... Do not deprive the child of your warmth, even if he has somehow angered or upset you! Do not think about troubles at night! This is especially important for those children who fall asleep poorly and sleep anxiously. According to the Austrian physician Gisela Eberlein, in young children, the basis of fear is unresolved, "unresolved" conflicts. The child feels threatened, remains anxious - and does not sleep well. Adults often cannot figure out the cause of these violations: a small child does not know how to express his state in words ... Some comforter helps in falling asleep - a bear, a hare, a doll ...

Favorite fairy tales or stories with sequels help to overcome daily troubles and fears - and always with a good ending! You can dream of a close vacation or a Sunday walk, an interesting book that you will start tomorrow, or buying a bicycle. But under no circumstances put the condition "if ..." - you can get into a dead end.

We would like to emphasize: any effort to relax, relieve tension will not be effective if tension reigns in the house. The well-known psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov noticed: not only your discontent, expressed clearly in any form, but also discontent, outwardly not expressed, but heard by him intuitively, is essential for a child. And when heard, it causes a state of uncertainty and anxious expectation in children. Remember this. If mom in the evening tries to make sure that the tension subsides, so that the son relaxes, and dad lets out his irritation in the morning ("Digging again!"), There will be no sense from the classes. Sometimes parents find it difficult to agree with each other. But still try: a unified and coordinated tactic of attitude towards a child, to his behavior, to his successes and failures is an indispensable condition for the success of any activity.

So, slowness is a property of the nervous system. You cannot force a child to do everything as quickly as adults want. You cannot compare a sluggish child with his agile peer. A fast pace comes at a great cost to slow children. The constant time pressure in which they live is one of the most harmful factors; this is the path to neuroses.

But this does not mean that slow children are doomed to be forever lagging behind. First, there is age compensation; secondly, it is the parents' ability to make it easier for the child to adjust to school.

And then, by about the fourth grade, the child aligns and feels equal among his peers ...

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